excel guided tour 2 - sort, subtotal, filter and chartsspp2k/1150/008/excel2/excel_tour_ 2.pdfexcel...

Excel Guided Tour 2 - Sort, Subtotal, Filter and Charts Page 1 Due on 04/03/2014 Introduction Excel offers a variety of tools for the analysis and visualization of data. In this lecture we’ll provide a Guided Tour several basic tools for Excel data analysis and presentation: Charts provide graphical representations of data. Charts allow analysts to more easily and quickly compare data, identify exceptions and trends than would be possible with tabular data. Excel has a rich variety of charts including column, bar, pie, scatter and area charts. Sorting data by category, ascending or descending numerical or alphabetic order is used to reorder data prior to additional analysis. Subtotals aggregate data for analysis at differing levels of detail. Filters provide for analyzing subsets of the total data. Transposing switches the orientation of the rows and columns prior to analysis. Visualize rotation a table 90 degrees. The change in orientation shift the primary focus and secondary data focus. This lecture uses U.S. Census Bureau data. Guided Tour Column, Pie Census Data We’re interested in exploring the population changes that have occurred between the first (1910) and last (2010) decades provided in the data provided by the Census Bureau. Graphical charts data population trends will become more apparent. 1. Download the census_data.xlsx to your USB drive. 2. Rename the workbook with the name census_data_yourname .

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Page 1: Excel Guided Tour 2 - Sort, Subtotal, Filter and Chartsspp2k/1150/008/Excel2/Excel_Tour_ 2.pdfExcel Guided Tour 2 - Sort, Subtotal, Filter and Charts Page 4 13. Insert a 2D Pie, Chart

Excel Guided Tour 2 - Sort, Subtotal, Filter and Charts

Page 1

Due on 04/03/2014


Excel offers a variety of tools for the analysis and visualization of data. In this lecture we’ll provide a Guided Tour several

basic tools for Excel data analysis and presentation:

Charts provide graphical representations of data. Charts allow analysts to more easily and quickly compare data,

identify exceptions and trends than would be possible with tabular data. Excel has a rich variety of charts

including column, bar, pie, scatter and area charts.

Sorting data by category, ascending or descending numerical or alphabetic order is used to reorder data prior to

additional analysis.

Subtotals aggregate data for analysis at differing levels of detail.

Filters provide for analyzing subsets of the total data.

Transposing switches the orientation of the rows and columns prior to analysis. Visualize rotation a table 90

degrees. The change in orientation shift the primary focus and secondary data focus.

This lecture uses U.S. Census Bureau data.

Guided Tour

Column, Pie Census Data We’re interested in exploring the population changes that have occurred between the first (1910) and last (2010)

decades provided in the data provided by the Census Bureau. Graphical charts data population trends will become more


1. Download the census_data.xlsx to your USB drive.

2. Rename the workbook with the name census_data_yourname .

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3. Make a copy of the RegionRaw tab and label it Analysis_1 by right-clicking on the new tab that was created by

the copy (first do the Copy, then do the rename)

Working in the Analysis_1 tab

4. Hide all columns except A, B and L. Do this by selecting the other columns, right-clicking and select Hide

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5. Select visible range A3-L7

6. Insert a 2D Clustered Column

7. Select Chart Layout, Layout 1.

8. Select and Change the Chart Title to Regional Population Comparison

9. Select range A3 – B7 and

10. Insert a 2D Pie, Chart Layouts – Layout 1

11. Select and Change the Chart Title from 1910 to 1910 Regional Populations, reduce the font size to 12 point

12. Select range A3 – A7 and L3-L7

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13. Insert a 2D Pie, Chart Layouts – Layout 1

14. Select and Change the Chart Title from 2010 to 2010 Regional Populations, reduce the font size to 12 point

15. Move the chart(s) so they’re within the print area (delineated by the vertical dashed line. This may require

resizing the pie charts.

16. Be sure the full spreadsheet title is visible by selecting range A1-L1 and clicking Merge Center

17. Put your first and last names on the spreadsheet starting in N1 and use Merge Center to ensure its visible (the

number of columns will depend on your name’s length)

18. Select the Column chart, use the Design tab and to Change Chart Type to 3D Clustered Column

Your worksheet should appear as follows:

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19. Save the workbook

Transpose, Column Census Data At times changing the orientation of the data (switching which data is on the X and Y axis) can provide new insights into

the data.

1. Make another copy of the RegionRaw spreadsheet

2. Rename the tab to Analysis_2

3. Working in the Analysis_2 tab

4. Hide all columns except A, B and L

5. Select visible range A3-L7

6. Insert a Column 3D Clustered Column and Change the Chart Title to Regional Population Comparison.

7. Move the chart to the left of the spreadsheet (A10)

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8. Select Switch Row/Column in the ribbon.

Your chart will now look as follows:

9. Ensure the spreadsheet title is visible and add your name using the methods from above.

10. Save the workbook

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Census Data Sort and Subtotal Sorting the data on a specific column and adding subtotals allows an analyst to get an aggregate view of the data.

Removing the view of the underlying details simplifies the results by removing the details.

1. In the same work book go to the Full_Census_Data tab

2. Make a copy of the Full_Census_Data tab and name it Analysis_3

3. Working in the Analysis_3 spreadsheet

Note data is current sorted by State name

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4. Sort data by Region

a. Go to the Data tab

b. Select range A2 – M53

c. Click Sort

d. Change the Sort by column to Region and click OK

5. Add subtotals by Region to the spreadsheet

a. On the Data tab

b. Select range A2 – M53

c. Click on Subtotal

d. Set Change at each change in: to Region by clicking the box next to Region

e. Set Use function: to Sum by clicking the box next to Sum

f. Set Add subtotal to: select all of the years by clicking the box next to each year

g. Click OK

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6. Collapse the data to just show the subtotals by selecting the 2 just below the cell indicator in the upper left

corner of the spreadsheet data area

7. Select range B15-M57

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8. Go to Insert Chart, Column, 2D and change the chart title to Total by Sub regions.

Note the Legend – short coming of Excel when using Subtotal. We’ll deal with this in a later lecture)

9. Select range B1 – M80 (or whatever you need to encompass the data and chart)

10. Go to the Page Layout tab

11. Click Print Area, Set Print Area this will limit what is printed to just the relevant columns and rows

12. Change the page Orientation to Landscape

13. Save the workbook

This view of the data provides a view of the data also shows the significant year to year growth in the South and West.

Whereas the slope of the yearly changes appears very linear for the Midwest and North, the South and West trend is


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Census Data Filter Using filters you are able to zero in on a subset of the data in your analysis. Filters can be applied to one or more column

of data simultaneously.

1. Make another copy of the Full_Census_Data tab and name it Analysis_4

Working in the Analysis_4 spreadsheet

2. Select column A

3. On the Home or Data tab click on Filter. You’ll note a new symbol has been added just below the letter A since

we’re filtering on column A(the Filter symbol)

Home tab Data tab

4. Click the Filter symbol

5. Click the Select All check which will deselect all of the items

6. Click the boxes next to Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee State entries in the list and then hit OK

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The three states will be the only rows now shown

7. Select range A3-A45 and C3-M45

8. Insert a Line Chart

9. Select Switch Row/Column

10. Select Chart Layout 1

11. Change the Chart Title to 1910 to 2010 Population Trend

12. Change the Vertical axis title to the word Population

13. With the chart selected, print (just the new chart will be printed)

Your chart should look as follows

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You’ll note that this view of the data makes the trends clear.

14. Select ranges A3-A45 and M3-M45

15. Insert a 3D Pie Chart - Layout 1

16. Change the chart title to Three State View

Analysis by yourname (The latter content on a new line in 10 point font)

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17. On the Design tab select Move Chart to move the pie chart to its own tab. Rename the tab 3State

18. Save the workbook

19. Submit your completed workbook to the D2L folder Excel Tour 2