extra bonus – 3 magic texts

Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc. “3 Magic Texts” A “Get Results Now” Report By Michael Fiore Creator of “Text Your Wife Into Bed

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

“3 Magic Texts”

A “Get Results Now” Report By Michael Fiore Creator of “Text Your Wife Into Bed”

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

Copyright 2011 © by Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution in any way, shape, or form is forbidden. No part of this manual or its accompanying video training shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the author. Please write [email protected] Copyrighted materials cited in this course are reproduced here for educational purposes only under fair use provisions of U.S. Copyright law. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc. individually or corporately, do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting for the actions of any parties involved.

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

3 “Magic” Texts . . . Hey, itʼs Mike Fiore, and itʼs time for me to put my money where my mouth is. Thereʼs really only two ways you could have gotten a hold of this PDF. The first way is that you grabbed it off my website Or it got forwarded to you by a friend who thought you could get something out of the material. (Quick note: Feel free to pass this around as long as you donʼt change it in any way.) (Quicker note: If you want to hear more about what this is all about, just go to http://www.orgasmarts.com/texting) Anyway, this is basically my “put up or shut up” PDF. Itʼs basically a “dumbed down” version of what I teach in the Text Your Wife Into Bed program (a program that over a thousand guys around the world have used to add a massive spark into their relationship . . . often when they thought there was “no chance” of rekindling the romance with their women at all. In the next few pages Iʼm going to flat out GIVE YOU 3 “Magic” texts you can use right now to powerfullly “shift” the tone of your relationship and start pushing your wife or your girlfriend to flirtier, more fun and sexier relationship with you . . . And prove to yourself just how powerful this “Texting thing” can actually be. Am I promising you that if you send these 3 texts your wife is going to pounce on you like a horny teenager? Nope. (Though Iʼve gotten emails from guys who say thatʼs EXACTLY what happened to them.) Fact of the matter is, the “3 Magic Texts” are really just an “Appetizer” version of main Text Your Wife Into Bed program (of the “4 Day Icebreaker” material I give you so you can warm your woman up to But what I am promising is that if you actually DO THIS youʼll get “results.” What level of results really depends on where your relationship is with your wife right now . . . how close you are, how well you communicate, how often youʼre having sex already.

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

Depending on where youʼre starting from, you might notice . . . A little bit more of a sparkle in her eye. A little bit more of a smile. A little more “gratitude.” A little shift in the hips. And maybe youʼll get a longer kiss when you walk in the door. Or a little bit more affection when you crawl into bed tonight. How do I know? I know because Iʼve seen the proof these methods work again and again and again, both for myself (back when I was single and with my current long term girlfriend) and for hundreds of married guys who have used my system. As I like to say “The system works so you donʼt have to.” So try out the “3 MAGIC Texts” . . . And then Iʼd be honored if you would give the full “Text Your Wife Into Bed” System a try. I get breathless success stories from guys just like you every day. Best, Mike Fiore Creator of “Text Your Wife Into Bed” P.S. The “3 Magic Texts” Iʼm giving you today are definitely “PG” rated. Some of the stuff in the main TYWIB system gets more specific and even “dirtier,” but since youʼre just getting started I wanted to keep things clean and simple.

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

The 3 “Magic” Texts Revealed OK, letʼs dive in. To start out Iʼve got to make one BIG assumption. And thatʼs that youʼre wife HAS a cell phone and KNOWS HOW to use it to send text messages. If thatʼs NOT true, you should skip ahead to the next section where I reveal a “sneaky” method one of my customers came up with to “bridge the texting gap” with his wife, who had never texted before in her life. OK, here we go . . . Step 1: The “Curiosity” text . . . As I talk about in the main TYWIB program, curiosity is a phenomenally powerful tool for getting your wifeʼs attention (or anyoneʼs attention, actually) and starting the texting conversation. In the TYWIB “Black Book” I give you a whole bunch of curiosity texts to use, but for this little “experiment” weʼre going to use one of my favorites . . . Hereʼs the first text you should send your wife . . . “I canʼt stop thinking about . . .” Pretty simple, huh? Notice that thereʼs nothing overtly sexual or even really flirty about that text message. But itʼs got a POWERFUL pull on a womanʼs mind. Sheʼs going to want to know what the heck it is that youʼre actually thinking about. Thereʼs really only one response you could get from your wife in that case. And thatʼs for her to say . . . “About what?”

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

I recommend waiting for a response before sending anything else. If she doesnʼt respond itʼs probably because she doesnʼt know how to use her cell phone very well or because sheʼs busy. Step 2: The “Sexy And Powerful” Text OK, now that weʼve gotten her attention itʼs time to let her know that you think sheʼs sexy, beautiful, desirable and damned cool. Unfortunately, most women in our culture suffer from pretty wretched self esteem. Everywhere they go theyʼre assaulted by images of models, actresses, cocktail waitresses and “skinny bitches” who are thinner, taller, have bigger tits etc. In text two, weʼre going to cut through a lot of that BS, let her know how sexy and powerful she is and start to “wake up” her sex drive. Again, in the main course I give you a TON of different options for doing this (You get asset texts, past event texts and a whole bunch of others as well as the full “method” behind the system.) But for now weʼre just going to focus on something innocuous and easy. Remember, weʼre building on our last text. So originally you said . . . “I canʼt stop thinking about . . .” And she responded with something like . . . “About what?” Again, thereʼs not much else she COULD HAVE responded with, which is why I like curiosity texts like that so much. Now you get to shock her (and maybe bring tears to her eyes . . seriously) by saying . . . “How beautiful you are . . .” OR “Your smile . . .” OR

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

“How gorgeous you looked when I left this morning.” If youʼre feeling advanced and know (without a shadow of a doubt) what your wife considers to be her BEST features, you can also comment on those. The key is to be as SPECIFIC as possible . . . “How gorgeous and green your eyes are.” OR “How amazing you felt lying next to me last night.” If youʼre not comfortable with that, you can go for the “all purpose” response (that makes women weak in the knees.) In that case youʼll say . . . “You.” Or “How much I love you.” Got it? That brings us to . . . Step 3: Planting The Seed OK, so far weʼve used curiosity to get her attention and have used what I call a “Clean Asset” text to give her a compliment and establish how much we want her. (Again, weʼre staying “clean” at this stage of the game, though when you grab the full TYWIB system youʼll see how shockingly easy it is to get things to a much more passionate level really quickly.) After your second text she only really has one possible response, and thatʼs to say “Aww, thank you.” OR “Youʼre just saying that.”

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

In our third text weʼre going to use the TWO MOST POWERFUL WORDS IN THE WORLD and the principal of “anticipation” to put a huge smile on her face and have her counting down the minutes until she gets to see you again. Got it? Good. So our little text conversation so far is something like . . . YOU: “I canʼt stop thinking about . . . “ HER: “About what?” YOU: “How beautiful you are. =-)” (The little smiley is optional.) HER: “Aww. Youʼre just saying that.” YOU: “No. Iʼm not. I canʼt stop imagining what itʼs going to feel like when I see you again.” The two power words here are IMAGINE and FEEL. I go into this in detail in TYWIB, but these are some NUCLEAR POWER WORDS for women (and for men too, but to a lesser extent.) Itʼs actually really hard for the human brain to read the word “imagine” without IMMEDIATELY imagining what it is youʼre talking about. And “Feel” appeals deeply to how women think about sex and about life in general. To a woman “feeling” is everything. Of course you can mix it up if you want to. HER: “Youʼre just saying that.” YOU: “No. Iʼm not. You canʼt imagine how good itʼs going to feel when I see you tonight.” OR

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

YOU: “You canʼt imagine how it feels, sitting here and knowing I have to wait hours to see you again.” And thatʼs the 3 Magic Texts In a nut shell. Step 1: Curiosity Step 2: Establish that sheʼs sexy/wanted/attractive Step 3: Use an “Imagine” text to have her thinking about the future and how great itʼs going to feel in the future. Itʼs completely possible that sheʼs going to want to keep texting back and forth with you at this point. If she does, you can either “wing it” or you can grab TYWIB at your special link here http://www.orgasmarts.com/texting But the really important part is that stay congruent when you get home that night. Walk up to her. Look her in the eye. See what happens. =-)

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

Quick Note If She Doesnʼt Text Just a quick note. If your wife “doesnʼt text” or “Doesnʼt know how to text” you really donʼt have to worry about it. Jim Thomas grabbed the TYWIB system some time ago and wrote me an email saying that his wife had NO IDEA how to use her cell phone to send text messages. So what did Jim do instead? He casually whispered the “Magic Texts” and “Icebreaker Texts” in his wifeʼs ear. Heʼd walk by her in the kitchen and say “I canʼt stop thinking about . . .” Sheʼd eye him with a quizzical smile and say “About what.” And then he followed up with “How beautiful you are.” And just like that MAGIC sparks came rushing back into his relationship. Jim then showed his wife how to use text messaging on her phone . . . and kind of created a monster. Now he gets 5 or 10 texts a day from her and they both seem . . . . well, “satisfied” is probably the word.

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Fiore and Moneyfingers, Inc.

For More, Visit http://www.OrgasmArts.com/texting