exchange poland - belgium


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EXCHANGE POLAND - BELGIUM. Produkt sfinansowany z funduszu programu "Uczenie się przez całe życie" w ramach realizacji programu Comenius. Product financed by the EU under Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Produkt sfinansowany z funduszu programu "Uczenie się przez całe

życie" w ramach realizacji programu Comenius.

Product financed by the EU under Comenius Lifelong Learning


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Dominika JanuszewskaEwa Tyma

Marta TurekPieter Daels Angie Navia

Iris VanderhaegheInse VerplankenLies Eeckhout

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TROJAN WARIn Greek mythology, the

Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the

Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus king of


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Peacebringer: James CarterJames Earl Carter Jr. was born on 1 October 1924 in the Plains. He

is an American politicianwho served as the 39th President of the United States (1977–

1981)Democratic party.Carter inherited huge economic and financial problems of his

Republican. He did a goodjob abroad: peace treaty between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat

and Israeli PrimeMinister Menachem Begin. He was the recipient of the 2002 Nobel

Peace Prize, the onlyU.S. President to have received the Prize after leaving office.

Carter received the awardfor decades of tireless efforts to find peaceful solutions to

international conflicts, promotedemocracy and human rights, and economic and social

development. He was honored forhis contribution to the quest for world peace. At the end of the

presidency has repeatedlyserved as a mediator in conflicts around the world. After leaving

office Carter is not restingon its laurels, and devoted himself to the continued operation of

the public. He giveslectures, acting as a peace activist and human rights. He also

writes books. The end of 2006he published a book "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid."

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Thank you for your

attention prepared by: Dominika Januszewska