
Argel R. Doctora BSED 3, English ENG306: CREATIVE WRITING Activity 2 Writing Exemplication “MARIA MODERN VERSUS MARIA PAST” People of todays are very fun of discussing the world of the PAST between the worlds of the MODERN. They love to talk and to argue what are the difference and the similarities of the two. My dear READER please BARE with me, Actually it is so magical and mysterious on how the PAST world of maria clara divert into the World of a Modern “slash” Fierce “slash” Bolder MARIA CLARA ♥♥♥ WELL the battle begins… long time ago Maria Clara’s of the PAST are BOLDER, long time ago, as I remember DIEGA SILANG is one of the FILINA who fight for the freedom of the Philippines as well as tandang sora who is very brave to help the katipunero’s on healing them. Cory Aquino is also a part from the line because of her braveness to be outspoken on the time of regime of Marcos, still in the MODERN it is reflect on the society nowadays. Filipina are still BOLDER in terms of their RIGHT, EMOTIONs, and as well on how to be OUTSPOKEN in everything that I might see as the dirt on their notions. Hahahahaha. Well in contrast they are very different in term of being FIERCE (how

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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about compare and contrast


Argel R. DoctoraBSED 3, EnglishENG306: CREATIVE RITINGActi!it" #riting E$e%&licationMARIA MODERN VERSUS MARIA PAST'eo&le o( to)a"s are !er" (*n o( )isc*ssing the +orl) o( the 'AST ,et+een the+orl)s o( the -.DERN. The" lo!e to tal/ an) to arg*e +hat are the )i0erence an)the si%ilarities o( the t+o. -" )ear READER &lease BARE +ith %e, Act*all" it is so%agical an) %"sterio*s on ho+ the 'AST +orl) o( %aria clara )i!ert into the orl)o( a -o)ern 1slash2 3ierce 1slash2 Bol)er -ARIA C4ARA 555E44 the ,attle ,egins6long ti%e ago -aria Clara7s o( the 'AST areB.4DER, long ti%e ago, as I re%e%,er DIEGA SI4ANG is one o( the 3I4INA +ho 8ght(or the (ree)o% o( the 'hili&&ines as +ell as tan)ang sora +ho is !er" ,ra!e to hel&the /ati&*nero7s on healing the%. Cor" A9*ino is also a &art (ro% the line ,eca*seo( her ,ra!enessto,eo*ts&o/enontheti%eo( regi%eo( -arcos, still inthe-.DERN it is re:ect on the societ" no+a)a"s. 3ili&ina are still B.4DER in ter%s o(their RIG;T, E-.TI.Ns, an) as +ell on ho+ to ,e . I ho&e I7% correct? +ell +e as &eo&le+e nee) to e%,race on +hat is ha&&ening on the societ" ,*t re%e%,er in e!er"action "o* %*st ,e res&onsi,le. ell then no %ore ;ARD 3EE4INGS I SA4