explorance paper

Force Agency is a marketing consulting firm based in Montreal. The company was founded earlier in September, 2012, by three McGill Undergraduate students. Our company takes great pride in its diversity: employees come from different geographic areas across Canada, have different work experiences ranging in varying fields, and have a focus in Marketing, with concentrations in diverse areas within business. Our mission at Force Agency is to be “committed to providing goal driven marketing consulting to small and medium sized businesses in a variety of industries by offering innovative solutions, unmatched expertise, and a creative team”. As a company, it is fundamental to be viewed as the best marketing consultants in our customers’ minds. This atmosphere is sustained through our personalized service and unique experience that we offer to our clients. eXplorance is a Montreal-based IT firm that was founded in 2003 (eXplorance, 2012). The company has developed an expertise in Web-enabled software for enterprise-class feedback management processes. In its nine years of business, they have quickly grown by creating a large clientele globally. Currently, the company

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Page 1: Explorance paper

Force Agency is a marketing consulting firm based in Montreal. The company was

founded earlier in September, 2012, by three McGill Undergraduate students. Our company

takes great pride in its diversity: employees come from different geographic areas across Canada,

have different work experiences ranging in varying fields, and have a focus in Marketing, with

concentrations in diverse areas within business.

Our mission at Force Agency is to be “committed to providing goal driven marketing

consulting to small and medium sized businesses in a variety of industries by offering innovative

solutions, unmatched expertise, and a creative team”. As a company, it is fundamental to be

viewed as the best marketing consultants in our customers’ minds. This atmosphere is sustained

through our personalized service and unique experience that we offer to our clients.

eXplorance is a Montreal-based IT firm that was founded in 2003 (eXplorance, 2012).

The company has developed an expertise in Web-enabled software for enterprise-class feedback

management processes. In its nine years of business, they have quickly grown by creating a large

clientele globally. Currently, the company holds roughly 18 percent market share of large

universities in North America, and 2-3 percent of the total North American higher education

market (S. Saab, personal communication, October 2, 2012). To continue its growth, the

company is currently seeking to target the K-12 market. Upon further analysis, the demand for

eXplorance products within the Quebec market were low, due to the cost structure of the private

schools (many are subsidized) and the initial comments from the respondents ( Appendix 1). The

Ontario K-12 market will instead be analyzed for its demand for enterprise feedback

management processes and a plan will be made to target this market.


Force Agency recommends first targeting schools in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), as

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they have the largest amount of private and independent schools (135 total) (Appendix 2a and

2b). Within the GTA, the distribution was further segmented by area (Appendix 3a and 3b),

demonstrating that Toronto has the largest market. The average tuition for schools in Toronto

are also higher (Appendix 4), specifically independent schools. Based on this data, eXplorance

should mainly focus on independent schools in Toronto, as they have more disposable income

and are likely more competitive than the other groups. After successfully targeting this market,

the company should continue to target private and independent schools within Canada first, the

United States, then globally, if proven successful.

Force Agency’s exploratory data found that many parents and students would like to

evaluate different aspects of the school such as the teachers, courses, the school and give general

comments to the school (Appendix 5). As well, 42% of respondents stated that they chose the

school based on the reputation (Appendix 6). Thus if eXplorance delivers a product that can

increase the reputation of the school, this can be a significant competitive advantage for these

schools. It was also found that many of the respondents did not have many ways to communicate

to their school, other than parent-teacher meetings and a few stating parent-board meetings and

satisfaction surveys (Appendix 7).


The company should offer both perpetual and yearly pricing, as well as pricing with the

course evaluations and surveys as a bundle, and separately. For perpetual pricing, $10,000 is

used as a base fee and then a certain percentage is used depending on the number of students and

the tuition that the school charges (Appendix 8a). This is because the number of students will

affect the amount of surveys that are likely administered, whereas the tuition will show the

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amount of disposable income that the company has .The perceptual pricing should be used as the

primary pricing method in order to “lock in” the consumer after the first year. If, however, the

schools would like to purchase yearly pricing, a percentage is taken from the perceptual pricing

formula (Appendix 8b). After 5 years ( after the base fee is amortized), the amount received from

the yearly pricing is larger than the perpetual pricing formula, however, this is not guaranteed

revenue, as the schools or school board may decide they do not want the product before the 5

years is over.

Once the package has been sent out, eXplorance should contact the schools two weeks

later in order to ensure that they have received and read the package. This will also allow

eXplorance to get a better idea on the system’s desirability within each school.



eXplorance should continue with their direct selling approach when going into the K-12

market in Ontario. As direct selling is more effective than cold calling schools, one

representative should fly into Toronto and directly go to the top private and independent schools

in the Greater Toronto Area (Appendix 9a and 9b). eXplorance should show the system at the

first meeting, or make an appointment within the next week in order to do so. Four schools

should be targeted each day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon ( Appendix x for

details). Since many schools will start reviewing their current programs after the winter break,

but before the end of the year, this direct selling should be done in the beginning of February or

March, so that appointments can be made before the end of the school year. This will cost

approximately $1,500 ( Appendix for details on pricing). Force Agency assumes that with this

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first initial contact, this will allow eXplorance to have reasonable contact with at least 4 or 5


At the initial contact, eXplorance should give these schools a package containing a short

one page opening personalized letter to each school, describing who eXplorance is, stating how

they are trying to improve the K-12 school environment and demonstrating the company’s core

competency. It is imperative to make it clear that eXplorance is a system, and not just software,

and how the integration that eXplorance will allow the school to have, will create a more

efficient and better school for its students. Along with this opening letter, the package will

contain a brochure, which goes into more detail about the course evaluations and surveys, and

their advantages. Examples should be given which demonstrate how when eXplorance is used,

trends can be seen across many years, schools are able to set email triggers for answers to

questions that may be alarming or need immediate attention to, further demonstrating how this is

a system and is worth the cost. As well, Mr. Saab’s business card should be given in the package,

which gives the schools the contact information for eXplorance (Appendix X for our sample

letter, brochure, and business card).

eXplorance should target each school by stating (to those schools that apply-which is

most), that the cost to implement this software is less than the tuition per student, demonstrating

how its cost is relatively inexpensive. This will give a different perspective to the schools on the

price, and they will more likely feel as though the system is affordable and well worth it.

If the school decides to implement this system, they should advice the parents through

email or letter, as this was the primary communication tool that was preferred based on Force’s

exploratory data (Appendix x). Nonetheless, if eXplorance would like to have more data on how

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schools should implement changes to their school; more surveys should be distributed to parents

whose kids go to private school, as our sample was relatively small to draw large conclusions.

eXplorance can do two options when direct selling, if schools are reluctant to pay their

large fees. First, they could give a free trial for the first year, in order to increase trial, and thus

future purchases of the system. However, not all of the benefits of this system can be seen after 1

year, as longitudinal analysis is one of the major benefits. Since not all of the benefits can be

seen, if the schools do not want to use the system after the first year, this would be very

expensive for eXplorance. This would cost per school, between $1,000 for support and $9000-

$35,000 for training and installation. Because these schools are relatively small, this would likely

be on the lower end, and therefore around $11,000. This leaves a total cost for the company of

$12,000/ customer who receives a free yearly trial and an opportunity cost of around

$20,000/customer (using the perpetual model).

As opposed to giving these schools a free 1 year trial, a discounted rate for the first few

years could be used in order to increase trial. For example, as of now, the general cost for 3 years

for eXplorance is $14,000 ($11,000 for year 1, $1,000 for year 2 maintenance and $1,000 for

year 3 maintenance). If the company charges $8500/ year for 3 years, they will still make

$11,500 profit over the 3 years. Furthermore, once these companies have used these products for

3 years, the staffs that have used the system will be comfortable with it and they will likely not

want to switch. The student information will also be set up on their systems and it could end up

costing these schools more to switch than to pay eXplorance the regular price. Furthermore,

after using the system for 3 years, they will be able to see the longitudinal benefits of the system

and will be more likely to continue using the product.

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The first option is not worth the cost, since the benefits of the product cannot be seen

after only one year. The normal perpetual pricing should instead be used for most consumers. If

the school is reluctant to pay the high price, giving a discounted rate to the consumer of around

10% for the first 3 years (based on the yearly model since it is much less expensive the first

year), then charging a regular yearly fee after year 3 years.


In order to attract consumers in the future, the company should add a section on their

website which demonstrates what eXplorance offers that other competitors do not. At the

moment, there is too much writing and it is not obvious right away what eXplorance’s unique

selling proposition is. The company must be clearer that they are selling a system and not just

software. They can also create a video will be placed on their website, which shows how

eXplorance is used, and also highlights the company’s core competency of being integrated

within an entire school.


The 3rd annual Technology Summit is a two day conference held on February 27th and

28th, ,2013 in Toronto. Representatives from all over Canada come to the conference (Appendix )

, including individuals schools and school boards. Specifically, last year, the Toronto District

School Board, Havergal and Crescent ( two Toronto independent Toronto schools) participated

in the conference. Many universities and colleges also attend, allowing the company to increase

their presence within the higher education industry as well. The event costs $9,995 to sponsor

and includes a 45 minute speaking platform, where eXplorance can be the sole speaker to the

audience and showcase the benefits of the system (Appendix for itinerary). A case study format

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is encouraged, which emphasises the best practices, tips and advice for the system . Alongside

the speaking platform, eXplorance will have a 10 x 10 exhibit display on the tradeshow floor,

where 7-8 participants at a time can see first-hand the benefits of the eXplorance system. The

exhibit area is a main part of the event, where it is set up where the food is given, and is therefore

a high traffic area for participants to have one-on-one conversations with the eXplorance

representative and for participants to see the exhibits and take an interest in the products. The

eXplorance logo will also be present on the conference’s website, with a direct link to the

eXplorance website. As well, the logo will be placed on all promotional materials for the

conference, in front of the registration desk and in the conference room for attendees to see

(Appendix 3 for more detailed information).


Along with these sponsors, if two of the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools

(CAIS) use eXplorance products and write recommendation letters to CAIS, eXplorance can be

placed on the “Corporate Sponsors” page on the CAIS website. This page has the description of

the services/ products used (Appendix ), and can give eXplorance a large competitive advantage,

as this page is extremely accessible and ensures trust in consumers ( since two independent

schools recommended them).

Appendix 1

James Lyng

As like other public schools in the Montreal area, James Lyng is regulated by the Commission Scolaire de Montréal. The secretary admitted that the school administration did not have a strong power deciding what type of IT system should be implemented in their school; it is the duty of

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the school boards to choose what system should be used and the government to specify what budget should be given for this type of investment.

John F Kennedy

Although this school is also regulated by the Commission Scolaire de Montréal, the director confessed that course evaluations and surveys for high school students would be very helpful for teachers. His fear is that this software might be too costly for the benefit it could bring to a school that is not allowed to make any important change in their structure and overall teaching methods.

John Grant

As a school dedicated to students with special needs, John Grant does not use any course evaluation or survey practices. The school’s general interest would be geared toward the current experiences of graduated students; for instance, it would be helpful to know which exact part of the special program they offer has been beneficial for the students. They do have extra budget to account for different kinds of investments but this money is usually spent on activities for the children and equipment for the courses.

John Paul I

John Paul I is known for its very multi-cultural student population. Similarly to the previous schools interviewed, the administration is not in charge of choosing different evaluation methods and practices as those are regulated by the school boards. Apparently, these unions already offer various types of surveys as tools for their teachers, who, will also create and manage small surveys on their own.

West Island College

Because most schools are not-for-profit organizations, the idea of investing thousands of dollars for feedback-type software would be quickly dismissed at any school boards.

Hebrew Academy School

As a religious school, they have their own ways of assessing student and teachers feedback. Their evaluations are geared toward the integration of the religion into regular instructions and are produced and managed by their employees.

Loyola High School

The school members already encourage students and teachers to voice their opinions. Surveys and evaluations are given out but no specific conclusion has been drawn from these practices so far. The school is looking for ways to differentiate itself from other schools and they would certainly like to have better tools to make concrete changes from students and teachers opinions.

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Bialik High School

In their opinion, this kind of software is very expensive and not what their school is looking for in type of investment geared toward improving the school.

Vincent Massey Collegiate

This school has a very large marketing budget and really strive to be one of Quebec’s top schools. Even though they are interested in the idea of improving their methods and practices through evaluation and surveys, they are looking for a solution that will not take up thousands of dollars every year. Eventually, as the system is well implemented, they will invest more if they have been able to concretely help the school with the help of those tools.

Collège Régina Assumpta

Surveys and evaluations are widely distributed in this high school. This system has been implemented a few years ago and they pay a regular licence fee that allows them to keep the software running. Although we were not able to get the name of the company they are using, our assumption is that Scantron helps them in the survey area as well as the test area.

Académie Ste-Thérèse

They employ an in-house survey system for general-purpose surveys whereas the teachers will initiate their own survey and evaluation practices. Scantrons are used in these cases to analyze results faster. They admitted that this type of automated software would be very interesting but not at any cost: a few thousands may be the maximum they are willing to spend.

Collège Jean Eudes

This school is one of the highest performing school in Quebec. They have their own IT department that creates and regulates course evaluations and surveys. Before this department was put into place, the school debate on whether or not they should outsource. They finally chose not to invest into a third-party software for the main reason that they wanted their IT department to be one of their competitive advantages. It was also confessed that the cost of doing these evaluations was very high at the beginning but that in the long-run, their IT staff became very efficient, which made the overall experience lucrative.

Collège Jean de Bréboeuf

They do already have an in-house system in place that deals with the course evaluations and general usage of surveys but they are willing to consider outsourcing or buying a software it if it’s beneficial for them. It is important for them to have an edge over their competitors so if this product can help them improve their teaching methods, they would be willing to invest. They also specified that the product would have to be easy to use and easy to customize.

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Collège Saint-Sacrement

This school is still using paper evaluations and surveys. Even though it is one of the best ranked school in the Quebec province, it is not equipped with an IT department capable of dealing with the type of software eXplorance is currently offering. In the short-term they are considering continuing to use the traditional paper methods but they are well aware that they will have to switch to online in the future in order to get better analysis and keep up with the industry.

École d’éducation Internationale

Their school is really focused on international opportunities and languages. They constantly seek to improve their program but not through surveys or evaluations. Teachers and students are encouraged to share their opinions and speak with people that are in charge of adapting teaching practices. In their point of view, evaluations and surveys were not personal enough to get very good answers and feedback.

Appendix 2

Appendix 2a

Barrie London North Bay Ottawa Thunder Bay Toronto (and GTA)














Private School Distribution in Ontario

Appendix 2b

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Barrie London North Bay Ottawa Thunder Bay Toronto (and GTA)


















Independent School Distribution in Ontario

Appendix 3

Appendix 3a

Toronto Missisauga Scarborough Brampton Other0



12 105 9

Private Schools in GTA

Other includes: Oakville-2, Burlington-2, Etobicoke-3, Markham-1, Fergus-1

Appendix 3b

Page 12: Explorance paper

Toronto Oakville Richmond Hill Other0











Independent Schools in GTA

Other: London-1, Newmarket-1, Port Hope-1, Rosseau-1, St.Catherines-1, Thornhill-1, Waterloo-1, Whitby-1, Aurora-1, Barrie-1, Belleville-1, Collingwood-1, Etobicoke-1, Hamilton-1, King-1, Lakefield-1

Appendix 4

Independent Schools Toronto

Private Schools Toronto Independent Schools (excluding Toronto)

Private Schools ( excluding Toronto)





Average Tuition Fees For Schools

Independent Schools Toronto Tuition (top schools):

Bayview Glen School $21,200 Branksome Hall $29,105Crescent School $28,375Greenwood College School $29,500 Havergal College $26,520 Royal St. George's College $27,700 St. Clement's School $24,875.00 The Bishop Strachan School $27,440 

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The York School $26100 Upper Canada College $28,575

Private Schools Toronto Tuition:

Arrowsmith school $23,000 Brighton School $22,185Can-Aim High School $4800 FieldStone $18,910 Foundation $12,960.00 Ontario International College $13,980.00

Independent Schools (excluding Toronto):

Albert College $22,100 Appleby 32,990 Ashbury $ 20,200 Elmwood $20,400 Hawthorne $16,000 Hillfield $21,768 Holy Trinity $21,450 Lakefield, $28,330 Maclachlan $19,850.00 Pretty River Academy $ 16,030

*Appleby is an outlier

Private Schools ( excluding Toronto):

Blyth Academy $10,200Nancy Campbell Collegiate Institute $13,600Wellington Hall Academy $8000Ottawa Jewish Community School $11,200

*For our purposes, we have defined independent schools as ones that are part of the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), however there are some schools that are not part of this association. These schools are completely independent from the government, and must meet the CAIS standards. Private schools, however, do not have specific standards, but are also independent from government funding.

Appendix 5

Page 14: Explorance paper

Course evalua-tions

Evaluate teachers

Evaluate the school

Give general comments on

the school

Other, please specify:







How would you like to evaluate the school?

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Other: -general evaluation about the school- was random though and not everyone was chosen

-with principal

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-calling or emailing individual teachers

-meetings with the head of the school

-surveys were random and part of strategic planning. We were able to request meetings with Guidance Staff, VP and Principal Meetings with the head of the school

Appendix 8

Examples of pricing using the independent schools seen below:

Independent/Private Schools Tuition Ranking Grades Students

Bayview Glen School$15,400-21,200

Preschool-12 1000

Branksome Hall$27,105-$29,105 JK-12 880

Havergal College $26,520top 25 ( in Canada) JK-12 920

Royal St.George's College $27,700 grades 3-12 426

St.Clement's $24,875top 25 ( in Canada) grades 1-12 450

The Bishop Strachan School $27,440 JK-12 900The York School $26,100 JK-12 560

Upper Canada College $28,575top 25 ( in Canada) K-12 1020

Crescent $28,375top 25 ( in Canada) grade 3-12 698

Toronto French School$11,710-$28,120

top 25 ( in Canada) grades 2-12 1300

Crestwood Preparatory College $19,800 grades 7-12 375De La Salle Oaklands $9,900 grade 5-12 700St.Michael's College $12,800 grades 7-12 1080

University of Toronto Schools $20,875top 25 ( in Canada) grades 7-12 626

Appendix 8a


Evaluations-year 1

Surveys-Year 1

Bundle- Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Bayview Glen School $ 11,368.50

$ 11,368.50

$ 17,490.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Branksome Hall $ 13,124.48

$ 13,124.48

$ 20,191.50

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

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Havergal College $ 12,867.40

$ 12,867.40

$ 19,796.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Royal St.George's College $ 12,455.30

$ 12,455.30

$ 19,162.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

St.Clement's $ 11,935.63

$ 11,935.63

$ 18,362.50

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

The Bishop Strachan School $ 13,020.80

$ 13,020.80

$ 20,032.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

The York School $ 12,317.50

$ 12,317.50

$ 18,950.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Upper Canada College $ 13,398.13

$ 13,398.13

$ 20,612.50

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Crescent $ 12,940.53

$ 12,940.53

$ 19,908.50

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Toronto French School $ 12,073.43

$ 12,073.43

$ 18,574.50

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Crestwood Preparatory College

$ 10,848.50

$ 10,848.50

$ 16,690.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

De La Salle Oaklands $ 9,340.50

$ 9,340.50

$ 14,370.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

St.Michael's College $ 10,400.00

$ 10,400.00

$ 16,000.00

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

University of Toronto Schools

$ 11,384.43

$ 11,384.43

$ 17,514.50

$ 4,000.00

$ 4,000.00

Appendix 8b

Equation for: Bundle Price = 10,000(base fee)+0.3(tuition)+2(number of students)+1,500(per each additional administrator over 1)

*0.3 was chosen because the higher the tuition, the more disposable income the school likely has. However, we did not want to make this number too high since we don’t want the prices to be too discriminatory.

*2 was chosen because the number of students that the school has is a large indication of the number of surveys that will likely be administered. As well, the more students, the more potential for glitches and more surveys, and therefore the more customer service that may be needed.

-we did not take into account the 4,000$ maintenance fee in year 1 because we don’t want the cost to be too high and we want to instead lock in the school. The $4000 maintenance fee is instead the only price charge after year 1 , using this model.

2) Evaluations and Surveys = 0.65*Bundle Price

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Yearly Fee (Bundle) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Bayview Glen School $ 10,121.50

$ 8,372.50

$ 8,372.50

$ 7,498.00

$ 5,749.00

Branksome Hall $ 11,067.03

$ 9,047.88

$ 9,047.88

$ 8,038.30

$ 6,019.15

Havergal College $ 10,928.60

$ 8,949.00

$ 8,949.00

$ 7,959.20

$ 5,979.60

Royal St.George's College $ 10,706.70

$ 8,790.50

$ 8,790.50

$ 7,832.40

$ 5,916.20

St.Clement's $ 10,426.88

$ 8,590.63

$ 8,590.63

$ 7,672.50

$ 5,836.25

The Bishop Strachan School $ 11,011.20

$ 9,008.00

$ 9,008.00

$ 8,006.40

$ 6,003.20

The York School $ 10,632.50

$ 8,737.50

$ 8,737.50

$ 7,790.00

$ 5,895.00

Upper Canada College $ 11,214.38

$ 9,153.13

$ 9,153.13

$ 8,122.50

$ 6,061.25

Crescent $ 10,967.98

$ 8,977.13

$ 8,977.13

$ 7,981.70

$ 5,990.85

Toronto French School $ 10,501.08

$ 8,643.63

$ 8,643.63

$ 7,714.90

$ 5,857.45

Crestwood Preparatory College

$ 9,841.50

$ 8,172.50

$ 8,172.50

$ 7,338.00

$ 5,669.00

De La Salle Oaklands $ 9,029.50

$ 7,592.50

$ 7,592.50

$ 6,874.00

$ 5,437.00

St.Michael's College $ 9,600.00

$ 8,000.00

$ 8,000.00

$ 7,200.00

$ 5,600.00

University of Toronto Schools

$ 10,130.08

$ 8,378.63

$ 8,378.63

$ 7,502.90

$ 5,751.45

*The base fee is amortized over 5 years, as it was stated that the product is usually amortized over 4.5 years. Because the company cannot buy the product for half a year, 5 years was used. More emphasis was placed on the first few years in order to ensure higher revenue at the beginning.

1) Year 1=0.35*Bundle Price + 40002) Year 2=0.25*Bundle Price + 40003) Year 3= 0.25*Bundle Price + 40004) Year 4= 0.20*Bundle Price +40005) Year 5= 0.10*Bundle Price + 40006) Year 6 and on= 4000

* Prices for consumers who only want to buy surveys or evaluations should be these numbers multiplied by 0.65. However, after year 5, the price should be $4000/year.

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Appendix 9

Appendix 9a- Toronto schools (top schools)

Top Schools in Toronto Address Phone NumberBayview Glen School 275 Duncan Mill Road, Toronto, ON,M3B 3H9 (416) 443-1030Branksome Hall 10 Elm Avenue , Toronto ,ON, M4W 1N4 (416) 920-9741Havergal College 1451 Avenue Road, Toronto, ON M5N 2H9 (416) 483-3843Royal St.George's College  120 Howland Avenue, Toronto, ON M5R 3B5 (416) 533-9481St.Clement's  21 St Clements Avenue, Toronto, ON M4R 1G8 (416) 483-4835The Bishop Strachan School 298 Lonsdale Road, Toronto, ON M4V 1X2 (416) 483-4325

The York School 1320 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4T 1X2 (416) 926 -1325

Upper Canada College 200 Lonsdale Road, Toronto, ON, M4V 1W6 (416) 488-1125Crescent 2365 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2L 1A2 (416) 449-0952

Toronto French School306 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto, ON M4N 1T7 (416) 484-6533

Crestwood Preparatory College  217 Brookbanks Dr, Toronto, ON M3A 2T7 (416) 391-1441De La Salle Oaklands 131 Farnham Ave.   Toronto, ON  M4V 1H7 (416) 969- 8771St.Michael's College  81 Saint Mary St, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4 (416) 926-1300University of Toronto Schools 371 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R7 (416)978-3212

Appendix 9b-outside of Toronto (top schools)

Top 25 in Canada (outside Toronto) Address Phone NumberAppleby College (most expensive in Canada)

 540 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, ON L6K 3P1 (905) 845-4681

Lakefield College4391 County Road 29, Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0 (705) 652-3324

Ridley College2 Ridley Road, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7C3 (905) 684-1889

St.Andrew's College15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 (905) 727-3178

Trinity College School 55 Deblaquire Street North, Port Hope, ON L1A 4K7 (905) 885-3217

Appendix 10

Day 1:

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Start at Toronto French School (A), Crescent (B), Bayview Glen School (C) and Crestwood Prep (D).

Day 2:

Start at St.Clement’s (A), Upper Canada College (B) , Bishop Strachan School (C) and De la Salle Oaklands (D).

Day 3:

Start at Branksome Hall (A), The York School (B) and then Havergal (C).

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Day 4:

Start Royal St.George’s College (A), University of Toronto Schools (B) and then St.Michael’s College (C).


Range of Prices: $102-$135 Range of Prices: $103-$139

Source: skyscanner.com

Average Price for each month= 118.5 ( February) and 121 (March)Average Price= 120 (rounded) / flightCost= $240 + tax (around 145%) =$588

Cost to rent a car for 4 days:

83.49/day ( cheapest on Hertz.ca) = $334

cost for 4 days:

-hotel $150/night

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-parking $20/day

-food $50/day

-gas $100 total

=980$/4 days

Total Cost= $1,568

Appendix----sample logo



Attendees 2012

Count of Company Name

Company NameTotal

TDSB 28Centennial College 6Toronto District Christian High School 4Memorial University of Newfoundland 4Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board 4Seneca College 4Renfrew County Catholic District School Board 3CECCE 3Algoma District School Board 3Limestone District School Board 3Renfrew County Catholic District School Board 2College Sainte-Anne de Lachine 2Vancouver Talmud Torah School 2Calgary Board of Education 2MindShare Learning 2Confederation College 2Turning Technologies 2

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George Brown College 2Yellowknife Catholic Schools 2King’s Christian Collegiate 2Lester B. Pearson School Board 2Shawnigan Lake School 1British Columbia Institute of Technology 1District School Board of Niagara 1Fleming College 1Ryerson University 1Fujitsu Canada - Imaging Division 1Thorvin Electronics Inc. 1Algonquin College 1Waterloo Catholic School Board 1Government of Yukon, Department of Education 1Rowntree Montessori Schools 1Grant MacEwan University 1Selwyn House School 1Havergal College 1Crescent School 1Holy Name of Mary College School 1Trent University School of Education and Professional Learning 1Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) 1University of New Brunswick 1King's University College 1Fanshawe College 1Lakeland College 1Collingwood School 1Lambton College 1Royal Roads University 1Absolute Software 1School District #71 (Comox Valley) 1CCNB 1Aerohive Networks 1Lloydminster Public School Division 1Sir Sandford Fleming College 1Loyalist College 1Tenet Computer Group 1Medicine Hat College 1Discovery Education Canada 1BenQ Canada Corp. 1Trinity Christian School 1Bishop’s College School 1University of Alberta 1OKI Printing Solutions 1Durham College, Student Academic Learning Services 1Pearson Canada 1Elliot Lake Secondary School 1Queen's University 1Regina Catholic Schools 1(blank)

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Grand Total 129

Appendix 2

Below is the agenda so far for this year’s conference:

Day One – Tuesday, February 26th

7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:15 AM Opening Comments From the Chair

8:30 AM Case Studies: York Region District School Board & OISEDevelop a Practical Roadmap to Integrate Education Technology into Your Classroom Most educators have made their peace with whether technology has a place in education. However, many continue to face strong challenges to effectively integrating these technologies into their lesson plans. Hear from K-12 and university leaders about what has worked well and what hasn’t.

Analyze the teaching criteria behind the implementation plan Examine what you can do with the technology and types/sample lesson plans Evaluate lessons learned and overall successes on the integration process

Determine what can work for you with useful tips on technology adoption and integration.

Todd Wright, Literacy @ School & ABEL Program, York Region District School BoardGarfield Gini-Newman, Instructor, University of Toronto, OISE

9:15 AM Case Study: Crescent School

How to Build a Curriculum Using BYOD and Enable New Learning Opportunities

Mobile devices can be effective tools for student learning. Hear how you can implement a bring-your-own-device approach to teach your students.

Integrate BYOD approach into the classrooms Understand common implementation and usability challenges and how to overcome them Lessons learned and plans for the future

Take back to your school working BYOD teaching strategies.

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Martha Miller, Technology Integrator, Crescent School Robert Costanzo, Upper School Faculty, English Teacher, Crescent SchoolJames Wildman, Senior Manage Information Technology, Crescent School 10:00 AM Mid-Morning Networking Break

Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees. Secure important new business contacts and talk about crucial developments in your field.

10:30 AM Case Study: American Public University System

How to Use Analytics with Current Education Technology to Improve Teaching and LearningThe current learning model can stall comprehension, learning and overall student success. Understand how you can start a data mining and analytics program, what tools and capabilities are required and how you can help educators and students improve their outcomes.

Formulate a roadmap for effective data mining, analysis and response Establish a predictive analytics framework to improve retention, performance and success Plan for increased personalized learning opportunities with the next generation of analytics in

education Develop a scalable and affordable data analytics strategy at your institution.

Phil Ice, Ed.D, VP, Research & Development, American Public University System

11:15 AM eTextbooksRolling Out and Experimenting with eTextbooks: How Making the Digital Shift Can Enhance the Learning Experience Textbooks publishers, educational institutions and faculty are getting on board with eTextbook trends. Some educational institutions are working with publishers to increase access to more flexible and affordable material, while faculty and students are experimenting with “open textbooks” and creating versions of their own. Learn how you can switch by assessing the:

Impact on academic improvements with textbook personalization Estimated cost-savings associated with the print-to-digital shift Benefits and challenges from a resource and content perspective

Address the value and place of eTextbooks and “open textbooks” in your classrooms.

12:00 PM Networking Luncheon

Join the conference speakers and your peers for a relaxing luncheon.

1:15 PM Case Study: Calgary Science SchoolEvaluate the Budgetary Decisions and Criteria Behind a Technology Implementation Strategy Funding, tight budgets and cost are often cited as the most common deterrent to adopting a 1:1 program in schools. Determine how you can successfully make the case to continuously support a school-owned 1 device – 1 student program.

Establish a vision, criteria and pedagogical shift to ensure meaningful use of technology Source the funding and overcome financial barriers to integration Divide up technology funding for this project and understand the choice of technologies Justify the existing laptop, new iPad investments and results

Get an inside look at the financial investment decisions of a long-standing 1:1 program.

Scott Petronech, Assistant Principal & Education Technologist, Calgary Science School

2:00 PM Case Study: St. Patrick’s Regional SchoolExamine Pedagogies Driving Educational Technologies to Facilitate Learning in the Classroom

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The pedagogical question surrounding technology is: what do teachers and professors want students to know and learn, and how do you help them get there? Learn how you can properly use technology to provide your students with the tools for exploration and opportunities to acquire knowledge of their own.

What are the pedagogical goals for using a particular piece of technology? What is the additional benefit of using technology in the classroom? How do adopted technologies increase personalized learning opportunities?

Make better use of technology to achieve your pedagogical goals.

John Bevacqua, Principal & Teacher, St. Patrick's Regional School

2:45 PM Mid-Afternoon Networking Break

Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

3:15 PM Case Study: Algonquin College

The Cost of Doing Business: Going All In with Educational Technologies to Create a 21st Century Learning Environment

In 2010, Algonquin College determined that it was time to introduce mobile learning into all FT postsecondary programming. By 2013 the mobile learning program will exceed 11,000 students in over 140 programs. Hear how you can embrace the use of digital technologies to enhance the learning experience of its students.

Examine the decision & implementation rationale behind the MLP Take a look at faculty preparedness, support and curriculum design Understand some of the physical and IT related infrastructure decisions that must be made Define the costs and how to benefit from a full education technology program

Take away tips to develop a comprehensive education technology blueprint in your institution.

Glenn MacDougall, Director, Learning & Teaching Services, Algonquin College

4:00 PM IT & Faculty Staff Panel Creating a Collaborative Environment to Make Educational Technology Initiatives ThriveFor faculty and IT support staff to successfully take technology initiatives from idea to practice, collaboration is key. Hear from both sides on what you require, and how to work together, to make your initiatives succeed.

Assess the top faculty and IT needs of today Identify approaches to improve collaboration, overcome hurdles and improve implementation Encourage collaborative efforts for supporting faculty and IT driven-initiatives

Gain insights into how you can improve your faculty - IT collaboration efforts.

Tim Foster, Demonstrator, School of Education, Trent University

Stephen Morris, Vice Principal, York Mills Collegiate Institute (TDSB)

More to come…

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4:45 PM Conference Adjourns to Day Two

5:00 PM Evening Social Activities

Unwind and mingle with the delegates and speakers at our “exclusive” end-of-the-day reception. Bring your business cards!

Day Two - Wednesday, February 27th

7:45 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:15 AM Opening Comments From the Chair

8:30 AM Case Study: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)Understand the Value of MOOCs and How They Can Revolutionize the Education SystemMOOCs are becoming a game changer for the education structure, teaching models and learning outcomes. In May 2012, Harvard University and MIT announced edX, an open-source educational platform that offers free university courses to anyone with broadband connection around the world. Hear how MOOCs are initiating a shift in paradigm and understand the pedagogical implications as the movement grows.

Provide interactive mode of teaching that engages students Encourage peer learning and support instant feedback on student progress Work with experimental assessment models and customized teaching opportunities

Get a first-hand look at what MOOCs can offer to you on their game changing potential in education. 9:15 AM Case Study: Clintondale High School - Flipped School Enhance Your Class-Time Management with Flipped Teaching Methodologies to Personalize Learning Flipped classrooms can help free-up valuable class-time by reducing lecturing time for deeper content review and discussion. Explore how this reverse instruction and content delivery model can help your students create a more personalized learning experience.

Evaluate the methodology behind the flip, its value and appropriate uses Support deeper learning with increased student-teacher time Increase peer learning and enable more discussion time

Adopt flipped classroom methods for a more tailored learning environment at your school.

Greg Green, Principal, Clintondale High School

10:00 AM Mid-Morning Networking Break

Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

10:30 AM Cloud ComputingMaximize Your Investment in Education and Benefit from Cloud-Computing TechnologyCloud pay-as-you-go services capacity for storage and networking allows for increased network traffic of students and teachers without the overloading and crashing problems common to “brick and mortar” datacenter hosts. Maximize your technology dollars with solutions that increase the opportunities of your students and educators today. Hear how cloud-computing technology can help you:

Reduce your education technology costs with a scalable cloud computing solution Track students’ performance and improve communications with parents Connect with educators to share high-quality content and collaborate on critical topics

Take back to your institution a scalable and cost-effective solution to education technology deployment.

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11:15 AM Case Study: Peel District School Board How to Set Up a Robust BYOD Program that Achieves a 1:1 Goal in Any ClassroomWith most students today owning some kind of mobile device, schools are capitalizing on this reality to bring into the classrooms the opportunities of mobile technology in education. Hear directly from the Peel DSB on how you can set up a district wide BYOD rollout.

Evaluate the costs & benefits of a full-scale BYOD rollout Assess the step-by-step program implementation and management Establish the necessary support system Rollout coordination of BYOD

Learn how you can implement a mobile learning strategy in your institution.

Mark Keating, Chief Information Officer, Peel DSB

12:00 PM Networking Luncheon

Join the conference speakers and your peers for a relaxing luncheon.

1:15 PM Case Study: Social Media in EducationIntegrate Social Media to Develop New Teaching Methodologies and Build Classroom EngagementSocial media, such as blogs and Twitter, can not only improve student participation strategies, but they can also provide real time engagement and teacher feedback. Hear how you can use social media tools to change classroom dynamics and:

Increase your students’ participation rate with creative uses of informal learning Source low-cost, real-time collaborative tools on social media platforms Develop strategies to overcome roadblocks to the use of social media in your institution

Take away practical insights to how social media tools can improve learning and engagement in your classroom.

Dr. Jim Greenlaw, Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ontario Institute of Technology

2:00 PM Case Study: Game-Based Learning Employing Game Design and Game-Based Learning Tactics to Engage Your Classroom Most classrooms are set up with little student motivation and engagement, limited feedback that incentivizes failure, and standardized learning regardless of proficiency and unique learning methods. Explore game-based pedagogical alternative for your classroom.

Analyze the criteria behind a game-designed classrooms Integrate digital games and game-like features into your teaching Develop a learning environment for students that is customized to their needs

Learn innovative ways to teach and engage your students.

2:45 PM Mid-Afternoon Networking Break

Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

3:15 PM Case Study: Durham District School BoardA Step-by-Step Professional Development Plan to Secure Faculty Buy-in for a Successful Education Technology Initiative Education technologies not only help students better prepare for the outside world and expand the learning resources at their disposal, but also bring teaching methodologies into the 21st century. Ensuring your faculty’s engagement is key to the success of your initiatives.

Enable your faculty staff with training and professional development

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Advance staff collaboration, communication and networking Encourage pilots, proposal and brainstorming new ways to use technologies

Source strategies for your faculty engagement and overall project success.

Martyn Beckett, Director of Education, Durham District School Board

4:00 PM K-20 PanelHow Can Education Technology Bridge the Gaps between K-12 and Post-Secondary Education Educational institutions are tasked with preparing students with the necessary skills to become successful individuals in society and the workforce. Attend this discussion on strategies you can implement to help students manage the transition from K-12 to post-secondary and bridge the divide.

How does teaching and education technology differ at the K-12 vs. post secondary level? How can technology help students remained engaged? Can education technology increase student retention rates in your classes? What can be done to improve the transition process and student success?

Understand how you can contribute to the goal to close the K-20 transition gap.

Lorraine Carter, Professor & Academic Director, Centre Flexible Teaching and Learning, Nipissing University

Dr. Trent Tucker, Anne Lockie and Frederic Promoli Professor in Transformational Learning, University of Guelph

Allan Hardy, Principal, Greenwood College School

More to come…

4:45 PM Conference Adjourns

Appendix 3

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming 3rd Annual Education Technology Summit. This two-day event will be held on February 27th and 28th, 2013 in Toronto.

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During our discussion you mentioned to me some key components to what the Mcgill University and its Partner would consider to be a successful sponsorship opportunity.

1) Speak and educate an audience of key target market delegation about Mcgill University and its Partner’s latest student survey technology

2) An exhibit booth to showcase one on one the benefits of the new application and to aid in the networking and lead generation initiatives

3) Augment Mcgill University and its Partner’s initiative to capitalize on and broaden brand awareness and market presence primarily to the Ontario market. To aid in the marketing of their new online content.

We are excited to provide you with solutions that can help you achieve all of these objectives. By partnering in this executive-level event Mcgill University and Partner will benefit in these ways:

1) SHOWCASE McGILL UNIVERSITY AND ITS PARTNER’S LATEST PRODUCTS: Utilize our summits educational style format to further promote and showcase the organizations knowledge and expertise within educational technology.

A 45 minute speaking platform will allow Mcgill University and it’s Partner to send a senior executive to showcase his/her expertise in the subject area, while highlighting the features, advantages and benefits of Mcgill University and its Partner’s suite of solutions and products.

As the sole presenter of the session, Mcgill University and its Partner will have the undivided attention of the audience, maximizing your opportunity to showcase your leadership and expertise.

A case study format is highly encouraged and welcome. We would be happy to work together to draft a session title, description and speaking points that best fit your needs, as well as the content quality we always strive to maintain. The audience is often most receptive when the session is anchored by best practices, tips and advice. This is an excellent way to help educate and advance the knowledge of educational technology professionals, while at the same time, allow the excellence of your people, products and services to shine through.

2) PRODUCT/BRAND SHOWCASE: Demonstrate your solutions and foster unique business relationships one on one with your potential clients and networking partners at a designated booth for the Mcgill University and its Partner.

To further the Mcgill University and its Partner’s objective to connect with your target audience, we also include a 10 x 10 exhibit display booth or tabletop display on the trade show floor limited to seven to eight participants.

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We offer a number of high-impact on-site networking functions and an exhibit area designed to be the heart of the event. Our booths are set up in the same area as where breakfast, breaks and lunches are held to make sure you get the best traffic flow. This ensures you are able to have as many one-on-one conversations with the 80-100+ attendees at this event.

3) BRAND EXPOSURE: Augment the Mcgill University and its Partner’s initiative to increase brand awareness to aid in the goals to increase market awareness of the universities new online content to primarily the Ontario market.

We help maximize and enhance your brand exposure leading up to the event, as well as onsite at the summit.

Your logo on SI website with a direct link to your website. In addition to the biweekly email campaigns done internally, our conference website is also promoted by our partners.

Logo placement in all promotional materials including any advertisements in industry publications.

Your logo on the conference signage, which is placed right upfront at the registrations desk as well as in the conference room. This will be seen by all of our attendees as soon as they walk in.

Your Investment: $9,995

I have attached our detailed agenda with confirmed speakers. This conference brings together exactly the executives you want to connect with. The attached attendee list will highlight the attendees from our last Education Technology Summit.

We look forward to your involvement at this exciting event!

Kind regards,

Scott Carter

Sponsorship [email protected] ext.229


Example of one of the sponsors:

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