expression of congratulation

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Expression of CongratulationConversation 1Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your team go home with the trophy?Rahel : Wow thats a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success!Daniel : Thank you very much for saying so, Rahel. So, how about you and your team in astronomy competition?Rahel : Unfortunately, I and my team didnt get the first place. We got the third place but I was really happy since we had won over many other teams and gone that far.Daniel : Thats the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well. I congratulate you on your great success.Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the first like your teams did.Daniel : Cool! Lets fight for the next competition!el : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.

Conversation 2Farhan : So, how long has it been since the first publishing of your first novel?Yola : Its been 3 weeks since then.Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far?Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.Farhan : Splendid! Id like to congratulate you on your success at your first time publishing your novels.Yola : Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. Its very kind of you to say soFarhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know you could be a great author someday.

Expression of Offering HelpExpression of Offering to bring something At the PartySarah : Hey, everyone! Thank you for coming to my partyYani : Its a very kind of you for having us here, Sarah. Happy birthday, by the wayFanti : We are really glad to come here. Happy birthday, SarahRendra : Yeah, your party is really nice. Happy birthday, SarahSarah : Thank you, everyone. Im very happy to have you here too. By the way, have you enjoyed the food? Would you like some tart cake? I have tart cake from my parents.Rendra : Oh, really? Is that okay? I would love to have someYani : Oh, thank you, Sarah. Please, dont botherFanti : Thank you, Sarah. Its okay. Thank you for the offerRendra : Well if nobody likes it, maybe you can get some for me, SarahYani : Oh, dont be so ravenous, Rendra! You have just eaten many sweets.Rendra : Oh but.Sarah : Hahaha. Its okay its okay, guys. I really dont mind. Okay, wait a minute, Ill get the cake.Fanti : Oh forgive Rendra, Sarah. Were sorry for troubling you.Rendra : Yes, thank you, Sarah. Just a tiny slice will be okay.Sarah : Hahaha. Its alright, guys. Okay, enjoy the party while Im going for the cake. (Sarah going to bring the cake)Rendra : Hey, I drank a very fresh smoothie right there. Do you want some smoothies?Yani : Really? Yes, I want some!Fanti : Oh no thank you. I get cough. I think Im not going to drink cold drinks for a while.Rendra : Well, there is a hot chocolate drink. Shall I help yourself to some hot chocolate?Fanti : Oh really? Thank you, Rendra. Thats a very kind of you.Rendra : No problem. Okay, I will get the drinks. You two wait here for Sarah.Fanti : Alright. Thank you, Rendra.

Expression of Making, Responding and Cancelling Appointment (Janji)The AppointmentYasir : Hey, Ira!Ira : Oh, Hey Yasir!Yasir : Remember our appointment I told you last night on the phone?Ira : Oh, yes of course.Yasir : Great, so would this Friday suit you?Ira : Friday? Well, I think it would be perfect.Yasir : Nice! Okay, see you on Friday, Ira.Ira : Um. Oh my! Hey, Yasir wait up!Yasir : Huh? Whats the matter, Ira?Ira : Im afraid that Im not going to be able to meet you this Friday after all.Yasir : Oh really? Why?Ira : Im sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier. My sister called me a while ago. She told me to go with her to somewhere this Friday.Yasir : Oh, thats too bad.Ira : Alright, can we fix another time?Yasir : Well, if thats the case. How about Saturday?Ira : Alright, I think I will be free on SaturdayYasir : Cool. Now its Saturday, right?Ira : Yes. Alright, good bye thenYasir : Good bye, Ira!Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Pekerjaan My Dream Job[During break time at schools canteen]Rima : Huh? What book are you reading, Elsa?Elsa : Oh This is a book about law.Rima : Umm, you seem to really enjoy your reading. Do you like law and something like that?Elsa : Yes, I like everything that deals with law. I think when I go to college later Im going to be law student. My dream is to become a well-known and professional lawyer.Galih : A lawyer? What so good of being of a lawyer?Elsa : I think being a lawyer is really cool for me. I can help people to deal with their law problems. I can give advices to people regarding the way out of their law issues or defend them in their lawsuit cases. Lawyer is also a prestigious profession. Its not easy to be a lawyer. You need to take a long educational period to make you a true and dependable lawyer.Galih : I heard that a lawyer makes a lot of money too. Ha ha ha.Elsa : Ha ha ha. I think that could be one reason too. So, what do you want to be in the future, Rima?Rima : My true goal is become a Ministry of Finance. I want to be a Bachelor of Economics. My Father is an accountant. He deals with corporations finance on his work. Maybe I will be an accountant first, then I will continue my study of Financial Management and I will walk on my career to be a first director of a corporation and keep struggling for my main goal to be the Ministry of Finance.Elsa : Ministry of Finance? Whoa, what a goal to reach, Rima!Rima : Yes, thank you, Elsa. So, what about you, Galih? What is your dream job?Elsa : Um I dont know. Since I like arts, I think Im going to be an artist.Rima : An artist? Um, thats quite cool for me. What makes you decide to be an artist as your dream job?Galih : Yeah, as you see, Im crazy about arts. Actually I love all kinds of art, especially fine arts. I love to paint and make sculptures or statues from woods, or wax. I want to be a great fine artist that is known by everybody. I want world to get amazed of al my art creations. I want to bring peace and happiness through my art creations. Thats really a great dream for me.Rima : Your speech is really cool, Galih.Elsa : You are terrific at fine arts, Galih. Im sure you will reach your dream as worlds artist.Galih : Thank you, Girls. I hope in the future you two can be the best Lawyer and Ministry of Finance for our country.Elsa : Amiin for that!Rima : Amiin success for us all!

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Junk Foods Effects for Your Health[After school]Fitri : [Sigh] School really makes me hungry. Lets get something delicious to eat!Ratih : Good idea! Its lunch time anyway. Do you have any idea of delicious foods for our lunch?Bobi : Hey, what about that food stall?Ratih : Huh? Wait a minute. That is fast food stall, isnt it?Bobi : Yeah. Come on! My stomach cant wait any longer.Ratih : Why fast food? Can we find healthier foods for our lunch?Bobi : Nope, I think there are no healthier food choices around. I heard that it sells delicious cheese burgers and French fries too. Lets go! I cant stand hearing my stomach roaring.Fitri : Come on, Ratih. Hamburger sounds delicious.Ratih : [sigh]Ratih : Oh my, Bobi. You ordered two large cheese hamburgers, French fries, and coke. Are you going to eat all these junk foods?Bobi : Of course! Im a man. I need more foods.Ratih : Do you ever think what kind of danger that will come for you by eating these foods?Bobi : Um overly full?Ratih : No.. Bobi. These foods will bring bad effects for your precious health.Bobi : Huh? What are the bad effects anyway?Ratih : I join the healthy life club that attempts to motivate its members to live a healthy lifestyle. We were taught to stay away from junk foods since junk foods like foods you are going to eat now are known to be very bad for health.Bobi : Why is that?Ratih : You know that these foods contain high calories, fats, and sugar, but are really low in nutritional value. Due to the high calories, the more you eat these foods the bigger your body will be. It is called obesity. These foods are also high in salt. If you really love eating these foods, they will lead you to a risk of high blood pressure.Fitri : Wow, can it get worse then?Ratih : Of course! Moreover, if you consume these junk foods day in, day out, then the saturated fats will accumulate in your body, especially in your blood vessels. Day after day the fats will pile up in your blood vessels and eventually block your blood stream and make it clogged. If this happens on the blood vessels on your brain, you will then get a brain stroke. The worst one is if you have high blood pressure and the fats block the blood stream on your heart, then you can get a fatal heart strike that can lead you to death.Bobi : [Gulp] is that. Is that true?Ratih : there is no use if I tell fake stories.Bobi : Alright, I think youre right. I have to start to go with a healthy lifestyle.Fitri : Whoa, thanks for that information, Ratih. You really opened our eyes.Bobi : So, what should I do with all these foods? I havent even eaten them yet.Ratih : I heard you have dogs. Maybe they will like it.Bobi : [sigh] Oh, great~

Percakapan Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris tentang Keluarga Familys Photo AlbumTia : Hey, Lidia. Is this your familys photo album? May I see it?Lidia : Yes, sure.Tia : Um. Who is this little kid, Lidia? Shes so cute.Lidia : Huh? Let me see. Oh, Tia. Cant you see it? Its definitely me. It was me when I was 3 years old.Tia : Ha ha ha. You look different when you grow up. And this people must be your parents?Lidia : Yeah. Those are my mother and father.Tia : Your father wears police uniform? Is he a policeman?Lidia : Yes, he is. And now he is on his duty out of the town.Tia : And your mother?Lidia : she is a teacher.Tia : What does she teach?Lidia : She teaches Geography.Tia : Um, who are these people? Are they your siblings?Lidia : Yeah, you are right, Tia. This big guy is Randi, he is my oldest brother. This beautiful girl is Fanya, she is my older sister. And these kids are Rio and Yuri, they are my younger brother and sister.Tia : Oh ya, I have seen Rio and Yuri quite often. They go to the same school as my brother, Rasya, to Mekar Kusuma Elementary School, dont they?Lidia : Yes, your younger brother, Rasya also came over here to play with Rio and Yuri quite often.Tia : Well Um In this photo, it looks like your oldest brother carrying his baby. Is he married already?Lidia : Yeah, its only my brother, Randi who is married already.Tia : Um. Who are these people, Lidia? They must be your grandparents.Lidia : Yes, they are parents of my mother.Tia : Do they come over here a lot?Lidia : Not really. Last time I saw my grandmother was on Lebarans days and my grandfather had passed away years ago.Tia : Okay What about your grandparents of your fathers family?Lidia : My family didnt visit them. They lived in Kalimantan. Unfortunately my father didnt have enough time to take us there, so we couldnt visit them on Lebarans days this year.Tia : I see. Huh? um. I think I recognize this woman. Oh yeah! She is my junior high school teacher. Her name is Mrs. Latifah. Do you have any relation with Mrs. Latifah, Lidia?Lidia : Wow, so you were Mrs. Latifahs student then. Yes, she is my aunt. She is my mothers older sister.Tia : She is a really nice and kind teacher. I like how she taught the class. Is she a nice aunt, Lidia?Lidia : Right, Tia. Just like you say she is a kind and tender-hearted auntie. When I was a little, she looked after me while my parents were working.Tia : She is really a nice person.Lidia : You have seen my familys photo album, what about sometime I see yours?Tia : Alright. You can come over my house sometime.

Percakapan dalam bhs Inggris tentang Indonesia My Precious Cultures[One day at Borobudur Temple]Anita : Excuse me, Sir. Can I take a photo of you?Tourist : Huh? Oh, of course.Anita : [after taking the photo] Thank you, Sir.Tourist : Its nothing.Anita : Um by the way, are you here alone, Sir?Tourist : No, actually I came here with my wife.Anita : Where is she, Sir?Tourist : I think she is taking some photos around this Borobudur temple.Anita : Where do you come from, Sir?Tourist : I come from America, its California, USA.Anita : Wow. What brings you here, Sir?Tourist : Um well, I heard from my friends that Indonesia has great and amazing temple relics. Opportunely, I am an anthropology teacher and I really like ancient things. Actually I have seen many ancient relics from around the world, and now its my turn to visit Indonesia.Anita : Do you like this Borobudur temple, Sir?Tourist : This temple is awesome! Every relief and sculpture I see on every part of the temple is remarkable. This is one of the greatest cultural and historical inheritances that Indonesian people have to maintain.Anita : Yes, Sir. I feel proud youre saying so. Do you know about other Indonesian cultures, Sir?Tourist : Of course, I know many cultures from every place in the world. Actually, I have been studying about Indonesian cultures lately.Anita : Really, Sir? What do you think about my peoples cultures?Tourist : Indonesian cultures are completely unique and interesting. According to my knowledge, Indonesian tribes and ethnics consist of over than one thousand tribes and every tribe has its own cultures and customs. Indonesian cultures were formed and influenced by multitude of religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, even animism, and dynamism. Western cultures also take part in Indonesian cultures, especially in science, technology, and modern entertainments. I also read that Indonesia has a few of indigenous tribes such as Dayak, Asmat, Mentawai, Toraja, ect. Indigenous tribes generally isolate themselves from outside world since they want to keep maintaining their pure cultures and customs.Anita : Wow, you know much about Indonesian cultures, Sir.Tourist : Yes, but not really much, Im still studying them.Anita : Have you visited every region in Indonesia, Sir?Tourist : Yes, I have visited several cities in West Sumatera, Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and NTT. I studied about the cultures from each of those places, like the foods, arts, and customs.Anita : So, are you happy visiting Indonesia, Sir?Tourist : Of course, Im really happy visiting Indonesia. I think I will stay a little longer to know more about this remarkable country.Anita : That would be great, Sir.

Percakapan berbahasa inggris di kantor pos Package for My AuntieFani : Hey there, Rita!Rita : Huh? Hey, Fani!Fani : Hey, Rita. You want to send letters from here?Rita : Yeah. Im going to send some letters and documents for my brother in Bandung. Are you going to send something too, Fani?Fani : Yes. Im going to send this package for my auntie.Rita : Where will you send that to?Fani : To my aunties house in Bekasi.Rita : Whats inside the package anyway?Fani : Um its just some tailoring stuffs. My auntie needs them to work on her tailor.Rita : I see. It doesnt look heavy.Fani : Yes, its quite light. Um. but, I have a little problem, Rita.Rita : Huh? Whats the matter?Fani : Its my first time to send a package through post office. I dont really know what I should do to get this package sent to my aunties house. Do you mind to help me what to do, Rita?Rita : Ha ha ha. Dont be that worried, Fani. Its really a simple one. All you need to do is go straight to the counter clerk there and tell the clerk you want to send the package. Then you just need to pick out some of your money to pay for it, and your package will be sent right into your aunties address. If there is anything you need, the clerk will tell you. Done. Thats all.Fani : Very well. I think thats quite simple. Okay, thank you, Rita. Ill go to the counter now.Rita : Alright*CC = Counter ClerkCC : Good morning, may I help you?Fani : Good morning. Yes, I need to send this package to Bekasi.CC : Have you written down the addresses of sender and receipt on the package?Fani : Um, nope. Oh but, here I have the addresses.CC : Very well, Can you write the addresses down on the package? Heres the pen.Fani : Alright. Its done.CC : Where do you want this package to be sent to?Fani : Bekasi, please.CC : Ill weigh the package first. Alright its 3 kg. So, to Bekasi it will cost Rp 15,000.Fani : Here you are.CC : Here is the change and here is the sending evidence. Your package will be there in 1 2 days. Thank you.Fani : Thank you.Rita : Youre done sending the package?Fani : Yes, it was so simple.Rita : Ive told you. Hey, you want to go home with me? I ride my motorcycle.Fani : Really? Alright. Thank you, Rita.

Conversation expression of Like and Dislike Ungkapan Suka dan Tidak SukaConversation 1Yesi : Okay, Billy. Your mom is going to shop at the market for a while and I am asked to take care of you. So, what do you like to do?Billy : I want to play. Lets play!Yesi : Alright! Do you like drawing? Lets draw something with crayonsBilly : Um I dont really like drawing. Lets play something else.Yesi : Well, do you mind playing soccer outside?Billy : Yeah! I love playing soccer!Yesi : Great! I will get the ball.Conversation 2Kimi : Look, Super Junior has released its new single song. What do you think, Tania? Do you love the song?Tania : Well, I dont mind with every song of Super Junior.Kimi : Huh? Why?Tania : I dont mind with Super Junior. I love TVXQKimi : Oh I see. What about you, Rina?Rina : I am not really fond of Korean Boybands. I prefer British BoybandKimi : Oh, I love British Boyband too. Its One Direction, right?Rina : Right! I am crazy about them. They are just gorgeous!

Asking for DirectionsContoh dialog conversation bahasa inggris untuk menanyakan arah tujuan atau alamat.Conversation 1Woman : Excuse me, Sir.Man : Yes. Can I help you?Woman : Yes, Sir. Could you tell me how to get the nearest supermarket?Man : Well, the nearest supermarket is located about 200 meters from here. So, you can keep going straight and it will be on your leftWoman : Thank you, SirMan : Youre welcomeConversation 2Man : Excuse me, SirOld man: Yes, how can I help you?Man : Yes, Sir. Im sorry Im looking for this address. Do you know where it is?Old man: Well, this address refers to a house next to my shopMan : Oh, really? Am I on the right way for the address?Old man: Yes. You just need to continue straight ahead and when you see crossroads you take the left way and it will be on your left.Man : Well, thank you very much Sir.Old man: No problemConversation 3Girl : Excuse me, Maam. Is this the right way for Suka Cita elementary school?Woman : Im sorry I think you are going in the wrong way.Girl : Oh, do you know where the school is?Woman : Well, you can go back on your way and take right way from the crossroads

Expression of ApologizingExpression of Apologizingadalah suatu cara menyampaikan ekspresi ungkapan permintaan maaf dalam bahasa inggris yang tentunya banyak variasi kalimatnya sesuai dengan konteks dan situasinya. Tidak harus semua variasi digunakan dan jangan terlalu fokus untuk belajar menguasai grammar bahasa inggris dalam melatih conversation sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan di modul the classroom)Gilang : Hey, Robi. Where is Mita?Robi : Mita? I think she is meeting her friend at another classGilang : Is that her lunch box on her desk?Robi : I think so, whats wrong with her lunch box?Gilang : I have a good idea, lets play a prank on her!Gisel : Guys, Im sorry for interrupting your talk. Can I ask what time it is now? When will the break time end?Robi : Its 1.15 PM. I think we will have another class in 30 minutes.Gisel : Alright, thanks Robi.Robi : No problem.Robi : Well, what is your idea, Gilang?Gilang : Im going to hide her lunch box and she will really be in panic when seeing her lunch box is missing. And that is going to be so funny. So, do you come with me, Robi?Robi : Um I am sorry, I think Ill pass. I forget doing my math homework. I have to finish it now before math class starts.Gilang : Oh, okay, thats too bad. Ill do it by myself then.Robi : Well, good luck then.Gilang : (Gilang immediately grabs Mitas lunch box and goes out of the class but suddenly he bumps into a teacher outside the class)Mr. Ari : Pardon me, what makes you so in a rush, Gilang?Gilang : Oh! Mr. Ari! Im terribly sorry, Sir! I was going to give this lunch box to my friend. Im really sorry, Sir.Mr. Ari : Thats alright, Gilang. Please be careful on your way.Gilang : Thank you, Sir.Mita : Gilang? What are going to do with that lunch box?Gilang : Huh? Oh! Mita! I didnt notice you! (Gilang gets startled seeing Mita stand before him all of a sudden)Mita : Yes?Gilang : Oh I think Im busted. Actually, I was going to play a prank on you by hiding your lunch box. I am very sorry, Mita.Mita : What? Oh my, I think I came in the right time.Gilang : Please, forgive me Mita. I was only planning on playing a prank on you.Mita : Well, Forget it. Just dont let this happen againGilang : Alright. Thank you, Mita!Mita : For you information, thats not my lunch box.Gilang : What?!

Expression of Agreement and DisagreementKami akan memberikan contoh dialogpercakapan bahasa inggristentang bagaimana cara menyampaikan ungkapan pertujuan dengan mengatakan setuju atau tidak setuju. Penyampaian materi dalam bentuk dialog akan lebih mudah memahami konteks kalimatClass VacationYoga : So, class. Now we are going to deliberate our concern about where we are going to head for our class vacation. So, who comes up with the idea first?Habibi : I will vote for Anyer Beach. Anyer Beach is one of the nearest beaches we can visit.Yoga : So, class. Is there anyone who disagrees with Anyer Beach?Jenny : Um, I am not sure about that. Last vacation our class had gone to Anyer Beach. I think we should see other options.Habibi : Oh yeah! Youre right, I forgot about that.Jefri : Well, Im suggesting Kebun Raya BogorKania : I agree with you, Jefri. I have never been there myself.Geri : Me too, I am with you, Kania. Seeing great trees and plants must be exciting. Kebun Raya Bogor is like a great jungle in the middle of town.Sarah : Im sorry guys. I think I will disagree with that. Its rainy season now. And as you know, Kebun Raya Bogor is located in Bogor which is the city of rain. And seeing the intensity of rainfall throughout Indonesia lately, I think we might not be able to explore the whole Kebun Raya Bogor due to the rain.Tio : I think what Sarah said is right. Kebun Raya Bogor is not the best place to visit during this heavy rainy seasonYoga : Well, are there any other options?Fauzi : How about Bali?Habibi : No way! I dont have enough money to go to BaliSarah : Habibi is right, Fauzi. Its really costly to pick Bali as an option.Yoga : Okay, class. To save the time, now lets just write your idea into a piece of paper and we will deliberate in the next occasion. Thank you

percakapan interview dalam bahasa inggris Sintas Job InterviewSinta : Excuse me, Sir. May I come in?Alfon : Yes. Please, come in and have a seat.Sinta : Thank you, Sir.Alfon : So, your name is Sinta, right?Sinta : Yes, that is right, Sir.Alfon : Very well, my name is Alfon. I am the head of the human resource department of this hotel company.Sinta : Nice to meet you, Sir.Alfon : How are you this morning, Sinta?Sinta : Im perfectly fine, Sir. Thank you, and how about you?Alfon : Im fine too. Thank you. Did you get caught under the rain on your way coming here, Sinta? It rained this morning.Sinta : it was just a cloudy day in my place, Sir. It didnt rain when I left my house to come here. So, the rain must have stopped before I arrived here.Alfon : I see, Im happy for you.Sinta : Thank you, Sir.Alfon : So, do you know what we are going to do, Sinta?Sinta : Yes, Sir. I was emailed and called by phone in order to have a job interview session from this company three days ago. So, now here Im going to be having an interview job session with you.Alfon : Very well. Can you tell me about your self, Sinta?Sinta : My name is Sinta Rahmawati. Im 23 years old. I graduated from one of State Universities in Bandung. I took hotel-management as my major. I love travelling and singing. Travelling and singing both improve my health mentally and physically.Alfon : You applied to be our Junior Hotel Manager. Do you have any experience of this job?Sinta : No, Sir. I am a fresh graduate. This is my first time to apply a full time job.Alfon : What makes you decide to apply for Junior Hotel Manager position?Sinta : I think Junior Hotel Manager is an appropriate job position for me. I find it attractive and interesting as well. Due to the hotel-management major I took, Im sure that my skills and talents will be conducive to this companys success. I can also see a bright future of my career by joining this company.Alfon : Very well. So, what is your strength and weakness point?Sinta : My strength is my cheerfulness, my carefulness, my strong will to learn new things, and my skill to work under pressures and as a team. My weakness is my phobia of dark.Alfon : Well, it was a great time to have a little talk with you, Sinta. We will announce the result of your interview in a week. Thank you for coming here.Sinta : Yes. Thank you, Sir.

Dialog Permintaan Maaf dalam Bahasa InggrisDialogpermintaan maaf dalam bahasa inggrisini awalnya berat dilakukan karena perasaan bersalah apalagi mengakuinya bahkan kemudian meminta maaf adalah ketakutan tersendiri. Tetapi meminta maaf atas sebuah kesalahan bukanlah merupakan dosa justru merupakan bentuk kejantanan. Demikian yang dilakukan Fahri dengan meminta maaf atas kesalahannya memecahkan vas bunga milik Ana.Dialog Permintaan Maaf dalam Bahasa Inggris I Am Sorry For the Vase[Fahri meeting up with Ana]Fahri : Hey, Ana!Ana : Hey there, Fahri!Fahri : I thought you didnt have time to come here earlier.Ana : Actually I didnt, just like I said on the phone earlier that I had another appointment with my friend today. But, right after that she texted me that she couldnt go with me because her grandmother suddenly got sick and she with her entire family had to visit her.Fahri : Oh, I see then. So, I hope I am not ruining your whole day by asking you out to come here, Ana.Ana : Ha ha~. That is really fine, Fahri. I am free of business today since my first plan was canceled.Fahri : Im glad to hear that.Ana : So, you said earlier on the phone that there was something you wanted to tell me. What is it, Fahri? Why didnt you speak it up on the phone?Fahri : Yes. Um. Uh. Umm Ana *Fahris hands are shaking. He looks wrought-up of what he is about to say*Ana : Yes?Fahri : Do you remember the vase you made at art class?Ana : Um? Do you mean my broken vase?Fahri : Yes that broken beautiful vase.Ana : Yes. Why? Is there anything wrong with that vase?Fahri : Yes. Its me. *Fahri shuts his eyes, he gets sweaty and looks very nervous and scared*Ana : Huh? You?Fahri : I beg you, Ana. Please, do not be mad for everything Im saying. Will you?Ana : Huh? You are funny, Fahri. How can I react to anything you say if I dont even know what it is.Fahri : [Fahri keeps silent]Ana : Just speak up, Fahri! I promise I wont kill you. *Ana chuckles*Fahri : Speaking of the broken vase of yours. I ImAna : Yes?Fahri : I AM SORRY, ANA! I HAD BROKEN YOUR BEAUTIFUL VASE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! *Fahri shouts*Ana : You? Broke my vase?Fahri : Yes, Ana. Im really sorry about this. I dont know how to tell you. The one who broke your vase that time was me. I accidentally brushed against your vase with my elbow and made it fall off to the floor and broken. But, I didnt recant since I was terrified you would be so angry at me. I dont have any idea how to pay this off. I wish I can do anything you want from me to atone for my wrongdoing.Ana : Ha ha ha. Okay, okay, It really is fine. I accept your apology, Fahri. Im glad to see you finally confess of what youve done.Fahri : Youre not mad, Ana?Ana : No, Fahri. *Ana smiles* I can just make another vase.Fahri : Is there anything I can do to pay for my mistake?Ana : Well, will you help me remake my vase?Fahri : SURE! I WILL TRY MY BEST FOR IT! * Fahris eyes are wide open* Thank you Ana for forgiving me!

Percakapan Sederhana Dalam Bahasa Inggris Visit to ChinaPercakapan sederhana dalam bahasa inggrismengenai rencana Heru melakukan perjalanan ke China membahas tentang tempat-tempat yang layak dikunjungi tanpa membuang banyak waktu dan tentunya uang. Sebagaimana diketahui China merupakan negara yang sangat luas sehingga jika punya rencana berkunjung ke China perlu sebuah perencanaan yang tepat.

Percakapan Sederhana Dalam Bahasa Inggris Visit to ChinaHeru : Hey, there, Risma!Risma : Uh? Oh, hey Heru Whats wrong?Heru : Sorry for bothering you, Risma. But I need some information from you? Do you have time for several minutes?Risma : Some information? Well, how can I help you?Heru : Well, actually I and my friends are going to make a backpacking trip to China. But the problem is that we havent really decided yet the places to visit in China. We need to know the best ones so we wouldnt need to waste our times or money there. Moreover, I heard that you have already been in China for several times. So, I think perhaps you can give me some recommendations regarding the places. Do you mind to help me out, Risma?Risma : Oh, very well its alright, Heru. Im glad I can help you out.Heru : Oh, thank you, Risma.Risma : Actually I didnt really know the best places to visit in China since most of my visits in China I spent my times in Beijing. But, well I think I know some places that are must-visit for tourists. By the way, how long will you stay in China?Heru : Um Its about a week.Risma : Okay One place you shouldnt miss to visit if you are in China is absolutely the Great Wall. You know the Great Wall of China, dont you?Heru : Yes, of course. Its one of the Seven Wonders of The World, right?Risma : Right. The Great Wall is one of the greatest sights in the world located in North China, near Beijing. So, you need to get into Beijing first before visiting the Great Wall.Heru : Oh! I forget to write down what youre saying. *Getting his notebook to write down Rismas words* Okay, Risma, you can go on.Risma : Um well when you go to stay in Beijing, dont miss the chance to enjoy that capital city of China. There are many places that most tourists love to visit in Beijing, like Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Ming Tombs and various monuments and mausoleums. And if you still have much time left, you can go to Shanghai or Hong Kong as well. They are great cities. Well I think thats all.Heru : Alright, thank you, Risma. Im sure these places are great.Risma : And since you are backpackers, you may need some information about some economy-priced inns there.Heru : Thats right! Alright, thank you for everything, Risma.Risma : Youre welcome. Have a good trip!

Percakapan Bisnis Bahasa InggrisKisah kesuksesan seseorang dalam menjalankan usaha mulai dari nol hingga besar sangat layak menjadi bahanpercakapan bisnis bahasa inggris. Salah satunya adalah kesuksesan Yanti dalam mendirikan toko roti dari perjuangannya berjualan door to door hingga memiliki toko sendiri dan besar merupakan inspirasi bagi banyak orang yang ingin menjadi pengusaha sukses. Daripercakapan bisnis bahasa inggristerungkap saat ini Yanti sudah memiliki banyak karyawan yang membantunya memproduksi roti, memasarkan dan melayani pelanggan. Simak baik-baik percakapan berikut :

Percakapan Bisnis Bahasa Inggris How I Start My Bakery BusinessHeri : Hey, Yanti! Long time no see! And now your bakery business has gone into a great success. What an achievement!Yanti : Thank you, Heri. Im still trying as best as I can to satisfy every customer.Heri : Wow. Can you tell me the story of your success, Yanti?Yanti : Well, before my business goes this big, I also experienced hard times. At the first time starting out my bakery, my factory where I made the bakery foods was in my own houses kitchen. I did everything by myself. I made the dough, I baked the dough, I packed the bakery foods, I marketed and distributed my bakery foods to food stalls to be resold all by my self. I tried my best to satisfy people and make them love my bakery foods.Heri : And then what happened next?Yanti : Over time, many people began to like my bakery foods. Seeing that opportunity, with adequate fund of bank loan and driven by strong will, I decided to build and open up my own bakery. It wasnt still a large bakery. I stopped selling my bakery foods to the food stalls and began to sell them in my own small bakery.Heri : Did many people come to buy right after you opened the bakery?Yanti : It was like I needed to start over again. I had to introduce my new-open bakery to people once more. I made brochures and leaflets to get people know my bakery. And. finally, people started to come over my bakery. My bakery customers then increased in number by the help of mouth-to-mouth promotions. That was how my marketing strategy worked.Heri : Wow, werent you overwhelmed to handle those customers all by yourself?Yanti : Of course, I had trouble to meet customers demands. Therefore, I decided to employ workers to work on my bakery. I started out employing 3 workers; 2 workers to work with me making the bakery foods back in the kitchen, and the rest became cashier and salesclerk that serve customers.Heri : Do you need more workers then?Yanti : Of course, my scale of production was getting massive over time. Therefore, I started to employ more workers, enlarge and trim up my bakery, enhance my business strategy until today.Heri : What do you consider as the most important thing in running your bakery business?Yanti : Definitely, costumers satisfaction. I wouldnt have run my business smoothly if I belittled customers satisfaction. One satisfaction of a customer is enough to attract other customers to come.Heri : Thats great, Yanti. Thank you for sharing. I wish your story can be helpful for me someday.Yanti : Youre welcome, Heri.

Contoh Percakapan bhs Inggris tentang Cuaca Todays WeatherHaris : [Sigh] Oh No, it is 03.00 PM already. And the rain doesnt seem to be going to stop.Yuni : Yeah. Fortunately we managed to find the nearest bus shelter on our way to take cover from the rain. If we didnt we would have been completely soaked.Haris : Thats right, Yuni. By the way, why is weather in Jakarta really unpredictable lately?Yuni : Huh? What do you mean by unpredictable?Haris : This morning I watched weather forecast program. The reporter said that today Jakarta would be cloudy all the day and without any possibility of raining.Yuni : Maybe you got it wrong, Haris. Jakarta is divided into 5 different regions. And each of those regions usually has different weather forecast. We are in West Jakarta, so you might have watched the weather forecast besides of West Jakarta.Haris : No, Yuni. Im really sure it was a weather forecast for West Jakarta. Plus, I have another proof here. Here it is I just browsed the internet to find out todays weather forecast by using my mobile phone. See it says that today would be cloudy. It doesnt say any chance of raining today. Moreover, we should have been in drought season by this period.Yuni : Wow, you look very serious with this weather problem, Haris.Haris : Of course, Yuni. I have an appointment with my friend at 04.00 PM later. I need to go to his place then. Due to the weather forecast program on the TV I watched this morning; I decided not to bring an umbrella. So, if its still raining like this, Im going to be really late to go there and wringing-wet.Yuni : Oh, thats too bad, Haris. Unfortunately I didnt bring umbrella either. I suppose this is what is called extreme weather pattern.Haris : Extreme weather pattern?Yuni : Yes, extreme weather pattern. The factor of extreme weather pattern is the one that usually brings on unpredictability of weather patterns. You are right, Haris. As you can see, weathers lately are really unpredictable. When we woke up in the morning, the sky was really bright and blue. Suddenly, three hours later the sky went dark and the day rained in torrent.Haris : Thats true.Yuni : Few days ago, I was also tricked by the weather. That morning sky was really gloom, I thought that hard rain would come all day long, so I decided to cancel my outing plan. Unfortunately, the fact was that day didnt rain and sky suddenly went bright.Haris : I know what you felt, Yuni. Then the one who should be blamed is the weather forecast program! They told us wrong news.Yuni : Youre funny, Harris. Its just a forecast anyway, not an exact news.Haris : ButYuni : All you can do now is praying. We pray for the rain to stop soon.Haris : Alright then.

Expression of Angerexpression of angerdigunakan untuk mengungkapan rasa marah atau kesal atau atas perlakuan atau ucapan tidak menyenangkan yang dilakukan seseorang. Dalam keseharian, kita tentunya kadangkala ada saja orang-orang atau hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan atau mengganggu sehingga membuat kita marah atas kesal. Ungkapan marah atau kesal bisa menjadi respon kita atas hal yang kurang mengenakkan tersebut, berikut contohexpression of anger:Everyone Has Bad DaySari : Hey, Rangga!Rangga : What displeasure!Sari : What? What happened, Rangga? Are you angry about something?Rangga : Oh, Im very sorry, Sari. I was walking near this puddle and suddenly there came a motorcycle passed by at speed and through this puddle, and the water splashed on my shirt. Im just so fed up with this.Sari : Alright, Rangga. Calm down. Here, I have a handkerchief. You can wipe up your wet shirt.Rangga : Oh, thank you, Sari. So, how was your day, Sari? Did something bad happen to you too? Haha Im kidding, Sari.Sari : Actually, something bad did happen to me. Its still driving me mad until now.Rangga : Oh, really? What do you look so insulted about?Sari : Its my boss. He said that I can have a day-offs earlier but today he revoked what he said. I was planning on going for a vacation on my day-offs with my family. I am extremely displeased about that.Rangga : Im sorry to hear that.Sari : Well, everyone has bad day but if we still consider it positively, everything is going to be alrightRangga : Yeah, I think youre right

Expression of CongratulationExpression of congratulationadalah ungkapan selamat yang kita gunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang ketika berhasil melakukan sesuatu. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh expresssion of congratulation dan tanggapan yang tepat atas ungkapan tersebut yang perlu diberikan oleh penerima ungkapan selamat :Conversation 1Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your team go home with the trophy?Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.Rahel : Wow thats a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success!Daniel : Thank you very much for saying so, Rahel. So, how about you and your team in astronomy competition?Rahel : Unfortunately, I and my team didnt get the first place. We got the third place but I was really happy since we had won over many other teams and gone that far.Daniel : Thats the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well. I congratulate you on your great success.Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the first like your teams did.Daniel : Cool! Lets fight for the next competition!Conversation 2Farhan : So, how long has it been since the first publishing of your first novel?Yola : Its been 3 weeks since then.Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far?Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.Farhan : Splendid! Id like to congratulate you on your success at your first time publishing your novels.Yola : Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. Its very kind of you to say soFarhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know you could be a great author someday.

Expression of ApologizingExpression of Apologizingadalah suatu cara menyampaikan ekspresi ungkapan permintaan maaf dalam bahasa inggris yang tentunya banyak variasi kalimatnya sesuai dengan konteks dan situasinya. Tidak harus semua variasi digunakan dan jangan terlalu fokus untuk belajar menguasai grammar bahasa inggris dalam melatih conversation sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan di modul the classroom)Gilang : Hey, Robi. Where is Mita?Robi : Mita? I think she is meeting her friend at another classGilang : Is that her lunch box on her desk?Robi : I think so, whats wrong with her lunch box?Gilang : I have a good idea, lets play a prank on her!Gisel : Guys, Im sorry for interrupting your talk. Can I ask what time it is now? When will the break time end?Robi : Its 1.15 PM. I think we will have another class in 30 minutes.Gisel : Alright, thanks Robi.Robi : No problem.Robi : Well, what is your idea, Gilang?Gilang : Im going to hide her lunch box and she will really be in panic when seeing her lunch box is missing. And that is going to be so funny. So, do you come with me, Robi?Robi : Um I am sorry, I think Ill pass. I forget doing my math homework. I have to finish it now before math class starts.Gilang : Oh, okay, thats too bad. Ill do it by myself then.Robi : Well, good luck then.Gilang : (Gilang immediately grabs Mitas lunch box and goes out of the class but suddenly he bumps into a teacher outside the class)Mr. Ari : Pardon me, what makes you so in a rush, Gilang?Gilang : Oh! Mr. Ari! Im terribly sorry, Sir! I was going to give this lunch box to my friend. Im really sorry, Sir.Mr. Ari : Thats alright, Gilang. Please be careful on your way.Gilang : Thank you, Sir.Mita : Gilang? What are going to do with that lunch box?Gilang : Huh? Oh! Mita! I didnt notice you! (Gilang gets startled seeing Mita stand before him all of a sudden)Mita : Yes?Gilang : Oh I think Im busted. Actually, I was going to play a prank on you by hiding your lunch box. I am very sorry, Mita.Mita : What? Oh my, I think I came in the right time.Gilang : Please, forgive me Mita. I was only planning on playing a prank on you.Mita : Well, Forget it. Just dont let this happen againGilang : Alright. Thank you, Mita!Mita : For you information, thats not my lunch box.Gilang : What?!

Expression of Thankingexpression of thankingatau Ungkapan terima kasih dalam bahasa inggris mungkin sudah kita ketahui dan pahami, tetapi ada beberapa kalimat yang mungkin belum Anda ketahui dan perlu untuk diketahui agar dalam pengungkapannya tidak monoton. Berikut kami sajikan dialog bahasa inggris yang menyertakanexpression of thanking.(At Ellys house)Ellys mother : Elly! Are you ready for school? I have prepared pancakes for your breakfast!Elly : Yes, Mom! I will be there in a minute. Im preparing my note books.Ellys mother : Alright, honey!(Elly coming down from her bedroom to have breakfast)Elly : Thank you for waking me up this morning, Mom. I slept late last night doing my homeworkEllys mother : No problem, Dear. I will always assure that you wont wake up late every morning.(After finishing her breakfast)Elly : Well, Mom. The pancakes are so delicious. I have finished my breakfast. Thank God for the foods. Thanks Mom for making pancakes for breakfast. I have to go to school a little early, Mom. I should get going now. Good bye, Mom. I love you.Ellys mother : Alright, Dear. Good bye. Love you too(At Ellys way to school)Elly : What are you doing Mr. Bowo? Are you looking for something down there?Mr. Bowo : Oh, Elly! Well yes, my Dear. I lost my ring. I was holding it but it suddenly slipped off my hand.Elly : Do you mind if I help you to look for it?Mr. Bowo : Is it okay, Dear?Elly : It is okay, Mr. Bowo. Lets start from where you dropped it off.Mr. Bowo : Oh, thank you very much, Dear. Thats a very kind of you.(After several minutes)Elly : Mr. Bowo! I think I found your ring. Here, it was under the rock.Mr. Bowo : Oh, my Lord! I didnt see it!Elly : Thank God we found it.Mr. Bowo : Oh, my sweet Elly. I cant tell you how grateful I am for your helpElly : Dont mention it, Mr. Bowo. It has been our job to help each other. Very well, Mr. Bowo. I have to go. Goodbye!Mr. Bowo : Oh, wait up! I have something for you in return.Elly : You dont have to give me anything, Mr. BowoMr. Bowo : I have a pretty ribbon, but I dont have any idea what I should do with this ribbon. So, you might like it.Elly : Wow, that is a pretty ribbon!Mr. Bowo : Here, you can have it.Elly : Is it okay? Oh, its so lovely. Thank you so much Mr. Bowo.Mr. Bowo : My pleasure

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di BandaraRita : Hey, Guys! Im sorry for making you wait so longAndre : There you are. why did you take so long to get here, Rita?Rita : Sigh Its all because of the traffic jam, you know that its Jakarta, right?David : Alright, Guys. I think we should go to the check-in desk to process our flight.Rita : Okay, we cant be late any minute.[At check-in desk]David : Good morning.Agent : Good morning. Where are you going today?David : Its Bali.Agent : Well, may I have your ticket please?David : Here you are.Agent : Is it only the three of you to the flight?David : Yes, its just us.Agent : Would you like smoking or non-smoking?David : Thatll be non-smokingAgent : Do you have luggage with you?David : Yes, we have three suitcases and two duffel bags.Agent : Okay, here are your boarding passes. Your flight will leave from gate 5A and the boarding time begins at 08.30 and your seats will be in 18A, 18B, and 18C. Thank you, and enjoy your flight with us.David : Very well, thank you.Rita : What time is the flight, David?David : Our flight will leave at 09.45 and we can start to enter the plane at 08.30.Andre : Okay, lets have sometime in the lounge first before the take-off.Rita : Good idea! Im kind of hungry.David : Me too, lets go.[At the lounge]Rita : Whoa, finally Im full. I skipped my breakfast before leaving my house.David : Huh? Why are you so quiet, Andre? Were going to have fun, right?Andre : Um its nothing, David. Im just a little bit nervous. I havent travelled by plane since 6 years ago.Rita : [laughing] Its okay, Andre. Dont say that you are scared of flight?Andre : No! Im not scared of travelling by plane. It has just been so long since my last flight.David : [laughing] Its going to be okay, Andre. I think we would have the same feeling if we were you.Rita : Just think about the exciting days well spend together in Bali.Andre : [laughing] Okay, Rita. Your words really bring me to joy.David : Guys, are you all done? I think its 20 minutes remaining before our flight, lets get going.Rita : Oh yeah, okay lets go.Andre : Alright! Bali here we come!

Contoh Percakapan Telepon dalam Bahas InggrisAnji : Hello, good morning. Can I speak to Ridwan?Mrs. Ira : Im sorry, may I know who is in on the other end? I am Mrs. Ira, Ridwans motherAnji : Oh, Im sorry, Auntie. My name is Anji. I am Ridwans classmate.Mrs. Ita : Oh, you are Ridwans classmate. Um, it seems that Ridwan is in his room upstairs. Would you wait for sometime while I get him?Anji : Thatd be okay, Auntie.Mrs. Ita : Huh? Thats him. It seems hes coming down from his room. A second please, Ill get Ridwan for you.Anji : Yes, thank you, Auntie.Mrs. Ita : Ridwan! Its your classmate Anji on the phone.Ridwan : Alright, Ill get it, Mom. Thanks. Hello Hey, Anji, is it you?Anji : Oh, hello there, Ridwan. Its good to hear your voice again.Ridwan : Hahaha it sounds you really miss me around.Anji : Yeah, Bro. By the way, I heard that you were hospitalized. Im so sorry, Buddy. I could not be there to see your condition. I was not in town. What made you get hospitalized anyway, Rid?Ridwan : its okay, Buddy. Im so healthy now. I just had a minor accident when I was riding my motorcycle on the road that day.Anji : What happened, Rid? You got crash?Ridwan : Um, no, I think it wasnt a crash. That day was raining and the road seemed quite slippery. I was careless, I forced my motorcycle to the high speed and then when I found some other motorcycle riders suddenly passed by in front of me from other way, all of a sudden I wasnt able to control my motorcycle in order to avoid running over them and I ended up running against the sidewalk.Anji : Oh, Man! You should have been more careful, fortunately you didnt get a fatal crash. So, people in there must have taken you into the hospital then?Ridwan : No, I just had some scratches then I got up and rode my motorcycle home.Anji : Wh..what?! Didnt you get hospitalized from that accident?Ridwan : Ahahaha my story really tricked you! I didnt get hospitalized from that accident, Buddy. I was hospitalized because of typhus.Anji : So, youre telling me that your motorcycle accident had nothing to do with your hospitalization?Ridwan : Yes, Buddy. [laughs]Anji : Oh, Man! You really got me with that story. [deeply sighs]Ridwan : Ahahaha. Because of that typhus, I had to be hospitalized for three days.Anji : Haha, okay. Its good to have you back. Are you home at 10 AM tomorrow by the way? Id like to come over.Ridwan : Alright, Im free all day tomorrow.Anji : Good! Okay, dont miss me, Ill be there tomorrow. Good bye, Buddy.Ridwan: Haha, okay, Good bye.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 6 OrangPercakapan bahasa inggris 6 orangantara siswa satu kelompok ini membicarakan tentang berbagai fobia. Terjadi diskusi yang menarik tentang berbagai fobia yang pernah mereka alami. Tetapi yang lucu adalah yang di sampaikan oleh faisal yang katanya fobia matematika, he he he.Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris 6 orang : The PhobiasFaisal : Hey, people! Ive just read a nice book. Do you want to know what it is?Ricky : I know, you must have read Math book.Faisal : What?! Math book? I am not that nerdy! It is a book regarding phobias of people.Anita : What? Phobias? What are those?Nadia : You dont know about phobias? A phobia is an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation. People with phobia will really find some difficulties in their lives.Candra : Yes, when you have some kind of phobia, you can the get the phobic symptoms.Yuri : Phobic symptoms?Candra : phobic symptoms are kinds of symptom you can have when you come into contact with object or situation you fear. The symptoms can also even occur simply by thinking about those objects or situations. The common symptoms include dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, a sense of unreality, and the worst, fear of dying.Yuri : Oh my, that is awful!Faisal : Whoa, did you guys just read the book too?Candra : Yes, I read a book about phobias that I borrowed from my sister yesterday. Its an interesting book to read.Ricky : So, do you have any phobia of something, Guys?Anita : I am scared as hell of insects and bugs. I cant stand any minute having them close to me. I remember that I fell unconscious once when my friends were playing a prank on me by putting some horrible insects on my shirt. It was awful.Faisal : According to the book, that is called Insectophobia! Its a phobia of insects.Anita : Yeah, I think that is my phobia.Ricky : Umm I have Claustrophobia.Yuri : Huh? What kind of phobia is that?Nadia : Claustrophobia is the fear of having no escape and being close in small spaces or rooms. So, small spaces or room will really bring Ricky into his greatest fear.Yuri : Whoa, is that true, Ricky?Ricky : I suppose it is true. I can never stand being in small spaces and rooms. That day, I tried once to fight my phobia by forcing my self out to stay in a small space at my house. It went horribly and turned out to be a bad idea. I tried to endure my fear but I ended up unable to breathe and getting dizzy. I felt the room was getting small and trying to squeeze me. I hit my limit and I immediately got out of that space.Yuri : Whoa, thats horrible, Ricky. Please dont do that again.Ricky : Of course, I wont [laughing]. So, anyone has another phobia?Faisal : I think I have Mathophobia.Nadia : Huh? What kind of phobia is that?Faisal : Im afraid of MathCandra : Hahaha, its not a phobia, youre just afraid of Math since Mrs. Rita [Math Teacher] always scolds at you anytime you couldnt solve the problem.[Everybody laughs]

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 5 orangDi sebuah kelas SMA terjadipercakapan bahasa inggris 5 orangmembahas tentang kegiatan anak-anak zaman sekarang yang jauh berbeda dengan permainan anak-anak zaman dulu. Anak-anak zaman sekarang lebih banyak bermain dengan permainan teknologi tinggi yang jauh dari aktivitas fisik dan sosial. Sehingga anak-anak zaman sekarang fisiknya sangat sedikit sekali terpapar lingkungan dunia luar dan akibatnya secara sosial mereka dikhawatirkan kurang peka terhadap masalah sosial. Hasil daripercakapan bahasa inggris 5 orangini memikirkan suatu cara gimana agar permainan tradisional bisa dikenalkan pada anak-anak zaman sekarang.contoh percakapan bahasa inggris 5 orang : Todays KidsFendi : Hey, Guys. Dont you think kids these days are completely different from kids in our times?Anisa : What is so different?Nabilah : I agree with you, time flies, now we wont see a lot of kids do things like we did when we were at their age.Ragil : Indeed! We are kids of 90s. Kids these days wont feel the excitements like we did as kids.Tomy : Yeah, todays kids are really spoiled. They are busy with their up-to-the-minute gadgets. They dont even have their good times outside their couches.Fendi : Youre right! When we were at their ages, we do all sorts of fun outside; we played with dirt, we had fun in the woods, we climbed trees. Ahhh. Those golden childhood times make me want to be a fresh child again.Anisa : But, dont you all think that those kinds of gadgets kids have nowadays really provide all sorts of excitements?Nabilah : Thats not the point, Anisa. Todays gadgets may really give all sorts of pleasure for them, but those things would bring bad effects for their health mentally and physically.Ragil : Thats true. Kids these days dont go outside to see awesome things that they will never find on their sophisticated gadgets. They will never find the excitements like going for an adventure with friends, exploring new places, discovering things, learning to cooperate and help each other, and playing with the nature. They dont feel the experience of getting sweaty after playing all day long outside. Thats all what a kid does!Tomy : Thats so right, Ragil. By playing outside and getting sweaty and tired, you will be a healthier child than those who sit whole day on couch playing with the latest game consoles, internets, or smart phones.Fendi : Todays kids are also known with their poorness of socialization ability. Its because of their times that they spend with their gadgets at their home than playing with their fellows outside.Anisa : Uh, you are right. Its true that todays kids are really different from us as kids years ago.Tomy : Ahhh. This conversation recalls my past memories when I was still innocent as a cute little boy. I remember I ever made a little wooden-made quarter with my childhood friends as a place for us to get on together.Anisa : Me too, now I feel like I want to be a child again. I still even remember the place like hills, trees, lakes, that I and my little friends used to play together on.Nabilah : Playing outside is so-much fun. I hope todays kids find it out.Ragil : Yeah, in the future, I wont allow my kids staying a whole day at home with their gadgets. They should feel the experience of 90s kids games. Hahahaha

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di SekolahPagi sekali Tika sampai di sekolah secara kebetulan bertemu Vina teman sekelas dan terjadilahPercakapan bahasa inggris di sekolahkarena mereka menyukai bahasa inggris. Ya, suka adalah salah satu kunci untuk memudahkan menguasai kemampuan bahasa inggris. Kalau Anda ingin pintar bahasa inggris tetapi saat ini Anda takut atau bahkan membencinya itu pasti akan menghambat proses belajar Anda. Jika Anda suka maka Anda akan melakukan segala cara untuk meraihnya, usaha keras akan terasa ringan tanpa beban. Silahkan coba untuk praktek latihan conversation bahasa inggris dengan audio lesson gratis di website ini.Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang SekolahVina : Hey, Good morning, Tika!Tika : Hello there, Vina! Good morning.Vina : Wow, I dont see you very often to be in school this early. What makes you come so early this morning?Tika : Thats actually fine, Vina. My house is kind of far from our school, Im just afraid I would come late if I didnt come so early.Vina : But, I think you never come this early before, Tika. Its just 06.00 AM now. I usually see you come to class around 06.45.Tika : Yeah, Vina. As a matter of fact, the road where I pass by the bus I take everyday to school is now under betterment. The betterment process really disrupts the traffic condition, so I always end up trapped in traffic jam lately. Due to the traffic jam, I almost come late everyday to school. So, during the road betterment I will come to school earlier than before.Vina : Thats a smart decision, Tika. You know about our school rules, right? You will be locked outside the school gate if you come late with any reason.Tika : Yeah, you are so right, that would be awful. So, what makes you come this early, Vina? Do you usually arrive at school this early?Vina : Yes, Tika. I come this early to school everyday because Im one of our schools student cooperation keeper members. I was assigned to come earlier to school everyday to prepare and get everything ready before the cooperation opens.Tika : Wow, what a duty! By the way, do you do all the preparation things by yourself? It must be tiring.Vina : Heehee it wont happen, Tika. The fact is I am helped by other keeper members who are assigned like I do every morning.Tika : Heehee I thought that you have to set everything up all alone.Vina : And besides of my duty as a student cooperation keeper member, there are also a few things that please me to be in the school this early.Tika : Huh? What are those?Vina : Humm I think the air in here is clearer if you breathe in at this early hour. And you may also find some gauze or thin mist around the school.Tika : Yeah, youre right, Vina. I do feel the air is clearer and I think I saw that thin mist you said too.Vina : Yeah, So, coming earlier to school isnt bad, right?Tika : Yup, its not that bad.Vina : And maybe, you could do some homework you forgot to do last night by coming early to the school.Tika : Oh, my! I remember I got homework I havent finished. I have to finish it before the bell rings. What a great talk, Vina! Ive got to go, see you later!Vina : [laughs] See ya, Tika!

Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris di Rumah SakitDokter dan pasien terlibat percakapan bahasa inggris di rumah sakit membicarakan tentang Andi yang mengalami sakit tenggorokan dan demam. Malam sebelumnya Ibu Andi memberikan obat penurun demam, tampaknya demamnya turun tetapi ternyata demam lagi dan lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya disertai sakit tenggorokan. Dokter memberikan resep kepada Ibu Andi dan menyarankan kepada Andi untuk tidak memakan makanan ringan yang asin dan gurih. mari kitabelajar bahasa inggrisdari percakapan dibawah ini.Contoh Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris di Rumah Sakit : Andy Has Sore ThroatMrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check my sons illness. Where should I go?Receptionist : You can go ahead to check up your son with Children Specialist Doctor on the second floor.Mrs. Ratih : Could you point me where the room is?Receptionist : Its on the second floor. You can go there by taking the elevator.Mrs. Ratih : Very well. Thank you.Receptionist : Youre welcome.Andy : Where are we going, Mom?Mrs. Ratih : Were going to the Children Specialist Doctors room on the second floor for checking up your illness.[In the front of Children Specialist Doctors room][At the registrations counter]Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check up my sons illness.Nurse : Firstly, you need to fill in this form and take your queue number and then sit down to wait until your queue number is called.Mrs. Ratih : [Filling in the form and taking the queue number] Here you are. Thank you.Nurse : Please have a seat while waiting.[15 minutes later]Nurse : Andy Hamzah, number 7!Mrs. Ratih : Look, our number is mentioned. Lets go enter the room, Dear.Andy : Mom um Im afraid. Will the doctor inject me?Mrs. Ratih : Dont worry, my dear. Mom will never leave your side.Andy : Alright. Thank you, Mom.[Inside the doctors room]Mrs. Ratih : Good morning, Doc.Doctor : Good morning, Maam. Please have a seat.Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.Doctor : Good morning, little guy. What is your name?Andy : Um my name is Andy.Doctor : Wow, you look tough. How old are you?Andy : Im 9 years old.Doctor : So, what brings you here, Dear?Andy : Um I had a fever and my throat is sore.Mrs. Ratih : Yes, Doctor. Last night he had a fever. Then I gave him some medicine to bring down his fever. And this morning, I thought that his fever had gone away, but after he woke up he said that he got fever again. This time his temperature was higher than last night. He complains that his throat is sore too.Doctor : Okay. Could you open your mouth widely, Andy? Say Aaaaa.Andy : [opens his mouth widely]Doctor : I think Andy gets Pharyngitis or sore throat. Did you eat some hot foods or salty snacks like chips, Andy?Andy : Um.. Yes, I think I ate too much potato and barbeque chips two days ago.Doctor : I suggest you not to eat salty snacks and chips too much, Andy. They can get your throat irritated and infected like now. But dont worry with my medicines youll be fine soon.Andy : Thank you, Doctor.Doctor : Here is the prescription, Maam. You can go to the first floor to complete the administration needs.Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.Doctor : Good bye, Andy. Get well soon.Andy : Yes. Thank you, Doctor.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang HobiPercakapan bahasa inggris tentang hobisungguh sangat menarik sekali bagi para siswa karena setiap orang memiliki kesenangan tersendiri dan sangat bangga jika bisa ditunjukkan dan diceritakan kepada orang lain. Hobi sangat beragam setiap orang dan hampir setiap orang memiliki hobi yang unik dan berbeda. Dalampercakapan bahasa inggris tentang hobidalam kelas terangkum hobi-hobi para siswa diantaranya ada yang suka bermain bola, ada yang gemar memainkan biola, lalu ada yang gemar mengoleksi uang dari berbagai negara dan ada juga yang hobi memasak berbagai makanan Indonesia dan mancanegera.Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Tell Me About Your HobbiesTeacher : Class, you all must have known what hobby is. Yes, hobby is some kind of activity that we like to do in particular time or circumstance, for example in our leisure times. Each of you must have different hobbies. You can do your hobbies all the time as long as it doesnt bother your studying times or harm others. Would you tell me what your hobbies are, Class? How about you first, Ricky?Ricky : Um yes Maam, my hobby is playing football. I always feel happy when I start playing football with my friends.Teacher : Playing football is a good hobby. Playing football can make your body healthy. Good hobby, Ricky, just dont forget your time to study! Okay. Now What about you, Tania? Whats your hobby?Tania : Yes, Maam. My hobby is playing violin.Teacher : Wow, how good are you at playing violin, Tania?Rahmat : [Suddenly interrupts] She plays violin terrifically, Maam. I heard and watched her playing with her violin once, and it was awesome, the sound was really melodious.Tania : No, Maam, Rahmat is exaggerating. [blushing]Teacher : Hahaha. It looks like we have a violinist in our class. Its okay, Tania. You dont have to be shy, you should be proud of it. So, what about your hobby, Rahmat?Rahmat : Um me, Maam? Um my hobby is collecting currencies.Teacher: Collecting currencies?Rahmat : Yes, Maam. I like to collect currencies of every nation. I like to collect coins, tokens, and paper moneys. There have been some collections of coins, tokens, and paper moneys from several nations I keep in my bedroom. Im still trying to collect them.Teacher : Wow, that is a quite unique hobby, Rahmat. How and where did you get the money?Rahmat : Some of them I got from people freely and for some others I needed to pay for them. I usually have to buy them from internet. I used my savings to buy them since most currencies were sold quite expensive.Teacher : Thats a great hobby, Rahmat. But just remember; do not spend all of your money in order to add your currency collections. Use your own money wisely.Rahmat : Yes, Maam.Teacher : And. How about you, Paula?Paula : Yes, Maam. Um. My hobby is cooking.Teacher : Wow, cooking. What kind of food you can cook, Paula?Paula : I can make some Indonesian foods and western foods like pastas and pizzas.Teacher : Wow, thats good. Who taught you to cook, Paula?Paula : Its my mother, Maam. She is a chef.Teacher : Oh, wow. Now we have a young chef in our class. But dont forget to keep studying for your education, Paula.Paula : Yes, of course, Maam.Teacher : Alright, Id love to know all of your hobbies, Class. So prepare a sheet of paper and start writing down and tell me about your hobbies.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Restoran2 karyawan sebuah perusahaan swasta terlibatpercakapan bahasa inggris di restoransaat sedang istirahat siang. Mereka menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam percakapan agar kemampuannya tidak hilang. Karena bahasa inggris adalah skill yang perlu diasah sebagaimana sudah dijelaskan dan dipraktekkan dengan mudah oleh pesertakursus bahasa inggris online.Percakapan bahasa inggris di restoranini membicarakan tentang menu-menu yang layak di santap serta bagaimana suasana keyamanan tempatnya.Contoh Percakapan Bahasa inggris di RestoranFeri : Whoa, this restaurant is quite wide. What is the name of this place, anyway? I forgot.Claudia : Its Restoran Sunda Kang Asep.Jefri : How many times have you come to eat at this restaurant, Claudia? I suppose this is Feris and my first time to eat here.Feri : Yeah, I hope the foods served here will not disappoint my tongue heehee.Claudia : They wont, Feri. Everything here is luscious. Umm.. I think this is my third time to eat at this restaurant. The first and the second ones I came here together with my family.Jefri : Alright, lets find out what we can have from the menu.Feri : Whoa, the foods on the menu look traditional.Claudia : Of course, Feri. Do you forget that were eating at traditional Sundanese restaurant?Feri : Hahaha, oh yeah, I forget that again.Jefri : Okay, I have decided. Im ordering a Grilled Chiken and Rice with Honey Sauce and Orange Juice for the drink. Yum.. yum it looks delicate.Claudia : Ill have a Special Grilled Chiken and Rice with Cappuccino Ice Coffee. And you, Feri?Feri : Alright, I order a Grilled Chicken and Rice with Sweet Peanut Sauce with Soursop Fruit Juice.Claudia : Okay, Ill get the waiter.Um, excuse me, we have decided the orders.Waitress: Oh, very well. Ill get the orders and prepare the bill.(After preparing the bill)Waitress: Here is your bill. You can pay for the bill before the foods are served.Claudia : Alright, here is for everything.Waitress: Thank you very much. Ill be back with your orders. Please, make yourselves comfortable.Claudia : Okay, thank you.Feri : Thank you, Miss Waitress.Jefri : Thank you.Feri : Whoa, that waitress is pretty.Jefri : I think so, Jef.Claudia : Dont talk too loud, Guys. She might hear you.[After few minutes]Waitress: Here are your orders. Enjoy the meals.Claudia : Thank you.Feri : Hey, should we give her some tips?Jefri : Dont be funny, Jef. Were not eating at the five-star restaurant.Feri : Haha, alright, Im joking around.[After finishing the meals]Feri : Whoa, youre right, Claudia! The food was delicious. The peanut sauce was different from any peanut sauce Ive tasted.Jefri : So was mine. The honey sauce was a perfect combination for the grilled chicken.Claudia : See, I told you that this place is quite recommended. Lets have some of those foods again here sometimes.

Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya High School Reunion

(Fendi, Sonya, and Wawan meeting up for a reunion)Wawan : So, how have you been, Sonya? *shake hands* Its been a very long time. Last time we met was when we were still in high school and it was about over 3 years ago. You remember?Sonya : I have been very good, Wawan. Oh, yes time flies. I dont believe that it has been over 3 years ago since from high school. You look great, Wawan. How have you been, anyway?Wawan : I have been good too. Thank you. You look gorgeous too, Sonya. Nothing has changed from you.Sonya : Ha ha. Thank you, Wawan.Fendi : Hey, Guys!!Wawan : Wow, look! Is that Fendi?Sonya : Oh, yes, that is him.Fendi : Hello, Guys. Wow, it has been very a while. How is it going? How are you? *shakes hands with Wawan and Sonya*Wawan : Im fine, Fendi. How are you?Sonya : Im good too. How are you, Fendi?Fendi : Yeah, Im so good as well like always! Ha ha ha. Speaking of which, it has been a long time, right? Nothing so much has changed from you two. Just like usual, Sonya. You always look gorgeous since the first time we met, especially with that dress you are wearing now.Sonya : Oh, hee hee. Thank you, Fendi. You havent even changed a bit as well, Fendi. As usual, you always look cheerful and energetic wherever and whenever you are.Fendi : Hahaha. Yeah, that is me. And you, Wawan I think your body look more weighted than before. Do you work out often? I remember that you were still a thin little man back in high school. Heeheehee~Wawan : Haha. Thats right, Fendi. I came to gym to work out a lot. Since this last two years, I have been working on my weight-increasing program as well. I just wanted to transform my body from a thin little man and it seems that my efforts have been going well.Fendi : That is great, Wawan. Im glad you did it.Sonya : So, what is your bustle now, Fendi?Fendi : Now I am working on a private company in South Jakarta. Im an accountant. Actually, I have just graduated about 3 months ago and fortunately I got the job when I applied to this company. And you, what have you been doing, Guys?Wawan : Just like you, Fendi. I have also graduated from my university about 3 months ago. I have been looking for a job. But, it seems that I havent managed to get one. I wish I can get one quickly like you, Fendi.Fendi : That is great, Wawan. Im cheering for you. And you, Sonya?Sonya : Im still going on with my education for my bachelor degree. I hope it will be going well.Fendi : That is great, Sonya. I wish for the best for you.Sonya : Thank you, Fendi.Wawan : Hey, lets have some smoothies!

Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris (Wedding Conversation) The Wedding[Satria meeting up his best friend Gilang at some restaurant]Satria : Hey, Gilang! Gilang : Hey, Satria! Over here!Satria : Have you been waiting for so long? Im sorry; I had a little problem to park my car back there.Gilang : Haha. I was also troubled at my first time parking my car in this restaurants parking lot. You come here all by yourself by the way?Satria : Yes. Are you here with someone?Gilang : No. My wife said that she wanted to come over her friends house, so Im going to be picking her up later.Satria : Well. Come to think of you and your wife, let me first give you congratulation directly as newlyweds. [shake hands]Gilang : Thank you, Buddy.Satria : Did you get my congratulatory card for your wedding?Gilang : Of course. Thank you for the card. I and my wife was really happy reading the entire words you wrote down for us. It was nothing less from you at writing beautiful words. It was rather a big and sparkling card as well, ha ha ha.Satria : Ha ha ha. And did you get my wedding gift as well? I was afraid it would not be sent in time.Gilang : Dont worry, buddy. My wife really loved your gift. It was an amazing smart Plasma TV. Thank you very much, Buddy. It really means everything for us.Satria : Yes, thats a special one I got for you two. Im happy for you as well. Speaking of your wedding, Im really sorry that time I couldnt even have a second to come to your happy day. I was too busy, I desperately couldnt leave my work and had to stay in Singapore for a bit longer and it made me miss your wedding party in Jakarta.Gilang : It really is fine, I really understand. I was still really happy with the card and gift you sent to me.Satria : I see. But it would have been amazing if I made it to come. I wish you wouldnt mind to come to my wedding party next month.Gilang : What? Wedding party? It will be holding next month? Ah Im so glad to hear that! Finally you decide to live the rest of your life with her.Satria : Thank you. I really wish that you both can come to my wedding.Gilang : Dont worry about that, buddy. We will definitely be coming. Just tell me the date and I will arrange up my schedule.Satria : Alright. Hey, can I meet your wife? Id like to meet her too.Gilang : Very well, lets go to my house after from this restaurant.

Expression of Asking for the timeConversation 1Evi : Oh, no! I forgot to bring my watch. I wonder what time it is now. Um excuse me, Sir. Do you know what time it is now?Man : Well, its almost 2 PMEvi : Im sorry, do you have the correct time?Man : Yes, but I guess my watch is a few minutes fasterEvi : Oh, very well. Thank you, SirMan : No problem

Conversation 2Tedi : Ah, I think the day is getting darker. Have you got the time?Chris : Well its a half past five.Tedi : Wow, playing with skateboard is so much fun. Its going to be nightfallChris : Yes, I think we should leave from here. Hey, by the way are you hungry?Tedi : Yes, I am starving. Id love to eat that delicious burger from Lezat Burger stall. What time does the stall open?Chris : It has opened from 4 PM. Okay, lets stop by the stall.Tedi : Great!Conversation 3Ryan : Wow, they said Transformer 4 will be on cinema soon. When does exactly the movie come to the cinema?Widi : Yes, I saw that from internet. It said that it is going to be on cinema on June.Ryan : Ah, thats too bad. Its still March. It will be a long-waitWidi : Yeah

Conversation Asking about and Describing objects

Its an UFO!Ferdi : Guys! Guys! Listen up! I have great news to tell you!Yopi : Oh, really? I hope you are not coming with another lie anymoreErlita : Wow, you look so serious. What kind of news is that?Ferdi : Oh, please Im telling real news right now. Last night, I saw a mysterious flying object on the night sky. You may be familiar by calling it UFOYopi : See here you go with your lies againErlita : UFO? Do you mean its like an aliens spacecraft?Ferdi : Yes! Yes! Oh, come on! I am not joking around, Yopi. Its real. I saw it clearly with both of my eyes.Erlita : Well, what did it look like?Ferdi : Just like youve ever seen in movies, it looked like a spacecraft. It floated around the sky. There were many colorful lights on it.Erlita : Did it move so fast? How could you see it with your bare eyes?Ferdi : No, it didnt move so fast. Therefore, I could see it clearly with my both eyes.Erlita : Was it huge?Ferdi : I am not really sure. But, I think it was a little bigger than a helicopter.Erlita : Did it emit sound?Ferdi : No, I guess. It was so silent.Yopi : You could have been mistaken. Maybe it was an airplane. Did you use any tool to see it? Like telescope or binocular?Ferdi : I am extremely sure that it wasnt an airplane. I know exactly how an airplane looks like. It was really a different one. No, I didnt use my binocular. It was clear enough to see with bare eyes.Yopi : Did you take a photo of that flying object?Ferdi : Unfortunately, when I was going to grab my digital camera, it disappeared.Yopi : Well, with no strong proof I cannot fully believe in your storyFerdi : Oh, come on, Yopi.Erlita : I dont know if it was a real UFO or not but you are lucky to see it, Ferdi.Ferdi : Thank, Erlita. I wish I could see it again someday.

Cara Menanyakan Nama Seorang (Asking About Names)Conversation 1Police : Hello, little kid. What is your name? Where are your parents?Kid : My name is Billy. That is my mother. She is buying something at the groceryPolice : Very well, smart kid. Dont go too far from your mother.Conversation 2Man 1 : Wow, you are really good at playing with skateboard!Man 2 : Yeah, I train my skill here a lot. Do you play with skateboard too?Man 1 : Yes, but I am not as good as youMan 2 : Well, thank you. By the way, what should I call you?Man 1 : Oh, its GaniarMan 2 : And I am Rudi. Do you come here a lot?Man 1 : Not really. This is my second time to be here. I came here with my friend. He is the one who comes here a lot.Man 2 : Oh, really? Whats his name?Man1 : His name is TerryMan 2 : Oh, its Terry. Well, lets try out your skill if you dont mind. Um what was your name again?Man 1 : Its Ganiar.Man 2 : Well, alright Ganiar. Lets play!

Contoh Percakapan Berbahasa Inggris tentang Dating Conversation[Tony and Ressa meeting up in a caf for a first date]Ressa : Sorry for making you wait. I wish you dont get upset of my late.Tony : Its alright. It must be traffic jam, right? I wish I could pick you up from your house so you didnt need to deal with the traffic jam.Ressa : It really is okay. Ive got used to this traffic jam problem.Tony : Alright, have a seat! You must be tired. Here I have ordered your favorite fresh juice. You can drink it. I know it must have been so thirsty of being trapped by the traffic jam at this hot day.Ressa : Yes, you are right. Huh? I can drink this? Oh, Thank you. Uh, Its orange juice! I love orange juice. How do you know orange juice is my favorite?Tony : Uh um youve ever said it to me once. Um you look sweaty. I will get you some tissues then. *Tonys face is suddenly blushing red*Ressa : You dont need to. I bring my own facial tissues. Thank you.Tony : Um. Alright then.Ressa : By the way, have you ordered your food?Tony : No, I havent. I have waited you so we can order foods at the same time.Ressa : Well, that is so nice, Tony.Tony : Hee hee hee. Okay, Ill get the waiter Um, Mr., I have decided our orders.Waiter : What would you two like to order, lovebirds?Tony : Um um I want a special chocolate toasted-bread.Waiter : And you pretty lass?Ressa : Uh!? Um.. I want a strawberry toasted-bread.Waiter : Very well, please wait. Enjoy your time, lovebirds!(Tonys and Ressas faces are blushing red as they hear they were called lovebirds by the waiter)Tony : I feel funny to hear that we were called lovebirdsRessa : Me too. Hee hee.Tony : Oh! Id like to give you something. I wish you like it. *Tony takes something out of his pocket*Ressa : Oh, really? What is it?Tony : Here it is *Tony shows a pretty necklace to Ressa* I want you to have this.Ressa : Wow, its beautiful. I can really have this?Tony : Yes. Its special for you.Ressa : Oh Thank you, Tony. Its really lovely.Tony : Im glad you are happy with it.Ressa : I will always keep this beautiful necklace as a gift from you in our first date.Tony : Thats great, and I hope we can still have other lovely dates together.Ressa : Yes. I wish so.Tony : Uh. umm Ressa Do you mind if I call you Dear from now on?Ressa : *Ressas face is blushing* Umm well I think that would be fine.Tony : *Tony smiles under happiness* Thank you, Dear.

BelajarINGGRIS.netPercakapan Contoh Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Terminal Bus

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Artikel Terkait Contoh Percakapan bhs Inggris tentang Cuaca Percakapan dalam bhs Inggris tentang Indonesia Percakapan Berbahasa Inggris di Kantor Pos Percakapan Inggris di Stasiun Kereta Api Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di BandaraContoh Contoh percakapan bahasa inggrisdi terminal berikut ini menggambarkan suasana sebuah terminal yang dialami Budi ketika memesan tiket. Setelah memesan tiket, Dalam contoh-contoh percakapan bahasa inggris di terminal tersebut Budi didatangi seseorang yang tidak dikenal mengajakngobroldan menawari minuman gratis. Untungnya Eko yang baru saja membeli makan ringan datang dan segera mengajak Budi temannya pergi. Eko menanyakan minuman yang dibawa Budi apakah membeli atau pemberian. Ternyata minuman itu pemberian orang tak dikenal dan dikhawatikan mengandung sesuatu yang berbahaya untuk menipu budi.

Contoh Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Terminal Bus Situation at Bus Station*BS = Bus Station Security StaffBudi : Excuse me, Sir.BS : Yes. May I help you?Budi : Yes, Sir. I want to go to Sukabumi, yet Im not sure which bus I should take.BS : Well, if you want to go to Sukabumi from this station, you then need to take Bumi Putera bus. It goes in route of Jakarta Sukabumi.Budi : Where can we buy the tickets, Sir?BS : You can go there [pointing out at some place], thats the place to buy tickets. Then you choose the right ticket counter and get into the line according to the bus you are going to take.Budi : Alright. Thank you for the help, Sir.BS : Yes. Be careful on your trip.Budi : Thank you, Sir.[At the ticket counter]TCC= Ticket Counter ClerkBudi : Excuse me. Is this the right bus ticket to Sukabumi?TCC : Yes. How many tickets do you want?Budi : Two, please.TCC : Is it business or executive class?Budi : Business class, please.TCC : The price is Rp. 100,000 for two tickets. You can take the bus tomorrow. Please, come earlier before the bus leave. Thank you.Budi : Thank you.[The next day at the station]Eko : Oh no, I think we are going to run out of snacks. Im going to buy some, you want to come with me?Budi : Um No, Ill wait here to keep our belongings.Eko : Alright.Stranger: [suddenly an unknown man sits besides Budi] Hello, where are you going, Kid?Budi : Um we are going to Sukabumi, Sir.Stranger: We? Youre here with someone?Budi : Yes. Im going with my friend.Stranger: Where is your friend?Budi : Hes buying some snacks.Stranger: Its so hot today, huh?Budi : Yeah, its really hot today.Stranger: You are going to Sukabumi for what? Vacation?Budi : Oh, no, were going to home.Stranger: Oh, I see. So, what have you been doing in Jakarta all along, by the way?Budi : I and my friend were working in Jakarta. Now we are not working here anymore and we decided to come back to Sukabumi.Stranger: I see. Ugh, this weather really makes me thirsty. Hey, I bought some drinks. Heres for you. You must have been thirsty waiting for your friends.Budi : Thank you for the drink, Sir. [Budi was about to drink, suddenly]Eko : Budi! The bus has arrived. Lets get on it. Ive bought the snacks as well.Budi : Ha? Alright, Im coming! Good bye, Sir. [leaving the stranger]Eko : You bought that drink?Budi : No, a man gave it to me.Eko : Huh! Throw it off! Did you drink it? That drink could be dangerous!Budi : Oh, my God! [Throwing the drink off] I didnt realize it. I was too thirsty. Thank you, Buddy. Youre saving my life.Eko : Its a public place. There are a lot of hidden crimes in here. We need to stay aware.Budi : Right! Thanks again, I dont know what would have happened to me if you didnt come at the right time.

Percakapan dalam bhs Inggris tentang Indonesia My Precious Cultures[One day at Borobudur Temple]Anita : Excuse me, Sir. Can I take a photo of you?Tourist : Huh? Oh, of course.Anita : [after taking the photo] Thank you, Sir.Tourist : Its nothing.Anita : Um by the way, are you here alone, Sir?Tourist : No, actually I came here with my wife.Anita : Where is she, Sir?Tourist : I think she is taking some photos around this Borobudur temple.Anita : Where do you come from, Sir?Tourist : I come from America, its California, USA.Anita : Wow. What brings you here, Sir?Tourist : Um well, I heard from my friends that Indonesia has great and amazing temple relics. Opportunely, I am an anthropology teacher and I really like ancient things. Actually I have seen many ancient relics from around the world, and now its my turn to visit Indonesia.Anita : Do you like this Borobudur temple, Sir?Tourist : This temple is awesome! Every relief and sculpture I see on every part of the temple is remarkable. This is one of the greatest cultural and historical inheritances that Indonesian people have to maintain.Anita : Yes, Sir. I feel proud youre saying so. Do you know about other Indonesian cultures, Sir?Tourist : Of course, I know many cultures from every place in the world. Actually, I have been studying about Indonesian cultures lately.Anita : Really, Sir? What do you think about my peoples cultures?Tourist : Indonesian cultures are completely unique and interesting. According to my knowledge, Indonesian tribes and ethnics consist of over than one thousand tribes and every tribe has its own cultures and customs. Indonesian cultures were formed and influenced by multitude of religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, even animism, and dynamism. Western cultures also take part in Indonesian cultures, especially in science, technology, and modern entertainments. I also read that Indonesia has a few of indigenous tribes such as Dayak, Asmat, Mentawai, Toraja, ect. Indigenous tribes generally isolate themselves from outside world since they want to keep maintaining their pure cultures and customs.Anita : Wow, you know much about Indonesian cultures, Sir.Tourist : Yes, but not really much, Im still studying them.Anita : Have you visited every region in Indonesia, Sir?Tourist : Yes, I have visited several cities in West Sumatera, Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and NTT. I studied about the cultures from each of those places, like the foods, arts, and customs.Anita : So, are you happy visiting Indonesia, Sir?Tourist : Of course, Im really happy visiting Indonesia. I think I will stay a little longer to know more about this remarkable country.Anita : That would be great, Sir.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang : Talking About CrushRidho : Hey, Jessica! [comes with Andi and Putri]Jessica : Oh, hey, Ridho, Andi, Putri! Come here fast, Ive been waiting for you guys so long.Andi : Were sorry, Jessica. We had to wait for Putri putting on her makes-up like a princessPutri : What are you saying? Its you, Andi. You came so late before we left [frowns at Andi]Jessica : Hahaha, your late really took time, guys. Fortunately, one of my friend passed by and we had a talk to kill the timeRidho : Oh, yeah. I see that guy, your friend, is he your new boyfriend?Jessica : What? New boyfriend? Huh, no, hes just a friend of my class. By the way, what made you come behind the time Andi?Andi : Im sorry, Guys. I was going with my crush to accompany her buying a present for her sisters birthday.Ridho : Oh, I see. So how is the progress with you and her, Andi?Andi : Uh, humm, I have got along with her quite often lately.Putri : What do you think? Do you think she likes you too? And when will you make a clean breast of your feelings to her?Andi : Uh, I dont know. I couldnt find any way yet to find out if she likes me or not and I think it would be too soon to tell my whole feelings to her.Jessica : Just calm down, bro. Why dont you just keep it going smoothly and wait until the right time.Ridho : Yes, brother. You just wait until she gets comfortable having you by her side and cant get rid of you on her mind, thats what Im doing to my crush heeheehee.Putri : Whoa, its like youve been doing it good, Ridho. I hope she would fell in your arms that are full of love soon.Ridho : Heehee, thanks, Putri.Andi : And you, how is you with your boyfriend, Putri?Putri : Well, I start to reveal few things about him, like he likes to snore during his sleep, hahahaha. We always miss each other and our relationship is even going well.Andi : You really seem to enjoy each other, thats good, Jessica.Putri : Heehee, yes, thank you, Andi. So, how is it going with you and that guy earlier, Jessica?Jessica : [startled] Huh?! What guy?Putri : Stop playing fool, Jessica. Im talking about that guy you were with before we came here.Jessica : What? Ive told you, were just friends, Putri.Putri : I know you have a crush on him, Jess.Ridho : Wow, Jess, why dont you tell us all?Andi : Yes, Jess, maybe we cant help you out.Jessica : Youre talking funny, Guys. I dont have any crush on her.Putri : Okay, okay Guys, leave her alone. Easy, Jess, you can text me later.Jessica : Hahaha okay, Putri.

Dialog Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Visit to ThailandRidho : Hey, Ferry, you have come back already from Thailand? Why is so fast?Halim : Yeah, Fer. I thought you would spend about one more week there.Ferry : Yeah Unfortunately, that is not going to happen, guys. I have school on Monday. My parents didnt allow me to skip the school for a couple of days. So, we just decided to go home earlier.Halim : Oh, thats too bad. So, did you have fun?Ferry : Yes, of course. Although 4 days was so short in time for me, but I was quite having fun.Halim : Well, let me hear your stories about that white elephant land. I hope it was a nice place to visit.Ferry : According to my opinion, Thailand can be one of the best places you can visit in Southeast Asia. Thailand has its own beauty over other countries in Southeast Asia. Well I and my family started our days in Thailand by staying in Bangkok. Halim : Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand, isnt it?Ferry : Thats right, Halim. And from Bangkok we departed to Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai is a big city but I felt like I was in a small town. Its located in the Northern Thailand. We spent our days in Thailand in Chiang Mai.Ridho : What are the best things from Chiang Mai?Ferry : Well we had all sorts of excitements in Chiang Mai. It was the really fun when I had to ride an elephant.Halim : Ride an elephant? You mean like ride on its back?Ferry : Yeah.