excel data management numericals

COUNT Entries To Be Counted Count 10 20 30 3 =COUNT(C4:E4) 10 0 30 3 =COUNT(C5:E5) 10 -20 30 3 =COUNT(C6:E6) 10 1-Jan-88 30 3 =COUNT(C7:E7) 10 21:30 30 3 =COUNT(C8:E8) 10 0.2534021 30 3 =COUNT(C9:E9) 10 30 2 =COUNT(C10:E10) 10 Hello 30 2 =COUNT(C11:E11) 10 #DIV/0! 30 2 =COUNT(C12:E12) What Does It Do ? This function counts the number of numeric entries in a list. It will ignore blanks, text and errors. Syntax =COUNT(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30) Formatting No special formatting is needed. Example The following table was used by a builders merchant to calculate the for various products in each month. Item Jan Feb Mar Bricks £1,000 Wood £5,000 Glass £2,000 £1,000 Metal £1,000 Count 3 2 0 =COUNT(D29:D32)

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Page 1: Excel Data Management Numericals


Entries To Be Counted Count10 20 30 3 =COUNT(C4:E4)

10 0 30 3 =COUNT(C5:E5)

10 -20 30 3 =COUNT(C6:E6)

10 1-Jan-88 30 3 =COUNT(C7:E7)

10 21:30 30 3 =COUNT(C8:E8)

10 0.683511 30 3 =COUNT(C9:E9)

10 30 2 =COUNT(C10:E10)

10 Hello 30 2 =COUNT(C11:E11)

10 #DIV/0! 30 2 =COUNT(C12:E12)

What Does It Do ?

This function counts the number of numeric entries in a list.It will ignore blanks, text and errors.


=COUNT(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30)


No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by a builders merchant to calculate the number of salesfor various products in each month.

Item Jan Feb MarBricks £1,000

Wood £5,000

Glass £2,000 £1,000

Metal £1,000

Count 3 2 0


Page 2: Excel Data Management Numericals


Range To Test Blanks1 2 =COUNTBLANK(C4:C11)






What Does It Do ?

This function counts the number of blank cells in a range.




No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by a company which was balloting its workers on whetherthe company should have a no smoking policy.Each of the departments in the various factories were questioned.The response to the question could be Y or N.As the results of the vote were collated they were entered in to the table.The =COUNTBLANK() function has been used to calculate the number of departments whichhave no yet registered a vote.

Admin Accounts ProductionPersonnelFactory 1 Y N

Factory 2 Y Y N

Factory 3Factory 4 N N N

Factory 5 Y Y

Factory 6 Y Y Y N

Factory 7 N Y

Factory 8 N N Y Y

Factory 9 Y

Factory 10 Y N Y

Votes not vet registered : 16

Votes for Yes : 14

Votes for No : 10

Page 3: Excel Data Management Numericals


Item Date CostBrakes 1-Jan-98 80

Tyres 10-May-98 25

Brakes 1-Feb-98 80

Service 1-Mar-98 150

Service 5-Jan-98 300

Window 1-Jun-98 50

Tyres 1-Apr-98 200

Tyres 1-Mar-98 100

Clutch 1-May-98 250

How many Brake Shoes Have been bought. 2 =COUNTIF(C4:C12,"Brakes")

How many Tyres have been bought. 3 =COUNTIF(C4:C12,"Tyres")

How many items cost £100 or above. 5 =COUNTIF(E4:E12,">=100")

Type the name of the item to count service 2 =COUNTIF(C4:C12,E18)

What Does It Do ?

This function counts the number of items which match criteria set by the user.


=COUNTIF(RangeOfThingsToBeCounted,CriteriaToBeMatched)The criteria can be typed in any of the following ways.


No special formatting is needed.

To match a specific number type the number, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,100)To match a piece of text type the text in quotes, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,"Hello")To match using operators surround the expression with quotes, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,">100")

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To match using operators surround the expression with quotes, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,">100")

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1 in cm 2.54 =CONVERT(C4,D4,E4)

1 ft m 0.3048 =CONVERT(C5,D5,E5)

1 yd m 0.9144 =CONVERT(C6,D6,E6)

1 yr day 365.25 =CONVERT(C8,D8,E8)

1 day hr 24 =CONVERT(C9,D9,E9)

1.5 hr mn 90 =CONVERT(C10,D10,E10)

0.5 mn sec 30 =CONVERT(C11,D11,E11)

What Does It Do ?

This function converts a value measure in one type of unit, to the same value expressedin a different type of unit, such as Inches to Centimetres.




No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by an Import / Exporting company to convert the weightand size of packages from old style UK measuring system to European system.

Pounds Ounces Kilograms

Weight 5 3 2.35301


Feet Inches Metres

Height 12 6 3.81

Length 8 3 2.5146

Width 5 2 1.5748



This is a list of all the possible abbreviations which can be used to denote measuring systems.

Weight & Mass Distance

Gram g Meter m

Kilogram kg Statute mil mi

Slug sg Nautical mi Nmi

Pound mas lbm Inch in

U (atomic u Foot ft

Ounce mas ozm Yard yd









Page 6: Excel Data Management Numericals

Angstrom ang

Time Pica (1/72 i Pica

Year yr

Day day Pressure

Hour hr Pascal Pa

Minute mn Atmospher atm

Second sec mm of Mer mmHg

Temperature Liquid

Degree Cel C Teaspoon tsp

Degree Fah F Tablespoo tbs

Degree Kel K Fluid ounc oz

Cup cup

Force Pint pt

Newton N Quart qt

Dyne dyn Gallon gal

Pound forc lbf Liter l

Energy Power

Joule J Horsepowe HP

Erg e Watt W


IT calorie cal Magnetism

Electron vo eV Tesla T

Horsepowe HPh Gauss ga

Watt-hour Wh

Foot-poun flb


These characters can be used as a prefix to access further units of measure.

Prefix MultiplierAbbreviation Prefix MultiplierAbbreviation

exa 1.00E+18 E deci 1.00E-01 d

peta 1.00E+15 P centi 1.00E-02 c

tera 1.00E+12 T milli 1.00E-03 m

giga 1.00E+09 G micro 1.00E-06 u

mega 1.00E+06 M nano 1.00E-09 n

kilo 1.00E+03 k pico 1.00E-12 p

hecto 1.00E+02 h femto 1.00E-15 f

dekao 1.00E+01 e atto 1.00E-18 a


Using "c" as a prefix to meters "m" will allow centimetres "cm" to be calculated.

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LOOKUP (Array)

Name Jan Feb MarAlan 10 80 97

Bob 20 90 69

Carol 30 100 45

David 40 110 51

Eric 50 120 77

Francis 60 130 28

Gail 70 140 73

Type a Name in this cell : Eric

77 =LOOKUP(F12,D4:G10)

What Does It Do ?

This function looks for a piece of information in a list, and then picks an item from thelast cell in the adjacent row or column.

It always picks the data from the end of the row or column, so it is no good if you needto pick data from part way across a list, (use VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP).

The way in which the function decides whether to pick from the row or column is basedon the size of the table.

trying to find a match for the piece of informationyou asked it to look for.When a match is found, the function will lookacross to the right most column to pick the last entry on the row.

work in just the same way as if the table had morerows than columns, as in the description above.

to find a match for the piece of information youhave asked it to look for.When a match is found, the function will then lookdown to the bottom cell of the column to pickthe last entry of the column.


=LOOKUP(WhatToLookFor,RangeToLookIn)The WhatToLookFor should be a single item.The RangeToLook in can be either horizontal or vertical.

The March value for this person is :

If the table has more rows than columns : the function will look down the left most column

If the table has the same amount of rows and columns :the function will look down the left most column and

If the table has more columns than rows : the function will look across the top row trying

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Be careful not to include unnecessary heading in the range as these will cause errors.

Example 1 Example 2

In this table there are more In this table there are more columns than rows, sorows than columns, so the the row heading of Jan is not included in the column heading of Jan is lookup range.not included in the lookuprange. Alan Bob Carol David

Jan Jan 100 100 100 100Alan 100Bob 100

Carol 100David 100Eric 100Fred 100


No special formatting is needed.


The list of information to be looked through must be sorted in ascending order, otherwise errorswill occur, either as #N/A or incorrect results.

Table 1 shows the Name column sorted alphabetically, the results of using =LOOKUP() willbe correct.

Table 2 shows the same data, but not sorted. Sometimes the results will be correct, but othertimes the result will be an #N/A error or incorrect figure.

Table 1 Table 2

Name Jan Feb Mar Name Jan Feb MarAlan 10 80 97 David 40 110 51

Bob 20 90 69 Eric 50 120 77

Carol 30 100 45 Alan 10 80 97

David 40 110 51 Bob 20 90 69

Eric 50 120 77 Carol 30 100 45

Francis 60 130 28 Francis 60 130 28

Gail 70 140 73 Gail 70 140 73

Name : Eric Name : Eric

Value : 77 Value : 45

=LOOKUP(C88,B80:E86) =LOOKUP(H88,G80:J86)

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LOOKUP (Vector)

Name Jan Feb MarAlan 10 80 97

Bob 20 90 69

Carol 30 100 45

David 40 110 51

Eric 50 120 77

Francis 60 130 28

Gail 70 140 73

Type a Name in this cell : Eric

120 =LOOKUP(F12,D4:G10,F4:F10)

What Does It Do ?

This function looks for a piece of information in a list, and then picks an item froma second range of cells.


=LOOKUP(WhatToLookFor,RangeToLookIn,RangeToPickFrom)The WhatToLookFor should be a single item.The RangeToLook in can be either horizontal or vertical.The RangeToPickFrom must have the same number of cells in it as the RangeToLookin.Be careful not to include unnecessary heading in the ranges as these will cause errors.


No special formatting is needed.


The following example shows how the =LOOKUP() function was used to match a name typedin cell G41 against the list of names in C38:C43. When a match is found the =LOOKUP() thenpicks from the second range E38:J38.If the name Carol is used, the match is made in the third cell of the list of names, and thenthe function picks the third cell from the list of values.

RangeToLookIn RangeToPickFrom

Alan 5 10 15 20 25 30



David Type a name : Carol

Eric Value : 15

Fred =LOOKUP(G41,C38:C43,E38:J38)


The list of information to be looked through must be sorted in ascending order, otherwise errors

The Feb value for this person is :

Page 10: Excel Data Management Numericals

will occur, either as #N/A or incorrect results.

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The column numbers are not needed.

they are part of the illustration.

col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4 col 5 col 6

Jan 10 20 30 40 50

Feb 80 90 100 110 120

Mar 97 69 45 51 77

Type a month to look for : Feb

Which column needs to be picked out : 4

The result is : 100


What Does It Do ?

This function scans down the row headings at the side of a table to find a specified item.When the item is found, it then scans across to pick a cell entry.


=VLOOKUP(ItemToFind,RangeToLookIn,ColumnToPickFrom,SortedOrUnsorted)The ItemToFind is a single item specified by the user.The RangeToLookIn is the range of data with the row headings at the left hand side.The ColumnToPickFrom is how far across the table the function should look to pick from.The Sorted/Unsorted is whether the column headings are sorted. TRUE for yes, FALSE for no.


No special formatting is needed.

Example 1

This table is used to find a value based on a specified name and month.The =VLOOKUP() is used to scan down to find the name.The problem arises when we need to scan across to find the month column.To solve the problem the =MATCH() function is used.

The =MATCH() looks through the list of names to find the month we require. It then calculatesthe position of the month in the list. Unfortunately, because the list of months is not as wideas the lookup range, the =MATCH() number is 1 less than we require, so and extra 1 isadded to compensate.

The =VLOOKUP() now uses this =MATCH() number to look across the columns andpicks out the correct cell entry.

The =VLOOKUP() uses FALSE at the end of the function to indicate to Excel that therow headings are not sorted.

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Jan Feb MarBob 10 80 97

Eric 20 90 69

Alan 30 100 45

Carol 40 110 51

David 50 120 77

Type a name to look for : eric

Type a month to look for : mar

The result is : 69


Example 2 Practice

This example shows how the =VLOOKUP() is used to pick the cost of a spare part fordifferent makes of cars.The =VLOOKUP() scans down row headings in column F for the spare part entered in column C.When the make is found, the =VLOOKUP() then scans across to find the price, using theresult of the =MATCH() function to find the position of the make of car.

The functions use the absolute ranges indicated by the dollar symbol . This ensures thatwhen the formula is copied to more cells, the ranges for =VLOOKUP() and =MATCH() donot change.

Maker Spare Cost Lookup Table

Vauxhall Ignition £50 Vauxhall Ford VW

VW GearBox £600 GearBox 500 450 600

Ford Engine £1,200 Engine 1000 1200 800

VW Steering £275 Steering 250 350 275

Ford Ignition £70 Ignition 50 70 45

Ford CYHead £290 CYHead 300 290 310

Vauxhall GearBox £500

Ford Engine £1,200

Example 3

In the following example a builders merchant is offering discount on large orders.The Unit Cost Table holds the cost of 1 unit of Brick, Wood and Glass.The Discount Table holds the various discounts for different quantities of each product.The Orders Table is used to enter the orders and calculate the Total.

All the calculations take place in the Orders Table.The name of the Item is typed in column C of the Orders Table.

The Unit Cost of the item is then looked up in the Unit Cost Table. The FALSE option has been used at the end of the function to indicate that the product names down the side of the Unit Cost Table are not sorted.

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Using the FALSE option forces the function to search for an exact match. If a match is not found, the function will produce an error. =VLOOKUP(C126,C114:D116,2,FALSE)

The discount is then looked up in the Discount TableIf the Quantity Ordered matches a value at the side of the Discount Table the =VLOOKUP willlook across to find the correct discount. The TRUE option has been used at the end of the function to indicate that the values down the side of the Discount Table are sorted. Using TRUE will allow the function to make an approximate match. If the Quantity Ordered does not match a value at the side of the Discount Table, the next lowest value is used. Trying to match an order of 125 will drop down to 100, and the discount from the 100 row is used. =VLOOKUP(D126,F114:I116,MATCH(C126,G113:I113,0)+1,TRUE)

Discount TableUnit Cost Table Units Brick Wood Glass

Brick £2 1 0% 0% 0%

Wood £1 100 6% 3% 12%

Glass £3 300 8% 5% 15%

Orders TableItem Units Unit Cost Discount TotalBrick 100 2 6% 188

Wood 200 1 3% 194

Glass 150 3 12% 396

Brick 225 2 6% 423

Wood 50 1 0% 50

Glass 500 3 15% 1275

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Using TRUE will allow the function to make an approximate match. If the Quantity Ordered does

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PracticeName Basic Branch Contact no Date of JoiningAbhishek Azad 15000 Delhi 9350190309 38883Adil Akhtar 2600 Delhi 9871749782 38971Ajay Gurav 3325 Pune 9850491490 39094Aji Thomas 7331 Kerala 9349983235 38744Anup Saha 2450 Kolkata 9903342279 39036Archna Panwar 7200 Delhi 9213104856 39196Arjunsingh Sonasania 4500 Ahmedabad 9327054443 38899Bennis S Mascarenhas 13500 Mumbai 0 38985Blison Anthony 13500 Bangalore 9341054308 38995Dilip Kumar 6750 Bangalore 9880531910 38744Fazlur R. Siddiqui 13950 Mumbai 9323976794 39142Harish Chandra Yadav 5882 Pune 0 38418Harsh Chaturvedi 6750 Delhi 9312748442 38723Hemal Lalka 7650 Bangalore 9845363998/ 08362357684 38996J Francis Paul 6300 Chennai 9884412313 39195Kiran Nag P. 3375 Bangalore 9845697495 39065Lester Fernandes 5850 Mumbai 26406590 / 9820738310 38985Mahendra Pratap 7200 Delhi 9888889336 39188Manish Singh 9000 Delhi 9313168766 / 9313058253 38817Mayur Surve 6750 Pune 020-27031768 / 9423005968 38331Mohammed Khader 3150 Hyderabad 9948027818 39055Mrityunjay Kumar 12188 Delhi 9313058253 39162Mukesh Yadav 3600 Delhi 9911160781 39178N Praveen Kumar 2625 Hyderabad 9866686968 39114N. Gopinathan 4050 Bangalore 9341701184 38534Oscar Fernandes 5400 Mumbai 9869375275 39087Pranav Kumar 5400 Delhi 9873523143 /9999942801 39188Prashant Kumar Mishra 0 Delhi 0 38965Purnendu Kumar Singh 7200 Delhi 9811330723 39175R. P. Mishra 13500 Mumbai 9324261001 38596Rajeesh Nair 3825 Pune 0 38614Rajeev Kumar Sarma 5850 Kolkata 3612306498 38954Rajendra Dandekar 7875 Mumbai 9323976803 39031Rajesh R Mahadas 5400 Mumbai 9892217431 39203Ranjan Kumar Maharana 4500 Delhi 9871209654 39196Ranjit Ghosh 0 Kolkata 0 39066Ravi Kumar 5400 Delhi 9999488375 38887Ravindra Chiplunkar 1225 Mumbai 9323976807 39173Sachin Mohite 3218 Pune 9822250228 / 9822357794 38880Sachin Nirgun 7425 Mumbai 9833128811 39182Sarang C Pachlag 9000 Pune 9881377675 38901

Page 16: Excel Data Management Numericals

Shaja Haider 5063 Delhi 9956008352 39188Shekhar Pillay 11250 Kolkata 9331055800 38292Sudhakar M 6435 Bangalore 9844943434 38883Surjeet Singh 3600 Delhi 0 39178Venugopal Kotagari 1800 Mumbai 9892660063 39114Vishal Kumar Jain 16200 Mumbai 0 38412

Page 17: Excel Data Management Numericals

Designation Ecode Grade Gross SalaryAssistant Manager - Operations BR/06/070 RL-7 33330Executive - Operations BR/06/089 RL-9 6500Executive - Institutions - Pune BR/07/107 RL-9 9500Executive - Operations BR/06/052 RL-9 16392Exec- Retail Sales BR/06/101 RL-9 7000Assistant Manager - Projects BR/07/125 RL-8 16084Executive - Operations - Gujrat BR/06/074 RL-9 10000Manager - Home Service BR/06/090 0 30000Area Manager - South BR/06/092 RL-7 30840Assistant Manager - Institutions BR/06/053 RL-8 15030Assistant Manager - Creative & Marketing BR/07/112 RL-7 31894Executive - Accounts BR/05/027 RL-9 13070Executive - Logistics BR/05/029 RL-9 15030Assistant Manager - Projects BR/06/093 RL-8 17138Trainee Asst Manager Operations BR/07/123 RL-8 14000Executive - Operations - Karnataka BR/06/103 RL-9 7500Assistant Manager - Operations BR/06/091 RL-8 13000Assistant Manager - Institutions BR/07/122 RL-8 16084Manager Business Development and Multiplex BR/06/058 RL-7 20300Assistant Manager - Commercial BR/04/022 RL-9 15030Field Trainer BR/06/102 RL-9 9000Manager Institutions & Modern Trade - North & East BR/07/113 RL-7 27084Field Trainer BR/07/117 RL-9 8000Executive - Operations BR/07/109 RL-9 7500Field Trainer BR/05/043 RL-9 9000Assistant Manager - Operations BR/07/106 RL-8 12000Assistant Manager - Operations BR/07/120 RL-8 12000Executive - MIS BR/06/087 0 0Trainee Asst Manager Institutions BR/07/115 0 16000Manager IT and Operation Support BR/05/046 RL-5 30840Executive - Commercial BR/05/047 RL-10 8500Executive - Operations BR/06/085 RL-9 13000Assistant Manager - Institutions BR/06/097 RL-8 17665Executive Business Development BR/07/127 RL-9 12000Exec- MIS North BR/07/126 RL-9 10000Executive - Institutions BR/06/104 0 0Trainee Assistant Manager - Training BR/06/073 RL-9 12000Office Boy BR/07/114 RL-10 3500Executive - Logistics BR/06/068 RL-9 7150Assistant Manager - Training west BR/07/119 RL-8 16611Assistant Manager - Accounts BR/06/076 RL-8 20300

Page 18: Excel Data Management Numericals

Trainee assistant Mgr- Instt BR/07/121 RL-8 11250Manager - Operations BR/04/019 RL-7 25570Assistant Manager - MIS BR/06/069 RL-8 14300Executive - Business Development BR/07/116 RL-9 8000Executive - Operations - Mumbai BR/07/110 RL-10 5500Assistant Manager - Accounts BR/05/026 0 36000

Page 19: Excel Data Management Numericals

LTA Medical Reporting to City Allowance2000 1250 0 500

0 0 0 500 RL-1 RL-2 RL-3208 0 0 325 Ahmedabad 1000 1000 1000611 1200 0 250 Bangalore 2000 2000 2000153 0 0 375 Chandigarh 1300 1300 1300600 1250 0 500 Chennai 1500 1500 1500

0 0 0 250 Delhi 2000 2000 20001320 1250 Gm - Operation #N/A Goa 1300 1300 13001250 1250 0 500 Hyderabad 1500 1500 1500

545 1250 0 500 Kerala 1000 1000 10002000 1250 0 500 Kolkata 1500 1500 1500

368 0 0 325 Lucknow 1500 1500 1500445 1250 0 500 Mumbai 2000 2000 2000930 1250 0 500 Pune 1300 1300 1300788 0 Area Manager - 375211 500 0 500488 0 0 500600 1250 0 500750 1250 0 500445 1000 0 325197 0 0 375

1016 1250 0 5000 0 0 500

164 0 0 375253 0 0 500450 1000 0 500450 1000 0 500

0 0 Zonal Manager #N/A566 0 Manager - Inst #N/A

1250 1250 Chief Operating 1000239 0 0 325388 1000 0 375600 0 0 500450 0 0 500280 500 0 500

0 0 0 #N/A450 0 0 500

0 0 Assistant Admi 500201 0 0 325930 1250 Manager - Huma 500

1000 500 0 325

Page 20: Excel Data Management Numericals

441 500 0 5001920 1250 0 375

536 1250 0 5000 0 0 5000 0 0 500

2025 1250 0 #N/A

Page 21: Excel Data Management Numericals

RL-4 RL-5 RL-6 RL-7 RL-8 RL-9 RL-10500 500 500 250 250 250 250

1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500650 650 650 325 325 325 325750 750 750 375 375 375 375

1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500650 650 650 325 325 325 325750 750 750 375 375 375 375500 500 500 250 250 250 250750 750 750 375 375 375 375750 750 750 375 375 375 375

1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500650 650 650 325 325 325 325

Page 22: Excel Data Management Numericals

Zone Count of TotalEast 6HO 24North 28South 21West 32Total Result 111

Page 23: Excel Data Management Numericals

Date Zone Ecode Name1 HO Live BR/97/001 RL-4 Ashutosh Goel2 West Live BR/97/002 RL-10 Birendra Bhandari

3 HO Live BR/01/003 RL-1 Pankaj Chaturvedi4 West Live BR/01/004 RL-4 Ashok Sharma5 HO Live BR/01/006 RL-2 Sanjay Coutinho6 West R BR/02/007 RL-8 Anbu Perumal7 HO Live BR/02/008 RL-5 Ramesh More8 West Live BR/02/009 RL-10 Deepak Vadapally9 HO Live BR/02/012 RL-10 Narendra Parmar10 HO Live BR/03/013 RL-5 Saif Iqbal11 HO Live BR/03/015 RL-10 Arvind Sharma

12 South Live BR/04/018 RL-9 Sidda Raju 13 East Live BR/04/019 RL-7 Shekhar Pillay14 West Live BR/04/022 RL-9 Mayur Surve15 HO R BR/05/026 Vishal Kumar Jain16 West Live BR/05/027 RL-9 Harish Chandra Yadav17 North Live BR/05/029 RL-9 Harsh Chaturvedi

18 South Live BR/05/035 RL-8 Shaik Mohammed Ansari

19 South Live BR/05/043 RL-9 N. Gopinathan 20 HO Live BR/05/046 RL-5 R. P. Mishra21 West Live BR/05/047 RL-10 Rajeesh Nair22 South Live BR/06/052 RL-9 Aji Thomas

23 South Live BR/06/053 RL-8 Dilip Kumar24 North Live BR/06/058 RL-7 Manish Singh25 West Live BR/06/067 RL-7 Narayan Iyer26 West Live BR/06/068 RL-9 Sachin Mohite

27 South Live BR/06/069 RL-8 Sudhakar M28 North R BR/06/070 RL-7 Abhishek Azad29 North Live BR/06/073 RL-9 Ravi Kumar

30 West Live BR/06/074 RL-9 Arjunsingh Sonasania31 West R BR/06/076 RL-8 Sarang C Pachlag32 East Live BR/06/085 RL-9 Rajeev Kumar Sarma33 East Live BR/06/086 RL-9 Somdev Sarkar34 North R BR/06/087 Prashant Kumar Mishra35 North Live BR/06/089 RL-9 Adil Akhtar36 West R BR/06/090 Bennis S Mascarenhas37 West Live BR/06/091 RL-8 Lester Fernandes

38 South Live BR/06/092 RL-7 Blison Anthony39 South R BR/06/093 RL-8 Hemal Lalka40 HO Live BR/06/096 RL-5 Alok Mehta41 West Live BR/06/097 RL-8 Rajendra Dandekar

Sr. No



Page 24: Excel Data Management Numericals

42 East Live BR/06/101 RL-9 Anup Saha

43 South Live BR/06/102 RL-9 Mohammed Khader

44 South Live BR/06/103 RL-9 Kiran Nag P.

45 East R BR/06/104 Ranjit Ghosh46 West Live BR/07/106 RL-8 Oscar Fernandes47 West Live BR/07/107 RL-9 Ajay Gurav

48 West Live BR/07/108 RL-8 Ignatiuas D'Souza

49 South Live BR/07/109 RL-9 N Praveen Kumar

50 West Live BR/07/110 RL-10 Venugopal Kotagari

51 North R BR/07/111 RL-8 Sourabh Bhatia

52 HO Live BR/07/112 RL-7 Fazlur R. Siddiqui

53 North Live BR/07/113 RL-7 Mrityunjay Kumar54 HO Live BR/07/114 RL-10 Ravindra Chiplunkar55 North Live BR/07/115 Purnendu Kumar Singh56 North R BR/07/116 RL-9 Surjeet Singh57 North R BR/07/117 RL-9 Mukesh Yadav

58 West Live BR/07/118 RL-9 Raju Hajare59 West R BR/07/119 RL-8 Sachin Nirgun60 North Live BR/07/120 RL-8 Pranav Kumar

61 North R BR/07/121 RL-8 Shaja Haider62 North R BR/07/122 RL-8 Mahendra Pratap63 South Live BR/07/123 RL-8 J Francis Paul64 HO Live BR/07/124 RL-5 Kalpesh Thakkar

65 North R BR/07/125 RL-8 Archna Panwar

66 North Live BR/07/126 RL-9 Ranjan Kumar Maharana67 HO Live BR/07/127 RL-9 Rajesh R Mahadas

68 North R BR/07/128 RL-9 Virender Thakur

69 West Live BR/07/129 RL-8 Peter G Gudino

70 West R BR/07/130 RL-5 Vikram Nayalkar71 North Live BR/07/131 RL-8 Ashok Kumar72 HO Live BR/07/132 RL-5 Kamlesh Singh73 North Live BR/07/133 RL-9 Gaurav Pathak

74 North Live BR/07/134 RL-9 Mohd Rahil75 HO Live BR/07/135 RL-4 Gaurang Bhasin76 West Live BR/07/136 RL-8 Anil V. N. Tiwari77 16.06.07 North Live BR/07/137 RL-8 Jitender Jha78 South R BR/07/138 RL-8 Siby Varghese79 South Live BR/07/139 RL-8 Soumya Mohan80 25-06-2007 HO R BR/07/140 RL-8 Geeta Naynak81 26-06-2007 West Live BR/07/141 RL-9 Vinod Krishna Patil82 01.07.07 South Live BR/07/142 RL-8 Mohsin R. M83 26-06-2007 West Live BR/07/143 RL-9 Darryl D'souza

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84 07-07-2007 South Live BR/07/144 RL-7 Ashutosh Shrivastava85 06-07-2007 East Live BR/07/145 RL-9 Joydeep Dey86 10-07-2007 North R BR/07/146 RL-9 Suresh Malla87 13-07-2007 West Live BR/07/147 RL-6 Sameer Bargir88 13/07/07 North Live BR/07/148 RL-9 Rana Pratap Singh89 17-07-2007 HO Live BR/07/149 RL-8 Merlin Laban90 18-07-2007 South Live BR/07/150 RL-9 Sathish C.91 21/07/07 West Live BR/07/151 RL-9 Chetan S. Bhonsle92 23-07-2007 HO Live BR/07/152 RL-5 Neetu Luthra93 25-06-2007 HO Live BR/07/153 RL-4 Dinesh Hinduja94 04.06.07 South Live BR/07/154 RL-9 Swaraj P. S. 95 16-08-2007 West Live BR/07/155 RL-9 Jasmin Maheshkumar Trivedi96 23-08-2007 North Live BR/07/156 RL-6 Farasat Ullah Beg97 10/09/2007 South Live BR/07/157 RL-8 Jaffer Kustagi98 08/10/2007 West R BR/07/158 RL-9 Dharmadhikari Amit Anil99 30-08-2007 South Live BR/07/159 RL-8 D. V. Anil Kumar100 30-08-2007 HO Live BR/07/160 RL-7 Kuldeepsinh D. Zala101 11/09/2007 West Live BR/07/161 RL-8 Devesh Sahore102 12/10/2007 HO Live BR/07/162 RL-8 Anuradha R. Thakoor103 12/10/2007 North Live BR/07/163 RL-8 Srikant Tripathi104 12/10/2007 West Live BR/07/164 RL-7 Priyamvad Choudhary105 12/10/2007 North Live BR/07/165 RL-8 Kapil Garg106 09/10/2007 HO Live BR/07/166 RL-10 Dingade Shivaji Sakaram107 15/10/2007 North Live BR/07/167 RL-9 Praveen Singh108 22/10/2007 North Live BR/07/168 RL-8 Raj Kumar Rana109 01/10/2007 HO Live BR/07/169 RL-8 Narendra Kochrekar110 22/10/2007 East Live BR/07/170 RL-8 Md. Nurul Hassan111 23/10/2007 West Live BR/07/171 RL-9 Vivian J. Almeida112 12/11/2007 North Live BR/07/172 RL-9 Mantoo Das113 12/11/2007 South Live BR/07/173 RL-8 Vipin P. V

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Branch DesignationMumbai Genral Manager - Marketing & New ProjectsPune Driver cum salesman

Mumbai Executive - DirectorPune Head - CommercialMumbai Chief Operating OfficerPune Assistant Manager - Operations - PuneMumbai Manager - Finance & AccountsPune Data Entry OperaterMumbai Admin AssistantMumbai Manager - National Business DevelopmentMumbai Chaufer

Bangalore Executive - AccountsKolkata Manager - OperationsPune Assistant Manager - CommercialMumbai Assistant Manager - AccountsPune Executive - AccountsDelhi Executive - Logistics

Hyderabad Assistant Manager - Operations

Bangalore Field TrainerMumbai Manager IT and Operation SupportPune Executive - CommercialKerala Executive - Operations

Bangalore Assistant Manager - InstitutionsDelhi Manager Business Development and MultiplexPune Manager - Purchase & LogisticsPune Executive - Logistics

Bangalore Assistant Manager - MISDelhi Assistant Manager - OperationsDelhi Trainee Assistant Manager - Training

Ahmedabad Executive - Operations - GujratPune Assistant Manager - AccountsKolkata Executive - OperationsKolkata Executive - LogisticsDelhi Executive - MISDelhi Executive - OperationsMumbai Manager - Home Service

Mumbai Assistant Manager - Operations

Bangalore Area Manager - SouthBangalore Assistant Manager - ProjectsMumbai Mgr- National OpsMumbai Assistant Manager - Institutions

HR: was Ex- Commercial change wef 7/7/07
BASKIN: Was a Ops. Ex promoted wef 1/Oct/07
Page 27: Excel Data Management Numericals

Kolkata Exec- Retail Sales

Hyderabad Field Trainer

Bangalore Executive - Operations - Karnataka

Kolkata Executive - InstitutionsMumbai Assistant Manager - OperationsPune Executive - Institutions - Pune

Goa Assistant Manager - Operations

Hyderabad Executive - Operations

Mumbai Executive - Operations - Mumbai

Delhi Assistant Manager - Operations

Mumbai Assistant Manager - Creative & Marketing

Delhi Manager Institutions & Modern Trade - North & EastMumbai Office BoyDelhi Trainee Asst Manager InstitutionsDelhi Executive - Business DevelopmentDelhi Field Trainer

Mumbai Executive Retail SalesMumbai Assistant Manager - Training westDelhi Assistant Manager - Operations

Delhi Trainee assistant Mgr- Instt

Delhi Assistant Manager - InstitutionsChennai Trainee Asst Manager OperationsMumbai Manager Projects

Delhi Assistant Manager - Projects

Delhi Exec- MIS North

Mumbai Executive Business Development

Delhi Field Trainer

Mumbai Assistant Manager - Operations

Mumbai Manager Institutions & Modern TradeDelhi Sr. Asst. Mgr. OpsMumbai Manager - MISDelhi Institution Executive North

Delhi Institution Executive North

Mumbai Sr. Manager - Institutions & Modern TradeMumbai Assistant Manager - Modern TradeDelhi Sr. Executive OperationsBangalore Assistant Manager - OperationsBangalore Assistant Manager - TrainingMumbai Executive - Finance & AccountsMumbai Field TrainerBangalore Assistant Manager - Business DevelopmentMumbai Field Trainer

Page 28: Excel Data Management Numericals

Bangalore Manager - Institutions & Modern Trade - SouthKolkata Executive - OperationsLucknow Executive - OperationsMumbai Regional Operations ManagerDelhi Executive - Business DevelopmentMumbai Executive - Human ResourcesChennai Executive - InstitutionsGoa Executive - InstitutionsMumbai Manager - MarketingMumbai Head - Accounts & FinanceKerala Executive - InstitutionsAhmedabad Executive - Institutions & Modern TradeDelhi Regional Manager Operations - NorthBangalore Assistant Manager - OperationsPune Exective - CommercialHyderabad Assistant Manager - Institution And Modern TradeMumbai Assistant Manager - Accounts & FinancePune Assistant Manager - OperationsMumbai Sr. Executive - Accounts & FinanceDelhi Trainee Assistant Manager - InstitutionsMumbai Manager - Institutions & Modern Trade - WestDelhi Assistant Manager - ProjectsMumbai Associate - ProjectsDelhi Field TrainerChandigarh Assistant Manager - OperationsMumbai Executive - Accounts & FinanceKolkata Assistant Manager - Institution And Modern TradeGoa Field TrainerDelhi Field TrainerBangalore Assistant Manager - Projects

Page 29: Excel Data Management Numericals

Reporting to

Chief Operating Officer one month

Zonal Manager - North

Gm - Operations

Probation Period

Page 30: Excel Data Management Numericals

Manager Institutions & Modern Trade - North & EastAssistant Admin three monthManager - Institutions & Modern Trade - North three months

Manager - Human Resources & Training three month

Area Manager - Operations South three monthChief Operating Officer one month

Sr. Manager Institutions & Modern Trade one month

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer one monthManager - Institutions three monthArea Manager North India three monthArea Manager three monthArea Manager three monthManager - Accounts three monthManager - Training three monthArea Manager three monthManager - Training three month

Page 31: Excel Data Management Numericals

Sr. Manager - Institutions & Modern Trade one monthManager - Operations three monthArea Manager North India three monthManager National Operation one monthManager - Business Development three monthManager - Human Resources & Training three monthManager - Institutions & Modern Trade - South three monthManager - Institutions & Modern Trade - Nationalthree monthChief Operating Officer one monthChief Financial Officer one monthManager - Institutions & Modern Trade - South three monthsAsst. Manger Modern Trade three monthsManager National - Operations one monthRegional Manager - Operations three monthsHead - Commercial three monthsManager - Institutions & Modern Trade - South three monthsHead - Accounts & Finance three monthsRegional Manager - Operations three monthsHead - Accounts & Finance Three monthManager Institutions & Modern Trade - North Three monthSr. Manager - Institutions & Modern Trade one monthProject Manager Three monthProject Manager Three monthTrainee - Assistant Manager - Training Three monthRegional Manager - Operations Three monthManager - Accounts & Finance Three monthManager - Institutions & Modern Trade - East Three monthAssistant Manager - Trainer Three monthTrainee Assistant Manager - Field Training Three monthArea Manager - South Three month

Page 32: Excel Data Management Numericals

Contact no28/Jan/97 (022) 22817024 / 93232778531/Aug/97 9421628665

10/Apr/01982006556611/Jun/01 020-32913758 / 937105895219/Oct/01 932240060412/Jan/02 932397680625/Feb/02 93242456681/Mar/021/Jun/02 98202507187/Apr/03 9820211373

24/Oct/03 9323272467

16/Sep/0499808631311/Nov/04 9331055800

10/Dec/04 020-27031768 / 94230059681/Mar/057/Mar/056/Jan/06 9312748442


1/Sep/05 932426100119/Sep/0527/Jan/06 9349983235

27/Jan/06988053191010/Apr/06 9313168766 / 9313058253

6/Jun/06 932397679612/Jun/06 9822250228 / 9822357794

15/Jun/06984494343415/Jun/06 935019030919/Jun/06 9999488375

1/Jul/0693270544433/Jul/06 9881377675

25/Aug/06 36123064985/Sep/06 98304308525/Sep/06

11/Sep/06 987174978225/Sep/0625/Sep/06 26406590 / 9820738310

5/Oct/0693410543086/Oct/06 9845363998/ 083623576841/Nov/06 9323976801

10/Nov/06 9323976803

Date of Joining

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15/Nov/06 9903342279


5/Jan/07 986937527512/Jan/07 9850491490



21/Mar/0793130582531/Apr/07 93239768073/Apr/07 98113307236/Apr/076/Apr/07 9911160781

8/Jan/07932006980410/Apr/07 983312881116/Apr/07 9873523143 /9999942801

16/Apr/07995600835216/Apr/07 988888933623/Apr/07 988441231323/Apr/07 9320003550

24/Apr/07921310485624/Apr/0798712096541/May/07 9892217431

1/May/0798165407172/May/0798338801252/May/0793239768053/May/07 99990290214/May/07 9819151225

14/May/07 9423207127

7/May/07989929011218/May/07 9821678384

1/Jun/07 9892941479 / 2416249816/Jun/07 9871788545 / 9818410976 / 991062320/Jun/07 934990331920/Jun/07 08041495981 /0998642301226/Jun/07 9967350870 / 022 2583184026/Jun/07 9221461686 / 9324099388

1/Jul/07 98802632226/Jul/07 9833445148

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6/Jul/07 98861318056/Jul/07

10/Jul/07 9213609754 / 981061099113/Jul/07 932397679513/Jul/07 987365021417/Jul/07 932270229318/Jul/07 988444568121/Jul/07 9370033900 / 2496118 (R)23/Jul/07 982099265125/Jul/07 98202645666/Aug/07 9349343442 / 9387958217

16/Aug/07 09998672970 / 079 4000912310-Sep-07 9350190309 / 9873163633

10/Sep/07 988086122710-Oct-07 9270070871 / 02114 22449010-Sep-07 9888516465624-Sep-07 9819766274 / 022 2589400312-Sep-07 9820985980

10/12/2007 9821021820 / 2882414410/1/2007 9838072476

10/15/2007 022 26762816 / 932141392610/12/2007 9990383841 / 6519699710/15/2007 922670909210/15/2007 9891494361

29-Oct-07 931613897510/1/2007

10/22/2007 943175022110/23/2007 C/o. 2436061111/12/2007 989976190515-Nov-07 91- 0483- 236747

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Temporary Address2/C, Prem Kutir, 177 Marine Drive, Mumbai - 20Flat No.24, Mayuresh Co-op Hsg Soc, Achole Road, Majethiya Park, Nalasopara (East), Thane, Mumbai.

10, Belscot Residency, Someshwar Wadi Rd, Pashan, Pune - 411 008.A/6, Paradise Apts, Jai Bhawani Mata Road, Amboli, Andheri (West) Mumbai- 58M. E. S. Block No. 4, Flat No. 4/2, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai - 4000051/1, Shantaram Niwas, Navjeevan Nagar No. 2, Hariyali Village, Vikhorli (E), Mumbai - 83.27, New Bazaar, Khadki, Pune 411 00371/A, Calcuttawala Estate, 3rd Flr, Room No. 49, Dr. D.B. Marg, Mumbai Central, Mumbai - 400 008.

Acchola Road, R. No. 8-9, Hari Om Chawl, Alkapuri, Nalasopara (E), Dist Thane#114, Ground Floor, Teacher's Colony, BSK, 2nd Stage, Banaglore - 560 076.

303 Shree Thirth Apt , Behind D Souza Hospital , Remedy, Vasai Goan , Vasai West.401201Sr. No. 40, B-1, Pote Bldg, Flat No. 01, Pote Nagar, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune - 411 014.

Sr. No. 162 / 2A, Plot No. 13, Road No. 04, Adarsh Colony, Tingre Nagar, Pune - 411 015.C/o. Shri, S. K. Chaturvedi, 308, Himgiri Apts., Kaushambi, Gaziabad U.P.Sr. No. 40, B-1, Pote Bldg, Flat No. 01, Pote Nagar, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune - 411 014.

6th Cross Sultan Playa, Opp Bus Stand, RT Post, Bangalore - 32.

Suprabhat Co-Op Hsg Soc. Ltd., A-Wing, Flat No. 001, Madhuvan Park, Tirupati Nagar, Virar (W) – 401303Flat No. 2, Kakade Vihar, Near Kakade Park, Chinchwadgaon, Pune - 411 033.Ettinilkunnathil House, Mallassery P O, Pathanamthitta, Dist. Kerala - 689646

#218, Havanoor Extn, Nagasandra Post, Bangalore - 560073.

143, First Floor, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New DelhiBlock No.5, Gautam Udyog, Co-op. Hsg Soc. Ltd, L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup, Mumbai-400078Sr. No. 26 - Bopodi, Near Jai Matrabhoomi Tarn Mandal, Pune - 411 003.

Jigalemane, Ullur (po) Sagar (Ta), Shimoga Dist Karnataka.

CL, 214, Ground Floor, Sector 2, Sal Lake City, Kolkatta - 700091.T 3542, Raja Park, shakur Basti, New Delhi - 110034.

8, Circle-B, Opp Corporate House, Judges Bung Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 54

"Susad", Plot No. 35-A, Indrayani Vidya Mandir Colony, Chakan Road, Talegaon Station, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune - 410 507.House no-4 Krishnasura Path Ganesh Nagar Basistha. Guwahati-29.Assam64,Naskarpara Lane Kasundia. Howrah 711101

645A/D, Govingpuri, Kalbaji, New Delhi - 110019.

Bridge View Co-op Hsg Soc, Flat No 9, 2nd Floor, A wing, Bldg No H-2, Dias & Pereria Nagar, Village Umle, Naigaon (W), Vasai.

#28,10th A cross,RA Road,Eji Pura,Vivek nagar,Bangalore-560047

402, Shankar Darshan, Shradhanand Road, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai - 57.B 18, Mandovi Apts, chedda Nagar, Chembur1/6 Trimurti Rahivasi Sangh, Pratap Nagar, Jogeshwari Vikroli Link Rd, Jogeshwari E, Mumbai 60

Flat No. 601,6th Floor, Greta Park,5th Cross Road, IC Colony, Borivali (West), Mumbai – 400 103

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New khulna Pally Madhyagram Kora Chandigarh Kolkata-700130

C/o. Khaja Anwar H/No. A6, Incometax Quarters, Banjara Hills Rd. No.12, Hyderabad#184 Dommasandra Sarjapur Road Bangalore-562125

Khalakdina Terrace, B Block, Ground floor, August Kranti Maidan, Mumbai 36352,Dattawadi,Badam Gully,pune 30 Ph no - 020-24339291

17/ E Palmgrove Zaveri Bldg, Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025#6-3-709/A/8, Behind R.K.Plaza, Near Pochamma Temple, Punjagutta,Hyd-82

Sri Ram Nagar, Room No. 20 - 7 / 10 C, Century Bazzar, Prabhadevi Road, Mumbai - 400 025H.No.448/6, Kewal Ganj Chowk, Rohtak, Haryana

B-57, 2dn Flr. Sec-50, Noida

Shantaram Chawl No. 1/2, Hariyali Village, Navjeevan Nagar, Vikhroli (E) Mumbai - 400083Flat No. - 760, Sec. 37, Noida (U.P)

WZ - 428 Madipur Village, New Delhi - 110063

Old CST Rd, Babu Bhule Chawl, Rm No- 3, Kalina village, Mumbai- 2918, b / 12, Indian Airlines Colony, Kalina, Santacruz (East) Mumbai 400 029C/o. Sh. Shambhu Kumar Ghosh, New Kundli, Mayur Vihar Phase - 3, New Delhi.466/77, Kh peer bukhara, Colony Chowk, Lucknow

155, sec-15, 2nd Floor, Chandigarh# 8 E, Periyar Nagar, 1st Cross Street, Madipakkam, Chennai - 91.B304, Sanghiv Park, Near Vijay Park, Mira road East.458, Nehru Enclave, Alipur, New Delhi-36

A-169, Rishipal Building, Gali No. 4, Street No. 12, Mahipalpur, New Delhi - 110037Shri Ram Nagar, Rm No 43/8, Dr. A. B. Road, Prabhadevi, Century Bazar, Mumbai - 400 025

C 91, Sector 31, Noida

Shivdarshan Apts, F No. 10, ShreeKrishna Complex, Chinchpada Rd, Kalyan East 421306

501, Rajesh Tower, Saibab Nagar, Borivili (West) Mumbai - 400 092House no. 283/ C, F.C.A, S. G. M. Nagar, Faridabad - 121 001, HaryanaL1/ 501, Neelyog Residency, Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai - 400 075Flat No. B - 57, Sector 50, Noida - 201301

Usha Kunj, 9, Panchasheel Park, Rajendra Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, U.P.Bhasin Villa, 20/1, R. A. Kidwai Road, Wadala, Mumbai - 400 031Room No. 6, Punjabi Colony, Janta Markets,Shubash Nagar, bhandup, Mumbai - 400 078RZ - D - 18, Syndicate Enclave, Street No. - 4 , Raghu Nagar, New Delhi - 110045Puthenveedu, Varanadu P.O., Cherthala

4/406, Kamal Kunj Bldg., Kisan Nagar No. 3, Road no 22, Thane - 400 604SS - 3, Flt - G - 1, Maansarovar Chs., Near Varhala Lake, Bhiwandi, Dist - Thane - 421302# 30, 2nd Main, 2nd Cross, Rehmath Nagar, R.T. Nagar, Bangalore - 560032Gala Mansion Room 7, Agar Bazar, S.K. Bole Road, Dadar West, Mumbai - 400 028

Kaggadaspura,Bangalore - 560093

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No. 636, Hadiya Apart., Ajamalappa Layout, St. Thomas Town Post, Hennur Main Rd., Kacharakanahalli,Bangalore - 84C/o. Shivaji Basu Mallick, Bank Of India, Jodhupur Park Branch, Gariahat, Kol - 700 068 (South) West Bengal.D-1 / 189, Shiv Durga Vihar, Lakkarpur, Suraj Kund, Faridabad (Haryana)L & T, 21/32, Vijay Nagar, Marol, Maroshi Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400059H/O : Mr. Same Singh, Nishant Appt, F - 116, Room NO. 34, 3rd Floor, Near Qutab Inst. Area, Katwariya Saria, New Delhi - 16.B - 404, Goodwill Hsg. Soc., N.P.Thakker Road, Vile Parle East, Mumbai - 400 05710, Nagappan Nagar, First Street, C. B. Road, Chennai - 600 021.Flat no. S-11, Bld no-4, Souza Complex, Betim Bardez, Goa1301 2A, Excellency Bldg., Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 53B - 901, Royal Classic, New Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053S/o. P.P. Soman, Panakaparambil (H), S.S. K.S. Road, Near Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vaduthala P.O., Kochin - 2361, Premchandnagar, Nr. Judges Bunglows, Setelite, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380015D - 31/ A1st Floor, Johri Farm, Noor Nagar Extn., Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi - 25

Plot No. 40, B/3, Kadolkar Colony, Saptarshi Apt's, Talegaon Dabhade, Dist :- Pune, 410 506SRT - 383, Jawahar Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad - 20B - 6, Ground Floor, Mahesh Co. Op. Hsg. Society, Aban Park, Dhokali, Thane (W) 400 607Flat A - 16, Himbindu Co. Op. Hsg. Soc., Sector - 10, Plot No. 18, Vashi - 400 703. Navi Mumbai.501 / 502, Sri Ram Krupa, Brahman Sabha Road, Malad (West) Mumbai - 64.

B - 604 / 605, Sausalito Apt., Kia - Park, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 53.A - 119, Pocket -00, MIG, Sector - 2, Rohini, New Delhi - 110058F/9, Barkat Ali Nagar, Wadala, (East), Mumbai - 37.House No. 12 - A, Aram Bagh, Pahar Ganj, New Dehli - 55.Java Green Pvt. Ltd. (Reliance ADA Group) SCF - 57, Phase - 2, Mohali (Panjab) - 160055Flat No. 201, Mulund Kamlesh CHS Ltd., Gawapada Road, Near Neelam Nagar, Mulund (E), Mumbai - 400 081House No. 6, Road No. 18, Old Purulia Road, Zakirnagar (W), Mango, Jamshedpur - 83211023, Kant Aria Bldg., Gokhale Rd. Dadar, Mumbai - 28A/251, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, J. J. Colony Tigri, New Delhi - 110062Puthanveettil House, Vellila (Po), Mankada (Via), Malappuram (Dt) 679324, Kerala

Koramangala 1st BlockBangalore

Brahmanand Colony, Durgakund Varanasi UP

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Permanent Address2/C, Prem Kutir, 177 Marine Drive, Mumbai - 20

Flat No.24, Mayuresh Co-op Hsg Soc, Achole Road, Majethiya Park, Nalasopara (East), Thane, Mumbai.

10, Belscot Residency, Someshwar Wadi Rd, Pashan, Pune - 411 008.A/6, Paradise Apts, Jai Bhawani Mata Road, Amboli, Andheri (West) Mumbai- 58M. E. S. Block No. 4, Flat No. 4/2, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai - 400005

1/1, Shantaram Niwas, Navjeevan Nagar No. 2, Hariyali Village, Vikhorli (E), Mumbai - 83.27, New Bazaar, Khadki, Pune 411 00371/A, Calcuttawala Estate, 3rd Flr, Room No. 49, Dr. D.B. Marg, Mumbai Central, Mumbai - 400 008.

H No. 1166, Sirwara Rd, Sultanpur (U.P) - 228001.Acchola Road, R. No. 8-9, Hari Om Chawl, Alkapuri, Nalasopara (E), Dist Thane#114, Ground Floor, Teacher's Colony, BSK, 2nd Stage, Banaglore - 560 076.

303 Shree Thirth Apt , Behind D Souza Hospital , Remedy, Vasai Goan , Vasai West.401201Sr. No. 40, B-1, Pote Bldg, Flat No. 01, Pote Nagar, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune - 411 014.

Sr. No. 162 / 2A, Plot No. 13, Road No. 04, Adarsh Colony, Tingre Nagar, Pune - 411 015.C/o. Shri, S. K. Chaturvedi, 308, Himgiri Apts., Kaushambi, Gaziabad U.P.Sr. No. 40, B-1, Pote Bldg, Flat No. 01, Pote Nagar, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune - 411 014.

6th Cross Sultan Playa, Opp Bus Stand, RT Post, Bangalore - 32.

Suprabhat Co-Op Hsg Soc. Ltd., A-Wing, Flat No. 001, Madhuvan Park, Tirupati Nagar, Virar (W) – 401303Flat No. 2, Kakade Vihar, Near Kakade Park, Chinchwadgaon, Pune - 411 033.

Ettinilkunnathil House, Mallassery P O, Pathanamthitta, Dist. Kerala - 689646

#218, Havanoor Extn, Nagasandra Post, Bangalore - 560073.

143, First Floor, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New DelhiRoom No. 8-B, Jeevan Prakash, N.E.S. H. Marg., Bhandup, Mumbai-400078Sr. No. 26 - Bopodi, Near Jai Matrabhoomi Tarn Mandal, Pune - 411 003.

Jigalemane, Ullur (po) Sagar (Ta), Shimoga Dist Karnataka.

T 3542, Raja Park, shakur Basti, New Delhi - 110034.

17/198, Netajinagar, Mehaninagar, Ahmedabad - 16.

"Susad", Plot No. 35-A, Indrayani Vidya Mandir Colony, Chakan Road, Talegaon Station, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune - 410 507.House no-4 Krishnasura Path Ganesh Nagar Basistha. Guwahati-29.Assam64,Naskarpara Lane Kasundia. Howrah 711101

S/O, Ajaz Ahmed Khan, Moh. Miyanpura, Ghazipur

Bridge View Co-op Hsg Soc, Flat No 9, 2nd Floor, A wing, Bldg No H-2, Dias & Pereria Nagar, Village Umle, Naigaon (W), Vasai.

Irimpan House,Poovathuseery,Parakkadavu P.O,Kurumassery Via,Ernakulam Dt.683579.Kerala State.

402, Shankar Darshan, Shradhanand Road, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai - 57.642 Sirmaur Marg, Rajendra Nagar, Dehradun.Om Gardens, 1st Floor, Flat no 104, Manvel Pada, Virar E, Thane

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New khulna Pally Madhyagram Kora Chandigarh Kolkata-700130

C/o. Khaja Anwar H/No. A6, Incometax Quarters, Banjara Hills Rd. No.12, Hyderabad#184 Dommasandra Sarjapur Road Bangalore-562125

Khalakdina Terrace, B Block, Ground floor, August Kranti Maidan, Mumbai 36352,Dattawadi,Badam Gully,pune 30 Ph no - 020-24339291

17/ E Palmgrove Zaveri Bldg, Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025#6-3-709/A/8, Behind R.K.Plaza, Near Pochamma Temple, Punjagutta,Hyd-82

Sri Ram Nagar, Room No. 20 - 7 / 10 C, Century Bazzar, Prabhadevi Road, Mumbai - 400 025H.No.448/6, Kewal Ganj Chowk, Rohtak, Haryana

KD-138, Sindri, Dhanbad, jharkhand

Shantaram Chawl No. 1/2, Hariyali Village, Navjeevan Nagar, Vikhroli (E) Mumbai - 400083Flat No. - 760, Sec. 37, Noida (U.P)143, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi.WZ - 428 Madipur Village, New Delhi - 110063

18, b / 12, Indian Airlines Colony, Kalina, Santacruz (East) Mumbai 400 029C/o. Sh. Shambhu Kumar Ghosh, New Kundli, Mayur Vihar Phase - 3, New Delhi.466/77, Kh peer bukhara, Colony Chowk, Lucknow

SE-475, Sastri Nagar, Gaziabad.# 8 E, Periyar Nagar, 1st Cross Street, Madipakkam, Chennai - 91.B304, Sanghiv Park, Near Vijay Park, Mira road East.458, Nehru Enclave, Alipur, New Delhi-36

A-169, Rishipal Building, Gali No. 4, Street No. 12, Mahipalpur, New Delhi - 110037Shri Ram Nagar, Rm No 43/8, Dr. A. B. Road, Prabhadevi, Century Bazar, Mumbai - 400 025

VPO, Bherda and CEH, Sujanpur, Dist Hamirpur, HP

501, Rajesh Tower, Saibab Nagar, Borivili (West) Mumbai - 400 092House no. 283/ C, F.C.A, S. G. M. Nagar, Faridabad - 121 001, HaryanaL1/ 501, Neelyog Residency, Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai - 400 075Flat No. B - 57, Sector 50, Noida - 201301

Usha Kunj, 9, Panchasheel Park, Rajendra Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, U.P.Bhasin Villa, 20/1, R. A. Kidwai Road, Wadala, Mumbai - 400 031Room No. 6, Punjabi Colony, Janta Markets,Shubash Nagar, bhandup, Mumbai - 400 078RZ - D - 18, Syndicate Enclave, Street No. - 4 , Raghu Nagar, New Delhi - 110045Puthenveedu, Varanadu P.O., Cherthala

# 30, 2nd Main, 2nd Cross, Rehmath Nagar, R.T. Nagar, Bangalore - 560032

Kaggadaspura,Bangalore - 560093

Page 40: Excel Data Management Numericals

C/o. Manmatha Dey, N.S.A - X - 42, P.O. - Digboi, Dist - Tinsukia, Pin - 786171, Assam.D-1/189, Shiv Durga Vihar, Lakkarpur, Suraj Kund, Faridabad (Haryana)

H/O : Mr. Same Singh, Nishant Appt, F - 116, Room NO. 34, 3rd Floor, Near Qutab Inst. Area, Katwariya Saria, New Delhi - 16.B - 404, Goodwill Hsg. Soc., N.P.Thakker Road, Vile Parle East, Mumbai - 400 05710, Nagappan Nagar, First Street, C. B. Road, Chennai - 600 021.

1301 2A, Excellency Bldg., Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 53B - 901, Royal Classic, New Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053S/o. P.P. Soman, Panakaparambil (H), S.S. K.S. Road, Near Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vaduthala P.O., Kochin - 2361, Premchandnagar, Nr. Judges Bunglows, Setelite, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 3800152, 318 B Viram Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 10

38/1, Shree Ram Lane, Worli Village, Mumbai - 400 030SRT - 383, Jawahar Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad - 20B - 6, Ground Floor, Mahesh Co. Op. Hsg. Society, Aban Park, Dhokali, Thane (W) 400 607Flat A - 16, Himbindu Co. Op. Hsg. Soc., Sector - 10, Plot No. 18, Vashi - 400 703. Navi Mumbai.501 / 502, Sri Ram Krupa, Brahman Sabha Road, Malad (West) Mumbai - 64.

B - 604 / 605, Sausalito Apt., Kia - Park, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 53.A - 119, Pocket -00, MIG, Sector - 2, Rohini, New Delhi - 110058F/9, Barkat Ali Nagar, Wadala, (East), Mumbai - 37.House No. 12 - A, Aram Bagh, Pahar Ganj, New Dehli - 55.Java Green Pvt. Ltd. (Reliance ADA Group) SCF - 57, Phase - 2, Mohali (Panjab) - 160055Flat No. 201, Mulund Kamlesh CHS Ltd., Gawapada Road, Near Neelam Nagar, Mulund (E), Mumbai - 400 081House No. 6, Road No. 18, Old Purulia Road, Zakirnagar (W), Mango, Jamshedpur - 83211023, Kant Aria Bldg., Gokhale Rd. Dadar, Mumbai - 28A/251, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, J. J. Colony Tigri, New Delhi - 110062Puthanveettil House, Vellila (Po), Mankada (Via), Malappuram (Dt) 679324, Kerala

Koramangala 1st BlockBangalore

Brahmanand Colony, Durgakund Varanasi UP

Page 41: Excel Data Management Numericals

Email ID Basic HRA

127,000.00 50,000.00 ### 10,500.00 4,725.00 2,363.00

198,335.00 ### ### 77,640.00 42,702.00 ### 141,667.00 50,000.00 ### 12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00 30,840.00 13,500.00 8,100.00 12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00 6,611.00 2,644.00 1,322.00 40,000.00 18,000.00 9,420.00 6,996.00 2,798.00 1,399.00

12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00 25,570.00 11,250.00 6,750.00 15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00 36,000.00 16,200.00 9,720.00 13,070.00 5,882.00 2,941.00 15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00

20,300.00 9,000.00 5,400.00

9,000.00 4,050.00 2,025.00

30,840.00 13,500.00 8,100.00 8,500.00 3,825.00 1,913.00 16,392.00 7,331.00 3,666.00

15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00 20,300.00 9,000.00 5,400.00

34715 15,622.00 9,373.00 7150 3,218.00 1,609.00

14,300.00 6,435.00 3,218.00

33,330.00 15,000.00 7,980.00 12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00

10,000.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 20,300.00 9,000.00 5,400.00 13,000.00 5,850.00 2,925.00

8800 3,960.00 1,980.00

6,500.00 2,600.00 1,300.00 30,000.00 13,500.00 8,100.00

13000 5,850.00 2,925.00

30,840.00 13,500.00 8,100.00 17,138.00 7,650.00 4,590.00

68250 28570 ### 17,665.00 7,875.00 3,938.00

Gross Salary

[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 42: Excel Data Management Numericals

7,000.00 2,450.00 1,225.00

9,000.00 3,150.00 1,575.00

7,500.00 3,375.00 1,688.00

12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00 9,500.00 3,325.00 1,663.00

15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00

7,500.00 2,625.00 1,313.00

5,500.00 1,800.00 900.00

15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00

31,894.00 13,950.00 8,370.00

27084 12,188.00 7,313.00

3,500.00 1,225.00 613.00 16000 7,200.00 4,320.00

143, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi. 8,000.00 3,600.00 1,800.00 8,000.00 3,600.00 1,800.00

9,000.00 3,150.00 1,575.00 16,611.00 7,425.00 4,455.00 12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00

11,250.00 5,063.00 3,038.00 16,084.00 7,200.00 3,600.00 14,000.00 6,300.00 3,780.00 37,500.00 18,750.00 9,989.00

16,084.00 7,200.00 3,600.00

10,000.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00

7,000.00 2,450.00 1,225.00

12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00

50,000.00 25,000.00 ### 15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00 25,570.00 11,250.00 6,750.00 9,000.00 3,150.00 1,575.00

8,500.00 4,250.00 2,120.00 66,667.00 33,333.00 ### 16,787.00 7,500.00 4,500.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00 15,030.00 6,750.00 3,375.00 16,000.00 7,200.00 4,320.00 8,000.00 3,600.00 1,800.00 22,000.00 9,900.00 5,940.00 8,000.00 3,600.00 1,800.00

[email protected]

[email protected][email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@hotmail.com

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

HR: was a 24516/- change wef 1/11/07
BASKIN: last - 4250
BASKIN: was 2120
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27,083.00 12,187.00 7,312.00 9,000.00 4,050.00 2,025.00 8,000.00 3,600.00 1,800.00 35,417.00 15,938.00 9,563.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 17,000.00 7,650.00 4,590.00 8,000.00 3,600.00 1,800.00

[email protected] 10,000.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 39,583.00 17,812.00 ### 70,834.00 31,875.00 ### 8,500.00 3,825.00 1,913.00 7,000.00 3,150.00 1,575.00 35,417.00 15,938.00 9,563.00

15,000.00 6,750.00 3,375.00

8,400.00 3,780.00 1,890.00

17,084.00 7,688.00 4,613.00

29167.00 13,125.00 7,875.00

12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00

20834 9,375.00 5,625.00

11,250.00 5,063.00 2,532.00

27084 12,188.00 7,313.00

15,000.00 6,750.00 3,375.00

12,000.00 5,400.00 2,700.00

7,000.00 3,150.00 1,575.00 13500 6,075.00 3,038.00 13000 5,850.00 2,925.00 16667 7,500.00 4,500.00

7,500.00 3,375.00 1,688.00 8000 3,600.00 1,800.00

15,000.00 6,750.00 3,375.00

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected][email protected]

[email protected]@rediffmail.com

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected][email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@relianceada.com

[email protected]

[email protected]

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800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00

- 500.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 600.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00

800.00 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00

800.00 1,000.00 800.00 200.00

800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 500.00 800.00

800.00 500.00 1,000.00 800.00 500.00 1,200.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00

800.00 500.00 500.00

800.00 500.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00

800.00 500.00 - 800.00 1,000.00 500.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 500.00

800.00 200.00 - 800.00 500.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 500.00

800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 -

Transport Allowance

Child / Edu. Allowance

Meal Allowance

Page 45: Excel Data Management Numericals

800.00 500.00 -

800.00 500.00 -

800.00 200.00 -

800.00 500.00 - 800.00 500.00 -

800.00 500.00 -

800.00 500.00 -

800.00 200.00 -

800.00 500.00 -

1,000.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00

800.00 200.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 500.00

800.00 500.00 - 800.00 500.00 - 800.00 500.00 -

800.00 500.00 - 800.00 500.00 800.00 800.00 500.00 - 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00

800.00 500.00 800.00

800.00 500.00 - 800.00 500.00 -

800.00 500.00 -

800.00 500.00 -

800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 - 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 -

800.00 200.00 - 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00

BASKIN: was 200
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800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 200.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 200.00 245.00 800.00 400.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00

800.00 1,000.00 800.00 800.00 1,250.00

800.00 500.00 1,000.00

800.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 1,250.00

800 500 500 800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 400.00 800.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,250.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00

Page 47: Excel Data Management Numericals

Attire Total

9,450.00 - 18,519.00 ### 1,000.00 250.00 9,638.00

### ###

3,949.00 ### 10,117.00 31,510.00 ###

1,000.00 - 502.00 ### 2,720.00 ###

1,000.00 - 502.00 ### 500.00 308.00 5,774.00

3,870.00 ### 500.00 555.00 6,252.00

1,000.00 114.00 ###

### - - 850.00 ###

2,975.00 ### 1,000.00 - 373.00 ### - - 600.00 ###

645.00 ###

500.00 349.00 7,924.00

2,070.00 ### 500.00 245.00 7,483.00

604.00 ###


320.00 ### 2,243.00 - ###

- 168 6,295

- - 289.00 ###

- 2,750.00 - - ### 1,000.00 - 502.00 ###

500.00 - - 535.00 9,085.00

- - - 1,020.00 ### - - - 335.00 ### 500.00 - 97 7,837

500.00 571.00 5,971.00 - 2,500.00 - - ### 1,000.00 - 235 11,810

2,070.00 - - ###

- - - - ### 1,318.00 ###

1,250.00 - - 1,757.00 ###

Medical Allowance

Vehicle Maint.

Special Allowance

Page 48: Excel Data Management Numericals

- - - 1,578.00 6,553.00

- - - 2,400.00 8,425.00

- - - 321.00 6,384.00

- - - 502.00 9,902.00 - - - 2,605.00 8,893.00

- - - 985.00 ###

- - - 1,783.00 7,021.00

- - - 1,434.00 5,134.00

- - - 985.00 ###

- 1,400.00 - - ###

- 804 23,355

300.00 113.00 3,251.00 1,250.00 - ### 500.00 68.00 7,268.00 500.00 68.00 7,268.00

- - - 2,337.00 8,362.00

- - - 360.00 ### - - - 502.00 9,902.00

- - - 300.00 9,701.00

- - - 470.00 ### 800.00 - - 276.00 ### - - - 648.00 ###

- - - 470.00 ###

- - - 630.00 8,680.00

1,000.00 - - 502.00 ###

- - - 1,578.00 6,553.00

- - - 502.00 9,902.00

- - - 900.00 ###

- - - 985.00 ### - - - - ### - - - 2,337.00 8,362.00

350.00 - - - 7,720.00

- 3,254.00 - - ### - - 1,087.00 ### 500.00 535.00 9,085.00 1,000.00 - 614.00 ### 1,000.00 - 850.00 ### 1,250.00 - ### 500.00 143.00 7,043.00 1,000.00 - ### 500.00 143.00 7,043.00

Page 49: Excel Data Management Numericals

800.00 - ### 500.00 349.00 7,924.00 500.00 143.00 7,043.00

2,375.00 - ### 500.00 554.00 8,804.00 1,000.00 - 100.00 ### 500.00 143.00 7,043.00 500.00 554.00 8,804.00

2,420.00 - ### 4,500.00 ### ###

500.00 7,483.00 500.00 6,425.00

2,375.00 - 30,926.00

1,250.00 - 593.00 ### 500.00 - 661.00 7,631.00 1,000.00 - 169.00 15,520.00

1,250.00 1,447.00 - 501.00 26,498.00

1,000.00 - 614.00 ### - 428.00 ###

500 431 ### - 804.00 ###

1,250.00 - 593.00 ### 1,000.00 - 614.00 ### 500.00 6,425.00 1,000.00 102.00 ### 1,000.00 107.00 ### 1,000.00 ###

219.00 6,582.00 343.00 7,043.00

1,250.00 - 593.00 ###

Page 50: Excel Data Management Numericals


### ### - ### 6,000.00 295.00 9,933.00 567.00

### ### ### 14,640.00

### ### ### - ### ### ### 6,000.00

450.00 ### 648.00 ### ### ### 1,620.00

450.00 ### 648.00 300.00 ### 6,294.00 317.00

### ### ### 2,160.00 175.00 ### 6,660.00 336.00

338.00 ### 648.00 ### ### ### 1,350.00

445.00 ### ### 810.00 ### ### ### 780.00

368.00 ### 706.00 445.00 ### ### 810.00

### ### ### 1,080.00

253.00 ### 8,514.00 486.00

### ### ### 1,620.00 239.00 ### 8,041.00 459.00 611.00 ### ### 880.00

545.00 ### ### 810.00

750.00 ### ### 1,080.00 ### ### ### 1,875.00

201.00 268 6,764 386.00

536.00 ### ### 772.00

### ### ### 1,800.00 450.00 11,352 648.00

- - ### 9,460.00 540.00 ### 500.00 - ### 1,080.00

388.00 ### - ### 702.00 488.00 8,325 475.00

- - ### 6,188.00 312.00 ### ### - ### 780.00

488.00 12,298 702.00

### ### - ### 1,620.00

930.00 ### - ### 918.00 2,381.00 ### 8,333.00 ### 3,428.00 600.00 - - ### 945.00


Bonus Reimbursements

Gross Total

Emplyr. PF

Page 51: Excel Data Management Numericals

153.00 - - 6,706.00 294.00

197.00 - - 8,622.00 378.00

211.00 500.00 - 7,095.00 405.00

450.00 ### - ### 648.00 208.00 - - 9,101.00 399.00

560.00 ### - ### 810.00

164.00 - - 7,185.00 315.00

- - ### 5,284.00 216.00

560.00 ### - ### 810.00

### ### - ### 1,674.00

### ### 25,621 1,463.00

### 3,353.00 147.00 566.00 15,136 864.00

### 7,568.00 432.00 ### 7,568.00 432.00

260.00 - - 8,622.00 378.00 930.00 ### - ### 891.00 450.00 ### - ### 648.00

441.00 500.00 - ### 608.00 600.00 ### - ### 864.00 788.00 - ### 756.00

### ### - ### 2,250.00

600.00 ### - ### 864.00

280.00 500.00 - 9,460.00 540.00 450.00 - - ### 648.00

153.00 - - 6,706.00 294.00

450.00 ### - ### 648.00

### ### - ### 3,000.00

560.00 ### - ### 810.00 ### ### - ### 1,350.00

260.00 - - 8,622.00 378.00

270.00 - - 7,990.00 510.00 ### ### - ### 3,999.96

500.00 500.00 ### 900.00 ### 9,460.00 540.00

338.00 ### 648.00 445.00 ### 810.00 566.00 ### 864.00 225.00 ### 7,568.00 432.00 922.00 ### 1,188.00 225.00 ### 7,568.00 432.00

BASKIN: Rs. 800/- monthly changed as on 20/8/07
BASKIN: was 510
Page 52: Excel Data Management Numericals

### ### - ### 1,462.00 253.00 ### 8,514.00 486.00 225.00 ### 7,568.00 432.00

### ### ### 1,913.00 281.00 ### 9,460.00 540.00 692.00 ### 918.00 225.00 ### 7,568.00 432.00 281.00 ### 9,460.00 540.00

### ### ### 2,137.00 ### ### ### 3,825.00

239.00 ### 8,041.00 459.00 197.00 6,622.00 378.00 1,328.00 1,250.00 ### 1,913 422.00 ### 810.00

### 7,946.00 454.00 641.00 ### 923.00 1,094.00 ### 1,575.00 338.00 ### 648.00 781.00 ### ### 1,125.00 316.00 ### 608.00 1,016.00 ### ### 1,463.00 422.00 ### 810.00 338.00 ### 648.00 197.00 6,622.00 378.00 506.00 ### 729.00 366.00 ### 702.00 717.00 ### 900.00 232.00 ### 7,095.00 405.00 225.00 ### 7,568.00 432.00 422.00 ### 810.00

Page 53: Excel Data Management Numericals

CTC Total Basic (pa) HRA (pa)

- ### 600,000.00 ### - ### 56,700.00 28,356.00 - ### ### ### - ### 512,424.00 ### - ### 600,000.00 ### - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 162,000.00 97,200.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - 6,611.00 31,728.00 15,864.00 - ### 216,000.00 ### - 6,996.00 33,576.00 16,788.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 135,000.00 81,000.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 194,400.00 ### - ### 70,584.00 35,292.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 108,000.00 64,800.00 - 9,000.00 48,600.00 24,300.00 - ### 162,000.00 97,200.00 - 8,500.00 45,900.00 22,956.00 - ### 87,972.00 43,992.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 108,000.00 64,800.00 - ### 187,464.00 112,476.00 0.00 7,150.00 38,616.00 19,308.00

- ### 77,220.00 38,616.00 - ### 180,000.00 95,760.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 54,000.00 27,000.00 - ### 108,000.00 64,800.00 - ### 70,200.00 35,100.00 - 8,800.00 47,520.00 23,760.00

- 6,500.00 31,200.00 15,600.00 - ### 162,000.00 97,200.00 - ### 70,200.00 35,100.00

- ### 162,000.00 97,200.00 - ### 91,800.00 55,080.00

2,778.00 - ### 342,840.00 ### - ### 94,500.00 47,256.00

Set Off Advance

Special Allowance (form)

Page 54: Excel Data Management Numericals

- 7,000.00 29,400.00 14,700.00 - 9,000.00 37,800.00 18,900.00 - 7,500.00 40,500.00 20,256.00

- ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - 9,500.00 39,900.00 19,956.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - 7,500.00 31,500.00 15,756.00 - 5,500.00 21,600.00 10,800.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 167,400.00 ### - ### 146,256.00 87,756.00 - 3,500.00 14,700.00 7,356.00 - ### 86,400.00 51,840.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00 - 9,000.00 37,800.00 18,900.00 - ### 89,100.00 53,460.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 60,756.00 36,456.00 - ### 86,400.00 43,200.00 - ### 75,600.00 45,360.00 - ### 225,000.00 ### - ### 86,400.00 43,200.00 - ### 54,000.00 27,000.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - 7,000.00 29,400.00 14,700.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 300,000.00 ### - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 135,000.00 81,000.00 - 9,000.00 37,800.00 18,900.00 - 8,500.00 51,000.00 25,440.00 - ### 399,996.00 ### - ### 90,000.00 54,000.00 - ### 54,000.00 27,000.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 86,400.00 51,840.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00 - ### 118,800.00 71,280.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00

Page 55: Excel Data Management Numericals

- ### 146,244.00 87,744.00 - 9,000.00 48,600.00 24,300.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00 - ### 191,256.00 ### - ### 54,000.00 27,000.00 - ### 91,800.00 55,080.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00 - ### 54,000.00 27,000.00 - ### 213,744.00 ### - ### 382,500.00 ### - 8,500.00 45,900.00 22,956.00 - 7,000.00 37,800.00 18,900.00 - ### 191,256.00 114,756.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - 8,400.00 45,360.00 22,680.00 - ### 92,256.00 55,356.00 - ### 157,500.00 94,500.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - ### 112,500.00 67,500.00 - ### 60,756.00 30,384.00 - ### 146,256.00 87,756.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00 - ### 64,800.00 32,400.00 - 7,000.00 37,800.00 18,900.00 - ### 72,900.00 36,456.00 - ### 70,200.00 35,100.00 - ### 90,000.00 54,000.00 - 7,500.00 40,500.00 20,256.00 - 8,000.00 43,200.00 21,600.00 - ### 81,000.00 40,500.00

Page 56: Excel Data Management Numericals

Conveyance Allowance (pa Child / Edu. Allowance (pa Meal Allowance (pa)

9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

- 6,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 7,200.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 -

9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 -

9,600.00 12,000.00 -

9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 9,600.00

9,600.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 14,400.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

Page 57: Excel Data Management Numericals

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 2,400.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 2,400.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

12,000.00 12,000.00 15,000.00

9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00

9,600.00 6,000.00 9,600.00

9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 -

9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 -

Page 58: Excel Data Management Numericals

9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 - 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 2,400.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 2,940.00 9,600.00 4,800.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 - - 9,600.00 - 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 2,400.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 9,600.00 12,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 4,800.00 - 9,600.00 - 15,000.00 9,600.00 - 15,000.00 9,600.00 - 15,000.00 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 6,000.00 - 9,600.00 12,000.00 -

Page 59: Excel Data Management Numericals

Medical Allowance (pa Vehicle Maint. (pa) Attire (pa) Sp. Allowance (pa)

- 113,400.00 0 222,228.00 12,000.00 - 0 3,000.00

- - 54660 - - 47,388.00 0 - - 121,404.00 0 378,120.00 12,000.00 - 0 6,024.00 - 32,640.00 0 - 12,000.00 - 0 6,024.00 6,000.00 - 0 3,696.00 - 46,440.00 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 6,660.00

12,000.00 - 0 1,368.00 - - 0 - - - 0 10,200.00 - 35,700.00 0 - 12,000.00 - 0 4,476.00 - - 0 7,200.00

- - 0 7,740.00

6,000.00 - 0 4,188.00 - 24,840.00 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 2,940.00 - - 0 7,248.00

- - 0 - - - 0 3,840.00 - 26,916.00 - - - - - 2,015.28

- - 0 3,468.00 - 33,000.00 0 - 12,000.00 - - 6,024.00

6,000.00 - 0 6,420.00 - - 0 12,240.00 - - 0 4,020.00 6,000.00 - - 1,164.00

6,000.00 - 0 6,852.00 - 30,000.00 0 - 12,000.00 - - 2,820.00

- 24,840.00 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 15,816.00 15,000.00 - 0 21,084.00

Page 60: Excel Data Management Numericals

- - 0 18,936.00

- - 0 28,800.00

- - 0 3,852.00

- - 0 6,024.00 - - 0 31,260.00

- - 0 11,820.00

- - 0 21,396.00

- - 0 17,208.00

- - 0 11,820.00

- 16,800.00 0 -

- - - 9,648.00 3,600.00 - 0 1,356.00 15,000.00 - - - 6,000.00 - 0 816.00 6,000.00 - 0 816.00

- - 0 28,044.00 - - 0 4,320.00 - - 0 6,024.00

- - 0 3,600.00 - - 0 5,640.00 9,600.00 - 0 3,312.00 - - 0 7,776.00

- - 0 5,640.00

- - 0 7,560.00 12,000.00 - 0 6,024.00

- - 0 18,936.00

- - 0 6,024.00

- - 0 10,800.00 - - 0 11,820.00 - - 0 - - - 0 28,044.00

4,200.00 - 0 - - 39,048.00 0 - - - 0 13,044.00 6,000.00 - 0 6,420.00 12,000.00 - 0 7,368.00 12,000.00 - 0 10,200.00 15,000.00 - 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 1,716.00 12,000.00 - 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 1,716.00

Page 61: Excel Data Management Numericals

- 9,600.00 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 4,188.00 6,000.00 - 0 1,716.00 - 28,500.00 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 6,648.00 12,000.00 - 0 1,200.00 6,000.00 - 0 1,716.00 6,000.00 - 0 6,648.00 - 29,040.00 0 - - 54,000.00 36000 - 6,000.00 - 0 - 6,000.00 - 0 -

- 28,500.00 - - 15,000.00 - 0 7,116.00 6,000.00 - 0 7,932.00 12,000.00 - - 2,028.00 15,000.00 17,364.00 - 6,012.00 12,000.00 - 0 7,368.00 - - 0 5,136.00 6,000.00 - 0 5,172.00 - - 0 9,648.00 15,000.00 - 0 7,116.00 12,000.00 - 0 7,368.00 6,000.00 - 0 - 12,000.00 - 0 1,224.00 12,000.00 - 0 1,284.00 12,000.00 - 0 - - - 0 2,628.00 - - 0 4,116.00 15,000.00 - 0 7,116.00

Page 62: Excel Data Management Numericals

Total (pa) LTA (pa) Medical (pa) Bonus (pa)

### ### 15,000.00 - 115,656.00 3,540.00 - -

### 84,000.00 15,000.00 - 852,624.00 64,056.00 15,000.00 -

### ### 15,000.00 - 130,824.00 5,400.00 - - 320,640.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 - 130,824.00 5,400.00 - - 69,288.00 3,600.00 - 2,640.00 412,080.00 27,000.00 15,000.00 - 75,024.00 2,100.00 - 2,796.00

132,168.00 4,056.00 - - 252,600.00 23,040.00 15,000.00 - 153,300.00 5,340.00 12,000.00 - 383,340.00 24,300.00 15,000.00 - 143,952.00 4,416.00 - - 150,300.00 5,340.00 15,000.00 -

202,140.00 13,500.00 15,000.00 -

95,088.00 3,036.00 - 4,044.00 320,640.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 - 89,796.00 2,868.00 - 3,828.00 164,412.00 7,332.00 14,400.00 -

149,100.00 6,540.00 15,000.00 - 206,640.00 9,000.00 15,000.00 - 363,456.00 15,624.00 15,000.00 - 75,539.28 2,412.00 - 3,216.71

140,904.00 6,432.00 15,000.00 - 339,360.00 24,000.00 15,000.00 - 138,600.00 5,400.00 - -

109,020.00 - - 4,500.00 212,640.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 - 130,920.00 4,656.00 12,000.00 - 94,044.00 5,856.00 - -

71,652.00 - - 2,604.00 319,800.00 15,840.00 15,000.00 - 141,720.00 5,856.00 - -

320,640.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 - 168,480.00 11,160.00 15,000.00 - 600,960.00 28,572.00 15,000.00 - 100,000.00 193,440.00 7,200.00 - -

Reimbursements (pa)

Page 63: Excel Data Management Numericals

78,636.00 1,836.00 - -

101,100.00 2,364.00 - -

76,608.00 2,532.00 6,000.00 -

118,824.00 5,400.00 12,000.00 - 106,716.00 2,496.00 - -

148,920.00 6,720.00 15,000.00 -

84,252.00 1,968.00 - -

61,608.00 - - 1,800.00

148,920.00 6,720.00 15,000.00 -

323,640.00 24,000.00 15,000.00 -

280,260.00 12,192.00 15,000.00 - 39,012.00 - - 1,224.00 185,208.00 6,792.00 - - 87,216.00 - - 3,600.00 87,216.00 - - 3,600.00

100,344.00 3,120.00 - - 162,480.00 11,160.00 15,000.00 - 118,824.00 5,400.00 12,000.00 -

116,412.00 5,292.00 6,000.00 - 160,440.00 7,200.00 15,000.00 - 149,472.00 9,456.00 - - 389,244.00 18,756.00 15,000.00 -

160,440.00 7,200.00 15,000.00 -

104,160.00 3,360.00 6,000.00 - 130,824.00 5,400.00 - -

78,636.00 1,836.00 - -

118,824.00 5,400.00 12,000.00 -

522,000.00 27,000.00 15,000.00 - 148,920.00 6,720.00 15,000.00 - 252,600.00 23,040.00 15,000.00 - 100,344.00 3,120.00 - -

92,640.00 3,240.00 - - 677,004.48 60,000.00 15,000.00 - 178,644.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 - 109,020.00 - - 4,500.00 132,168.00 4,056.00 - - 165,300.00 5,340.00 - - 174,840.00 6,792.00 - - 84,516.00 2,700.00 - 3,600.00 238,680.00 11,064.00 - - 84,516.00 2,700.00 - 3,600.00

Page 64: Excel Data Management Numericals

280,188.00 12,264.00 15,000.00 - 95,088.00 3,036.00 - 4,044.00 84,516.00 2,700.00 - 3,600.00 371,112.00 15,936.00 15,000.00 - 105,648.00 3,372.00 - 4,500.00 184,680.00 8,304.00 - - 84,516.00 2,700.00 - 3,600.00 105,648.00 3,372.00 - 4,500.00 407,628.00 26,724.00 15,000.00 - 738,600.00 50,508.00 15,000.00 - 89,796.00 2,868.00 - 3,828.00 77,100.00 2,364.00 - - 371,112.00 15,936.00 15,000.00 - 165,216.00 5,064.00 - - 91,572.00 - - 3,780.00 186,240.00 7,692.00 - - 317,976.00 13,128.00 - - 132,168.00 4,056.00 - - 212,136.00 9,372.00 15,000.00 - 123,912.00 3,792.00 - - 280,260.00 12,192.00 15,000.00 - 165,216.00 5,064.00 - - 132,168.00 4,056.00 - - 77,100.00 2,364.00 - - 147,180.00 6,072.00 - - 143,184.00 4,392.00 - - 180,600.00 8,604.00 - - 78,984.00 2,784.00 - 3,372.00 84,516.00 2,700.00 - 3,600.00 165,216.00 5,064.00 - -

Page 65: Excel Data Management Numericals

Gross Total (pa Emplyr. PF (pa)

1,452,000.00 72,000.00 119,196.00 6,804.00

2,204,340.00 175,680.00 931,680.00 - 1,628,004.00 72,000.00 136,224.00 7,776.00 350,640.00 19,440.00 136,224.00 7,776.00 75,528.00 3,804.00 454,080.00 25,920.00 79,920.00 4,032.00

136,224.00 7,776.00 290,640.00 16,200.00 170,640.00 9,720.00 422,640.00 9,360.00 148,368.00 8,472.00 170,640.00 9,720.00

230,640.00 12,960.00

102,168.00 5,832.00 350,640.00 19,440.00 96,492.00 5,508.00 186,144.00 10,560.00

170,640.00 9,720.00 230,640.00 12,960.00 394,080.00 22,500.00 81,167.99 4,632.00

162,336.00 9,264.00 378,360.00 21,600.00 136,224.00 7,776.00

113,520.00 6,480.00 230,640.00 12,960.00 147,576.00 8,424.00 99,900.00 5,700.00

74,256.00 3,744.00 350,640.00 9,360.00 147,576.00 8,424.00

350,640.00 19,440.00 194,640.00 11,016.00 744,532.00 41,136.00 33,336.00 200,640.00 11,340.00

Set OF advance (p.a)

Page 66: Excel Data Management Numericals

80,472.00 3,528.00

103,464.00 4,536.00

85,140.00 4,860.00

136,224.00 7,776.00 109,212.00 4,788.00

170,640.00 9,720.00

86,220.00 3,780.00

63,408.00 2,592.00

170,640.00 9,720.00

362,640.00 20,088.00

307,452.00 17,556.00 40,236.00 1,764.00 181,632.00 10,368.00 90,816.00 5,184.00 90,816.00 5,184.00

103,464.00 4,536.00 188,640.00 10,692.00 136,224.00 7,776.00

127,704.00 7,296.00 182,640.00 10,368.00 158,928.00 9,072.00 423,000.00 27,000.00

182,640.00 10,368.00

113,520.00 6,480.00 136,224.00 7,776.00

80,472.00 3,528.00

136,224.00 7,776.00

564,000.00 36,000.00 170,640.00 9,720.00 290,640.00 16,200.00 103,464.00 4,536.00

95,880.00 6,120.00 752,004.48 47,999.52 190,644.00 10,800.00 113,520.00 6,480.00 136,224.00 7,776.00 170,640.00 9,720.00 181,632.00 10,368.00 90,816.00 5,184.00 249,744.00 14,256.00 90,816.00 5,184.00

Page 67: Excel Data Management Numericals

307,452.00 17,544.00 102,168.00 5,832.00 90,816.00 5,184.00 402,048.00 22,956.00 113,520.00 6,480.00 192,984.00 11,016.00 90,816.00 5,184.00 113,520.00 6,480.00 449,352.00 25,644.00 804,108.00 45,900.00 96,492.00 5,508.00 79,464.00 4,536.00 402,048.00 22,956.00 170,280.00 9,720.00 95,352.00 5,448.00 193,932.00 11,076.00 331,104.00 18,900.00 136,224.00 7,776.00 236,508.00 13,500.00 127,704.00 7,296.00 307,452.00 17,556.00 170,280.00 9,720.00 136,224.00 7,776.00 79,464.00 4,536.00 153,252.00 8,748.00 147,576.00 8,424.00 189,204.00 10,800.00 85,140.00 4,860.00 90,816.00 5,184.00 170,280.00 9,720.00

Page 68: Excel Data Management Numericals

Special Allowance Form(pa CTC (Pa)

- ### - 126,000.00

- ### - 931,680.00 - ### - 144,000.00 - 370,080.00 - 144,000.00 - 79,332.00 - 480,000.00 - 83,952.00

- 144,000.00 - 306,840.00 - 180,360.00 - 432,000.00 - 156,840.00 - 180,360.00

- 243,600.00

- 108,000.00 - 370,080.00 - 102,000.00 - 196,704.00

- 180,360.00 - 243,600.00 - 416,580.00 0.01 85,800.00

- 171,600.00 - 399,960.00 - 144,000.00

- 120,000.00 - 243,600.00 - 156,000.00 - 105,600.00

- 78,000.00 - 360,000.00 - 156,000.00

- 370,080.00 - 205,656.00 - 819,004.00 - 211,980.00

Page 69: Excel Data Management Numericals

- 84,000.00

- 108,000.00

- 90,000.00

- 144,000.00 - 114,000.00

- 180,360.00

- 90,000.00

- 66,000.00

- 180,360.00

- 382,728.00

- 325,008.00 - 42,000.00 - 192,000.00 - 96,000.00 - 96,000.00

- 108,000.00 - 199,332.00 - 144,000.00

- 135,000.00 - 193,008.00 - 168,000.00 - 450,000.00

- 193,008.00

- 120,000.00 - 144,000.00

- 84,000.00

- 144,000.00

- 600,000.00 - 180,360.00 - 306,840.00 - 108,000.00

- 102,000.00 - 800,004.00 - 201,444.00 - 120,000.00 - 144,000.00 - 180,360.00 - 192,000.00 - 96,000.00 - 264,000.00 - 96,000.00

Page 70: Excel Data Management Numericals

- 324,996.00 - 108,000.00 - 96,000.00 - 425,004.00 - 120,000.00 - 204,000.00 - 96,000.00 - 120,000.00 - 474,996.00 - 850,008.00 - 102,000.00 - 84,000.00 - 425,004.00 - 180,000.00 - 100,800.00 - 205,008.00 - 350,004.00 - 144,000.00 - 250,008.00 - 135,000.00 - 325,008.00 - 180,000.00 - 144,000.00 - 84,000.00 - 162,000.00 - 156,000.00 - 200,004.00 - 90,000.00 - 96,000.00 - 180,000.00

Page 71: Excel Data Management Numericals


Set off against advance of Rs. 100000, paid towards house deposits to be amortized over three years from date of joining, year ending 1st Nov, 2009

Page 72: Excel Data Management Numericals

Performance Incentive at a fixed Rs. 40000/- pa shall be based strickly on your performance and will be paid to you only at the every end of financial year.

Your salary shall be reviewed at the time of confirmation with an increment of Rs. 2000/- p.m. as discussed during the time of interview. This will be strickly based on your performan

Your salary shall be reviewed at the time of confirmation with an increment of Rs. 2000/- p.m. as discussed during the time of interview. This will be strickly based on your performan

Page 73: Excel Data Management Numericals

Performance incentive is fixed Rs. 75000/- p.a. shall be based strictly on your performance and will be paid to you only quarterly.

Performance incentive is fixed Rs. 100000/- p.a. shall be based strictly on your performance and will be paid to you at the year end

Page 74: Excel Data Management Numericals

Date Of Birt PF No Spouse Date_of_birth Age Children 1

23-May-74 MH/41652/11910-Jul-70 MH/41652/138 Mrs.Kamal 4/Dec/72 34 Kanchan

10-Mar-65 MH/41652/219 Mrs. Sapna 29/01/1969 37 Shlok1-Jul-65 Girjesh 23/12/65 41 Ankit

10-Jul-70 MH/41652/177 Gretabella 21/05/1971 35 Nathan15-Jan-74 MH/41652/194 Savita 17/02/1981 25

8-Jul-74 MH/41652/191 Sarita 28/12/1980 26 Ajay15-Dec-68 MH/41652/195 Vaibhavi 28/10/1983 24 Gauri

4-Apr-72 MH/41652/200 Geeta 14/02/1975 31 Jatin15-Sep-78 MH/41652/212 Meraj

3-Jul-72 MH/41652/220 Pushpa 1/Dec/79 27 Aman

1-Jun-76 MH/41652/227 Asha 3/Mar/83 23 Palavi15-Dec-80 MH/41652/231

29-Jul-79 MH/41652/233#N/A MH/41652/237

18-Oct-73 MH/41652/238 Rohini 11/Jul/78 28 Rutuja27-Jun-60 MH/41652/240 Sadhana 26/06/1961 44 Shashank

1-May-70 MH/41652/250 Soulatunnisa 25/03/1975 31 Mohsina Amrin

16-Feb-81 MH/41652/25514-Aug-73 MH/41652/258 Manju Mishra 3031-May-83 MH/41652/25923-May-76 MH/41652/268 Jolly 21/05/1976 31 Angel

8-Feb-70 MH/41652/267 N.M.Prathima 25/12/1976 30 Trishaa15-Mar-82 MH/41652/27330-Apr-64 MH/41652/280 Lakshmi 16/09/1973 33 Venkatachalam28-Oct-79 MH/41652/281

25-Apr-79 MH/41652/282#N/A MH/41652/283

1-Nov-84 MH/41652/286

28-Jul-78 MH/41652/289 Nayana 8/Sep/81 25 Dhwani#N/A MH/41652/291

1-Apr-82 MH/41652/3002-Nov-81 MH/41652/301 Papia 19/04/1986 20

MH/41652/3027-Jun-78 MH/41652/304

#N/A MH/41652/30524-Oct-76 MH/41652/306

26-Jan-79 MH/41652/309 Bini 8/Nov/83 23 Erik5-Sep-83 MH/41652/3078-Jun-75 MH/41652/311 Shweta 13/09/1980 26

24-Apr-78 MH/41652/312

Page 75: Excel Data Management Numericals

14-May-84 MH/41652/317

5-Apr-76 MH/41652/316 Reenath Sajidha 18.9.1981 26 Reemsha Jabeen

18-Jun-84 MH/41652/333

#N/A MH/41652/31827-Sep-73 MH/41652/32221-Feb-81 MH/41652/324

22-Mar-76 MH/41652/321

30-Sep-85 MH/41652/325

2-May-78 MH/41652/326 MARRIED 22

27-Jul-86 MH/41652/327

24-Sep-78 MH/41652/328

3-Apr-81 MH/41652/330 Nitu12-May-82 MH/41652/351

5-Feb-88 MH/41652/3312/5/1988 MH/41652/354

10-Dec-72 MH/41652/355 Jyoti

19-Aug-78 MH/41652/323 Seema Hazare 17/Feb/80 Kirti Hazare

11-May-81 MH/41652/33218-May-82 MH/41652/335

23-Jun-80 MH/41652/33619-Feb-82 MH/41652/337 Surbhi Rathor 1/Mar/83 24

18-Oct-73 MH/41652/33823-Aug-80 MH/41652/339 Pooja 25.12.76 30 Megha

25-Jun-82 MH/41652/340 Sachin Panwar 23/Apr/80 27 Mihir

12-Jan-77 MH/41652/34129-Jun-80 MH/41652/342

23-Feb-75 MH/41652/343 Nisha Thakur 2/Feb/84 23

28-Mar-78 MH/41652/344

29-Oct-81 MH/41652/345 Namita Nayalkar 23.12.79 28

17-Jun-66 MH/41652/34626-Jan-83 MH/41652/347 Sanjivani Singh 29.11.67 40 Amey Singh24-Oct-74 MH/41652/348

14-Apr-76 MH/41652/34928-Feb-73 MH/41652/350 Shilpa Bhasin 2.07.76 31 Aarnav Bhasin14-Jan-72 MH/41652/352 Deepmala Tiwari 31/Jan/79 28

28-May-77 MH/41652/356 Nitu 25/Jun/84 33

19-Aug-84 MH/41652/35719-08-84 MH/41652/358 Chanchal Kumar 25.12.1982 26

25-Jun-80 MH/41652/35915-Mar-82 MH/41652/36012-Dec-74 MH/41652/361

8-Jan-81 MH/41652/362 Sheetal D'souza 16.6.84 23 Angelina D'souza

Page 76: Excel Data Management Numericals

5-Nov-83 MH/41652/3631-Jun-83 MH/41652/364

8-Nov-75 MH/41652/365 Kiran 16/Oct/82 23

30-Jun-83 MH/41652/366 Veda Sameer Bargir 7-Dec-75 296/30/1983 MH/41652/367

14-Feb-84 MH/41652/3685-Nov-82 MH/41652/369

24-Sep-80 MH/41652/3708-Apr-80 MH/41652/371

18-May-82 MH/41652/37218.05.82 MH/41652/373

29-May-75 MH/41652/374 - - - -24-Jun-78 MH/41652/375 Saba Anjum 24

28-Sep-80 MH/41652/5-Dec-82 MH/41652/ Deepti

1-Jul-78 MH/41652/37615-Sep-79 MH/41652/ Deepti Zala 17/Oct/864-Aug-75 MH/41652/7-May-75 MH/41652/ Rajesh M. Thakoo 10/11/19695-Feb-83 MH/41652/

22-Dec-79 MH/41652/21-Jul-87 MH/41652/1-Jun-86 MH/41652/5-Jun-83 MH/41652/2-Feb-78 MH/41652/ Rekha Devi 7/10/1987

2/26/1976 MH/41652/ Swati Kochrekar 7/9/1977 3012-Jun-75 MH/41652/ Razia Hassan 30.03.77

2-Jan-83 MH/41652/10/15/1979 Single4/20/1987 Single

Page 77: Excel Data Management Numericals

Date_of_birth Age Children 2 Date_of_birth Age Children 3 Date_of_birth Age

17/04/1994 13 Geeta 18/02/1996 11 Bishal 8/Sep/01 6

4/May/97 9 Sargam 16/12/2003 36/Nov/00 6

22/09/2001 5 Deneil 19/06/2004 2 Andrew 19/06/2004 2

22/09/1998 7 Priya 3/May/04 224/03/2006 10mnts15/09/1994 12 Vaishnavi 26/02/2004 2

28/1/2000 6 Ankita 4/Apr/02 4 Harsh 20/09/2003 3

18/05/2005 1

27/04/2000 6 Siddhant 12/Dec/02 428/12/1988 18 Prakhar 30/05/1994 12

15/03/1997 9 Moin Azhar 17/04/2000 6

24/09/2001 5

7/Feb/03 3

29/03/1999 7

16/09/2002 4

2/Jan/06 10mnts

Page 78: Excel Data Management Numericals

4.10.2004 3 nil nil


19/Apr/02 6

no no

no no

nil nil

10.09.99 8

24/Sep/03 3.5 no no

no no


no no


no no

10.06.99 8

no no

no no

20.2.07 0.05

no no

nil nil

- -

2.10.04 2

Page 79: Excel Data Management Numericals

nil nil

nil nil

- - - - - - - -

Page 80: Excel Data Management Numericals

Father Date_of_birth Age Mother Date_of_birth

Nalini Goel 25/09/1943

Baikunthnath 28/06/1925 81N.C.Sharma 3/Aug/36 70 Manju 12/May/43James 29/02/1924 82 Ivy 27/08/1935Velu 23/02/1946 60 Kangamani 20/05/1950Ganpati 15/08/1947 56 Parvati 26/01/1953Dashrath 17/10/1930 76 Kaushalya 3/Jan/48Naninchandra 13/08/1944 62 Hansaben 8/Oct/44Kabir ahmed 9/May/47 59 Fakhrun Nisa 7/Jul/50Rajkishore 65

Sathya 5/May/60Ramesh 16/03/1954 52 Saroj 4/Oct/62Vishnu 6/Jan/79 54 Manda

Krishna 3/Jan/42 64 Chandrabhaga 1/Nov/48L.M. Chaturvedi 1/Jul/38 67 Pramodni 1/Jul/38

Khader Basha 4/Jan/46 61

Nagaratham 8/Jun/42 64 Ritamarry 20/01/1946Haribans Mishra 58 Binjanmati MishraP.V.Narayanan 6/May/46 61 P.V.Sarojini 22/Apr/51

Mariamma 1/Oct/55

C.N.PoovaiahGauri 44 SavitaVenkatachalam 8/Jul/35 71 Rugmani 30/07/1940Manohar 3/Dec/56 50 Sunita 28/06/1961

Manjunath B 9/Jun/47 59 Lalithamma 4/Dec/52Prahladprassad 3/Jul/57 49 Manju 6/Feb/64Rampal 60 Dropatidevi

Dalpatsingh 1/Aug/54 52 Jaykurarba 6/Dec/60

Kailash 28/11/1942 64 DipaliDevi 11/Feb/48Subin 17/01/1951 55 Mandira 8/Apr/62

Ajaz ahmed Khan 30/04/1955 51 Talat Ajaz 6/Dec/58

Anthony 8/Dec/38 67 Bertha 9/Dec/46

I.G.Anthony 16/09/1946 60 Treessa 21/04/1948Hiren 29/09/1956 50 Shanta 11/Feb/61Y.S.Mehta 21/11/1944 62 Geeta 12/May/50Sadanand 29/10/1947 59 Kalpana 31/08/1954

Page 81: Excel Data Management Numericals

Chittaranjan 3/Dec/53 53 Dolly 15/12/1965Md. Abdul Khadeer 15.6.1948 59 Maleka Begum 10.3.1959

Prasanna Kumar 51 Meenakshi 30/Dec/99

SIMON 60 Anthonett N/ASahadev 56 Rajini


N Krishna 53 N Sarojini 30/Dec/99

VENKATNARSAYYA N/A 55 AMMAI N/ASatish Kumar Bhatia no Sarita Bhatia 1/Mar/55

Rukaiya 30/Dec/99

W. Sharma 55 Sushama Sharma 30/Dec/99Ramesh Kashiram Chiplunkar 7/Sep/54 52 Seema Ramesh Chiplunkar 1/Jun/62

A.K.Singh 4/Apr/57 40 Anita Singh 2/Mar/62

Kanwal Yadav 1/Jan/59 48 Bimla 4/Apr/59

Parshuram Hazare 6/Jul/49 59 Shakuntala Hazare 5/Aug/54

Mohan Nirgun Manisha NirgunGopalkrishana Ghosh 54 Asha 30/Dec/99

S.Nayyar Hussain 4/Jun/40 58 Shaheen Bano 2/Mar/52

S.S.Thakor 12/Jun/42 55 Anju Thakor 10/Mar/52

John Paul 21.08.1953 54 Dheenudayali 10.8.1964

Manshuklal Thakker 62 Daxaben ThakkerDharmender Choudhary 1/Oct/45 52 Kiran Choudhary 8/Jun/52

Sarat kumar Maharana 12/Jun/59 48 Sanjukta Maharana 10/Apr/52

Ramesh Mahadas 52 Mallava Mahadas N/Amr. Late Shri Munshi Ram 16/Sep/41 56 Pawana Devi 3/Jun/46

George Gudino 63 Rozaline G Gudino N/A

Arun Nayalkar 2/Feb/48 59 Shaila Nayalkar 19.7.52

Mr. Deviram 27/Jun/35 62 Dropati Devi 3/Oct/37

Samar Bahadur K. Singh Subhawati S. SinghDr. C.S.Pathak 14/Apr/44 53 Madhu Pathak 10/Sep/59

Mohd. Habibur Rahman 2/Feb/49 58 Jahan Aara 1/Jan/45

Suresh Bhasin 12.10.51 56 Neena Bhasin 15.03.54

Nirmala Tiwari

sh. T.K.Jha 10/Mar/40 58 Gita 3/Jun/45

P A Vaghese 2.8.1952 55 Annakutty Varghese 19.11.1953

Late - - Sulochana Mohan 27.5.1957

Shankar Naynak 15/Aug/52 54 Vanita Naynak 26/Jan/64Krishna Patil 61 Ranjana PatilMohammed Rafeeq 2/Apr/33 74 years Gulzar Begum 7/May/57Rozario D'souza 3.08.36 71 Elezabate 18.06.44

Page 82: Excel Data Management Numericals

Dr. Ramakant Shrivastava 8.11.1940 67 Dr.Asha Shrivastava 2.1.1947

Mr Manmatha Dey 7/May/50 58 Mrs Santi Dey 7/Mar/66Lal Singh 3/Apr/37 60 Savitri Devi 8/Jun/46

Razak Bargir 9/Feb/50 57 Noorjahan Bargir 22/Nov/54S.D.Singh 3/Mar/36 61 P. Singh 1/Mar/40

Fredrick Laban 21.08.1945 62 Doris Laban 11.1.59R Chinna Durai 45 Shanthi

Shivram Bhonsle 15/May/51 55 Malini Bhonsle 18/Nov/58

Balmukund Luthra 14th July 1955 51 Kailash Luthra 14th Nov 1956Hargobind Hinduja 25-Nov-45 61 Shobha Hinduja 23-Jul-50P. P. Soman 50 P. V. SomanMahesh Trivedi 59 Geeta TrivediM.I.U. Beg 53 Anisha U. BegN. H. Kustagi Gorima

Singaiah D 55 Vijayalaxhmi D.

Devubha 58 Kusum

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AgeLast date of working


637155 30/09/2007






5442 8/9/2007






5845 9/5/2007


Page 84: Excel Data Management Numericals







42 8/26/2007



35 10/5/2007

48 9/29/2007



4645 8/26/2007



6045 10/5/2007


4851 5/10/07


55 11/1/2007







54 10/13/2007


43 14-7-07

50 years60

Page 85: Excel Data Management Numericals


4150 20/10/2007





48 10/23/2007


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Names ValuesBob 250

Alan 600

David 1000

Carol 4000

Type a name to look for : Alan Type a value : 1000

The position of Alan is : 2 Value position : 3

=MATCH(E9,E4:E7,0) =MATCH(I9,I4:I7,1)

What Does It Do ?

This function looks for an item in a list and shows its position.It can be used with text and numbers.It can look for an exact match or an approximate match.


=MATCH(WhatToLookFor,WhereToLook,TypeOfMatch)The TypeOfMatch either 0, 1 or -1.

Using 0 will look for an exact match. If no match is found the #NA error will be shown.

Using 1 will look for an exact match, or the next lowest number if no exact match exists. If there is no match or next lowest number the error #NA is shown. The list of values being examined must be sorted for this to work correctly.

Using -1 will look for an exact match, or the next highest number if no exact match exists. If there is no exact match or next highest number the error #NA is shown. The list must be sorted for this to work properly.

Examples 1

Using the 0 option suitable for an exact match.

Ascending Descending Wrong Value10 40 10

20 30 20

30 20 30

40 10 40

20 20 25

2 3 #N/A


The Ascending list gives the exact match.The Descending list gives the exact match.The Wrong Value list cannot find an exact match, so the #NA is shown.

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Example 2

Using the 1 option suitable for a ascending list to find an exact or next lowest match.

Ascending Descending Wrong Value10 40 10

20 30 20

30 20 30

40 10 40

20 20 25

2 #N/A 2


Example 3

Using the -1 option suitable for a descending list to find an exact or next highest match.

Ascending Descending Wrong Value10 40 40

20 30 30

30 20 20

40 10 10

20 20 25

#N/A 3 2


Example 4

The tables below were used to by a bus company taking booking for bus tours.They need to allocate a bus with enough seats for the all the passengers.The list of bus sizes has been entered in a list.The number of passengers on the tour is then entered.The =MATCH() function looks down the list to find the bus with enough seats.If the number of passengers is not an exact match, the next biggest bus will be picked.After the =MATCH() function has found the bus, the =INDEX() function has been usedto look down the list again and pick out the actual bus size required.

Bus Size Passengers on the tour : 23

Bus 1 54 Bus size needed : 50

Bus 2 50 NDEX(D95:D99,MATCH(H94,D95:D99,-1),0)

The Ascending list gives the exact match.The Descending list gives the #NA error.The Wrong Value list finds the next lowest number..

The Ascending list gives the #NA error.The Descending list gives the exact match.The Wrong Value list finds the next highest number.

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Bus 3 22

Bus 4 15

Bus 5 6

Example 5

The tables below were used by a school to calculate the exam grades for pupils.The list of grade breakpoints was entered in a list.The pupils scores were entered in another list.The pupils scores are compared against the breakpoints.If an exact match is not found, the next lowest breakpoint is used.The =INDEX() function then looks down the Grade list to find the grade.

Exam Score Grade Pupil Score Grade0 Fail Alan 60 Pass

50 Pass Bob 6 Fail

90 Merit Carol 97 Distinction

95 Distinction David 89 Pass


Page 89: Excel Data Management Numericals


Holiday booking price list.

PeopleWeeks 1 2 3 4

1 £500 £300 £250 £200

2 £600 £400 £300 £250

3 £700 £500 £350 £300

How many weeks required : 2

How many people in the party : 4

Cost per person is : 250 =INDEX(D7:G9,G11,G12)

What Does It Do ?

This function picks a value from a range of data by looking down a specified numberof rows and then across a specified number of columns.It can be used with a single block of data, or non-continuos blocks.


There are various forms of syntax for this function.

Syntax 1

=INDEX(RangeToLookIn,Coordinate)This is used when the RangeToLookIn is either a single column or row.The Co-ordinate indicates how far down or across to look when picking the data from the range.Both of the examples below use the same syntax, but the Co-ordinate refers to a row whenthe range is vertical and a column when the range is horizontal.



Blue Size Large Medium Small

Type either 1, 2 or 3 : 2 Type either 1, 2 or 3 : 2

The colour is : Green The size is : Medium

=INDEX(D32:D34,D36) =INDEX(G34:I34,H36)

Syntax 2

=INDEX(RangeToLookIn,RowCoordinate,ColumnColumnCordinate)This syntax is used when the range is made up of rows and columns.

Country Currency Population CapitolEngland Sterling 50 M London

France Franc 40 M Paris

Germany DM 60 M Bonn

Spain Peseta 30 M Barcelona

Page 90: Excel Data Management Numericals

Type 1,2,3 or 4 for the country : 2

Type 1,2 or 3 for statistics : 3

The result is : Paris =INDEX(D45:F48,F50,F51)

Syntax 3

=INDEX(NamedRangeToLookIn,RowCoordinate,ColumnColumnCordinate,AreaToPickFrom)Using this syntax the range to look in can be made up of multiple areas.The easiest way to refer to these areas is to select them and give them a single name.

The AreaToPickFrom indicates which of the multiple areas should be used.

In the following example the figures for North and South have been named as onerange called NorthAndSouth.

NORTH Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4Bricks £1,000 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000

Wood £5,000 £6,000 £7,000 £8,000

Glass £9,000 £10,000 £11,000 £12,000

SOUTH Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4Bricks £1,500 £2,500 £3,500 £4,500

Wood £5,500 £6,500 £7,500 £8,500

Glass £9,500 £10,500 £11,500 £12,500

Type 1, 2 or 3 for the product : 1

Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the Qtr : 3

Type 1 for North or 2 for South : 2

The result is : 3500 =INDEX(NorthAndSouth,F76,F77,F78)


This is an extended version of the previous example.It allows the names of products and the quarters to be entered.The =MATCH() function is used to find the row and column positions of the names entered.These positions are then used by the =INDEX() function to look for the data.

EAST Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4

Bricks £1,000 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000

Wood £5,000 £6,000 £7,000 £8,000

Glass £9,000 £10,000 £11,000 £12,000

WEST Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4Bricks £1,500 £2,500 £3,500 £4,500

Page 91: Excel Data Management Numericals

Wood £5,500 £6,500 £7,500 £8,500

Glass £9,500 £10,500 £11,500 £12,500

Type 1, 2 or 3 for the product : wood

Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the Qtr : qtr2

Type 1 for North or 2 for South : west

The result is : 6500


Page 92: Excel Data Management Numericals


Jan Feb Mar row 1 The row numbers are not needed.

10 80 97 row 2 they are part of the illustration.

20 90 69 row 3

30 100 45 row 4

40 110 51 row 5

50 120 77 row 6

Type a month to look for : Feb

Which row needs to be picked out : 4

The result is : 100 =HLOOKUP(F10,D3:F10,F11,FALSE)

What Does It Do ?

This function scans across the column headings at the top of a table to find a specified item.When the item is found, it then scans down the column to pick a cell entry.


=HLOOKUP(ItemToFind,RangeToLookIn,RowToPickFrom,SortedOrUnsorted)The ItemToFind is a single item specified by the user.The RangeToLookIn is the range of data with the column headings at the top.The RowToPickFrom is how far down the column the function should look to pick from.The Sorted/Unsorted is whether the column headings are sorted. TRUE for yes, FALSE for no.


No special formatting is needed.

Example 1

This table is used to find a value based on a specified month and name.The =HLOOKUP() is used to scan across to find the month.The problem arises when we need to scan down to find the row adjacent to the name.To solve the problem the =MATCH() function is used.

The =MATCH() looks through the list of names to find the name we require. It then calculatesthe position of the name in the list. Unfortunately, because the list of names is not as deepas the lookup range, the =MATCH() number is 1 less than we require, so and extra 1 isadded to compensate.

The =HLOOKUP() now uses this =MATCH() number to look down the month column andpicks out the correct cell entry.

The =HLOOKUP() uses FALSE at the end of the function to indicate to Excel that thecolumn headings are not sorted, even though to us the order of Jan,Feb,Mar is correct.

Jan Feb MarBob 10 80 97

If they were sorted alphabetically they would have read as Feb,Jan,Mar.

Page 93: Excel Data Management Numericals

Eric 20 90 69

Alan 30 100 45

Carol 40 110 51

David 50 120 77

Type a month to look for : feb

Type a name to look for : alan

The result is : 100


Example 2

This example shows how the =HLOOKUP() is used to pick the cost of a spare part fordifferent makes of cars.The =HLOOKUP() scans the column headings for the make of car specified in column B.When the make is found, the =HLOOKUP() then looks down the column to the row specifiedby the =MATCH() function, which scans the list of spares for the item specified in column C.

The function uses the absolute ranges indicated by the dollar symbol $. This ensures thatwhen the formula is copied to more cells, the ranges for =HLOOKUP() and =MATCH() donot change.

Maker Spare Cost

Vauxhall Ignition Vauxhall Ford VW

VW GearBox GearBox 500 450 600

Ford Engine Engine 1000 1200 800

VW Steering Steering 250 350 275

Ford Ignition Ignition 50 70 45

Ford CYHead CYHead 300 290 310

Vauxhall GearBox

Ford Engine

Example 3

In the following example a builders merchant is offering discount on large orders.The Unit Cost Table holds the cost of 1 unit of Brick, Wood and Glass.The Discount Table holds the various discounts for different quantities of each product.The Orders Table is used to enter the orders and calculate the Total.

All the calculations take place in the Orders Table.The name of the Item is typed in column C.

The Unit Cost of the item is then looked up in the Unit Cost Table. The FALSE option has been used at the end of the function to indicate that the product names across the top of the Unit Cost Table are not sorted. Using the FALSE option forces the function to search for an exact match. If a match is not found, the function will produce an error.

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The discount is then looked up in the Discount TableIf the Quantity Ordered matches a value at the top of the Discount Table the =HLOOKUP willlook down the column to find the correct discount. The TRUE option has been used at the end of the function to indicate that the values across the top of the Discount Table are sorted. Using TRUE will allow the function to make an approximate match. If the Quantity Ordered does not match a value at the top of the Discount Table, the next lowest value is used. Trying to match an order of 125 will drop down to 100, and the discount from the 100 column is used. =HLOOKUP(D127,E115:G118,MATCH(C127,D116:D118,0)+1,TRUE)

Unit Cost TableBrick Wood Glass

£2 £1 £3

Discount Table1 100 300

Brick 0% 6% 8%

Wood 0% 3% 5%

Glass 0% 12% 15%

Orders TableItem Units Unit Cost Discount TotalBrick 100

Wood 200

Glass 150

Brick 225

Wood 50

Glass 500

Unit Cost =HLOOKUP(C127,E111:G112,2,FALSE)

Discount =HLOOKUP(D127,E115:G118,MATCH(C127,D116:D118,0)+1,TRUE)

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Using TRUE will allow the function to make an approximate match. If the Quantity Ordered does

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Values Maximum120 800 100 120 250 800 =MAX(C4:G4)

Dates Maximum1-Jan-98 ### ### ### 4-Jul-98 ### =MAX(C7:G7)

What Does It Do ?

This function picks the highest value from a list of data.


=MAX(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30)


No special formatting is needed.


In the following example the =MAX() function has been used to find the highest value foreach region, month and overall.

Sales Jan Feb Mar Region MaxNorth £5,000 £6,000 £4,500 £6,000 =MAX(C23:E23)

South £5,800 £7,000 £3,000 £7,000

East £3,500 £2,000 £10,000 £10,000

West £12,000 £4,000 £6,000 £12,000

Month Ma £12,000 £7,000 £10,000


Overall Ma £12,000


Page 97: Excel Data Management Numericals


Values Minimum120 800 100 120 250 100 =MIN(C4:G4)

Dates Maximum1-Jan-98 ### ### ### 4-Jul-98 1-Jan-98 =MIN(C7:G7)

What Does It Do ?

This function picks the lowest value from a list of data.


=MIN(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30)


No special formatting is needed.


In the following example the =MIN() function has been used to find the lowest value foreach region, month and overall.

Sales Jan Feb Mar Region MinNorth £5,000 £6,000 £4,500 £4,500 =MIN(C23:E23)

South £5,800 £7,000 £3,000 £3,000

East £3,500 £2,000 £10,000 £2,000

West £12,000 £4,000 £6,000 £4,000

Month MI £3,500 £2,000 £3,000


Overall MI £2,000


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Number Multiple110 50 100 =MROUND(C4,D4)

120 50 100 =MROUND(C5,D5)

150 50 150 =MROUND(C6,D6)

160 50 150 =MROUND(C7,D7)

170 50 150 =MROUND(C8,D8)

What Does It Do ?

This function rounds a number up or down to the nearest multiple specified by the user.




No special formatting is needed.


Page 99: Excel Data Management Numericals


NumberRounded Down

1.5 1 =FLOOR(C4,1)

2.3 2 =FLOOR(C5,1)

2.9 2 =FLOOR(C6,1)

123 100 =FLOOR(C7,50)

145 100 =FLOOR(C8,50)

175 150 =FLOOR(C9,50)

What Does It Do ?

This function rounds a value down to the nearest multiple specified by the user.




No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used to calculate commission for members of a sales team.Commission is only paid for every £1000 of sales.The =FLOOR() function has been used to round down the Actual Sales to thenearest 1000, which is then used as the basis for Commission.

Name Actual Sales Commission

Alan £23,500 £23,000 £230

Bob £56,890 £56,000 £560

Carol £18,125 £18,000 £180


Relevant Sales

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Month Sales1 £1,000

2 £2,000

3 £2,500

4 £3,500

5 £3,800

6 £4,000

Type the month number to predict : 12

The Forecast sales figure is : £7,997 =FORECAST(E11,F4:F9,E4:E9)

What Does It Do ?

This function uses two sets of values to predict a single value.The predicted value is based on the relationship between the two original sets of values.If the values are sales figures for months 1 to 6, (Jan to Jun), you can use the functionto predict what the sales figure will be in any other month.The way in which the prediction is calculated is based upon the assumption of a Linear Trend.


=FORECAST(ItemToForeCast,RangeY,RangeX)ItemToForecast is the point in the future, (or past), for which you need the forecast.RangeY is the list of values which contain the historical data to be used as the basisof the forecast, such as Sales figures.RangeX is the intervals used when recording the historical data, such as Month number.


No special formatting is needed.

Example Practice

The following table was used by a company considering expansion of their sales team.The Size and Performance of the previous teams over a period of three years were entered.The size of the New Sales team is entered.The =FORECAST() function is used to calculate the predicted performance for the new salesteam based upon a linear trend.

Year1996 10 £5,000

1997 20 £8,000

1998 30 £8,500

Size Of The New Sales Team : 40

Estimated Forecast Of Performance : £10,667

Size OfSales Team



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x y1 £1,000

2 £2,000

3 £2,500

4 £3,500

5 £3,800

6 £4,000

7 £4,940

8 £5,551

9 £6,163

10 £6,774

11 £7,386

12 £7,997

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120











£2,000 £2,500

£3,500 £3,800 £4,000

£4,940 £5,551

£6,163 £6,774

£7,386 £7,997


Page 102: Excel Data Management Numericals


Jan Feb MarNorth 5,000 6,000 4,500

South 5,800 7,000 3,000

East 3,500 2,000 10,000

West 12,000 4,000 6,000

Sales £4,000 and below. 4,000 4 {=FREQUENCY(D4:F7,E9:E11)}

Sales above £4,000 up to £6,000 6,000 5 {=FREQUENCY(D4:F7,E9:E11)}

Sales above £6,000 999,999 3 {=FREQUENCY(D4:F7,E9:E11)}

What Does It Do ?

This function compares a range of data against a list of intervals.The result shows how many items in the range of data fall between the intervals.The function is entered in the cells as an array, that is why it is enclosed in { } braces.




No special formatting is needed.

Example 1

The following tables were used to record the weight of a group of children.The =FREQUENCY() function was then used to calculate the number of children whoseweights fell between specified intervals.

Weight Kg Number Of Children:Child 1 20.47 Between 0 - 15 Kg 2

Child 2 22.83 Above 15 but less than or equal to 20 Kg 4

Child 3 15.74 Above 20 Kg 3

Child 4 10.80 {=FREQUENCY(C30:C38,C41:C43)}

Child 5 8.28 {=FREQUENCY(C30:C38,C41:C43)}

Child 6 20.66 {=FREQUENCY(C30:C38,C41:C43)}

Child 7 17.36

Child 8 16.67

Child 9 18.01

Kg Weight Intervals15



Page 103: Excel Data Management Numericals

Example 2

This example uses characters instead of values.A restaurant has asked 40 customers for their rating of the food in the restaurant.The ratings were entered into a table as a single letter, E, V, A, P or D.The manager now wants to calculate how many responses fell into each category.Unfortunately, the =FREQUENCY() function ignores text entries, so how can the frequencyof text be calculated?

The answer is to use the =CODE() and =UPPER() functions.The =UPPER() forces all the text entries to be considered as capital letters.The =CODE() function calculates the unique ANSI code for each character.As this code is a numeric value, the =FREQUENCY() function can then be used!

Rating FrequencyExcellent E 6 {=FREQUENCY(CODE(UPPER(B67:I71)),CODE(UPPER(C60:C64)))}

Very Good V 8 {=FREQUENCY(CODE(UPPER(B67:I71)),CODE(UPPER(C60:C64)))}

Average A 9 {=FREQUENCY(CODE(UPPER(B67:I71)),CODE(UPPER(C60:C64)))}


Disgusting D 9 {=FREQUENCY(CODE(UPPER(B67:I71)),CODE(UPPER(C60:C64)))}

Customer RatingsV D V A p A D D

V P a D A P V d

A V E P p E D A

A E d V D P a E

V e P P A V E D

Page 104: Excel Data Management Numericals


This example shows how the =FREQUENCY() function has been used to calculatehow often certain numbers appear in the Lottery results.

Table 1 is a record of all the results from the past seven weeks.

Table 1Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

1st Number 3 36 5 3 2 41 45

2nd Number 6 3 19 37 23 15 4

3rd Number 15 44 35 20 47 29 44

4th Number 32 15 32 46 6 45 23

5th Number 37 31 13 22 49 13 43

6th Number 5 22 30 8 49 11 46

Bonus Ball 17 13 15 25 18 17 1

Table 2 is the list of possible number from 1 to 49, and how many appearanceseach number has made during the past seven weeks.

Table 2

1 1 {=FREQUENCY(C10:I16,B24:B72)} 12 1 {=FREQUENCY(C10:I16,B24:B72)}

3 3 {=FREQUENCY(C10:I16,B24:B72)}

4 1 {=FREQUENCY(C10:I16,B24:B72)}

5 2

6 2

7 0

8 1

9 0 Special tip!10 0 To count how many unique numbers in a range11 1 use the following formula. It has to be entered,12 0 as an array, so press Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than,13 3 just Enter alone.14 0

15 4 Unique values. 31

16 0

17 2 =SUM(1/COUNTIF(C10:I16,C10:I16))

18 1

19 1

20 1

21 0

22 2

23 2

24 0


How ManyAppearance


Page 105: Excel Data Management Numericals

25 1

26 0

27 0

28 0

29 1

30 1

31 1

32 2

33 0

34 0

35 1

36 1

37 2

38 0

39 0

40 0

41 1

42 0

43 1

44 2

45 2

46 2

47 1

48 0

49 2

Page 106: Excel Data Management Numericals


Values Highest Value 800 =LARGE(C4:C8,1)

120 2nd Highest Value 250 =LARGE(C4:C8,2)

800 3rd Highest Value 120 =LARGE(C4:C8,3)

100 4th Highest Value 120 =LARGE(C4:C8,4)

120 5th Highest Value 100 =LARGE(C4:C8,5)


What Does It Do ?

This function examines a list of values and picks the value at a user specified positionin the list.




No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used to calculate the top 3 sales figures between Jan, Feb and Mar.

Sales Jan Feb MarNorth £5,000 £6,000 £4,500

South £5,800 £7,000 £3,000

East £3,500 £2,000 £10,000

West £12,000 £4,000 £6,000

Highest Value £12,000 =LARGE(D24:F27,1)

2nd Highest Value £10,000 =LARGE(D24:F27,2)

3rd Highest Value £7,000 =LARGE(D24:F27,3)


Another way to find the Highest and Lowest values would have been to usethe =MAX() and =MIN() functions.

Highest £12,000 =MAX(D24:F27)

Lowest £2,000 =MIN(D24:F27)

Page 107: Excel Data Management Numericals


Product Wattage Brand Unit Cost

Bulb 200 3000 Horizon Rs4.50 4 3 Rs54.00

Neon 100 2000 Horizon Rs2.00 15 2 Rs60.00

Spot 60 Rs0.00

Other 10 8000 Sunbeam Rs0.80 25 6 Rs120.00

Bulb 80 1000 Horizon Rs0.20 40 3 Rs24.00

Spot 100 unknown Horizon Rs1.25 10 4 Rs50.00

Spot 200 3000 Horizon Rs2.50 15 1 Rs37.50

Other 25 unknown Sunbeam Rs0.50 10 3 Rs15.00

Bulb 200 3000 Sunbeam Rs5.00 3 2 Rs30.00

Neon 100 2000 Sunbeam Rs1.80 20 5 Rs180.00

Bulb 100 unknown Sunbeam Rs0.25 10 5 Rs12.50

Bulb 10 800 Horizon Rs0.20 25 2 Rs10.00

Bulb 60 1000 Sunbeam Rs0.15 25 1 Rs3.75

Bulb 80 1000 Sunbeam Rs0.20 30 2 Rs12.00

Bulb 100 2000 Horizon Rs0.80 10 5 Rs40.00

Bulb 40 1000 Horizon Rs0.10 20 5 Rs10.00

Count the number of products of a particular Brand which have a Life Hours rating.

BrandType the brand name : Horizon

The COUNT value of Horizon is : 7 =DCOUNT(B3:I19,D3,E23:E24)

What Does It Do ?

This function examines a list of information and counts the values in a specified column.It can only count values, the text items and blank cells are ignored.



field names at the top of the columns.

The first set of information is the name, or names, of the Fields(s) to be used as the basis for selecting the records, such as the category Brand or Wattage. The second set of information is the actual record, or records, which are to be selected, such as Horizon as a brand name, or 100 as the wattage.


No special formatting is needed.


This is the Database range.

Life Hours

Box Quantity

Boxes In Stock

Value Of Stock

These two cells are the Criteria range.

The DatabaseRange is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the

The FieldName is the name, or cell, of the values to Count, such as "Value Of Stock" or I3.The CriteriaRange is made up of two types of information.

Page 108: Excel Data Management Numericals

The count of a particular product, with a specific number of boxes in stock.

ProductBulb 5

The number of products is : 3 =DCOUNT(B3:I19,H3,E50:F51)

This is the same calculation but using the name "Boxes In Stock" instead of the cell address.

3 =DCOUNT(B3:I19,"Boxes In Stock",E50:F51)

The count of the number of Bulb products equal to a particular Wattage.

Product WattageBulb 100

The count is : 2 =DCOUNT(B3:I19,"Boxes In Stock",E61:F62)

The count of Bulb products between two Wattage values.

Product Wattage WattageBulb >=80 <=100

The count is : 4 =DCOUNT(B3:I19,"Boxes In Stock",E68:G69)

Boxes In Stock

Page 109: Excel Data Management Numericals


Product Wattage Brand Unit Cost

Bulb 200 3000 Horizon £4.50 4 3 £54.00

Neon 100 2000 Horizon £2.00 15 2 £60.00

Spot 60 £0.00

Other 10 8000 Sunbeam £0.80 25 6 £120.00

Bulb 80 1000 Horizon £0.20 40 3 £24.00

Spot 100 unknown Horizon £1.25 10 4 £50.00

Spot 200 3000 Horizon £2.50 15 1 £37.50

Other 25 unknown Sunbeam £0.50 10 3 £15.00

Bulb 200 3000 Sunbeam £5.00 3 2 £30.00

Neon 100 2000 Sunbeam £1.80 20 5 £180.00

Bulb 100 unknown Sunbeam £0.25 10 5 £12.50

Bulb 10 800 Horizon £0.20 25 2 £10.00

Bulb 60 1000 Sunbeam £0.15 25 1 £3.75

Bulb 80 1000 Sunbeam £0.20 30 2 £12.00

Bulb 100 2000 Horizon £0.80 10 5 £40.00

Bulb 40 1000 Horizon £0.10 20 5 £10.00

How many boxes of a particular item do we have in stock?

Product Wattage Brand

Bulb 100 Horizon

The number in stock is : 5 =DGET(B3:I19,H3,C23:F24)

What Does It Do ?

This function examines a list of information and produces one result.If more than one record matches the criteria the error #NUM is shown.If no records match the criteria the error #VALUE is shown.



field names at the top of the columns.

The first set of information is the name, or names, of the Fields(s) to be used as the basis for selecting the records, such as the category Brand or Wattage. The second set of information is the actual record which needs to be selected, such as Horizon as a brand name, or 100 as the wattage.


No special formatting is needed.

This is the Database range.

Life Hours

Box Quantity

Boxes In Stock

Value Of Stock

Life Hours

The DatabaseRange is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the

The FieldName is the name, or cell, of the values to Get, such as "Value Of Stock" or I3.The CriteriaRange is made up of two types of information.

Page 110: Excel Data Management Numericals

Example 1

This example extracts information from just one record.

How many boxes of a particular item do we have in stock?

Product Wattage Brand

Bulb 100 Horizon

The number in stock is : 5 =DGET(B3:I19,H3,C51:F52)

Example 2

How many boxes of a particular item do we have in stock?

Product Wattage Brand

Bulb 100

The number in stock is : Err:502 =DGET(B3:I19,H3,C63:F64)

Example 3

This example extracts information from no records and therefore shows the #VALUE error.

How many boxes of a particular item do we have in stock?

Product Wattage Brand

Bulb 9999

The number in stock is : #VALUE! =DGET(B3:I19,H3,C64:F65)

Example 4

This example uses the =IF() function to display a message when an error occurs.

How many boxes of a particular item do we have in stock?

Product Wattage Brand

Bulb 9999

The number in stock is : #VALUE! =DGET(B3:I19,H3,C85:F86)

No such product.

Life Hours

This example extracts information from multiple records and therefore shows the #NUM error.

Life Hours

Life Hours

Life Hours

Page 111: Excel Data Management Numericals

=IF(ISERR(F88),CHOOSE(ERROR.TYPE(F88)/3,"No such product.","Duplicates products found."),"One product found.")

Page 112: Excel Data Management Numericals


Product Wattage Brand Unit Cost

Bulb 200 3000 Horizon £4.50 4 3 £54.00

Neon 100 2000 Horizon £2.00 15 2 £60.00

Spot 60 £0.00

Other 10 8000 Sunbeam £0.80 25 6 £120.00

Bulb 80 1000 Horizon £0.20 40 3 £24.00

Spot 100 unknown Horizon £1.25 10 4 £50.00

Spot 200 3000 Horizon £2.50 15 0 £0.00

Other 25 unknown Sunbeam £0.50 10 3 £15.00

Bulb 200 3000 Sunbeam £5.00 3 2 £30.00

Neon 100 2000 Sunbeam £1.80 20 5 £180.00

Bulb 100 unknown Sunbeam £0.25 10 5 £12.50

Bulb 10 800 Horizon £0.20 25 2 £10.00

Bulb 60 1000 Sunbeam £0.15 25 0 £0.00

Bulb 80 1000 Sunbeam £0.20 30 2 £12.00

Bulb 100 2000 Horizon £0.80 10 5 £40.00

Bulb 40 1000 Horizon £0.10 20 5 £10.00

To calculate the total Value Of Stock of a particular Brand of bulb.

BrandType the brand name : Horizon

The stock value of Horizon is : £248.00 =DSUM(B3:I19,I3,E23:E24)

What Does It Do ?

This function examines a list of information and produces the total.



field names at the top of the columns.

The first set of information is the name, or names, of the Fields(s) to be used as the basis for selecting the records, such as the category Brand or Wattage. The second set of information is the actual record, or records, which are to be selected, such as Horizon as a brand name, or 100 as the wattage.


No special formatting is needed.


The total Value Of Stock of a particular Product of a particular Brand.

This is the Database range.

Life Hours

Box Quantity

Boxes In Stock

Value Of Stock

These two cells are the Criteria range.

The DatabaseRange is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the

The FieldName is the name, or cell, of the values to be totalled, such as "Value Of Stock" or I3.The CriteriaRange is made up of two types of information.

Page 113: Excel Data Management Numericals

Product BrandBulb sunbeam

Total stock value is : £54.50 =DSUM(B3:I19,I3,E49:F50)

This is the same calculation but using the name "Value Of Stock" instead of the cell address.

£54.50 =DSUM(B3:I19,"Value Of Stock",E49:F50)

The total Value Of Stock of a Bulb equal to a particular Wattage.

Product WattageBulb 100

Total Value Of Stock is : £52.50 =DSUM(B3:I19,"Value Of Stock",E60:F61)

The total Value Of Stock of a Bulb less than a particular Wattage.

Product WattageBulb <100

Total Value Of Stock is : £56.00 =DSUM(B3:I19,"Value Of Stock",E67:F68)

Page 114: Excel Data Management Numericals



7 4 =RANK(C4,C4:C8)

4 5 =RANK(C5,C4:C8)

25 1 =RANK(C6,C4:C8)

8 3 =RANK(C7,C4:C8)

16 2 =RANK(C8,C4:C8)


7 2 =RANK(C11,C11:C15,1)

4 1 =RANK(C12,C11:C15,1)

25 5 =RANK(C13,C11:C15,1)

8 3 =RANK(C14,C11:C15,1)

16 4 =RANK(C15,C11:C15,1)


10 5 =RANK(C18,C18:C22)

30 2 =RANK(C19,C18:C22)

20 4 =RANK(C20,C18:C22)

30 2 =RANK(C21,C18:C22)

40 1 =RANK(C22,C18:C22)

What Does It Do ?

This function calculates the position of a value in a list relative to the other values in the list.A typical usage would be to rank the times of athletes in a race to find the winner.The ranking can be done on an ascending (low to high) or descending (high to low) basis.If there are duplicate values in the list, they will be assigned the same rank. Subsequent rankswould not follow on sequentially, but would take into account the fact that there were duplicates.If the numbers 30, 20, 20 and 10 were ranked, 30 is ranked as 1, both 20's are ranked as 2, andthe 10 would be ranked as 4.

Value Rank

30 1 =RANK(B34,B34:B37)

20 2 =RANK(B35,B34:B37)

20 2 =RANK(B36,B34:B37)

10 4 =RANK(B37,B34:B37)


=RANK(NumberToRank,ListOfNumbers,RankOrder)The RankOrder can be 0 zero or 1.

Ranking PositionHigh to


Ranking PositionLow to High

Ranking PositionHigh to


Page 115: Excel Data Management Numericals

Using 0 will rank larger numbers at the top. (This is optional, leaving it out has the same effect).Using 1 will rank small numbers at the top.


No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used to record the times for athletes competing in a race.The =RANK() function was then used to find their race positions based upon the finishing times.

Athlete Time Race Position

John 1:30 4 =RANK(C53,C53:C58,1)

Alan 1:45 6 =RANK(C54,C53:C58,1)

David 1:02 1 =RANK(C55,C53:C58,1)

Brian 1:36 5 =RANK(C56,C53:C58,1)

Sue 1:27 3 =RANK(C57,C53:C58,1)

Alex 1:03 2 =RANK(C58,C53:C58,1)

Page 116: Excel Data Management Numericals

would not follow on sequentially, but would take into account the fact that there were duplicates.

Page 117: Excel Data Management Numericals

Excel Function Dictionary© 1998 - 2000 Peter Noneley

TRENDPage 117 of 132


Historical Data Predicted ValuesMonth Sales Month Sales

1 £1,000 7 £4,940 {=TREND(C8:C13,B8:B13,E8:E13)}

2 £2,000 8 £5,551 {=TREND(C5:C10,B5:B10,E5:E10)}

3 £2,500 9 £6,163 {=TREND(C5:C10,B5:B10,E5:E10)}

4 £3,500 10 £6,774 {=TREND(C5:C10,B5:B10,E5:E10)}

5 £3,800 11 £7,386 {=TREND(C5:C10,B5:B10,E5:E10)}

6 £4,000 12 £7,997 {=TREND(C5:C10,B5:B10,E5:E10)}

What Does It Do ?

This function predicts values based upon three sets of related values.The prediction is based upon the Linear Trend of the original values.The function is an array function and must be entered using Ctrl+Shift+Enter.


=TREND(KnownYs,KnownXs,RequiredXs,Constant)The KnownYs is the range of values, such as Sales Figures.The KnownXs is the intervals used when collecting the data, such as Months.The RequiredXs is the range for which you want to make the prediction, such as Months.


No special formatting is needed.


The following tables were used by a company to predict when they would start tomake a profit.Their bank manager had told the company that unless they could show a profit by theend of the next year, the bank would no longer provide an overdraft facility.To prove to the bank that, based upon the past years performance, the company wouldstart to make a profit at the end of the next year, the =TREND() function was used.The historical data for the past year was entered, months 1 to 12.The months to predict were entered, 13 to 24.The =TREND() function shows that it will be month 22 before the company make a profit.

Historical Data Predicted ValuesMonth Profit Month Profit

1 -£5,000 13 -£2,226 {=TREND(C41:C52,B41:B52,E41:E52)}

2 -£4,800 14 -£1,968 The

3 -£4,600 15 -£1,709 same

4 -£4,750 16 -£1,451 function

5 -£4,800 17 -£1,193 used















































Page 118: Excel Data Management Numericals

Excel Function Dictionary© 1998 - 2000 Peter Noneley

TRENDPage 118 of 132

6 -£4,500 18 -£935 in

7 -£4,000 19 -£676 all

8 -£3,800 20 -£418 cells

9 -£3,300 21 -£160 as

10 -£2,000 22 £98 an

11 -£2,500 23 £356 array

12 -£2,800 24 £615 formula

How To Enter An Array Formula

Select all the cells where the array is required, such as F41 to F52.Type the formula such as =TREND(C41:C52,B41:B52,E41:E52), but do not press Enter.Hold the Ctrl+Shift keys down.Press Enter to enter the formula as an array.

A B C D E F G H I J46













Page 119: Excel Data Management Numericals


Text Containing A Number ValueAnnual turnover was £5000 Err:502 =VALUE(MID(C4,SEARCH("£",C4),99))

There was a 2% increase in sales. 0.02

There was a 50% increase in sales. 0.5

A 100% increase was achieved. 1

Only a 2% increase in sales. 2%

Approx 50% increase in sales. 50%

There was a 100% increase in sales. 100% * See explanation below.

The winning time was 1:30 seconds. 0.0625 =VALUE(MID(C14,SEARCH("??:??",C14),5))

The winning time was 1:30 seconds. 1:30 =VALUE(MID(C15,SEARCH("??:??",C15),5))

The winning time was 10:30 seconds. 10:30 =VALUE(MID(C16,SEARCH("??:??",C16),5))

The winning time was 0:30 seconds. 0:30 =VALUE(MID(C17,SEARCH("??:??",C17),5))

What Does It Do ?

This function converts a piece of text which resembles a number into an actual value.If the number in the middle of a long piece of text it will have to be extracted using othertext functions such as =SEARCH(), =MID(), =FIND(), =SUBSTITUTE, =LEFT() or =RIGHT().




No special formatting is needed.The result will be shown as a value, based upon the original text.If the £ sign is included in the text it will be ignored.If the % sign is included in the text, the result will be a decimal fraction which can thenbe formatted as a percentage.If the original text format appears as a time hh:mm the result will be a time.The same will be true for other recognised formats.

Explanation of formula shown above.

To extract the values from the following text is complicated!The actual percentage value is of variable length, it can be either one, two or three digits long.The only way to identify the value is the fact it always ends with the % sign.There is no way to identify the beginning of the value, other than it is preceded by a space.The main problem is calculating the length of the value to extract.If the extraction assumes the maximum length of three digits and the % sign, errors will occurwhen the percentage is only one digit long, as alphabetic characters will be included.To get around the problem the =SUBSTITUTE() function was used to increase the size of thespaces in the text.Now when the extraction takes place any unnecessary characters will be spaces which areignored by the =VALUE() function.

=VALUE(MID(SUBSTITUTE(C11," "," "),SEARCH("???%",SUBSTITUTE(C11," "," ")),4))

Page 120: Excel Data Management Numericals

There was a 2% increase in sales. 0.02

There was a 50% increase in sales. 0.5

There was a 100% increase in sales. 1

=VALUE(MID(SUBSTITUTE(C52," "," "),SEARCH("???%",SUBSTITUTE(C52," "," ")),4))

Page 121: Excel Data Management Numericals






(MID(SUBSTITUTE(C11," "," "),SEARCH("???%",SUBSTITUTE(C11," "," ")),4))

Page 122: Excel Data Management Numericals

=VALUE(MID(SUBSTITUTE(C52," "," "),SEARCH("???%",SUBSTITUTE(C52," "," ")),4))

Page 123: Excel Data Management Numericals


6/1/2007 Printer stand 11 $119.706/1/2007 Glare filter 6 $77.826/1/2007 Mouse pad 15 $100.956/1/2007 Glare filter 11 $149.716/2/2007 Mouse pad 22 $155.406/2/2007 Mouse pad 3 $20.196/2/2007 Copy holder 5 $33.656/2/2007 Printer stand 22 $239.366/2/2007 Glare filter 10 $129.706/5/2007 Mouse pad 22 $155.406/5/2007 Printer stand 8 $82.966/5/2007 Printer stand 22 $239.406/5/2007 Copy holder 55 $388.506/5/2007 Mouse pad 25 $168.256/5/2007 Glare filter 22 $299.426/6/2007 Mouse pad 33 $256.416/6/2007 Printer stand 11 $119.706/6/2007 Glare filter 22 $329.346/6/2007 Copy holder 20 $134.60

6/24/2007 Printer stand 99 $1,185.036/24/2007 Printer stand 55 $658.356/5/2007 Printer stand 11 $131.676/8/2007 Printer stand 25 $299.256/9/2007 Printer stand 22 $263.34

6/12/2007 Printer stand 11 $131.676/13/2007 Printer stand 22 $263.346/14/2007 Printer stand 30 $311.106/15/2007 Printer stand 15 $155.556/16/2007 Printer stand 20 $207.406/17/2007 Printer stand 74 $767.386/7/2007 Printer stand 102 $1,057.746/8/2007 Glare filter 22 $329.346/9/2007 Glare filter 11 $164.67

6/12/2007 Glare filter 33 $494.01

Page 124: Excel Data Management Numericals

6/13/2007 Glare filter 33 $494.016/14/2007 Glare filter 25 $374.256/15/2007 Glare filter 30 $449.106/16/2007 Glare filter 30 $449.106/16/2007 Glare filter 25 $374.256/17/2007 Glare filter 15 $224.556/20/2007 Glare filter 99 $1,482.036/21/2007 Glare filter 132 $1,976.046/22/2007 Glare filter 15 $194.556/23/2007 Glare filter 69 $894.936/24/2007 Glare filter 120 $1,556.406/7/2007 Mouse pad 55 $427.356/8/2007 Mouse pad 44 $341.886/9/2007 Mouse pad 55 $427.35

6/12/2007 Mouse pad 66 $512.826/13/2007 Mouse pad 50 $336.506/14/2007 Mouse pad 45 $302.856/15/2007 Mouse pad 75 $504.756/16/2007 Mouse pad 50 $336.506/25/2007 Mouse pad 77 $598.296/26/2007 Mouse pad 165 $1,282.056/17/2007 Mouse pad 187 $1,452.996/18/2007 Mouse pad 68 $457.646/19/2007 Mouse pad 122 $821.066/20/2007 Mouse pad 175 $1,177.756/7/2007 Copy holder 25 $168.256/8/2007 Copy holder 30 $201.906/9/2007 Copy holder 15 $100.95

6/12/2007 Copy holder 20 $134.606/13/2007 Copy holder 11 $85.476/14/2007 Copy holder 22 $170.946/15/2007 Copy holder 22 $170.946/16/2007 Copy holder 33 $256.416/21/2007 Copy holder 22 $170.946/22/2007 Copy holder 66 $512.826/23/2007 Copy holder 121 $940.17

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6/24/2007 Copy holder 62 $417.266/25/2007 Copy holder 65 $437.456/26/2007 Copy holder 21 $141.337/1/2007 Printer stand 88 $1,053.367/2/2007 Printer stand 44 $526.687/3/2007 Printer stand 77 $921.697/4/2007 Printer stand 102 $1,057.747/5/2007 Printer stand 60 $622.207/6/2007 Printer stand 80 $829.607/7/2007 Glare filter 110 $1,646.707/8/2007 Glare filter 77 $1,152.697/9/2007 Glare filter 77 $1,152.69

7/10/2007 Glare filter 124 $1,608.287/11/2007 Glare filter 65 $843.057/12/2007 Glare filter 130 $1,686.107/13/2007 Mouse pad 275 $2,136.757/14/2007 Mouse pad 121 $940.177/15/2007 Mouse pad 176 $1,367.527/16/2007 Mouse pad 274 $1,844.027/17/2007 Mouse pad 141 $948.937/18/2007 Mouse pad 166 $1,117.187/19/2007 Copy holder 99 $769.237/20/2007 Copy holder 55 $427.357/21/2007 Copy holder 132 $1,025.647/22/2007 Copy holder 75 $504.757/23/2007 Copy holder 60 $403.807/24/2007 Copy holder 88 $592.248/1/2004 Printer stand 66 $790.028/2/2004 Printer stand 44 $526.688/3/2004 Printer stand 33 $395.018/4/2004 Printer stand 90 $933.308/5/2004 Printer stand 20 $207.408/6/2004 Printer stand 80 $829.608/7/2004 Glare filter 88 $1,317.368/8/2004 Glare filter 44 $658.688/9/2004 Glare filter 33 $494.01

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8/10/2004 Glare filter 87 $1,128.398/11/2004 Glare filter 48 $622.568/12/2004 Glare filter 95 $1,232.158/13/2004 Mouse pad 187 $1,452.998/14/2004 Mouse pad 99 $769.238/15/2004 Mouse pad 121 $940.178/16/2004 Mouse pad 198 $1,332.548/17/2004 Mouse pad 104 $699.928/18/2004 Mouse pad 144 $969.128/19/2004 Copy holder 77 $598.298/20/2004 Copy holder 33 $256.418/21/2004 Copy holder 44 $341.888/22/2004 Copy holder 57 $383.618/23/2004 Copy holder 38 $255.748/24/2004 Copy holder 66 $444.18

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1 Free with 10 Direct mailExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 MagazineExtra Discount NewspaperExtra Discount Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount Magazine1 Free with 10 MagazineExtra Discount Direct mail1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 MagazineExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 MagazineExtra Discount Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount Magazine1 Free with 10 Newspaper1 Free with 10 Newspaper1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine

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1 Free with 10 MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount NewspaperExtra Discount NewspaperExtra Discount NewspaperExtra Discount NewspaperExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 Newspaper

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Extra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 Newspaper

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Extra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper1 Free with 10 Magazine1 Free with 10 Direct mail1 Free with 10 NewspaperExtra Discount MagazineExtra Discount Direct mailExtra Discount Newspaper

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Table 1Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Product A 3 36 5 3 2 41 45

Product B 6 3 19 37 23 15 4

Product C 15 44 35 20 47 29 44

Product D 32 15 32 46 6 45 23

Product E 37 31 13 22 49 13 43

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 70









Product EProduct DProduct CProduct BProduct A

Week 1

Product AProduct BProduct CProduct DProduct E