exmouth newsletter may 2015

web4residents.org.uk www.swan.org.uk Issue 70, May 2015 Exmouth news The Exmouth Residents’ Board and Swan’s Resident Involvement Team recently hosted a Family Fun Day for the Exmouth estate. The event was a huge success attended by many residents who enjoyed the fantastic Spring weather, food and activities on offer. The arts and craft activities proved to be particularly popular as residents were offered the chance to create their own personalised canvas bag and a community mural which will be displayed on the estate. Exmouth Community Fun Day New IT Club launched More than fifteen residents recently attended the launch of a new IT club on the Exmouth Estate. Working in partnership with The Stifford Centre and the Exmouth Residents’ Board, the club offers weekly training sessions in basic IT skills. The club meets in the Exmouth Social Club. If you want to learn how to use the computer and internet, pop along! For more information call the Resident Involvement Team on 01277 844242 Did you know that Swan offers residents a variety of accredited training courses including First Aid and ESOL; a two-week Summer Activity Scheme for children aged 8-16 and an annual Residents’ Day at West Ham Football Club where you can help to shape our services? You can sign up for all these activities now - free of charge! To find out more and to book your place visit www. web4residents.org.uk or call the Resident Involvement Team on 01277 844242. Get more out of your Swan tenancy! Want to start your own business? Swan is working with local partners on the Get Started East programme offering loans to local enterprises that are up to 18 months old. If you would like more information contact Perryn Jasper on 01277 844753 or [email protected]

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The new local newsletter for our residents on the Exmouth Estate in Tower Hamlets


Page 1: Exmouth Newsletter May 2015


Issue 70, May 2015Exmouth news

The Exmouth Residents’ Board and Swan’s Resident Involvement Team recently hosted a Family Fun Day for the Exmouth estate.

The event was a huge success attended by many residents who enjoyed the fantastic Spring weather, food and activities on offer.

The arts and craft activities proved to be particularly popular as residents were offered the chance to create their own personalised canvas bag and a community mural which will be displayed on the estate.

Exmouth Community Fun Day

New IT Club launchedMore than fifteen residents recently attended the launch of a new IT club on the Exmouth Estate. Working in partnership with The Stifford Centre and the Exmouth Residents’ Board, the club offers weekly training sessions in basic IT skills. The club meets in the Exmouth Social Club.

If you want to learn how to use the computer and internet, pop along!

For more information call the Resident Involvement Team on 01277 844242

Did you know that Swan offers residents a variety of accredited training courses including First Aid and ESOL; a two-week Summer Activity Scheme for children aged 8-16 and an annual Residents’ Day at West Ham Football Club where you can help to shape our services?

You can sign up for all these activities now - free of charge!

To find out more and to book your place visit www.web4residents.org.uk or call the Resident Involvement Team on 01277 844242.

Get more out of your Swan tenancy!

Want to start your own business?Swan is working with local partners on the Get Started East programme offering loans to local enterprises that are up to 18 months old.

If you would like more information contact Perryn Jasper on 01277 844753 or [email protected]

Page 2: Exmouth Newsletter May 2015

Contact us:Mamnun Rahman

Community Development Officer

Tel: 01277 314703

[email protected]

Reg Davies

Neighbourhood Services Manager

Tel: 0300 303 2500

[email protected]

Bernadette Brennan

Anti-Social Behaviour Officer

Tel: 0300 303 2500

[email protected]

Exmouth Community Hall/IT Room…

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


NHS Breathing Classes* (10am – 12pm Referral Only

IT Classes (10am-1.00pm) (IT Room)

NHS Breathing Classes* (10am-12pm) Referral Only

Dance Style Aerobics Class (10-11am) IT Class (10am-1pm) (IT Room)


ESOL Classes (1pm-3.30pm)

ESOL Classes (1pm-3.30pm)

Chai ‘N Chat (11pm-12.30pm) Hosted by Exmouth BME Women’s Group Monthly.

West Ham Football Coaching (1pm – 2.30pm)


Youth Club (6pm-8pm)

Tae Kwon Do (6pm-9pm)

EERB Meeting (6.30pm-8.30pm) 1) Wed 14 Jan 2) Wed 18 Feb 3) Wed 18 Mar 4) Wed 22 Apr 5) Wed 20 May 6) Wed 24 Jun 7) Wed 22 Jul 8) Wed 16 Sep 9) Wed 14 Oct 10) Wed 18 Nov

Tae Kwon Do (6pm-9pm)

For more information about any of these activities please call the Resident Involvement Team on : 01277 844 242

What’s on at the

All details updated Jan 2015. All activities are held in the Community Hall unless specified

1) /Wed 21 Jan 2) Wed 25 Feb 3) Wed 15 Apr 4) Wed 27 May 5) Wed 8 Jul 6) Wed 23 Sep 7) Wed 4 Nov 8) Wed 9 Dec

Have you been invited to make a claim for Universal Credit?

You will be asked to apply for Universal Credit if you have a change of circumstances and need to make a new claim for benefit. The Job Centre will let you know when you make your claim whether you need to make a claim for Universal Credit or for an existing benefit such as Jobseekers Allowance.

Universal Credit includes: Working Tax Credit; Child Tax Credit; Income Support; Jobseekers Allowance; Employment and Support Allowance and Housing Benefit. It is paid to you as one single monthly payment. If you receive Universal Credit you are responsible for paying your rent from the money you receive as the amount you receive includes your Housing Benefit.

Swan can help you with budgeting, setting up a bank or Credit Union account and getting on-line.

Universal Credit is coming!

If you need further help and support then please contact a member of our Welfare Reform Team on 0300 303 2500

Page 3: Exmouth Newsletter May 2015


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Page 4: Exmouth Newsletter May 2015

ßpJVJPpJV Tr∆j:oJojMj ryoJjTKoCKjKa ßcnuJkPo≤IKlxJrßaKu: 01277 844242

[email protected]

KlKukJ csJo¥ßjAmJrÉc yJCK\ÄIKlxJrßaKu: 0300 303 2500

[email protected]

CkPr CbPZj? KulPaKjrJkh gJTáj

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details updated Jan 2015

#ßmJ âx TKoCKjKa yPunKmwqPfr IJP~J\j...

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