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EXPERT OPINION on the developed modular education programs of Vocational Master’s program on specialty 6M07Q90Q “Metallurgy” of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Modular educational programs of vocational master's program on specialty '■ ‘Metallurgy” has three educational programs: - Technological innovations in materials studies and metallurgical engineering; - Technological innovations in materials studies and metal processing; - Safety of life and protection of the environment in metallurgy. The purpose of this educational program is the training of highly qualified specialists for the steel industry and related industries. The term of study at an educational program of vocational Master’s program “Metallurgy” is 1.5 years with 90 ECTS. The purpose of the educational program is achieved by formation of competencies, skills and knowledge through study of specialized courses combined with practical training, experimental work and internship. Obligatory part of the professional educational program is aimed at creating management, communicative skills, consisting of the ability to plan and organize the work of the team, using modem management principles and business communication; analysis and control of industrial activity units; ensure compliance with the requirements of industrial safety and labor protection. In addition, the program provides advance of foreign language competence. The variable part of the educational program enables the expansion and deepening of training and additional competencies, skills and knowledge needed to ensure the competitiveness of graduates in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. These modules provide advanced training in the field of materials studies, engineering, assessing the level of safety and environmental friendliness of production. The distribution of disciplines and internships by semester corresponds to the logical sequence and allows balancing the workload of students. General and specific competencies that graduates acquire within the specialty “Metallurgy”: - Have the ability to innovation, entrepreneurship and self-development; - Know the current state and prospects of development of the metallurgical complex 01 Kazakhstan and Pavlodar region; - Know a foreign language to the extent necessary for the professional activity; - Be able to work in a team, build a professional qualification structure of the unit, manage staff; - Be able to plan and organize the implementation of the production plan department, to analyze industrial activity units and maintain control of the implementation of planned targets;

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EXPERT OPINION on the developed modular education programs of Vocational Master’s program

on specialty 6M07Q90Q “Metallurgy” of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

Modular educational programs of vocational master's program on specialty '■‘Metallurgy” has three educational programs:

- Technological innovations in materials studies and metallurgical engineering;- Technological innovations in materials studies and metal processing;- Safety of life and protection of the environment in metallurgy.The purpose of this educational program is the training of highly qualified

specialists for the steel industry and related industries.The term of study at an educational program of vocational Master’s

program “Metallurgy” is 1.5 years with 90 ECTS.The purpose of the educational program is achieved by formation of

competencies, skills and knowledge through study of specialized courses combined with practical training, experimental work and internship.

Obligatory part of the professional educational program is aimed at creating management, communicative skills, consisting of the ability to plan and organize the work of the team, using modem management principles and business communication; analysis and control of industrial activity units; ensure compliance with the requirements of industrial safety and labor protection. In addition, the program provides advance of foreign language competence.

The variable part of the educational program enables the expansion and deepening of training and additional competencies, skills and knowledge needed to ensure the competitiveness of graduates in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

These modules provide advanced training in the field of materials studies, engineering, assessing the level of safety and environmental friendliness of production.

The distribution of disciplines and internships by semester corresponds to the logical sequence and allows balancing the workload of students.

General and specific competencies that graduates acquire within the specialty “Metallurgy”:

- Have the ability to innovation, entrepreneurship and self-development;- Know the current state and prospects of development of the metallurgical complex 01 Kazakhstan and Pavlodar region;- Know a foreign language to the extent necessary for the professional activity;- Be able to work in a team, build a professional qualification structure of the unit, manage staff;- Be able to plan and organize the implementation of the production plan department, to analyze industrial activity units and maintain control of the implementation of planned targets;

- Be able to organize and supervise the enforcement of the requirements of occupational health and safety;- Be able to organize innovative activities in the enterprise, to develop and improve production processes in order to improve energy and resource efficiency, quality of products;- To have a problem-solving skills and the organization of environmental management waste production- Have the skills of correct use of information resources;- Have the skills of inspection, verification, audit materials and metallurgical processes;- Have the skills to conduct research in materials studies and metallurgy;- Have the skills to release all kinds of expert reports on materials and processes to experts and non-professionals.To ensure an adequate level of research performance in modular

educational program “Metallurgy”, special focus is made on the formation of knowledge and skills in instrumental methods of analysis of materials and technological processes, research and innovation component.

We believe that the structure and content of educational programs of vocational Master’s program on specialty “Metallurgy” meets the needs of the labor market and employers, in line with similar master's programs of the European educational space and allows achieving the expected learning outcomes.

Universitat Politecmca de Valencia,

Department of Applied Mathematics, Professor, Dr. Sc.

First Vice-Rector, Professor, Ph.D.


on the developed modular education programs of Vocational Master's programon specialty 6M072100 “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”

of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

Modular educational programs of vocational master's program on specialty “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances” has two educational programs:

- Oil and gas processing;- Safety of life and protection of the environment in oil chemistry.The goal of the educational program is targeted training of highly qualified

specialists for oil refining industry.The term of study at an educational program of Vocational Master’s

program “Oil and gas processing” is 1.5 years with 90 ECTS.The purpose of the educational program is achieved by formation of

competencies, skills and knowledge through study of specialized courses combined with practical training, experimental work and internship.

The structure of the educational program consists of obligatory (30%) and elective courses (70%). Obligatory part of the professional educational program is aimed at creating management, communicative skills, consisting of the ability to plan and organize the work of the team, using modern management principles and business communication; analysis and control of industrial activity units; ensure compliance with the requirements of industrial safety and labor protection in the petrochemical industry. In addition, the program provides increase of the foreign languages competence.

Elective part of the educational program enables the expansion and deepening of training and additional competencies, skills and knowledge needed to ensure the competitiveness of graduates in accordance with the requirements of the labor market .

Specialty modules provide theoretical and practical training in the field of technology for the processing of oil, gas, oil residues, polymers, environmental safety; development of modern methods of materials research.

The module “Technological processes and innovation" is aimed at studying the specifics of regional technology companies in refining industry.

The module “Processes and industrial ventilation” is focused on the study of the specifics of regional technology companies in refining industry and the development of measures for industrial ventilation in the workplace.

Practical skills for calculations and modeling using computer applications, required for engineering staff, are provided by the module disciplines “Computer modeling of technological processes” - “Industrial Informatics” and “Computer modeling of oil refining processes” .

Module “Equipment, processes and methods in oil industry” provides knowledge of the basic processes and apparatus of oil and gas refinery; principles of selection and operation of devices with different design features; specificity of polymers and plastics technology. The module provides the

development of chromatographic methods for analysis of gases and gas condensates.

Module “Equipment, processes, and environmental security” provides knowledge of the basic processes and apparatus of oil and gas refinery and the development of measures to ensure chemical and biological safety.

Module “Professional training” exposes graduate students to the experience in the manufacturing plant and laboratories of the University. Development of various techniques for analyzing chemical modern instrumental methods allow to increase the attractiveness of graduates to employers.

The distribution of disciplines and practices by semester corresponds to the logical sequence and allows balancing the workload of students.

The key professional competencies that graduates acquire in the educational program “Oil and gas” include:

- Be able to assess the effectiveness and introduce new production technologies;- Be able to control the process and product quality, to carry out the selection of equipment and tooling;- To develop measures for the integrated use of raw materials and find ways to waste disposal;- Have the skills to evaluate the main sources of accidents and disasters, the possible causes of accidents in the workplace.- Have the skills to analyze the system of protection in the chemical industry and at the facilities of the economy, whose work is connected with the sources of possible chemical and bacteriological contamination.- Know the basic principles, methods and application of information technologies in professional activity;- The use of modern analytical instruments and techniques;- Carry out experiments and tests in the field of oil refining facilities and to carry out a scientific analysis of the data;- Have the skills to prepare expert reports on the technological process and the experience of their presentation.Formed competence will enable graduates of the master's program to carry

out professional activities in the oil refineries and related industries.To ensure an adequate level of research performance in modular

educational program “Oil and gas processing” special focus is made on the formation of knowledge and skills in instrumental methods of analysis of materials and technological processes, research and innovation component.

There is no doubt that setting up a “Laboratory of refinery processes and nanotechnology” with a high degree of technical equipment to enable spectrophotometric, X-ray spectral; atomic absorption; and electron microscopy studies, is crucial.

We believe that the structure and content of educational programs of vocational Master’s program on specialty “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances” meets the needs of the labor market and employers, in line with

similar master's programs of the European educational space and allows achieving the expected learning outcomes.

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia,

First Vice-Rector,Professor, Ph.D.

Department of Applied Mathematics,Professor, Dr. Sc. I.M. Tkachenko Gorski


To Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Prof., DSc Ivan A. Dychka Kyiv, pr. Peremogy, 37, build. 15

Dear Prof. Ivan A. Dychka,

The Miratech Company as a leading IT-company, which is included into Top 100 best outsourcing companies in the world according to the rating by FORTUNE magazine, is interested in new modern educational programs based on the best world experience. After getting acquainted with the results of the project MEDIS “A Methodology for the Formation of Highly Qualified Engineers at Masters Level in the Design and Development of Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems” of TEMPUS Programme, the Miratech company expresses its interest in the educational program established at your Faculty within the project MEDIS, because graduates of the Faculty trained according to the program meet the requirements of the modern job market in the field of IT. With respect, Executive Director Mykola V. Royenko

To Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Prof., DSc Ivan A. Dychka Kyiv, pr. Peremogy, 37, build. 15

Dear Prof. Ivan A. Dychka,

The Company “Video Internet Technologies” fulfils projects focused on the implementation of modern technologies into national economy of Ukraine. For successful achievement of the goals the Company “Video Internet Technologies” needs new highly qualified professionals – graduates of technical universities, first of all graduates of the NTUU “KPI”. Thus, we are interested in the cooperation with your Faculty as well as we support your new modern educational programs. In particular, we are interested in the results of the project MEDIS “A Methodology for the Formation of Highly Qualified Engineers at Masters Level in the Design and Development of Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems” of TEMPUS Programme. In our opinion the implementation of the training according to the methodology of the project MEDIS will allow to rise the quality of IT-specialists education; we express our readiness for further collaboration with your Faculty. With respect,

Vice-Director of “Video Internet Technologies” Company S. Bondar

Проректору по образовательной деятельности Санкт-Петербургского

Политехнического Университета Петра Великого

Профессору Разинкиной Елене Михайловне


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Отдел/Отправитель Департамент учебных технологий Исполнитель С. Красоткин (Санкт-Петербург) Телефон / Факс +7 (495) 737 3484 +7 (351) 775 4333 e-mail: [email protected] Свидетельство о регистрации МРП № 024.877 от 14.09.98 Сертификат соответствия № РОСС DE.АИ50.В03427 от 07.03.2007 Сертификат качества ISO 9001/2000 TÜV № Q1530556

Р/с 40702810000001404057 К/с 30101810200000000700 в ЗАО РАЙФФАЙЗЕНБАНК ИНН 7729407630 КПП 772901001 БИК 044525700 Код ОКОНХ 71100 Код ОКПО 17920265

ООО «ФЕСТО-РФ» 119607 Москва Мичуринский проспект, 49 Тел./факс +7(495) 737 3484 190005 Санкт-Петербург ул. 6-я Красноармейская, 10 Тел./факс +7 (812) 380 5963 454080 Челябинск проспект Ленина, 83, оф.301 Тел./факс +7(351) 775 4333 e-mail: [email protected]

Уважаемая Елена Михайловна, Благодарим Вас за демонстрацию новых подходов, технологий и

достижений в сфере разработки и внедрения методики практико-

ориентированного обучения студентов, реализованной на базе Северо-

Западного межвузовского регионального учебно-науного центра

«СПБПУ-Фесто «Синергия» Санкт-Петербургского политехнического

университета Петра Великого.

Усилия по созданию и реализации качественных образовательных

программ по направлениям подготовки в области автоматизации и

управления в технических системах при поддержке российских и

зарубежных компаний, а также академической среды (Международный

университетский сетевой проект «Синергия», проект MEDIS программы

Tempus и проект «Открытое образование») способствуют получению

современных знаний студентами и повышению качества инженерного


С Уважением,

Сергей Красоткин

Ведущий инженер

По всем вопросам просим Вас связываться по телефонам: +7 911 922 72 61 +7 495 737 34 84 [email protected]