extension and the world university of illinois extension and purdue university extension

Extension and the World University of Illinois Extension and Purdue University Extension Professional Development Workshop October 30, 2008

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Extension and the World University of Illinois Extension and Purdue University Extension. Professional Development Workshop October 30, 2008. Overview. Background Internationalizing Extension What and Why Integrating an international perspective. The “Flat World”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Extension and the World University of Illinois Extension and Purdue University Extension

Extension and the World

University of Illinois Extension and Purdue University Extension

Professional Development Workshop

October 30, 2008

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• Background

• Internationalizing Extension

– What and Why

• Integrating an international perspective

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The “Flat World”

The term comes from the 2005 book about globalization by The New York Times’ foreign affairs columnist, Thomas L. Friedman, entitled:

“The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century”

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What is a “Flat World”?

A “flat world” is one in which it is recognized that everything is connected to everything else. It is a world in which what is done in one place impacts what happens elsewhere.

• It is the world in which we live today!

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Most of today’s Problems and Issues Transcend Boundaries

Environment Peace/Security

Energy Financial Issues

Health Pests

Food Safety Pollution

Immigration Climate Change

Water Population Growth Trade Families

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Some recent headlines…

Markets storm backU.S., European countries move to ease financial crisis

Who'd have thought $3 gas would look good?Recent drop brings wide disparity across the US

Bailout details due todayGovernment plans to spend as much as $250 billion of

$700 billion rescue package to buy stock in private banks

Euro nations agree on credit measuresBank refinancing plan guarantees new debt up to 5 years

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Boundaries are of decreasing importance

as the world becomes more flat

Geographic EthnicSocial EconomicGender ReligionCultural Racial Educational Values

- Boundaries are those parts of life that tend to keep us apart:

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A snapshot of the US today

• One in eight of our population is foreign born• One in six speaks a language other than

English at home• Non-Latino whites are a minority in 4 states

(California, Hawaii, New Mexico and Texas) and in the District of Columbia

• The Latino population increased 77% in Arizona from 1990-2000 mirroring similar changes in other parts of the United States

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Globalization Today…

“…there is no more pressing issue today than preparing people for a world that is coming closer together through globalization.”

Mike Eskew

Chairman and CEO


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What Does Globalization Mean for Extension?

As Extension educators and specialists, we must recognize that we share an interconnected world, especially at the community level.

- Do we demonstrate this fact through our actions?

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We are not the Extension System of yesteryear

- We must become an Extension System that engages people and communities in education about critical issues that are integral parts of a global community

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The Extension System: A Vision for the 21st Century

“The challenge for Extension is to provide leadership to demonstrate the local implications and potential consequences of an interdependent world.”


February 2002

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Internationalized Land Grants - Organizational Culture…

• Research, teaching and extension will form a seamless whole:– Multiculturalism and global perspectives will be

expected as part of programming and scholarship.– International programming and scholarship will

incorporate all three functions.– International expertise will support domestic

multicultural efforts and vice versa.

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Internationalizing Extension

“An international dimension is basic to effective Extension programs. Not secondary. Not a luxury. Not an after-thought. Not an add-on.”

- Michael Patton, Journal of Extension

(Cited by Charles Knapp in the Seaman A. Knapp Lecture, 1997)

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Vision of Internationalized Extension

Globally competent stakeholders, faculty and students who live, compete,

work well in an ever dynamic and interdependent world community.


Bobby D. Moser, Chairman

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– Institutional leaders strongly articulate and affirm the importance of international and multicultural programming in teaching, research and extension.

– Leadership for internationalized extension will be reflected in the actions of faculty and field-based extension educators.

What does an Internationalized What does an Internationalized Extension System look like?Extension System look like?

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Characteristics of an Internationalized Extension System

• Relationship between Extension’s mission and international issues

• Clientele understand interdependencies• Impact of international economic forces is

stressed• Incorporate international aspects into on-going

Extension activities• Global efforts rewarded through performance

evaluations Ludwig, 1997

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Faculty identified barriers for International Participation


Clientele support

Colleague support

Administrative support

Family commitments


Not program priority

Lack of rewards

Negative career impact

No P&T recognition

No teaching materials

No training

No financial support


Cultural differences

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Additional Barriers and Constraints for Internationalizing Extension

• Lack of clarity regarding congruence of international efforts and local concerns

• Insufficient knowledge to build an international element into local programming

• Competing demands on professional time• Discomfort and/or lack of confidence

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Response to Barriers and Constraints to Internationalization of Extension

We must resist the temptation to allow barriers to overwhelm our efforts. We should work towards solutions rather than permit constraints to hinder the work that we know must be done.

- International efforts are too important to ignore!

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Benefits of Internationalizing Extension (1)

• Provides stakeholders and communities with access to tools and knowledge to address and solve key transnational issues, which require cooperation beyond our own borders– Energy, climate change, food safety, pests,

pollution, health, trade

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Benefits of Internationalizing Extension (2)

• Equips our stakeholders for competitive success in the global marketplace by helping entrepreneurs understand their competition and be successful with new customers.

• Connects us to the world beyond our own home base, thus contributing to global security and a more peaceful world

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Benefits of Internationalizing Extension (3)

• Helps integrate new immigrant populations into community life by opening doors to understanding and appreciation of both our differences and our similarities.

• Makes county educators and specialists better at what they do by challenging them in new contexts and places– Enhances global competencies

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The Benefits of Strong Cultural Skills

• It is good business to be able to work with a diverse workforce/customer base

• The world is very small—need to communicate and work with others

• Growing pluralism in communities• Increasing complexity in our lives• Problems demand “collaboration”

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Culture Shock…

• Think about being in an unfamiliar environment where you are unsure of how to behave…– People do not know you– People think and behave differently– Don’t know what to expect from them, or

they from you– You feel like “a fish out of water”

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What to do about it?• Recognize it

– Don’t deny, flee, fight it

• Begin to understand yourself and your reactions– What is your own cultural identity or

comfort zone?– What about the new setting is


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Levels of cultural sensitivityA. Generalized

- Aware of superficial differences, stereotypesB. Us-them

- Aware of significant cultural traits that contrast markedly from one’s own…recognizes challenges

C. Side-by-side- Understands cultural differences, why they exist,

and how to overcomeD. One-world

- Aware and accepts how another FEELS, through the eyes of the other person

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Crossing cultures changes us…

• Realize that people are basically good, trusting and welcoming

• Faith in yourself and your ability to overcome misunderstandings– Value and seek-out diversity

• Pride in your adaptability

• Enjoy and revel in such experiences

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Skill Set Required for Successful Internationalization Efforts (1)

• Confidence to work in a cross cultural context

• Ability to work with people different from yourself

• Sufficient knowledge to develop appropriate programs for stakeholders in your county

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Skill Set Required for Successful Internationalization Efforts (2)

• Ability to link county and international work as part of an interconnected whole

• Flexibility, desire, and time to travel internationally

• Commitment to and understanding of the logic for the international dimensions of Extension

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Strive to adapt…

• Try to be open to new ideas, beliefs, behaviors…see things in context

• Develop friendships or cultural guides

• Keep your own beliefs to yourself…try not to compare

• “Try it on”… build up participation

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Potential Activities- Besides International Travel

Host visitorsInvolve clientele in study tourAdd global activity to current programCommunicate by e-mailSubscribe to international publicationJoin an international organizationGet involved in an international research project

Sister city projects

Participate in study tour

Work on an international development project

Participate in a local international festival

Study international tourism in local community

Develop an inventory of local global resources

Study a foreign language

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Learn from your experience…

• Cultural confrontation forces you to better understand yourself

• Appreciate your adaptability—flexibility• Strengthen your interpersonal skills• Reflect on your own cultural

“baggage”…evaluate your beliefs & lifestyle

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The Impact of an Extension Educator

Education opens the public’s eyes that we are part of a world community… think about the impact you have when you give knowledge…

- It’s ironic, we don’t recognize the benefits of our international programs

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End goal…• We will know that we have an

internationalized extension system when it is no longer an issue to talk about. – It will be a part of our organizational fabric– Clientele and community/state leaders will

be deeply involved and benefit from our global perspectives

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A Global Perspective towards an Internationalized Extension


“The first day we looked for our countries; the third day we pointed to our continents; by the fifth day we were aware of only one Earth.”

Bin Salman

(Saudi Astronaut)

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Thank you!

Nick T. Place

Associate Dean & Associate Director

[email protected]