exhibit unite


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A booklet to be given to the 'stakeholders' of Exhibit Unite


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Exhibit Unite: Representing National musuems and galleries

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A website that aims to be an effective source of information of all museums and galleries across the UK

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T H E W E B S I T EOn the homepage there will be a slideshow of several images of the exhibition of the month.


- home

- About

- museums

- Galleries

- Promotions & vouchers

- news

- contact

When the user clicks on the image it will take them straight to another page for more information. here they will also have the option to go through to the museum/gallery’s website.

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about the exhibition

date of exhibition

name of exhibition

name of museum/gallery


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W H Y J O I N ?No 21st century museum could be satisfied with simply opening its doors and waiting for people to visit, however good its collection and displays. Exhibit Unite bring together museums and galleries across the UK, a service where you can discover what exhibitions are currently on and are upcoming. Exhibit Unite is the only website to offer this service, it is unique and leading-edge. In this difficult financial time museums and galleries need to keep connecting with a wider audience - so that they can continue to generate new visitors and more income for their organisation. Exhibit Unite will do just that for you.

Museums and galleries play a crucial role in the success of UK tourism, attracting millions of international visitors. Eight of the UK’s top ten visitor attractions are museums, and three UK museums are among the top ten most visited museums worldwide. In 2008 overseas visitors to major UK museums and galleries can be estimated to have spent £436 million as a result of their visit. Not only will Exhibit Unite be accessible to the UK but will also be an effective source of information to any tourist visiting the country. Due to having a number of websites only offering information on a small selection of museums and galleries, there is a need to have one central site with all information in one place. This especially would make this information more accessible to any tourist when wanting to know what exhibitions are currently on.

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T I M E S A R E T O U G HMuseums and galleries have not been immune from the impacts of the recession, but are still delivering impressive economic benefits thanks to increased tourism in the UK and an ever-growing public appetite for culture. Further financial support for museums and galleries will be needed in the future to ensure this economic growth continues apace.

Between March and September 2009 one in four museums saw public funding levels drop. Local authoritymuseums were harder hit – with 34% taking a cut in council funding. In light of the recession 7% of museums have already cancelled a programme or event, and many were reconsidering their future plans. Museums and galleries need to find an effective approach to promoting that isn’t expensive but will still draw people through their doors.

For you to continue to have a steady growing income along with an influx of visitors, Exhibit Unite will promote you through several methods:

- The Exhibit Unite Website- National Papers- Social Media- App- Working with organisations such as the Art Fund and Museum Association

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W E S H A R E Y O U R VA L U E STo provide optimum access to collections and services for diverse audiences, now and in the future.We are committed to developing our audiences, both in size and diversity, gaining more users from under-represented and priority groups; improving physical, intellectual and sensory access to museums and galleries in the UK.

Helping you make the most of artWe want to help the public make the most of the UK’s fascinating collections.

Make a differenceThe potential of museums and galleries is immense, both in formal and informal learning, an alternative space for learning, where children and adults can step outside of their usual ways of acting and interacting. Many museums go much further. Not content with simply meeting people’s appetite for entertainment and education, they aim to stimulate change and to affect people’s current activities, opportunities and aspirations. The New Economics Foundation has reviewed scientific research to set out five ways to wellbeing – five things everyone should do regularly to enhance their wellbeing:

- Connect... With the people around you.- Take notice... Be curious, savour the moment, reflect on your experiences.- Keep learning... Try something new, rediscover an old interest.- Be active... Step outside. Play a game.- Give... Do something nice for a friend, join a community group.

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Show and share art for the enjoyment of all

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p r o m o t i o n




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National papersAdvertisements on the launch of the website to be placed inside these national newspapers:- The Metro- The Guardian- The Times- Daily Mail- The Independent- The Daily Telegraph







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advertisement on our websiteEXHIBIT UNITE will work with you to promote your museum/gallery

”Each month Exhibit Unite will hand pick the Exhibition Of The Month - the ‘must’ see exhibition that is currently on show. This exhibition will take centre stage on our homepage, where once clicked on will take you directly to the host museum or gallery. Each museum and gallery will be showcased on our site, with information about their current and future exhibitions. Additional advertising may be brought, for more information please email: [email protected]

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M O B I L E A P Pthe ultimate guide to seeing and experiencing exhibitions

across the UK

A new smartphone app which allows you to find great art anywhere in the UK will be launched by Exhibit Unite. The state of the art app helps you to plan visits or simply get up-to-date information when you’re out and about.

This art guide is the most comprehensive guide to seeing exhibitions across the UK and is ideal for art and culture lovers. It features all the museums and galleries in England, Scotland and Wales who are members of Exhibit Unite, listing all upcoming and current exhibitions and loaded with striking imagery and helpful features.

This art guide can be downloaded for a small cost of 69p by iPhone and Android users from the Apple App Store. You can also receive alerts when an exhibition is opening or coming to an end and send favourites on by email to yourself and friends via Facebook and Twitter.

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To really connect with a wider audience Exhibit Unite will be able to keep users updated with posts and tweets via Facebook and Twitter. Each month our photo on both profiles will change to show the exhibition of the month. By having a Facebook account it will allow for users to upload their photos and comments on a museum or gallery that they have visit.

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t h e c o s t show much will it cost you?

.... to invest in your future?

To cover costs of promotion and general running of the organisation there will be a sign up fee with different levels of membership. Depending on the size of your museum or gallery we will work with you to find the best package. This will be a profitable investment as Exhibit Unite will work with you to attract a much larger and wider audience, and generate more visitors to your museum or gallery.

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c o n ta c t u s

e: [email protected]: 07702 713955

visit us at:www.exhibitunite.co.uk

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exhibit unite