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  • 8/10/2019 Exsanguination



    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "Bleeding out" redirects here. For the Imagine Dragons song, see Bleeding Out (song). For the orn song, see

    !he ath of !otality.

    !his article needs additional citations forverification.lease helpimpro#e this article$y adding

    citations to relia$le sources. %nsourced material may $e challenged and remo#ed. (December 2006)

    Exsanguinationis the process of$lood loss, to a degree sufficient to cause death. One does not ha#e to lose all

    of one&s $lood to cause death. Depending upon the age, health, and fitness le#el of the indi#idual, people can die

    from losing half or t'othirds of their $lood a loss of roughly onethird of the $lood #olume is considered #ery

    serious. *#en a single deep cut can 'arrantsuturingand hospitali+ation, especially if trauma, a #einorartery,

    or another comor$idityis in#ol#ed. It is most commonly kno'n as "$leedingto death" or collouially as

    "$leeding out". !he 'ord itself originated from -atin ex("out of") andsanguis("$lood").


    / !he slaughtering of animals in the meat industry 0 1ause of human death

    2 3ee also

    4 5eferences

    The slaughtering of animals in the meat industry

    *6sanguination is used as a method of slaughter.Before the fatal incision is made, the animal may $e rendered

    insensi$le to pain $y #arious methods, including capti#e $olt, electricity or chemical. Without prior sedation,

    stunning or anesthetic, this method of slaughter is understood $y some to cause a high degree of an6iety,7/8

    although other studies contradict these findings.708

    !he capti#e $olt is placed against the skull of the animal, andpenetrates to cause tissue destruction in the$rain,incapacitating the animal so that the procedure may take

    place. *lectricity is used mostly inporcine,poultryand domestic sheep,'hereas chemical is used in in9ured


    :uickly after the animal is incapacitated it is hung upside do'n $y its hind lim$s and an e6tremely sharp knife,

    in an orientation parallel to the ground, is fully inserted through the skin 9ust $ehind the point of the9a'and

    $elo' the neck $ones. From this position, the knife is dra'n for'ard a'ay from the spine to se#er the9ugular

    #eins, carotid arteries, and trachea. roperly performed, $lood 'ill flo' freely and death'ill occur 'ithin

    seconds. 3heep and s'ine 'ill reach $rain death in under /; seconds ho'e#er, larger animals, nota$ly cattle

    may take up to 4< seconds to reach $rain death. !his period may e6tend to a couple of minutes if complications,

    such as arterial occlusion, occur. =o'e#er, the animal&s in#erted position allo's $lood to flo' moreprecipitously and thus makes an animal regaining consciousness $efore it is fully e6sanguinated highly

    unlikely. In any case, animal 'elfare ad#isory councils clearly emphasi+e that the time from incapacitation to

    start of e6sanguination should $e prompt recommending a time under /< seconds. 728

    Beyond the initial cost of purchasing a capti#e $olt, continued usage of the method is #ery ine6pensi#e. !he

    animal is incapacitated for the duration of the procedure, so it is one of the safest methods for the slaughterer.

    3laughter $y e6sanguination is mandated $y >udaic kashrut(kosher) and Islamic dha$ihah(halal) dietary la's.

    !he dou$le edged pointed knife is prohi$ited. Instead, a long knife 'ith a suared off end is used that in >e'ish

    la' must $e at least t'ice the 'idth of the animal&s neck. !he operation of sticking or e6sanguination is

    e6ecuted faster than 'hen using the pointed knife, as four large $lood #essels in the neck are se#eredsimultaneously.

  • 8/10/2019 Exsanguination


    ? /@A study at the %ni#ersity of Ceterinary edicine =ano#erindicates that these traditional methods, 'hen

    e6ecuted as prescri$ed $y the religious authorities, ga#e results 'hich pro#ed "...pain and suffering to the e6tent

    as has since long $een generally associated in pu$lic 'ith this kind of slaughter cannot $e registered..." and that

    "7a complete loss of consciousness8 occurred generally 'ithin considera$ly less time than during the slaughter

    method after capti#e $olt stunning."708

    In Islamicand >e'ish la', capti#e $olts and other methods of preslaughter paralysis are generally not

    permissi$le, as consumption of animals found dead are regarded as carrionand stunned animals that are later

    killed 'ill come into this category.

    Carious halal food authorities ha#e more recently permitted the use of a recently de#eloped failsafesystem of

    headonly stunning using a mushroom shaped hammer head that deli#ers a $lo' that is not fatal, pro#ed $y it

    $eing possi$le to re#erse the procedure and re#i#e the animal after the shock.748

    Cause of human death

    !his section does not citeanyreferences or sources. lease help impro#e this section $y adding

    citations to relia$le sources. %nsourced material may $e challenged and remo#ed. (August 2014)

    *6sanguination is a relati#ely uncommon, $ut dramatic, cause of death in human $eings. !raumatic in9ury can

    cause e6sanguination if $leeding is not promptly controlled, and is the most common cause of death in military

    com$at. Eoncom$at causes can include gunshotor sta$'ounds motor #ehicle crashin9uries suicide$y

    se#ering arteries,typically those in the 'rists and partial or total lim$ amputation, such as #ia accidental

    contact 'ith a circularor chainsa', or $ecome entangled in operating machinery.

    atients can also de#elop catastrophic internal hemorrhages, such as from a $leedingpeptic ulcer,postpartum

    $leedingor splenichemorrhage, 'hich can cause e6sanguination 'ithout any e6ternal signs of distress. ?nother

    cause of e6sanguination in the medical field is that ofaneurysms. If a dissecting aortic aneurysm ruptures

    through the ad#entitia, massi#e hemorrhage and e6sanguination can result in a matter of minutes.

    Blunt force trauma to the li#er, kidneys, and spleen can cause se#ere internal $leeding as 'ell, though the

    a$dominal ca#ity usually $ecomes #isi$ly darkened as if $ruised. 3imilarly, trauma to the lungs can cause

    $leeding out, though 'ithout medical attention, $lood can fill the lungs causing the effect of dro'ning, or in the

    pleuracausing suffocation, 'ell $efore e6sanguination 'ould occur. In addition, serious trauma can cause

    tearing of ma9or $lood #essels 'ithout e6ternal trauma indicati#e of the damage.

    ?lcoholics and others 'ith li#er disease can also suffer from e6sanguination. !hin'alled, normally lo'

    pressure dilated #eins 9ust $elo' the lo'er esophageal mucosa calledesophageal #aricescan $ecome enlarged

    in conditions 'ithportal hypertension. !hese may $egin to$leed, 'hich 'ith the high pressure in the portal

    system can $e fatal. !he often causati#e impaired li#er function also reduces the a#aila$ility of clotting factors

    (many of 'hich are made in the li#er), making any rupture in #essels more likely to cause a fatal loss of $lood.
