executed settlement agreement

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  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    06-l3-Z0l 04:47PM FROM-BROTHERT0tlA$l



    CAUSE O. O.OO957.C

    T-694 P.003/021 -38S




    This CompromiseSetrlemcntAgreeinent(this "Agreement") is entered nto by andbetween he City of Dallas ("Dallas" or the "City") and the Museurnof the AmericanRailroad(,.MAR") for flre mufual considerationand purposesexpressed erein. Dallas and MAR aresometimesefened o in this Agreementndividuallyas"Parly" andcollectivelyas"the Panies"'The partiesunderstand nd acknowledgehat this Agreement s expresslycontingentupou theapprovalof rhe ermshereofby the DallasCity Corurciland heBoard of Trusteesor MAR.

    NOW, TIIEREFOR-E,rr consideration f rhe surnof $10.00and the mutual covenants'warraflties,promises,and agreemerrts tated n this Agreement,and the entry of an ageeddismissal n tle Lawsuir,and othergoodand valuableconsideration,he receiptarrdsufficiencyof wSichareherebyagreedo andacknowledgedy theParties,he Partiesagreeas ollows:

    AGREEMENTSl. Incorporation of Exhibits.

    The exhibitsattachecleretoarc ncorporated ereinby reference.2. Definitions.

    The fotlowing definitionsshall apply o this Agteement:a- .'V[l{ft" shall mean he Museunrof the AmericanRailroadzurd ts crurentandformermembers,offrcials,officers,employees, gents,attomeys,successorsnd assignsandanyoneactfutg Y or for it'


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    b. "Frisco" shallmean heCity of Frisco,Texas'c. ,.Dnllas"or "City" shallmearr he City of Dallas,a Texasmunicipalcorporationa'd its crurentand former City Council nrembers, ffrcials,officers,employees, gents'boards, Ommissions,epartrrrents,ttorneysOraflyoneactingby Or Or t'd, ..Move-outDate" shallmean he dateon which MAR and he Collectionmust becomplerelyemoved rour he SubjectProperty,which dateshall beDecember 1, 20I l.e. '.Collection" sha]I mean all of the tains, locomotives,buildirrgs, and railsexistingon t}1eSubjectProperfyon thedateof ttre exccutionof thisAgreemerrt.f. "TemporaryLocation" shallmean he real prcpefly to which MAI{ has accessotemporarily ocate he Collection n the event hat the Collection s not removed rom theProperryby the Move-outDatebecauseheFriscoProperrys not ready.g. "subjecr Properq/' shall meanreal properry ocatedat Fair Park and containingIpproximatelyLl9 flcres,moreparticularlyshownon the attachedExhibit "A" on whichthe Collection s cr.nrentlyocated.h. "Frisco Property"shall mearr he real properry ocated u Frisco to which MARwill be ocatirtg.i. "Lawsuiro'shall meau he lawsuit styledandnumberedCity of Dallasv. Museumof theAmericanRailroad,CauseNo. l0-00957,pendingrr he 68'nDistrictCourtDallasCounty,Texas.j. "Fhul OccupancyDate"shall mean he final dateon which IvIARmay occupy heSubjectProperryafterwhich dateMAR quilclaimsand conveyso the City all of its right,title and irrterest n the Collection, n tlre eventthat MAR has not vacated he SubjectProperry y theMove-outDate,which FinalOccuparrcy ate s January 1,2012,whichdaterepresentshe last datethat MAR may occupy he SubjectPropertysubject o theforcemajeureprovisions n this Agreemerrt.

    3. Ccrtain tr'inancinlMatters'a. In the event that MAR has not vacated he SubjectProperty by *re Move-outDate,MAR shallpay to tlre City thc sum of $100.00per day that t occupieshe Subjectproperry from January7, 2Q12, uough January31, 2012. In the event lhat MARoccupieshe SubjectProperty asrJanuary 1,2012,because f the existence f a forcemajerueon either thc SubjectPropertyor dre TemporaryLocation, MAR shall pay theCity $250.00per day, bur said daily paymentshall not be due if tlre Collection isquitclaimed o tlre City prusuant o Sectiona(d) of this Agreement. Sections4 and 9 ofthis Agreementgovern JvIAR'soccupancyof the Subject Propertyafter Decerrber31,201 .


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    b. All courroosts,expenses, ttomeys' ees,and other costsafld feesnot specificallyidentified n this Agreementand either ncr:rredn connectionwitlr the Lawsuit, ncurredin carrying out t}re terms of this Agreementor ot]rerwise,shall be paid by ttre Partyincurringsameunlessotherwisestated erein.4. MAR's Duties and Responsibilities.

    MAR's dutiesandresponsibilities nder hisAgreementnreas ollows:a. Maintain a policy of liability insurancehat MAR currentlymaintains,or is requiredto maintain,on t[e SubjectPropertyuntil MAR has completelyvacated he SubjectProperty;b. Vacate he SubjectPropertyby the Move-outDate. By this date,all of ttre Collection

    must be removed from the Subject Property. In the cvent that MAR and theCollectionhavenot been emoved tom the SubjectPropertyby the Move-outDate,for wSatever easo$,MAR and he Collection may occupy he SubjectPropertyuntilt6e Final OccupancyDate,and shallpay the City the sum of $]00 per day for eachday that IyIAR occupies lre SubjectPropertybetweenJarruary,2012, and Jarruary3l,zQtZ. All of ttre Collectionmust be removed rom the SubjectProperryby theFinal OccuPancY ate;c. If MAR or ilty or all of the Collection is still occupying he SubjectProperryonFebruary1, 2012,MAR agrees nd ackrrowledgeshat MAR ceaseso have any right,title or interest n any Collectionremainingon the SubjectProperty,unlessa force

    majeureexistsat the SubjecrPropeityor fte TemporaryLocation lratprevents, r hasprevenrcd,he Collectionfrom beingmoved o the TemporaryLocationby &e Finalb..opancy Date and he City may useor disposcof such emainingCollection n theCity's soli discrerion,subject o any existing iens on the Collectron,and MAR shallnot initiate any litigation in counectiorrwith the City's exerciseof rhe dispositionofthe Collectionremainingon the SubjectPropertyafterJanuary31,2012. Further, heCiry may not useor dispose f the collectionafter January 1,2012 so ong as heMuseum s paying$250.00per day o tre Ciry and a force majeureexistson either heSubjectPropertyor the Temporary Location that prevents,or has prevented, heCollectionfrom being relocatedo the TernporaryLocation by the Final OccupancyDate. MAR lrasno right to occupy he SrrbjectPropertyafter January31,2012,despite ts willingness o pay ttre$250.00per day, f a force majeuredid not or doesnot exist on either the SubjectProperryor the TemporaryLocationthat preveuts,orhasprevented,he Collection rom beirrg elocatedo the TemporaryLocation by theFinal OccupancyDate;

    d, MAR shall quitclaim, n writing, to the City any right, title or interest n tlre SubjectProperty,notwirhsnnding the fact that the City contends hat MAR has no suchright,title or inreresrn andto the SubjectProperty, n a form to be preparedby the Ciry.


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    Such quitclaim shall be executedby MAR and deliveredto Paul Salzberger,hemediatorappointedby the court n the Lawsuit,withirr 14 daysafter tlre form of.thequitclaim iras been ielivered to MAR by the City to be held in escrow. Ivft.dJrUrie"* shalldeliver he quitclaim o the City within 3 duyj after he anerof eitherthe Move-out Date or the Finat O..upancy Date, If MAR is still occupying heSubjectPropertypasr the latter of the Move-outDate or the Fiual OccupanryDatebecauseof ihe eiistence of a force majeureon either the SubjectPropertyor theTemporaryLocation lrat prevents hs relocationof the Collectionto the TemporaryLocation,and s payingthe daily $250.00 ee, Mr. Salzberger hall continue o holdthe quitciaittt n ir.ro* urrtil the forcemajerrreon either the SubjcctProperty9r theTemporaryLocation cea$eso exist such thar the Collection is capableof beingmoved o theTemPorary ocation;Make arrangemenrs ith moving companies,ailroads,etc., 0 accomplishhe moveof MAR arrd he Collection o Frisco. MAR agrecsand acknowledgeshat the Cityshall not be responsibleor any costs n corurectionwith the move of MAR or theCollection o Frisco nor is the City responsibleor securinganypermits,approvals, rlicenses n connectionwith suclrmove. The City shall not interferewith IvIAR'sacquisitiorror obtainingof anypermits,approvalsor iicenses o accomplishhemoveof the Collection, unlesssuch reguestseither violate a federal, stateor local law,stfltute,ordinance,or regulationor perfonnanceof work undersuchpermit, approvnlor licensewould violatea federal,stateor local law, statute, rdinance, r regulation;Terminate and/or releaseany exiSting contracts,concessions,optionS, icenses,permits,or lease ights for or related o the SubjectProperry,o which MAR, or anyof its predecessor'ientered nto in connectionwith the use or occuparcyof the$ubjectProperty;Make no improvemenrsor modifications to the Subject Propentyother than theremovalof the Collection;pay all of its conuacrors,aborersarrdmaterialmenn conaectionwith its move toFrisco a11d ot permit any mechanicsand materialmen's iens, UCC financingstatements,mortgagesor any oilrer encumbranceso be placed or affixed to ilreSubjectProperryas a resultof the work doneon the SubjectProperty n connectionwith themove o Frisco;MAR maymaintaina sign on the SubjectProperty,whicir shall not excced 0 squarefeet in size,announcinghe moveof MAR to Frisco,wlrich sigu shall be removedbythe atterof eiflrer he Move-outDateor the Final OccupancyDate;hovide montlrly written updates o Daniel I'Iuertq Fair Park Manager,of the statusofMAR's move o Frisco;




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    k. Submit an applicatioo or a certificarcof demolition (removal)with the LaudmarkCommission-of5" City regarding he removalof the Depot, he Tower Building andthe rails from the SuUjectPropertyby July 7, 2011,and shalldiligently pusue suchapplication luoughcortsiderationy theLandmarkCommiEsion.MAR's Covenants,Representatious nd Wnrrnnties'MAR rnakeshefOllowingcovenants,ePresentationsndwarranties:

    It will have, prior to rhe Final OccuparrcyDate, terminated arrd cancelledallagleements i ,OnttaCts,either oral Or written, licenses,permits or any otherauthorizationo any hird party, ncludingbut not limited t0' manflgementompanies'carriers, sublessees,materialmen,suppliers,concessionaircs, ustodians,securiryflrms, or a5y Otherperson, irm OI companyrelated O the presentor past use Oroccupa1cy hthe SubjectPropertyor theprovisionofgoods or services n corurectionwith MAR's useor occupancy f the SubjectProperty;It has not pledged,conveyecl, ssigned,rypothecated r rnortgagedhe Collection,Oflrerhan o Frisco,nor arry nterestt mayclaim rr and o the SubjectProperty;It slratlwork with ttre StateFairof Texas o coordinarcUlemove o Frisco;


    c.d. Thar prior to moving eachpieceor part of the Collection, t will have acquiredallapprovalsand consentsnecessflryo trove that piece or part of the Collection toFrisco:

    That rro contractor,materialman,concessiouaire r any third paffy haS rnade ademanci, laim or lawsuit againstMAR as a resultof materialsprovidedor sewicesrenderedon the SubjectProperty or MAR or in arryway connectedwith MAR's useor occupancy fthe SubjectProperfy;It is not entitled o anypaymenrof anykind from Dallas n connectionwith the useoroccupancy fthe SubjectProperty;

    g. It shall complywitlr any and atl local, statearrd ederal equirementsegardirtgmalcingheCollectioneadyo move rom heSubject roperty;That prior to t}e executionof this Agreement, t will have obtainedall writtenapprovals, resolutions and authorizationsrequired by the bylaws, articles ofiniorporarionor anyother documents f its corporateentity autlrorizing he executionof this Agreementand ngreeingo the termsand conditionshereofand will providesucSapprovalso the City within 10daysof the executionof tlris Agreernerrt;Not use any of the funds drat t clrrretrtlyhas on handfor Phase -A, which is more



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    paflicularlydescribedn tlre DevelopmentAgreementbetweenMAI{ andFrisco, or*y p*pore odrer ftan Phase A work, until after the Phase1A work has beencompleted.City's Covenants,Representations nd Wnrranties.The City makes le following covenfldts, eprcscntationsnnd warrantics:a. The City will permit IvIAR ro occupy he SubjectPropertyuntil the Final Occupancy

    Date. Tlre Ciry will nor disturbMAR's occupancy f the SubjectProperryeadingupto the Firral OccupancyDate provided MAR doesnot violate any federal,stateorlocal aw, statute, rdinance r regulation;

    b. The City will processpermiu submittedby MAR in eonnectionwith the move as tprocesses uch permitsby other applicants or suchpermits,and the approvalandissuance f suchpermitsshall not be wreasonablywithheld;The City shall quitclaim, in writing, to MAR any right, title or interest in ttreCollection, n a form to beprepared y MAR. The City shall reviewand approve heform of suchquitclaim, whose approvalshall not be unreasonablywitllrcld. Suchquitclaimshallbe executed y the City anOdelivered o Paul Salzberger,he mediatorappointedby the court in the Lawsuit,within 14 days after this Agreementhas beenexecuted y the City to be held n escrow. N{r. Salzberger halldeliver the quitclaimto MAR within 3 days after the latter of eitlrer the Move-out Date or the FinalOccupancyDate. If MAR does not vacate the Subject Property by the FinalOccupancyDate and a force majeue d.ocs ot exist thatprevents he removal of theCollectiol to the TemporaryLocation, hen vlr. Salzberger hall retum the quitclaimto the City,The City is not enrirled ro anypayruentof arrykind from MAR in conuectionwith theuseor occupancy fthe SubjectProPerty;The City is rrot entitled o any"baokrent" or utilities.

    7. Termiuation of Intcrcst in the SubiectProperty'Dallasarrd vIAR hereby enninate,effectiveuponthe latter of the Move'out Date or the

    Filal OccupancyDate, or asprovided or in paragraph a above,any right title or interest hatMAR mayhaveor claim in and o the SubjectPropeffy,suchand zury ight which MAR claims nand to the SubjectPropertyaffer such date s null, void and ofno filther force and effect, and




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    rhat MAR shall have no further right or interest rr the Subject Propertyand no funher right tooccupy*re Subjectpropertyand doesherebyassign,ransferand convey,wilhout waffanty, untoDallas anyand all rights,revenues ccrued, laims,privilegesarrd nterests'8. Dismissalof the Lawsuit.

    The Parriesagrce lrat the Lawsuit and all claimsarrdcounterclaimsn the Lawsuit shallbe dismissedwitlr prejudicc. The dismissal hatlbe filed by the City and he Museumwithin 10daysof the executionof this Agreement y the City.9, Force Maieure'

    In rhe evenr hat MAR canngtmove he Collection o ilre TemporaryLocationby January3 1, 2012,because f a forcemajeue existing,or havingexistedon either he SubjectPropertyorthe TemporaryLocation that prevents he Colleetion from being relocated o the TemporaryLocatiorrby the Final OccupancyDate,MAR may continue o occupy he SubjectProperry,uponthe payment o the City of the $250.00 ee as describedrr paragraph3a above,until after the

    foree majeurehas endedand all of the Collecttion asbeen emoved rom the SubjectProPerty.Forcemajeureshall mean events hat prevent he removal of the Collection from the SubjeotProperryand shall include only acts of God or the public enelny, fires, floods, tornadosorunusuallysevere torms,epidemics, uarantirreestrictions,and stikes. For tlrepurposes f thisAgreement,he definition of forcemajeue containedn this sectionapplieswherreverhatphraseis used n this Agreement.MAR shallnotiff the City iu writing within 3 daysof thebegirrnirrg fthe eventwhich MAR considerso bea force majeure.10. Environmental.

    Nothing in this sectiorror this SettlemartAgreementsball be read as releasingMAR orthe City from any potentral environmental clairns on the SubjectProperty irr accordancewith


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    cuffEntstiltutesand regulations.ll . No Waivcr of Governmental mmunity.

    Dallas is in no way waiving or impairing its claim of governmentalor sovereignimmulity, if any, as o all claims broughtagainstt in the Lawsuitsor by virtuc of the executionof this Agrcement.12. Preseruqtionof Privilege.

    Nothing containednrhis Agreement ndno actrequired o beperformedpursuanto thisAgreements intended o constitute, ause r effectany waiver(in wholeor in part)of anyattorney-client rivilege, work productprotectionor corunon irrtereslljointdefense rivilege,andeachParty o this AgreernEnt ovetrants nd agreeslrat t shallnot makeor cause o be made nany forum any assertiorto the contrary.13. Obligation to Perform this Agreement.

    Notwithstanding anythirrgcontained n this Agreement o the contrary, tlre Partiesdo notexcuseeach other from their obligationsunder this Agreement, ncluding without limitarionwrinerrcovenants,writteu representationsndwritten waranties expresslymadeby thern n thisAgreement. The Partiesshall cooperatewith each other in the drafting and executionof suchadditional documentsas are reasonably equestedor requiredto implement he terrrs of t'hisAgreement. Notwithstandingthe previous sentence,his Agreement s irrtended o be aneuforceable greement.14, Owncrship of Cltims.

    The Partieseach represerrt nd warrant to one auother lrat all claims, demarrds, ndcausesof action which they may have againsteach other arising ortt of the transactions ndever11$hich are the subjectof ths Lawsuit, the use or occupancyof the SubjectPropertyare


  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


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    ownedby them, respectively, nd hat no partof any suchclaim, demand,or cau$e f action hasbeenpledged,assigned,ransfencd,sold conveyed, ncumbered, r otherwisedisposed f to anyotherpersonor any otherentity, Accordingly,eachof the Partiesalso represents nd warrantsthat no otherpersorrhasan interest rr anyof the claims hat have beenassertedn the Lawsuit'Eachof the partiesalsowarrantsand representshat it lras he powerand authoriry o enter ntothis Agreemenr,and that it has the sole right to execute his Agreementas tlrg owner of saidclaims. The parties urtheragreehat his warrantyof ownershipshall be deerned reached nd acauseof acrionaccnred hereon mmediatelyuponthe making of aoy claim or demandor theirrstitutionor cgnritruation f any suit,action,or proceeding y tire oppositeParty,or anyPerson'firm or corporarion laimingby, throughor under he oppositeParty,contrary o this Agreement,and that in any such$uit,action, or proceeding,his Agreementmay bepleadedasa defense rby way of counterclaim r cross*claim.15. Binding Effect.

    T5e terms of tlris Agreementare contrachnland arenot merely recitals. All agreements,representatious,arrarties,covenarrts,erms,and corrditionsof this Agreementshall stwive itsexecutionand shall be binding upon and inrueto the benefitof and be enforceabte y the legalrepreserrtatives,eirs, executors,offrcers, directors,assigns,beneficiaries, usccssors, ssigns,trustees,eceivers,affrliates,partners, entruers, wners,members, rrd elatedcomparriesf theparTies.The partiEseachalsowarrantandrepresenthat all documents eliveredpul$uanto thisAgreementare valid, binding, and enforceablen the samemanner and by the samePanies asdescribedn tlreprevioussentence'16. Denial of LiabilitY'

    No party admits any wrongdoing or liabiliry m any otherParty concerninghe maners


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    describedn this Agreement. In fact, eachParfyexpresslydeniessuchwrongdoingand iabilirya1d continues o maintain he correctness f tlrepositionsasserted n its behalf n tlre Lawsuit.The Partiesenter nto this Agreement o resolve,settle,and compromise he matters n disputebetweennnd among he Parries n the Lawsuit, and solely o avoid the cost,expense, ffort, andirouble of further litigarion. Accordirrgly,nothing containedherein, ncluding the executionofthe Agreement,any paymentsmade, eleases, r other consideration iven,slrall be corrstrLledsarradmissionof liabilitv.17. Non-'Waiver.

    One or more waivers of a breachof any covetrart, erm,or provisionof this Agreementby any Paxtyshail not be construedas a waiver of a subsequent reachof the samecovenant,rerm or provision;nor shall it be considered waiver of any other then existing,preceding,orsubsequentreachof a different covenant,ertt, or provision. The failure of eitherParty o insistat any time upon the stict performaace f anycovenantor agreement r to exerciseany option,right, power or remedycontahed in this Agreementshall not be conslruedas a waiver or arelirrquishmenthereof or tlre future, No provisionof this Agreenrentslrall be deemedo havebeenwaived by ei*rer Party unless suchwaiver be in wfiting and signed by an assistant itymanagerof rhe City if by Dall*s, or by TiromasH. Smith. Chairmarr f the Board, f by MAR.f8. Integrrtion Cltuse.

    This Agreemenr ontains he entire agreement nd understanding etweenaud among lreParrieswith respect o all matteTs escribedn this Agreementand supersedes nd rendersnulland void any arrdall prior agreements, rrangements, iscussions nd underttandings,f any,between and./orarnongall Parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, No oralunderstandings,tatements, romises,or inducenrerrtsontrary o the tcrms of this Agreement


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    exist, and, except as olherwise expresslyset forth in this Agreement,all Parties expre$slydisclaim relianceupon any facts,promisesor repre$eiltationsmade by ary other Party, or itsagents,sewiaersor artomeys,prior to the effectivedate of this Agreement. This Agreementcannot be changed,modified, amended,or terminatedexcept by a subsequent gfeementnwriting executedointly by alt Farties.All Partiesunderstalclarrdagree hattheyshallreceivenofunlrer sums of money,credits,rebates,offsets, eimbtusements r other consideration f anykirrd, including wirhout limitation costsand attorneys' ees, rom any of the Partiesexceptasprovided n this Agreement.f9, GoverningLaw and Atrtorneys'Feesand Costs'

    This Agreement s entered nto, accepted, ndperformablen Dallas County, Texas, orvenueand all otlrerpurposes, nd shall be govemed,eonstrued, nd enfbrcedn accordance ithand subject o the lawsof the Stateof Texasand he .Inited States o the extent heypreemptorsupersedehe laws of the State of Texas, except hat any conflict of law rule of Texasor theUnited States hat may require eferenceo the law of sorneother urisdiction other lran federallaw shallbe disregarded.Arry suit brought o con$rue,modiff, revoke,or enforceanyprovisiorrof this Agreementor to recover darnagesesulting frorn the breachof any provision of ftisAgreementshall be brought n a cout of competenturisdiction iu Dallas County,Texas,whichcoun slrall have exclusivepersonalurisdictiorrand venue, and the Paties' con$entand waiveany ohjec$ons o venueandl/or ersonalurisdiction in that forum. The prevailing Parry n anysuch suit shall be entitled to recoverfrom the non-prevailingParry, n addition to any otherproper relief, its reasonable nd necessary ourt co$s, lirigation Expensesincluding but notlimited to reasoilable nd necessary opyirrgcharges, ostage,and telecommulicationcharges),and attomeys' ees ncurred n tlre successful rosecution r defense f such itigation.


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    20. Comprehension f Agreement.The Parties epresenT nd wanant that they: (1) have carefully read and reviewed his

    Agreement, 2) havehad t fully explained o them,(3) havehad the opporttmiry o consultwithIegal counsel of their choiceregarding he terms and advisabilify of this AgreementPrior toexecuring, a) ilty understandhe terms arrdconditionsof this Agreement, rrcluding ts finaland bindingeffect,and(5) haveentered nto thisAgreement reely andwitlrout duress.21. No Warrantiesor Representations.

    No Partyhas made anywnrrflntiesor represtrntationso iuducearryother Parlyto enterinto this Agreemerrt xcept o the extent, f any, as may be expresslystated n this Agreement.No Party s relyiugupon any epresentation r statement f anykind that s not expressly et ortlrin this Agreement.22, Consideration.

    The Parties acknowledge hat the agteements, epresentations, ananties,covenants,

    terms, zurd conditions contained n this Agreemerrtprovide good, sufficient, and valuableconsiderationor everypromise,duty,obligation"and he ike containedn this Agreemerrt.23. No Strict ConstructionAgainstAuthor.

    This Agreementand he exhibits attachedheretoare he result of substantial egotiationsberweenandamong he Partiesand lreircounsel. The Partiesacknowledgehat eaclrof tlremhashad the benefitof counselof their own choice. The Parties unher acknowledgehat they have,through their respectivecounsel,parricipated n the preparationof this Agreement and theexhibirsanachedhereto. Accordingly, t is immaterial lrat counsel or orreParty or anothermayhave drafted tris Agrecment,he exhibits attachedhereto,or anyportionof thesedocurnents. nthe cvent of any dispute over the documents' meaning, applicadon, interpretatiorr,of


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    construction,he documents hallbe coustruedeasonably uch hat no ambiguitiesare resolvedpresumptivelyagainstanyParty asa matter of law.24. No Third Party BcncficiaryStntus.

    This Agreemenrs made or tJre olebenefitof the Parties,No otherpersonor entityshallhave any rights or remediesurder or by reasonof this Agrcement,nor shall anything n thisAgteementbe construed o confer uport any person or entity, wlretheror not a Party to thisAgreemen! herightsor remedies f a tirirdparrybeneficiary.23. Notices.

    All notices equired o be given urrder his Agreementshall he in wdring and deliveredto the Partiesat their respective ddresseset orth below(or suchotlreraddress s Specifiedbyeither Pa4y n accordance ith theprovisionsof rhis Section)by (i) hand delivery, ii) uationallyrecogrrized vernightcourier,(iii) mailedpostage repaidby certifredor registercdmail, returnreceiptrequesred, r (iv) facsimile ransmissionwith verification of receipt,and will be deemed

    to beeffecrive he day of deliveryby hand or overnightcouriet, lre dayof transmissionf sentbyfacsimile,or tluee(3) daysafter mailing if sentby mail:If to City:

    If to MAR:

    City Attorney1500Marilla StreetDallas City HallRoom7DNDallas,Texas75201ThomasH. Smith"Chaimranof theBoardMuseumof the ArnericarrRailroad6455PageStreetFrisco,Tl{75034

    Any Parryshall have he right to change ts addresso which noticcs shall hereafter esentald rhe Party to whose atteutionsuch notice shall be directed by giving all of the other


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    ParUes otice hereof n accordance ith theplovisionsof this paragraph'26. ScverabilifY.

    Irr caseafly one or more of the provisions sontained n this Agreementor its exhibitsshouldbe determiledto be illegal, invalid, or urrenforceablen any re$pect rrderany cuffent orfuture law, suchprovision shall be fully severable, nd the Agreementshall be construedanderrforeed s f suchprovision had nevercompriseda part of the documentor agleement nd heremainingprovisionsof the documentor agreementhall remain n full force and ellect andshallnot be affectedby suchprovisiouor its severancerom ttredocumentor agreement.Furthefinore,in lieu of such llegal, invalid, or unenforceablerovision, hereshallbe addedautomatically s apan of the documentor agreement provision as similar in terms to such llegal, invalid, orunenforceablerovisiou asmay bepossibleandbe egal,valid, or enforceable.27. Number and Gcnder.

    Uuless he context equiresothenvise,words of anygenderused n this Agreemenr hall

    be held andconsuued o include he othergerrder, nd words of a singularnrunbershall be held

    to irrclude lrephual andvice-versa.28. Hendings.

    The headingsof rhe paragraphs f this Agreementare ncludedonly to nrake t easier olocate the subjectscovereclby each provision, and shall rrot control or affect the meaning,intention,corrstruction,r effectof this Agreement r anyprovision n thisAgreement.29. Counterparts.

    This Agreemerrtmay be executedn multiple identical counterparts, achof which shallbe colsicleredan original for all purposes, ut which togethershall constinrteonly one andthesalre Agreement.Eachcounterpan hall be desmedeffectivewhenall Partieshaveaffixedtheir


  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    06-l3-201 04:52PM FR0|r{-BR0THERT0l,lAf{ 9723101 g T-691 P.\fi/021 F-389

    signarureso thecourrterpartsnd lreyhavebeendelivered o all olher Panies. The Partiesshallexecure s mflny duplicates f this Agteementas may benecessaryo effectuatehe Agreemeut,30. Authority to Executc.

    Each Parrywarrantsald represents,o each otherParty and to eachpersonexecutirrg hisAgreenrenton behalf of anotherParty, that both suchParty and such person executing hisAgreementon behalfof suchParfy has he firlt powEr,authority,qualificatioils,competency, ndcapacity o Executelris Agreementon behatfof the Parry so executing,and hat upon executionthe same s andshallbe binding upon thatParryand ts respeotive eirs,successors,ndassigns.Eachpersonexecuting his Agreernent ersonallywa:rantsandrepresentshat he or she ras ullpower, authority,and capaciryo bind his or her principal to this Agreementn accordance ithits terms andcorrditions.All corporateentitiesexecuting his Agreementare duly incorporatedor organizedwith a legal statusseparate nd apart rorn its affiIiates,are validly existing andarein good standingunder he lawsof the stateof fomrationor existence, nd has oornpliedwith all

    conditionsprerequisiteo its doing businessn Texas.31. I[o Partnership.

    Nothing contained herein is intended to create any partnership, oint venture orassociarion y or amongany of the Partiesand any nference 0 he contraryareherebyexpresslynegated.32. CumulativeRcmcdies.

    All rights zurdemedies f the Parties lrallbe cumulativeand shall not exoludeany otherright or remedyavailable at law or equiry. These rights and remediesmay be exercisedorenforced concwrently, separately,and jointly and as often as necessary. Arry action orproceeding nder his Agreemerrr hall not extinguishanyother ightsor remedies hat the Parties


  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    06- l-20104:5ZPM06rt3Iz01l17:5706-13-z0l03:40PMFRO|']|-BROTHERTOI{AI{FRfl,il.BR0THERT0l{All

    g7?310l g(FAX)8r?3101 9

    T-694 P.018/0? l -389P"WTUUJT-65? P 00?/!!3 F-3BE

    rnighr bnveagainsthe others.33. Assignmeut

    Thls Agrecmcffimaynot be assigued, a.nsfercdor conveyedwithout llreprior wrirtensonsent f all of tle Pnnies.Uponanysuclrasslgnmetrr,ransfer r conveyflIrce,his Agleen:enlshal1 e bildilg rpon and nure o thebenefrtof the successorsnd nssigns f suohassigningPatry.34, E$ective lsfe.

    This Agreemenr lrallbe effcctiveasof the dateupou wliich it hasbeen ully executednndaclm.owledgedbyll 0f TIeFarties.

    IFI WIn-IESS WI-IEREOF,we lravehereurtosct olu hEnds o this iu$nunent on dredates f otu respectivecknowledgments,


    Na.sreTiile: oFrilA,oErarcArrratr.e,.oaDcI'fY oF'DALLAS,A TexasMurriciBnl orporation




  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    06-13-201 04:52PM FROl'l-BROTHERT0ilA$l 9r23r0r 9 T-694 P.019/021-388

    STATEOFTEXAS $$COLINTYOFDALLAS $BEFOREME, the undersignedotaryPublio n and or saidCountyandState, n thisday personally ppeared Wh 7 q?ffi+ , AssistantCity Manageror theCiry of Dallss,and krrown o me to bethepersonwhose ame s subscribedo the foregoinginsfi-ument,ndacknowledgedo me hathehas ead he oregoing greement,ully understoodthe same,wasauthorizedo executehe same, nd hathe executedhe same s he AssistantCiryAttorney f rlreCity of Dallas nowingly ndvoluntarilyor thepurposesndconsiderationtherein xpres$ednd n the capacitylrerein tated'

    andearfoffrce,lri* E d^y"f h0 ft. ,201L

    My Commission xpires:Vlulz"N


    N t r t a r YP l t t J l l c$tateo{Texas .'*uroni'iitd,ly-W

    tedName f Noury


  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    06-l3-201 04:52PMFR0I4-BR0THERT0NA$lffi113J2011 7;5808-13-2!l 03rlBPll FR0III-BR0THERT0NA|l|


    g7?3101g(FAD97?3t0lBET-691 P.020/021 -389P.OTEIIOUUT.89? F.003/003 .3EE

    nJs$ State,on rhisotroff,luseum

    foregoing osrnmenr,aad aclclowledgedo me thal; (1) (s)hehas ead lre forcgoingA$eemcnt,(Z) i:e Rgteernetrt asbeen ully Explainedo hi$i(her)by his$rer)aftgmey,.3) G)hefullyrrnrlersroodhe sarrre,.t4l(c)hes aurhonzedo executehe$ame, nd 5) ther s)heexecutedhcsameas Urefitbf M,rseumof the A:lerican Raib'oad,knowilgly nndvoluamriLy br the Furposegend considerationhcrein expressed nd in the cn'paciryhereinslated,

    oj-the Ametic*t Railroad,knou,n o me ro be thepersonwlrosename s subscribcdo *tc

    GMN undermybandandsealof office, his

    My Comnissiourpires: Akilnh,n,+r',-. #tg}ypedrlrinr:edNamefNorary t{;f#,1fii$::,_Jf \ ' i l r4r fl5

    Public n and or said


  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    FieldNotesDescribing51,952 quare oot 1.1927 cre)Tractof Land n heTexasStateFairground_sddition, ityBlockC/812fo BeQuiteClaimedo heCityof DallasBeing 51,952 quare oot 1.192 cre) ractof land ying n theJohnGrigsbyLeague urvey, bstract 95,Cityof Dallas, allas ounty, exas, ndbeing partof Lot1Aof BlockC1812f theTexasStateFairgroundsddition,n additiono theCityof Dallas, atedApril22,1988nd ecordedn Volume 8084, age 17of theDeed Records f DallasCounty,Texas,and beinga portionof that propertyconveyedo the City of Dallasby the TexasStateFair,by DeeddatedJune27,1904,and recordedn Volume325, Page392 of the Deed Records f DallasCounty,exas ndbeingmore articularlyescribeds ollows:BEGINNINGt a 4" diameterteel ornerence ost ound t theSouthwestornerof the herein escribedractof land, romwhichhe Southeastornerof a tractoflandconveyed y WilliamH. Gastono theTexasand PacificRailroad ompany(current wnerships in DallasAreaRapidTransit) y deeddatedDecember 0,1872and ecordedn Volume , Page368of the DeedRecordsf DallasCounty,Texas being lsoan nside orner f theboundaryf saidTexasStateFairgroundsAddition),earsNorth 9'36'03'West distancef286.01eet:THENCE roceedingn a clockwiseashion,long n eight-footallchain-linkence(ateach orner 4-inch iameterteel ornerence ost),he ollowingourses nddistances:North16o23'26"ast, 8.89 eet:South 3o30'59"ast, 3.15eet:North 2o37'14"ast, 8.47eet:South 8o53'50"ast, 0.06 eet:South 3"28'32" ast, 96.42feet:South 7"40'5A"ast,34.49 eet:South 9"52'50" ast, 0.27 eet:South 4'21'15" ast, 9.67eet:South 4o26'02"ast, 46.33eet:South 8"33'01"ast, .54 eet:South 2'39'23"West, 8.36 eet:South 4'21'16"West. 4.74feet:South 7'22'11"West, 6.85eet:South 6'20'57" est, 16.30eet:North 4o33'06" est, 0.16eet:North 245'46"West,40.35eet:North 9"59'57" est, 6.61 eet:North 3o03'55" est. 76.10eet:

    EXHlBIT Page of3

  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement


    FieldNotesDescribing51 952Square oot 1.1gZTcre)Tractof Land n heTexasStateFai.rground_sddition, ityBlockC1812fo BeQuiteClaimedo theCityof DallasTHENOE North 73'02'2a" west, a distanceof 134.23 eet to the polNT oFBEGINNING,ontaining1,952Square eet, r 1.1927 cres f land.BASISOF BEARINGS:Bearings re basedon the TexasState PlaneCoordinateSystem,NorthCentralZone,NorthAmericanDatumof 1g83.



  • 8/3/2019 Executed Settlement Agreement



    II ^ _, 219_+:4,9s7:4r2,| .n4./f?(;/?0 t?,,uZ) .4121]/7CI,4/f,trt/.ttrtzr, 86,0g4 ,{tag,ez 6/V ' LOT 1ABLOCKe/812'Museum ol thcAmerican Railroad-See Detail, this Shestie;g,&e;

    DETAIL,.BOUIUDANYOF OCCUPIEDABEALimits of PropefiTo Bs Ouit Claimed

    NOTE: All Corners are4'Steel Fence Posts.


    LOT 1ABLOCKo812NOTE:Controlling Monuments orThis Suruey aro on Exposhion Ava.NEA' NOTE DNAWNG Sheet 3 of

    ffisuniltErrDMslotrl, ctw oF DAl,r-AgTExAs