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  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project



    1.1 Introduction to Cinnamon Residencies

    Cinnamon Grand is one of the most popular hotels in Sri Lanka and has just

    started a new housing project, called Cinnamon Residencies. There are three differenttypes of apartments-namely, ing, !ueen and "uke.

    The payment system of the residency project carried out #y the $ccounts"epartment still operates manually. %nformation a#out apartments is maintained in one #ook &'ayment information is maintained in %n(oice )ook, etc.*

    Customers who wish to purchase an apartment from Cinnamon residencies canconfirm #y an ad(ancement payment. There are two methods of payment #y which thecustomers can pay the remaining amount for the house. That is either #y #ank loans or #yinstallments.

    Organizational chart

    1.2 The real user of the system

    The real users of the system are +r. oseph &+arketing +anager*, the accountant,receptionist and +arketing eecuti(es of Cinnamon Residencies. 

    1.3 Introduction to the existing system

    • 'eople interested in purchasing houses from Cinnamon Residencies, are shown the

    apartments first.

    • Then, if they are interested in purchasing, they are registered as new customers.

    • $n agreement is signed #etween the customer and the company. %n the agreement, it

    includes details a#out the payment schedule.

    General +anager 

    $ccountant +arketing +anager Sales +anager  

    Clerks +arketing ecuti(es Sales ecuti(es

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    • /hen the customer has made the first payment, he is gi(en the keys to the house.

    /hen all payments are completed, the final deed to the house is gi(en, and thetransaction is completed.

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    1.4 Detailed descrition of the existing system

    Registering new customers

     0ew customers are gi(en a customer information form to fill in. "etails such as contactname, num#er and address should #e gi(en and the form has to #e handed #ack to the

    receptionist. She opens a new file for each customer and files the customer information form in it.

    'urchasing a house$fter the customer decides on a specific house to purchase, an agreement is signed #etween the customer and the company. The original agreement is gi(en to the customerand a copy of it is filed in the customer1s file.

    +aking 'aymentsCustomers can pay in three installments. /hen the first payment is made, the customer is pro(ided with the keys to the house. /ith e(ery payment, a receipt is also gi(en and oncethe final payment is made, the customer gets the deed to the house.Copies of all the receipts are filed in the customer file.

    Sending payment reminders%f customers do not make payments on time, payment reminders are sent to them, a weekafter the due date.

    'rinting Reports$t the end of each month, two reports- the 'ayments recei(ed during the moth andCustomers joined during a month, are printed and handed in to the general manager.

    1.! "ro#lems in the current system

    "elays in updating information

    +any customers complained on delay in updating their files. Sometimes the staff has sent

     payment reminders to customers who ha(e already paid.

    2inding information is time consuming

      $nother pro#lem is that finding information is time consuming. 2or eample say that acustomer wants to get information a#out apartments a(aila#le for sale. Then thereceptionist has to search apartment file and agreement files, which is time consuming. 

    Calculation errors in receipts

    The payment amounts are calculated #y the accountants manually, and there were manyerrors. $s a result the customer had to pay etra or the company was at a loss.

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     0o #ackup copies of records a(aila#le.

    $ll the records of the company including customers1 information are filed and stored inthe cup#oards which can easy to #e destroyed in a fire or flood. Then, reco(eringinformation would #e difficult

     0ot enough security a(aila#le for data stored in the system%nformation a#out customers1 payment details and #ank accounts are stored in files whichare kept in filing ca#inets. mployees can open these files and alter or read this onformation without authority.

    "uplication of work ach time a customer makes a payment, the clerk writes down all the customer1s detailson the receipt. This results in there #eing many copies of the same information.

    %nconsistency of data in the system"ata duplication leads to data inconsistency #ecause there may #e more than one addressor contact num#er for one customer. This makes it difficult if the company needs tocontact the customer, as they will #e unsure of which address3num#er to use.

    1.$ %hy the ro#lem has arisen$s the ad(ertising campaign is pro(ing to #e successful, there are more customersin4uiring a#out the apartments and payments. /ith the current system it is difficult tokeep up with these in4uires. Therefore now Cinnamon Residencies is looking for a faster system.

    1.& 'ser Re(uirements+r. oseph has identified the following as his re4uirements of the new system5

    6. %n the new system, finding a(aila#le apartment information, customerinformation, payment details should #e easy and faster.

    7. %n the present system, there are many errors in calculations, which lead tofurther pro#lems later on. These errors should #e minimi8ed or pre(ented inthe new system.

    9. $t present, employees manually write out a receipt for e(ery customer. $sthis takes 4uite a lot of time, customers could get impatient. Reports should #e produced as 4uickly as possi#le after the payment is made.

    :. Likewise, other reports such as the daily sales report ha(e to #e producedon time, at the end of each day. This has to #e faster than producinghandwritten reports.

    ;. /ith the present system, all the information is kept in either #ooks or files.The information is, therefore, 4uite (ulnera#le as it can easily #e lost due totearing pages or damaged during eposure to water or fire. %n the new

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    system, all the information has to #e sa(ed in a way that it can #e reco(ereddue to such damage.

    . $ll the filing ca#inets and #ooks take up a huge amount of space. The new

    system should occupy as little space as possi#le.

    1.) Desired Outcomes

    6. %n the new system information should #e easy and faster.7. $ll calculations need to #e done #y the system.9. $ll outputs re4uired #y customers and the management should #e produced

     #y the new system with the least delay.:. %n the new system, all the information has to #e sa(ed in a way that it can

     #e reco(ered after a natural ha8ard.;. %nformation in the system should #e secured from unauthori8ed access, so

    confidential information cannot #e retrie(ed.

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    • Ta#les must #e created to store data. They are?

    - customer ta#le- $partment ta#le- 'ayment Ta#le

    • 2orms must #e created to enter data into these ta#les.

    - $partment form- Customer form- 'ayment form

    • Relationships must #e created among ta#les.


    1.1 "ossi#le solutions

    anual solutions

    6. "esign all #ooks3files and forms properly. So that data can #e searched faster. 2oreample a Customer %nformation form can #e designed to capture customerinformation and can #e filed in a separate file called customer file.

    7. @iring more staff and gi(e them separate tasks. So that one employee will #edoing only one task. They will gain more practice on the jo# after sometime, andwill #e a#le to perform their tasks faster and efficiently.

    utomated olutions6. Asing a spreadsheet package.

    • $ work#ook can #e created for each apartment type.

    • Calculations can #e performed using formulas in cells.

    • Staff can use macros that can automate difficult operations

    • Charts and graphs can #e drawn easily.

    • "ata (alidation can #e used to minimise data entry errors.

    7. Asing a data#ase package.

    • "ata can #e stored in separate ta#les in an organised manner.

    • Large amount of data can #e stored• %nformation can #e searched (ery fast

    • Calculations can #e done easily.

    • Retrie(ing data is faster.

    1.11 Chosen olution and +ustification

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    $ "ata#ase package was chosen to #e used due to following reasons5

    • "ata can #e stored in separate ta#les, which is more organised.

    • "ata can #e searched faster 

    • Ta#les can #e linked using relationships.

    • !ueries can #e used to do calculations and searching.

    • +acros can #e used where many things need to #e done at the same time.

    • Balidations can #e carried out to minimise data entry errors.

    • Reports can #e printed automatically.

    ther solutions were not chosen #ecause5

    • Asing a spreadsheet was not chosen #ecause, information storage re4uires a

    lot of space as same information is repeated many times. $lso this is not a(ery organi8ed method for storing information

    • +anual solutions are una#le to sol(e all the pro#lems in the system. 2or

    eample there will still #e pro#lems with security of data.

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    2.1. 5ard6are re(uirements

    • 'rocessor D 6> G@E

    +emory D

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    2.3 Inut data collection7 data source and amle of Ra6 DataTo design the system % need lot of information. They are5

    Category "ata %tem "ata Source Raw data


    Customer name 2rom customer 0atalie @ilton

    Customer address 2rom customer 0o :, !ueens Road,Colom#o F=

    Contact num#er 2rom customer F667=>;:67

    "ate of #irth 2rom customer 63636HHF

    Gender 2rom customer +ale

     0ationality 2rom customer nglish

     0%C3passport num#er 2rom customer =>H:;

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    Category "ata %tem "ata Source Raw data


    Customer num#er 2rom customer 6FF

    $partment num#er 2rom $partment 2ile 6F;

    "ate 2rom the system 637737FF;

    'ayment type 2rom Customer 6st %nstallment

    'ayment amount 2rom Customer ;F,FFF,FFF.FF

    'ayment method 2rom Customer Credit Card

    Credit card num#er 2rom Customer =>=>:;:;H;

    Che4ue num#er 2rom Customer 67;=>:;;>

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    2.4. The data flo6 diagram

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    nter dataand Balidate

    Customer  "ata entryand Balidate

    nter dataand Balidate


    Sort payments

    made duringthe month

    Sort new

    customers joinedduring themonth






    $partment fileCorrect apartment



    informationCustomer file



    'ayment file$partmentinformation





    'ayment information

    Customer information


    $partments a(aila#le


     0ew customersinformation

    %nformationof the payments inthe month

    $partments a(aila#le

    Customers joinedduring the month

    'ayments recei(ed

    during the month



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    2.!. Data 8ntry ethodsAsing a ey#oard would #e the #est input method. There will #e many data entryoperators to enter data. The marketing eecuti(es in the company can do this during theirfree time.

    $ll data typed in a (alidated and (erified #efore sa(ing.

    Layout of the form &'lease refer "esign*

    2.$. Oututs of the systemThere are two main outputs re4uired in the Cinnamon Grand system. They are5

    'ermanent outputs- Laser printer, )u##le et or a "ot +atri printer can #e used

    for this

    2or permanent outputs, % would recommend a laser printer #ecause it can generate 4uality

     printouts and maintenance cost is low.

    Temporary outputs- $ 6: or 6; inch screen can #e used for this.

    2or temporary outputs, % would recommend a 6; inch screen as information can #e(iewed clearly on a large screen.

    2.&. 9ac:u$ll information will #e sa(ed on the hard disk. $t the end of the day, details of alltransactions made during that day are transferred to a C" which is kept in a differentlocation.

    $lso a hardcopy of all reports are maintained in the manager1s room.

    2.). ecurity Asing a Asername and a password, access to the data#ase are controlled. The

    username and the password are gi(en only to authori8ed users. Then the data inthe system can #e accessed #y authori8ed users only.

    There will #e a security guard at the entrance to the computer room watching

    e(eryone who enters the room. @e is informed a#out all authori8ed users. Thiswill pre(ent unauthori8ed people trying to access.

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    3.1 Initial Design

     Initial Form Design

    Customer FormThis is used to enter customer details. /hen a customer decides to purchase a house, firsthis details are entered to the customer ta#le through this form.

     Apartment FormThis is used to enter apartment details. $ll apartment details are entered into the systemthrough this form. $nd it is updated e(ery time when a house is sold.

     Payment   FormThis is used to enter payment details into the system. /hen customers make payments,they are entered into the system through this form. Then it is sa(ed onto payment ta#le.

    ;orm Designs:

    artment ;orm

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    Customer ;orm

    "ayment ;orm

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     Initial Menu Design

    Log on

    +ain +enu

    2orms !ueriesReports

    Customer 2orm$partment 2orm

    'ayment 2orm

    $partments $(aila#le 0ew customers joinedduring the month'ayments recei(ed

    during the monthReceipt

    2ind $partments $(aila#le2ind 6st %nstallment "ueCustomers

    2ind 7nd %nstallment "ue

    Customers2ind 9rd  %nstallment "ueCustomers

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    3.2 ;inal Design

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     0%C3passport no 0um#er 6F Length check mergency contactno

     0um#er 6F Length check 

    mergency address Tet ;F -Relationship Tet 6F -

    "ayment ta#le

    2ield name "ata type 2ield si8e Balidation'ayment 0o 0um#er 7 Length check  Customer 0o 0um#er 7 -$partment 0o 0um#er 7 -"ate "ate3time 6F Range check  'ayment type Tet 6; -'ayment amount Currency 6F 'resence check  'ayment method Tet 6F -Credit card no 0um#er 67 -

    Che4ue no 0um#er 6F -

    Final Form Design

    "ayment ;orm

  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    Customer ;orm

    artment ;orm

    0uery design

    • $partments $(aila#le

    This 4uery will contain information a#out apartment a(aila#le. %t will take data from$partment Ta#le. The %nformation displayed in the 4uery is

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    - $partment 0o- $partment Type- 2loor 0o- Telephone 0o- 0o f )edrooms

    - Cost f the $partment

    • 2ind 6st %nstallment "ue Customers

    This 4uery will contain information a#out customers who ha(e not paid their firstinstallment. %t will take data from $partment Ta#le and customer ta#le. The%nformation displayed in the 4uery is

    - Customer 0o- Customer 0ame- Customer $ddress- Customer Contact 0um#er 

    - $partment 0o- 6st installment due- 'aid 6

    %t will search for records where 6st installment due date is less than current date and paid6K0o

    • 2ind 7nd %nstallment "ue Customers

    This 4uery will contain information a#out customers who ha(e not paid their secondinstallment. %t will take data from $partment Ta#le and customer ta#le. The%nformation displayed in the 4uery is

    - Customer 0o

    - Customer 0ame- Customer $ddress- Customer Contact 0um#er - $partment 0o- 7nd installment due- 'aid 7

    %t will search for records where 7nd installment due date is less than current date and paid7K0o

    • 2ind 9rd %nstallment "ue Customers

    This 4uery will contain information a#out customers who ha(e not paid their thirdinstallment. %t will take data from $partment Ta#le and customer ta#le. The%nformation displayed in the 4uery is

    - Customer 0o- Customer 0ame- Customer $ddress- Customer Contact 0um#er - $partment 0o

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    - 9rd installment due- 'aid 9

    %t will search for records where 9rd installment due date is less than current date and paid9K0o

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    Reort Design

    Final Report Design

    Customers +oined during a month

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    "ayments recei,ed during the month

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    acro Design

    $ +acro needs to #e designed to automate the #ackup facility. This is done usingMrunapp function.

    =ame )ack up macro

      'se This macro will #e used to #ack up the whole data#ase into another dri(e

    Called ' pen +ain menu and click the )ackup the system #utton

  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    Final Menu Design:

    Log on

    +ain +enu

    2orms !ueriesReports

    Customer 2orm

    $partment 2orm

    'ayment 2orm


     0ew customers joined during themonth

    'ayments recei(edduring the month


    2ind $partments$(aila#le

    2ind 6st %nstallment "ueCustomers

    2ind 7nd %nstallment "ueCustomers

    2ind 9rd  %nstallment "ueCustomers


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    3.3 The data flo6 diagram


    nter dataand Balidate

    Customer  "ata entryand Balidate

    nter dataand Balidate


    Sort payments

    made duringthe month

    Sort new

    customers joinedduring themonth






    $partmenCorrect apartment



    informationCustomer file



    'ayment file$partmeninformati





    'ayment information

    Customer information


    $partments a(aila#le


     0ew customersinformation

    %nformationof the payments inthe month

    $partments a(aila#le

    Customers joinedduring the month

    'ayments recei(ed

    during the month



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    3.4 ystem flo6chart

    Customer%nformation nter data Customer%nformation

    Calculate paymentinstallment

    'rint receipt



    'rint monthly paymentsummary

    'aymentsrecei(ed duringthe month

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    3.! lgorithmstart


      "isplay Splash Screen

      Close Splash screen

      pen log on screen

      nter user name and password

      %f user name and password (alid,

      Then display main menu


      "isplay error message

      nd if 


    ain enu oerations


      Select an option from the main menu

      ption K$partment

    pen $partment form

      ption KCustomer

    pen customer form


      pen payment form

      ptionK$partments a(aila#le  pen $partments a(aila#le

    ptionK6st installment due customers

      pen 6st installment due customers

      ptionK7nd installment due customers

      pen 7nd installment due customers

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      ptionK9rd installment due customers

      pen 9rd installment due customers

      ptionKCustomers joined during a month

    pen Customers joined during a month report

      ptionK 'ayments recei(ed during a month

    pen 'ayments recei(ed during a month report


    pen Receipt

      ptionK @elp

      pen @elp screen


      pen )ackup macro


      Close the main menu


    >alidation chec:s

    Range check )egin

      nter data

      %f data entered is not within the gi(en range

      Then display error message

      nd if 


    Length check 


      nter data

      %f data entered is not of the correct length

      Then display error message

      nd if 


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    'resence check 


      nter data

      %f data is not entered in the correct field

      Then display error message

      nd if 


    "ata type check 


      nter data

      %f data entered is not the correct type of data

      Then display error message

      nd if 


    2ormat check 


    nter data  %f data entered is not in the correct format

      Then display error message

      nd if 


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    3.$  Data aniulation

    To sol(e pro#lems in the current system following data manipulations will #e done in thenew system.

    Ta#les in the system5 &Ta#les are used to store information in the system*

    o Customer5 this ta#le is used to store information a#out Customers.

    o  Apartment: This table is used to store information about apartments.

    o Payments: This table is used to store information about payments made by


    !ueries in the system5 &!ueries are used to perform calculations and to search data*o 6st installment due customers

    Asing this 4uery the management can find out details a#out the customers who ha(enot paid the first installment on time.

    o 7nd installment due customers

    Asing this 4uery the management can find out details a#out the customers who ha(enot paid the second installment on time

    o 9rd installment due customers

    Asing this 4uery the management can find out details a#out the customers who ha(enot paid the third installment on time

    o $partments a(aila#le

    Asing this 4uery the management can find out details a#out apartments a(aila#le forsale.

    Reports in the system5 &utput information*o $partments a(aila#le

    This report gi(es information a#out the apartments a(aila#le .There are eightfields in this report ,they are apartment type, apartment num#er, #lock num#er, floornum#er ,telephone num#er, num#er of #edrooms, cost of the apartment and sold . Thisreport is gi(en to the management.


    Customers joined during the monthThe report customers joined during the month contains information a#out thenew customers joined to the company during a particular month. The fields in this reportare customer num#er, date, customer name, customer address, contact num#er and the 0%C3passport num#er of the customers.

    o 'ayments recei(ed during the month

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    This report gi(es information a#out the payments recei(ed during the month from thecustomers. The fields in this report are payment num#er, customer num#er, apartmentnum#er, payment amount, payment method, credit card num#er and Che4ue num#er.

    o Receipt

    This report contains the receipts gi(en to the customers. The fields in this report are payment num#er, customer name, customer address, date, apartment num#er, paymenttype, payment amount, payment method, credit card num#er and the Che4ue num#er ofthe customers.

    3.& lternati,e design comonents and ?ustification of selected


    Data entry DTet #oCom#o #o


    Command )uttonsLa#els

    3.) u#/tas:s to #e carried out

    6. Create ta#les in +icrosoft $ccess.% ha(e to create ta#les in +icrosoft $ccess to Store data. There are three ta#les asgi(en #elow.

    - Customer ta#le &This is used to store Customer information*- $partment ta#le &This is used to store $partment information*- 'ayment ta#le &This is used to store 'ayment information*

    7. Create 2orms in +icrosoft $ccess.Then % ha(e to create forms in +icrosoft $ccess to enter data. There are three2orms as gi(en #elow.

    - Customer ta#le &This is used to enter customer information*- $partment ta#le &This is used to enter $partment information*- 'ayment ta#le &This is used to enter 'ayment information*

    9. $dd command #uttons for all operations.Then % ha(e to create Command #uttons to make it easy for the user to use thedata#ase system.

    a. $dd &$dd a new record* #. "elete&delete an eisting record*c. Sa(e &Sa(e a new record*d. Ando &Ando all changes done to a record*e. Go to first record &Go to 2irst record*

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    f. Go to net record&Go to net record*g. Go to pre(ious record &Go to 're(ious record*h. Go to last record &Go to last record*i. Go to +ain +enu &Go to pre(ious record*

    :. Create 4ueries in +icrosoft $ccess.Then % ha(e to create 4ueries that the user can search for data using them.- 2ind $partments $(aila#le- 2ind 6st %nstallment "ue Customers- 2ind 7nd %nstallment "ue Customers- 2ind 9rd  %nstallment "ue Customers

    ;. Create macros in +icrosoft $ccess.% ha(e to create a macro for #acking up data. )y using this macro, % will #e a#le to #ackup all the important data in my data#ase.

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    3.* Test "lan


    2orm name 2ield name Balidation Test data pected result

    6 $partment $partment no Length


    9: "isplay an error message

     #ecause apartmentnum#er should #e 9digits long.

    7 $partment 2loor no Rangecheck

    67 "isplay an error message #ecause floor num#ershould #e #etween 6 and $partment 6st installment due Rangecheck  63637FF9 "isplay an error message #ecause the date should #e after 63637FF:

    H $partment 7nd installment Rangecheck 

    9;,FFF "isplay an errormessage. Balue should #egreater than ;F,FFF

    6F $partment 7nd installment due Rangecheck 


    "isplay an errormessage. "ate should #eafter 63637FF:

    66 $partment 9rd installment Rangecheck 

    :F,FFF "isplay an error message #ecause the (alue should

     #e greater than ;F,FFF67 $partment 9rd installment due Rangecheck 


    "isplay an error message #ecause the date should #e after 63637FF:

    69 Customer Customer 0o Lengthcheck 

    9 "isplay an error message #ecause it should #e 9digits long only.

    6: Customer Contact 0o Length =

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    check  message. Should #e 6Fdigits long.

    6; Customer "ate of #irth Rangecheck 


    "isplay an error message&"ate should #e (alid*

    6< Customer 0%C3passport no Lengthcheck 

    =>> "isplay an error message #ecause it should #e 6Fdigits long.

    6= Customer mergencycontact no


    79:; "isplay an errormessage. 0um#er should #e 6F digits long.

    6> 'ayment 'ayment no Lengthcheck 

    79: "isplay an error message #ecause it should #e :digits long

    6H 'ayment "ate Rangecheck 


    "isplay an errormessage- the date should

     #e after 63637FF;

    Test 0um#er 

    2orm name Test %nput3$ction pected output

    7F Log inform

    'assword D %nput+ask 

    :;< "isplay N and notnum#ers.

    76 Log in2orm

    Asername and'assword

    Asername-Milmand 'assword KM;

    "isplay an errormessage

    77 Log in2orm Asername and'assword Asername-M$dmin and'assword KM999


    79 +ain+enu

    6st %nstallment duecustomers 4uery

    Click on thecommand #utton

    "isplay results&4uery*

    7: +ain+enu

    7nd %nstallmentdue customers4uery

    Click on thecommand #utton

    "isplay results&4uery*

    7; +ain+enu

    )ackup Command)utton

    Click on the #utton

    "isplay )ackup/i8ard

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    4.1 Test resultsTest 1

    Test 2



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    Test 3

    Test 4






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    Test !



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    Test $






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    Test &

    Test )



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    Test *







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    Test 1

    Test 11



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    Test 12






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    Test 13

    Test 14



  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    Test 1!






  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    Test 1$

    Test 1&




  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    Test 1)





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    Test 1*

    Test 2



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    "isplayNNN and nodigits

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    Test 21

    Test 22


    rror mess


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    Test 23



    Asernam passwordaccepted

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    Test 24

    Test 2!

    %nitially this test did not work as intended and gi(en #elow is the screen shot.

    Results dis7nd installmdue custom4uery

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    % noticed that there is an error in the arguments section of the error message. So %

    changed the macro command to M0T)ackup and it worked.


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    )ack upwi8ardscreen


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     4.3 5o6 the system 6as de,eloed1. Create tables in Microsoft Access.

    % started creating ta#les in "esign (iew as % can add all the fields % want. 

    % typed 2ield name and then selected the appropriate data type from the list. Then% typed the field si8e (alue.

    Gi(en )elow is a final utlook of $partment ta#le5-

    Creating in design

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    Then % sa(ed it as artment Ta#le.

    @ere are some of the other ta#les, created similarly5

    2ields in theapartmentta#le.


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     2. Create Relationships.


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    3. Create Forms in Microsoft Access.

    % used /i8ard to create forms.



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    Then % selected the fields and clicked the #utton. % used Ocolumnar1 format for all my forms.


    /hen fields aselected theyappear here.

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    Then % selected a #ackground.

    ptioa(ailthe folayou

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    % sa(ed the form as $partment after that.


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    4. Add command buttons for all operations.% drew a command #utton with the help of command #utton tool. Then % got thewi8ard screen.


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     % selected the type of operation % want. 

    Then % selected the picture % want it to display. Then % clicked and changedthe name of the command #utton.


    List of picture

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    $nd % clicked finish and the wi8ard finished creating the command #utton. Gi(en #elow is the completed form.

    Change tname of command #utton.

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    5. Create queries in Microsoft Access.% selected design a 4uery and gi(en #elow is the design % got.


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    % selected the ta#les % re4uire. Then the relationship appeared automatically. 

    % selected the fields % want.

    Ta#les inthe


    Ta#les inselected forthe 4uery

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    Then % typed the criteria for filtering records.

    2ieldsselected forthe 4uery

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    $nd % sa(ed it.

    6. Create macros in Microsoft Access.2irst % took a macro in design (iew, and % selected Run$pp.

    Criteriagi(en for the4uery

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    Then % typed 0T)ackup %n the command Line. 

    $nd % sa(ed it as )ackup.

    % SelectedRunapphere

    % typed 0T#ackup@ere

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    7. Create reports in Microsoft Access.

    % used wi8ard to create reports. 

    % selected the 4uery % created and all the fields % need to appear in the project and

    clicked net )utton. Then % clicked net for the two menus that were appearedafter that. Then % selected the layout in this screen.


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    Then % selected a style for the report.


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    $nd % wrote a name for the project. Select the #ackground ofthe report

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    % wrotethe reportnamehere.

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    4.4 ;inal "roduct

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    5el ;orm

    DT 8=TR@ ;OR

    artment form

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    Customer form

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    "ayment form

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  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    Customer Ta#le

  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    "ayment Ta#le


    Customers 6ho ha,e not aid their 1st Installment

    Customers 6ho ha,e not aid their 2



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    Customers 6ho ha,e not aid their 3rd Installment

    artments ,aila#le

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    =e6 customers 6ho urchased houses during the month

    "ayments recei,ed during the month.

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  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project



    !.1 O#+ecti,es set at the #eginning of the ro+ect

    -eneral O#+ecti,es

    • Searching of the records should #e faster.& 2or eample when a

    customer wants to find out information a#out a(aila#ility of houses or payments, the users should #e a#le to find them faster in the newsystem*

    • The system must minimi8e the errors in calculations and errors due to

    not updating records on time.

    •  'roducing the receipt when a customer makes a payment should #e


    •  The report generation should happen on time. 2or eample daily sales

    report should #e printed at the end of the day.

    • The information stored in the system is safe from natural ha8ards.

    • The data in the system should #e pro(ided with a security, so that

    outsiders can not access the confidential information.

    • %t should minimi8e the data duplication.

    • %t should not occupy lot of (alua#le office space.

    0uantitati,e O#+ecti,es

    • Ta#les must #e created to store data. They are5

    Customer ta#le

    $partment ta#le

    'ayment Ta#le

    • 2orms must #e created to enter data into these ta#les.

    $partment form

    Customer form

    'ayment form

    • Relationships must #e created among ta#les.

  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    • !ueries must #e created to make the searching faster.

    !.2 chie,ements

    o earching for records is faster.

      %n the new system, the 4uery facility ena#les the user &thereceptionist or an employee* to search for information such as a(aila#leapartments or payments, much faster than manually going through #ooks or files.!uery results are immediate.

    o There are no errors in calculations.

    $ll calculations are done automatically #y the computer, so thereis a minimal chance of there #eing any errors, unlike manual calculations.Therefore receipts, etc are accurate and the company is at a less chance of #earingany losses. Customers also gain more confidence in the system.

    o "roducing the receit 6hen a customer ma:es a ayment should #e

    faster.The system has facilities to generate the receipt. Therefore the

    user just has to enter the payment details and the report can #e printed. This is4uicker than writing receipts each time.

    o Reort generation haen on time.

    mployees only ha(e to enter the specific criteria needed andthen the computer generates the reports with the data that has already #een storedin the computer. This is much faster than writing out the whole report.

    o The information stored in the system is safe from natural hazards.

    %nformation in the new system cannot #e damaged or misplacedeasily due to natural ha8ards like floods or fires. This is #ecause #ackups aremaintained daily so information that has #een sa(ed #efore the ha8ard, can #erestored.

    o ecurity of data in the system is higher.

    Asers of the system need to enter a username and password in orderto log on to the system. Therefore unauthori8ed people cannot gain access to the

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    system or any confidential information. $s a result, information in the system issecured from misuse.

    o Data dulication

      %n the new system data is stored in ta#les which are linked using

    relationships. Therefore data can #e accessed anywhere in the project withoutha(ing to store them in multiple locations. $s a result there is no necessity toduplicate any data.

    o  9ac:u ;acility

    The #ackup facility ena#les users to create #ackups of the system. Asersare ad(ised to create daily #ackups and if any information in the system isdamaged, the #ackup can #e restored. There#y information loss is minimi8ed.

    o It should not occuy a lot of ,alua#le office sace.The space occupied #y the system is limited to the computer ta#le,

    There no longer a need for large filing ca#inets, so there is much more freespace in the office.

    3 Ta#les are created to store data. They are5

    Customer ta#le

    $partment ta#le

    'ayment Ta#le

    &'lease refer page num#erPPPPP in the implementation, for the screenshots*

    3 ;orms are created to enter data into these ta#les.

    $partment form

    Customer form

    'ayment form

    &'lease refer page num#erPPPPP in the implementation, for the screenshots*

    Relationshis are created among ta#les.

    &'lease refer page num#erPPPPP in the implementation, for the screenshots*

    0ueries are created to make the searching faster 

    &'lease refer page num#erPPPPP in the implementation, for the screenshots*

  • 8/21/2019 Example IT Project


    5.3 Weaknesses in !e s"#$i"n

    o Reports in the system do not contain graphical representation of

    information.-%t is easier to identify and compare information, using Graphical representation such

    as #ar graphs or pie charts.

    o %f an unauthori8ed person illegally finds out the password, he can log on to

    the system and gain access to confidential information such as customer information,etc.

    o nly one user can use the system at any gi(en time.

    -/hile one employee is using the system to enter customer details, etc. anotheremployee cannot use the system to enter some other data or retrie(e any otherinformation at the same time. @e has to wait until the first employee is done. This

    could delay certain tasks.

    o The system can not #e used during a power failure or #lackout.

    'ower is necessary to use the computer. Therefore, during a power failure, thecomputer cannot #e used, so neither can the system.

    5.4 %"& " 'i( !"se &eaknesses

    o Reports in the system do not contain graphical representation of information.

      @ow to fi- Ase a #etter report generating software such as Crystal Reports H.F,where graphs can #e generated in the system.


    o %f an unauthori8ed person illegally finds out the password, he can log on to the

    system and gain access to confidential information such as customer information, etc.@ow to fi - Ase security cameras so that when authori8ed people enter the computer

    room, it can #e noticed.-Ase a fingerprint scanner to grant access to authori8ed people only.

    o nly one user can use the system at any gi(en time.

    @ow to fi- 'urchase more terminals and install the system in them. $lso, change thesystem so that many users can use the system in different terminals

    o The system can not #e used during a power failure or #lackout. @ow to fi- @a(e an additional power supplying method such as a generator which

    can #e used during a power failure.

    !.! "ossi#le ;uture de,eloments

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    Using visual basic, a more user/friendly interface can #e created. +ore colors

    can #e introduced and more functionality such as user rights can #e added.

     Purchase a better computer  so the system can work faster and therefore, there

    will #e #etter performance.

     Introduce user level and access rights.

    /ith the introduction of user le(el access, the company can reduce the risk ofinformation #eing access #y unauthori8ed people. $ll data entry operators can #egi(en a user le(el where they can only enter new data, #ut can not (iew others.

     More employees and more computers can #e gained, so that more customers can

     #e ser(ed at the same time.

     Design a website

      The we#site can contain information a#out Cinnamon Residencies, prices and

    apartment information. The customers can also create accounts where they can checkthe due dates of their payments, through the we#site.

    5.) Man*+a,!ine ine-'a,e

    o 'se of colours

    % ha(e used different colours for the #ackgrounds of forms, reports and4ueries. This will ena#le the user to easily identify the (arious operations hewill #e conducting.

    o 'se of command #uttons

    % ha(e used command #uttons such as sa(e, add, delete, net form, pre(iousform and eit to make it easy for the user to perform his3her operations.

    o "lacement of command #uttons

    $ll the command #uttons are placed in a similar manner in all the forms sothat it will cause less confusion and #e easy for the user to learn the system.

    o ,aila#ility of hel

    % ha(e created a help menu which the users can use or refer to, when theywant more assistance when using the system.

    o 'ser friendly main menu

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    % ha(e created a main menu where all the operations can #e accessed throughone screen. $ll the command #uttons placed here are simple and thereforeeasy to understand.

    o earching facility

    % ha(e created a search area in the main menu with all the re4uired searchoptions which can #e used to retrie(e information 4uickly. 

    o Reort facilities 6hich hels to generate timely reorts

    % ha(e created a report area in the main menu with all the re4uired reportoptions re4uested. The reports ha(e print facility as well as pre(iew facility.

    o 'se of ass6ord

    $ccess is granted only when employees type a password. Thereforeunauthori8ed access is pre(ented. 

    o 'ser friendly error messagesThe system has the a#ility of displaying errors messages, if the user inputsin(alid or incorrect data. This allows the user to correct his mistakes #eforeany pro#lems can #e caused later on. 

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    !.& 'ser ;eed#ac: 

    The letter #elow was written #y the management of Cinnamon Grand, gi(ing their (iews

    and feed#ack on the new system.

    +s %lma,R5 0ew System for Cinnamon Residencies 'roject

    % am pleased to say that our company is etremely satisfied with this newsystem and it has helped us tremendously. %t is currently #eing used #y our employees,who find it efficient and easy to use, to carry out the (arious tasks in(ol(ed in the sale ofapartments. Customers are also impressed #y the smooth running of the payment schemesas well as the lack of errors in calculations and immediate receipts. /e are getting anincreasing num#er of customers each week and this is making our project highly

    successful.The new computer system is far #etter and much more efficient than our

     pre(ious manual system.

    Thanking you,

    +r. oseph+arketing +anager

    +r. oseph+arketing +anager Cinnamon Residencies' )o5 ;777Colom#o

    +s %lma Gaffoor 9 $rethusa Lane Colom#o