f &l ~ ~ t:' f - marist collegec03u t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb....

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Page 1: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

" ... f a ..-"' ~ &l

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Page 2: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

m'J:.aiOW..'{!OOS AD!:R3S or 'lHJ: l'Rl3lD»;T TO 1m: Wu:::!<' S NAT.:aiAI. PPZ3S CWB,

AT 1'HI W\CKBON IN 1m! S!.!All. BALL RO<».!: Of TID! l'fiiJ.AIU) HC'l'!L ,

JAl:tJARf 10, 1.9J.l

l'attonel Prl .. Club, wholly unp:rlpt.MIII!. \lMt~~ it wat to .ed Cb.al'lll

1:1cbetl1011 loee 1 bit Ol' tor otblr r•eona , I dOD 't lcno.... I reeo.xend

thllt hereen•r whea you bit with 1111n you put lt down ln u1t1ns. I eaked

~el.gtt dollera .

White Houll bett11'16 I would not c~ ; re111A6 object1o111 , la)'il:l& I had too

I!N.ch work , aDd ., forth end 10 011 . Tl:lit zaom.1116 when St na (I.:.T • .!Arly) clllll.e

in -- tn charse ot Pr111 blat1o~ -- I tilt cuae cheertul; '"Wall ," I eald,

•stan, I - lWIChlJ6 wUb your ct r ll todey," Ee aid, "'::Z slrh?"

(Laughter) Lou ot pod• you eUll ban to cult1nte.

or cour11 till .. dayt are dlttlcult; I t.e.Ye a lot to do tor both 1111

better b.elt and 11111lr. There le only one tbt~~.g tt.t I think would relteYe

u ;re:atly, 11.11d '111(1.\ would be to she up ay Pru1 Contartnce eaUHly et

it up to tbe •D llbc QO .. ln to 111 • · k)' wlte would IIYI tiM 11.114 I would

saYt U• -- jult 001 or thoae M•, "Otlet do you call it? -- reorpnhat1oua

M you kDow, 1 bii.YI 1D lwtully 8Qo4 tllll a t m.y Prill ContlrtoDCII ,

Page 3: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

J'!'llllll1n D. 1\oo••"•l\ Libf'at'7

'fbi• u e. tn.ns<'!'ipt ro&!.s b7 the Wbtt• J>ouee steno«Hr f ~ hl• •h -rU~:.t~4

pt •;,' "" ... not~ tatr~ at .. .. d •• uv•• u17

p!'ffl~l,.. I" 'f>ll!'llflt • tte4 wnlllf.: t} rh th '! '~'P""r ''' \l1! r.· v OU"•1 :F ~·d r~ nJ ; ,,. t J.t.

Page 4: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc


aDd I 110Uld 110 to Ml .,., otbu people btl'fe a GOod U• , I pt by pretty

wdl, n:capt ~an eoM or :fOU lacltaa alit: 1:'8 tr1gbttu.lly •HrN .. inc quu-

tiona. The 14 .. ~ -- _.. were talJd"8 about publlc worlu , and a var7 sool!

t rlend of •LD• asked ce about t he .ott. ahouldera on tbD aida or t be ll1&tzwa;rs .

Uow, rMllJ, drl•a """ al.aa.t ~~ 1114 .rou W'lll "' aott aboullSI!ra!

{lall#ltlr) on. 1r.11t question 11 'lllbottber t~t abould be edos;ted 11 a ~Uooal

project or not. or COU.l'M I ~~&ld -::o" -- 'Heauaa it al~ !.! a national

project . {tau&ht.er)

But I hll1'1 an awtul lot ot worriaa , e.od I think that poesibly in

-.corking out the orpnl ution or thle attort ot oure ~ bulld up our o.m de­

teo.u and •b it ~albla t or t.ha d•ooreclea or t.ha worlcl that are lrJi.ZIS

to IUM'11'e 0 1t would be a good idea it :pou -ld appoi nt 1 ~ltUI to help.

1 ldll gl1'1 )'0'.1 jua\ oae or two n&aJ)laa . You 1111&ht appoint a co•lttaa to

so lnt.o the lons flit or probl•• n ar. try1oe to 4o ac:-athhll'l about in t he

All O'fll' tbe country-- let •• pu~ 1~ tb.l a 'dJ' -- t hlf'e .. _.to be,

lnateed or a stall 'IOCU • lnor1ty, • "''"' a~batauUal •sr--eot ~ tbe part

or aoa~ wo~le tb.e.t •• allould go ah .. d wl\h ttMo bu1ld1q up and eDl.arg.;..eiR

or tl:le preeen~ defenae progru. 1;o,.., the.t Mona , eaaent11llly, tba~ people

IYarywM:-e are to &l.il:e IIOilB u.er11'1c11. 'l'tare wUl ba mon thl l!,&l to 1);1 in

ovary co:u~unity throue;hout the land . I1le U.h u;anpowar lllld WOIIOnpower or the

1lbo -.n~ to !So t.hlnp to ~lp that dOD't q.ulu lalow how t o do it. 9oth ay

wtfe and I @;It ll~tlrl fro. o.ll OYer tt• OQUntry fro. people W!JO -.nt to ~lp --

fro. ~be c::.all c~1t111 in anry Suu -- and ~hat brtnp up tbe QueaUop;

of how w1 cOD blat do it .

I will p;j.YI you the u:upl• or 111,y probll• , the a~ho4 of doi ng it .

Page 5: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

A 1'ery larp proportiCIII or \he people wl» 'RIZt -to help are ._D -- ..,.

~~~ wbo t.1'e ~· 111 K)'de h.rk &Ad l'ouf;bkee~le, -.n. Sp1"1~• -= 0\.har

rlaeee, wbo h81'e -the1 r ho.e duthe bt:t 'lllho u.nt to do eceethlQI \0 help;

and t here are eome -- e good MD)' -- older people II:IOiljJ t be111, people 'IC!o

could not go rut aDII uka -...nUl one , eould oo\ do actual work lo a faet.ory ,

but eould do oura1ng or IIO~Set lll..n& or thot kind; lllld ..,. are nudy1na a Mthod

of doing it ,

Oce of U• tb.iqa that .. ban Jr*UJ wall diecided, juet tor e:u.:~pla ,

la that. it ouabt Dot. 1:0 be eezttr.ltzad in :uhillr;ton. It ahooldl:'t; be Jurt

a Federal piece or wartt that te handled trw. bare . Tt..re llhruld be e~hiee

rrc:. here , ., •• to keep the tblng 110~ or leu on the ••• baete 1A nery

State; but we doD't ..m to aet up &IIJ' 110~ red.ral .llachir:ery than we ea~~

help -- the Lord k110w1 we ha1'e enou~ or that elrn.dyt so t;be aenenl idea

to 111ft then people acm.tMna 1uet'ul to do ln wol'i!:lng towa.r11 darenae 1e tlat

it ebould be decentralized and h.a11dbd pr1aar1ly tbroul¢ the 1'ar1oue St ¥te

CoW'Icih of D!!teon, wb1ell 111 alMOet enry Sto.h today han been orii'Phed

un .. er tbe locel COIIdit.lOlll in the State; but .. :.:.ey require .crt or a tytq

t~tller in the gene:11l outl1DII or tbt rrosnaa.

Now, eo r.r, .. are ell r leht . I • shtna: yov thie to abo• _., ot

the J'lVble:u 111 'the -..ctne or elrplann lllild tile bu1ldil1g or 1!11~.

Tben yru e;et two aelaooll or thou~t; one 1a t!lil t a inee thle , s;rlM.rUy,

w:>rk where a:en aDd -en lhcu.ld join ill the runnillfll or i t , to the -ller c0111-

aiGd arract ~teD, -~~ . and ob1ldrell. There i a the school or thought tlat

M)'8 \.be orp.D1za\1C11111l wort: eb.ould be ballo:Ued by Mn IW:1 .-.ll 111 babl.lr

Page 6: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

eonaen!Ria ot opinion 18 t hat 1t •bould. be run jointly by t he un and lQmen

in the dlttuent CODI\UI.U.h s . It will We qui U a while t o wor " to .. r4

tbat pltlll , Varlou. people , both here aad. other placea, are worll:iQS on it ,

day• ), pr obably next we.Jc, .. .ttl hue 110111e ll:ind. of ana~.u1ctce11t wM cb will

•tnn tb• ball rollic,g G.Dd put the whole country, ~ to the l n.dh l dual bOiie

tllld the -.all T1lltl8', and eT•n the ta1111 , tn bab1nd thl a g:rut nauonal pro­

~· Aa 1 ..,. , I Ll. ua1116 thla llluatn.Uoa to atow how :auch you bATe to

thlllk tbrougb . i.Yery day we baTe p•obl ... ot that II:Llld .

tha d.lrtarenc• bet ... o the probl• of 1917 IUid the proble:u ot 1941 an4 ' 40 •

.. aal'er tholllj:lt ~:uch 4own bare tn ~aahtn :t-on about tba ooat ot lhtuc, IUid

.. e jlat hadn't t:ad aD;J e:trerieDCe, and a la.rp ronio11 of the incroeu.d. coste

of tbat war J)erlod bad already ariMO befor e we ::pt tnt.o the •r. Ill other

words, a t the end or ' 15 ILDd through ' 16 alld tM be:;tnllt r.& of ' 17, w wer. ,

w..at.,.,. recOblllU cow •• • l'icioua •plral. •I• d1dn ' t .a~ow lt; nobo~ wrote

ab011t tt.; all .... knew •• that ttr.a co•t or lhlZIS \litiS going up. 31&u1tanaoualy,

it -• rtQlll.l!: around ; 11V111o! wollld go up; and t ben o rganized labor and 111'81')'-

Page 7: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

body do'e t ouc4 it wee SOiii8 up aDd -.aUdiL.Or. pe;r ; end up went. ~ pay;

and on t.op or tbat, up 11'11mt the co.t ot ll'riDg . C03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges

had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln

t.he rlcloue •rtNl.

OOwn ld t.h e terrltlc taaeb In 1920 and ' 21 . ifh•t went up W -.2 . SO a bllabel ,

ner~ before we cot. 1Dt.o th l.' wer , Uld. H •• awtully dlttlcult . nw.at. &tiii.D.e

bread, uut 11beat went. up rroa 80 cent a to ,..2 .50; and when • sot Into the MU',

we went at lt, h-r eDd tonge , but it wae t oo l at e . l.lr. Beruch In t boee

4e.ys -• m. beed or wtat aight be called tbe prlce- !l:t:iq apnclu; be tOIUid

llbeat e.t ~. SO, and ~ cut It to t,2 . , but he dldl:l ' t dare cut. it balc.r ~. a

COpper, we ell k1;0., today , ~·· l11to ell ki nds ot thtt~.~t ueed ' "'r'Y­where . l'he nonM.l price, with a very pd rot1t 111 tho• daye, like today ,

wea around 12 cen-ce a pound . -•hen 1-!r. Blrudt ema ln and took oontl'Ol , I t

had .,t up t.o 28 or )0 e ente e ~uod .

Cotton, eel UP<" at 8 cer.t.a a powu! , ...:-c up 1.0 )4 or JS cente a

pound . T'ba'C re.leed l.be eon or 111'1111 -- e.r.ecte , pillow caMe, clotbtoe, a.:~.d

eYery1:111!11' ehe.

Tbh U~~~e "' .ade • "~ry d41f11l1te errort , when we e tarud t lll e Ad­

"leory C021ahelo11 lAet swoer , t o keep that epl ral troat orernt.ln.<!: In tb.l e

rerleo;: o, nre••: and tl:lat was why all ..... n r:llllllber l or thll M'r1101'J' Cour:ell

thorouf"hly ua:~eretoocl wny, ra:- the tlrlll. u .. , .. na4 t-.o ~ople 011 tbe policy

or the OO ... rnNnt , ()De ... Leo~ Hen~r1011 , whole 'M)l'l( J)l'iMrllJ ne lolld 1e

t o keep the JJl'lce ot r aw • t e rlale dow -co a rea.eonable lnal , Tberoe nre

three people -- Chatter Dovl1 repr uent\118 Agrleu.Uura, -cryt na to k"p the

price or tan. products , cost or wl:ttch .. Mt, do-.:l to a reasoo.ble l e l'el ;

Page 8: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc


A.n!l ao, 1.1 I eay, ~l:er. an a lot or p«~pl• wll.o ne·"'r ~uHe under-

guna ud ebtpt~ . <;ell, it na acQtthlll!l th.ot ""'lear ned rroa. t l'.e old •r ,

.a..tblDI that • learoed 11'111 talrly "cuU.y tl'Oft t.hl nattona a t .. r . ill

eUl\ bo1'1 that taU: Mto" ua . 3o tar 1t hae worDd JON\ty -.11 , Uld tbl

Ttnu .. 11 a con1t ant aft on on the pe.rt or people to chhel -- a

very obvloua tbing. Leat •~er -- no , I ft\1111 it w&.a a )'Gill' aqo .:Jeptu.ber,

wtlcu1 t he llll.r broke out - - a0111body ~J.Hd the .ord al"QUnd - - tt ' a wu.z.lne how

toll thln;. J.:o - - you lmow tbl oHI aa,rtne:, "'l'elepbone , t eleovwph, telll­

~nt" (U.u;;bter) - - I Goa't unoiarat.M tbl latter J)IU't or h . , but the tact

tb.IN -• &OlD& to be a 1Jll91r aboru"" -- and c anomou1 n~r ot -~~ put

011 a he t and beat lt tor the ooMMor awret ldl, whe~~~. aD eoon:IOUa nWibrlr or

au~r~ . Thllt increaee4 'C.M N*!r, ll'urybocly be ;an to IIW1t a~r . A.l a •t­ur or tact , thor. waa plenty o r augar in the cou.ntry, a a •• a.ll knOWI bUt,

uturelly , a rwt ail n or. he.a only~ much lo tbe • tore ; 1t lwl• more 1n the

the ;:rlee or •sar, wlth1D two or thr" 4e.Je , h. tbe ret.an e\oree , '"""1..11eed

tr<*, ...,., 7 eazrt.e e pound to 10 ee11te • powuJ. 3ell, Do-, i t "'' l:r.~ u tare

Page 9: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc


tor t.Q 1\o:r-.ll:eepar to ~ that enrs ) ee.ata. It I had "•• e stor.­

ll:eepar, I probably would bo'l'e ~d 10 eeau a pound , wi"tb ao l"lt!J.t t o

.. lc _,,.. tht.D 7 .

That h t" kttld or th1n~>: .. al'll tryt ng to chec.: l.a thil counuy

at t he presant u.. . It 11 e ~rt ot tbe ~rw~.ral eeonoa~ic ph.a to pre,. nt

1 price lntbUon or articlla t b.at we uae, j~t !Ia i t 11 a pe.rt t o vreveot

a nP'e 1Dtllltion .ti el!. would cau" e price lnrla1.1on .

Thea. we coM doWn to oo. other thin· , and th.ot 11 tllllda,n a~t the

!'utun -- about prlor1Uea. There ta e .;noat cul or nonHue kTl t.\ell ebo\l\

r;rtor1Uea; IUid eo tar, attar eh; .ootha or tbh ••ry &f'l'll.t errort. oDour

part, "b.aYe e•otded touU.in<~ prloratea 1Dto arrect , I will st.,• J'CU. •11

ex~le : You know tlat ta eYery CCIIIIIII.D.lty there is a t~~oua -.:.~ou.ct ot

n .. l that is used tor all lclot1e or thlnJJ• -- bl~&; bulldlnp, liule butld­

in·••, 1.11 k inde or bu1ld1I~~J connrucUon -- and oo rar w t.a1'e tbOUf;ht tMt

the" woe enougli s t eel to lfO around tor not Ollly t he Pl'OISJ"88I or det'enaa - ­

planea , aht~ , and ao torth ao4 ao on -- but. alao tor tho ch1Uan needa ,

10 th11t &nJ' po:rliOll wnnUng 'tO ~t up a bouaa wttb o neal t'ra. -- 11'1'111: a

cblap b~a -- .ould :;w;t t.hllt at.eel to rut. u; t.het houM . .. ell, the que•­

UOt ••n• t erlM:II euae ~t.; tt •1· $.lfJ.<AII, wltb t!ltl now pv~ or~

conu .. cu -- a 4d1Uoul contre.cta tor tt:. 4.ocn.cle• o•er:oeaa -- " llaYe

greatly to tncN&ae thtl output tn thh cow; try ot t ile ateel iJ!oda ; all rlibt;

the pra~Jent auel ca_paclty or all the aual a1lb uy not be enouc;b ; tlle11 ..

be.ve to aatt the Queetlon , lilho eat• it t'1rat - - ch1Ue.n n.e4a or allied needa?

'rhftt u .. htlan ' t ccae • • t th 110M other e.rticlea it =-r not be tar ott . toe

MJ baY a to raaort t o priori t tea .

'J'ben tlleno 1a another t h1116: auppoae •e run into a ait~~ttlon Willlra

- ~rtlcular e;rour or ptOple , ln or4er to Mke a r- ce11ta extre., In a

Page 10: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

1'el"J' b~ -7. axb u C-'1'11 011 ;be •r.et -- pab it up beyond. -.ay ~eoa.­

able lenl; 1Zl e CIIIN ot tbU i:i!X:, ir tl..,. C:ecUa. to follow • r.queet Dy

the ,Jcwenment -- I •• reterr1D,;t to U.ie a te• 4aye 1.30 -- it they IJOII ' t

be pltrlottc e.D.d &11'e up tblt exceae prortt , then we cay ba1'e to u1e

pr1or1Uea ae e r..etbod of flrt1'el:lUq the" troll till ins aot'll or the" o11'1llan

orJera u.ntll 'bey put the price down . l:oth1n particularly h1gh-han414

about tJ1at, Mcau.e tbe OOYirn-ll.t bel au obl1~t1on to 1e1 that the whole

eCOGCIIiC ICh- ot thing_l in tbe COUD.~t'}' il not uy:set by two or tbrM Hl•

tleh ,.aple 111 one place and two o:- thJ"ee .. lrh!l. J*Opl.e in another ,

SO 1 t.bin.lr. t !::tta particular ~riod 1e IN gol~ througn \1 VIII

ot t.'te -t tnter.otln,s, cttrtatnly tn 'llf1 ltreUJae , beeeu.e .. aN putUas

be an Ullll'er t o -- thl~ in the s-at that ahouldc ' t have llappened -- and

we ere trying now to put in oporction , I 11111.y eay , prev~t:~.t1ve •11eur.1 to

ll:eep them tro~~. hepr;onln<t . T".at ' • only a n.etural er:;d loglclll proce" 1n the

line ot t:ll.li:lng demotl'l:lcy 11:1rll: tD 1 4ift1cult U=a; an4 thet'l wl:.y it 11 an

ewt..;J. lllllls&nce, blt e "'l7 greet prlvllep , t.o stay 011 111 tba lfhU.e nouu

after thl t-lOUeth ot 1a~~uar,. . 'l"berto IN -or. new protal ... than ,.,. -· 1

euppo .. -- I.DJ Prtoa l dellt enr bid before, certainly 111 'llf1 ~. except to

the .s.,.. or J:r , iii'1lll011 h 1917 en4 1918. 1ie have leamed a sreat 41Ml trca

thlt J;er1Qd , I thiJ:Ik the COUQ\ty II I whole rMliUOI tll.U tnlle thl~ IN

not only neceaaary but thet th.,. are very ad1'1Mble t o our t'\l.tur. .

In the 3MII \.M.y, there IN e Rrllt many t hings which IIIUitn•t be

torn 4own . TheN is an awt\il lot or noo.senH t !lat 11 Ulll:e4 about , th lnll:t q

1n ~Cih t.el1U that a lot ot P'"-J a.no.oy.acu o r tlle last f ew y•r• will be

r.are4 . I had 1 .u.n co• 111 :r-eter(ay, • 1'el7 old friend ot 111r1e , a snon4

per.on; but wblt he •• eeJi DC \0 .. iD effect wae, "I would Uke \0 pt out

Page 11: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

troa Ullder S!C; I -ld un to notd (and be put it tb.la wy) ._'11111 to

keep half a .SOun people jllSt •.dQE' out rap)f"tl tor t._ .!iaaurittaa Mel

!:xc:b.ang. peopl e .• I eat d , '"Wb)"t Do you -nt to do aoaa new rtneclll&'"

l!a aetd, ... .:.Ybe. • 'l'llan I cMcked up alii!, .,. allcU8Jl , be w..nted to do.­

new fllanetng. The rt~cclll8 be wanted to liD we the ebareeur the.t •••

done in 1928 and 1929: I t •• tba ki n4 or fillllllelng that •tgllt nry eaaUy M

oYaraub.arlbed by a lot or "1\Klll:era" .

lfe he'l'e all be.:~ ·~ckere" . .ie bava all needed Go'l't1'-t pro-

\actton . Probably enry peraoa 111 tbla roc:. bee loat MMJ, perl0118lly ,

throu$ btllll 1 •suc:Ur", or baa lo" :1:01187 througb a ao- ealt..d U\1.8tee .

leU, I lalow tour or the people bare Wo haYe loat. coc.,. t!l~~ trtatHa-­

Maka and t:ruat eoapu:tea -- that had twlda -- tums tto.t 11"1r11 needed by •11,

WOII:IID, and cb.UC:ren, ol4 end younv. -- wbe"' tba trult ecapany, under tlw old

diapane.ation , oulcl tek:e O'l'ar bonlh , a tock , &Del tblnga Uk:a tflll.t -- aapr to

uP4el"lfl'1te em take part or tllat new ilauo , and \hen tr they couldn't alll

tor - - like JOU Md ...

T'bta whole aupn•YlaiOD \C.e\ we ba'l'a bunt up 1.11 tl..c pel"t atgla

perbapa I c:an best c:loaa b7 ~t~~,Yil:lg that eo .. ll:incl.1 or r:epar work are a autauca --

tlllina Oo'l'em:lllnt report.e, tnc011111 u :r J'ttu.rn• - - but teas kinde or pe.pe.r

work , Uko the kind )'OU turn out -- tb.at 11 a prl'I'Uege ~ Tbll.nlr you1


I ror,::ot tbla (boldin;.: U!! a Uttla wtal donkey} e11tiraly. T!:t.la

Page 12: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

call.M tha applauM llll:lan I •tOOd up c- rrc. all o·ur t '- l"'c. -- wblcb ta

dttr.rent tro. wt-.. t lt ... oa tbe C.pltol Hlll t~ ot her da7 , I d•c14•4

'bu tb1• Club, •• • Ccl• -- a.pubUuu aDd O.OCrau, bcnb -- •bwl4

h8n a 4-.ocreuc dollkay -- 110 t b•u a 1• \ (Prolonge4 apJ:lai.L•aJ

Page 13: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

tt~ttcm 1 PNu Club, wholly unprep"\Z'Wd. t.'betho;:r 1c .,.,. tO •"!ke Cbllrl1e

M1ch.·u•l.aon l OI'Ie a bet or tor other l"e'llona1 I don't kn""'· I rooO!!D£Cld/

th'lt here otter when you bet wl. th men you vut 1t down in writing. I ••kOO.

Ch·•rHe wh··t it co.n; he e••1d 1t w 11 el &)lt aomethine. t:ell, th t l:l!ght be

ei ght C"Jr=a!lt ; be t t ougM 1t • .,, e1e;ht roee.s : he tin·..ll.y allowed it c1~'o

be eight doll ra .

'/lite KouH bett1np. I ~·ould not CON; r l!sing objectiOnJ , 1!¥illte I h d

t oo JIJLu:h work , · nd ao t orth t~nd uo on. Thi " mornlnR trhen SteYe (t.:r.

E'lrly) c~'"'fl in - - in cb~rge or Pro111 R'~lnt10illl -- I telt c;uit e eho-ort"u.l ;

.!Z g1r b?" (Lnl,l6hterl Lota ot ~ople yw still h·n e to culth"l.t e .

or cour:e theae dV3 are d1t rtcult; I h··Ye s lot to do for both r:q

better h·•lt '\ltd eyeelt. The ro 11 olll¥ ona thtns th..'\t I think wwl"'d r&­

U eve no 81'0"'tly , .. Del t Mt WOI.lld b1 to (llive up 1:1r pr ·KII codorenoa entirely

t:.t t ho Exeeut1Yo OEtlcea •u:u~. eet O'l'or .nd ~ttend lilY wife ' • oonter.nceal

t:o:- , t h t • a a U-IJ~Ying dlrlca, o.lld i t you tbi..Dk it• o .11 r1. ·,bt, I m1Kh,t

put it up t o th• DtD .. ho c~ 111. to ua • · l:,1 wife IIOU.ld •·•• u.. nd

I wa.Ll4 a YO t111111 -- Just o11.e or tho.a nn, w ... e do you c'\ll it?-- re-

ors··ni~"''•ioruor OO.er:DQI!nt Dep.rt.Nnt 11.

;,e you know, I h"l.YO 'lll awfully goo\ tiiiWII ot my prnea contnrencea, I 'lllld:;.,

I r.ould Uke to '.110 a<me other people h·,.. '1 13ood tlme. I gee by prett y

Page 14: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

quoatlons . 'l'he ide·'!! -- :.te were ttl..l.t:lna about public works, 'lilt! " 1'ery

:~ott ehouldoral (Lm.lght;er) The sre·•t " 1.1 at ion h whether th'l.t Mould b e

'lilopted " ' n n • tion 1l project or not . or oouMe I a id No_.,..beo uee it

~Nt"'-'Y !.!. • n'1t1 >n'11 project . (L'lU~er.)

Bu.t I tc 1'8 •.n ~..ru1 lot or :-rorr1,~, n-t I think th~t po~olhly h: ~

wort-inc 0'\lt the ors~~ tlon or tl:la errort or our!.! to build up our own

defaMe •..nd m-J:e 1t po>'~llble tor tho dolliOCr oiu or t Nt worl d th'l.t 1r e

trytn.-; to aunh•e, lt would bt'l " o:ooo! 1-te· tr you would nppoint " coa:.lttee

thing obout l n the rr y or progres:~,

.. 11 OTer the country -- let 11oe put 1t th1a rr··y - - there ae~ra to be,

lMU.,d ot "~ o:n~l 't'OO·Il lllinority, "' 't'ory aubat .ntbl e.grecnent on the p:.rt ... ot III)St peopb th--t " .. ahould go ahe..d with/building u:P ·>.lid anl rg~nt or

01'erywhere nre to 11llce aOIIHI •~orU'icea . There will be IIOI'tl thins- to 4o

or the Jf ·Um 11 betnr t ·li:Dn uo, to 111 oert in extent . t'he,.. 'U'e "' gre"lt

:~~·.ey :Peopl e who w-ot to do thill8l' to hol.J) th· t 4on' t u1te kDow bow to do country -?--/1-1-

t t. Both cy ,tire .,n4 I r::ot letters tron Ill oYer tho/1dxu who 1r>nt t o

help-- troa: the s:::1ll co~itiee tn enry 9t" te -- '!lid th" t brings up tho

.,uentton or how- e ..n beat do lt.

1 wt.ll st•• ,.au the ezr:~~~~~le o-r rq problta , the ~:~~~thad or dolJ:IO 1t.f ~

't'ery 1<\rso proportion ot the peopl l!l .me wnnt to help ve 1lfCII!Ien ~~ •"IT war.&l'l

who hno ha:Dee in ]_Vd.ll P<\rl<". :axz and Poucbkeepeh, Wnrm Sprlnsa o.nd other


Page 15: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

pl neoe, Who h "" tho1:o home dut1oa but who W'l.Dt to dO acntthing to help ;

aDd t bor e' r~.re ltOCII!II -- e so<x1 D'lii.Y -- old.e:o people N:H>f18 thoc, people wto

could not go ou.t and a'lke aamitiona, could not do .,ctu·ll wOI"k l n 11 r .. eto:oy,

but cculd cto niU'al:lg or aooetb.ing ot tlult kind; _.11d - .,_r., -u~1DQ: " J:ethod

ot <lo1na it.

Ono ot the thl!V(a t~ "" h""" prett y ..ell dee1ded , just tor e:E.J~Pl& ,

is ~h.'lt tt aught not t o be eentr ·U :tOC! ln \/'ahington, It shouldn' t be just

R Fedor'll piece or wot1c th.'lt 1a h~IICI.led trCI:l hero. Thoro shoul d b e ndYico

rx-a:. hel'e , eo ·• to ltOOJ> t he tll:tg 11101'8 or l ou on the ... _ b:~aia 1n tl"''ery

$t'1te ; but - d.on' t,... Dt to a.-t uo llJl3 ~re Jeder· l lrl.Chinery tb n we C'lJI.

belp -- t be Lord kllo-e •• 1:1'>-n enou«b ot tb->t .._lroe~dyl So tho gcnwU ld~

to g:t.Ye theee people eQ:Ieth1ng uset'ul te do1n worldne; ~OIIf'll'd deflnse 13 tlnt

it !lhoul d be aecentr"<l1zed nnll h:uw:UM pxoimr1ly throush t he ,. ,rlws S't " te

counc1111 or Detense, which in !ll.JIIo:1t enry St••t o tO'\ .. .,y h •11'e beeh ori!:'1Jiized

under tho loc-.1 eon11tion~ in tho St te; but •• mv r lt!uire aort ot " tyit14

tor;eothw in t h p,enllll"'"l outline ot the pragr.m.

t:OIO', ~o t r , we ·Z"'I all r11d\t, I .... gl11ng you th1a to ellow eoc. ot

tho .Probl s,:, in tbll lll"tkiDg or -:~ iroll'n• •·nd the build\nr, ot shi pe. 'lfThO!l

you get t wo echooln or thou·ht; OM ill th '\t e1nee thls, primrily, 1s tho

work or women in t heca o012:1U.nith:s -- " ""l'Y l•riJe P"rt or it -- 1t IJhoul d

be h ..ndled by WOIIIC::li on the otha~ h 1M, thoro 1a 11 cert'lin IIIIOWlt ot work

whel'e .en '1M -.o ebould Join ln tho l\I.Ming ot i t, in Cbe ~ler COl>

1n aiM ottect .. D, women , :l.l!rd cb.lld.reB. Ther-e 1a the achool or thou&ht

t hnt eo,ye tho org(UihatioD:Il work ahould be h'lndl od by m(!ll. I'IIWi WODeD in

beh'\l~ ot ll'\tiODtll defense doo:m to the Sl'lGI roote ot tho city atreat e ; ao

1t b·.J t'\lceu about " week or t;en ctv• to tbr:tllh this t h1118 out , 1Dd the

Page 16: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

aon oDd 'lfOCfln t:a the dt : r eroll.t COf:DUI1Ues . It fliU t l'ke rouiu a wblls to

(I m·zy t ~k:" t he documont s to l)'de Pnrlc with me, durt na tho rust poriod tor

the next throe d::ys) , prob~bly next week, we Will h 'lTe .ODMt kind or :111-

UOUJ:~Cemsnt which 10111 at" rt the b ·1ll rolllDB •.n.:t put the whole country,

down to the bdhlduU home -md the .,..u 1'ill~, t~~~.d MID the r arw., 1D

beh1Dd thi s g~t n"UODJl prQgra~~. ,u I ::tV , I 'll:l usia.;: thi s lUustl"'!tlOD

to show hC11r C"Ueh you h'lYO to tb1Dic th~. Jh'ery dc:!J we ba't'e probl ....

ot tb~ ld.nd.

The other illustJ:"!!tlon t}r';t I W!UI't:od to usa..,, lilh'lt ::d.Rht bo on.l led

the dlttoronee bet1:een tbe probl• or 191? 11:ad the pr®ll'lr.l or l ll·U 'Uld •40.

In tho3e d'.lYs, 18 mos t or you Who 0 1'111. re~1tr bs c k thnt tf'r will NIID!!IIIbe r,

we :a..,er t uought ll:Uoh dOim here ill lf·lshlngto:a about the coat ot ll't'lll6,

nd lt w1sn ' t 'll!l.olly the t nult or the Adlain1str:1tlon , ~er we sot into

tbe w"'r . ;Je Juat b._'\dn •t hl'cl .n,. •JI~er1eneeJCJI4 :1 lo.rgo pore ton or the to­

cre"'eed coats at th~t wnr period b 'ICI. 'llr~ nrhon be fore we cot lmo t ho

-.-. In other worda , nt the end or '10 c.M thrOU8b '16 and the begia:dft6

or '17, we were, tn a s oru.e, 1\D or seM.l. , :s we ve today, tor l!Uropoe n

n•tions ; but there W"ll no gutd .. noe, und tiS o. result the "Ut es on the

other eide took an enol'I:IOUs number or thlnes rrom ua , all tho ""'¥ rra:~

oopPor IWd lW'lber and raw murl'll s to all kinds ot tl:alshed pl'Oduah , •and

e apeehlly toodstutts, .,Dd we f,"'t into wh t we recopize now 111 ., Yicious

eplr~. i7o didn ' t blow ito nobodY wrote about it; all we b»ew lr\8 that tho

cost or lh1ns w.1s going~· SiJ&Illmeoue}¥, it W'Je s otna ai'OU!Idl lhiac

would so up ; and then or&Wted l tot.bor oDd •••Jaod;r el.e tOUid it -.:\•

Page 17: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

goi ng up llDI.l WI!Dted. cora pny; nnd up want tM P:o'i 11114 011. top of tM.t ,

up want the oo:st ot livine. Co.ta b111d gone up and w•osea hf\d ROna up, during

with tho l'lllult th.ot/~ th.nt whole won• period we wel'll h . the 't'ioious


Thar- ' e 11.11 old law tb.8t tOOt which aoe• up aast ~ dowu; it o­

dawn with a terrific -=ash ill 1920 Md •2.1. tlh&.~t went up to t2. &1 "

bu:lhol , evan before we got into the w .. r , Md it r.s awtull:r d1fr 1eult.

got i11to tho ..,r , 1'1e wellt "l't it , h'\rl:ler nnd tones, but it •~e too l~te.

L!r, B-.~ch in t bo .. d'\fs W'l8 the ha~~d or wtl·t llicht be C'llla4 U1a priec.~iijL.il\,

l!li£flnc i aa; ha round wbiNit 'lt $2. &1 , " lid he out it 'o t?., but ho d14.D't d~

eut 1t billow ~~ ., bu:Jhel.

Copper, we dl knOll' tod'lY, gooe into o.ll kinde ot thing~ uoad ner:r-

l'fhare. Tho non.."l price, with !!. 't'ery fl:oo4 profit in t noae do:r:., like

eontrol, it h'ld aot up to ll8 or 30 cants 'J poUDd.

Cottm, ael.i.ing " t a cents a pound , went up to 34 or ~ cents 11. pound .

Thltt t1mo we mnde ., 't'ery definite ofrort , ,.ben we started this A.d~

vbory COI::I':I1ss i01!. l'lat ~r, to keep tbttt spi r&l tl"Qil openting in

tbi e period ~ atl'll:..; nDd tMt wo.a wb;r all " "'en aee:here ot thh M ­

't'iSOZ'J' Council tho~ Wllderstood wby, tor the t i r.st ti•, we htld two

people Ofl the policy ot tbu Go't'orDCM:tnt . ODe "''' Leon Hendell'8011 , wttose

work prtmotrU.y W118 tr.Dd. 11 t o koep the prioe or r aw m'\torinla dOim to 111

ra'!DOII'\ble le't'el. Tben wore three peaplf11-- Che.ter DsTia repnsc .. i~~&

Agricul":ure , tl')'1D8 to keep the price of t l'lnll. products, 1:10:rt or tCich we

Page 18: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

1111t , dc:.rn to "' 1'11!\IOD:lblo lo~el; Jl'lM 1!111 H:t.rr1et Elliott, who W'll tey­

tng to kMp th• coat or food you by;y l n .eoreo, nnd oth!ll' thinae th~t you

h-.Ye to h' Ye -- Doceaaitiea f¥t lito th' t ytN. buy fro:~ the r.e~n eto:ree --

to keep tboae dCIWII to a 1"8'lSotnble 1.,.11 too.

nnd guns tUld s hips. ilell , i t W'll IIOQOth1ng th:It we l &ll.rnod r rom tho old

Will'. !Ye s till h.Ye th.t t :ua.k before~. So to.r it hr.~~ wo.rtod pr.ety

OJYel'llt,e m....~n beiii(J in this country, i e no higher th~ it ..,, " yev .. go,

or t i'I'O yee.ra '1,'0,

Thoro h u oon.thnt orror~ on tho pY"t or peopl e to ohhol ,... n Yery

obYlO\l.S t hine. 1. at au:J¥:lftr -- no, I sueaa tt " "' "' Y$Ur " SO Septlllb!ll' ,

wb11m the wv broli:e out -- sOIIII!body P"Ue4 ttt. word e r'Oimd -- tt •a ".J:I,.'I:rJ.ng

hOI'I' follt th1DP so 'i{ou la:low the old IVins, "Te l ephone , tel8fP'Ilph , tello.­

wc.an!' (lt~uP)!ter) - - I don' t uMer3Cnnd the lotter p'U't or it , but tho

cit w~.n put on 'l b·1t •!Dd be'lt it tor the corner store! Yell , wh'\11 4.11

llllOrDDlUI ~or or -.n do t h·<t , ·IZI.'I etore runs out ot eu.s.,r; 10 the

etore h'ld to ·~· -t:o 1010re ~,r." TM.t traore"lsed the I'WIIOr; .,.erybCid7

be&,.n to hurat e\16»" · .w a 111atter or r ,ot, ther e rna pleraty or augv in

t he cou:ttey , nl we oll know ; but 1 M tUI'flll:r, 3. l'lltl!.ll store h"ll ollly e o

1111.0h t n tho store.; it hoe mor e in tho wu•ehouee Md it o~n sot more tl'U:I

the lllbolenlor lillY Uno 1t w.;lllts, But the price ~ sugru", wlti!J.n two or

Page 19: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

thi'M d~ , ill t be reta il atoroea , adT"'DCod f i'OIII, aay, '1 cellts n pound to ·

10 cents " pOWid. t"el l , now, it W'll.s h~ n."lt~tor t he lrtoNke•r

to IM.ke th:!.t extra 3 centa . It I bt~d boeiJ " lrtorl!lkeeper, I probllbly

would h-:~To 'laked 10 cents "POUil4, with no r18ht to I'Hik more th'ln ?.

'l'h3t h tha kind or th.lll8 we are trying to check in t hh CO\,I,Iltry nt

the ";lr eeont time. It 11 e .P'\rt or the aenerul eeom::mtlc pl iUI to pNTeat a

)'lrioe intl~tlon ol!: >~rUcloa th"t we ueo, just u it h " part CO prtrrent

nbout prlorltlee; and eo t"lr, e.t"'tar 1h month9 ot this Tel"J gree.t eHort

on our p·n-t , "e h-"'Te uotdO(! putt ina priorities into ettect , I will r;h'e

you M exru~;~lfl : You k1'117it th"t in "OI:"'J' cOID"Nnity theJ:"O h a tr~~~~nondous

•:mount or ateol th'lt 1e u1od ro:r /Ill kinde of t h1116• - - big bu1ld1~,

l1tU1 bu1ld1ngo , Rl.l k1M1 ot bu1ld llll; COII.lltl"Uetion -- 'l.IW'! 10 ftU"- h''I'O

t~t th:::t there '11"11 eDOtJ6h ateol to c o " ro'.llld tor not onq the Pl"'OSMII

ot deteue -- p l.nos , lhlpa, m eo torth ·~n4 10 oaJ but '-'llo tar the

olrtll"m needs , ao th!lt~peraCD r!IltlfiC to put up 'I bo\ule with et•l

tram. - ~Ten e ehe3J) hoQee -- would get tb~ steel to put up th"'t bouee •

. ell , the f'U"Stion h,en• t r:rlaen Quite yet; tt tl.'\7. SUpposo,rith th111

new program ot Dll'1l' contMota; ,..iutd tti onal cont racts tor the deaool"'lo1n

O"torSEmS:Wo hue grG;ttly t o lncr.uee tho output 1n tbla country or t he

steel 6004• ; all right ; the preeont 1 t eel Mpnclty or all the Reel lllille

1ro01 not be onOUBh; then we hi\TI to " " tho quwrt i on, Who sets u tlrat -­

chlli'.lll needs or :Ulled nHC!.a? 'l'hPI.t til!le Men•t eCtete. With ~ other

ou-t:lelea it .av not bo tll" ott, t"e ~ ha•e t o r esort to pr1orit1 • ·

'l'b.011 there is motber t hlq;: 8\U'PCX~I - ND izrto e. aitU'It 1011 wbve

Page 20: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

•om. P:U"ticular gou,p or people, l D order to .ae 'l t• cente ezt re. , i ra

0 \Yel')' hWIHU lftiY1 SUCh U GOrn on the lrl111:tlt - puah- l t Up beyODd 1UQ'

r .. ,eon'lbl e l nel ; ln a cue or that ld.Dd., tr they decline to f ollow"

request by the GoTern:mnt - - I w1e rororr1Qg t o this a rew 4ocya 11$0 -- i r

th1y WQI:l1t bo put r1ot1c tUld. e;h'e up that excess J'II"'tit, then we lllti.Y """"'

to uee pr1orlt1cll 'l8 n 110th0<! Ot' prcYellt oJ:l& them f rQ:::l t1lllng IIIC.O or tll eee

ch'lU" n orders until the:r put the prt.oe down. Noth1118 J*rti culo rly hi~

h·!.D.de4 about tb~. bec "'ou.w the 00.-nt h.,e a n obl1g!ltion to see th .t the

wholo IIC0li01:11c a ehe::lo of th1bp 1.11. the oowrtry 1a !lOt upeat by two or three

eelt'lsh piiO;Ila 1.11. one plJooe '\lid t'II'O or tllNe ealrhh peq>le ira -,nother ,

so I think this p'lr~ieul.nr ~riod .,. are rP n,g throll6b h one or the

IIIO~t lntere:rtin~, eert.,i llly ln r::f Ut'eU M , because we :u-e puttlQS into

ettoet things th~t we ttl,.,,, from P'>lt experi ence , t h '"lt thoro OUII!ht to be M

I!.Mwer to -- th1nsa in t he P"•t thilt e houl4n' t " ""e hnppeMd - - nnd we ft1'e

trylnc now to put in oper"tlorr., I lllt\7 ·~ · Pl'G'I'I!IDUTo liiOOIUr&e to 11:-.p

ot ~rag deaoCl'"'CJ' work in a. ditrloult tliM; nz~d Unt• e -.hJ' it 11 _:.~~

awf\11 ~:~~.~ie~ DCe , but f' Tery sre""t priYilopo, to -"'>Y on in the ' .. 'hlto f!OUM

.,rter the 20th of J .li!Udry. Tho~ ve 110r. u- problem th"n MY -- I ·~

poeo -- MY Preddcnt eYor h .d bet'on, oert:dnly in r::;, DemOry, except in

the d(lfe ot ~. ••thou ln 191 '1 (lftd 1918. We h..'lTe le::~rn~ a cront de'll trcm

t~t por1. od. 1 tl\1nll: the country 'le •• whol e reall :telll t h" t t h1>ee th1Jll5a

11.1'0 not only neceas~ hut th11t t hey nre Yery a dTi lJ.I!.bl e to our future . ~In

tbe et:IDI W!Q' , there nre a gren~ IIYIDY ttrtnga w l ch mustn't be torn down,

There 1e lUI 'l'lt'tul lot or pQJ~.aenao tbat 1e t al.Jced about, thlnldna i.11. euch

ten. th ot 8 lot ar pott y aDI1QJI..IDOee or tho l.n.at few yeora wUl be re.ored .

Page 21: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

hut wb·~t he W'la tn;riDS to 1:1• tn .rrcet wua, ~I would llll:o to set out{ rrom

under !IE; I .:ould like to 0\1'01d £"'lrld h• put 1t tbll w.;j/ bn1'1Qg to keep

h""lr " dozen P"J)lo just l:rltrina out reporu tor tbe Secnu1.U•• and lxeh«nge

people. ~ I a "'i d , """:'hy? Do you w1nt to do DOI!'Ia new f t nmetna?" He s.~ td,

'".!.'lybe." Then I ehcckod up nnd, ~re enou~, he wrmted to do 110111111 Dew

1D 19:l8 n4 19!9; it r.e UM~ kiDd of tin.,ncil\6 t b:l.t !dstlt "''l'Y • .oily be

"to hn1'o 1U been"m~okera. " We h •Tot " 11 Dotodod Governmant protoctton .

'l"auckor:' or h .a lo.t oonoy th~ " eo-c .J.lod trustee. 11'ell , I lm01r tour

or tiTe pecmlel:ere who h-1'e loet mouey throu8h tNIJtees -- b..mt.s 'lud trust

ea::p.,nio :s -- th'\t h'ld tunda -- t\mds th'lt wore needed by me:n, -n, 11Dd

children, old -•nd yaune: -- where the tl"U-8t OOCip'!.ny, under the old diepena.,.

tion, would t ·ke o.er boMe, stock, fUid th1Qip like t~.t;-- e~er to under-­

writ e +M hlco p•rt ot th~t DeW i e.ue , -l1d then if t hey couldn't sell it :~.11

to tho publl~ , p<~re:ol 1t out t o the tnw1: e th':lt they were respons ible tor_,. -­

llke you 'IJld mo.

not intended to be roatr1et11'e ; 1t 1s tnteD'iod to protect "ll'lllocente Abl"'">d" --

moro pnpor work; P..l1d aa you p!lopla oll know Jltmt p1l.Jlflr work i a , pet'll'\ps I ~"'n

g01'ert~Mnt r.ports, in~ tax retu.raa -- but 80aiO ldnds ot p!!Jier work, ltke

the kind you tur:a out - - t hnt 1s &. Prtrtlese:Z Thull: youf (Applnuee. )

Page 22: f &l ~ ~ t:' f - Marist CollegeC03U t~d 9)~ up and '!llllges had e;ooe up , wlth tb. reeult th.et aurin.., Uutt. ..mole war period w were ln t.he rlcloue •rtNl. OOwn ld t. h e terrltlc

I forgot this {holding up 1'1 little M t al donk.rl enUrelJ. Thb w11e

siYen to - l\ tew minutes !lRO. '!lld it i s s deoooro.tie donkey; <lnd bJol\ule the

nppbuoe when 1 atood up o:l.Cll fl'OD rill over t ho rooc:a -- which h dirterent

r r omwh1.t it ""'' on the C·1p1tol UiU t he othfll" do.y , 1 decided thnt thh Club,

ae a whole - Republ1e.,na And Dcoor:tU, both-- ehould h"\Ye ,... deooorotto

dOIIlclt1 - - eo there it lei (Prolone;ed oppbuee, )