exploring wicca

By Paige Lysaght Religion 100

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By Paige Lysaght Religion 100. Exploring Wicca. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Exploring Wicca

By Paige LysaghtReligion 100

Page 2: Exploring Wicca

"When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation."

-Edain McCoy

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The Basics

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The modern form of Wicca was founded in 1954 by Gerald B. Gardner, a British civil servant who published a number of books on the subject. Though it is still considered a new religion, many of its traditions and practices are drawn from the Old Religion (pre-Christianity paganism). Additionally, Wicca falls under the umbrella category of Neo-Paganism, which includes a number of other recent religious movements.

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It is difficult to determine how many Wiccan followers there are, as many practice in private or do not draw attention to their beliefs.

It is estimated that there are 1-3 million followers, with the highest concentrations in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

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Organizational Structure

Wicca is not a particularly structured religion. Many Wiccans, known as “solitaries,” practice alone, and thus are in complete control of the way they practice and do much of their learning through personal research. Although they may do the majority of their work alone, they may still become involved in community events. Other Wiccans are members of “covens.” They interact directly with other members of The Craft, and thus are able to learn on a one-on-one basis. Regardless of which method is selected, it tends to be fairly informal.

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There is no distinct set of beliefs in the Wiccan religion. It is frequently adapted to suit personal ideals and lifestyles, and there is no single official doctrine that dictates how one should behave. However, certain aspects are consistently practiced and can generally be attributed to Wicca.

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Wiccans act with appreciation and reverence towards nature, searching for the divinity in all things.

Wiccans learn from nature, and honor the different cycles of the sun, moon, and seasons.

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The Wiccan Rede

Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede, which states “An ye harm none, do what ye will.” It is a strong guidepost for daily life, rituals, and spellcasting.

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The Threefold Law

Some Wiccans acknowledge the “Threefold Law,” which states that a person’s deeds will return to him or her three times over.

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Though this isn’t always the case, many Wiccans believe in reincarnation. They do not accept the heaven/hell theory. Instead, some believe that souls are only reborn until they have learned all of life’s lessons, after which they go to the Summerlands, a place of eternal rest. Others believe the soul is constantly reborn. Still others do not believe in reincarnation at all.

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Divine Beings

Most Wiccans worship two major deities, a Goddess and a God. They believe that these figures are equally balanced, and that the spirit of these figures is embodied in everything that exists. Some Wiccans worship individual gods and goddesses as well, but it’s up to the individual. Essentially…

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“There is a single power defined as the One or All, which is composed of everything it has ever created. This supreme energy force does not rule over the Universe, it IS the Universe. Since most find it difficult to talk to or call upon a faceless mass of Divine energy, this supreme power is personified into male and female aspects as the Goddess and God.”


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The Goddess

The Goddess is celebrated in three forms (reflecting three stages of life): The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone.

Each form is regarded as equally valuable. The Maiden represents innocence and

adventurousness. The Mother represents compassionate love. The Crone represents wisdom.

Each stage of the Goddess also corresponds with a phase of the moon—waxing, full, and waning.

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The God

This figure is known under other names, such as “The Great God,” “The Great Father,” and “The Horned God.”

He is often symbolized as a man with horns or antlers.

This masculine force is seen as a symbol of fertility and nature.

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Creation or Evolution?

There is no set theory that Wiccans are expected to follow, and most are fairly open-minded about the subject. Some followers are more inclined to believe in evolution, while others subscribe to one of various creation myths. The most popular is as follows…

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The Spirit created the universe out of nothingness, and with it a Great Goddess. The Goddess proceeded to create all nature and placed within it a rhythmic dance so that it could continue to move forth on its own. The Spirit then created a companion for the Goddess, and she and this God gave birth to all life together.

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Sacred Texts

Wiccans do not have a single sacred text. They have several books that they may use for reference (such as the works of Gerald Gardner), but these books hold more historical significance than modern function. However, Wiccans do create their own spiritual books, known as a Book of Shadows, and incorporate them in their worship practices.

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Contents of a Book of Shadows There are no specific guidelines

regarding what goes into one’s Book of Shadows.

They are typically looked at as a magickal journal, including significant writings and information, spells and rituals, dream interpretations, and so forth.

Generally each witch has his or her own book, but covens may create one which is utilized by the entire group as well.

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Sacred Spaces

Most Wiccans create an altar, which is a personal sacred space. The altar frequently changes—for rituals, for sabbats, and for life. There are no strict rules for what goes on the altar—instead, altars are tailored to meet the needs of their creators. However, certain tools show up frequently…

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Altar Cloth: a piece of fabric used to cover the altar.

Athame: a ceremonial knife used for directing energy.

Bell: used in rituals to signal beginnings and endings.

Besom: essentially a broomstick, used to sweep away negative energies.

Book of Shadows: the magickal journal, frequently used in making notes during rituals.

Candles: used to represent the God and Goddess, and sometimes the five elements as well.

Cauldron: utilized in a number of rituals and serving many purposes (scrying, burning, mixing), the cauldron is also a representation of the Goddess.

Chalice: used in rituals to hold certain spirits (usually wine).

Crystals: used for healing, divination, and rituals.

Divination Tools: including runes, tarot cards, pendulums, etc.

God/Goddess Statues: used to symbolize each deity.

Pentagram: a star encased in a circle used to represent the elements.

Scrying Mirror: a dark colored mirror used for divination.

Wand: used for directing energy during spells and rituals.

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Possible Altar Set-Uphttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/spiritwolf/altar_and_tools.htm

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Other Examples


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The Eight Sabbats

Wiccans traditionally recognize eight holidays. They correspond with different seasonal changes, and are celebrated in a variety of ways.

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ImbolcFebruary 2nd

A celebration of the beginning of Spring, this holiday celebrates a time of growth and renewal.

This date is often recognized through spring cleaning, exploring outdoors for signs of the warm weather to come, and the lighting of candles to acknowledge the return of the sun.

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OstaraMarch 21st

Ostara is a celebration of the Spring equinox—of growth, renewal, and fertility.

Eggs are considered a fertility symbol and are incorporated into rituals. The coloring of what are now know as Easter eggs was developed.

This holiday is celebrated through planting of gardens, enjoying the outdoors, and utilizing bright colors.

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BeltaneApril 30th

Beltane is a celebration of love, fertility, and self-discovery. Most of the rituals happen during daylight hours.

Some “May Day” traditions developed from this holiday (such as the May Pole).

It is a common time for Handfasting (marriage) ceremonies in pagan culture.

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LithaJune 21st

Opposite of Yule, this holiday celebrates the longest day of the year. It is also known as Midsummer Night’s Eve.

It is a time to recognize masculine energy, as it is a celebration of the Sun God’s time of great strength.

Bon fires are often burned throughout the night, and may be accompanied by dancing and/or chanting.

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LammasJuly 31st

Lammas (also known as Lughnasadh) marks the beginning of the first harvest. I

It is a time to reap the rewards of summer work, and to acknowledge the coming of fall.

Because this is a time of harvesting grain, those celebrating often bake bread to eat and include in rituals.

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MabonSeptember 21st

Mabon is known as the second harvest festival, and is celebrated on the fall equinox.

It is a time to recognize equality and balance, to give back to the earth a portion of what was created during the harvest, and to enjoy what was created.

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SamhainOctober 31st

Known as the Pagan New Year, it symbolically represents rebirth through death.

It is a time to recognize the spirits of family and friends who have passed away.

It is celebrated at sunset. Many modern Halloween traditions are based on Pagan rituals.

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YuleDecember 21st

A celebration of the longest night of the year, Yule is a time to notice the decline of winter.

It is also a time of planning for the future.

Many old pagan traditions have been incorporated into Christmas celebrations, such as the symbolic Christmas tree, and the Yule log.

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Wicca and Human Nature

Unlike many other religions, Wiccans generally don’t believe that they are here to complete certain tasks to please or prove something to their Creator. Instead, Wiccans try to live good and fulfilling lives, keeping close in mind the Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law, and still honoring the God and Goddess.

Wiccans believe that while humans may make mistakes, that is only in our nature. Therefore, we should learn from these errors.

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Sin and Suffering

The Wiccan view of sin is significantly different from the Christian viewpoint. They do not support the idea of original sin. Wiccans believe that sin is generally the

result of an imbalance between one’s self and nature.

Unlike most Christians, Wiccans believe that an individual is born innocent, and then may be hurt by circumstances or conditions that cause the imbalance, resulting in harm to one’s self or to others.

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The Wiccan Mindset

Overall, Wiccans tend to be fairly open-minded about most “controversial” topics. They are incredibly accepting of homosexuals, celebrate women’s rights, and feel abortion is a personal decision. For the most part, they stick to their idea of “harm none.” How each individual interprets this idea varies.

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Are Wiccans Satanists?

No. Wicca is a peaceful religion that focuses on nature and the divinity in all things. Wiccans do not believe in an all-evil being, like the Satan of Christianity. Additionally, they abide by the “Harm None” mindset that is embedded in their religion. In no way are they affiliated with Satan or Satanists.

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Sources “Pagan Theologies: A Wiccan Perspective on Good and Evil.” 12 October

2007. <http://pagantheologies.pbwiki.com/A-Wiccan-perspective-on-good-and-evil>. This insider blog offers an interesting (and well researched) summary of Wiccan ideas of good

and evil in a Wikipedia-esque format. The article covers both historical and spiritual aspects, and also discusses the subject in relation to other religious traditions. Resources are listed at the bottom and can be easily used for further research.

“Religion Facts—Neopaganism.” 8 September 2007. <http://www.religionfacts.com/neopaganism/index.htm>. Religious Facts is an outsider website that covers a number of religions, including Wicca and

other branches of paganism. The site’s factual nature is helpful, and it offers a nice comparison chart between Wicca and Christianity.

“Wicca.” 14 September 2007. <http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/wicca.html>. This resource is part of a University of Virginia project. The information is extensive (if not a bit

difficult to read because of the length), and it offers several other Wicca-related links as well. It covers many topics, including history, beliefs, and controversies.

“Wicca—a Neopagan earth-centered religion.” 10 September 2007. <http://www.religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm>. Religious Tolerance has sections on many different religions. The Wicca section offers

information on the history of the religion, modern-day Wicca, frequently asked questions, terminology, and Wicca’s relationship with Christianity. The essays are informative and diverse. It is a very solid resource.

“Silver Wolf’s Lair.” 20 September 2007. <http://homepage.ntlworld.com/spiritwolf/our_path.htm>. This insider site is a personal website created by two individuals who practice Wicca. It has a

wealth of information, covering ritual practices, sabbats, magick, basic information, and Wiccan lifestyles. The site is surprisingly extensive, and can answer a majority of questions on the religion.