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Excelity Pay - Operations Reference Guide

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Excelity Global is a leading provider of a broad range of services in payroll administration, benefits

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Table of Content

1 Introduction – Excelity Payroll ............................................................................ 4

1.1 Features .............................................................................................................................. 4

2 Excelity Payroll – Operations Flow .................................................................... 6

2.1 Step 1 – Company Suite .................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Step 2 – Direct Upload ..................................................................................................... 18

2.3 Step 3– Human Resource Suite ...................................................................................... 21

2.3.1 Maintain Employee ...................................................................................................... 22

2.3.2 Employee Addresses................................................................................................... 25

2.3.3 Employee Dependents Details ................................................................................... 26

2.3.4 Employee Transfer Screen ......................................................................................... 27

2.3.5 Employee Payment Criteria ........................................................................................ 28

2.3.6 Previous Employer Details ......................................................................................... 29

2.4 Step 4– Transaction Update ........................................................................................... 30

2.4.1 Recurring/Non Recurring Pay Elements ................................................................... 31

2.4.2 Attendance Details: ..................................................................................................... 35

2.5 Step 5– Payroll Process .................................................................................................. 38

2.5.1 Supplementary Payroll Setup ..................................................................................... 38

2.6 Step 6– Reports ................................................................................................................ 43

2.7 Step 7- Formula Builder .................................................................................................. 49

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1 Introduction – Excelity Payroll

Excelity’s EPay is a user friendly payroll platform that helps you manage complexities of payroll & tax

across geographies and process payroll in a simplified manner. It is fine-tuned to seamlessly address

complexities present especially in a medium to large enterprise of 500 employees or more.

EPay connects different aspects of HR management and payroll, saving time and costs, and delivers

Payroll outputs such salary calculations, Pay Slips, Tax reports, etc. EPay abstracts Payroll

complexities from Admin and provides a simplified and intuitive payroll experience.

Easy-to-use - EPay’s secure online Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) simplifies payroll processes, improve

operational inefficiencies and reduces manual effort, also conveniently supporting different user roles.

Comprehensive - An integrated payroll offering, EPay provides a variety of features that include payroll

processing, report generation, allowance calculations, wage codes, multi-currency conversion and

more relevantly Integrating easily with your Human Resource systems,

Compliant - Enjoy the benefits of getting statutory reports that comply with Payroll Regulations, across

multi-country, and as well as standard reports that include details about salary, variance, year-to-date,

Pay Slip reports and more.

Accessible - E-Pay’s digital ecosystem allows you to upload and save your employee and payroll data

files from anywhere; and it can be made instantaneously available to you when you need access to it;

even thru a mobile device.

1.1 Features

By integrating EPay with your Human Resource Information Systems, align the requisite inputs to be

provided to Payroll engine in an automated manner and experience peace of mind.

• Web-based, E-Pay is a generic payroll processing application that meets payroll requirements

of all types of firms – MNCs, factory scenarios, domestic firms, Public sector and others.

• Comes with Input Data Upload options. Upload Interface files as Excel, Text, CSV, DAT files,

etc. User friendly screens allow for simple input data creation and modification

• Configurable input files in Excel format and works well with text files of fixed length and delimited

files such as SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft and others.

• Configurable Output files in Excel format and text files such as Bank files, GL and others.

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EPay is a generic payroll processing application that meets various clients payroll requirements –

MNCs, factory scenarios, domestic firms, Public sector and others.


Screens allow for simple input data creation and modification.

Input Data Upload / Updation options

Normal Upload will help support Excel files uploads as per the Upload Configured. Direct Upload will

support Excel files upload as per the Direct Upload Templates Configured. Inbound Upload supports

Interface files uploads for files with Excel, Text, CSV, Dat as per the Client specific interface


Configurable Input & Output Files

Configurable input files in Excel format and works well with text files of fixed length and delimited files

such as SAP, Oracle, People Soft and others. Configurable Output files in Excel format and text files

such as Bank files, GL and others.

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2 Excelity Payroll – Operations Flow

Company Suite

• The ‘Company Suite’ contains company-specific data that is essential during payroll processing, such as the Company Name, Locations, Pay Periods, Pay Groups, Employee Classification, Job Titles, Public Holidays, Weekly Offs, and Cost Centres to name a few.



• This section enables Template Mapping, Field Mapping, File Upload, View Upload Status and Upload Summary.

Human Resource


• The Human Resource (HR) Suite stores employee’s personal and professional details. The personal details stored in the HR Suite include employee’s name, address, contact numbers, gender, race, and nationality. The professional details include the name of company, designation, job title, and office Email Id.

Transaction Updates

• Transaction Update module is basically used to update transaction entries like updating salary and attendance information of the employees.

Payroll Process

• Payroll processing simply means generating salaries. This process involves calculation of salary-specific details such as attendance, arrears, taxes, and loans, to name a few, while adhering to various statutory employment regulations and taxation norms. Payroll processing done very month, on a regular basis, is termed as the ‘Regular’ process. Any additional payroll processing that is done along with the ‘Regular’ process is termed as ‘Supplementary’ process.


• The final output delivered to the client using the ‘Reports’ module is termed as a Report. The ‘Reports’ module, within the application enables the user to generate files in any of the following formats: . txt . pdf . xls.

Formula Builder

• Formula builder is a unique utility present in Epay which is designed to create formulas needed for various calculations done in the application.

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2.1 Step 1 – Company Suite

The database in Epay is grouped into the different suites; Global, Country and Company Suite for

easier and efficient data management. The ‘Company Suite’ mainly contains company-specific data

that is essential during payroll processing, such as the Company Name, Locations, Pay Periods, Pay

Groups, Employee Classification, Job Titles, Public Holidays, Weekly Offs, and Cost Centers to name

a few. The Operational Consultant enters this company-specific data into the ‘Master Setup’ of the

‘Company Suite’. The company-specific information will be entered in the application during the initial

set up process, i.e. when Epay is being configured to process payroll for the company for the very first



The table lists the responsibilities of the Operational Consultant with reference to Company Suite:

Types of Audiences Responsibilities

Operational Consultant

Collecting the master data from the client.

Setting up the database for the new company.

Creating Corporation, Legal Entity, Pay Groups and Pay Periods, Pay Group/Legal Entity mapping, Pay Group Locations, Financial/Statutory Year Definition and Employer Bank Account

Creating Organization Types, Organizations, Employee Classification Types and Employee Classifications

Creating Cost Centers, Employee Categories and Employee Groups

Creating a Job Title and Job Grades for the new company

Defining Public Holidays and Weekly Off for the new company

Modifying existing data if required

Dashboard View:

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Master Setup:

The process of setting up the company information requires the user to enter the mandatory details in the respective screens provided. Each sub module available in the below screen is explained in detail in the following section:

Company Suite >> Master Setup

Create Corporation:

The first step in the process of setting up a new company is entering information about the corporation in the ‘Company Suite’. The ‘Create Corporation’ screen is used to enter information about the new company, such as the company name, address, contact information, and other mandatory information required during payroll processing.

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To enter details about the company:

• Access the ‘Create Corporation’ screen. Company Suite >> Master Setup >> Corporation

• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information.

Create Cost Centres:

A Cost Centre is a part of an organization or a company that adds to the cost of running a company. A few examples of Cost Centers are departments such as Customer Service, Research, and Marketing Department. A company can have any number of Cost Centres. These Cost Centers may be spread across the country or in different locations around the world.

The ‘Create Cost Centre’ screen enables the user to create and define a Cost Centres such as its name, description, and codes. This screen also maps a Cost Centre to the applicable Entity Codes and Pay Groups.

To create a Cost Centre:

• Access the ‘Create Cost Centre’ screen: Company Suite >> Cost Centres

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• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information.

View Cost Centres:

The view screen displays a summary of the Cost Centres created.

To view the summary:

• Click ‘View’. The ‘View Cost Centres’ screen is displayed

• Select the applicable Entity Code, Pay Group, and Cost Centre Code (All are multi-select fields)

• Select the applicable ‘Status’.

• Click ‘Query’, the summary of the Cost Centres is displayed.

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• Click ‘View’ to see the details of the Cost Centres.

Click view button, to get the

details of Cost Centres

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Create Organization Types:

A company can have one or more types of organizations, Division, Department, etc. The different types of organizations are defined in the ‘Create Organization Types’ screen. This screen enables the user to give a brief description of the type of organization along with the date from which the organization is considered to be inactive.

To create an organization type:

• Access the Create Organization Types screen: Company Suite >> Organization Types

• Enter the required information in the respective fields

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information created

View Organization Types:

The view screen enables the user to view the summary of the Organization Types created.

To view the summary displayed in the ‘View Organization Types’ screen:

• Click ‘View’, the ‘View Organization Types’ screen is displayed.

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• Select the organizations in the ‘Organization Type’ field. It is a multi-select field.

• Select the applicable ‘Status’.

• Click ‘Query’, the summary of the selected organizations is displayed.

Create Organizations:

This screen enables the user to create and define the various Organizations in a Company.

It contains important information about the Organization such as the Type, Name and Code. This screen also enables the user to map the organizations created with the Entity Codes and Pay Groups.

If the company has defined its Organization Type as Departments, then the different ‘Organizations’ in the company could be termed, ‘Finance Department’, ‘HR Department’ etc.

To create organizations:

• Access the ‘Create Organizations’ screen: Company Suite >> Organizations

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• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information.

View Organizations:

The View Organisations screen enables the user to get a summary of the Organisations created.

To see the summary displayed in the ‘View Organisations’ screen:

• Click ‘View’, the ‘View Organisations’ screen is displayed.

• Select the applicable Entity Code, Pay Group, and Organization Code. (All are multi-select fields)

• Select the ‘Status’

• Click ‘Query’. A summary of the organizations is displayed.

• Click on the “View” button under Action to view the details of the Organization

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Create Job Titles:

Employees are assigned job titles based on their role in the company, such as Receptionist, Telephone Operator, Consultant, and Test Engineer to name a few.

The ‘Create Job Title’ screen enables the user to create and define job titles in a company, by entering information such as the job code, job name and description of the Job Title. This screen also maps the titles to the applicable Entity Codes and Pay Groups.

To create a Job Title:

• Access the ‘Create Job Title’ screen: Company Suite >> Job Title

Click view button to view

the details of centres

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• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information.

Create Job Grade

Based on their job titles employees in a company are assigned different grades, such as the grades for a ‘Software Engineer’ would be Software Engineer – Grade 1, Software Engineer – Grade 2, etc.

The screen ‘Create Job Grades’ enables the user to create and define a Job Grade and also map the ‘Job Grades’ to the corresponding ‘Entity Codes’ and ‘Pay Groups’.

To create a Job Grades:

• Access the ‘Create Job Grades’ screen: Company Suite >> Job Grades

• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information.

Authorized Signatory Details

Officer or representative vested (explicitly, implicitly, or through conduct) with the powers to commit the authorizing organization to a binding agreement. Also called signing officer for Tax purposes.

• Go to Company Suite > Master Setup >Authorized Signatory - Tax

• Fill in the required details and submit.

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Create Financial Year/ Statutory Year Definition:

A ‘Financial Year’ is a period of 12 months for which the annual financial statements of an organization is calculated. A ‘Statutory Year’ is the period during which the statutory laws of a country are implemented.

Salaries paid to the employees in a company can be calculated based on the ‘Financial Year’ or the ‘Statutory Year’. The ‘Create Year Definition’ screen enables the user to define the type of year that is to be used for calculations during payroll processing, i.e. Statutory Year or Financial Year. This screen also enables the user to state the start and end date of the year defined along with its active status. To create a Financial or Statutory Year definition:

• Access the ‘Create Financial/Statutory Year Definition’ screen.

Company Suite >> Financial/ Statutory Year Definition

• Enter the required information in the respective fields

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information on the screen

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2.2 Step 2 – Direct Upload

In case of Bulk Data updation or for Bulk Master Code updation user can use the Direct Upload option

for faster process.

Template Mapping:

This section enables user to map templates and giving descriptions only.

Note: Mapping is done at a super admin level and for safety purpose, it is requested not to add or delete anything without prior notice.

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Field Mapping:

This screen enables the super admin can map the field, in this the admin only can define the fields, if

they are mandatory or not mandatory.

Upload File:

This screen enables the admin to upload files related to employee master details etc.

The user needs to download the file, fill in the details and perform upload.

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Upload Status:

This screen enables the user to check the status of uploads as per batch ID's. Complete upload status

can be viewed here.

Upload Summary:

In this screen the admin can view summary of all uploads performed. Admin can view number of files

uploaded, total records uploaded, Number of unique records uploaded.

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2.3 Step 3– Human Resource Suite

Human Resource Suite:

The Human Resource (HR) Suite in Epay stores the employee’s personal and professional details. The personal details stored in the HR Suite include the employee’s name, address, contact numbers, gender, race, and nationality. The professional details include the name of company, designation, job title, and office Email Id to name a few.

The major components of the HR transactions are Creating Employee Master, modifying/updating the information related to employee for the new employee.

The Human Resource Suite is defined at the global level and replicated to the country level and company level.

The employee details are entered in the HR Suite when:

• A new employee joins the company.

• Information of an existing employee needs to be modified.

The Human Resource Suite has different screens in which the user maintains all the personal and professional details of an employee. The different screens are:

• Maintain Employee

• Employee Addresses

• Employee Dependent Details

• Employee Transfer Screen

• Employee Payment Criteria

• Previous Employer Details

Human Resource Suite Updation

Update all Employee related details such as employee’s name, address, contact numbers, gender, race, and nationality. The professional details include the name of company, designation, job title, and office email etc.

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2.3.1 Maintain Employee

Human Resource Suite >> Maintain Employee

This screen enables the user to set up the details of a new employee or modify the details of an existing employee. The steps involved are:

• Entering Personal information

• Entering Job Status information

• Entering Dates information

• Entering Bank Details

• Entering Country Specific details

• Entering Client Specific details

• Entering Other Documents information

Country Specific Tab


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• Personal Tab: This screen captures employee basic details such as name, marital status,

gender, nationality and residential status.

• Job Status: This screen enables the user to enter details pertaining to employee’s Job Status.

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Type of Proration: Specifies the type of proration to be considered for the employee. The proration type determines the total number of working days in a particular month. This would be used as the denominator factor in the proration calculation.

Calendar Days – The total number of working days is the total number of days in the particular month.

Fixed Days – The total number of working days in a month is a fixed value. This can differ from client to client.

Working Days – The number of working days in a week is specified here. During proration the system will arrive at the total number of days in the month after considering the value in the field ‘No. Of Working Days’.

• Dates: The ‘Dates’ tab enables the user to maintain the important dates pertaining to an employee, such as Date of Joining, Date of Birth, and Resignation Date to name a few.

• Country Specific: This screen captures respective country specific information

• Bank Details: This screen enables the user to maintain the Bank details related to the employee.

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• Client Specific: This screen contains client specific info.

• Other Documents: This tab enables the client specific details to be maintained for the employee. This tab has data of purely informational value and does not have any impact on payroll.

2.3.2 Employee Addresses

Employee Addresses screen enables the user to enter the employee’s address and contact information.

Human Resource Suite > Employee Addresses

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2.3.3 Employee Dependents Details

The ‘Create Employee Dependent’s Details’ screen enables the user to enter the details of the employee’s dependents.

Note: A dependent is the member of the family who is dependent on the employee for financial support.

Human Resource Suite >> Employee Dependent’s Details

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2.3.4 Employee Transfer Screen

To enter information in the Transfer Employee screen:

Human Resource Suite >> Employee Transfer Screen

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2.3.5 Employee Payment Criteria

This screen enables the user to set up the payment criteria for an employee, i.e. defines how an employee is to be paid i.e. on a monthly basis, hourly basis or on a daily basis.

To create or modify the employee’s payment criteria:

Human Resource Suite >> Employee Payment Criteria

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2.3.6 Previous Employer Details

This screen captures employees previous work details.

Human Resource Suite> Previous Employer Details

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2.4 Step 4– Transaction Update

The Transaction Update module is basically used to update transactional entries like updating salary and attendance information of the employees.

The salary update includes the Pay Elements details of an employee considered for Recurring, Non-Recurring and Adjustment components of the salary.

Recurring salary constitutes the Pay Elements paid to employee on a monthly basis. Non-recurring salary constitutes the Pay Elements paid to the employee occasionally, such as a bonus payment. Adjustments are the Pay Elements which constitute the adjustments made to the recurring Pay Element. The adjustments can be a payment or a deduction from the salary.

Attendance information includes the information related to attendance types that are created in the Define Attendance Types screen of the Pay Suite.

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2.4.1 Recurring/Non Recurring Pay Elements

To access the Recurring/Non Recurring Pay Elements screen follow the path:

Transaction Update >> Recurring / Non Recurring Pay Elements

The Recurring / Non Recurring Pay Elements screen is displayed as below:

The employee name whose transaction details needs to be entered can be located using this screen:

• Enter the Employee ID if known or search for the employee’s name using the search button.

Note: If the user selects an existing employee, the ‘Add Row’ button on all the tabs of the screen gets activated.

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Create Recurring Salary Details:

Recurring salary details refers to all the Pay Elements that will be paid to an employee on a monthly

basis, such as Basic Salary, Shift Allowance, , to name a few. The user provides an End Date for any

Pay Element that is not required to be a part of recurring salary calculations for the future pay periods.

After selecting the employee name or employee ID the transaction details (Recurring Salary Details)

can be entered in the respective tabs.

To enter the Recurring Salary Details:

• Click ‘Recurring Salary’ tab.

• Select the Employee ID and the Employee Name

• Click ‘Add Row’ to enter the required information.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the data.

Note: By default the Recurring Salary Tab is displayed when the ‘Recurring/Non Recurring Pay

Elements screen’ is accessed. When user selects the Employee ID and the Employee Name the

‘Add Row’ buttons is enabled

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Create Non Recurring Salary Details:

Salary that is not paid on a regular basis but paid occasionally is termed as ‘Non-Recurring Salary’. Some examples of salary paid on special occasions are Bonus, Festival Loan, Hardship Allowance, Warm Clothing, and Performance Incentive.

To create Non Recurring Salary details:

• Enter the Employee ID or search for the Employee Name using the search button.

• Click the ‘Non Recurring Salary’ tab.

• Click ‘Add Row’ and enter the required details.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information.

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Create Adjustment Details:

Adjustments are the modifications or changes made to an employee’s salary. The adjustment can be a payment or a deduction from the salary. This screen enables the user to enter the Adjustment details of an employee. These adjustments are one-time and will overwrite the values that were originally maintained under the recurring or non-recurring screens. Do not use this option if it was intended to add / subtract values.

The user selects the ‘Adjustment’ tab to enter adjustment details after selecting an employee.

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2.4.2 Attendance Details:

Create Attendance Details:

To create attendance details of an employee do the following:

• Access the ‘Attendance Details Screen’.

Transaction Update >> Attendance Details

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The Attendance Details screen is displayed as below:

• Enter the employee ID or search for the name of the employee using the search button. The ‘Process Period’ is auto-populated.

• Update the attendance details using the Days option

• Update the attendance details using the Range option

Creating Attendance Details - Days Option

The ‘No. of Days’ option is used if the exact attendance details of the employee are known. For example, if the user knows the number of days, hours and minutes the employee was on leave, this screen can be used to enter the details.

Example: If Attendance Type selected is Over Time (OT) the user can enter the number of days, hours and minutes of overtime the employee has put in, so that the system can calculate the exact amount of OT payment to be considered.

To update the employee details using the ‘No. of Days’ option:

• Enter the Employee ID or search for the Employee Name using the search button.

• Select the ‘No. of Days’ option.

• The records are displayed with a message -

• Update the records as required.

• Click ‘Add Row’ to add a row.

• Click ‘Delete Row’ to delete a row after selecting the required check box. A message window ‘Are you sure you want to delete’ opens.

• Click ‘OK’ to delete the selected row.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the changes made.

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Creating Attendance Details - Range Option The range option can be used if the user knows the exact dates of the attendance details. For example, if an employee has taken leave for 3 days, from 03/02/2009 to 05/02/2009, then by using the ‘Range Option’ the attendance details of the employee can be entered. The system will calculate and consider 3 days leave for the employee.

• Enter the Employee ID or search for the Employee Name using the search button.

• The ‘Process Period’ field is auto-populated.

• Select the ‘Range’ option.

• The records are displayed with a message -

• Update the records as required.

• Click ‘Add Row’ to add a row.

• Click ‘Delete Row’ to delete a row after selecting the required check box. A message window ‘Are you sure you want to delete’ opens.

• Click ‘OK’ to delete the selected row.

• Click ‘Submit’ to save the changes made.

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2.5 Step 5– Payroll Process

Payroll processing simply means generating salaries. This process involves calculation of salary-specific details such as attendance, arrears, taxes, and loans, to name a few, while adhering to various statutory employment regulations and taxation norms. Payroll processing done very month, on a regular basis, is termed as the ‘Regular’ process. Any additional payroll processing that is done along with the ‘Regular’ process is termed as ‘Supplementary’ process. A few scenarios for a ‘Supplementary’ process are:

• If the bonus of an employee was not calculated during the ‘Regular’ and needs to be calculated in the ‘Supplementary’ process

• If an employee is leaving an organization, and the payroll needs to be processed separately for this employee

• If only a few Pay Elements need to be considered for payroll processing

Payroll processing begins after the data from the client is transferred, validated and uploaded into the system.

2.5.1 Supplementary Payroll Setup

The ‘Supplementary’ payroll process is an additional payroll process done before or after the regular payroll process. Companies can have any number of supplementary payroll processes based on their requirement.

The ‘Supplementary Payroll Setup’ screen is used to configure and setup various supplementary processes as required.

There are many scenarios where an additional or supplementary payroll would be processed. Here are a few examples:

• If the regular or main payroll process for a company is completed on the 15th of every month, and an employee resigns on the 24th. The final settlement of this employee needs to be calculated; in such a case a supplementary payroll process is done to calculate his dues.

• If the Bonus for the employees needs to be calculated and paid before or after the Regular / Main Payroll Process.

• If there is a change in basic salaries after the regular or main payroll has been processed.

Note: A few scenarios for a supplementary setup are explained in detail at the end of this section in the document.

The ‘Supplementary Payroll Process Setup’ screen is used to configure and setup a supplementary process. This is done by defining the Pay Groups, Employees, Pay Elements and Statutory Pay Elements considered for the supplementary process and by giving the setup a unique code.

To setup and configure a ‘Supplementary’ process:

• Access the ‘Supplementary Payroll Setup’ screen: Process Suite >> Supplementary Payroll Setup

• Enter the required mandatory information in the respective fields.

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• Click ‘Submit’ to save the information entered.

As the steps involved in setting up and configuring a supplementary payroll are quite extensive, the ‘Supplementary Payroll Process’ screen is logically divided into three sections:

In the first section, the user enters important information such as:

• Setup Code – a unique code given to identify the setup

• Effective Date – the date from which the setup is effective

• Frequency – the frequency in which different Pay Groups are paid, i.e. monthly and weekly.

Select the appropriate Legal Entity and Pay Group for which the setup is to be done

The second section is the ‘Employee Selection’ section, in which the user selects the employees to be included in the setup.

• Employees whose payroll has been processed in the previous payroll process are termed as ‘Processed Employees’. If checked, these group of employees will be included for processing

• Employees whose payroll has not been processed in the previous payroll process are termed as ‘Unprocessed Employees’. If checked, these group of employees will be included for processing

• If the user selects the ‘ALL’ check box at the top left corner of the screen then, the supplementary setup will consider all employees.

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Employee Selection Screen:

Pre and Post Date Transactions:

In the ‘Supplementary Payroll Setup’ screen:

• The important dates that document an employee’s entry into the company are called as ‘Pre Date Transactions’, such as Date of Joining, Re-Hire Date, and Transfer In date.

• The important dates that document an employee’s exit from the company are called as ‘Post Date Transactions’, such as Retirement date, Termination date, Termination Hold date, Termination Release date, and Transfer Out date.

Based on the Pre and Post Date Transactions selected during the supplementary setup, the employees are considered for supplementary process.


If the ‘Date of Joining’ check box is selected, it implies that all employees who have the ‘Date of Joining’ defined in the ‘Maintain Employee Screen’ will be considered for the supplementary payroll process.

• If only ‘Processed’ is selected, then the processed employees with the ‘Date of Joining’ defined during the period will be considered.

• If only ‘Unprocessed’ is selected it implies that only the unprocessed employees with ‘Date of Joining’ defined during the period will be considered.

Note: Important dates such as Date of Joining, Termination, Re-Hire etc. for all the employees will be defined in the Maintain Employee screen in the Human Resource Suite.

If Employee Selection is ‘All’, the remaining

fields in Employee Selection will be disabled

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Example: Consider a scenario where the following entries are made:

1. In the ‘Maintain Employee Screen’

• Employee ‘A’ has a ‘Date of Joining’ defined during the ‘Current Period’ 4.

• Employee ‘B’ has a ‘Re-Hire Date’ defined during the ‘Current Period’ 4.

• Employee ‘C’ has a ‘Transfer In’ date defined during the ‘Current Period’ 4.

2. In the ‘Supplementary Payroll Setup’ screen

• Process Type = Supplementary

• Process Code = 001

• Employee Selection = ALL

• Pre Date Transactions = ALL.

When the supplementary payroll (Process Code = 001) is executed for the ‘Current Period’ 4, these employees, with Pre Date Transactions defined during the ‘Current Period 4’ will be considered for supplementary payroll processing.

The third section is the ‘Pay Element Selection’ section. The ‘Pay Element Selection’ section of the Supplementary Payroll Process screen enables the user to select the required Pay Elements to be considered for the supplementary payroll setup. In this screen:

• Pay Elements processed in the previous payroll process are termed as ‘Processed Pay Elements’.

• Pay Elements not processed in the previous payroll process are termed as ‘Unprocessed Pay Elements’.

• ‘Consider All Calculated Values’ is an option given to the user where the previously calculated values for the ‘Pay Elements’ selected are also considered during calculating the supplementary payroll.

• All pay elements can be selected for the setup by checking the ‘ALL’ check box given at the top left corner of the screen.

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Pay Element Selection:

The ‘Statutory Pay Elements’ section enables the user to select the required Statutory Pay Element

that is to be considered during the supplementary payroll. If all the Statutory Pay Elements are to be

considered for the supplementary payroll, then the option ‘ALL’ form the drop-down list, in the Pay

Elements field is selected.

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2.6 Step 6– Reports

The final output delivered to the client using the ‘Reports’ module is termed as a Report. The ‘Reports’ module, within the application Epay, enables the user to generate files in any of the following formats:

• . txt

• . pdf

• . xls

There are basically three types of reports generated:

Standard Report: These are standard reports and the formats of these reports designed to meet all clients’ needs. The Standard Reports include general reports (Salary Register, Variance Report, Employee Pay Slip, Bank File), which will have common look & feel to all clients.

Statutory Report: The formats of these reports are specified by the statutory bodies. These reports are statutory in nature,

Customized Reports: These are company-specific reports and the formats of these reports are specified by the company

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Employee Variance:

The ‘Employee Variance’ report is generated to show the difference in the Employee Pay Element values between two processing periods, i.e. a current pay period and the previous pay period. The user selects the current and previous periods for which the report is to be generated.

The user can select individual employees and Pay Elements or can select all employees and all the Pay Elements.

The ‘Employee Variance’ report can be generated for the same period for different process types.

To generate an Employee Variance report:

• Access the ‘Employee Variance’ screen.

Reports/Interfaces >> Standard Reports >> Employee Variance

• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’, the ‘View Report Request’ screen is displayed.

• Click ‘View File’ to open or save the report.

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Salary Register by Reporting Level (Excel):

This report gives a detailed account of all the employees and their salary details, such as, employee name, employee ID, hire date, termination date, and details about the Pay Elements that are included in the employee’s Pay Slip or all the Pay Elements mapped to an employee. This report shows the values of salary earnings, salary deductions, gross earnings, gross reductions, and net salaries of the employees.

This screen enables the user to select the order of how the columns in the report will be displayed. For example, if the user selects the first column as Cost Centre and the second one as Employee Category, in the report generated the first column displayed after the Pay Group will be Cost Centre and second column will be Employee Category as selected by the user.

This screen also enables the user to generate the required Sub Total report depending on the different Levels selected, i.e. Level 1, 2, or 3. Based on the levels selected the Sub Totals report will be grouped and displayed.

To generate the Salary Register By Reporting Level report:

• Access the Salary Register By Reporting Level screen.

Reports/Interfaces >> Standard Report >> Salary Register By Reporting Level (Excel)

• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Save & Generate Report’ to generate the Salary Register report. The View Report Request screen is displayed. Click “Refresh” to view the report status.

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Employee Pay Slip:

The ‘Pay Slip’ is a report that is generated to display the various pay components paid to an employee along with other significant salary details. The user selects if the Pay Slip is to be generated for all employees belonging to the Pay Group or if it should be generated for a single employee.

The Pay Slip can display a message for employees based on the text typed in the Message field for e.g. ‘Remarks: Refund/Shortfall Applicable’

To generate an Employee Pay slip report:

• Access the ‘Employee Pay slip’.

Reports/Interfaces >> Standard Reports >> Employee Pay Slip

• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Submit’ to generate a Pay slip.

• The Pay slip would be displayed in a pdf format

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Pay Element Detail Report:

The ‘Pay Elements Details’ report shows the details of all the Pay Elements created, such as what are

the Pay Elements created, when were they created, the Effective From Date, Effective To Date of the different Pay Elements, the Pay Element description, Pay Element Code etc.

PayElements Report


Employee Master Recurring Report:

This screen enables the user to spool the data from the Employee Master Table and generate it as a report ‘Employee Master Report’ that reflects the columns that are present in the Employee Master Table.

The details are picked from the Employee Master MFT table that has details for the Personal, Professional, Country Specific and Client Specific sections. It will not have details from the Dates and Pay Mode details table.

The user can select the conditions based on which the report is to be generated. For example, the user the select the Entity and Pay Group for which the report is to be generated. Further, the user can filter the employees to be included in the report based on their Employee Category, Job Grades, Cost Centres, and Location Codes.

To generate the Employee Master Report:

• Access the Employee Master Report screen.

Reports/Interfaces >> Standard Reports >> Employee Master Details

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• Select the ‘Entity’ required. Based on the ‘Entity’ selected the different ‘Pay Groups’ are listed.

• Select the required ‘Pay Groups’.

• User the ‘Filter’ option to further narrow down the requirement.

• Click ‘Submit’, the ‘View Report Request’ screen is displayed.

• Click on Refresh to check the report status

• Click on “View File” to view the “Employee Master” report


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2.7 Step 7- Formula Builder

Formula builder is a unique utility present in Epay, which is designed to create formulas needed for various calculations done in the application.

The process of creating formulas using the Formula Builder involves the following steps:

• Accessing the Formula Builder

• Creating a Variable

• Creating a Formula

Access the Formula Builder screen:

• Navigate to Pay Suite >> Formula Builder

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Creating Variable:

Variables are components of a formula, eg. X=A+B. Here X, A, and B are called variables.

The user can create formulas, which are used in calculations during payroll processing. Before defining a formula the user has to create variables.

To create a variable:

• Click ‘Variable’. The Variable Declaration screen is displayed.

• Enter the required information in the respective fields.

• Click ‘Create Variable’

Note: All the variables created using this screen will be listed in the Variable drop down box on the Formula Builder screen. For a particular formula multiple Local variables can be used, but the Output variable, can be used only once.

• After creating a variable, close the ‘Variable Declaration’ window to access the ‘Formula Builder’ screen to create formulae

Creating a Formula:

After creating the required variables the user can proceed to create formulas as required. A formula can be built using Pay Elements, variables, functions, relational operators, logical operators, arithmetic operators and constructs from the drop-down list.

To create a formula:

• Build a formula using any of the Pay Elements, variables, functions, relational operators, logical operators, arithmetic operators and constructs that are provided in the drop-down list.

• Click ‘Verify’ to check if the formula is correct.

• Click ‘Name’ to specify a name to the formula.

• Click ‘Generate’ to complete the formula creation.

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Sample field values for the Real-case scenario:

To define the formula: OTamt = OBS/ 167.36 *OThours*150%, follow the steps shown below:

• Access the Formula Builder screen

• Click ‘Variable’. The ‘Variable Declaration’ screen is displayed.

• Enter Variable Type as “Output”, Data Type = “Numeric” and enter “otamt” in the Name field.

• Click ‘Create Variable’

• Close the ‘Variable Declaration’ window.

• Select ‘o_otamt’ from the Variables list

• ‘o_otamt’ is displayed in the ‘Formula Writing’ section

• Type the ‘=’ sign

• Type ‘/167.36 *’ in the ‘Formula Writing’ section

• Select ‘OThours’ from the ‘Elements’ list.

• Type ‘*150/100’ in the ‘Formula Writing’ section

• Add a semicolon ‘;’ at the end of the formula to show end of the line

• Click the ‘Verify’ button to validate if the formula is correct

• If the message displayed is “Your formula is correct”, proceed to saving the formula or correct the error that shows up on this screen

• Click Name and enter ‘OTamt’ in the ‘Formula Name’ field

• Click ‘Generate’ to save the formula

The required Formula is created and saved.

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Modify a Formula:

To modify a formula: Click ‘Modify’ in the Formula Builder. The ‘Formula Name’ window is displayed.

• Select company for which the formula needs to be modified. o If the ‘Current Company’ radio button is selected, the field ‘Company Name’ will be

disabled. o If the ‘Other Company’ radio button is selected, the required company name can be

selected from the list provided in the ‘Company Name’ field.

• Select the formula that needs to be modified from the drop-down list in the ‘Formula Name’ field.

• Click ‘OK’

• The selected formula is displayed in the ‘Formula Writing Section’ in the Formula Builder.

• Click ‘Verify’ to check if the formula is correct.

• Click ‘Generate’ to complete the formula modification.

Note: Every line of formula written in the ‘Formula Writing Section’ ends with a semicolon ‘;’.

The ‘Generate’ button when clicked after building a formula triggers the following two activities:

• The new formula is inserted in the UTTB_FOR_DEFN table

• A new procedure is created using the name of the newly created formula. This procedure is visible in the Procedures list in the Client Database browser (also called as the Schema browser).

Example: If a new formula called TEST_DOC is created, the procedure created for this formula is named as FB_TEST_DOC.

Note: The name of the formula should be unique and should not match any existing formula