ezra getzler- operads revisited

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  • 8/3/2019 Ezra Getzler- Operads revisited






    Operads revisited

    Ezra Getzler

    Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

    [email protected]

    This paper presents an approach to operads related to recent work in topolog-ical field theory (Costello [4]). The idea is to represent operads as symmetricmonoidal functors on a symmetric monoidal category T; we recall how this

    works for cyclic and modular operads and dioperads in Section 1. This pointof view permits the construction of all sorts of variants on the notion of anoperad. As our main example, we present a simplicial variant of modularoperads, related to Segals definition of quantum field theory, as modifiedfor topological field theory (Getzler [10]). (This definition is only correct ina cocomplete symmetric monoidal category whose tensor product preservescolimits, but this covers most cases of interest.)

    An operad in the category Set of sets may be presented as a symmetricmonoidal category tP, called the theory associated to P (Boardman and Vogt[2]). The category tP has the natural numbers as its objects; tensor productis given by addition. The morphisms of tP are built using the operad P:


    P(m, n) =



    i=1 P(|f1


    The category ofP-algebras is equivalent to the category of symmetric monoidalfunctors from tP to Set; this reduces the study of algebras over operads tothe study of symmetric monoidal functors.

    The category of contravariant functors from the opposite category T of asmall category T to the category Set of sets

    T = [T, Set]

    is called the category of presheaves ofT. IfT is a symmetric monoidal category,then T is too (Day [5]); its tensor product is the coend

    V W =A,BT

    T(, A B) V(A) W(B).

    A symmetric monoidal functor F : S T between symmetric monoidalcategories S and T is a functor F together with a natural equivalence

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    : F F = F .

    The functor F is lax symmetric monoidal if is only a natural transformation.If : S T is a symmetric monoidal functor, it is not always the case

    that the induced functor : T S

    is a symmetric monoidal functor; in general, it is only a lax symmetricmonoidal functor, with respect to the natural transformation

    (V) (W)A,BS

    S(, A B) V( A) W( B) (V) (W)

    (V W)


    A,BSS(, A B) V( A) W( B)

    A,BST((), (A B)) V( A) W( B)

    is a functor

    A,BST((), (A B)) V( A) W( B)

    A,BST((), (A) (B)) V(A) W(B)

    is symmetric monoidal

    A,BST((), (A) (B)) V(A) W(B)

    A,BTT((), A B) V(A) W(B)

    universality of coends

    (V W)A,BT

    T((), A B) V(A) W(B)

    The following definition introduces the main object of study of this paper.

    Definition. A pattern is a symmetric monoidal functor : S T betweensmall symmetric monoidal categories S and T such that : T S is asymmetric monoidal functor (in other words, the natural transformation defined above is an equivalence).

    Let be a pattern and let C be a symmetric monoidal category. A -preoperad in C is a symmetric monoidal functor from S to C, and a -operadin C is a symmetric monoidal functor from T to C. Denote by PreOp(C) andOp(C) the categories of -preoperads and -operads respectively. If C is acocomplete symmetric monoidal category, there is an adjunction

    : PreOp(C) Op(C) : .

    In Section 2, we prove that if is essentially surjective, C is cocomplete, andthe functor A B on C preserves colimits in each variable, then the functor

    is monadic. We also prove that ifS is a free symmetric monoidal category andC is locally finitely presentable, then Op(C) is locally finitely presentable.

    Patterns generalize the coloured operads of Boardman and Vogt [2], which

    are the special case whereS

    is the free symmetric category generated by adiscrete category (called the set of colours). Operads are themselves algebrasfor a coloured operad, whose colours are the natural numbers (cf. Berger

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    and Moerdijk [1]), but it is more natural to think of the colour n as havingnontrivial automorphisms, namely the symmetric group Sn.

    The definition of a pattern may be applied in the setting of simplicialcategories, or even more generally, enriched categories. We define and study

    patterns enriched over a symmetric monoidal category V in Section 2; werecall those parts of the formalism of enriched categories which we will needin the appendix.

    In Section 3, we present examples of a simplicial pattern which arises intopological field theory. The most interesting of these is related to modularoperads. Let cob be the (simplicial) groupoid of diffeomorphisms betweencompact connected oriented surfaces with boundary. Let Sg,n be a compactoriented surface of genus g with n boundary circles, and let the mapping classgroup be the group of components of the oriented diffeomorphism group:

    g,n = 0(Diff+(Sg,n)).

    The simplicial groupoid cob has a skeleton



    and if 2g 2 + n > 0, there is a homotopy equivalence Diff+(Sg,n) = g,n.In Section 3, we define a pattern whose underlying functor is the inclusionS cob Cob. This pattern bears a similar relation to modular operadsthat braided operads (Fiedorowicz [8]) bear to symmetric operads. The map-ping class group 0,n is closely related to the ribbon braid group Bn Z.Denoting the generators of Bn Bn Z by {b1, . . . , bn1} and the gen-erators of Zn Bn Z by {t1, . . . , tn}, Moore and Seiberg show [21, Ap-pendix B.1] that 0,n is isomorphic to the quotient of Bn Z by its sub-group (b1b2 . . . bn1tn)n, b1b2 . . . bn1t2nbn1 . . . b1. In this sense, operads for

    the patternCob

    are a cyclic analogue of braided operads.


    I thank Michael Batanin and Steve Lack for very helpful feedback on earlierdrafts of this paper.

    I am grateful to a number of institutions for hosting me during the writingof this paper: RIMS, University of Nice, and KITP. I am grateful to my hostsat all of these institutions, Kyoji Saito and Kentaro Hori at RIMS, AndreHirschowitz and Carlos Simpson in Nice, and David Gross at KITP, for theirhospitality.

    I am also grateful to Jean-Louis Loday for the opportunity to lecture onan earlier version of this work at Luminy. I received support from NSF Grants

    DMS-0072508 and DMS-0505669.

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    1 Modular operads as symmetric monoidal functors

    In this section, we define modular operads in terms of the symmetric monoidalcategory of dual graphs. Although we do not assume familiarity with the

    original definition (Getzler and Kapranov [11]; see also Markl et al. [18]), thissection will certainly be easier to understand if this is not the readers firstbrush with the subject.

    We also show how modifications of this construction, in which dual graphsare replaces by forests, or by directed graphs, yielding cyclic operads andmodular dioperads. Finally, we review the definition of algebras for modularoperads and dioperads.


    A graph consists of the following data:

    i) finite sets V() and F(), the sets of vertices and flags of the graph;ii) a function p : F() V(), whose fibre p1(v) is the set of flags of the

    graph meeting at the vertex v;iii) an involution : F() F(), whose fixed points are called the legs of

    , and whose remaining orbits are called the edges of .

    We denote by L() and E() the sets of legs and edges of , and by n(v) =|p1(v)| the number of flags meeting a vertex v.

    To a graph is associated a one-dimensional cell complex, with 0-cellsV() L(), and 1-cells E() L(). The 1-cell associated to an edgee = {f, (f)}, f F(G), is attached to the 0-cells corresponding to thevertices p(f) and p((f)) (which may be equal), and the 1-cell associated toa leg f L(G) F(G) is attached to the 0-cells corresponding to the vertex

    p(f) and the leg f itself.The edges of a graph define an equivalence relation on its vertices V();

    the components of the graph are the equivalence classes with respect to thisrelation. Denote the set of components by 0(). The Euler characteristic ofa component C of a graph is e(C) = |V(C)| |E(C)|. Denote by n(C) thenumber of legs of a component C.

    Dual graphs

    A dual graph is a graph together with a function g : V() N. The naturalnumber g(v) is called the genus of the vertex v.

    The genus g(C) of a component C of a dual graph is defined by theformula

    g(C) =


    g(v) + 1 e(C).

    The genus of a component is a non-negative integer, which equals 0 if andonly if C is a tree and g(v) = 0 for all vertices v of C.

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    A stable graph is a dual graph such that for all vertices v V(), theinteger 2g(v) 2 + n(v) is positive. In other words, if g(v) = 0, then n(v) isat least 3, while if g(v) = 1, then n(v) is nonzero. If is a stable graph, then2g(C) 2 + |L(C)| > 0 for all components C of .

    The symmetric monoidal category G

    The objects of the category G are the dual graphs whose set of edges E()is empty. Equivalently, an object of G is a pair of finite sets L and V andfunctions p : L V, g : V N.

    A morphism ofG with source (L1, V1, p1, g1) and target (L2, V2, p2, g2) is apair consisting of a dual graph with F() = L1, V() = V1, and g() = g1,together with isomorphisms : L2 L() and : V2 0() such that

    p = p2 and g = g2.The definition of the composition of two morphisms = 2 1 in G is

    straightforward. We have dual graphs 1 and 2, with

    F(1) = L1, V(1) = V1, g(1) = g1,

    F(2) = L2, V(2) = V2, g(2) = g2,

    together with isomorphisms

    1 : L2 L(1), 1 : V2 0(1),

    2 : L3 L(2), 2 : V3 0(2).

    Since the source of = 2 1 equals the source of 1, we see thatp : F() V() is identified with p : L1 V1. The involution of L1 isdefined as follows: if f F() = L1 lies in an edge of 1, then (f) = 1(f),while if f is a leg of 1, then (f) = 1(2(

    11 (f))). The isomorphisms

    and of are simply the isomorphisms 2 and 2 of 2.In other words, 2 1 is obtained from 1 by gluing those pairs of legs of

    1 together which correspond to edges of 2. It is clear that composition inG is associative.

    The tensor product on objects of G extends to morphisms, making G intoa symmetric monoidal category.

    A morphism in G is invertible if the underlying stable graph has no edges,in other words, if it is simply an isomorphism between two objects of G.Denote by H the groupoid consisting of all invertible morphisms of G, andby : H G the inclusion. The groupoid H is the free symmetric monoidalfunctor generated by the groupoid h consisting of all morphisms of G withconnected domain.

    The category G has a small skeleton; for example, the full subcategory ofG in which the sets of flags and vertices of the objects are subsets of the set ofnatural numbers. The tensor product ofG takes us outside this category, but

    it is not hard to define an equivalent tensor product for this small skeleton.We will tacitly replace G by this skeleton, since some of our constructions willrequire that G be small.

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    Modular operads as symmetric monoidal functors

    The following definition of modular operads may be found in Costello [4]. LetC be a symmetric monoidal category which is cocomplete, and such that the

    functor A B preserves colimits in each variable. (This last condition is auto-matic ifC is a closed symmetric monoidal category.) A modular preoperadin C is a symmetric monoidal functor from H to C, and a modular operadin C is a symmetric monoidal functor from G to C.

    Let A be a small symmetric monoidal category, and let B be symmetricmonoidal category. Denote by [A, B] the category of functors and naturalequivalences from A to B, and by A, B the category of symmetric monoidalfunctors and monoidal natural equivalences.

    With this notation, the categories of modular operads, respectively pre-operads, in a symmetric monoidal category C are Mod(C) = G, C andPreMod(C) = H, C.Theorem. i) There is an adjunction

    : PreMod(C)Mod(C) : ,

    where is restriction along : H G , and is the coend

    P =AH

    G(A, ) P(A).

    ii) The functor : Mod(C) PreMod(C)

    is monadic. That is, there is an equivalence of categories

    Mod(C) PreMod(C)T,

    where T is the monad .

    iii) The category Mod(C) is locally finitely presentable if C is locally finitelypresentable.

    In the original definition of modular operads (Getzler and Kapranov [11]),there was an additional stability condition, which may be phrased in the fol-lowing terms. Denote by G+ the subcategory ofG consisting of stable graphs,and let H+ = H G+. Then a stable modular preoperad in C is a symmet-ric monoidal functor from H+ to C, and a stable modular operad in C is asymmetric monoidal functor from G+ to C. These categories of stable modularpreoperads and operads are equivalent to the categories of stable S-modulesand modular operads of loc. cit.

    Algebras for modular operads

    To any object M of a closed symmetric monoidal category C is associated themonoid End(M) = [M, M]: an A-module is a morphism of monoids : A

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    End(M). The analogue of this construction for modular operads is called aP-algebra.

    A bilinear form with domain M in a symmetric monoidal category C is amorphism t : M M such that t = t. Associated to a bilinear form

    (M, t) is a modular operad End(M, t), defined on a connected object of Gto be

    End(M, t)() = ML().

    IfP is a modular operad, a P-algebra M is an object M of C, a bilinear formt : M M , and a morphism of modular operads : P End(M, t).

    This modular operad has an underlying stable modular operad End+(M, t),defined by restriction to the stable graphs in G.

    Cyclic operads

    A variant of the above definition of modular operads is obtained by taking thesubcategory of forests G0 in the category G: a forest is a graph each component

    of which is simply connected. Symmetric monoidal functors on G0 are cyclicoperads.Denote the cyclic operad underlying End(M, t) by End0(M, t): thus

    End0(M, t)() = ML().

    If P is a cyclic operad, a P-algebra M is bilinear form t with domain M anda morphism of cyclic operads : P End0(M, t).

    There is a functor P P0, which associates to a modular operad itsunderlying cyclic operad: this is the restriction functor from G, C to G0, C.

    There is also a stable variant of cyclic operads, in which G0 is replacedby its stable subcategory G0+, defined by restricting to forests in which eachvertex meets at least three flags.

    Dioperads and modular dioperads

    Another variant of the definition of modular operads is obtained by replac-ing the graphs in the definition of modular operads by digraphs (directedgraphs):

    A digraph is a graph together with a partition

    F() = F+() F()

    of the flags into outgoing and incoming flags, such that each edge has oneoutgoing and one incoming flag. Each edge of a digraph has an orientation,running towards the outgoing flag. The set of legs of a digraph are partitioned

    into the outgoing and incoming legs: L() = L() F(). Denote thenumber of outgoing and incoming legs by n().

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    A dual digraph is a digraph together with a function g : V() N.Imitating the construction of the symmetric monoidal category of dual graphsG, we may construct a symmetric monoidal category of dual digraphs D. Amodular dioperad is a symmetric monoidal functor on D. (These are the

    wheeled props studied in a recent preprint of Merkulov [20].)IfM are objects ofC and t : M+ M is a pairing, we may construct

    a modular dioperad End(M, t), defined on a connected object of D tobe

    End(M)() = M

    L+()+ M

    L() . (1)

    If P is a modular dioperad, a P-algebra is a pairing t : M+ M and amorphism of modular dioperads : P End(M, t).

    A directed forest is a directed graph each component of which is simplyconnected; let D0 be the subcategory of D of consisting of directed forests. Adioperad is a symmetric monoidal functor on D0 (Gan [9]).

    IfM is an object of C, we may construct a dioperad End0 (M), defined ona connected object of D0 to be

    End0 (M)() = Hom

    ML+(), ML()


    When M = M is a rigid object with dual M = M+, this is a special case

    of (1). IfP is a dioperad, a P-algebra M is an object M of C and a morphismof dioperads : P End0 (M).


    MacLanes notion [17] of a prop also fits into the above framework. There is asubcategory DP of D, consisting of all dual digraphs such that each vertexhas genus 0, and has no directed circuits. A prop is a symmetric monoidalfunctor on DP. (This follows from the description of free props in Enriquez

    and Etingof [7].) Note that D0 is a subcategory ofDP: thus, every prop has anunderlying dioperad. Note also that the dioperad End0 (M) is in fact a prop;if P is a prop, we may define a P-algebra M to be an object M of C and amorphism of props : P End0 (M).

    2 Patterns

    Patterns abstract the approach to modular operads sketched in Section 1. Thissection develops the theory of patterns enriched over a complete, cocomplete,closed symmetric monoidal category V. In fact, we are mainly interested inthe cases where V is the category Set of sets or the category sSet of simplicialsets. We refer to the appendices for a review of the needed enriched category


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    V1 Vn =A1,...,AnAV1(A1) Vn(An) y(A1 An).

    The Yoneda functor y : A A is a symmetric monoidal V-functor. (See Day[5] and Im and Kelly [13].)

    If :S


    is a symmetric monoidal V-functor between small symmetricmonoidal V-categories, the pull-back functor F is a lax symmetric monoidalV-functor; we saw this in the unenriched case in the introduction, and theproof in the enriched case is similar.

    Definition 2.2. A V-pattern is a symmetric monoidal V-functor : S Tbetween small symmetric monoidal V-categories S and T such that

    : T S

    is a symmetric monoidal V-functor.

    Let C be a symmetric monoidal V-category which is cocomplete, andsuch that the V-functors A B preserves colimits in each variable. The V-

    categories of-preoperads and -operads in C are respectively the V-categoriesPreOp(C) = S, C and Op(C) = T, C of symmetric monoidal V-functorsfrom S and T to C.

    The monadicity theorem

    We now construct a V-functor , which generalizes the functor taking a pre-operad to the free operad that it generates.

    Proposition 2.3. Let be a V-pattern. The V-adjunction

    : [S, C] [T, C] :

    induces a V-adjunction between the categories of -preoperads and -operads

    : PreOp(C) Op(C) : .

    Proof. Let G be a symmetric monoidal V-functor from S to C. The left KanV-extension G is the V-coend

    G(B) =AS

    T(A,B) G(A).

    For each n, there is a natural V-equivalence

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    G(B1) G(Bn) =nk=1

    AkST( Ak, Bk) G(Ak)


    k T( Ak, Bk) nk=1 G(Ak)

    since preserves V-coends


    Sk T( Ak, Bk) G

    nk=1 Ak

    since G is symmetric monoidal


    k T( Ak, Bk) AS


    A,nk=1 Ak


    by the Yoneda lemma


    k=1 T(Ak, Bk) S

    A,nk=1 Ak


    by Fubinis theorem for V-coends



    A,nk=1 Bk


    since is symmetric monoidal

    = G n




    This natural V-equivalence makes G into a symmetric monoidal V-functor.The unit and counit of the V-adjunction between and on PreOp(C)

    and Op(C) are now induced by the unit and counit of the V-adjunctionbetween and

    on [S, C] and [T, C].

    For the unenriched version of the following result on reflexive V-coequalizers,see, for example, Johnstone [14, Corollary 1.2.12]; the proof in the enrichedcase is identical.

    Proposition 2.4. Let C be a symmetric monoidal V-category with reflexiveV-coequalizers. If the tensor product A preserves reflexive V-coequalizers,then so does the functorS ().

    Corollary 2.5. The V-categories PreOp(C) and Op(C) have reflexive co-equalizers.

    Proof. The V-coequalizer R in [S, C] of a reflexive parallel pair Poof


    g// Q in

    S, C is computed pointwise: for each X Ob(S),

    P(X) oof(X)


    g(X)// Q(X) R(X)

    is a reflexive V-coequalizer in C. By Proposition 2.4, R is a symmetric

    monoidal V-functor; thus, R is the V-coequalizer of the reflexive pair Poof



    in S, C. The same argument works for T, C.

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    Proposition 2.6. If is an essentially surjective V-pattern, the V-functor

    : Op(C) PreOp(C)

    creates reflexive V-coequalizers.

    Proof. The proof of Corollary 2.5 shows that the horizontal V-functors in thediagram

    S, C [S, C]//

    T, C

    S, C

    T, C [T, C]// [T, C]

    [S, C]

    create, and hence preserve, reflexive V-coequalizers. The V-functor

    : [T, C] [S, C]

    creates all V-colimits, since V-colimits are computed pointwise and is es-

    sentially surjective. It follows that the V-functor : T, C S, C createsreflexive V-coequalizers.

    Recall that a V-functor R : A B, with left adjoint L : B A, is V-monadic if there is an equivalence of V-categories A BT, where T is theV-monad associated to the V-adjunction

    L : A B : R.

    The following is a variant of Theorem II.2.1 of Dubuc [6]; reflexive V-coequalizers are substituted for contractible V-coequalizers, but otherwise,the proof is the same.

    Proposition 2.7. A V-functor R : A B, with left adjoint L : B A, is

    V-monadic if B has, and R creates, reflexive V-coequalizers.

    Corollary 2.8. If is an essentially surjective V-pattern, then the V-functor

    : Op(C) PreOp(C)

    is V-monadic.

    In practice, the V-patterns of interest all have the following property.

    Definition 2.9. A V-pattern : S T is regular if it is essentially surjectiveand S is equivalent to a free symmetric monoidal V-category.

    Denote by s a V-category such that S is equivalent to the free symmetricmonoidal V-category Ss. The V-category s may be thought of as a generalized

    set of colours; the theory associated to a coloured operad is a regular patternwith discrete s.

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    Theorem 2.10. If is a regular pattern and C is locally finitely presentable,then Op(C) is locally finitely presentable.

    Proof. The V-category PreOp(C) is equivalent to the V-category [s, C], andhence is locally finitely presentable. By Lemma 3.8, Op

    (C) is cocomplete.

    The functor takes finitely presentable objects of C to finitely presentableobjects of Op(C), and hence takes finitely presentable strong generators ofPreOp(C) to finitely presentable strong generators of Op(C).

    3 The simplicial patterns Cob and Cob

    In this section, we construct simplicial patterns Cob = Cob[d], associatedwith gluing of oriented d-dimensional manifolds along components of theirboundary.

    Definition 3.1. An object S of Cob is a compact d-dimensional manifold,with boundary S and orientation o.

    In the above definition, we permit the manifold S to be disconnected. Inparticular, it may be empty. (Note that an empty manifold of dimension d hasa unique orientation.) However, the above definition should be refined in orderto produce a set of objects of Cob: one way to do this is to add to the datadefining an object ofCob an embedding into a Euclidean space RN, togetherwith a collared neigbourhood of the boundary S. We call this a decoratedobject.

    We now define a simplicial set Cob(S, T) of morphisms between ob jects Sand T ofCob.

    Definition 3.2. A hypersurface in an object S ofCob consists of a closed(d 1)-dimensional manifold M together with an embedding : M S.

    Given a hypersurface in S, let S[] be the manifold obtained by cuttingS along the image of . The orientation o if S induces an orientation o[] ofS[].

    A hypersurface in a decorated object is an open embedding of the manifoldM [1, 1] into the complement in S of the collared neighbourhoods of theboundary. This induces a collaring on the boundary of S[]. To embed S[]into RN+1, we take the product of the embedding of S into RN and thefunction 21, where 2 1 is the function on S equal to the coordinatet [1, 1] on the image of and undefined elsewhere, and (t) = sgn(t)(t).Here, Cc (1, 1) is a non-negative smooth function of compact supportequal to 1 in a neighbourhood of 0 (1, 1).

    A k-simplex in the simplicial set Cob(S, T) of morphisms from S to Tconsists of the following data:

    i) a closed (d 1)-manifold M;

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    ii) an isotopy of hypersurfaces, that is a commutative diagram

    k M



    k M k T

    // k T

    k yyrrrr


    in which is an embedding;iii) a fibred diffeomorphism

    k S



    LLk S k T[]

    // k T[]



    compatible with the orientations on its domain and target.

    It is straightforward to extend this definition to decorated objects: the onlydifference is that is a fibred open embedding of kM[1, 1] into kT.

    We now makeCob

    into a symmetric monoidal simplicial category. Thecomposition of k-simplices (M , , ) Cob(S, T)k and (N, , ) Cob(T, U)kis the k-simplex consisting of the embedding

    k (M N)



    k (M N) k U ()

    // k U



    and the fibred diffeomorphism

    k S



    LLk S k U[( ) ]

    // k U[( ) ]



    In the special case that the diffeomorphisms and are the identity, thiscomposition is obtained by taking the union of the disjoint hypersurfacesk M and k N in k U. It is clear that composition is associative,and compatible with the face and degeneracy maps between simplices.

    The identity 0-simplex 1S in Cob(S, S) is associated to the empty hyper-surface in S and the identity diffeomorphism of S.

    The tensor product ofCob is simple to describe: it is disjoint union. WhenSi are decorated objects of Cob, 1 i k, embedded in RNi, we embedS1 . . . Sk in Rmax(Ni)+1 by composing the embedding of Si with theinclusion RNi Rmax(Ni)+1 defined by

    (t1, . . . , tNi) (t1, . . . , tNi , 0, . . . , 0, i).

    Just as modular operads have a directed version, modular dioperads, thesimplicial pattern Cob[d] has a directed analogue.

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    Definition 3.3. An object S ofCob is a compact d-dimensional manifold,with orientations o and o of S and its boundary S.

    The boundary S of an object S of Cob is partitioned into incomingand outgoing parts S = S +S, according to whether the boundary is

    positive or negatively oriented by o with respect to the orientation o of S.

    Definition 3.4. A hypersurface in an object S ofCob consists of a closed(d 1)-dimensional oriented manifold M together with an embedding :M S.

    Given a hypersurface in S, let S[] be the manifold obtained by cuttingS along the image of . The orientation o if S induces an orientation o[] ofS[], while the orientations ofS and M induce an orientation of its boundaryS[].

    A k-simplex in the simplicial set Cob(S, T) of morphisms from S to Tconsists of the following data:

    i) a closed oriented (d 1)-manifold M;

    ii) an isotopy of hypersurfaces, that is a commutative diagram

    k M



    LLk M k T

    // k T



    in which is an embedding;iii) a fibred diffeomorphism

    k S



    Lk S k T[]

    // k T[]



    compatible with the orientations on its domain and target.

    We may make Cob into a symmetric monoidal simplicial category inthe same way as for Cob. The definition of decorated objects and decoratedmorphisms is also easily extended to this setting.

    Let cob be the simplicial groupoid of connected oriented surfaces and theiroriented diffeomorphisms, with skeleton



    The embedding cob Cob extends to an essentially surjective V-functorS cob Cob. Similarly, if cob is the simplicial groupoid of connected

    oriented surfaces with oriented boundary and their oriented diffeomorphisms,the V-functor S cob Cob is essentially surjective.We can now state the main theorem of this section.

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    Theorem 3.5. The simplicial functors cob Cob andcob Cob induceregular simplicial patterns S cob Cob andS cob Cob

    A d-dimensional modular operad, respectively dioperad, is an operad forthe simplicial pattern S cob Cob, respectively S cob Cob.

    One-dimensional modular operads

    When d = 1, the category cob has a skeleton with two objects, the intervalI and the circle S. The simplicial group cob(I, I) = Diff+[0, 1] is contractibleand the simplicial group cob(S, S) is homotopy equivalent to SO(2).

    The simplicial set Cob(Ik, I) is empty for k = 0 and contractible for eachk > 0, and the simplicial set Cob(Ik, S) is empty for k = 0 and homotopyequivalent to SO(2) for each k > 0. Thus, a 1-dimensional modular operad ina symmetric monoidal category C consists of a homotopy associative algebraA, and a homotopy trace from A to a homotopy SO(2)-module M. If C isdiscrete, a 1-dimensional modular operad is simply a non-unital associative

    algebra A in C together with an object M in C and a trace tr : A M.

    One-dimensional modular dioperads

    When d = 1, the category cob has a skeleton with five objects, the in-tervals I , I

    + , I

    + and I

    ++ , representing the 1-manifold [0, 1] with the four

    different orientations of its boundary, and the circle S. The simplicial groupscob

    (Ia, Ia) are contractible, and the simplicial group cob(S, S) is homo-

    topy equivalent to SO(2).A 1-dimensional modular dioperad P in a discrete symmetric monoidal

    category C consists of associative algebras A = P(I+) and B = P(I+ ) in C,

    a (A, B)-bimodule Q = P(I ), a (B, A)-bimodule R = P(I++ ), and an object

    M = P(S), together with morphisms

    : Q B R A, : R A Q B, trA : A M, trB : B M.

    Denote the left and right actions of A and B on Q and R by Q : A Q Q,Q : Q B Q, R : B R R and R : R A R. The above data mustin addition satisfy the following conditions:

    and are morphisms of (A, A)-bimodules and (B, B)-bimodules respec-tively;

    trA and trB are traces; Q ( Q) = Q (R ) : Q B R A Q Q and R ( R) =

    R (Q ) : R A Q B R R; trA : Q B R M and trB : R A Q M are equal on the

    isomorphic objects (Q B R) AA and (R A Q) BB .

    That is, a 1-dimensional modular dioperad is the same thing as a Moritacontext (Morita [22]) (A,B,P,Q,,) with trace (trA, trB).

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    Two-dimensional topological field theories

    Let G be the discrete pattern introduced in Section 1 whose operads are mod-ular operads. There is a natural morphism of patterns

    : Cob[2] G ;thus, application of to a modular operad gives rise to a 2-dimensional mod-ular operad. But modular operads and what we call 2-dimensional modularoperads are quite different: a modular preoperad P consists of a sequenceof Sn-modules P((g, n)), while a 2-dimensional modular preoperad is a cob-module.

    An example of a 2-dimensional modular operad is the terminal one, forwhich P(S) is the unit for each surface S. A more interesting one comesfrom conformal field theory: the underlying 2-dimensional modular operadassociates to an oriented surface with boundary S the moduli space N(S)of conformal structures on S. (More accurately, N(S) is the simplicial setwhose n-simplices are the n-parameter smooth families of conformal struc-

    tures parametrized by the n-simplex.) The space N(S) is contractible for allS, since it is the space of smooth sections of a fibre bundle over M with con-tractible fibres. To define the structure of a 2-dimensional modular operad onN amounts to showing that conformal structures may be glued along circles:this is done by choosing a Riemannian metric in the conformal class which isflat in a neighbourhood of the boundary, such that the boundary is geodesic,and each of its components has length 1.

    A bilinear form t : M M on a cochain complex where M is non-degenerate if it induces a quasi-isomorphism between M and Hom(M, ).

    Definition 3.6. Let P be a 2-dimensional modular operad. A P-algebra is amorphism of 2-dimensional modular operads

    : P End(M, t),

    where M is a cochain complex with non-degenerate bilinear form t : MM .

    A topological conformal field theory is a C(N)-algebra.

    In the theory of infinite loop spaces, one defines an E-algebra as analgebra for an operad E such that E(n) is contractible for all n. Similarly, asshown by Fiedorowicz [8], an E2-algebra is an algebra for a braided operadE such that E(n) is contractible for all n. Motivated by this, we make thefollowing definition.

    Definition 3.7. A 2-dimensional topological field theory is a pair consistingof a 2-dimensional modular operad E in the category of cochain complexessuch that E(S) is quasi-isomorphic to for all surfaces S, and an E-algebra(M, t).

    In particular, a topological conformal field theory is a 2-dimensional topo-logical field theory.

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    Appendix. Enriched categories

    In this appendix, we recall some results of enriched category theory. Let Vbe a closed symmetric monoidal category; that is, V is a symmetric monoidal

    category such that the tensor product functor Y from V to itself has aright adjoint for all objects Y, denoted [Y, ]: in other words,

    [X Y, Z] = [X, [Y, Z]].

    Throughout this paper, we assume that V is complete and cocomplete. Denoteby A A0 the continuous functor A0 = V( , A) from V to Set, where isthe unit of V.

    Let V-Cat be the 2-category whose objects are V-categories, whose 1-mor-phisms are V-functors, and whose 2-morphisms are V-natural transformations.Since V is closed, V is itself a V-category.

    Applying the functor ()0 : V Set to a V-category C, we obtain itsunderlying category C0; in this way, we obtain a 2-functor

    ()0 : V-Cat Cat.

    Given a small V-category A, and a V-category B, there is a V-category[A, B], whose objects are the V-functors from A to B, and such that

    [A, B](F, G) =AA


    There is an equivalence of categories V-Cat(A, B) [A, B]0.

    The Yoneda embedding for V-categories

    The opposite of a V-category C is the V-category C with

    C(A, B) = C(B, A).

    If A is a small V-category, denote by A the V-category of presheaves

    A = [A, V].

    By the V-Yoneda lemma, there is a full, faithful V-functor y : A A, with

    y(A) = A(, A), A Ob(A).

    If F : A B is a V-functor, denote by F : B A the V-functor inducedby F.

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    Cocomplete V-categories

    A V-category C is tensored if there is a V-functor : V C C togetherwith a V-natural equivalence of functors C(X A, B) = [X, C(A, B)] from



    C to V. For example, the V-category V is itself tensored.Let A be a small V-category, let F be a V-functor from A to V, and letG be a V-functor from A to a V-category C. If B is an object of C, denote byG, B : C V the presheaf such that G, C(A) = [GA, C]. The weighted

    colimit ofG, with weight F, is an objectAA

    F A GA ofC such that thereis a natural isomorphism

    C (F, G, ) = CAA

    F A GA,


    If C is tensored,AA

    F(A) G(A) is the coequalizer of the diagram


    A(A0, A1) F A1 GA0////


    F A GA,

    where the two morphisms are induced by the action on F and coaction on Grespectively.

    A V-category C is cocomplete if it has all weighted colimits, or equiva-lently, if it satisfies the following conditions:

    i) the category C0 is cocomplete;ii) for each object A of C, the functor C(, A) : C0 V transforms colimits

    into limits;iii) C is tensored.

    In particular, V-categories A of presheaves are cocomplete.Let C be a cocomplete V-category. A V-functor F : A B between small

    V-categories gives rise to a V-adjunction

    F : [A, C] [B, C] : F,

    that is, an adjunction in the 2-category V-Cat. The functor F is called the(pointwise) left V-Kan extension of along F; it is the V-coend

    FG() =AA

    A(F A, ) GA.

    Cocomplete categories of V-algebras

    A V-monad T on a V-category C is a monad in the full sub-2-category ofV-Catwith unique object C. If C is small, this is the same thing as a monoid in themonoidal category V-Cat(C, C).

    The following is the enriched version of a result of Linton [16], and isproved in exactly the same way.

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    Lemma 3.8. LetT be a V-monad on a cocomplete V-categoryC such that theV-category of algebras CT has reflexive V-coequalizers. Then the V-category ofT-algebras CT is cocomplete.

    Proof. We must show that CT has all weighted colimits. Let A be a smallV-category, let F be a weight, and let G : A CT be a diagram ofT-algebras.

    Then the weighted colimitAA

    F(A) G(A) is a reflexive coequalizer


    F A TRGA


    // TAA

    F A RGA


    Locally finitely presentable V-categories

    In studying algebraic theories using categories, locally finite presentable cat-egories plays a basic role. When the closed symmetric monoidal categery Vis locally finitely presentable, with finitely presentable unit , these have ageneralization to enriched category theory over V, due to Kelly [15]. (There isa more general theory of locally presentable categories, where the cardinal 0

    is replaced by an arbitrary regular cardinal; this extension is straightforward,but we do not present it here in order to simplify exposition.)

    Examples of locally finitely presentable closed symmetric monoidal cate-gories include the categories of sets, groupoids, categories, simplicial sets, andabelian groups the finitely presentable objects are respectively finite sets,groupoids and categories, simplicial sets with a finite number of nondegener-ate simplices, and finitely presentable abelian groups. A less obvious exampleis the category of symmetric spectra of Hovey et al. [12].

    An object A in a V-category C is finitely presentable if the functor

    C(A, ) : C V

    preserves filtered colimits. A strong generator in a V-category C is a set{Gi Ob(C)}iI such that the functor



    C(Gi, A) : C VI

    reflects isomorphisms.

    Definition 3.9. A locally finitely presentable V-category C is a cocom-plete V-category with a finitely presentable strong generator (i.e. the objectsmaking up the strong generator are finitely presentable).

    Pseudo algebras

    A 2-monad T on a 2-category C is by definition a Cat-monad on C. Denote

    the composition of the 2-monadT

    by m :TT


    , and the unit by : 1 T

    .Associated to a 2-monad T is the 2-category CT of pseudo T-algebras(Bunge [3] and Street [23]; see also Marmolejo [19]). A pseudo T-algebra is an

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    object A ofC, together with a morphism a : TA A, the composition, andinvertible 2-morphisms





    TAmA ''OO












    TAA 77oooooooo

    A A






    such that



















    TTA TATa //

    TA Aa //

    TTA TAmA












    equals TTTA








    //TTTA TTA



    TTA TATa //










    TTA TAmA

















    TTATA ''


    TA TA









    TA Aa //




    // TTA



    TAmA ''OO











    The lax morphisms of CT are pairs (f, ) consisting of a morphism f :A B and a 2-morphism


    TBTf 77ooooooo


    Aa ''OOOOO










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    22 Ezra Getzler

    such that




















    TTB TBTb //

    TB Bb //

    TA Aa












    equals TTA









    ///TTA TATa


    TTB TBTb //











    TA Aa























    Bf ''OO





    B B








    77ooooooooA A


    TBTf 77ooooooo














    A lax morphism (f, ) is a morphism if the 2-morphism is invertible.

    The 2-morphisms : (f, ) (

    f, ) ofCT

    are 2-morphisms : f

    fsuch that


    TBTf 77ooooooo


    Aa ''OOOOO








    Bf ..





    equals TA

    TBTf //






    Aa ''OOOOO













    V-categories of pseudo algebras

    IfA and B are pseudo T-algebras, and the underlying category ofA is small, wesaw that there is a V-category [A, B] whose objects are V-functors f : A Bbetween the underlying V-categories. Using [A, B], we now define a V-categoryA, B whose objects are morphisms f : A B of pseudo T-algebras. If f0

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    and f1 are morphisms of pseudo T-algebras, A, B(f0, f1) is defined as theequalizer

    A, B

    (f0, f1)

    f0f1// [A, B](f0, f1)



    // [TA, B](b Tf0, f1 a)

    Of course, this is the internal version of (2): the 2-morphisms : f0 f1 ofCT are the elements of the set |A, B(f0, f1)|.

    The composition morphism

    A, B(f0, f1) A, B(f1, f2)m


    // A, B(f0, f2)is the universal arrow for the coequalizer A, B(f0, f2), whose existence isguaranteed by the commutativity of the diagram

    A, B

    (f0, f1)

    A, B

    (f1, f2)

    f0f1f1f2// [A, B](f0, f1) [A, B](f1, f2)

    m[A,B]f0f1f1 // [A, B](f0, f2)



    // [TA, B](b Tf0, f2 c)

    Indeed, we have

    2(b T) m[A,B]f0f1f1

    (f0f1 f1f2)

    = m[TA,B]bTf0,bTf1,f2a

    ((b T) f0f1 2(b T) f1f2)

    = m[TA,B]bTf0,bTf1,f2a

    ((b T) f0f1 ( a)1 f1f2)

    = m[TA,B]bTf0,f1a,f2a

    (1(b T) f0f1 ( a) f1f2)

    = m[TA,B]

    bTf0,f1a,f2a (( a)

    0 f


    ( a) f1f2


    = ( a)0 m[A,B]f0f1f1

    (f0f1 f1f2).

    Associativity of this composition is proved by a calculation along the samelines for the iterated composition map

    A, B(f0, f1) A, B(f1, f2) A, B(f2, f3) A, B(f0, f3).The unit vf : A, B(f, f) of the V-category A, B is the universalarrow for the coequalizer A, B(f, f), whose existence is guaranteed by thecommutativity of the diagram

    uf// [A, B](f, f)



    // [TA, B](b Tf, f a)

    Indeed, both (b T) uf and ( a) uf are equal to

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    V( , [TA, B](b Tf, f a)).

    In a remark at the end of Section 3 of [13], Im and Kelly dismiss theexistence of the V-categories of pseudo algebras. The construction presented

    here appears to get around their objections.


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