extrait du workbook - hatier · workbook x warm upinsight x page 3 watch your words! il est...

Insight 2 de Extrait du Workbook Sommaire Le Workbook: pour quoi faire, comment ? ........................................................................... 2 Watch your words! ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Warm up! ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Book Quiz ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 All about me ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 All about you ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Outline: I’m a"keeno" ................................................................................................................................ 9 Text 1: Please Mrs Butler ........................................................................................................................ 11 Text 2: Back to school ............................................................................................................................... 13 Text 2: Grammarama .................................................................................................................................. 15 Views ............................................................................................................................................................................16 Text 3: A tough teacher ............................................................................................................................ 17 Text 3: Grammarama ..................................................................................................................................19 Work out: Opinions about school ................................................................................................. 20 Issue: Vocabulary .......................................................................................................................................... 21 Issue: Listen ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 Extra Text: The fun they had .............................................................................................................. 23

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Page 1: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

Insight 2de

Extrait du Workbook


Le Workbook: pour quoi faire, comment ? ........................................................................... 2

Watch your words! ...........................................................................................................................................3

Warm up! ...................................................................................................................................................................4

Book Quiz ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

All about me ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

All about you .........................................................................................................................................................8

Outline: I’m a"keeno" ................................................................................................................................9

Text 1: Please Mrs Butler ........................................................................................................................ 11

Text 2: Back to school ...............................................................................................................................13

Text 2: Grammarama ..................................................................................................................................15

Views ............................................................................................................................................................................16

Text 3: A tough teacher ............................................................................................................................ 17

Text 3: Grammarama ..................................................................................................................................19

Work out: Opinions about school .................................................................................................20

Issue: Vocabulary .......................................................................................................................................... 21

Issue: Listen ........................................................................................................................................................22

Extra Text: The fun they had ..............................................................................................................23

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Page 2: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

Le Workbook : pour quoi faire, comment ?

Le Workbook Insight 2de est conçu selon plusieurs principes.

1. Il n’est pas obligatoire. Nous laissons au professeur le choix de décider si le cahier d’activités est utile pour ses élèves. Quant aux textes du manuel, les questions ne s’arrêtent pas à mi-chemin pour renvoyer au Workbook. Les activités du Workbook sont bien au contraire complémentaires au travail proposé dans les pages du manuel et permettent d’aller plus loin dans l’exploitation pédagogique.

2. Il est utile pour l’écoute de documents audio. En effet, il est impossible de faire une fi che d’écoute dans le manuel car les élèves seraient tentés d’écrire dessus.

3. Il est utile pour le travail sur les textes et les images. De nombreux exercices d’accompagnement sont proposés pour aider les élèves à mieux comprendre, mémoriser les structures et s’exprimer.

4. Il permet de mieux exploiter le CD élève. Tous les documents du CD élève sont repris par des exercices qui permettent à l’élève de tester sa compréhension orale, de s’entraîner à parler. Les réponses présentes à la fi n permettent en plus une autocorrection qui favorise l’autonomie de l’élève.

5. Il propose une unité de transition collège-lycée (Unit 1).

Unit 1: Live & Learn (présentée dans ce spécimen)

Les documents présents dans la première unité du manuel ne sont pas « simplifi és ». En revanche, le Workbook propose un accompagnement « en douceur » avec une section d’amorçage et de mise en place des méthodes de base :− des conseils méthodologiques : aides sous formes de bulles, questionnement sur la démarche de l’élève… ;− une familiarisation avec les transcriptions phonétiques et aides lexicales ;− la mise en place des techniques de lecture et d’inférence ;− un travail sur la grammaire à partir des images pour encourager la production orale ;− la mise en place du travail avec la rubrique Watch your words pour enrichir le vocabulaire ;− la mise en place du travail avec le CD élève pour encourager l’autonomie de l’élève ;− la préparation guidée d’un premier débat (ce support se trouve sur le site Internet et sera intégré au Workbook).


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Page 3: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne


Watch your words!Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne pas demander de l’aide à chaque fois que vous voulez vous exprimer. Plus vous connaissez de vocabulaire, plus vous gagnez de l’assurance !


Dans les pages d’Insight, vous avez remarqué que le vocabulaire se trouve à plusieurs endroits :– Word help : dans la colonne à gauche des textes, les mots dont vous avez parfois besoin immédiatement ;– Zoom in : dans les questions sur les textes, vous trouverez souvent des exercices sur le vocabulaire pour mieux comprendre les détails ;– Watch your words : en bas de page, cette boîte de vocabulaire contient des mots qui vous aideront à parler du document étudié.


Voici une liste de conseils. Choisissez les bons !

D’accord Pas d’accord

a. Il vaut mieux apprendre cinq à six mots à la fois, pas plus.

b. C’est souvent mieux de prononcer les mots en les apprenant.

c. Il suffit de tout apprendre une bonne fois juste avant le test.

d. Il faut revoir tout son vocabulaire de temps à autre.

e. Il faut essayer de réutiliser les mots dans des phrases en cours.

f. Il vaut mieux recopier la liste des mots sur une fiche ou dans un carnet.

g. Un répertoire est mieux qu’un carnet pour apprendre.

h. Avec tout ce vocabulaire dans le livre, un dictionnaire est inutile.

Titre de la rubrique

Traduction en italique. Si le mot n’est pas traduit, c’est qu’il est transparent, ou que vous devriez déjà le connaître…

Séparation entre deux mots

Transcription phonétique

(cf. Back Pack)

� Voici les bons conseils qu’il faut suivre.Notre mémoire est limitée et sélective… On apprend du vocabulaire comme autre chose : il est impossible de tout savoir d’un seul coup ! Il faut donc s’entraîner régulièrement et essayer de « fixer » les mots. Il faut donc suivre les conseils a., b., e. et f. – Si on apprend tout d’un coup, puis plus rien, on se dégoûte et on oublie tout au bout de quelques jours. Il faut donc apprendre les mots par petits groupes qui vont ensemble, puis les revoir régulièrement (tous les deux ou trois jours). – Pour s’approprier les mots, il vaut mieux les prononcer et les écrire que simplement les regarder. Essayez et trouvez ce qui fonctionne le mieux pour vous. – Le répertoire est peu utile car il serait étrange d’apprendre les mots commençant par a, puis par b, etc. Et pour chercher un mot, il vaut mieux utiliser un dictionnaire !


Syllabe accentuée

en gras

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Page 4: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

Warm up!Travailler avec le CD élèveCes pages vous proposent un travail sur les trois premiers documents du CD élève. Les exercices peuvent être faits en classe ou de façon autonome, en début d’année, pour démarrer le travail avec le CD élève. Pour les autres documents, allez dans la section spéciale « CD élève » à la fin du Workbook.– Le manuel propose d’autres documents sonores dans les pages Outline et Issue. Ces documents pour-ront être écoutés en classe et font l’objet de pages dans ce cahier, mais ne sont pas sur le CD élève.– Avec le CD élève, vous pouvez tester votre compréhension orale et vous entraîner à répéter certaines phrases pour améliorer votre expression.– N’hésitez pas à écouter ce CD sur un ordinateur pour mieux gérer les pauses et retours en arrière, ou à mettre les documents sur un lecteur portable pour pratiquer plus souvent !


OVERVIEW (Écoutez en entier une ou deux fois sans prendre de notes.) Quelle est la situation ?

a. Une nouvelle élève parle de sa famille à son professeur, devant la classe.

b. Une nouvelle élève se présente à son professeur, devant la classe.

c. Une élève explique pourquoi elle est arrivée en retard en cours.


A. Réécoutez et notez une dizaine de mots que vous comprenez : noms propres, chiffres, mots importants.



B. Réécoutez chaque question et réponse et choisissez la meilleure description.

1 Question + réponse 1

a. L’élève doit se lever pour parler. Elle est un peu timide.

b. L’élève peut rester assise pour parler. Elle est un peu timide.

c. L’élève doit se lever pour parler. Elle est contente de pouvoir s’exprimer.

Repérez son nom : ................................................. et son âge : .................................................

2 Question + réponse 2

a. La scène se passe après Noël et l’élève vient de Newcastle.

b. La scène se passe juste avant Noël et l’élève vient de Newcastle.

c. La scène se passe après Noël, à Newcastle.

3 Question + réponse 3

a. L’élève aime beaucoup cette école qui date de 1916.

b. L’élève trouve que cette vieille école est horrible.

c. L’élève aime assez cette école construite il y a très longtemps.

L’école où était l’élève auparavant a été construite dans les années .................................................

4 Question + réponse 4

a. L’élève a emménagé le week-end dernier et ne connaît presque personne.

b. L’élève est arrivée le week-end dernier et connaît déjà plusieurs personnes.

c. L’élève est arrivée la veille et ne connaît presque personne.

Dans quelle classe est sa voisine ? .................................................



Introduce yourself to your teacher


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Complétez la dernière phrase (il manque les syllables acentuées) et entraînez-vous à la prononcer.

So I .................................................ven’t had much ................................................. to .................................................ny..........

.......................................dy, a................................................. from my ................................................. door ................................

.................bour who’s in my .................................................ter’s .................................................


OVERVIEW (Écoutez en entier une ou deux fois sans prendre de notes.) Quelle est la situation ? a. Deux amis se retrouvent le jour de la rentrée et parlent de skateboard. b. Deux amis se donnent rendez-vous pour aller jouer au football. c. Deux élèves se rencontrent pour la première fois et parlent de l’école et de football.


1 Réécoutez. Entourez seulement les mots que vous entendez.

Steve Stephen Greg Gregory Jerkin Jenkins last

first sister brother father Dad mother Mum

cousin skate Kate’s football footballer basketball skate

goalkeeper entertaining training Mike Mikey housework homework

2 Complétez le résumé avec les mots que vous avez entourés.

................................................. and ................................................. meet after Mr .................................................’s class on

the ................................................. day of school. ................................................. has got his little ...................................’s

............................................... board but in fact his favourite sport is ................................................. and he plays ..............

............................. . ................................................. is a too and invites him to the ................................................. tomorrow.

He also invites him to come and visit his friend ................................................. and do their ..............................................

.................................................... agrees to come but fi rst has to inform his ...................................................................... .


Complétez le début du dialogue (il manque les syllables acentuées) et entraînez-vous à le jouer.

– ................................................. ! .....’m in your ........ ! I didn’t ................................................. you ..................... in this

........... of ..................... !

– ......... ............ ! .......... were the one a ..................... at the ....................., .........n’t you? ............. do you

................ of Mr ..................... ?



Introduce yourself to a schoolmate




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Page 6: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne


Book QuizDo you know your book?

– Where does the scene in page 143 take place?

.................................................................................................. Asking questions– Who is shaking hands with Thierry Henry in page 63?


– When does the scene in page 108 take place?


– What colour are the woman’s glasses in Unit 3, Text 1?


– What is the simple past of “I throw”?


– In which book was the text on page 156 published?


– On which page can you find information

about FOR and SINCE?


– What is the last word of Zoom in 3, page 121?


– What sport are the men on page 30 playing?


– On which page can you see a musician? Give two pages!


– Which country is between Malawi and Kenya?


– Which American state is divided into two parts by a lake?


– You are in Carlisle and follow Hadrian’s Wall. Where will you arrive?


– What does the word “gig” mean? (See Watch your words page 115.)


Extra question

– What is your favourite picture in the book? Explain why.........................................................................................


How many…• •Qui…

Hong long ago…• •Quel âge…

How old…• •Combien…

Where…• •Quand…

Who…• •Où…

When…• •Que…

What…• •Quel…

Which…• •Il y a combien de temps…

Match : reliez, faites correspondre

Translation :traduction

Match the words with their translations.

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All about me

The real me

1 FAVOURITES• My favourite food is


• My favourite place is


• My favourite colour is


• My favourite music is


• My favourite pastime is


2 GETTING PERSONAL!• I feel happy when


• I get annoyed when


• I’d like to learn to


• I am good at


• If I ruled the world I’d ban


• If I was invisible for a day I would


• If I was an animal, I’d be


• I really can’t resist


• The person I text the most is


My ID• Name


• Date of birth


• Height


• Hair colour


• Eye colour


• Occupation


3 IT’S A MATERIAL WORLD…• The last 3 things I bought were:




• My most precious possession is:




• For my next birthday I’d like:






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Complétez les questions pour pouvoir les poser à quelqu’un d’autre. Posez d’autres

questions aussi, et notez les réponses.

Quand vous dialoguez, utilisez par exemple : “What about you?” (Et toi ?) ; “Me too”/

“So do I” (moi aussi), etc.

Ne confondez pas “I am like him” (Je suis comme lui) et “I like him” (Je l’aime bien).

All about you1 Ask somebody else about him / her.

a. Choose some information from the “All about me” page and make questions.

– What’s your name?


– When were you ..............................................................?


– How tall ..............................................................?


– What’s the ..............................................................?


– What’s your favourite ..............................................................?


– When do you ..............................................................?


– What would you .............................................................. if you were ..............................................................?


b. Make a few more questions.

– How many .............................................................. have you got?

.................................................................................................................................................................................................. ?


2 Report about who you met: who is like you, who is not like you…

I met .............................................................. who is ...................................................................................................................

Both of us like ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Like .................................................(name), I enjoy ....................................ing .........................................................................

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1 Where does the scene take place?

In a factory

In a school

Justify your answer with two elements: ................................. + .................................

2 Who is speaking? 3 What is the word “Keeno”?

A teacher ["ti…tSE] The narrator’s first name.

A student ['stu…dEnt] A nickname the other students give him.


1 Words used to describe the narrator. Circle the words you hear:

– smart scruffy

– messy tidy

– courageous wimp

– hard-working lazy

– teacher’s pet school rebel

2 The narrator’s appearance. Connect the dots:

tie •

shirt •

hair •

trousers •

• tucked in neatly

• fit me properly

• the right length

• not baggy

• done to perfection

3 Fill in the blanks.

a. There are [down / up / in] sides to being a Keeno though.

The missing word means: avantages / inconvénients.

b. I’ve been [pleased / toasted / teased] for it.

The missing word means: taquiné / testé.

4 Choose the right answers.

a. Recently, the narrator had a really good: r geography r maths r history r English lesson.

b. After the lesson he thanked: r nobody r the teacher r himself r the other students.

c. In the canteen, he was: r congratulated r teased r ignored r pushed.

5 What should the narrator do if he does not want to be called a keeno? Choose the right answer.

Footwear: Wear trainers Wear shoes

Shirt: Tuck it into his trousers Untuck it

Attitude to teachers: Annoy them Respect them

Outline PAGE 12I’m a "keeno"Listen to the sounds / noises, not what the people say.

Ask your teacher for the words you don’t

know ! What’s the English for… ?



Only circle one word per line. “Smart” is the opposite of “scruffy”, “messy” is the

opposite of “tidy”, etc.


Live & LearnUNIT 1

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Page 10: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

6 The narrator’s feelings.

a. Fill in the blanks with the stressed syllables and words.

I think that’s pa...........tic to be ...........nest: that you have to a........... the ...........chers just to ........... in.

I used to get up ........... about being a ........... no but ........... I take it as a ...........pliment. ...........fter ........... ,

if ...........ple are going to ........... me for ...........king ........... , ........... get worked ........... about it?

b. Choose the right answer.

He feels sorry for them.

He respects them.

He would like to be more like them.


What does the “keeno” think of school?

He likes it.

He doesn't like it.

Justify your choice in your own words:



1. Phonetic transcriptions

Write the words next to their transcriptions.

2. Word stress

Underline the stressed syllables.

"sØmwØn: .................................

smA…t: .................................

"efEt: .................................

kO…z: .................................

"trØbl: .................................

kO…ld: .................................

"ki…nEÁ: .................................

raIt: .................................

S∏…t: .................................

h”E: .................................

dØn: .................................

"prÅpElI: .................................

"bÅtEm: .................................

DE√: .................................

ti…zd: .................................

Ig"zA…mpl: .................................

"hIstrI: .................................

"ÅnIst: .................................

w∏…kt: .................................

rÅN: .................................

probably maybe

someone suppose

because neatly

perfection trousers

properly dragging

bottom baggy

example really

history lesson

canteen ignored

instead happy

definitely anything



InsightWORKBOOK x UNIT 1 x PAGE 10

Live & LearnUNIT 1

Ne soulignez qu’une seule syllabe.

Attention : il s’agit uniquement

des syllabes qui sont prononcées.

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Page 11: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

1 Focus on this picture.

a. List all the words you may need to describe this picture.




b. Complete the description with the words: textbook – busy – books – child – dress – care – teacher – tell.

This picture features (représente) a young ................................................. with his ................................................. .

He is carrying some ................................................. and is looking in her direction as if he wanted to ..........................

her something. The woman is wearing a ................................................. and she is holding a ........................................

She is probably ................................................. and she doesn’t seem to ..................................... about what the boy

has to say.

2 Complete the sentences below with words from the list.

sink – roof – lamb – rubber – swallow – rude names – cupboard

a. If you write with a pencil and you make a mistake,

you can always erase it with a .....................................

b. At home, your mother probably stores food in the kitchen.....................................

c. The top of a house is called the .....................................

d. When we eat, we chew our food, then we ..................................... it.

e. The thing in which you can wash the dishes, or your hands, is called a .....................................

f. ‘Silly twit!’ or ‘Idiot’ are examples of .....................................

g. The Silence of the ..................................... is the story of Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling.

3 Match each “pet name” with its French translation.

dear • • mon chéri

my lamb • • ma petite fleur

my love • • mon ange

my flower • • mon petit

Text 1 PAGE 14Please Mrs Butler

Lisez d’abord tout l’exercice, puis commencez par les mots

les plus faciles.

InsightWORKBOOK x UNIT 1 x PAGE 11

Live & LearnUNIT 1

Trouvez des mots pour décrire le lieu et les personnages.

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Live & LearnUNIT 1


Utilisez exclusivement des mots de Watch your words.

N’oubliez pas de conjuguer les verbes.

N’utilisez pas deux fois le même mot. Pensez aux particules ou pré-positions séparées du verbe.

Dites les phrases à haute voix pour tester vos hypothèses.

4 Vocabulary: do you know your words?

Complete the following sentences with words and phrases from Watch your words.

A boy ........................... to his teacher ........................... Derek Drew who ........................... him.

He ........................... him of being a ........................... and he would certainly like him to be ........................... .

But Mrs Butler ........................... the ........................... to mind his own business and she is ........................... to punish

Derek Drew.

After all, Derek Drew may be ........................... but he’s not a ...........................: he just ........................... his ..................

5 Read the last stanza of the text and explain what tone of voice you use (rising or falling )

or if a word or syllable is stressed ( __ ).

Lock yourself in the cupboard dear.

Run away to sea.

Do whatever you can, my flower.

But don’t ask me!


1. Relevez dans le texte Please Mrs Butler tous les verbes à l’impératif, et expliquez comment il est formé.

2. Reliez chaque phrase de la colonne A à une phrase de la colonne B.


1. Mrs Butler, Jack keeps copying from me.

2. Mrs Butler, Helen keeps bothering me.

3. Mrs Butler, I don’t understand.

4. Mrs Butler, I’ve left my book at home.

5. Mrs Butler, I haven’t done my homework, I’m sorry.

6. Mrs Butler, I’m not feeling well.

7. Mrs Butler, my pen is broken.

8. Mrs Butler, the sun’s in my eyes.


a. Ask Susan to share hers with you.

b. Don’t pay attention to her.

c. Don’t do that again, or you’ll be punished.

d. Don’t panic, it’s very easy.

e. Hide your paper with your hand.

f. Go and shut the blind.

g. Borrow one from Jack.

h. Go to the nurse’s office.

InsightWORKBOOK x UNIT 1 x PAGE 12

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Page 13: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

1 Choose elements from each column to make sentences that correspond to the picture.

The teacher


The student

must be

may be

could be

satisfied with the student.

a maths lesson.

shy (= timid).




2 Find the dialogue between the teacher and

the student which is hidden in the sentences below.

– “Sorry, I’m late. I missed my bus,” the boy said.

– “Open your books at page 25,” said the teacher.

– “Yes, I did,” answered the boy.

– “Well done! You’ve improved a lot,” said the teacher.

– “Sit down and be quiet, please!” said the teacher.

– “Gary copied from me,” said the boy.

– “Thanks, Miss,” the boy answered.

– “Did you do this yourself?” asked the teacher.





Text 2 PAGE 16Back to school

Composez des phrases pour faire des suppositions. Attention au choix du modal dans la deuxième colonne !

Choisissez les quatre bonnes phrases pour faire un dialogue

qui correspond au contexte !

Live & LearnUNIT 1

InsightWORKBOOK x UNIT 1 x PAGE 13

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3 Finish the summary of the story:

fill in the blanks with the appropriate

irregular verbs from the list below.

forget – get – tell – send – make – freeze –

know – feel – speak – be – have to – see

The narrator ..................................... embarrassed when he ..................................... to school as he .........................

come to the front of the class. The teacher ..................................... him write his name on the board, which

he ...................................... how to do. But he suddenly ..................................... how to do it. When the teacher

...................................... him to spell his name again, he ..................................... as he ........................... all the class

was making fun of him. The teacher ..................................... to him to reassure him but it ..................................... too

difficult for him to remember. So, the teacher ..................................... him back to his chair.

4 (Zoom In 4) Guess how old Richard is in this extract.

Make three sentences from the columns below.


can’t be

must be

may be

10 or 11, but he seems younger.

25, as it is too old for a schoolboy.

7 or 8, as writing his name is not an easy thing to do.




5 (Zoom Out 1) Imagine what happened afterwards. Match the first two columns and complete the sentences

with the most appropriate endings, or with what you think will happen.

When the lesson’s over,

During break,

Before anything happens,

When she hears of the incident,

When he’s an adult,

I don’t think the boy’s mother will

I am sure Richard will

the teacher could

the other kids might

the boy may

make fun of …,

complain about …,


run home,

tell the class to…






Live & LearnUNIT 1

– N’oubliez pas de mettre les verbes au prétérit.

– Consultez la liste à la fi n du livre si vous avez un doute.

Choisissez le bon modal.

– Il faut relier des éléments des deux premières colonnes et utiliser les verbes pour compléter les phrases.

– Vous pouvez imaginer d’autres situations encore.

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Look at the pictures (p. 18). Do the following activities to find what Anna and Steven’s grandfather is telling them about his first

day at secondary school.

1 Picture 1: Fill in the blanks with a word taken from the following list:

told – fun – half past seven – were – arrived – holidays – were – decided – had – yard.

I ..................................... at school at ..................................... There ..................................... not many people in the

....................................., but two of my best friends ..................................... there. We ..................................... each other

about our ..................................... and then we ..................................... to play football. We ..................................... a lot

of ......................................

2 Picture 2: Same exercise. This time, you need to put most verbs into the past simple (prétérit):

look – eight o’clock – wait – be – ring – dare – tell – line up.

At ....................................., the bell ...................................... We all ..................................... along the wall and .........................

for the teacher to ..................................... us to come in. We ..................................... very impressed and nobody

............................ to talk. The teacher ..................................... very strict.

Now describe pictures 3 and 4 with the help of the questions and the vocabulary.

3 Picture 3: What type of lesson did they have in the afternoon? Was it easy or difficult? What did

he do? Did the teacher see him? What did he tell him? How did the teacher sound?

a math lesson – ask somebody for help – unfortunately – tell somebody to do something – angry





4 Picture 4: What happened after class? What did the teacher give him? How did he feel after writing so many


stay in detention after class – give lines to copy – numb (engourdi) – wrist (poignet) – painful





Text 2 PAGE 18Grammarama Live & LearnUNIT 1

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3 Complete the following summary. Cross the wrong words, or choose words from the list in Watch your

words page 19.

This [photo / advert] is mainly composed of a [visual / text] which is a [photo / painting] of two young black

men. At the [top / bottom] we can read the [caption / legend] which says “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”

and the [copy / sentence] alongside with two [visuals / logos]. The scene certainly takes place at the corner of

a ..................................... because the house in the [background / foreground] looks ..................................... . The two

men are wearing ..................................... and their [trousers / t-shirts] have one upturned leg, which may be a sign

that they are in a [charity / gang]. They seem to be exchanging something, which could be [drugs / food]. In

fact, this picture is a .....................................: we can’t see their heads, but the heads of two young men who are

..................................... . We can read about their [families / dreams]: they both want to ............................................

.............................. . The [advertisers / teenagers] probably want to show who the two young men [could / will]

become in the future. The problem is that now, they are wasting their .....................................: they do not think

about [money / education] and will certainly ..................................... . The ad asks readers to give [time / money]

to the UNCF, which seems to be an organisation that helps black teenagers with their [clothes / studies] so that

they don’t end up in the street selling [food / drugs]. I [like / dislike] this ad because ..............................................



Live & LearnUNIT 1

1 Match the following words with the defi nitions.

Visual •

Caption /

catch phrase •

Copy / text •

Logo •

• An organisation’s visual symbol

• Written information: a story, what you can do…

• The main picture (usually a photo)

• A few words or a sentence that attracts people’s attention

Back Pack PAGE 19Views

The .....................................

The .....................................

The .....................................

The .....................................

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2 Place the names in the right places.

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1 Choose words from each column to make sentences

that could correspond to the picture. Write the full sentences!

a. I don’t think that the students are allowed 1. for not working enough in class.

b. The photo shows an aerial view of some pupils 2. to talk in this room.

c. The students are at school 3. to do a test or an exam.

d. Perhaps the teacher has punished the students 4. who are taking an exam.






2 Look again at the text and question 2 in Zoom In. What do we learn about the girl? Choose the best


a. She was punished: b. We do not know her name:

for being late. to protect her identity as she’s a minor.

for not doing her homework. to hide her identity from her family.

for being rude. to avoid giving her free publicity.

for drawing on the table. to keep journalists away from her.

3 (Zoom Out 1) In some countries, parents as well as teachers are not allowed to hit their children. Do you

agree with this? Complete the sentences and put them into the appropriate part, according to your opinion.

Text 3 PAGE 20A tough teacher Live & LearnUNIT 1

Attention au sens et à la grammaire des phrases.

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The government should let parents ............................................................... .

Parents shouldn’t be allowed ...........................................................................

The government should force parents ............................................................

We need to teach some children ............................................................

Parents ought to be allowed ..................................................................

The authorities should allow parents ....................................................

• I agree as....





• I disagree as....





4 (Zoom Out 2) Do you think you will spoil or pamper your children when you are older? Complete the following sentences. You may use the following verbs:

try to be – pamper – discipline – spoil.

• If I have children, I will ...................................................................... because ......................................................................

• If I become a parent, ...................................................................................................................................................................

• When I bring up / raise my children, .....................................................................................................................................

• When I punish my children, .....................................................................................................................................................









Attention aux structures : allow sb TO DO sth; need TO

DO sth mais let sb DO sth.

Live & LearnUNIT 1

– Vous devez utiliser le futur dans la deuxième moitié de la phrase (I will + BV / I won’t + BV) ou

des modaux : I may + BV.– Ajoutez vos propres arguments à la suite ou à la

place de ceux qui vous sont proposés ici.– Justifi ez votre opinion pour enrichir vos phrases.

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1 Choose which sentences express purpose (le but) and which ones express cause.

Sentences Purpose Cause

a. The mother is angry at her son for listening to music loud.

b. He needs to work harder to have better marks.

c. He should turn off the music to be able to concentrate.

d. She blames him for getting bad marks at school.

2 Now put the verbs in brackets (entre parenhèses) into the right form: FOR + V-ing or TO + base form (base


a. She often blames him ..................................... (be) untidy.

b. She wants him to improve at school ..................................... (succeed) in life.

c. That boy needs to learn his lessons ..................................... (get) good marks.

d. He criticizes his mother ..................................... (not / leave) him alone.

3 Now look at the picture and make sentences with the words that are given to you.

Example : mother – angry – listen to music loud.

The mother is angry at her son for listening to music loud.

a. reproach – never tidy his bedroom.



b. often – scold (gronder) – play on the computer too much.



c. have to – do homework – understand the lesson.



d. need – learn vocabulary regularly – speak English well.



4 Now write three more sentences alone.

a. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................



b. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................



c. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................


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Live & LearnUNIT 1

Work out PAGE 23Opinions about school 1 Study the tables in your book. Complete the following sentences.

Example: Most students think that........ or A few students say that........

a. ..................................... they should have less homework.

b. ..................................... classes need to be smaller.

c. ..................................... lessons should be easier.

d. ..................................... their school is fairly or pretty good.

e. ..................................... they don’t know how to describe their school.

f. ..................................... school is enjoyable most of the time.

2 Using words from page 23, complete the following sentences with comparative forms.

..................................... students enjoy going to school than we would perhaps imagine. However, most students

would prefer lessons to be ..................................... and do not want teachers to be as ..................................... as they

are today. Naturally, they would also like to see ..................................... classes than at present and have ............

tests. Most students would like school to offer more ..................................... and have ...................................... strict


3 Survey: complete the following questions with : how likely........, how many........, what........, what if........,

how stressed........, how many........, do you think it........, how long........, should mobiles / cell phones........,

how often........

a. ..................................... we had computers instead of books?

b. ..................................... do you spend doing your homework?

c. ..................................... lessons do you have per week?

d. ..................................... would be better if you had less homework?

e. ..................................... do you have tests or exams?

f. ..................................... be permitted / allowed in school?

g. ..................................... subjects do you study?

h. ..................................... are you to go into further education?

i. ..................................... do you think about school in general?

j. ..................................... are you by homework?

4 Now take down the answers to the questions.

a. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

b. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

c. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

d. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

e. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

f. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

g. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

h. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

i. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

j. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tous les mots se trouvent dans les tableaux p. 23.

Most: la plupart de(s) ; A few : quelques.

Pour en savoir plus : allez dans le Précis Grammatical,


N’oubliez pas le -s au verbe à la 3e personne du singulier.

Posez ces questions pour faire votre sondage. Cf. Précis Grammatical : la phrase interrogative.

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1 Uniforms and other clothes…Put each word into a group. (Some words may go into more than one group.)

See Watch you words (page 24) for help.

school uniform office clothes casual wear sportswear

























2 (Question 2, p. 24) Imagine you are the headmaster of a school. You want to introduce a more modern uniform. Use the words you have found and Watch your words to write your own dress code. You can be as

original as you like.






Pour le débat, reportez-vous au site Internet ou au Workbook.

Issue PAGE 24Vocabulary

– Baggy jeans– Dirty trainers– Baseball cap– Navy blue jacket– Leather briefcase– Football boots– Grey trousers– School tie– Knee-length skirt– Business suit

– Lace-up shoes– Long-sleeved shirt– Portable umbrella– Tracksuit bottoms– Boxer shorts– Gym shorts– Silk tie– Sweatshirt– T-shirt– Swimming costume (girls)

– Swimming trunks (boys)– Friendship bands– V-neck pullover– Round-neck pullover– White socks– Black socks– Sunglasses– Leather jacket

Utilisez les amorces suivantes:– ...... must / must not be worn.– ...... are forbidden / banned.– ...... are (not) permitted / allowed.– ...... may be worn / are acceptable.

Live & LearnUNIT 1

Utilisez les mots ci-dessus dans vos phrases.

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1 Listen to the whole document.

a. Explain briefly what it is about. b. Make a list of all the people who speak.



2 Part one. Choose the right answers.

a. At the moment, pupils at Burleigh: wear uniforms. do not wear uniforms.

b. The headmaster of Burleigh: is in favour of uniforms. is opposed to uniforms.

c. A visitor to the school thought: the students were too concerned about their appearance. the students were not concerned enough about their appearance.

3 Part two. Choose the right answers.

a. The first student interviewed: believes uniforms will stop pupils from stealing from each other. believes uniforms will have a negative effect on pupils' working conditions. is concerned that teachers' attitudes will change if uniforms are introduced.

b. The second student interviewed: believes uniforms will stop pupils from stealing from each other. believes uniforms will have a negative effect on pupils' working conditions. is concerned that teachers' attitudes will change if uniforms are introduced.

c. The third student interviewed: believes uniforms will stop pupils from stealing from each other. believes uniforms will have a negative effect on pupils' working conditions. is concerned that teachers' attitudes will change if uniforms are introduced.

4 Part three. Find the missing words

At the moment, I spend a ..................................... on my daughter’s clothes. It would be .................................... with

uniforms because they’re .................................... to buy than .................................... clothes. I also think uniforms

could make the school ....................................: you can tell if somebody is not from the school, and ..........................

wearing a uniform can’t miss classes because ..................................... in the town will see them.

5 Identify the stressed syllables in a few important words


..................................... .....................................

..................................... .....................................

..................................... .....................................

Pour le débat, reportez-vous au site Internet ou au Workbook.

Issue PAGE 24ListenLive & LearnUNIT 1

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Page 23: Extrait du Workbook - Hatier · WORKBOOK x WARM UPInsight x PAGE 3 Watch your words! Il est essentiel d’apprendre et de retenir du vocabulaire pour enrichir votre langue, et ne

The fun they had1 Unknown words…

a. Do not look at your book. Read sentences 1 to 6 and then list the ones in which it is possible to understand the key idea, even if a word is missing:

EASY: .................................................................................................................................................................................................MORE DIFFICULT: ...........................................................................................................................................................................1. (l. 1) On the page ..................................... May 17, 2157, she wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”2. (l. 32) Tommy ..................................... with laughter (rire).3. (l. 37) “But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to ..................................... each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently.”4. (l. 52) The screen was ....................................., and it said: “Today’s arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday’s homework in the proper .....................................”5. (l. 54) All the kids from the ..................................... came, laughing and shouting in the ....................................., sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day.6. (l. 60) “When we ..................................... the fractions 1/2 and 1/4...”

b. Complete the sentences above with appropriate words or phrases. Here are some suggestions, but you can use your own ideas too:

multiply (switched) on district place

understand playground dated exploded.

c. Now compare your answers with the words in the text.


– Which words are equivalent to the words in the text?


– Which words are NOT really equivalent to the words in the text?


– Is that an important problem?

Yes No

Attention, gardez votre manuel fermé pour faire les exercices a. et b.

Pour éviter de répondre au hasard, identifiez d’abord le type de mot

qui manque : nom, verbe à l’infinitif ou au participe passé, adjectif, etc.

Que déduisez-vous au sujet des mots que vous ne comprenez pas ?

Ils empêchent souvent de comprendre l’idée générale et il vaut mieux avoir

un bon dictionnaire.

Ils sont souvent peu utiles pour comprendre le sens général et il vaut mieux

ne pas perdre trop de temps à essayer de les comprendre à tout prix.

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Extra Text PAGE 26

Live & LearnUNIT 1

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2 Read the text again. The following sentences form a summary of the text but they are not in the correct order. Put them back into the right order.a. The lesson for that day was an arithmetic lesson on fractions.b. He showed the book to Margie.c. While the mechanical teacher was explaining fractions, Margie began dreaming of how much fun students used to have.d. After that, Margie’s Mamma called her to go to school.e. Margie couldn’t believe this as she thought mechanical teachers were smarter.f. Margie was a young girl who hated school as she had been given bad marks in a geography test.g. But then Tommy found an old book about school in the attic.h. Tommy explained to her that in the past, students had teachers who were men.

1. .................... 2. ................ 3. .................... 4. .................... 5. .................... 6. .................... 7. .................... 8.....................

3 (Zoom Out 2).Would you rather have a “mechanical teacher” like the one in the story or keep your regular teachers? Make at least 6 sentences, using Watch your words.

The mechanical teacher:

1. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................


2. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................


3. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................


The “real” teacher:

1. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................


2. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................




Live & LearnUNIT 1

Watch your words

Preference: I would rather have a… than a… • I would prefer to have… • We need to…

Dislikes: When you are fed up with V-ing, … : Quand on en a assez de + verbe • I would hate to

have a… • a mechanical teacher would… • a robot could never… • … would never be able to…

The mechanical teacher: switch sth on / off • the replay button • get up later • when we want

to • be programmed • perfect lessons

The “real” teacher: human contact • make you laugh • understand your difficulties • good

atmosphere • more interesting • have a sense of humour

– Essayez de repérer la première phrase (qui sert souvent à présenter les personnages).

– Identifi ez les noms qui sont mentionnés pour la première fois avec a / an puis repris avec the.

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