external positioning - egrd 3013


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External Positioning Portfolio - Dan Hawes


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Business Card 1

Stamp Brief Intro and Research 2-3

Stamp Set one - Ideas and Final 4-5

Stamp Set two - Ideas and Final 6-7 Stamp Set three - Ideas and Final 8-9

YCN: Graze - Intro 10-11

YCN: Graze - Initial Ideas & Development 12-13

YCN: Graze - Final Logos 14-15

YCN: Graze - Box review and Ideas 16-17

YCN: Graze - Box Developments 18-19

YCN: Graze - Box Final idea one 20-21

YCN: Graze - Box Final idea two 22-23

YCN: Graze - Direct Mail Ideas 24-25

Penguin Brief - Intro and Research 26-27

Penguin Brief - Initial Ideas and development 28-29

Penguin Brief - Final Idea 30-31

Full Flow Customs 32-33

Then, Now and The Future (venn) 34-35

Strengths and Weaknesses 36

Evaluation and Bibliography 37

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This is my new business card. I originally was going to do something very minimal, but I wanted to use something I had illustrated. The image on the card is from a commissioned piece of artwork, which I’ve vectorised and used for the card in the same style. I love recycled/brown paper and card, so they’ll be produced on brown recycled card. I wanted to be eye catching, clean and bold, rather than just minimal and boring.

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Before I started on my stamp designs, I wanted to have a look at some other stamps for inspiration, and to explore some of the different styles. The above two sets of stamps both caught my attention. Both sets are very different so they have different appeal.

The top set is a Roald Dahl stamp collection, currently still available on the Royal mail Website. I was really drawn to these as I’ve always been attracted by hand drawn things, and having grown up with Roald Dahl books. One thing that really appealed to me about them was the rough, traditional style, always recognisable with Quentin Blake. The simple style, and the very modest use of colour really makes these stamps charming. Each stamp

has famous characters on and their name, as well as the value in the traditional way. I originally wanted to do something modern and clean for my stamps, but after looking at these I wanted to do some hand drawn ones as well as some stylish ones.

The second set of stamps uses photos of some beautful and intruiging sites in the UK. They were taken by various photographers, but are all of a stunning quality, and show Britain at it’s finest. These stamps also carry a lot more detail than the Roald Dahl set. These ones also have a white border, while the Roald Dahl illustrations go right to the edge of the stamp. I looked at other examples of stamps online as well, and knew where I wanted to go.



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After being inspired to do a set of drawn stamps, I started on my first set.One thing that has always interested me is old things, so to celebrate letter writing, I wanted to capture an old, almost forgotten process in a style that helped portray it’s age. These sketches were to plan out the 6 stages I wanted to draw, and to get an idea of the style I wanted. I wanted to achieve a very hand-made, personal feel.


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These are the finished stamps. They arevery close to the original sketches, but I had to rework a few elements to work within the stamp. These are drawn digitally, but are drawn using a Graph-ics tablet, so they’re still done by hand. I used a home-made texture for these to add to the ‘aged’ feel, which I think worked very well. These were probably my favourite stamps in the end, mainly because of their personal, old feel.



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For my second set of stamps, I wanted to create something that mixed both new and old. During the first set, I was really interested in wax seals, so I decided to use this element in these stamps, but to create a modern design, which I felt was a good way of representing letters and post now; old mixed with new. With my initial ideas, I decided to go with something simple; the value of the stamp inside the seal.


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This is the final outcome of my second set of stamps. I originally planned on doing another drawn stamp style, but when I was working on them I started working in a more modern, simple style.

I used a halftone effect on the stamps, which is set in the same tones of red as the wax originally was, which I think really gives them a modern feel. I think the new/old style mix was successful.



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For my third set of stamps, I wanted touse some quotes that were in the ‘question of corrorespondance’ PDF. I really loved how the quotes made you realise how ‘cold’ things like tweets and e-cards are in comparison to the real thing. I wanted to make use of the quote in a bold style, so I wanted to use speech bubbles to contain the quotes. I considered shape, style etc but stayed with a simple, effective design.


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These are the final results of my third set of stamps. I used colour to link in with what the quote contained and used that colour for the queen’s head and the values too. I originally used another halftone effect with this set, but the round circles made them look a bit unnecessarily busy, so I reworked them in basic flat colours with a simple, modern design. I felt I was able to achieve the look I wanted with this set.



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I chose to to the Graze brief set up by YCN for one of my external positioning projects. I have always liked the design and idea behind Graze.com, and I thought it’d be a great opportunity to get a chance to create some work for them.

I started off by getting a Graze box of my own to get a real look at the current box. For this brief, we had to redesign a logo for them, redesign their box for them and design a direct mail piece, so it’s quite involving. I started off with logos, then moved onto boxes, and then the direct mail piece. This project is still ongoing, so it’s not all100% finished as I’m still working on it.I have included the work that I have completed so far for this brief.



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Above are the developed logos. I chose four ideas that I felt were the strongest and worked on them to make full size, more detailed designs. All the logos are black and white/Greyscale because they’re the original designs and can be used in any colours with a simple change. All four logos are quite unique, so I chose three to render into full vector logos for the final designs.

I started off with the initial ideas for a new logo (left page). The brief says they wanted something that said ‘nature’ and ‘online’, so I came up with 15 early designs that I felt worked for the brief.I always enjoy this stage, especially with logo making, as it allows real creativity, and the brief allowed me some freedom to explore ideas. These are all drawn using a graphics tablet, by hand.

The designs are mostly simple, as I wanted to keep Graze’s image within the new logo design, which they say is “charming, natural, honest, and premium.” I aimed to cover each area with these logos, and I think the originalimage is still there, but in a much more effective way than their original logo. After this stage, I chose some ideas todevelop and improve further.



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These are the three final vector logos I made for the brief. Each one is different, but I felt these were the strongest ideas. I may chose one overall when I submit my project.

Each logo is vectorised and the colours are easily changed for any use needed, they’re just greyscale for the designs. Th first logo on the left has a very strong ‘handmade’ feel to it, which is one of the reasons I like it and feel it works well, as it really works with their ‘charming, natural’ image.

The second logo is halfway between ‘handmade’ feeling and ‘clean’. It uses a handmade font again, but is mostly made up using vector shapes. I like how it represents the box itself as well as the company. The final box on the right is my more ‘clean’ style logo. It uses a real font and has clean, smooth shapes to make it eye catching and bold.



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This page shows the original Graze box. I received this in the post after signing up. It gave me a good idea of construction and style (and some tasty treats!). I found a few things attractive already with this box; I’ve always liked the recycled cardboard textured packaging and felt this worked really well on this box. I also liked the excellent photography inside the box.


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This page shows my initial ideas for the box designs. I tried to explore as many ideas and styles as possible to get a broad collection of options to work on further. Again, all of these are designed using a graphics tablet. There were a few ideas in my head along the way that stood out, and these were the ones that I moved onto develop in the next stage.



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These are the developed box designs. They had quite a lot of detail added from the inital ideas stage, and I experimented a lot with layout to make use of the space without making the box look over crowded, as I felt that’d ruin the feel. Each design is meant to have a ‘charming, honest’ feel to it to keep their image strong. I also wanted to make sure the recycling icon on the back had a lot of attention drawn to it.



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This spread shows one of my two final box designs, using the logos I made. This one had a nice mix of feeling hand made, but also clean and effective with the design and layout. I created a textured box template for me to make it look as close to the finished result as possible. I stayed with the carboard textured box as I felt it simply worked best with their brand and style, and it’s 100% recyclable etc.

Another thing I liked the idea of was the photography inside the box. The top photo is one I took for this project, so it’s new for this design. The font used for the logo is Future Condensed, however, I changed it to look more rounded and hand made. I used the brown colours in the same way Graze did on the original box, but also white print to make details stand out; simple style, but with a fresh look.



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This spread shows the second of my two final box designs, using the logos I made. This one has a slightly less ‘handmade’ feel, but it has a very personal feel instead, with the tag design. Again, I stayed with the carboard textured box as I felt it simply worked best with their brand and style, and it’s 100% recyclable etc. I included the ‘I’m handmade for you..’ part on both the inside and outside on this one

to really push the personal feel. In the Graze kitchen, they hand pick and nutrtionally balance their boxes, so they are very personal, and I really wanted this to show in this design. I have used the same interior design for the box as I felt the photography was strong and really helped give the box character. I’ve used brown in the same way Graze did on their original box, but white print as well which will make details stand out.



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Design one:This was my first direct mail piece idea. I simply wanted to make a miniature Graze box, constructed in the same way, but half size. Instead of the pots of snacks, I wanted to make pot-shaped booklets that contained information and offers about Graze. The idea behind this was to have a box that looked that same, but had novelty, and would attract people to try Graze.

Design Two:My second design also followed a design that echoed the original Graze packaging. Instead of sending a pot of food, it would be a pot with a peelback lid that contains a big olive shaped booklet (or any other fruit, veg or nut). It’s a very different idea, and I feel it would definitely attract people’s attention if they received it in the post, though the materials may be an issue.


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Design Three: My third design was something people could actually keep with Graze branding on it - a keyring. It would be sent in a small display box, with a grass-like texture inside, where this olive (or again, any other fruit, veg or nut etc) shaped keyring would sit. It may be a slightly more expensive option, so materials would have to be thoroughly explored, but it’d be effective as it’s a keepsake.

Design Four:My final design idea is a flip up package. It resembles the box again, but everything pops up, controlled by tabs. In the front, there’s booklets and tokens, that can be pulled off the tabs on perforated lines. This is something that could be reused to hold notes etc where the tokens and booklets were, so again, it’s something that can be kept, which makes it effective.



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Before starting on my Penguin/Puffin book cover designs, I wanted to have a closer look at previous copies of the book and get an idea of the style, as well as the stories within the book. I also wanted to look at other Puffin book covers from the past. Grimm’s Fairy Tales originally contained 86 stories by the Grimm Brothers in 1812. These are some of the most

popular, well known and well loved fairy tales that we know today. Past books have had a variety of illustrations and styles; some happy looking, and some more sinister looking ones. One thing that’s always the same is the brilliant artwork. Usually, only selected fairy tales are published in the book. I want to follow the illustration route that’s been used on past books and create something enticing and interesting.

When looking at other past Puffin books, I can see that they’re almost always illustrated, whether they’re simple, rough or intricately detailed. The typography is usually quite large and expressive as well, which is good when the books are aimed at children. I’ve always had a keen interest in book illustration, and I’ve grown up with Puffin books, so this is a great opportunity for me.



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These are my initial ideas for the Grimm’s Fairy Tales book. On the left are three ideas, and on this page is the initial design I have chosen to create. For all the designs, I wanted to be imaginitive and think about what a child would want to see on a book cover, while thinking about how it’d appeal to an adult too for them to buy it. Most of the ideas incorporate images of a few fairy tales, but my favourite one is ‘Little

Red Cap’ - known now as little red riding hood. I think this is such an iconic story, and can be interpreted in many different ways, making it the ideal subject for the illustration. This is still an ongoing project, so I may produce another book cover from one of my other initial ideas, or a brand new one. Before moving on, I also considered typography ideas for the titles on the book as these are very important.



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This is the final illustration and design for my submission to the Penguin brief. I used my initial idea and kept it very similar, with minor changes here and there to improve it and for it to work with the cover layout. The illustration is drawn using a graphics tablet by hand. I really enjoy drawing, especially expressions and characters, so this was a great subject area for me. I do feel however, that it’s not quite my best work, and could be further improved. As this is still an ongoing project, too, it’s still subject to change.

This uses the Puffin layout design PDF that was included on the brief page, but this has been trimmed down to inside the markers, so this is how it’d look once printed and cut. I used very simple typography in the end, as anything with flourishes or too much on them made the cover look too busy and untidy.



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This spread shows some work I’ve been doing for a company called Full Flow Customs. They’re a ‘one stop shop’ specialising in Japanese cars, including custom made exhausts and bodywork fabrication. I got to know the owner through working with him on my car. James McCarthy, the owner of FFC wanted me to design him a logo, a business card and a design for a prototype website.

Above are two exhaust themed logos that James was very pleased with, and two business cards utilising the logos. For designs we’ve used my photography of my own car, which has spent a lot of time in their workshop.

We’re still working on ideas for other designs for the whole project, and this is a private, ongoing project, which has been really good experience so far.


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Above is the prototype website I have made for James at Full Flow Customs. As it’s a prototype, it’s not a functioning website, just a design. The above shot is of the main page, and the site keeps it’s ‘form’ throughout use. The banner in the middle with my car on it will be flash, and will use a gallery of images to change. On the top right, I have made a menu using exhaust styled buttons, which again will be animated, and as

shown here, the exhaust will pop up when the cursor moves over it, bringing it up and showing a category such as ‘Exhausts’ or ‘Servicing’ etc. When these are clicked on, the frame with the car in it expands downwards and contains the requested page. We’ve also planned to have feeds on the page such as Instagram and facebook or twitter. This project is a really useful project for me, and very enjoyable.



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I feel like over the past two and a half years of university, I have gained quite a lot of experience and skill without really realising it. These Venn diagrams show me then, now and where I want to be in the future. When I started, my skills, experience and goal were all slightly hazy, especially my goal, but I’ve learned through strengths of existing skills and learning new ones, and I feel the ‘now’ venn diagram shows where

I think I am now. my experience isn’t as close ot my goal as I’d like it to be as I hadn’t done a lot of ‘getting out there’, but I have been working on external briefs this semester, and even some private work outside of my usual illustration/art freelance work, so I think I’m improving. Skills wise, it’s just a case of fitting it all in. Obviously, in the future, I want to have the skills and experience all together.



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I also made this venn diagram in the same style, to illustrate where I felt my strengths and weaknesses were, as well as what I’m moderately comfortable with. It seems most of my weaknesses are in digital programs, so I’m definitely going to aim to get to learn more. The other weakness I really need to work on is getting out there and positioning my work externally, but I think the collection of work in this portfolio has been a good start.



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Building this portfolio has been a very interesting experience for me. I haven’t really done much external work before outside of my normal art/illustration freelance work, but it’s been really valuable doing some in this semester. One thing I found really good was the fact that I had a lot of control over my work. The idea of an award behind it was good incentive as well. It’s been really useful for me to try and get my work out there a bit more, and I feel like this portfolio has really given me a push in the right direction in comparison with earlier semesters.

Of all the external briefs, I found the YCN Graze brief to be one of the most enjoyable, as everything about the company and their target style worked for me. I enjoyed making the designs, and I’ve always enjoyed working on logo design. It gave me an oppertunity to use multiple skills - vectors, texturing, photography, typography and layout. I feel like it’s been really useful for me, even if it has been very stressful. Under suggestion from tutors, I was informed it was worth mentioning my medical issues I had encountered throughout the semester, that was very disruptive, and resulted in multiple hospital visits. I found the support I got from both tutors and my doctor to be absolutely vital for my progression in this portfolio, so I’m very happy with that. Despite the issues and stress related with them, I think I produced a good portfolio that has helped point me in the right direction for the future.

Another thing that has been very new, but very useful to me this semester was working with Full Flow Customs on some private work. This my first proper work that involved a lot of design. I found that working with James at FFC and creating design for a company that I’m familiar with and am very interesting in to be really enjoyable, and I’m looking forward to working more with their company, as well as more in the future. If I go even further with this project, it will allow me to look into things like web design, which is something I’m very keen to learn, and it also involves me with cars and motorsport, which is something I’m very interested in. When working for a client, it feels very different to working on a brief for uni, and I think that experience has really helped me move forward.

Even though it was a bit of a struggle with the problems I encountered this semester, I did manage to get some enjoyment out of most of the briefs, and I got the chance to illusrate a lot more than I usually do. I feel like I’m now a lot more skilled and experienced than I was in my first and second year, but there’s still room for me to improve; all I have to do is get myself out there more and be creative. Something working on external briefs has really helped me with is confidence; now that I know my work good enough to be used professionally, it’s opened up new doors for me, and I look forward to working on similar projects in the future.

















Full Flow Customs

Kinzuru Autosalon

Zoe & Lucy from YCN

Zoe at Graze.com



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