f l the sickufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/11/00318/0059.pdf · vv-l f r the pensacola...

vv- L F THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 6 1909 Q d r PHONE 33 PEOPLE AND EVENTS PHONE 384 I L 2 to freniim 6 p m = By Bonnie Burn ham 730 to from 10 p m a l J 09 4- I k THE WEEKS BENTS W 4 + ThUZUbh065 U church 4 Meeting of W 4 Is F C CommyBfl o- ne 4 Meeting of the Barcelona street of e Woodman Circle die hall on West Garden 0 4 ociat 4 street from 3 unttiD m FRIDAY 4 4 ial Card clue hostes Irs Chester Serra on 4 4 Meeting of the t 4 4 North Alcanlz S + 44C4444 44 4 I L DAYS IN SC 5lhouse by the road- Aragged tlU sits the s b r sunning e sumacns grow tAtound It wiry vines are running The blac sters desk Is seen Within tberf by raps official The warprflo r the battered seats carved initial s The jac frescos on the wall The char worn sill Betraying The doo at creeping slow to school yentltormlng out to playing rs ago a winters sun ug J l Sho over it at setting Vit iIts western window panes Ist low eaves Icy fretting It touched the golden tangled curls iF d eves full of grieving r pa e1a5 < f all the school were leaving j eaVler stood the littlebo FO c1ldlsh favor sinrcl 1e pbJa T W f ace rlde and shame W1 were v iWith I restless feet the snow PusJight and left he lingered tlessly her hands M bluechecked apron fingered Iaw her lift her eyes he felt 1rhe soft hands nd heard the trembling caressing J her voice if 4 a fault confess n I < un that I sielt the Word have to go above yoU I ecausethe brown eyes lower flj YOU see r love ou memory to a graYhafred t man sweet child tac is Dear girl the grasses Showing on Have 40 grave years been lHo growing lives to learn school In Utes hard few who pass above hJn Lament their LUte her triumph and his loss they love him J G Whittier THE MARRIAGE OF MISS SCHULMAN AND MR One oZ the ressIve ot home prettiest weddings and most jU1 tOok Y jterda at tb and Mia mornin8 Juo hPJlleML- street when Miss Emilia Schulman and Mr Stewart Robinson Meyers were united In marriage by Rabbi Swath of Temple BethEl the very beautiful service of the Jewish church having of course been employed The elegance or the Moog home was ac- centuated ¬ yesterday by the presence I of large numbers of huge potted palms the parlor where the service place having been a sweet bow I ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORY els A GRAND REMEDY FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES JIm Ida Gilmore U7 Jerome Ave Owosso- Mich writes I can truly say that the Orange Blossom Compound Is worth Its weight in gold ind more to any woman suffering with femaJo weaines as I did for years I was an invalid fox two years not able to wash a dish or make toy bed Four of the best physicians gave me up and sold I could not jiva Tho fifth physician said there TTEI onO chancoand thamras an oper- ation At this time a friend sent me circular tellingabout Orange Blossom Compound I read Itcaxeiully and as a last hope decided to give it a trW I purchased a bos of Orange Blossom Compound and the firsttre tment gave me a little relief I used four montbs treat- ment ¬ and from that time until now which is about ghteen years Ihve never known what It was to have backache headache orany other prln or ache from this old trouble I feel it my duty to make known to suffering women the great good that the Orange Blossom Com- pound ¬ has dono tot me SlOO bjr all drug siltS Call on J The Crystal Pharmacy Pensacola- Flo for a book and free aample THE PURE FOOD STORE IMPORTED- DILL PJCKLES HOLLAND HERRING LIMBURGER CHEESE IMPORTED SWISS I CHEESE Soll Cahn CO Agents Nunnallys Candles Phones 17201721 1 I er of < lovely fronded things whicn waved Jestically in the faint breath- of a ect October morning as it wafted way into the place Form- ing ¬ a htfUl little nook were four ot the kits which tied with heavy white ribbons surrounded the bridal jy during the ceremony At ten oct when the guests had crowded entire house the wedding march W by Misses Fannie Ber- lin ¬ PaurRehfleld Fannie Wegen helm anlabelle Berlin began Miss Gertrud eidman being piano ac companl nd Miss Lillian Jacoby adding laely the needed touch with tbedns of her sweet violin The gro < attended by Mr S Alva Moog arred first Miss Schulman following the armor Mr Alfred Moor J Attiredja handsome threepiece dj amythest with its rich gleams o edescent trimmings and with a sthg hat catching the tones- of the ei costume in a most ar- tistic ¬ effdMiss Schulman who is a remarkaqhandsome young woman a advantage In her dfc as well as in the entire tone of f wedding wonderfully ex ¬ quisite te of this queenly young woman railed a wedding in fact worthy 1 Emilia Schulman The pjbr had been darkened tout flashed Hght with electricity upon I the brldparty as it entered and the effect w1 charming indeed After ceremony congratulations were prfed in upon the young couplo after wCh wine and cake were serv- ed beautiful gifts were re- ceivedittesting J to the unusual popu l lartiy pd esteem which both enjoy- A Lge crowd of friends attended- the cdple to the train where thY were mowered with rice and good wishe They left at noon and after- a wedIng journey will make their I home in Louisville where the groom I is in business While Pensacola la loath to part with one of her bright- est ¬ and best known young ladles it fa with every good wish from scores of friends that Mr and Mrs Meyer tlie laraRa hleiiiUcttV 1 Meyes will be specially missed as she has been well and so favorably known here both socially and trom educa ¬ tional standpoints W C T U WILL MEET TODAY The W C T T7 will hold its regu lar meeting this afternoon at the First Presbyterian church All members- are particularly requested to be pres ¬ ent BACHELORS OPENING BALL WAS A GRAND SUCCESS Fine music genial crowd and the very finest sort of hosts in the world served to make the opening ball of the Bachelors club given last night a thorough success A large number of the best known young people or the city were in attendance and as Is usual with the affairs given by the Bachelors nothing could have been more pleasant than the evening as planned Tho Knights of Columbu hall where the affair was given prov ¬ ed a delightful place for an event ot the sort the dancers having made DREADFUL CHANGEM- rs Jones Was In a Serious Con- dition ¬ Before She Helped Her ¬ self With Cardul the Womans Tonic Dexter TexUI certainly was in a serious condition when I wrote you for advice writes Mrs Calvin Jones- of Dexter Tex- I suffered a great deal with those dizzy fainting spells but after taking several bottles of Cardul relief finally cameCardui prepared my system for the dreadful change and when It came 11 was not half as bad as those dizzy spells I had before I now help every day with the housework and am get- ting ¬ along fine Cardul is certainly fine for female complaints 51 y neighbors praise It and so do others Take Carclui when you feel ill in any way weak tired miserable or under the weather- No matter what the immediate- cause It will help to brace you up give you new force and vim help you to throw off the trouble that troubles- you Cardui will not interfere with tuy other medicine you may be taking- It Is a gentle harmless nonmineral nonpoisonous nonintoxicating tonic that every woman ought to take when she Is looking Tor health strength beauty and vitality N BWrite to Ladles Advisory Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn for Special and 64 page book Horno Treatment for Wom- en ¬ sent ia plain uranricr on nQt I For Eczema Per and the terrible Itching o > piles Dr Hebrs Unsold IB a blessing and a wonder The first application wil give you instant relief not only In cases of piles but also In all Irritating skin dis ¬ eases such as eczema tetter rash bar- bers ¬ Itch and ringworm Unsold Is the best preparation 1 ever saw for eczema ay J E White- of Carbondale Colo Dr Hebras Ungold IB sold at soc a package at all druggists or sent pre- paid ¬ on receipt of price by The G C Blttner Co Toledo Ohio Always send same of your druggist For sale In Pensacoia by W A DAlem berte Druggist and Apothecary 121 S Palafox Street- extremely merry until a late hour The Bachelors In fact are receiv- ing ¬ many congratulations as to the success of the event BUSINESS CONFERENCE- TO MEET The Business Conference of the East Hill Baptist church will hold an important meeting tonight at the church All are requested to be pres ¬ ent The hour is 730 oclock NEW CHURCH ASSOCIATION MET YESTERDAY AFTERNOONr The regular Clinch association took place yes- terday ¬ afternoon at Hannah hall The ladies were out in force a fine lot ot tork having been accomplished S SERVICES AT TEMPLE BETHEL THIS EVENING Services for the closing day of the Sukkoth Festival will be held at Temple Bethel this evening at 730 and tomorrow morning at 10 oclock- At the evening service Rabbi Schwarz will preach on Lessons From the Sukkah 1 FIVE HUNDRED CLUe MET WITH MRS H J BENNETT- The Five Hundred club met last night at the home of Mrs H J Ben ¬ nett on Ninth avenue Mrs Bennetts affairs are always full of Interest and last evenings meeting of the club was pleasant from many standpoints as usual r MRS E E SIMON LEFT LAST NIGHT Mrs E E Simon who has bean here for several months the guest ot- her mother Mrs M L Roch left last night for her home In Memphis Tenn She has been here for her health and will be greatly missed by a large con- course ¬ of friends U ARE NOW IN NEW YORK CITY- Congressman and Mrs William Bailey Lamar of Florida are at the WaldorfAstoria In New York and will be the guests of Mr and Mrs John Alton Harris at their lovely Annienu RJyerside Drive Atlanta <o n MR DW C YARBROUGH LEAVES TODAY FOR JACKSONVILLE Mr D W C Yarbrough who is now president and treasurer of a well known Birmingham concern and who has been visiting his family here for several days will leave today for Jacksonville where he goes on busi- ness ¬ SOCIAL MEETING AT THE WOODMAN CIRCLE TOMORROW There will be an unusually pleas ¬ ant social meeting at the session of the Woodman Circle tomorrow at the hall on West Garden street the hours to be from 3 until 5 oclock Re- freshments ¬ will be served and all the members are invited to oe present LADlES BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF TEMPLE BETHEL TO MEET TODAY- An Important meeting of the Ladles Benevolent society of Temple Beth El will occur this afternoon at 330 oclock at the temple All members- are especially urged to be present as matters of much importance are to re- ceive attention S LADY MANAGERS HELD SUCCESSFUL MEETING- The lady managers of the Womans Home held a good meeting yesterday afternoon Plans were laid for the coming months and records of the past year received attention The la- dies ¬ deserve much credit with regard- to the excellent manner in which the Home is being conducted r WOMANS FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY MET YESTERDAY- The Womans Foreign Missionary Society of the Gadsden Street M B church met yesterday afternoon All who attended were particularly well snlisfled with the events as recorded during the afternoon an all around successful meeting having been re- ported ¬ MISS KNOWLES1 BRIDGE The bridge party which Miss Con ¬ stance Knowles will give in honor of Miss Mary Thomas has boen dated for Friday Miss May Young of Ken ¬ tucky who is Miss Knowless guest until after Miss Thomass marriage to Mr Pratt Adams will share hon- ors ¬ with Miss Miss Thomas as Miss Knowless bridge partYAtlanta Georgia S JEWISH YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOYED DANCE- Mr and Mrs Hubert Prater oog and Mr and Mrs Edwar For cheimer chaperoned a party of you Jewish society people at a delightful dance bn Monttay evening The af- fair ¬ occurred at the Knights of Co ¬ lumbus haIl supper having been served later at a local restaurant MRS E MVOY SUFFERED I A TERRIELE ACCIDENT- The many friends who know ai love Mrs E McVoy for her estlmab qualities and Christian life wer shocked beyond expression yesterda to learn of the terrible accident which she suffered early in tk days While 4 I Sick rieadaohe And Indigestion The Former Is Very Frequently Caus ¬ ed By The Other The pneumogastrfc nerve connects the stomach region directly with the when the stomach is out of order the head is almost certain to be affected through reflex or sympa- thetic ¬ nervous irritation The headache of dyspepsia and in ¬ digestion is of every variety from the dullest and least defined to the most acute pain Sometimes the whole mass of the brain seems racked with anguish at others the ache is con- fined ¬ to the back or front part of tbv head The first form is usually or a confused character and is often ac ¬ companied by dimness of vision and a mild vertigo or socalled rush ot blood to the head The victims 01 this symptom complain of a swim ¬ ming or lightness in the head ana dizziness or a sensation of motion while the body is still and specks or flashes of light before the eyes Persons subject to indigestion and other forms of stomach trouble are very frequent sufferers from headache and in numerous cases a sick head ¬ ache is the only noticeable symptom of indigestion present in others tnere are stomach manifestations as well The majority or people regard this headache as a separate disease In- stead I of a symptom of Btomachdis I ease which it usually is and they at ¬ tempt to treat it separately and make I the mistake of endeavoring to obtain relief through the use of headache powders tablets pills and seltzers- the use of which is extremely danger- ous ¬ as many of them contain such powerful depressent drugs as aceta nilid phenacetine antipyrine caf- feine ¬ etc which depress the heart brain and nerve centers and lower ar ¬ terial pressure and many a person with a weak heart has become dan ¬ gerously ill shortly after taking one of these headache remedies Tney al ¬ so interfere with the digestive pro ¬ cesses and actually make the dys- pepsia worse than before- In order to get rid of the head ¬ ache of Indigestionand most head ¬ aches are caused by stomach trouble- one should endeavor to reach and re ¬ move the cause and the headache ef- fect ¬ will soon be relieved STUARTS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS- do not cure the symptoms they cure the cause of the headache which per ¬ manently removes the symptoms They digest every atom of food in the stomach cure all forms of stomach trouble and the headache and every other disagreeable symptom and un ¬ toward effect is quickly gotten rid of Dont make the mistake of trying to cure your dyspeptic or nervous headache through the use of headache powders tablets etc Vse common- sense I good judgment and one or two i of Stuarts Dysp psia Tablets and you will be agreefaly surprised nt the rapidity with which the headach will be relieved and cured simultane- ously ¬ with the relief and cure of the stomach disturbance Purchase a package from your drug ¬ gist today for 50 cents and send us- a s h Trill forward you a trial package free Address F A Stuart Co 150 Stuart Building Marshall Mich leaning out of a window at her homo on Reus street the catch suddenly slipped with the result that her aria was caught between the window and the sash crushing it fearfully break Ing the bones and cuttng the skin In an ugly manner Before assistance could arrive and before the window could be raised from he arm Mr McVoy who is 70 years of age had suffered excruciating pain and a phy ¬ sician was summoned fat once She has been in a serious condition since and her friends are concerned Indeed as to the outcome of the deplorable affair THE MISSES DANIEL TO ENTER BUSINESS COLLEGE The Misses Nora and Bell Daniel the charming daughters of Mr and I Mrs Lewis Daniel formerly this city but now of City will en ¬ ter the St Andrews Business Col lege to take a business course this vear Both have many friends in Pen sacola S MARRIED LADIES EUCHRE HELD FINE MEETING- The Married Ladles Euchre club held a fine meeting after ¬ noon at the hospitable home of Mrs vdnev Bell on East Gregory street the game having been very pleasant Anything a boy wants Many imported premiums- This I premiumone of our most popular is a striking or punching bag pcarshapc hangs from the ceiling made of strong good leather Boys size with suspending cord and lace Developsaboysmusclesmakeshimactive iturdy and strong We offer it for 290 wrappers or 88c and 60 wrappers This bag- at any sporting goods store would cost more than Grandma heads Pearl front and Export bnrax Soap wrappers all three count on the tame premiums- You can the necessary wrap ¬ per in a third of the usual Lime GrandmaNot a washing powder but a btrax powdered soap Saves bills Pear a pure white floating oap the cake for oc Export Borax Soapthe borax laundry soap Better than any naphtha soap for washing with cold water Can also bs used In hot water See illustrated list of premiums in each package at your grocers Start a wrapper collection 1- A on account of the closeness of the af ¬ ternoons contest The ace prize was won by Mrs Francis Blumer Mr3 Bell having secured the second prize The next meeting will be with Mrs Joe Roth on East Government street GAVE A FINE- PROGRAM The week of prayer which is being conducted at the First M E church this week is meeting with much suc ¬ cess Mrs W L Vittich directed- an exceptionally interesting meeting yesterday afternoon the following program having been the order of the afternoon- The Need or Christian Schools in the Mountains Mrs W L Vittlch A Sketch of the Sue Bennet Mem- orial ¬ SchooltIrs Clyde Roberts The Need of Industrial Schools in North Carolina Miss Fannie Hen ¬ derson Solo by Mrs Griffith EPWORTH LEAGUE GAVE FINE ENTERTAINMENT- The Epworth League gave a de ¬ lightful affair last evening at the home of Mrs F E Brawner on Pala fox street the event having been ar evening with Longfellow Refresh ¬ ments were served and a delightful- time socially was enjoyed The fol- lowing ¬ program was rendered Piano Solo Miss Claude Kirk patrick Sketch of Longfellows LifeMrs- J C Griffith Vocal Solo The BrldgeMrs F E Brawner Recitation Miss McClellan Vocal Solo Miss Cawtbon Reading Mrs Dan Sheppard Recitation Miss Cavan Vocal Solo Miss Eulalie Hutchin- son ReadingVolces of the Night Miss Annie May Ha- llPERSONAL MENTION Miss Hattie Jennings and Miss Clara Etheridge have returned from their vacations Mr and Mrs F M Williams have returned from Oklahoma City where they spent several months Mrs W S Pierce will spend the winter in Pensacola- Mrs C H Turner entertained at a pleasant dinner party Sunday at Tur- ners ¬ camp Captain and Mrs Conklin and Miss Blanche are here from New Orleans and will remain for some time Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is today the best known medicine In use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints It cures griping diarrhoea dysentery- and should be taken at the first un- natural ¬ loosening of the bowels It is equally valuable for children and adults It always euros DR BLOCKER HOME Dr L DeM Blocker has returned home and can he found at his usual office hours in the Brent building MEALS FOR A DAY Wednesday October 6 BREAKFAST Oriogoe Cream of Wheat with Cream Liver and Bacon German Potatoes Hot Waffles with Syrup Coffee The Journal- LUNCHEON Crab Jumbalya Steamed Rice Potato Salad Sweet Sandwiches Tea Punch DINNER Okra Soup Baked Beef Heart Baked Potatoes Creamed Onions Baked Beans Tomato Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Angel Cake Coffee- IMPERFECT DIGESTION- means less nutrition and In conse ¬ quence less vitality When the liver falls to secrete bile the blood be- comes ¬ loaded with bilious properties the digestion becomes impaired and the bowels constipated Herblne wlli rectify this it gives tone to the etomach liver and kidneys strength- ens ¬ the appetite clears and Improves- the complexion infuses new life ann vigor to the whole system 50 cents a bottle Sold by W A DAlomberte drug- gist ¬ and apothecary 121 S Palafox St DRAWING AND PAINTING- Miss Chandlers fall classes in Drawing and Painting will begin Sat- urday ¬ October 2nd 9 a m to 11 p m Tuesday October 5tb 330 p m Studio 114 WsA Chase St Phone Io40 Ladies classes formed If de- sired ¬ I FALCO Soeclal to The Journal Falco Oct 5Dr Allen H Miller and little son Ridley spent Wednes ¬ day and Thursday In MilHgan Mr and Mrs Lee Greene are happy over the arrival of a strange boy at their house Saturday Oct 2 Prof M H Dauphin ot Dozier Ala and Miss Lillie Bell Jones of Oak Hill Al began the public school at this place today with a very large attendance More than 90 pu- pils ¬ were enrolled The school will run six or more months We are very eoocry to note the death of Mrs Rodgers which occurred Sun lay at 11 oclock She with the rest of the family have not been living In this seotion very long They came from near Coffee Springs Ala in 1908 She leaves a husband three ons and two daughters to mourn her loss Miss AureJia Durant will leave this week for her old home at Bromley- We regret her departure as she has been living here more than five years and is very likely to change her name- or at least we are reliably informed and will again make Bromley her home- D D Miles made a flying trip to Andalusia business Saturday Henry Francis of Laurel Hill was shaking bands on our street Monday Henry has a great many friends In Falco who are always glad to see him HARRISS- pecial to the Journal Harris Oct 5trs Jessie Eccles has moved from Pensacola up here- with her mother Mrs Condon for her C II This Factthat in addressing Mrs Pinkham you are con ¬ fiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose ex- perience ¬ with womens diseases covers twentyfive years The present Mrs Pinkham daughterinlaw of Lydia E Pinkham was for years under her direction and has ever since her decease continued to advise women Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse knowing well that they ought to have immediate assistance but a natural modesty causes them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probable examinations of even their family physician Such ques ¬ tioning and examination is unnecessary Without cost you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great MRS PINKHAMS STANDING INVITATION Women sufferingfrom any form of female weakness are in ¬ vited to promptly communicatewith Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass All letters are received opened read and answered by women A woman can freely talk of her private illness- to a woman thus has been established this confidence between Mrs Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken Never has she published a testi- monial ¬ or used a letter without the written consent of the writer and never has the company allowed these confi ¬ dential letters to get out of their possession as the hun ¬ dreds of thousands of them in attest Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs Pink ham has to draw from it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in your case She asks nothing in return except your good will and her advice has helped thousands Surely any woman rich or poor should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance Address Mrs Pinkham care of Lydia- E Pinkham Medicine Co Lynn Mass health- C T Tccles spent Saturday night and Sunday the guest of Mrs Eccles Mrs J Martin and family were the guests of Capt A Ward and family Sunday Mrs Williams and sister Mrs Douglass from DestIn were tn3 guests of Mrs Alice Jones Sunday Mrs Esther Thomas and family spent Sunday with Albert Watson and family The schooner Honor left this morn Ing for points up the bay for material to build a home for O E Jennings adjoining the home of Mrs McQulro Capt A Ward has the contract o build the cottage Mr Jennings ia train Cantonment Fla The steamer Florida passed here yesterday on her way to Pensacola- with six barges laden with lumber Mrs A Ward and family were the guests of W J Bicker and family Monday evening Capt A Ward and Albert Watson attende dthe Masonic lodge at Camp Walton Saturday Capt Chester Martin and mother were visitors at Boggy Saturday In their lovely little launch The Dove Miss Katherine Hatfield leaves for her home in Mobile Thursday wfaer she will enter school NOTICE To the Readers and Members of Lunrhermens Aid Association No 1 We the officers of said association notice an untrue statement published- In the paper by some parties stating there was no election of officers Now to all whom it may concern we desire- to state that an election was held at the hall on Oct 4 1909 and the fol ¬ lowing officers chosen for the next twelve months W M Wilson presi- dent ¬ Charles Molding vicepresident Edward Chandler F S George Grice R S and John Taylor Italf Shackel fort and Willis Harris trustees 4i 1e rau u WALSH MUST SERVE FIVE YEARS I Continued From First Page repay himself at their face value for the sums he actually paid for them- In this way according to the prosecu ¬ tion he secured for nothing stock and bonds to the Tace value of 30 000000 Walsh dreamed a great dream of a railway system to be pieced together from his scattered purchases which would reach from the Mississippi to the upper Ohio through Illinois Indiana Wisconsin- and Michigan to Duluth Minn and Superior WIs The quarries and coal mines were to furnish much of the traffic For two years it is charged that Walsh Ignored the demands of the Dr Frank U SwingI- s now located at Miss Carrie Horslerts 19 E Gregory Stv where he can be found at night after office hours Phone 1127 Stop Right NowLa- dies allwool worsted twopiece suits some plain others striped with fine lin- ing ¬ and excellent tailoring selftrimmed and real 20 and 25 values Special all this week at 1500T- he ReadytoWear Store 911 S Palafox St comptroller of the currency that he place his banks upon a firm founda- tion ¬ and when the crash came it was discovered that sixty per cent of thA securities held wore those of Walsh properties Of the 25000000 depos- its ¬ 16000000 were represented by the paper and securities of the Walsh enterprises Certainly She You are always talking about the fashions Now honestly do you think you would know the latest fashion In bats if you were to enter a milliners He Certainly Shellow He ruefully Bv looking at the prices Detroit News Something Good from Loulaln- noItAN LUZIANNE COFFEE P I i FRESH STRONG FRAGRANT 3L SATISFYING Two MillIon Cups Drunk Dolly Sold everywhere 25 cts 1 h- TH1t REILYTAYLOR CO NEW O LEANSUSAv- v f

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Page 1: F L THE Sickufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00318/0059.pdf · vv-L F r THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 6 1909 Q d PHONE 33 PEOPLE AND EVENTS PHONE 384 I L







IL 2 to

freniim6 p m =By Bonnie Burnham 730 to

from10 p m a

l J094-



W 4+ ThUZUbh065 U church

4Meeting of W

4 Is F C CommyBfl o-ne4 Meeting of the

Barcelona streetof e Woodman Circle die hall on West Garden 04 ociat

4 street from 3 unttiD mFRIDAY 44 ial Card clue hostes Irs Chester Serra on 44 Meeting of the t 4

4 North Alcanlz S

+44C4444 44 4I

L DAYSIN SC5lhouse by the road-

AraggedtlU sits the s

b r sunninge sumacns grow

tAtound It wiry vines are runningThe blac sters desk Is seen

Within tberf by raps official

The warprflo r the battered seatscarved initialsThe jac frescos on the wallThe char worn sill BetrayingThe doo at creeping slow to school

yentltormlng out to playingrs ago a winters sunug J

l Sho over it at settingVit iIts western window panesIst low eaves Icy fretting

It touched the golden tangled curlsiF d eves full of grieving

r pa e1a5<f all the school were leavingj eaVler stood the littleboFO c1ldlsh favor sinrcl1e pbJa T W facerlde and shameW1 werev iWithI restless feet the snowPusJight and left he lingeredtlessly her handsM bluechecked apron fingeredIaw her lift her eyes he felt1rhe soft handsnd heard the trembling caressing J

her voiceif4 a fault confess n

I<un that I sielt the Wordhave to go above yoUIecausethe brown eyes lower fljYOU see r love oumemory to a graYhafredt mansweet child tac isDear girl the grasses Showing

onHave 40 graveyears beenlHo growinglives to learnschool In Utes hard

few who pass above hJnLament theirLUte her

triumph and his lossthey love himJ G WhittierTHE MARRIAGE OFMISS SCHULMAN ANDMR

One oZ theressIve ot home


and most jU1

tOokY jterda at tband Mia mornin8 Juo hPJlleML-street when Miss Emilia Schulmanand Mr Stewart Robinson Meyerswere united In marriage by RabbiSwath of Temple BethEl the verybeautiful service of the Jewish churchhaving of course been employed Theelegance or the Moog home was ac-centuated


yesterday by the presenceI of large numbers of huge potted

palms the parlor where the serviceplace having been a sweet bow




FEMALE DISEASESJIm Ida Gilmore U7 Jerome Ave Owosso-

Mich writes I can truly say that the OrangeBlossom Compound Is worth Its weight in goldind more to any woman suffering with femaJoweaines as I did for years I was an invalidfox two years not able to wash a dish or maketoy bed Four of the best physicians gave meup and sold I could not jiva Tho fifth physiciansaid there TTEI onO chancoand thamras an oper-ation At this time a friend sentme circulartellingabout Orange Blossom Compound Iread Itcaxeiully and as a last hope decided togive it a trW I purchased a bos of OrangeBlossom Compound and the firsttre tment gaveme a little relief I used four montbs treat-ment


and from that time until now which isabout ghteen years Ihve never known what

It was to have backache headache orany otherprln or ache from this old trouble I feel itmy duty to make known to suffering womenthe great good that the Orange Blossom Com-pound


has dono tot me SlOO bjr all drugsiltS Call on

J The Crystal Pharmacy Pensacola-Flo for a book and free aample







Soll Cahn COAgents Nunnallys Candles

Phones 17201721



er of < lovely fronded things whicnwaved Jestically in the faint breath-of a ect October morning as itwafted way into the place Form-ing


a htfUl little nook were fourot the kits which tied with heavywhite ribbons surrounded thebridal jy during the ceremony Atten oct when the guests hadcrowded entire house the weddingmarch W by Misses Fannie Ber-lin


PaurRehfleld Fannie Wegenhelm anlabelle Berlin began MissGertrud eidman being piano accompanl nd Miss Lillian Jacobyadding laely the needed touchwith tbedns of her sweet violinThe gro < attended by Mr S AlvaMoog arred first Miss Schulmanfollowing the armor Mr AlfredMoor J

Attiredja handsome threepiecedj amythest with its rich

gleams o edescent trimmings andwith a sthg hat catching the tones-of the ei costume in a most ar-tistic


effdMiss Schulman who is aremarkaqhandsome young woman

a advantageIn her dfc as well as in the entiretone of f wedding wonderfully ex¬

quisite te of this queenly youngwoman railed a wedding in factworthy 1 Emilia Schulman

The pjbr had been darkened toutflashed Hght with electricity upon

I the brldparty as it entered and theeffect w1 charming indeed

After ceremony congratulationswere prfed in upon the young couploafter wCh wine and cake were serv-ed beautiful gifts were re-ceivedittestingJ to the unusual popu

l lartiy pd esteem which both enjoy-A Lge crowd of friends attended-

the cdple to the train where thYwere mowered with rice and goodwishe They left at noon and after-a wedIng journey will make their

I home in Louisville where the groomI is in business While Pensacola laloath to part with one of her bright-est


and best known young ladles itfa with every good wish from scoresof friends that Mr and Mrs Meyertlie laraRa hleiiiUcttV 1

Meyes will be specially missed as shehas been well and so favorably knownhere both socially and trom educa ¬

tional standpointsW C T UWILL MEET TODAY

The W C T T7 will hold its regular meeting this afternoon at the FirstPresbyterian church All members-are particularly requested to be pres ¬


Fine music genial crowd and thevery finest sort of hosts in the worldserved to make the opening ball ofthe Bachelors club given last night athorough success A large number ofthe best known young people or thecity were in attendance and as Isusual with the affairs given by theBachelors nothing could have been

more pleasant than the evening asplanned Tho Knights of Columbuhall where the affair was given prov ¬

ed a delightful place for an event otthe sort the dancers having made


rs Jones Was In a Serious Con-dition


Before She Helped Her ¬

self With Cardul theWomans Tonic

Dexter TexUI certainly was in aserious condition when I wrote youfor advice writes Mrs Calvin Jones-of Dexter Tex-

I suffered a great deal with thosedizzy fainting spells but after takingseveral bottles of Cardul relief finallycameCardui prepared my system for thedreadful change and when It came 11

was not half as bad as those dizzyspells I had before I now help everyday with the housework and am get-ting


along fineCardul is certainly fine for female

complaints 51 y neighbors praise Itand so do others

Take Carclui when you feel ill inany way weak tired miserable orunder the weather-

No matter what the immediate-cause It will help to brace you upgive you new force and vim help youto throw off the trouble that troubles-you

Cardui will not interfere with tuyother medicine you may be taking-It Is a gentle harmless nonmineralnonpoisonous nonintoxicating tonicthat every woman ought to take whenshe Is looking Tor health strengthbeauty and vitality

N BWrite to Ladles Advisory DeptChattanooga Medicine Co ChattanoogaTenn for Special and 64page book Horno Treatment for Wom-en


sent ia plain uranricr on nQt


For EczemaPer and the terrible Itching o >

piles Dr Hebrs Unsold IB a blessingand a wonder The first application wilgive you instant relief not only In casesof piles but also In all Irritating skin dis¬

eases such as eczema tetter rash bar-bers


Itch and ringwormUnsold Is the best preparation 1

ever saw for eczema ay J E White-of Carbondale Colo

Dr Hebras Ungold IB sold at soc apackage at all druggists or sent pre-paid

¬on receipt of price by The G C

Blttner Co Toledo Ohio Always sendsame of your druggist

For sale In Pensacoia by W A DAlemberte Druggist and Apothecary 121 SPalafox Street-

extremely merry until a late hourThe Bachelors In fact are receiv-ing


many congratulations as to thesuccess of the event


The Business Conference of theEast Hill Baptist church will hold animportant meeting tonight at thechurch All are requested to be pres ¬

ent The hour is 730 oclockNEW CHURCH ASSOCIATIONMET YESTERDAY AFTERNOONrThe regularClinch association took place yes-terday


afternoon at Hannah hall Theladies were out in force a fine lot ottork having been accomplished



Services for the closing day of theSukkoth Festival will be held atTemple Bethel this evening at 730and tomorrow morning at 10 oclock-At the evening service Rabbi Schwarzwill preach on Lessons From theSukkah


The Five Hundred club met lastnight at the home of Mrs H J Ben ¬

nett on Ninth avenue Mrs Bennettsaffairs are always full of Interest andlast evenings meeting of the clubwas pleasant from many standpointsas usual



Mrs E E Simon who has beanhere for several months the guest ot-her mother Mrs M L Roch left lastnight for her home In Memphis TennShe has been here for her health andwill be greatly missed by a large con-course


of friendsU


Congressman and Mrs WilliamBailey Lamar of Florida are at theWaldorfAstoria In New York andwill be the guests of Mr and MrsJohn Alton Harris at their lovelyAnnienu RJyerside Drive Atlanta<o



Mr D W C Yarbrough who isnow president and treasurer of a wellknown Birmingham concern and whohas been visiting his family here forseveral days will leave today forJacksonville where he goes on busi-ness



There will be an unusually pleas ¬

ant social meeting at the session ofthe Woodman Circle tomorrow at thehall on West Garden street the hoursto be from 3 until 5 oclock Re-freshments


will be served and all themembers are invited to oe presentLADlES BENEVOLENTSOCIETY OF TEMPLE BETHELTO MEET TODAY-

An Important meeting of the LadlesBenevolent society of Temple BethEl will occur this afternoon at 330oclock at the temple All members-are especially urged to be present asmatters of much importance are to re-ceive attention



The lady managers of the WomansHome held a good meeting yesterdayafternoon Plans were laid for thecoming months and records of thepast year received attention The la-dies


deserve much credit with regard-to the excellent manner in which theHome is being conducted


The Womans Foreign MissionarySociety of the Gadsden Street M Bchurch met yesterday afternoon Allwho attended were particularly wellsnlisfled with the events as recordedduring the afternoon an all aroundsuccessful meeting having been re-ported



The bridge party which Miss Con ¬

stance Knowles will give in honor ofMiss Mary Thomas has boen datedfor Friday Miss May Young of Ken ¬

tucky who is Miss Knowless guestuntil after Miss Thomass marriageto Mr Pratt Adams will share hon-ors


with Miss Miss Thomas as MissKnowless bridge partYAtlantaGeorgia



Mr and Mrs Hubert Prater oogand Mr and Mrs Edwar Forcheimer chaperoned a party of youJewish society people at a delightfuldance bn Monttay evening The af-fair


occurred at the Knights of Co ¬

lumbus haIl supper having beenserved later at a local restaurantMRS E MVOY SUFFERED I

A TERRIELE ACCIDENT-The many friends who know ai

love Mrs E McVoy for her estlmabqualities and Christian life wershocked beyond expression yesterdato learn of the terrible accident whichshe suffered early in tk days While


Sick rieadaoheAnd Indigestion

The Former Is Very Frequently Caus ¬

ed By The OtherThe pneumogastrfc nerve connects

the stomach region directly with thewhen the stomach is out

of order the head is almost certain tobe affected through reflex or sympa-thetic


nervous irritationThe headache of dyspepsia and in ¬

digestion is of every variety from thedullest and least defined to the mostacute pain Sometimes the wholemass of the brain seems racked withanguish at others the ache is con-fined


to the back or front part of tbvhead The first form is usually or aconfused character and is often ac ¬

companied by dimness of vision and amild vertigo or socalled rush otblood to the head The victims 01this symptom complain of a swim ¬

ming or lightness in the head anadizziness or a sensation of motionwhile the body is still and specks orflashes of light before the eyes

Persons subject to indigestion andother forms of stomach trouble arevery frequent sufferers from headacheand in numerous cases a sick head ¬

ache is the only noticeable symptomof indigestion present in others tnereare stomach manifestations as well

The majority or people regard thisheadache as a separate disease In-steadI of a symptom of Btomachdis

I ease which it usually is and they at ¬

tempt to treat it separately and makeI the mistake of endeavoring to obtainrelief through the use of headachepowders tablets pills and seltzers-the use of which is extremely danger-ous


as many of them contain suchpowerful depressent drugs as acetanilid phenacetine antipyrine caf-feine


etc which depress the heartbrain and nerve centers and lower ar ¬

terial pressure and many a personwith a weak heart has become dan ¬

gerously ill shortly after taking oneof these headache remedies Tney al ¬

so interfere with the digestive pro ¬

cesses and actually make the dys-pepsia worse than before-

In order to get rid of the head ¬

ache of Indigestionand most head ¬

aches are caused by stomach trouble-one should endeavor to reach and re ¬move the cause and the headache ef-fect


will soon be relievedSTUARTS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS-

do not cure the symptoms they curethe cause of the headache which per¬manently removes the symptomsThey digest every atom of food in thestomach cure all forms of stomachtrouble and the headache and everyother disagreeable symptom and un ¬

toward effect is quickly gotten ridof

Dont make the mistake of tryingto cure your dyspeptic or nervousheadache through the use of headachepowders tablets etc Vse common-senseI good judgment and one or two

i of Stuarts Dysp psia Tablets andyou will be agreefaly surprised ntthe rapidity with which the headachwill be relieved and cured simultane-ously


with the relief and cure of thestomach disturbance

Purchase a package from your drug ¬gist today for 50 cents and send us-

as h Trillforward you a trial package freeAddress F A Stuart Co 150 StuartBuilding Marshall Mich

leaning out of a window at her homoon Reus street the catch suddenlyslipped with the result that her ariawas caught between the window andthe sash crushing it fearfully breakIng the bones and cuttng the skinIn an ugly manner Before assistancecould arrive and before the windowcould be raised from he arm MrMcVoy who is 70 years of age hadsuffered excruciating pain and a phy ¬

sician was summoned fat once Shehas been in a serious condition sinceand her friends are concerned Indeedas to the outcome of the deplorableaffair


The Misses Nora and Bell Danielthe charming daughters of Mr andI

Mrs Lewis Daniel formerly thiscity but now of City will en ¬ter the St Andrews Business College to take a business course thisvear Both have many friends in PensacolaS


The Married Ladles Euchre clubheld a fine meeting after ¬noon at the hospitable home of Mrs

vdnev Bell on East Gregory streetthe game having been very pleasant

Anything a boy wantsMany imported premiums-



premiumone of our most popularis a striking or punching bag pcarshapc

hangs from the ceiling made of stronggood leather Boys size with suspendingcord and lace

Developsaboysmusclesmakeshimactiveiturdy and strong We offer it for 290wrappers or 88c and 60 wrappers This bag-at any sporting goods store would cost morethan

Grandma heads Pearl front and Exportbnrax Soap wrappers all three count on thetame premiums-

You can the necessary wrap ¬

per in a third of the usual Lime

GrandmaNot a washing powder but abtrax powdered soap Saves bills

Pear a pure white floating oap thecake for oc

Export Borax Soapthe borax laundrysoap Better than any naphtha soap forwashing with cold water Can also bs usedIn hot water

See illustrated list of premiums in eachpackage at your grocers

Start a wrapper collection 1-


on account of the closeness of the af¬ternoons contest The ace prize waswon by Mrs Francis Blumer Mr3Bell having secured the second prizeThe next meeting will be with MrsJoe Roth on East Government streetGAVE A FINE-PROGRAM

The week of prayer which is beingconducted at the First M E churchthis week is meeting with much suc ¬

cess Mrs W L Vittich directed-an exceptionally interesting meetingyesterday afternoon the followingprogram having been the order of theafternoon-

The Need or Christian Schools inthe Mountains Mrs W L Vittlch

A Sketch of the Sue Bennet Mem-orial


SchooltIrs Clyde RobertsThe Need of Industrial Schools in

North Carolina Miss Fannie Hen ¬

dersonSolo by Mrs Griffith


The Epworth League gave a de ¬

lightful affair last evening at thehome of Mrs F E Brawner on Palafox street the event having been arevening with Longfellow Refresh ¬

ments were served and a delightful-time socially was enjoyed The fol-lowing


program was renderedPiano Solo Miss Claude Kirk

patrickSketch of Longfellows LifeMrs-

J C GriffithVocal Solo The BrldgeMrs F

E BrawnerRecitation Miss McClellanVocal Solo Miss CawtbonReading Mrs Dan SheppardRecitation Miss CavanVocal Solo Miss Eulalie Hutchin-

sonReadingVolces of the Night

Miss Annie May Ha-

llPERSONAL MENTIONMiss Hattie Jennings and Miss

Clara Etheridge have returned fromtheir vacations

Mr and Mrs F M Williams havereturned from Oklahoma City wherethey spent several months

Mrs W S Pierce will spend thewinter in Pensacola-

Mrs C H Turner entertained at apleasant dinner party Sunday at Tur-ners


Captain and Mrs Conklin and MissBlanche are here from New Orleansand will remain for some time

Chamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy is today the bestknown medicine In use for the reliefand cure of bowel complaints Itcures griping diarrhoea dysentery-and should be taken at the first un-natural


loosening of the bowels Itis equally valuable for children andadults It always euros

DR BLOCKER HOMEDr L DeM Blocker has returned

home and can he found at his usualoffice hours in the Brent building


Wednesday October 6BREAKFAST

OriogoeCream of Wheat with Cream

Liver and Bacon German PotatoesHot Waffles with Syrup

Coffee The Journal-LUNCHEON

Crab JumbalyaSteamed Rice Potato Salad

Sweet Sandwiches Tea PunchDINNER

Okra SoupBaked Beef Heart Baked Potatoes

Creamed Onions Baked BeansTomato Salad

Vanilla Ice Cream Angel CakeCoffee-

IMPERFECT DIGESTION-means less nutrition and In conse ¬quence less vitality When the liverfalls to secrete bile the blood be-comes


loaded with bilious propertiesthe digestion becomes impaired andthe bowels constipated Herblne wllirectify this it gives tone to theetomach liver and kidneys strength-ens


the appetite clears and Improves-the complexion infuses new life annvigor to the whole system 50 centsa bottle

Sold by W A DAlomberte drug-gist


and apothecary 121 S Palafox StDRAWING AND PAINTING-

Miss Chandlers fall classes inDrawing and Painting will begin Sat-urday


October 2nd 9 a m to 11 p mTuesday October 5tb 330 p mStudio 114 WsA Chase St PhoneIo40 Ladies classes formed If de-sired


FALCOSoeclal to The Journal

Falco Oct 5Dr Allen H Millerand little son Ridley spent Wednes ¬

day and Thursday In MilHganMr and Mrs Lee Greene are happy

over the arrival of a strange boy attheir house Saturday Oct 2

Prof M H Dauphin ot DozierAla and Miss Lillie Bell Jones ofOak Hill Al began the publicschool at this place today with a verylarge attendance More than 90 pu-


were enrolled The school willrun six or more months

We are very eoocry to note the deathof Mrs Rodgers which occurred Sunlay at 11 oclock She with the restof the family have not been living Inthis seotion very long They camefrom near Coffee Springs Ala in1908 She leaves a husband threeons and two daughters to mourn herloss

Miss AureJia Durant will leave thisweek for her old home at Bromley-We regret her departure as she hasbeen living here more than five yearsand is very likely to change her name-or at least we are reliably informed

and will again make Bromley herhome-

D D Miles made a flying trip toAndalusia business Saturday

Henry Francis of Laurel Hill wasshaking bands on our street MondayHenry has a great many friends InFalco who are always glad to see him

HARRISS-pecial to the Journal

Harris Oct 5trs Jessie Eccleshas moved from Pensacola up here-with her mother Mrs Condon for her


This Factthat in addressing Mrs Pinkham you are con ¬

fiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose ex-


with womens diseases covers twentyfive yearsThe present Mrs Pinkham daughterinlaw of Lydia E

Pinkham was for years under her direction and has eversince her decease continued to advise women

Many women suffer in silence and drift along from badto worse knowing well that they ought to have immediateassistance but a natural modesty causes them to shrinkfrom exposing themselves to the questions and probableexaminations of even their family physician Such ques ¬

tioning and examination is unnecessary Without costyou can consult a woman whose knowledge from actualexperience is great

MRS PINKHAMS STANDING INVITATIONWomen sufferingfrom any form of female weakness are in ¬

vited to promptly communicatewith Mrs Pinkham at LynnMass All letters are received opened read and answered bywomen A woman can freely talk of her private illness-to a woman thus has been established this confidencebetween Mrs Pinkham and the women of America whichhas never been broken Never has she published a testi-monial


or used a letter without the written consent of thewriter and never has the company allowed these confi ¬

dential letters to get out of their possession as the hun¬

dreds of thousands of them in attestOut of the vast volume of experience which Mrs Pink

ham has to draw from it is more than possible that shehas gained the very knowledge needed in your caseShe asks nothing in return except your good will and heradvice has helped thousands Surely any woman rich orpoor should be glad to take advantage of this generousoffer of assistance Address Mrs Pinkham care of Lydia-E Pinkham Medicine Co Lynn Mass

health-C T Tccles spent Saturday night

and Sunday the guest of Mrs EcclesMrs J Martin and family were the

guests of Capt A Ward and familySunday

Mrs Williams and sister MrsDouglass from DestIn were tn3guests of Mrs Alice Jones Sunday

Mrs Esther Thomas and familyspent Sunday with Albert Watson andfamily

The schooner Honor left this mornIng for points up the bay for materialto build a home for O E Jenningsadjoining the home of Mrs McQulroCapt A Ward has the contract obuild the cottage Mr Jennings iatrain Cantonment Fla

The steamer Florida passed hereyesterday on her way to Pensacola-with six barges laden with lumber

Mrs A Ward and family were theguests of W J Bicker and familyMonday evening

Capt A Ward and Albert Watsonattende dthe Masonic lodge at CampWalton Saturday

Capt Chester Martin and motherwere visitors at Boggy Saturday Intheir lovely little launch The Dove

Miss Katherine Hatfield leaves forher home in Mobile Thursday wfaershe will enter school

NOTICETo the Readers and Members of

Lunrhermens Aid Association No 1We the officers of said association

notice an untrue statement published-In the paper by some parties statingthere was no election of officers Nowto all whom it may concern we desire-to state that an election was held atthe hall on Oct 4 1909 and the fol ¬

lowing officers chosen for the nexttwelve months W M Wilson presi-dent


Charles Molding vicepresidentEdward Chandler F S George GriceR S and John Taylor Italf Shackelfort and Willis Harris trustees

4i 1erau u


Continued From First Page

repay himself at their face value forthe sums he actually paid for them-In this way according to the prosecu ¬

tion he secured for nothing stockand bonds to the Tace value of 30000000 Walsh dreamed a greatdream of a railway system to bepieced together from his scatteredpurchases which would reach fromthe Mississippi to the upper Ohiothrough Illinois Indiana Wisconsin-and Michigan to Duluth Minn andSuperior WIs The quarries andcoal mines were to furnish much ofthe traffic

For two years it is charged thatWalsh Ignored the demands of the

Dr Frank U SwingI-

s now located at

Miss Carrie Horslerts19 E Gregory Stv

where he can be found at night afteroffice hours Phone 1127

Stop RightNowLa-

dies allwool worstedtwopiece suits some plainothers striped with fine lin-


and excellent tailoringselftrimmed and real 20and 25 values Special allthis week at


he ReadytoWear Store911 S Palafox St

comptroller of the currency that heplace his banks upon a firm founda-tion


and when the crash came it wasdiscovered that sixty per cent of thAsecurities held wore those of Walshproperties Of the 25000000 depos-its


16000000 were represented bythe paper and securities of the Walshenterprises

CertainlyShe You are always talking about

the fashions Now honestly do youthink you would know the latestfashion In bats if you were to enter amilliners

He CertainlyShellowHe ruefully Bv looking at the

prices Detroit News

Something Good from Loulaln-



Two MillIon Cups Drunk DollySold everywhere 25 cts 1 h-


