f vifhotjby—wrhnrhday, mat?c!fl 1, 1910 the urban...

THOMAS ADDISON, Auotioaeer and Valuer. ft ill Cesonptiana. va'-.-»t,.,ns for Prr.bata wad Legaoy Dastp, Prompt Settlements. PaMture End, Bowes. ALBERT J. WILKINSON &UCTIONKHR, VACKil, ESTATB. AND tMSL'Ri^ losur« your Live aad l}»*d Snook sad Pfop et . rga.niVi Air Raila. 'J 2, HALL 8TREET, laruard Castle. 2, Victoria Street, Bishop Auokiand. Telephone : 125. FORD, The Universal Gar, B id oars eat up yci".? ir.came 1; tat-, newor to move i i d carry weight, -j? gord Vanadium Steel Chassis—strongest »,! lightest in the wirld --'"dices fuel Ojnsg Mac and tyro vei .- to a minimum, •implicit/. Ugh", v ',:>.; sad economy made the Ford tba U -iver8 »l C u . Delivery Van, £130; Piv^-paraenger Toutln. Car, £135 ; Town Car, £185, 20 n.p.. effioientl, equipped. All Prises at Works, Maacheatar Fall partiealars from LOUIS SMITH, Automobile Engineer, The Garage, BARNARD CASTLE. Official Repairer to the Royal Automoble Club She Seesdole iDeucuny BARNARD CASTLE, MARCH 1 ST , 191«7~ SEVEN YEARS AT THE GERMAN COURT, THERE is interesting reading i n the March number of .the " London Magazine," for, in the disclosures ot Miss Edith Keen, who has recently returned from London to P o t s d a m , and who was employed for seven years as dresser to the Princess Leopold of Prussia, w h o i s sister of the German Empress, and sister-in-law o f the Duchess of Connaught, we have an insight to the rigours of the German Court. This is claimed to be the most intimate account ever written of life in the inner circle of the Hohenzollerns, and certainly her advent i n t h e Prince's castle in Berlin is as dismal a tale as was ever told. To this day the writer says she has never forgotten the feeling of hopeless despair that came over her, and never w a s s h e more unhappy and frightened in her life before. She was filled with vague terror, and felt like some trapped animal. Princess Frederick Leopold of Prussia, who, while staying in London as " Mrs Sherenstein," engaged Miss Keen at the Hans Crescent Hotel, as actual dresser and companion to Princess Victoria, was, as Miss Keen intends to show, no doubt acting as a spy. Very often Princess Frederick would go for weeks without speaking to her daughter, and the young Princess had a very unhappy time in an unhappy household. The Kaiser in Germany, and more particularly in Potsdam, w a s a tremendously glorified figure, but there was not so much glory given to his brother-in-law, the Prince Leopold of Prussia. The writer describes the banquets a s " scenes of the most elaborate, costly, and degrading gluttony," and General von Hindenburg as '• the most notorious; glutton i n the German army, except, perhaps, the | Emperor himself." At one banquet " the general devoured six stuffed partridges as against the Emperors seven, besides innumerable other dishes. Trince Leopold, who was at the banquet, afterwards said that Wilhelm w o n the " gobbling " match between himself and the general by one partridge, but that the reason was that the general d i d not like stuffed partridges. On one occasion the Princess went through the private gardens at the Neues Palais, where she asked Miss Keen to wait whilst she ana the Fraulein von Stromberg went o u to the castle. The writer then saw a rig lirc approach, whom she at once recogni» e as the Emperor, who said scornfully- "You have no right to be here, g ir1 ' whoever you are. G o u p to t h e c a S 'J v and report yourself there." Happw the matter ended there, for one of to. Kaiser's greatest friends, a -jd Ellendorf, the chief of a large finan>- ia firm which had just failed, h a d s h » himself on the previous day. M i s s K e e often heard of the dream of universe empire dominated by the swollen-heaa e _ monarch who, in anger, h a s a demon like expression as seen in the pictu « inset. Forthcoming Farmers' Red Cross Sal*' At the Barnard Castle Farmers' A n • * Mart, on Wednesday, Mr J. Atkinson P""*) 0 ^ over a representative gathering of farme'*. which arrangements were completed f' !! ' , t < forthcoming sa'e in aid ol the British Far^e 1S Red Cross Fund, to be hold ou March It** fa was agreed that the ladles interested •°° 0 0 have collecting cards issued to them, to* having the task assigned to tbem of c j ! l 9 °I j. stock and goods to be disposed of.—Mr * , Wilkinson, of Bishop Auckland, la * c t ' c f^,io honorary seoretary.— A lotter was read 1 Mr J. 1. Bell-Irving. J P , Rokebj Perk> offeri ^ to send cattle, sheep, and poultry.—A to** meeting la to be held to-day (Wednesday;- tie" IMPORTANT BOON TO LADIES. used in thUtroatfj^ O Pills or Drugs _ my never-foiling remedy, and I l****"w 0 se ire all female ailments. I invite a to care an lemaie ailments, l in««° "(red oases that have failed elsewhere. Stamp. * advice.—Ross's " LABORATORY," NO. 8, **i street, Cheltenham. m f ViFHOTJBY—WRHNRHDAY, MAT?C!fl 1, 1910 LOCAL AMD OTHER NOTPsS. fcord Barnard is c-nfir.c.d rq b°>i with s. vei-y bad cold. One estimate puts the number of Germans, killed a'; the battle of Verdun at 45,000. Another rept rt s'*tes tbs- up to lass Bsjadai thp German ?ose»S, that is kilW, wounded to a naisooe '». w»»rp 130 000. o- - — Mr B R WelU, of tbe Manor Boasr, gtartfiirtS, who is SSTVleg «<» a prJvatn in t*.- Offiee.-e' Tralr.leg Corps, kaoWa 49 tea A- r U Rifl^f, is on »v« of Ifi-vicg for h-nuen, be traii:>>a as hesi. T q l u'»rt-It ia reported that the battalion ia M font A gu»rd of honou: for General HA!R , At a in seiner of r.'^a Ku 'VB —Ue Society "7 Antiquaries, he>d on Toeisday K-.'<R:'U ateelr, Si> B. B. Bdleater, P.S.t., F.R.G.8., ezhibOd rebbinga of the three bvaasea o l Siuc->o«> Wtrendcrp In the U.trie -k -c.i Lubsek, < i 1S09 ; of Blsht p Robsrt H*'ln>n. of S'lis'iar*. in Constance Cathedral, ot 1416; acd ol Bivnop John Ava"t»ge,in Amiens Oaihedrt!, of 1458. Signaller H. P. Parkin, of the 21st Bstiialii- Rnjal B'uslllor*, has baen home *rt:m tar front on eight dajs' leave. Owing to the severity ot the weather, whloh preveated him Matting DOftb, his holiday has been spent with hi mother and sister, who utz on a visit, is Maoaflold, the scene of ills Clipstono training. He is well aod in good spirits. He returns bo France to-day (Wednesday). Lieutenant Leslie Keit'u Giflord-Wood, 6th i'urks., who ^vaa kiUod at Suvls B*y on A K-.JK: 12nd, was bore at ivirkby Ravensworth Grammar School, and waa tfcc yonnge* aon of the R^v. R Qiflord-Wooo, Yle%* of B>st Cowton. He was edncited ucd->r Mr Pr«a5y?lci. v. Riohmond School, where be took the langnbgo prlz*, was iu tbo crick"*-, tooiiball, and hookey teams, and hold the Ootiool Challenge Shield for long -distanoe running. Subsequently he mttrloulated at Durham Ur-lversity. The Rev. H. Fielding-Smitb, late Curate ct 8»inford, was Induoted to the teoutnbenoy if Forrett, on Thursday afternoon, by the Rev, 1. Q, Chester, Vicar of GlllH?, on behalf of tbs Archdeacon of Riohmond. .vmong** thoae present in the church w-to V»s MlcUeil, of Foroefit Park ; tea Rov. F. J, R Downie, tb^ Rev. A. 0. and Mrs Starling, fche K&v. R C. nnd MriSwayne, Miss Chester, uiii. Nes.iam, Mrs J.J. Cumming and Mr R. H. Eiieaton. o At a reoect meeting of literary men ali Bainford, th-e-? Ungniges peti sp-iken. • . o Mr Thorn-» Brringtou 6»yor, of lifts lit!: King's Own Yoiksbire Licht Iefaotry, Rugaiy C*mp, Car.tn>cIt Chase, Staffordbt'ire, son , f Mrs Ssyer, John-streer, Barnard C&stle, has obtained a o*ptaioer. o The name oame.-Hs w»s p>en t i i W plsnf. bj Unnxut, iu honour of George Jdseph Oamellus, or Ktme), a Moravian Jesui' who travelled la Alia, aod wrote a h<«tor> ot the pacta of tbe island of Lnzon. A nephew of Mr R. Sammersoo, of Fairfield, who is in tbe Northumberland Hussars, ess been in many battles, and has, si far, escaped ansoathed. The staff and sohoiarit of Cuckfield mixed JCDOOI , per Mr Wetbeioll, and Mi«a Dent, of Soow Hall, have uimtribnted garments to L»dy Anne Lambtun's Durham County Work Depot. O Sergeant Bu.- , of tuo Mounted Police, lomer;. of tbe local police force, has been at home at Barnard Ciatle on a few days' leave at tbsenoe. Tne N o r t b - B a s l i e r n Rvilway directors have ajMiaaaal Mr H. H. Weight, pa*':a>r;er olerk, j /siookton, to be a:ationmasiier at Bvenwood. On Tburaday, at Ovington, Mr i. R. Deacon, of Qalnford, aold by auotion tbe furniture of Mr John Roe, who has bp»u landlord of tbe Four Alls Hotel for about 40 jpti Amongst the prices realiaed w«re:—Pia'£18; Spanish oahogany sideboard. £12 15?.; m^bogaay doing UbK-. £7 10>.; inirroi a, ka £2 10f».; and Wilton oarpot, £7 5i. Thcro «ta it large com- ptoy present Woodland Beagles wiil maet on Saturday, Maroh 4tb, at Cotherstone, at 12 o'clock. o At a recent meeting ot the Newoaa>lc> Society of Antiquaries, Mr W. Morley Sgglestone, of Stanhope, exhibited photo- graphs ot neolithic implements found in upper Wetrdale. Privatea Jonathan Gregory and George Smith, ot the 6th Bsttalion Durham List Infantry, are on a tew daja' ienv; of ajajraea &t Barnard Castle. The Works Committee of the loeaj Urban Connoil cannot recommend the granting ot an application of a Committee of Soldiers for the ate of a room in Thorngate Mill f it dancing. a Lord Strathmor* , hos again sent to each member of the trsfiii department at Bernard Castle, and alao tha gaar<)s working pa»s—jger trains past BroomieUw station, a present of a souple ot rabbits. His Lordabip's kindness ia oaoh appreciated by the recipients. Hia Serene Highness Paal-Piast Riedeleki 'eft Bainford on Wedceaday. The Zetland Foxhounda will meet to-morrow »t Skeeby village; and on Saturday at Walworth OMtle: each morning at 11-30. Privatea Hughea and Lealie Walton, both ot •** Public School Batta 'iiTn, htve been on atlough in this town. We are authoritatively informed that numerous spurious florins are in circulation iu »<»« district. o At the evening service at tbe Weslnyan Church, Qalgste, on Sanday, a vary powerful Bermoo was preached to A iarg9 congregation by Seeocd-Lieutenant ' Gipsy" Pat Smith, from John Hi., 16. Corporal Scott finely "ndered a solo, At Hia Tcrone," aud Private «oweJl ably acted aa organist. o<— Private O. Coik aud Private J. Aialaby, of t<:e ^orth-Eastarn Railway Battalion (Pioneers), Northumberland Fusiliere, thank tbe peopfn ttoldron for the very useful paroa'a (bey "•Te leoeived, and whioh were very neoeptable. o Polioe-oonatabie Leylnnd, railway police, ' h o ha* been stationed at 8.irc»yd Oatidf lac it st three years, baa bfien pro'notod e rge»nt ) , c ( j tracaferred to Hull, where ho *ill eommeceo duty shortly. Bis cnurceay !•»« ^en much appreciated by tr/iveiiera on the ^orth-Eiatern Railway, by whom be will be Really missed. Its la understood that it 9a not '^tended to nil tbe vaoancy, at any rate at PWsent. The Urban Council. THfc OPtsAYiQW Of Til 8YI -LAWS. The Btonthiy aaeeUnjE of aida bo^'y waa Ue>id in Thotsday eight, nuder We piwaifiency ol fcir J. Win- am••, J.P. There wert, alan prpaent •>3es3rs R \. T -ws-nif h, T. T'nompaoc, R. Woc-;i- l-4m.", C. Hjdioy, is". Wilson, J. GUT , W.Hodgm-a, U. Walker, O. J. Smith, the Ba«. H . W . H . ''ircb *a3. ».;.d VJeatiB 3.1. D*wsot) (olerk), !. H. Vrtirch (aaaiataat-elerk), O. H, Welfurd, M.D. (meuica? offioar), C. J. G. Martin (aurvpyor ar.d inspector), t.au F. V. Ord (collector).—The Cl'ifk stated that nothing hxd been done in /pfareuoe to Flatta-lane. He was weiMog a >eply.—The Wc?ks Committee reported th\i tbe Olerk :'~ -.if-J quested to make applies- Uotj to tha miiissry «uthorittea for payment for watis? supply. The Resarvoir and Sep»r?»ia Water Rate. A special eomrcUue r*p^rr.«d sash bwln t 5 the itateroesh UavJc? bse mnde that tba overflowp'^e was Ifatttquaty to .alf" t' w»':er from the res«j>-voi», th a SutTojor WMinSt;uoted ;.i inspect tap pipo f"nm the reservoir atd xeparh on tha atata of the pomp at ailan'a, at (be Fouutaii) Heao.—The committee reported lost tuey could cot reoomoiencl r.i.--i sister lie paid for by seps-tito rste, but fbey suggested ciia) i t - anaual amount required for water be siiovctf bp Cue deinarid n,;te si so much In tfca pound.—At a utee-iioz at !.ho 'J^ciks O'.irina'**. 3, lieLi on ti'o 16;n ol February, Hie Baryeyor reported thiu rho r «aerr -.i 'j-»d been o'esned . cut, ana Mist tno water a»d ow beea tu?t>ed ) on tUii. The spring was • •:.>. .- I.-A a givtt \ quantity of water, aod tb°(c wos a pieutiful I supply for bstb the >-os?r-*r <ir and Ibe Iowa | mate.-The Surveyor further reported sa*t be j tad diaoo^reii a aerioas atoppsgs in tbe over- { flo* pipc.i in Mr Ireland's Arias, th=> obttruc- Maori removed bcit.^ cc<u.ppssd <i etoaee,sticks,! etc., whiei* mce% L w e g o t teii *.%o p!p*s blgi:er j up tkt.ii wbero t-.pestd c.u',-.isi ansste a cart- j road crossed the pipe-truck. Tho Surveyor I suggests ijn~iiig the pipes laid bai« Under t'.;s j oart -roAd tor farther mspeuiiou: aa count-ru^',- j iog n stone conduit ever tlie pipes to proteoii j taem irom the case w'asois, ho having plsuty j of old mauerial &« tbo yatd that woul;-. aerve i the purpose.—i'tre (v,:o;ia<>.6eo and Conceit' agreed.—The Surveyor had aoeepted the tender Mr J. N. Walker, ol (Miaaonby, for tbo cartagti cf cast-iron pipua so fejoaeyket.?,; a'j six shillings pec too,the cemmiitee eonflrm- j log.—The Bncveyot was lt<atruoted to purofcasa J wool rteof.a-- »>y »...• packli-;, ti ?'','sc,and j the committee l commended that the kraek ot UPPER mt K01FS. [BY OUR OWN C0RRE9P0NDKN1 j Toe eoaatnuatloa of tae stormy westhei is si ill osiuvirg i»ro»'! dthl of iricoiiyeniRiic.- 1 to outdoor labour in Oppar Teesdale. With *.b* storage 1 bay. farmers are cavicx a very aoxiou time. T h e r e v.-*e B heavy snowfall r , , i Saturday, sad t n severs! of the roada taeffio wss eompietely beld up. *** The misslo!; at tee Primitive Methodist Chapel, Hill Top, Efr-gJestoat, eondnoted by the Rev. C, P^tcSer, of Middteton (oircait niaisfer), concluded on Friday night, when tbn reverend geciileman gave a lecture, entitled " Personal ?emlciscenee»." Tbe Berviocs througnou-j w::re cf s high, spiritual tone, pod, aHh?ugh tbe Wi :acber was very inclement, tne companies have be-::, good, and the rosol'a ware vory encouraging. It la hoped to tforr, a Societv of Christian Endeavour In eonaaotion with thy.!; cbnreh. ASSAM'S flliim ti .t A r-<-'-i : y weddlnf Scok pJaeest the Primitive M .uUiai Ctiu< cb, Btruard GasHe.ou Saturday, h'tvj oontraetiag parEilea beicg Mr Robsrt i^^fpve third ROC of Mr aitd Wirx R. '"ir'»ve, nf Rreekbolme, Middleton, Sad Miss Elizabeth CasUwortb, third dauathter of M: aad MSB W. C')at «wi >rtbi ol HuaeBbope, l&ih* M. Coits- wcitb was the bridesmaid, and Mir Thompson Grieve aofcetl sa ^roomsmaa. The bride w*3 attired In a biseult-coloni'ed c?atnm<?. with Wwk bat. Tho brldesaiald was drtseei in a navy coe«e<t<«-, wiih b!->ok hat. A great deM '•• i;.:.' f<j»t wis maaifaated la tha cv-nt, as f both parties ass well kaowc in the locality. i *** lir J. R. R>b»in, who, for % good tuiabsr (sf years; '>*.« acted »s car Upper Date norres- puadenr, has late Midrlletov, having obtained x'l appoinrmsnt nndev Messrs B.ilekow, Vsughan, sad Company, Limited, at !?etryhill. —{MB Robscn was a trusted, oarefnl sad eanseteoiiotiS man, »r,d n«ver oaea in bis lor?.- and faithful career ta our correspondent bah »ny difiioulty sriartu. Wn i«inc-tire ! y wish fciia every success in bis new sphere of 'ah.>ur Peib .T.aliy we regret hia departure. —ED.] MIDDLITOw-li-TEESOALc m Cn-.S tn 't!r><i.-s&*x t-'... '• c-.<: - :he Jasamiees :t Kirk-ted Oaanle Mz-c- rj.iaa' luat-tn'". Mr R, If. S'escifln. s» »s-is*anf.-mae?. at tbe North Bk«>«'.-' Coitniy Sobooi, •w.vv.d {••{.'Testing lecture «t> "Fligun." Tfce Rov. ft G. it.vj-jiSouse prc-rided. aa-1 -Here WMI a large aadienoe. Tetre w»a no fesu f c i th.« !aaie .O| so She I(eetnrer began by demonatratiag solas of tbe prl.icfolee oi flight; with proper gH^o.ra shaped like birds. These oculd <ie aontrolled ID all diieotions by suitably beading oortioes of tbe wioirs and ts!'. uad wocid " l o o p tfce loop." M*Ir.?.y histories]) man h-^s aiwajs felt adesirejto fly, as witness the- Norse ieg» >~d* Le;>a»»"3i. da Vinci, the- first to stufi? and deaetibq icitntifssall] '• • flight c ! b i ^ a , and deduce ptroiptee oi meebsnioil fiij.:U fc . L .:•• j •. preved by sxperimeni ate Ses.-..*.'- bll'.ty of flapping fiigbs'. so he turned the »b« -.- .-• ti.rf hla star?eatstowartiagiiciog. Tbe s d.!flicu;f| ol s o w i n g - tks» e*asl pasr-abafd I gas-bag] produced tee aansage-':<!ap>d typ-. '• A g»*l-.g wiib no frame-wctk ?o«i; si is •ad'msdWistceiieg bad if psrtiaiiy deflated. j Zeppeiti|. with alnmlnlum frajae-work acd j tsas-hs-j?^ invit'e r ae malt! ecver, always kepi I shs :i : *«•• when deflated eoroplsSely. Theye was A dlfficuiiy of a o o u r a t s i y a i m i n g 5>ocvb«, •;£ J fir'^fc- gfcra *:om a Zeponif::, %u& of hitting a [ Zepp< i!ii -'tuui lUegrouu:!. o..'>o« wiirosbawa, j giving l i s p ams of balioone. A letter i M l >.o?ive4 from Oatumaaiicr PoEibarli.in-Biliiwg, dshlirgivitb *b«i progress of asfatfca and crcseatMay eitosttoc, cf whioh tb*» lt.-ilowfng is an ixfrac ;—" The v » r Office reasived mo j petiSelyl bu'; naa prepaxad at teat I mctcenti to taktt up avistioa as a miiitary I posslbillt.r. By tc!s t>*e Menss Wiight I Brothers we^-e exaibltlng to fiia world "ho | mc;nse»4 of the fessvi-'i-JaBt-.-iir maehlaes [ J Voiaua tn persuading ex kites is»the air. • j 8 >c-tbs Daoont visa exeitlcg admiratica *u& J I approval cf f.\) tissra lotercstsd. I; r"ifa I f'/untiyjCo^y and myself wes?e eajaavruring i to perapade bi*» of eanvas, string, bamboo, j and IdJyOin engir.es into tsim as- Lord j Koi'thciv VvitvoBssn sr.r.- developaMJat •-. t aee j awohirlaa, and 1'nrriedly commsnoad efferias; I BBOS otanooeyfar t'-.u b-s; fi>i.:g rcacLi: r. to be won |c compstiiicn races. 1 i 1910, having I ooutc, I dropped our. bu; is 1913 ro'>k u4 tbe wcrk ag».»D, bernsLouoe n-i,T'> flnanoltf.? able ) u-: ru. 1 ^orjed o? . • " the oui developkig ud plaLei k of tfca war, ateadiiy Milding au*i »j« and the water sni'.a be oontinned. acd r.i-.ai iecgtua; of piping found neeebsary do ordered by the Sarveyo., o-o bis completing she massaremafits. Mt*rj wui'.f. the irttter queBtiou ...oca over for a montlt. it Plan and tha Bye-Law. The Surveyor had pro iuceii plan before the Wiirfcs Commit 1 ee wnlch i ;rd beeq aub- iniitcd by Messrs R. Wilson aud b J ..* ou bibsif of Mr bwinbank, Horae -markei!, for buuding a ': bfrth-room over an existing small buildteg now used as m lav^torv. Too commi«t «o had ' ii L the premises,the ht8' v :>rrand plan j wcieb h*-,d boen seat to the. JUedieai Offl<w, I and were of oplakm tha« no objeotlan eoutd bs I taken to the pt»e,»^d »ucordingiy redemmended i tuat it bo pxased.—M« Bireham was . R i r-,-: I ho Cjuncil adopting the reeommeadatiou, i convinced ai». he was that the ;aoi! a &thcrity j could not -vs.ve its powers, aud If ralaxad i n j „ce oass they oughi. c > bo in OatfcVS. He •>.$ \ not opposed to b*:i.-. II'P . Hu wished there j w »s uiie in every Louse, bui tho bye-law uf J 1879 stipulbted thati there uusa ha 2i fast cf j air ipaco at iea«'. He aooordingtj moved tbs,t ! the C.JUUO'.- express thai* regret that they I ware baonaU by the bye-s-.w fr^ta fcaeciiioning j the plan.—The Cletk'contended thjt oven it! the buiidtog b»id bee me a. asw one -waicu i t ! hail not—ti;» C .uucii eoald cot psaa the plan. ! qaeatteaed the Accuracy of Mr Wilkin's j ataituieat as t J the Cauc:'< htviug over-raled '. not ouly tue bye-laws, but the laws ol the lrxd, j and rem^ikeu ih\i iu the instance sited priva'e property was given tit tbe advantage ] of tbe pabflc, and, ti^e owaer UKir.g an ! equivalent, tkate aotMag illegal »b<jut »ha traaaaetiou.—all Walker: Are we justified ia giving up asy l"*'*d ?—Vcs Cierk replied in the affirmative, ea «aded cast ;:, public body o m A not abr.gato its ow? laGds ou aejraeeoaat.— Tbo Ohaiiman ubaerved that it the Council booked & polio? of building ia vai-cis already orowded t^iey would be rop ierlng ougr,sory the e .-Curprioe they hid begsn ia the impsovemeat of bousing ooadltioUS elsewhere.—Mr Smith said it had been done before, acd he had protested agaiust ia ma- • y timea. Thu preos- dent h&d, however, been estabUshad a .• Ic^g that a was difficult; to break away from in.— Iba Chaum-c allowed that there' hid been cases in whioh tbe Council had raised no objeoti -ii.—Mr Biioo&m : Is i& u'.mpiy -, oon- fesalcu of the memo .•-•a themselves that they hvre s i . c one side toe bye-i'.ws when i t has pleaaed them ao t o do. They have pof their own opicir.es bafore tnelr own bye-laws, and if they ai •'} respaos their own taws how can tihey expect the public to de so ? 1 believe that iii is not within tbe powers nf this Council to allots this pun. i t w aid be ultra vires, and it would be open to aay mssmber to bring tbe matter baiore the Local Qoverasaeat Board, aod 1 shenid regret if the B. ard were thus iu any way degreded.—Mr Smith remarked that the natural ounsequeooe cf the proposed ssjtdoo would be that if at any time the Couiioil brou^at owcers before te- magistrates tbe present instance might be ottod in excuse, asd tbe defendant would win bis esse.—Dr. Welford gave it as his opinion, as Medical Offioer, that a man could build as high as be liked BO long us the yard spt.ee was not encroached upon. —The cemmittee's recommendation waa eventually adopted, the Tidal asking tnat a note shoutd be taken of hia objection. The Darkened Town Streets. Mr Arrowsmith oalled tha attention of the Conncil to the Cimmerian darkness prevailing at bights in tbe Market-p-aoe, and especially near too public conveniences, aad at other points. He aaid it w « dangerous, and he auggesNid that the pubiio ahonld be warned not t : piuce asc-bexes or tins on the footpath otadaigat.—The Clenk replied that i t waa illegal u; o'ao•-; receptacles ou tks public wayB dvanight,lend that ali that was required was to deposit tntci in the morning immediately befote the arrival of the so&veager*. Workiiuuse Sorner Widening. The Cieik had reported to a meeting of the Sanitary Committee tuat the conveyance had been executed by Mr York, and the purcbaae money paid over. With regard to the land to be taken over from the Guardians, tbe Local Government Board had r*qnired tw.> plans on a small scale to be seat to s.ieiu, acd this had been done. The Question of Street Lighting. At the rcqseat cl the SaaLary C-immittee, Superintendent RiddeU had attendod a meeting, and, after discussion, it was dooidsd that, as a trlai 1 , all attest lamps we-o rot to bo l i t ah eights far one month. The committee also cr'asrsd that kerbs at street corners shonld ba wbite-wasbed, so as to avoid aocldents as far aa possible. cxnertmentat sypt 1 asfra inve 'i 'Ud aev-jr. S t'ie BeavjMr4hsc-air msei.l-.;es purprsod t * use the war|we r-.re waging, bur, u.til 'be iaangs- "M 3, S*W ? ' i 'i BaMoaai policy, :«4ua eandte dor Murtn-Kwtorn j ©cr t.iJ-J service moa* be gresteVtbac t soa-aoa, and & i o a T y W 8 ^ j n ^ paa$. There is ai .- . rma Several ijoftl aoliiiers hive reoantly viaite Toesa i>e fr ^m the front. Dating last trssja+ead j ^coaii" PrSva* William BeU, wU« sjaa una of tbe first i JJ^J' „" ree»ni-> irom Middlatoni p^id a visit to SUB nelive pixoe. Ho baa gone through BOOM v. rv heavy flghtlcg, having taken part i « tn<» battlc< rf Loos, wbero ho had a broshe; killed. Pe*vate ! ; C Bainbridge, n{ ttia Royal Field Areilles'., who joined s;e „rmy ia January, 191b, visit ed bis p&i'a-its isisi; week-enu. Sersaant JJ. Gil!, Wad wa* iornifutly employed as a ~ Railway porter at Uiddietn<i member «f the Terrftorlsl Force, also visited j f a t u . R . t W e ar a R o longer as Island, .. •aiddleton lass weak. ^ langes llolated from the woild, bui every ci:, ; r t . ... e . , . . l i e s up-fc the sbord of tha .-..cean o? th;. »lr I to o.-uriectiou wvtn Middleton M«ocaaics' o p e G t , : ..,;, c k from hoaMle craft. Given aa ; 1 isti ntr, a whist dnve was held on Wednesday | it&cleu t, hi: . „rv^e.il -.3 Zeppelin horr r w ' evacicg w the large billiard-room, Taere was ; ^earne a b ..>ey of i w cas? " 8 idea, showing S a Jab attsmdaaee. Ihe tollowiast w e » the R l j a i o g blt .< u i a -..tic atiisnded» priz»-wlnr.ew :-Ladiea: 1, Mrs Jacksoa; 2, d i ^ r f t m riides, showing the diffioal,! , • I M*a Ward ; 3, Mrs tf. A. Thompsan ; 4, Mrs | ctt ,? oat , 8 with wbieb birds nod. abaseu :. re to j COB tends; slides <«--iti;g the much&alosl | siiJ-i uf I tbe qaes'.Lm. • x. '..tining the usMRrej , aud aatBO of the forces ctiag up:;n K bod ia very su<ieossfalaeries of servioss waa tiii3 MrT the Wri^t 8-.. experiments ; ! neld in noaoecttoa with t he> Waskr /an Ohapei, a i . m e t . 4 j, v sqropiaaes ; Istri I •-•nee, including j NawMsjgia, on Sttutday aad Saeoay sea. Oa a i i i ^,-i ' machines; phov. i - a p b x elides, ! the forme? evaniog a pubuc meeting was held. I a e p u »ti* aeroplanes nerfomlas -i.ll.utt! preaidfa nv<r by Mr Nana, of BawJeMr. , 6 v iuU^ts, iaclnd: ig upside-dewn flight ; and : Addresses weredeUvsvedJsy Mr PniUp Bead.e, | further ^xperimeeto to li;.»aev;ta p n t c i p l e a - ' the nolaa engine and fee flight cf ? model j aeroblaae wore alsooomiaec ted np.sa.-Owltig j be iiaikeoed sueets- lb- next le-rtuie, i enri*>lsd| '' Penaa^ee,' %e\l\r Isles, Torquay, i Exmonti, ©ta.." by sir V?. O. Usui,, l Bishop ! Aaaklarm, will oomm inoe to-uiorri' n i.'i'unw- j day), atp o'jioek. Tu the Edatot -t sue "Ttaadate -• • . - v ' SIR,— Os r uivy trLvids <»--.u Le-c--. > ay»v be ir.tei. ete-i '-.-> I earn t'.st aires Oc*ob*'f Us':, vitta y a kindly p •' ad • si > : SB« r . id -;nr aaaoants, wsfcAV*dr.- :% cied ut. v.'.*s -.r...r of cid 'or '-a fo.' soJdiess i -.-/ Depot hi DurLius.ii-ii' o tbe Bed r . e y, besides ••jn'iitjr Chris.mss pr«*ut>.'.' to a->vw ;?3al man (6t r,ha froto !«id ia ^rtiniij..-.:. •.. i yvaplylaa maxy wac iiavf been at h.-t-e >a iarloagh with fcocki, vMtilzir- etc. The total cumber c" itea.? aecpat ^ed sr.»a ; U .-TS, Gicst of there bedag Lai'.Jed garment hot '^o parcels seci t. !-ba Reu Crocs So incicded p:i : ov -s, op^vsnlon atccii.-iK^ o>d 'ices. (<ud bat waier bcttle covers.?!! -A w.ic>'-6r»coi;st3r '.!y requirec. r.s th.-. ccapiia.s la Octchj:-, at *ho Teqnest of tbe Parisb Oicncii, a BBb-eoSBBlttai e was fi^mfd, vith BiUs Hnr.t r.i teeseVary, r n oollee' Pen y nssd for toe RadOsoaf 8 ly, liad * i Ho ^BdsaM Ut.vti KZ-. young duiaaatoH be*:-. th»: ^ f.- -.uySlO 105. h'jt i-.es.i - aid to \ i r J.I. i )iw«ou,lio dis'.rioh tredoacer, the rsaslat of which hii. '..sc - i'-.j- \tLu?n':.i\iiKzA ii '".ia " Tcr»5»i 9 Mdtwry." to DeadasW >di»s F<an.-;:, and Vita swat oollsaasd tba aom al £1 12H. Jics,, wolid v.. it devoaad bo toe ptoajtaassj ii rasa littoa to enclose ir, whe parrexsfc^r-ti- J-.lddleica men ar, Ciiiiata.ia temn Hosre inii Wetsou bav»> ss»"v kbo i l y audir-ed enr »occr;t;t9, which stand sc faEowg:— BdOaffiai no to February 17:n.£62 10a. 75 ; .^xnaaditare. £59 S*-. 10a.; balance, £3 c-s. B: Phis i f uvea a vc-ry roaall .-...:v . to cci -tit'..-. ; wr r i. sirciiilj we fc*fc;: c> a movsaaacl hsing ett foot to mplnsjlati mt. J-.-rt-. i n t b a abaca jf aa auetico naie, wiiiah wu hope v i i ! ba loyally support:^. Till' need for bel,-. in 'ari.t ever, v .-J the iem at.-.-. o:s the Red Cross klOspitala wili. !!• ia feared, bo caoicvur. Oa^ ioor-I cen, to., r .r« t. WJ»3* asodt grateiol lor home-knittad oie. wakw (ney had t; be •neii ssyerin* to swrtntii ht & eomfort to ksoss sncpHed by u:e- Gov-a»uij.»v'. nuc' w*-:» eoBsider the n"iifl'.'".' £' sy ardsaahtssrssSrH t<!ti laSit v,a es-r-... do wuffitieci tor tiiei . —Yours very trBiy. JANE fiVPffesTT, bs. ssdr< tary do t,br K<«.f Cose n'crklbg P&rty, ;.i lodie: 06-to-'r"*« '-rir-!o The Grove, Mlddlet^-ia-Td^adalr.sTslHisWST 2H:c, 191G The Late Wis John Howson i the Callinsoo. Ge.Bilemen: 1, Mr H.Heelie; 2, Mr H. C-JII >:-,; S, M r 3. Bassey; 4, Mr J.W. Hunt. of I Foresi; and Mr T. W-Uxce, of Woodland. K pie supper folia wed, which was wall patrnr- insd. Tho provisions ware begged acd given i ^~ by friends.—On BqadSy aftersooa sen. the sr-rvioe wss o;-7(?uat«d by M» E. Hind, ct Copley ; aces la the ovenicg by Mr Wallace, scilos * e » sunn ali all tne oervtoet by fuessrs Wallace and Hi H Mr Hlad aeoompanfed on she ooooartbvt. Good oimpaai -M ware peesent at the various gi tnariegs, acd too resoits ware vary satisfactory.—?he ssawards of tho ehapel mos* aatoestiy thank all frlaada, those who gave pies, etc., aaa ail wha ia any way ceiped to make the waek-snd s, suooess. | Puipli Ri L . r.ce al Iris itslryM Chu;c i '. Kb tbe ser»:vf. ca Sncday njernieg at 'he Weslejan Church, brl.-.'s t i j btogiuj?, cf *.ra byrar, *ThSJ satols G-.ii! fcjtlr cosfiiet pts-.." ; -.i -J ef- r ..i •;; was made by the Vi-yt.c~'jt (toe Bev.4 P. Bodgsoo) to tbsj pars-n«; cf M 'H B. i , Lbs/.oidfat ssBSBbev of eaorah in Batoird C>.H'.le. Firm in t'ii-eipie. kind f -:i : j ;«».»ion* !r macaer, large he.%rt»i5 in ber Vm?'.tcie* aod g;f'.«, afce will be »*.ij mlaissd, especial!] to r nesrtlcin w»«. « the TboTugate Miaalot. the weifaro of which ».- S>B SJ dear «> her fces--'-. In recast years '.He was a htrikicg exuer^t -beaa^ict old.age, t'co BaMrral result cf c:.r ! .v relijrlous (to-:iaier!, I w , d •. • *• i 'si- .-* c-seifirt service, lie- 1 leve lor tat' needy - WAH Inspired «ci« aueia .iv.il i.-j ha- Unrm't C?fciiofc—The Vresehit:- ^.t: exc.--e»«.« - ......t-p • . i i t h vhn f»n'.i}r of S.-r J.t fa Wei ni The r BOO wst kill • •• ssjslaa h'rcit; sc>i -. .- vvr.a i sg fded by 'ers- v» CL:jf the fle.-i-^ . -7 rs:i •->t WSci.rs in ':te re£luen<. Ee 1;-> ; v»ti . •• -iii .os to this totva, v i a nioaru ti>'< off a ufa So I brigbt and foil ot promis<'>. —The *ubj*e- o* tha ! mcrui-;-; discourse ;. '• .< ">iri t>e veil," from ; tho sex-: 1.'Aetaatonia .- -v, >3-K. The Rev. Spencer Wade and the Parishioners. The local iradesmeri's Assooiation. Papar Crisis ami Early Ciosing. The quarterly meeting of the above assacis.- tion was held st Ooligbtly's restaurant, Btroard Castle, oc Wednesday nigh;, under the presi- dency ot felr G. Olarksou aarker, thaappotaaed preaident, and there were »iso presact Messrs W. Hodgson, K. Holdsw rih, J. V. Atkinson, j impcasib]- The Malta Hospital Fund. Ike Treaaurer bags to aoknowiadga the ftif^ 2 "tides from Mrs Wilson, too Grove, s.id following subscriptions:—Mrs taeriii:-!, Bicester, £1 Is : r<-- Mr c B Martin : td< J. * Carnell, Albany. New Yoik.F.8 A,£6 ; lii&B ?«nell, Albany, New York, U.3.A £1 ; a J»end, Albany, New York, TJ.B A ,4s ; previous- ' y aekaowledged, £o3 9s. Sd.; total, £6Q 14s. 8 J. Mewbiggin Belgian Relief Fund. The Seoretary has reoelved the foilowiag I mounts for the collections m.*de on the 31st of Jsnuwy aad 145a of Febiaary, 1916 :— Messrs Geo. Nixon, 3s I d ; Gib. Coitinscc, 4s 3d ; J»bez ilirg..te, 3s; J. W. Gibson, 15s 2i&; Joshua BJ.MJIP, 5 S Od ; Arthui- Parmley, -i ; ' Reg. Balnbridce, nil; Robt. Scott, Is 9;d; Jos. I Beadle, 3i 6d ; total, £116s 6d. G. Craig, 3. Breeo, R. B.Gent, W. Hodgson, jai.-.. R. B. Mo?toe, iV. Bloomer, R. P. Hunter, T. Boardmac, Z. G*rhutt, J. Swinbanb, A. V. HemnsaM, and J, H. Dunn.—Iu cmaootion whn the ptp'.j crisis varion>i suggestions were thrown out and an interesting discussion ensued, it being finally cfcoided tint a notice be printed asd sent to each member respect- fully rekicg their customers to bring baskets forthaeawrytogof goods wherever possible.— If the light:.,.-; reetriotloos continue till tbe autu.-j=v 111 was foreshaaowed that the J To the Bdiior the "Tersdala Merou:>." j DBAKIBIR,— May I , tbrongt you.- column a, { address! our masy kind f:iucds of Barnard | Castis—iespeoiaiiy ? ; :asa wic» hive borne t':e , burden io? tha werk—Woo ao -.at:'- [sMatcibated towards too baaddesht presenti I Btada Sqbtrs Wade rid r ;ss 'd!f. .a The: -l».y, tiie.24ti Bit t It was iMpeoatbhl to co.fi:: : witbia fceroom kindly ti by M»e Todd *u. .- I a large pnciber of cuhtaJibars :.. .a met them evjsrj- one >?oaid btvo pauved A task «.s *s it would have beea dei'ghUQi I Ai! their tiaases, howevc?, arc ooaaained to the ! charmioig ailv-'-bound note-book aod bard- esse prfsented to tore Waa-... Already it has ; been nJ ^a:ali j.»y Bo road oat, one by oaf, tha i unmea ;sf macj, the racaembtaaoc cf wboa is j big with happy sUoughtm.-f pleasahtoddai lona. Perbir'i no pei-i.)d of our 3»,-rloa HJe bna bean so frnictul cf profooad friecdsaip ss ths ya&r ws >r-«u« at -car old Barnard Castle, trc^. thla qu^et oauotry viaarage wo r ;ivptlmeto( conlamplato tho near past. Mno v i there j seams that might bave been bet tat ot.Verwise Gothet'Sluiiia bsdiiCIl CT the rjii'ti&h sV0fflen*6 T e m p e r a n c e Association. j Th* Xc:i-ipfctA..v» fcaii. CYfeare ..'ic? vna> v.-.:; fllled cn the 'ovcr-hi'; Februa-'- wb'.a I sbe Bri-.lsh Womer a iet-.^c-rc -a. ; i •:. j held anarhesf of t">3:r evcr -Be ;eame aetuegs —Mr '?. Kiplicr cocupied tilt cL&i;, ic^,.- B j fo-s wsii-ohoset: rssaarks, Ihtrodaoed tee ••v»%kai".—Mr F l e t o L e i , ; i Jse ^ «.%'. .- >T. i ne. | v.. irtjt lavcnnto i a.- toeyLcng to:k | of C-;... - Bj me; srith > irarvn taedocSna, J He. j-*-*.-} f,u (.'..w est n- 6 stirrtogj sdaress, i cssi' g bin ':"3»JI:S ehi i i . .;. b * a k r - U toe , ffectai' c.-. b u o a twavpc:... - )V. : ^ 5"%iohcr. I like "i e^-iitas cf Wiuj adPglsfi : t o u j whie-; -c B.:waj>. -iu;yto t .i ri-^* a u.?s&t• nc thus artc-e^s t h a atfct ntiot ox ^i -;i ycuc «it6t#.- Miss ftliiaoa, o f Ba«reia x*va tara-a noift acd * vio :..i a-alr, and E'- Jjcwsoo, cf t':-.-c.».-:k'.k, playd ijeiecttcne on (toiiu, '. _. . .i bens hro9ga> t j r ; o;."ie!asion c:.- ..I tco k-j.s saccisstol mcttizz*. tats sew.r... -Mlas B toe i* she speaker : t.ss-: ai-:,.: ,„ --i-•. id to be feeid oa March association weald consider the question ul but we have not aiwgether tbe sta,; earlier olnalag. Hution Magna Whist Drive and Dance, Oa S'riday sec. tho committee of the Huttou U.< fa" W«? Working Pasty organised a whist drive and dance to the Wyoiifle sohool- room, kindly lent for the occasion, T.-.e afiiiir turned out to be a great success, as WR? evidenced by the fact that 40 tables were occupied by the players. Tho ladies' prizes were given b? Mr Hedley, Mr Woodhams, Mrs Storey, and Mrs Green, White House; whilst the gentleman's prizes were the gifts of M r County Cue oilier Brittaic, the Chairman cf the committee (the Rev. A. W. I I . Cicse), Captain Berry aud Dr. 8andezs, The consola- tion prizes were provided by the committee. Donations wore also given by Mrs Bell-Irving, Roksby ; Mr Robinson, Hutton Hall ; M r W . Baiabridge, Darlington ; and M r Hmbletos, toy ton Manor. The prize-winners wore ru follow:—Ladies firat priza, Mrs Presa; second, Miss A. Aisopp ; third, Miss -3. Raice ; fourth, Miss E. Wilkinson; cocsolaticn prize, Miss Cameron; geniilemen—fired prize, M r T. Robinson, Crookes House; second, Mr Freeman, (Zetland bunt huntsman); third, M r T . Summerbell; fourth, Mr R. Lowes; consolation prize, M r F . Shields. The prizes were presented to tbe successful competitors by Mr County Councillor Brittato. Oae ct too featurea ot the evening's entertainment was the guessing of the naaie of a doll dressed ss a Red Cress nurse, ar.i presented bj MibS Shields. A prlza wan given by M r FstwcetJ, of Darlington, to tho one wuo gu^saod the correct name (Joan). The doll w.« then put up fcr auctiou, ar.d realised «-. t o t s ! sic-, inclusive cf guessing tickets, ot £5 2s, Ilia. Two cakes, given by Mrs Wilkinson and lira Shields for guessing aad sals, realised £3 5s. Id. The rclreshmants were gi'»taitous!y provided by Mrs Storey and Mrs Hougsoc, L»rie Head ; >lrs Fenwick, Rokeby Close ; Mrs Barry aud Mm Besivp. Hutton ; and Mia Berth and K»a Shields, Qnttoo Fields. At ntldoighi dscciag oom<r.caced to music provided by M; W. Swan, of Epplaoy, aad w«a esaUd oa till early mornleg. TUe sum trial realised wasi £31 6s. 6-Jd„ ot which £15 goes to the Red Cross Society, auu 'Ao balance ta the workirg party's funds. The m&mbei'B of tbe commitvect who spared no pains to make tho tttzit a success,are to be congratulated on the -esalt of their labours, and cn the spleadid patronage they received from far wide. own detthilep. Oa ta.? other bsn.i. it sacre is way blessing In being tho objoejte cf '.Tf ,rcj- beartsd affeotioc, it s.iiy, in beiug the recipients of deep sympathy said laspiring encursgemenl, if true *;-i>Bda>.ip, when lavist.ad upon ui». K> >n acy secseabeciaicion, the - SKjtM Wade sr.d 1 have base, indeec:, b:est above qur deasestd. And it: thaoking due c.ld pariahipnorfl. tar their bsudsaaaa gifts to us, both oar hope acd prayer is that throughout life we may never lack opportutoSiBs of | imparting to otheta what wa hsve onrsalves so abundant!; reesived.— Yoats, etc., SPENCER WADE. The Vicinrsgo. Biahop Middieb »m, J Ferryhil), Febraxry 26bi>, 1916. Death of Mr Thomas Oliver, Late of tendings Mill. Tha neath took place on EunU-. . at Romaid- kiiit, KZ the ago cf 74 years, of Mr T-oaas Oliverilato ot Leadings ... he resided for thp ioog span of thirty-three ?cai*e. the decoaepd It.»v a;r Lend IF gs ab.iut four - cats sgo, eicoa wb ;ca time he has lived i ' : i-atire- ment. Tho late Mr Oliver, who wv.s never married, has been confined to bed for twentv- four weeks, he having had a paralytic scioke last Septeutoar, Dr. Betiita,-,j Middle'ion, was his modlcal atteadana. Tho deceased geatieman was a trustee r f t h e Bowes and Romaldkirk Charity, and a juror ot Mieklefcun and Luuedaia Msuor Cour>, i'he late Mr Oliver's brother i Mi: Robert. Addison Oliver)died atRimaldkltk en r.he 10th of Jauuni-y, 1908, and both were sons ot tiia late "'wimw *t:d Mrs Mary Oliver; formerly of OotberatMM Mill. The familyjorlgin^ted at Coiii.ogwood The i>52-.r,ina of M* Thomas Oliver will ba Interred at Rcmaldkirk to-morrow (fbursi *3j) atiernion. Uoncert and Picture Oispiay for Newcastle rioyai infirmaiy. A saoocaafal ooaoert asd dtapitir o. i tojures were given Is IhaVlctorla HalLBarssird Qaatl<. on Sanday evoctog,to.aid .: tfee fo?r!« ft* the Royal Iofiraaas*a a< N • • a: ssl.. The .... crowded, ;i ?d excellent werel • . iifi fccr-se': by ihe cec^rr.ita c* Uf- Frsae . who esc- BB CCJI'6,3 tar them ( r for r'-.a as , the oa'.E Tea arti* >s wei afwi » es, M i % Smenoc, a .iu Messrs J. fir,aw; C. H, Hetciu2WE,y. Th« tollrnv;i.g v»ia roe f-?> grsaiuiu:—Dati-W'-chraar. -Ww' rt | | nl? > ht?--s«ic86r«« Bf>ui: and Heraiv^whj ; sv. K— Tbe old flag path—a its Ssasvai .. ;* .ig •- ; ••. - -.- of Arabj— Mr Hssnlcgwcv; socg—IJctii—Mrs J.ices; a,;Og- Sbipm-.' ' ' . . J dBet—Lifaa drc-n- ••• ••'.»• r *srs icnr:- J Miss - Bwers'"?; --. > -LXIO -, McalUB Heni '.r.. < .<; ad ': Recruiting* Notes. CFQU^ SIC. 1 «AlL£u UP. 'titsted alsn. . i h . . K " aa aod •. .t',re are now ci lad a,-., d 1 ' - Kempt ask aid be Ci.iH srithfc tea da i :_; ^ato cf aha p--ci-!r,f.-li.-c IK -., r -.» -•• ;- >sr, but • v ot ciad<- ~ * • a tec ..<js o* i.' - it^e o l 19 b;-'ng ^foa'nen. U kt 'estsd M--.: To-uay Last Day i»r Appeal. «es. aaasssg Bodsst tie Military B f i n t c t , SSJ r p e cviled ap as tt.bj atdain 19 yeara of age,' but they moat s lyfor axes .' day. a- t;.ey will be |. to-L,; «• 2ad -3arc..;. ti.; appolnsed tuj Ids tba Act c.^tnin^- into fcro". ,r , .- . for R6cruits. .' wvL- ^ io'cemv for single men lose.. lad M tsdl . aat 6*;- tor I cging claims by BaaahaBaad bit a -o mt-o. Brd Manh a i to 12 oiled up 'last >. .- fth Marc'..-. - .'iaroii-ii- --a.-.i 14 to 23 sad slaaaea 18 I > 23 culed Bp. Ji.catidrd and ataintoti War Relief Fund. i v.i.--. -C 'bo.wlcdge with yaha bha eeeadpa cf tho f lawiug ducatloos saw fssad Asvi.e reaanaeCtsisi nauae-ao- Mad -olies:. a to:- Feoruarr :— (») cdleoted , Mrs Wtfcha: Lady Glamls, 10*; Mr aad •.:-, ft is. -n, 10s : ii-.e Bayer, 5s; Mr Allar- ta 6a ; y<\- H Bradtey, l a 6a ; EW, 4s ; itol, to ; Miss '• i- ;p. 2i> ; Miss A McQueen, i. : '.::» E Mersdith, 2%; Mrs Green, 2s ; Sin j.nitni'uc- l.<; Mr A MaeJunal^, fid ; M r a ^cQaeea, Is ; sir P Lacibtalf, janlor, 2s Od ; Uef.si-5 '•ctos.lti.; 2e ; Mrs Lsng^o, I s ; M r M t i son It ; Alti. ; r:~s R g. r "00, Is 6d ; .- - B Beottaid, it 8d ; M r ft 3 U^iU, 5s. (b) Caliedtad by Miss .1 Crok-.U: :-?r J W o.'.w^ji.. I s ; Me CrooVatt, 1$ 6d ; : A Crocks'.t, 2s; Ms G L W-'kln, 2* 61; Mr \dame, 2s 64 ; Mrs Swi •„•>, Is; M-.s Walker, Is; M : W Wttsjoo, Ss di. (o) O-l toted by E Sawjok: r. - 'i:,r;lob. 4v ; Mlsi Bewlok, 2s od ; Mies E Bf-ock, I s Cd ; .!> V Bewiok, ... ; M . I t Bew!« i • — * Misr N Bewick, 6d ; Idr G Rogt.r-. a, li ; Mrs Rutter, l a ; Mr R Valtoo, I s ; M r J Q Bail, 6J ; Ms M Lingataff, 1 64: M r J W Mai -or, 6,- (d) O-lleosed by Miss J Lsojrs'.aff: -^is Rabloaoo, S i ; Mrs Wb.w, SJ : Mis- fshaw, 2d ; M r baogstafi, ewajsshsa Hill, 4a ; Mr B Laogswfi, I s ; M r s K Lacgntjfl, 2s ; t'.i 3 S. L t<?) C t . t c t e d by Miss A Murray : Mm J Piaconk, I s ; Mr J flail Ijsdl. 3d ; Mre K Lowes, 6d ; t'.ra Addtaws, od; Hvr, 04; i s G Astotsoa, ad; LrlW noid&rt, l a : M t J.s Guy I s ; FWj ,5s; MJL, • <;; V R i. jrw, ; i t A Tavlov, I s ; M r i 1 a;; b . i s ; w , a Oibbt a, I s »») C-Ileeted . '••••eg : V.- Rt '.e, 6..; Eb\ <d ; dfB WsJ .'. « i ; lis Stoat, 0.!; Mr J W hftahsild, I s ; Btok :'-i, 1? ; -ir K Dawsjoa, os; Mt is w-.ii.. 6-1 ; .'f G Wllklosoa, la; uaaum soUected r- - .-. avi -Jth, £»> 8. 81. Otfatt or tiv dohn c-therington Davis, Hewsagent. Coilsctbr ct LBMI Literary iiecords. T.-.. death r'lx, B MI ad M ,, ,r ing. r'-' , J w-. Eucriugtori Bavta aswalgait, •>• acdJlsatka,asTlfsa age I uT rcj -•. dec i a gantleasssi had -..-..'.>r'yt - cr • c-.... y morning, the i7i-.- r' Fcbraary, F;^.-.-* wr-Sci: Ua« be baa beeo atidflaad to v* ; c. .' -.>.--a?yr Su.-«r>«jned, SOd i.c . ; TUB b- :lj afftCted. TlM asii -.: of M» famUy. Beaervt La ..... it the "TsMahaVs Meroc.-y" Ofiic^ aaa", srfah f he ex*ptLin of up SWy, at - Hereford, til . -wu of hia BBtirity. at an . . - ' j . ... t .* aa iater- eattag .-•«--.• - _.;.;; -. ktslduooa C-'-u. ; c i ;nc<.' . J . .... .uu .ltctiunal and artpriori rsac - and i -ir».p t .ks cantata uc- »»u- M •. L.kt - s f ..at .r, dsjasjaajsid .. \ . . : g l^arltanlaal teas as, rat 6 G ntjrega- ttc.n which e-abo it earl' t years be sp - lasted aloohoi, r> i psacked . pipe of >>;•• . to he ' r.i LJsexai, ix.& Uota early r;.-.v:s waa :• rested iu . i •• .t invariably sWsy -. _..»'. will i".*..: ^.i: . . . . . ...V«JC. WLil-' s 1U J jitr, f r i ..^ - *• i s:: . iioo, i/l} per -bs Zamjlice EATft. Hewbiggin Schooi. Post-card Maps, showing each Theatre ot W&r in detail, Id. each, to be had at the " Teesdaie Mereury Onice, Barnard Castir, MIHIH igg Collocticn for the Wounded. Oiitji;R ton r,i .v,it of IP*:'T;iv y (( uf weeks) tho fisiowiug ,i-^i i.n & hk.. ii*KU ...lice;, i by toe oifaldrea :—A -iii.o Scott, ia; Aacie Watsoa, 17 eggs snd S i ; Annie Auderscu,3s 4d ; Laura Wearmcuto, la Id ; Esiher ?rolaod, eight c*gs and 2 . ; tfiorrid Wcirmcutb, 2s 7d ; A. v,-k Anderson, fiyo oggs acd 8 i ; Joe. W. Allia- BOC , three eggs and la lOd; Jo«. Edmuad Coiiiuson, aix eggs-, aud 3a id ; Vie. < . Weaz- moutb, Is 7d ; Harry Temple and A. Vzib'n, 22 eggs tan Is 2 d ; Jos. Edmund GihBoc, 5a 2a ; .'. .. .. :,, .-. :i. i ;.i , Arnuld Pickericg, 0 i; Jao. EdwarJ Walter., nine eggs and 2s 0^d ; H .'ti Pjirmlev, 9 1 ; Jr.--. Hutobinaon, l i d ; tat -l, '0 eggs and £\ 9s l£d. Memorial Service for -ir^ua & . C . Waine, of barnard Castie. A n.omori*l s«- riso t .-?s ;, . J ... Sacday •ve.:ti»g at t'^e Pr.icitiva H. i ;sc Ciarcfc, Barnard G*st»a, in ret^ce^ ut S^rgeani Gf-^Tjr* Grabsi-'i v»- a, s ainoti t a ;-j tMs joum^' week, ^ss kii 'ed it •luu in 9t-.'"uc.-'?<•* H: v.• ;•• C... -it . a or;, who prf .'.cici tres **..»... -. .a ri- >>ii lboag'.ia l u c . . .... u with thr- t<«f icUi w.«r, and the worst it has tUej • .-ft •.•«.•<• <; upon the many jou;ig BI a ••< -> had be ; sacrifleea. [ts(aam?arnfal tdabUkakal wat such •sio ia tbe ^or!a ne bad iwiildlnl; b t a behind that srar, sod of the thraunn irvaiilios wl?o hard beaa pisoged n .-.T rr-jf Ma?'?urs aiea syhc t -nrerod v'a;;fi-'d of batii« in r£»pcrse to tfis arg"^ cill wesa a oe ecVcJ^fn cf ;:•>.. 1 ..... y t;:boal, &$S. t til ' lad L< .'• :v.--r" , ; .... :r , Waiaia. befeg killed i<i action abojat fcari so dij-* agi 'jSCi w:s.> was bat ';wt>at«--v cf age T ; ?o> Eympaihy wenS cua t 03'.i;cr, the laibi /. Find t e J.'-.mi'j- general] -.— Tdde8> lr effettiveto •-. :i " Viui I d t b a s e t t t o e t y H a r .-: .*. 1916, at i wife of Birth. .* fatal cf fetaVaty r«o:. t > - . . ^ r d OaSalle, i! , 5 '--4i';«::ei. s./.-'.iges. HOalBK: faaBHUtaWPJi. - -_i hgc;V.s'-t 0 Pachsh Gaort s. js -v-..^ WJBTBOH v*rs it. '• l'v' : ' > • • •JM.: FebroA.y 26.1916, I .. R i • - r, C.-M<«..iiii.. tcgiceera, iuair i, .i i*>;-., - <•»,, a MI cf Mr - to E'izabetn , R . ; . - J tbe . -.-.get, uf Eggleatooe. UAlMiUUBGsj: . ..i.-us -Ai bt. ilary'e Pariah . ;. . i. •'. e«dus g braarj .;. a, 1M6, b; .. !i.:.».f.Yi lb -It- ker, 8. .v .i^i . j g . , Jact i H ..US-, iv lu»o, V. a , I h i _ Jvoghtwr if JoL^ C. R. of ( i:». t B -use. Baa Bank, Mic.ti:,..ii-l^-f vjojiie. asaita. CA sa 0 i a Bat] 28,c, at 20. tf.rk, Bxraard J i. t.. C.vi», *^t-o y< f aaia.—Mi be I aa : . ' r , IsM *S»rca, cortege ,:.-,>o casadd 2 3U r '.m. for the i,. 'e-'i -'i -ual Crurcc. OLIVER .-At U..v Idtdrk, BSJ Filruary 27tb, A»I 6, f;.tui*eo»iv--. -.... A L-.-dicga MUI, afasd 71 TH ;... .-. b-j.otadssd -t K'.malcklrk, to TuuiF.dLi, Man 2..d, a-. 2 p.m. Ir. .- .m -.-'Kii:. tiKAiii.RV. -L. ltiriiii. tn aiory f Lucy, *ile of •-, i- '.i. , ia |-. . . -ilea at Lau.cgtou, on Mafct 2 : ? , 1914 l.'luU*. will link tUe Iwoieo cl.aiu, BU - j hei lovisfj husbaad andtawtiij. BMU.EE .-In '^vlc,- ajemcry of one dear little 'vV. J ^ BcZdgegatts Barnard . . ! t '. aarj :Sih, 11114, a^ea IS vrerkt^ Vucrft s -. iic*i- Ti-c&z.: |)Uc. ... our ^. . . Where a orcei CL.le I-AC. - . . ^ l lo *lecfi * • ' I 'I'ma -..ineuo (w-^-i'.y bioasJNS. tin*, t-hcy uam^e ^ ......... t*,u a.l: ti>. uark aijukl, >'.utl tbtf li'll. pt-t c. -jur -^tii..£. l. ^r.« Us,e--' 1 -^ to A b.-tTiui/ folu. I.--- -.r t -u; . T . ••; i.u i .iT .jg father aod . t - ..- .^Ois, sat cs J .-cny aod t..iy y. at* •. bAiu-1- i •• - .a.- .... / if is.. Sear aastari Isah.HaM- ,-• •_ • -a i 2ad, 19l<i. E . >j ft eisLer aod brother-i_-ia* ace .'<su.il). hei'im ''hanKB. HB fhst BIRD ti -AMIXY of tad tU i. - Rr> IK> »ON ;iaa to *4;Mik . id ...i.-..£. .8 of sympathy shows to u : . . . i j 1. &if . L Rivera- nt.

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THOMAS ADDISON Auot ioaeer and Va lue r

ft ill Cesonpt iana

va--raquotns for Prrbata wad Legaoy Dastp

P r o m p t Se t t l ements PaMture E n d Bowes


losurlaquo your Live aad l raquo d Snook sad P f o p e t rganiVi A i r R a i l a J

2 H A L L 8 T R E E T l a r u a r d Cast le 2 V i c t o r i a S t ree t Bishop A u o k i a n d

Telephone 125

FORD The Universal Gar Bi d oars eat up yci ircame 1 ta t -

newor t o move i i d c a r r y w e i g h t - j g o r d Vanadium Steel Chassismdashstrongest raquo l i gh te s t i n the w i r l d - - d i c e s fuel Ojnsg Mac and t y r o v e i - to a min imum bull i m p l i c i t Ugh v gt sad economy made the F o r d tba U - iver8raquol C u

D e l i v e r y Van pound130 Piv^-paraenger Tout ln Car pound135 T o w n Car pound185 20 np effioientl equipped A l l Prises at Works Maacheatar F a l l par t iea lars f rom

L O U I S S M I T H Automobile Engineer The Garage


Official Repairer to the Royal Au tomob le Club

S h e Seesdole iDeucuny B A R N A R D C A S T L E M A R C H 1 S T 191laquo7~

S E V E N Y E A R S A T T H E G E R M A N COURT T H E R E i s i n t e r e s t i n g r e a d i n g i n the

M a r c h n u m b e r of the London M a g a z i n e for i n the d i s c l o s u r e s ot M i s s E d i t h K e e n w h o h a s recently r e t u r n e d f rom L o n d o n to P o t s d a m and w h o w a s e m p l o y e d for s e v e n y e a r s as d r e s s e r to t h e P r i n c e s s L e o p o l d of P r u s s i a w h o i s s i s ter of the G e r m a n E m p r e s s a n d s i s t e r - i n - l a w o f the D u c h e s s o f C o n n a u g h t w e h a v e an i n s i g h t to the r i g o u r s o f t h e G e r m a n C o u r t T h i s i s c l a i m e d to be t h e most i n t i m a t e a c c o u n t e v e r w r i t t e n of life in t h e i n n e r c i r c l e o f the H o h e n z o l l e r n s a n d c e r t a i n l y h e r a d v e n t i n t h e Princes cas t l e i n B e r l i n i s a s d i s m a l a ta le as w a s e v e r told T o t h i s d a y t h e writer s a y s s h e h a s n e v e r forgotten t h e feeling of h o p e l e s s d e s p a i r that c a m e o v e r her a n d n e v e r w a s s h e m o r e u n h a p p y and f r i g h t e n e d i n h e r life before S h e was filled w i t h v a g u e t e r r o r a n d felt like s o m e t r a p p e d a n i m a l Pr incess F r e d e r i c k L e o p o l d o f P r u s s i a who w h i l e s t a y i n g i n L o n d o n a s Mrs S h e r e n s t e i n e n g a g e d M i s s K e e n at the H a n s C r e s c e n t H o t e l a s a c t u a l dresser a n d c o m p a n i o n to P r i n c e s s V i c t o r i a was a s M i s s K e e n i n t e n d s to s h o w n o doubt a c t i n g a s a spy V e r y of ten Pr incess F r e d e r i c k w o u l d go for w e e k s without s p e a k i n g to h e r d a u g h t e r a n d t h e young P r i n c e s s h a d a v e r y u n h a p p y t i m e in an u n h a p p y h o u s e h o l d T h e K a i s e r in G e r m a n y a n d m o r e p a r t i c u l a r l y in P o t s d a m w a s a t r e m e n d o u s l y glorified figure b u t there w a s not so m u c h glory g i v e n to h i s b r o t h e r - i n - l a w t h e Prince L e o p o l d o f P r u s s i a T h e writer d e s c r i b e s the b a n q u e t s as s c e n e s of the m o s t e laborate cos t ly a n d degrading g l u t t o n y a n d G e n e r a l v o n H i n d e n b u r g a s bull the m o s t notorious g l u t t o n i n the G e r m a n a r m y e x c e p t p e r h a p s the

| E m p e r o r h i m s e l f A t o n e banquet the g e n e r a l d e v o u r e d s i x stuffed p a r t r i d g e s as a g a i n s t the E m p e r o r s s e v e n bes ides i n n u m e r a b l e o t h e r dishes T r i n c e L e o p o l d w h o w a s at t h e banquet a f t erwards s a i d tha t W i l h e l m w o n the g o b b l i n g m a t c h b e t w e e n h i m s e l f and the g e n e r a l b y o n e p a r t r i d g e b u t that the r e a s o n w a s tha t the g e n e r a l d i d not l i k e stuffed p a r t r i d g e s O n o n e occasion the P r i n c e s s w e n t t h r o u g h t h e private g a r d e n s at the N e u e s P a l a i s w h e r e she a s k e d M i s s K e e n to w a i t w h i l s t s h e ana the F r a u l e i n v o n S t r o m b e r g w e n t ou to the cas t l e T h e w r i t e r t h e n s a w a r i g l i r c

a p p r o a c h w h o m s h e at o n c e r e c o g n i raquo e

as the E m p e r o r w h o s a i d scornful ly - Y o u h a v e n o r i g h t to be h e r e g i r 1 w h o e v e r y o u are G o u p to t h e c a S J v

a n d r epor t y o u r s e l f t h e r e H a p p w the m a t t e r e n d e d there for o n e of to K a i s e r s greates t f r i ends a -jd E l l e n d o r f the c h i e f o f a l a r g e finangt-ia

firm w h i c h h a d j u s t fa i led h a d s h raquo h i m s e l f o n the p r e v i o u s day M i s s K e e

often h e a r d of t h e d r e a m of u n i v e r s e e m p i r e d o m i n a t e d b y the s w o l l e n - h e a a e _ m o n a r c h w h o i n anger h a s a d e m o n l i k e e x p r e s s i o n a s s een i n t h e p i c t u laquo inset

Forthcoming Farmers Red Cross Sal

A t the Barnard Castle Farmers A n bull M a r t on Wednesday M r J A t k i n s o n P ) 0 ^ over a representat ive ga the r ing of fa rme wh ich arrangements were comple ted f tlt for thcoming sae i n aid o l the B r i t i s h F a r ^ e 1 S

Red Cross Fund t o be ho ld ou M a r c h I t fa was agreed t h a t the ladles i n t e re s t ed bull deg deg 0 0

have co l l ec t i ng cards issued t o them to having the task assigned t o tbem of c j bdquo l 9 deg I j stock and goods to be disposed o f mdash M r Wi lk inson of Bishop Auckland l a c t c f ^ i o honorary seoretarymdash A l o t t e r was r ead 1

M r J 1 B e l l - I r v i n g J P R o k e b j Perkgt offeri ^ to send ca t t l e sheep and p o u l t r y mdash A to meet ing la t o be held to-day (Wednesday-



used i n t h U t r o a t f j ^ O P i l l s or Drugs _ my never - fo i l ing remedy and I lw0se i r e a l l female a i lments I i n v i t e a to ca re a n lemaie ai lments l i n laquo laquo deg (red

oases that have failed elsewhere S tamp advicemdashRosss L A B O R A T O R Y N O 8 i street Cheltenham

m f V i F H O T J B Y mdash W R H N R H D A Y MATCf l 1 1 9 1 0


fcord Barnard is c-nfircd rq bdeggti w i t h s vei-y bad cold

One estimate puts the number of Germans killed a the b a t t l e of Verdun at 45000 Another rept r t stes tbs - up to lass Bsjadai thp German oseraquoS that is k i l W wounded to a naisooe raquo wraquoraquorp 130 000

o- - mdash bull Mr B R W e l U of t be Manor Boasr

gtar tf i i r tS who is SSTVleg laquoltraquo a prJvatn in t-Offiee-e Tra l r l eg Corps kaoWa 49 tea A- r U Rifl^f is on raquo v laquo of I f i - v i c g for h-nuen be traiigtgta as h e s i T q l u raquo r t - I t ia repor ted that the ba t ta l ion ia M f o n t A guraquord of honou for General H A R

At a in seiner of r a Ku VBmdashUe Society 7 Antiquaries hegtd on Toeisday K-ltRU ateelr Sigt B B Bdleater PSt FRG8 e z h i b O d rebbinga of the three bvaasea o l Siuc-gtolaquogt Wtrendcrp In the Utrie -k -ci Lubsek lt i 1S09 of Blsht p Robs r t Hlngtn of S l i s iar in Constance Cathedral ot 1416 acd o l Bivnop John Ava traquoge in Amiens Oaihedr t of 1458

Signaller H P Pa rk in of the 21st Bst i ial i i -Rnjal Buslllor has baen home rtm t a r f ron t on eight d a j s leave O w i n g t o the sever i ty ot the weather w h l o h preveated h im Matt ing DOftb his hol iday has been spent w i t h h i mother and sister who utz on a v i s i t i s Maoaflold the scene of i l ls Cl ips tono t r a i n i n g He is w e l l aod i n good sp i r i t s He r e t u r n s bo France to-day (Wednesday)

Lieutenant Les l ie Kei t u Gif lord-Wood 6 th iurks who ^vaa k iUod a t Suvls By on A K - J K 12nd was bore at iv i rkby Ravenswor th Grammar School and waa tfcc yonnge aon of the R^v R Qiflord-Wooo Yle of Bgtst Cowton He was e d n c i t e d ucd-gtr M r Prlaquoa5ylci v Riohmond School where be took the langnbgo prlz was i u tbo crick- tooiiball and hookey teams and hold the Ootiool Challenge Shield for long-distanoe r u n n i n g Subsequently he mttr loulated a t Durham Ur- lve r s i ty

The Rev H F ie ld ing-Smi tb la te Curate ct 8raquoinford was Induoted to the teoutnbenoy i f Forrett on Thursday afternoon by the Rev 1 Q Chester V i c a r of G l l l H on behalf of tbs Archdeacon of Riohmond vmong thoae present i n t he church w-to V raquo s M l c U e i l of Foroefit Park tea Rov F J R Downie t b ^ Rev A 0 a n d M r s S t a r l i n g fche Kampv R C nnd MriSwayne Miss Chester u i i i Nesiam M r s JJ Cumming and M r R H E i i e a t o n

o At a reoect meet ing of l i t e r a r y men ali

Bainford th-e- U n g n i g e s p e t i sp-iken bull o

Mr Thorn-raquo B r r i n g t o u 6raquoyor of lifts l i t Kings Own Y o i k s b i r e L i c h t I e f a o t r y Rugaiy Cmp CartngtcIt Chase Staffordbtire son f Mrs Ssyer John-streer Barnard Campstle has obtained a opta ioer

o The name oame-Hs wraquos p gt e n t i i W plsnf b j

Unnxut i u honour of George Jdseph Oamellus or Ktme) a M o r a v i a n Jesui who t r ave l l ed l a Alia aod w r o t e a hltlaquotorgt ot the p a c t a of tbe island of Lnzon

A nephew of M r R Sammersoo of Fa i r f ie ld who is i n tbe Nor thumber land Hussars ess been i n many bat t les and has s i far escaped ansoathed

The staff and sohoiarit of Cuckfield mixed J C D O O I per M r W e t b e i o l l and Milaquoa Dent of Soow H a l l have u i m t r i b n t e d garments t o L raquo d y Anne Lambtuns Durham County W o r k Depot

O Sergeant Bu- of tuo Mounted Police

lomer of tbe local police force has been a t home a t Barnard C i a t l e on a few days leave at tbsenoe

Tne Nortb-Basl iern R v i l w a y d i rec to r s have ajMiaaaal M r H H Weight paagtrer o le rk jsiookton t o be aationmasiier a t Bvenwood

On Tburaday at O v i n g t o n M r i R Deacon of Qalnford aold by auot ion tbe fu rn i tu re of Mr John Roe who has bpraquou l and lo rd of tbe Four Al ls Ho te l for about 40 j p t i Amongst the prices realiaed w laquo r e mdash P i a pound 1 8 Spanish oahogany sideboard pound12 15 m^bogaay doing UbK- pound7 10gt in i r roia ka pound2 10fraquo and Wilton oarpot pound7 5i Thc ro laquo t a it large com-ptoy present

Woodland Beagles w i i l maet on Saturday Maroh 4tb a t Cotherstone a t 12 oclock

o At a recent meet ing ot the Newoaagtlcgt

Society of Ant iqua r i e s M r W M o r l e y Sgglestone of Stanhope exh ib i t ed photoshygraphs ot neo l i th ic implements found i n upper Wetrdale

Privatea Jonathan Gregory and George Smi th ot the 6 th B s t t a l i o n Durham L i s t bull I n f a n t r y are on a tew da j a i e n v of ajajraea ampt Barnard Castle

The Works Committee of the loeaj Urban Connoil cannot recommend the g r a n t i n g ot an application of a Committee of Soldiers for the ate of a room i n Thorngate M i l l f it dancing

a Lord St ra thmor hos again sent to each

member of the t r s f i i i depar tment at Bernard Castle and a lao tha gaarlt)s w o r k i n g paraquosmdashjger trains past BroomieUw s ta t ion a present of a souple ot rabbi t s His Lordabip s kindness ia oaoh appreciated by the rec ip ients

Hia Serene Highness Paal-Piast R iede lek i eft Bainford on Wedceaday

The Zetland Foxhounda w i l l meet to-morrow raquot Skeeby v i l l age and on Saturday a t W a l w o r t h OMtle each morn ing a t 11-30

Privatea Hughea and Leal ie Wal ton bo th ot bull Public School Ba t t a i iTn h t v e been on bull atlough i n th i s t o w n

We are a u t h o r i t a t i v e l y informed tha t numerous spurious florins are i n c i r c u l a t i o n i u raquoltraquolaquo d i s t r i c t

o At the evening service a t tbe Weslnyan

Church Qalgste on Sanday a va ry p o w e r f u l Bermoo was preached to A i a r g 9 congregat ion by Seeocd-Lieutenant G i p s y Pat Smith from John H i 16 Corporal Scot t finely ndered a solo A t Hia Tcrone aud P r iva t e laquooweJl ably acted aa organis t

o lt mdash Private O C o i k aud P r iva t e J Aialaby of tlte

^orth-Eastarn R a i l w a y Ba t ta l ion (Pioneers) Northumberland Fus i l i e re thank tbe peopfn

ttoldron for t h e v e r y useful paroaa (bey bullTe leoeived and whioh were very neoeptable

o Polioe-oonatabie L e y l n n d r a i l w a y pol ice

h o ha been s ta t ioned a t 8ircraquoyd Oat idf lac i t st three years baa bfien pro notod

bull e rgeraquont ) c ( j t racaferred to H u l l where ho i l l eommeceo du ty sho r t l y B i s cnurceay bull raquo laquo ^en much apprecia ted by t r ive i ie ra on the ^orth-Eiatern Ra i lway by whom be w i l l be Really missed Its la understood t h a t i t 9a no t ^tended to n i l tbe vaoancy a t any ra te a t PWsent

T h e U r b a n Counci l THfc O P t s A Y i Q W Of Ti l 8 Y I - L A W S

The Btonthiy aaeeUnjE of aida bo^y waa Uegtid i n Thotsday e igh t nuder We piwaifiency o l fcir J Win- ambullbull JP There wert alan prpaent bullgt3es3rs R T -ws-nif h T Tnompaoc R Woc-i-

l-4m C H j d i o y is Wilson J G U T WHodgm-a U Walker O J Smi th the B a laquo H W H i r c b a 3 raquod VJeatiB 31 Dwsot) (olerk) H Vr t i rch (aaaiataat-elerk) O H Wel fu rd M D (meuica offioar) C J G M a r t i n (aurvpyor ard inspector) tau F V O r d (collector) mdashThe Cl i fk s ta ted t h a t no th ing hxd been done i n pfareuoe to Flat ta- lane He was weiMog a gteplymdashThe Wcks Committee repor ted thi tbe Olerk ~ - i f - J quested t o make applies-Uotj to tha mi i i s s ry laquouthorittea for payment for watis supply

The Resarvoir and Sepraquorraquoia Water Rate A special eomrcUue rp^rrlaquod sash bwln bull t bull 5

the i ta teroesh UavJc bse mnde that tba ove r f l owp ^e was I f a t t t qua ty to alf t bull wraquoer from the reslaquojgt-voiraquo th a Su tTo jo r WMinSt uo ted i inspect tap pipo fnm the reservoir a t d xeparh on tha atata of the pomp at ailana at (be Fouutai i ) HeaomdashThe commit tee repor ted l o s t tuey could co t reoomoiencl ri --i s ister lie paid for by seps-tito r s t e b u t fbey suggested ciia) i t - anaual amount requ i red for water be siiovctf bp Cue deinarid nte si so much In tfca poundmdashAt a utee-iioz at ho J^ciks Oirina 3 l i eL i on t i o 16n ol February Hie Baryeyor repor ted t h i u rho rlaquoaerr-i j-raquod been oesned cu t ana Mist t no water araquod ow beea tutgted ) on t U i i The sp r ing was bull bullgt - I - A a givtt q u a n t i t y of water aod tbdeg(c wos a p ieu t i fu l I supply for bstb the gt-osr-rltir and Ibe Iowa | m a t e - T h e Surveyor fur ther repor ted sat be j t a d d i a o o ^ r e i i a aerioas atoppsgs i n tbe over- flo pipc i i n M r Ireland s Ar ias th=gt o b t t r u c - bull Maori removed bci t ^ ccltuppssd lti e toaees t icks etc whiei mce L w e got teii o pps blgier j up tktii wbero t-pestd cu - is i ansste a car t - j road crossed the pipe- t ruck Tho Surveyor I suggests i jn~ i i ig the pipes l a i d ba ilaquo Under ts j oar t -roAd to r fa r ther mspeu i iou aa count-ru^- j i o g n stone condui t ever t l i e pipes to proteoii j t aem i r o m the case wasois ho hav ing p l su ty j of o l d mauerial amplaquo tbo y a t d tha t woul- aerve i the purposemdashitre (voialtgt6eo and C o n c e i t agreedmdashThe Surveyor had aoeepted the tender M r J N Walker ol (Miaaonby for tbo car tagt i c f cast- i ron pipua so fejoaeyket aj s ix sh i l l ings pec t oo t he cemmii tee eonflrm- j logmdashThe Bncveyot was ltltatruoted to purofcasa J

wool rteofa-- raquogty raquo bull packli- ti bull scand j the commit tee l c o m m e n d e d tha t the kraek ot

U P P E R mt K 0 1 F S [BY OUR OWN C0RRE9P0NDKN1 j

Toe eoaatnuatloa of tae stormy westhei is si i l l osiuvirg iraquororaquo dthl of i r i c o i i y e n i R i i c - 1 to outdoor labour i n Oppar Teesdale With b s t o r a g e 1 bay farmers are c a v i c x a v e r y a o x i o u t ime There v-e B heavy snowfal l r i Saturday sad t n severs of the roada taeffio wss eompietely beld up

The misslo a t tee P r i m i t i v e Me thod i s t

Chapel H i l l Top Efr-gJestoat eondnoted by the Rev C P^tcSer of Midd t e ton (o i r ca i t n i a i s f e r ) concluded on F r i d a y n igh t when tbn reverend geciileman gave a lec ture e n t i t l e d Personal emlcisceneeraquo Tbe Berviocs througnou-j wre c f s h i g h s p i r i t u a l tone pod aHhugh tbe Wiacber was very inclement tne companies have be- good and the rosol a ware v o r y encouraging I t la hoped to t forr a Societv of Chr i s t i an Endeavour I n eonaaotion w i t h thy cbnreh

A S S A M S bull flliim

t i t

A r-lt--i y w e d d l n f Scok pJaeest the P r i m i t i v e M u U i a i Ctiult cb B t r u a r d GasHeou Saturday htvj oon t rae t iag parEilea be i cg M r R o b s r t i^^fpve t h i r d ROC of M r aitd Wirx R ir raquove nf Rreekbolme M i d d l e t o n Sad Miss El izabeth CasUwor tb t h i r d dauathter of M aad MSB W C)atlaquowigtrtbi o l HuaeBbope lampih M C o i t s -w c i t b was t h e bridesmaid and Mir Thompson Grieve aofcetl sa ^roomsmaa The br ide w3 a t t i r e d In a biseult-coloni ed catnmlt w i t h W w k bat T h o brldesaiald was d r t s e e i i n a navy coelaquoelttltlaquo- w i i h b-gtok hat A great deM bullbull i fltjraquot w i s maaifaated la tha c v - n t as f bo th par t ies ass w e l l kaowc i n the l o c a l i t y i

l i r J R Rgtbraquoin who for good t u i abs r (sf

years gtlaquo acted raquo s car Upper Date norres-puadenr has late Mid r l l e tov hav ing obtained xl appoinrmsnt nndev Messrs Bilekow Vsughan s ad Company L i m i t e d a t e t ryh i l l mdash M B Robscn was a t ru s t ed oarefnl sad eanseteoiiotiS man raquord nlaquover oaea i n bis lor-and f a i t h fu l career ta our correspondent bah raquony d i f i iou l ty sriartu Wn ilaquoinc-tirey wi sh fciia every success i n bis new sphere of ahgtur Peib T al iy we regre t hia depa r tu re mdashED]


t n trgtlti-sampx t- bull c-lt - he Jasamiees t Kirk-ted Oaanle Mz-c- r j iaa luat-tn

M r R If Sescifln s raquo raquos-isanf-mae at tbe Nor th Bklaquogtlaquo- Coitniy Sobooi bullwvvd bullbullTesting l e c tu re laquotgt F l i g u n Tfce Rov ft G itvj-jiSouse prc-rided aa-1 -Here W M I a large aadienoemdashTetre wraquoa no fesu f c i thlaquo aa ie O| so She I(eetnrer began by demonatra t iag solas of tbe pr l icfolee oi flight w i t h proper gH^ora shaped l i k e b i rds These ocu ld ltie aon t ro l led ID a l l d i i eo t ions by su i tab ly beading oor t ioes of tbe wioirs and t s uad w o c i d l o o p tfce loop MIry his tor ies]) man h-^s a iwa j s f e l t a d e s i r e j t o fly as witness the- Norse iegraquo gt~d Legtaraquoraquo3i da V i n c i the- first t o stufi and deaet ibq i c i t n t i f s s a l l ] bull bull flight c b i ^ a and deduce p t r o i p t e e oi meebsn io i l fiijUfc L bullbull j bull preved by s x p e r i m e n i ate Ses--b l l ty of flapping fiigbs so he tu rned the raquoblaquo -- -bull t i r f hla s ta rea ts towar t iag i ic iog Tbe s dflicuf | o l s o w i n g - tksraquo easl p a s r - a b a f d I gas-bag] produced tee aansage-ltapgtd t y p - bull A g raquo l - g w i i b no f rame-wctk olaquoi si is bullad msdWistcei ieg bad i f p s r t i a i i y deflated j Zeppeit i | w i t h a lnmln lum frajae-work acd j tsas-hs-j^ invi t e r ae malt ecver a lways k e p i I shs i laquo bull bull when deflated eoroplsSely Theye was A d l f f icu i iy of aoouratsiy a iming 5gtocvblaquo bullpound J fir^fc- gfcra om a Zeponif uamp of h i t t i n g a [ Zepplt i i i -tuui lUegrouu ogtolaquo wi i rosbawa j g i v i n g l i s p ams of balioone A l e t t e r i M l gtoive4 from Oatumaaiicr PoEibarli in-Biliiwg d s h l i r g i v i t b blaquoi progress of asfatfca and crcseatMay ei tost toc cf whioh tbraquo lt-ilowfng i s an i x f r a c mdash The v raquo r Office reasived mo

j petiSelyl bu naa prepaxad at t e a t

I mctcent i t o taktt up av i s t ioa as a m i i i t a r y I posslbi l l t r By tcs tgte M e n s s W i i g h t I Brothers we^-e e x a i b l t l n g t o f i ia w o r l d ho | mcnseraquo4 of the fessvi-i-JaBt--iir maehlaes [ J Voiaua t n persuading e x k i tes i s raquo t h e a i r bull j 8 gtc-tbs D a o o n t visa e x e i t l c g admira t i ca uamp J I approval c f f) tissra lo t e rcs t sd I rifa I f u n t i y j C o ^ y and myself wese e a j a a v r u r i n g i to perapade biraquo of eanvas s t r i n g bamboo j and IdJyOin engires i n to tsim as- L o r d j K o i t h c i v VvitvoBssn srr- developaMJat bull- t aee j awohirlaa and 1nrriedly commsnoad efferias I BBOS o tanooeyfar t-u b - s f igt i g rcacLi r to

be won | c comps t i i i cn races 1 i 1910 hav ing I ooutc I dropped our b u is 1913

rogtk u 4 tbe w c r k agraquoraquoD bernsLouoe n-iTgt flnanoltf able bull ) u- r u 1 ^ o r j e d o bull the oui developkig

ud plaLei

k of tfca war a teadi iy M i l d i n g aui raquo j laquo and

the wate r snia be oontinned acd ri-ai iecgtua of p i p i n g found neeebsary do ordered by the Sarveyo o-o bis comple t ing she massaremafits M t r j wuif the i r t t ter queBtiou oca over for a montlt

i t Plan and tha Bye-Law The Surveyor had pro iucei i plan before

the Wiirfcs Commit 1 ee w n l c h i r d beeq aub-i n i i t c d by Messrs R Wilson a u d b J ou b i b s i f of M r b w i n b a n k Horae-markei for buud ing a bfrth-room over an e x i s t i n g s m a l l bu i ld teg now used as m l av^ to rv Too commilaquotlaquoo had bull

i i L the premises the ht8 vgtrrand plan j wcieb h-d boen seat to the JUedieai Offlltw I and were of op l akm thalaquo no objeot lan eoutd bs I taken to the p traquoe raquo^d raquoucordingiy r e d e m m e n d e d i t u a t i t bo pxasedmdashMlaquo Bireham was R i r-- I

ho C j u n c i l adopt ing the reeommeadatiou i convinced airaquo he was t h a t the a o i a amp t h c r i t y j could not -vsve i t s powers aud I f ra laxad in j bdquoce oass they oughi c gt bo i n OatfcVS He bullgt$ not opposed to bi- I I P Hu w i s h e d t h e r e j w raquo s ui ie i n every Louse b u i tho bye-law uf J 1879 s t ipu lb ted thati there uusa ha 2i fast c f j a i r ipaco at iealaquo He aooord ingt j moved tbst the CJUUO- e x p r e s s thai r egre t tha t they I ware baonaU by the bye-s-w fr^ta fcaeciiioning j the planmdashThe Cle tk con tended t h j t oven i t the bu i id tog braquoid bee me a a sw one - w a i c u i t hail notmdashtiraquo C uuc i i eoald co t psaa the plan Hlaquo qaeatteaed t h e Accuracy of M r W i l k i n s j a t a i t u i ea t as t J the Cauc lt h t v i u g over-raled not ouly tue bye-laws bu t the laws o l the l r x d j a n d r em^ikeu ihi i u the instance s i t ed bull p r i v a e property was g iven tit tbe advantage ] of tbe pabflc a n d ti^e owaer UKi r g an equivalent t ka t e a o t M a g i l l ega l raquobltjut raquoha t raaaaet ioumdashall W a l k e r Are we jus t i f ied i a g i v i n g up asy ld mdashVcs Cierk rep l ied i n the affirmative ea laquo a d e d cast pub l ic body o m A not ab r ga to i t s o w l a G d s ou aejraeeoaatmdash Tbo Ohai iman ubaerved tha t i t the Counci l booked amp polio of bu i l d ing ia vai-cis already orowded t^iey wou ld be rop i e r l n g ougrsory the e -Curprioe they h i d begsn ia the impsovemeat of bousing ooadltioUS elsewheremdashMr Smi th said i t had been done before acd he had protested agaiust ia ma- bull y t imea Thu preos-dent hampd however been estabUshad a bull I c ^ g tha t a was difficult to break away from inmdash I b a C h a u m - c al lowed tha t t h e r e h i d been cases i n whioh tbe Counci l had raised no objeot i - i i mdashMr Bi iooampm Is iamp umpiy - oon-fesalcu of the memo bull-bulla themselves t ha t they h v r e s i c one side toe bye-i ws when i t has pleaaed them ao t o do They have p o f t h e i r own opicires bafore t ne l r own bye-laws and i f they ai bull respaos t h e i r own taws how can tihey expect the pub l ic to de so 1 believe tha t i i i i s no t w i t h i n tbe powers nf th i s Counci l to allots th i s p u n i t w a id be u l t r a vires and i t wou ld be open to a a y mssmber to b r i n g tbe mat ter baiore the Loca l Qoverasaeat Board aod 1 shenid regre t i f the B ard were thus i u a n y way degrededmdashMr Smi th remarked tha t the na tu ra l ounsequeooe cf the proposed ssjtdoo would be tha t i f a t any t ime the Coui io i l b rou^a t owcers before t e - magistrates tbe present instance migh t be o t tod i n excuse asd tbe defendant w o u l d w i n bis e s s e mdash D r Wel ford gave i t as his opin ion as Med ica l Offioer t ha t a man cou ld b u i l d as h igh as be l i k e d B O long us the ya rd sptee was no t encroached upon mdashThe cemmittee s recommendation waa even tua l ly adopted the T i d a l asking tna t a note shoutd be taken of hia object ion

The Darkened Town Streets M r A r r o w s m i t h oalled tha a t t e n t i o n of the

Conncil to the C i m m e r i a n darkness p r e v a i l i n g a t b igh ts i n tbe Market-p-aoe and especially near too publ ic conveniences aad a t o ther points He aaid i t w laquo dangerous and he auggesNid t h a t the pubi io ahonld be warned not t piuce asc-bexes or t in s on the footpath otadaigat mdashThe Clenk rep l i ed t h a t i t waa i l l ega l u oaobull- receptacles ou t k s pub l ic wayB d v a n i g h t l e n d tha t a l i tha t was requ i red was to deposit t n t c i i n the morn ing immediate ly befote the a r r i v a l of the soampveager

Workiiuuse Sorner Widening The C i e i k had repor ted to a meet ing of the

Sani tary Committee tua t the conveyance had been executed by M r Y o r k and the purcbaae money paid over W i t h regard to the land to be taken over from the Guardians tbe Loca l Government Board had rqn i red twgt plans on a smal l scale to be seat to sieiu acd t h i s had been done

The Question of Street L i g h t i n g A t the rcqseat c l the SaaLary C-immittee

Super intendent RiddeU had at tendod a meeting and af ter discussion i t was dooidsd tha t as a t r la i 1 a l l a t t es t lamps we-o r o t to bo l i t ah e igh t s far one month The commit tee also crasrsd t h a t kerbs at s t ree t corners shonld ba wbite-wasbed so as to avo id aocldents as far aa possible

cxnertmentat sypt 1 asfra inve i Ud aev-jr S tie

BeavjMr4hsc-air mseil-es purprsod t use bull t h e war |we r-re waging bur u t i l be iaangs-

M 3 S W i i bull BaMoaai pol icy laquo4ua eandte dor M u r t n - K w t o r n j copycr t i J - J service moa be g r e s t e V t b a c t soa-aoa and amp i o a T y W 8 ^ j n ^ paa$ There is ai - rma

Several i j o f t l aoliiiers h i v e reoant ly v i a i t e Toesa igte fr^m the f ront D a t i n g last trssja+ead j ^coaii PrSva W i l l i a m BeU wUlaquo sjaa una of tbe first i J J ^ J bdquo reeraquoni-gt i rom Middla ton i p ^ i d a v i s i t to SUB n e l i v e pixoe Ho baa gone through BOOM v rv heavy flghtlcg having taken pa r t i laquo tnltraquo battlclt r f Loos wbero ho had a broshe k i l l e d Pevate C Bainbr idge n t t i a Roya l F i e l d Arei l les who jo ined se bdquormy ia January 191b visit ed bis pampia-its isisi week-enu Sersaant JJ G i l Wad wa iornifutly employed as a ~ Ra i lway por te r at Uiddietnlti member laquo f t he T e r r f t o r l s l Force also v i s i t e d j f a t u R t W e a r a R o longer as Island bulla iddle ton lass weak ^ langes l l o l a t e d from the w o i l d b u i every c i

r t e l i e s up-fc the sbord of tha -cean o th raquo l r I to o-uriectiou wvtn M i d d l e t o n Mlaquoocaaics o p e G t c k from hoaMle craft Given aa

1 i s t i n t r a w h i s t d n v e was held on Wednesday | i t amp c l e u t h i bdquo r v ^ e i l - 3 Zeppelin horr r w evac icg w the large b i l l i a rd - room Taere was ^earne a b gtey of i w cas 8 idea showing S a J a b attsmdaaee I h e tollowiast w e raquo t h e R l j a i o g bull bltltu i a -tic atiisndedraquo p r i z raquo - w l n r e w - L a d i e a 1 M r s Jacksoa 2 d i ^ r f t m riides showing the di f f ioa l bull I Ma Ward 3 M r s tf A Thompsan 4 M r s | c t t o a t 8 w i t h wbieb b i rds nod abaseu re to j

C O B tends sl ides ltlaquo--itig t h e muchampalosl | siiJ-i uf I tbe qaesLm bull x tining the u s M R r e j

aud aatBO of the forces c t i a g upn K bod ia v e r y sultieossfalaeries of servioss waa t i i i 3 MrT the W r i ^ t 8- exper iments

neld in noaoecttoa w i t h t hegt Waskr an Ohapei a i m e t 4 j v sqropiaaes I s t r i I bull-bullnee i nc lud ing j NawMsjgia on S t t u t d a y aad Saeoay sea Oa a i i i ^ - i machines phov i - a p b x elides the forme evaniog a pubuc meet ing was he ld I a e p u raquo t i aeroplanes n e r f o m l a s - i l l u t t preaidfa nvltr by M r N a n a of BawJeMr 6 v i u U ^ t s i a c lnd ig upside-dewn flight and

Addresses weredeUvsvedJsy M r PniUp Beade | fu r the r ^xper imeeto to liraquoaevta p n t c i p l e a - the n o l a a engine and fee f l igh t cf model j aeroblaae wore alsooomiaec ted np sa -Owlt ig j

be i i a i k e o e d sueets- lb- nex t le-r tuie i enrigtlsd| Penaa^ee elr Isles Torquay i E x m o n t i copyta by s i r V O Usu i l Bishop Aaaklarm wil l oomm inoe to-uiorri n i i unw-j day) a t p o j ioek

T u the Edatot -t sue T taada te -bull bull - v S I R mdash O s r u i v y t rLv ids ltraquo--u Le-c-- gt ayraquov be

i r t e i ete-i --gt I earn t s t a i r e s Ocobf Us v i t ta y a k i n d l y p bull ad bull s i gt S B laquo r i d -nr aaaoants ws fcAV dr- c i e d ut vs bull -rr bull of c i d o r - a fo soJdiess i bull bull -- Depot h i D u r L i u s i i - i i o tbe Bed r e y b e s i d e s bull bull j n i i t j r Chris mss prlaquoutgt to a-gtvw raquo 3 a l man (6t rha f r o t o laquoid i a ^rt ini i j - bull i yvaplylaa maxy wac i i a v f been a t h-t-e gta i a r l o a g h w i t h fcocki vMtilzir- e tc The total cumber c i t e a a ecpa t^ed srraquoa laquo U bull -TS Gicst of there bedag LaiJed g a r m e n t hot ^o parcels s e c i t -ba Reu Crocs So incicded pi ov-s op^vsnlon a tcc i i - iK^ ogtd ices (ltud bat waie r b c t t l e covers -A wicgt-6rraquocoist3ry r e q u i r e c rs th- ccapiia s l a Octchj - a t ho T e q n e s t of tbe Parisb O i c n c i i a BBb-eoSBBlttai e was fi^mfd v i t h B iUs Hnrt ri teeseVary rn oollee Pen y n s s d for toe RadOsoaf 8 l y liad i Ho^BdsaM Utvti KZ- young duiaaatoH be- thraquo ^ f- - uySlO 105 hjt i-esi - aid t o i r J I i ) i w laquo o u l i o dis rioh tredoacer the r sas la t of w h i c h h i i sc - i-j- tLuniiiKzA i i ia T c r raquo 5 raquo i 9 Mdtwry to DeadasW gtdiraquos Fltan- and Vita s w a t oollsaasd tba aom al pound1 12H Jics w o l i d vit devoaad bo toe ptoajtaassj i i rasa littoa t o enclose i r whe parrexs fc^r- t i -J-lddleica men ar C i i i i a t a i a temn Hosre i n i i Wetsou bavraquogt ssraquov kbo i l y audir-ed enr raquooccrtt9 w h i c h stand sc faEowgmdash BdOaff ia i no t o February 17npound62 10a 75 ^xnaaditare pound59 S- 10a balance pound3 c-s B Phis i f uvea a vc-ry roaall -v to cci-tit - w r r i s i r c i i i l j we fcfc cgt a movsaaacl hs ing e t t foot to mplnsjlati mt bull J--rt- i n tba abaca j f aa auetico naie w i i i a h w u hope v i i ba loya l l y suppor t ^ T i l l need for bel- in arit ever v-J the i e m at-- os the Red Cross klOspitala w i l i bull ia feared bo c a o i c v u r Oa^ ioor-I c e n to r r laquo t WJraquo3 asodt grateiol l o r home-kni t tad oie w a k w (ney had t be bull n e i i ssyer in to swr tn t i i ht amp eomfort to ksoss sncpHed by ue- Gov-araquouijraquov nuc w - raquo eoBsider the n i i f l pound sy ardsaahtssrssSrH R laquo tltti laSit va es-r- do wuff i t iec i tor t i i e i mdashYours v e r y trBiy J A N E fiVPffesTT b s ssdrlt t a ry do tbr Kltlaquof C o s e n c r k l b g Pampr ty i lodie 06-to-rlaquo -rir-o

The Grove Mlddlet^-ia-Td^adalrsTslHisWST 2Hc 191G

The L a t e Wis John Howson

i the

Call insoo G e B i l e m e n 1 M r H H e e l i e 2 M r H C - J I I gt - S M r 3 Bassey 4 M r JW Hun t


I F o r e s i and M r T W-Uxce of Woodland K pie supper folia wed w h i c h was w a l l p a t r n r -insd Tho provis ions ware begged acd g i v e n i ^~ by friendsmdashOn BqadSy aftersooa sen the sr-rvioe wss o-7(uatlaquod by M raquo E H i n d c t Copley aces la the oven icg by M r Wallace scilos e raquo sunn ali a l l tne oervtoet by fuessrs Wallace and Hi H M r H l a d aeoompanfed on she ooooartbvt Good o i m p a a i -M ware peesent a t the various gi tnariegs acd too resoi ts ware vary satisfactorymdashhe ssawards of tho ehapel mos aatoest iy thank a l l frlaada those who gave pies etc aaa a i l wha ia any way ceiped to make the waek-snd s suooess

| Pu ip l i Ri L rce a l Iris i t s l r y M Chuc i Kb t be serraquovf ca Sncday njernieg a t h e

Wes le jan Church brl- s t i j btogiuj c f ra byrar ThSJ sa to l s G - i i fcjtlr cosf i ie t pts- -i - J e f - r i bull was made b y t h e Vi-ytc~jt ( toe Bev 4 P Bodgsoo) to tbsj pars-nlaquo

cf M H B i Lbsoidfat ssBSBbev of eaorah i n B a t o i r d CgtHle F i r m i n

t i i - e i p i e k i n d f - i jlaquoraquoraquoion r macaer l a rge hertraquoi5 i n ber V m t c i e aod g f laquo afce w i l l b e raquoij mlaissd especial] to r nesrtlcin wraquolaquo laquo the TboTugate Miaa lo t the wei faro of which raquo-SgtB S J dear laquogt her fces--- I n r ecas t years He was a h t r i k i c g e x u e r ^ t -beaa^ict oldage tco BaMrral resu l t c f cr v re l i j r lous (to-iaier I w d bull bull bull i s i- - c - s e i f i r t service l ie- 1 leve lor t a t needy -WAH Insp i red laquocilaquo a u e i a i v i l i-j ha- Unrmt CfciiofcmdashThe Vresehit- ^t exc--eraquolaquolaquo - t-p bull bull bull i i t h vhn fraquonir of S-r Jt bull fa W e i n i The r B O O wst k i l l bull bullbull ssjslaa hrcit scgti - - vvra i sg fded by ers- vraquo CL laquo j f the fle-i-^ - 7 rsi bull-gtt WScirs i n te repoundluenlt Ee 1-gt raquo vraquoti bullbull - i i i o s to t h i s totva v i a nioaru tigtlt off a ufa So

I b r i g b t and f o i l o t promisltgt mdashThe ubje- o t h a mcrui-- discourse bull lt gtiri tgte v e i l f rom t ho sex- 1 Aetaa tonia - - v gt3-K

The Rev Spencer W a d e and the Parishioners

The local iradesmeris Assooiation

Papar Crisis ami Early Ciosing The quar te r ly meet ing of the above assacis-

t i o n was held s t Ool igb t ly s res taurant B t r o a r d Castle oc Wednesday n i g h under the presishydency ot felr G Olarksou aarker thaappotaaed preaident and there were raquoiso presact Messrs W Hodgson K Holdsw r i h J V A t k i n s o n j impcasib]-

The Malta Hospital Fund

I k e Treaaurer bags to aoknowiadga the ftif^ 2 t i d e s from M r s Wi l son too Grove sid

following subscriptionsmdashMrs t a e r i i i - Bicester pound1 I s rlt-- M r c B M a r t i n tdlt J Carnell Albany New Y o i k F 8 A pound 6 liiampB laquonell Albany New York U 3 A pound 1 a Jraquoend Albany New Y o r k TJB A 4s previous- y aekaowledged poundo3 9s Sd total pound6Q 14s 8 J

Mewbiggin Belgian Relief Fund

The Seoretary has reoelved the fo i l owiag I mounts for the col lec t ions mde on the 31st of J s n u w y aad 145a of Feb iaa ry 1916 mdash Messrs Geo N ixon 3s I d Gib Coit inscc 4s 3d Jraquobez i l i r g t e 3s J W Gibson 15s 2iamp Joshua B J M J I P 5 S Od Ar thu i - Parmley - i

Reg Balnbr idce n i l Robt Scot t I s 9 d Jos I Beadle 3 i 6d t o t a l pound116s 6d

G Craig 3 Breeo R BGent W Hodgson jai- R B Motoe iV Bloomer R P Hunte r T Boardmac Z Grhu t t J Swinbanb A V HemnsaM and J H DunnmdashIu c m a o o t i o n w h n the p t p j c r is is variongti suggestions were t h r o w n ou t and an in t e r e s t i ng discussion ensued i t being finally cfcoided t i n t a not ice be p r i n t e d asd sent t o each member respectshyf u l l y r e k i c g t h e i r customers to b r i n g baskets fo r thaeawry togof goods wherever possiblemdash I f the light - ree t r io t loos cont inue t i l l t be autu-j=v 111 was foreshaaowed t h a t t he

J T o the B d i i o r the T e r s d a l a M e r o u gt j D B A K I B I R mdash M a y I t b r o n g t you- column a address our masy k i n d f iucds of Ba rna rd | Castismdashiespeoiaiiy asa wicraquo h i v e borne t e burden io t ha werkmdashWoo ao -at-[sMatcibated towards too baaddesht p resen t i I BtadaSqbtrs Wade r i d rss df a The -lraquoy bull t i i e 2 4 t i B i t t I t was iMpeoatbhl to c o f i w i t b i a fceroom k i n d l y t i by Mraquoe Todd u -I a la rge pnciber of c u h t a J i b a r s a me t

them evjsrj- one gtoaid b t v o pauved A task laquos s i t would have beea de i ghUQi

I A i t h e i r tiaases howevc arc ooaaained to the charmioig a i l v - - b o u n d note-book aod bard-bull esse prfsented to tore Waa- Al ready i t has been n J ^aali jraquoy Bo road oat one by oaf t ha i unmea sf m a c j t he racaembtaaoc cf w b o a is j b ig w i t h happy sUoughtm-f pleasahtoddai lona

P e r b i r i no pei-i)d of our 3raquo-r loa HJe bna bean so f rn i c tu l cf profooad f r iecdsaip ss ths yaampr ws gtr-laquoulaquo at - ca r o l d Barnard Castle t r c ^ th la qu^et oauot ry viaarage wo r i v p t l m e t o ( conlamplato tho near past M n o v i there j seams t h a t m igh t bave been bet t a t otVerwise

GothetSluiiia b s d i i C I l CT the r j i i t i amp h

sV0fflen6 Temperance Association j T h Xci-ipfctAvraquo fcaii CYfeare ic vnagt v-

fllled cn the ovcr-hi Februa- - wba I sbe Bri-lsh Womer a iet-^c-rc-a i bull j he ld anarhesf of tgt3r evcr-Be eame a e t u e g s

mdash M r K i p l i c r cocupied t i l t c L amp i i c ^ - B j fo-s wsii-ohoset rssaarks Ihtrodaoed t ee

bullbullvraquokaimdashMr F l e t o L e i i Jse ^ laquo - gtT i ne | v i r t j t l a v c n n t o i a - toeyLcng tok | of C - - Bj me s r i th gt irarvn taedocSna J H e j--- fu (w est n - 6 s t i r r t og j sdaress i css i g bin 3 raquo J I S ehi i i b ak r - U toe f fec ta i c- b u o a twavpc - )V^ 5iohcr I like i e^-ii tas cf W i u j adPglsfi t o u j whie- -c Bwajgt - i u y t o t i r i - ^ a usamptbull nc

thus artc-e^s tha atfct n t io t ox ^ i - i ycuclaquoit6t-Miss ftliiaoa of Balaquoreia xva tara-a noift acd vio i a-alr and E - Jjcwsoo c f t--craquo-kk p l a y d ijeiecttcne on ( t o i i u _ i bens hro9gagt t j r oieasion c- I t c o k- j s sacc iss to l mcttizz tats sewr -Mlas B toe i she speaker tss- a i - bdquo - - i - bull id to be feeid oa March

association weald consider t he quest ion u l b u t we have not a i w g e t h e r tbe sta ea r l ie r olnalag

Hution M a g n a Whist Drive and Dance

Oa Sriday sec tho commit tee of t h e H u t t o u Ult f a W laquo Work ing Pasty organised a wh i s t d r i v e and dance to the Wyoi i f le sohool-room k i n d l y l en t for the occasion T-e af i i i i r t u rned ou t to be a grea t success as W R evidenced by the fact t ha t 40 tables were occupied by the players Tho ladies prizes were g i v e n b M r Hedley M r Woodhams M r s Storey and M r s Green W h i t e House w h i l s t the gentlemans prizes were the g i f t s of M r County C u e o i l i e r B r i t t a i c the Chairman c f the commit tee ( the Rev A W I I Cicse) Captain Ber ry aud Dr 8andezs The consolashyt i o n prizes were p rov ided by the commit tee Donations wore also g iven by M r s B e l l - I r v i n g Roksby M r Robinson H u t t o n H a l l M r W Baiabridge Da r l i ng ton and M r Hmble tos toy ton Manor The pr ize-winners wore ru fo l lowmdashLadies mdash firat priza M r s Presa second Miss A Aisopp t h i r d Miss -3 Raice f o u r t h Miss E W i l k i n s o n cocsola t icn prize Miss Cameron geniilemenmdashfired pr ize M r T Robinson Crookes House second M r Freeman (Zet land bun t hun t sman) t h i r d M r T Summerbe l l f ou r th M r R L o w e s consolation pr ize M r F Shields The prizes were presented to tbe successful compet i tors by M r County Counci l lor B r i t t a t o Oae c t too featurea ot the evenings en te r ta inment was the guessing of the naaie of a d o l l dressed ss a Red Cress nurse a r i presented b j M i b S Shields A pr lza wan g iven by M r FstwcetJ of Da r l i ng ton t o tho one wuo gu^saod the cor rec t name (Joan) The d o l l w laquo then pu t up f c r auct iou ard realised laquo- t o t s s ic - inc lus ive c f guessing t icke ts ot pound5 2s I l i a T w o cakes g iven by M r s Wi lk inson and l i r a Shields for guessing aad sals realised pound3 5s I d The rclreshmants were giraquotaitousy prov ided by M r s Storey and M r s Hougsoc Lraquor ie Head gtlrs Fenwick Rokeby Close M r s B a r r y aud Mm Besivp H u t t o n and M i a B e r t h and K raquo a Shields Qnt too Fie lds A t n t ldo igh i d scc iag oomltrcaced to music provided by M W Swan of Epplaoy aad wlaquoa e s a U d oa t i l l early morn leg TUe sum t r i a l realised wasi pound31 6s 6-Jdbdquo ot w h i c h pound15 goes t o the Red Cross Society auu Ao balance ta the w o r k i r g par ty s funds The mampmbeiB of t b e commitvect who spared no pains to make tho tttzit a successare to be congra tu la ted on the -esalt of t h e i r labours and cn the spleadid patronage they received from far wide

own de t th i l ep Oa ta o ther bsni i t sacre is way blessing In being tho objoejte cf Tf rcj-bear tsd affeotioc it siiy i n beiug the recipients of deep sympathy said l a s p i r i n g e n c u r s g e m e n l i f t r u e -igtBdagtip when lavist ad upon uiraquo Kgt gtn acy s e c s e a b e c i a i c i o n the - SKjtM Wade srd 1 have base indeec best above qur deasestd A n d it thaok ing due cld pariahipnorfl tar the i r bsudsaaaa g i f t s t o us both oar hope acd prayer is tha t t h roughou t l i f e we may never lack opportutoSiBs of

| i m p a r t i n g to otheta wha t wa hsve onrsalves so abundant reesivedmdash Yoa t s etc

SPENCER W A D E The Vicinrsgo Biahop Midd ieb raquom

J F e r r y h i l ) Febraxry 26bigt 1916

Death of Mr T h o m a s Oliver Late of tendings Mill

Tha neath took place on EunU- at Romaid-k i i i t KZ the ago c f 74 years of M r T-oaas O l i v e r i l a t o ot Leadings he resided for thp ioog span of t h i r t y - t h r e e caie the decoaepd Itraquov ar Lend I F gs abiut four - cats sgo eicoa w b c a t ime he has l i v e d i i-atire-ment Tho late M r Ol ive r who wvs never mar r ied has been confined to bed for t w e n t v -four weeks he hav ing had a p a r a l y t i c scioke last Septeutoar Dr Be t i i t a - j Middle ion was his modlcal atteadana Tho deceased geatieman was a t rus tee r f the Bowes and R o m a l d k i r k Char i ty and a j u r o r ot Mieklefcun and Luuedaia Msuor Courgt i he late M r Ol ive r s b ro the r

i Mi Robert Addison O l i v e r ) d i e d a t R i m a l d k l t k en rhe 10th of Jauuni-y 1908 and both were sons ot t i i a la te wimw t d M r s M a r y Ol ive r fo rmer ly of OotberatMM M i l l The fami ly jo r lg in^ t ed a t Coiiiogwood The igt52-rina of M Thomas O l i v e r w i l l ba I n t e r r e d a t R c m a l d k i r k to-morrow ( fburs i3j ) a t i e r n i o n

Uoncert and Picture Oispiay for

Newcastle rioyai infirmaiy A saoocaafal ooaoert asd d tap i t i r o i tojures

were g i v e n I s I h a V l c t o r l a HalLBarssird Qaatllt on Sanday evoctog to a id tfee forlaquo f t t h e R o y a l Iofiraaasa alt N bull bull a s s l The bull bull c rowded id exce l len t w e r e l bull i i f i fccr-se by i h e c e c ^ r r i t a c Uf- Frsae who e s c - B B C C J I 6 3 t a r them (r for r-a as the oaE Tea ar t i gt s wei bull afwi raquo es M i S m e n o c a iu Messrs J firaw C H Hetciu2WEy T h laquo tollrnvig vraquoia roe f-gt g r s a i u i u mdash D a t i - W - c h r a a r - W w rt | | nlgtht--slaquoic86rlaquolaquo Bfgtui and Heraiv^whj sv Kmdash Tbe old flag pathmdasha its Ssasvai ig bull- bullbull - --of A r a b j mdash M r Hssnlcgwcv socgmdashIJct i imdashMrs Jices aOg- Sbipm- J dBe tmdashLi faa drc-n- bullbullbull bull bull raquo bull rsrs i cn r - J Miss - Bwers -- gt - L X I O - McalUB Henir lt lt ad

Recruiting Notes C F Q U ^ SIC 1 laquo A l L pound u U P

titsted alsn i h K aa aod

bull raquo t re are now ci lad a- d 1 - Kempt a sk aid be C i i H srithfc tea da i _ ^ato c f aha p--ci-rf-li-c bull I K - r -raquo -bullbull - gts r bu t

bull v o t ciadlt- ~ bull a tec ltjs o i - it^e o l 19 b- ng ^foanen

U kt estsd M - - To-uay Last Day iraquor Appeal laquoes aaasssg Bodsst t i e M i l i t a r y

B f i n t c t bull SSJ r p e cv i led ap as ttbj atdain 19 yeara of age b u t they moat s l y f o r axes day a- tey w i l l be

| to-L bull laquo bull 2ad -3arc t i appolnsed tuj Ids tba A c t c^tnin^- i n to f c ro

bull r - for R6cruits wvL- ^ iocemv for s ingle men

l o s e lad M tsdl aat 6- tor I cg ing claims by

BaaahaBaad bit a -o mt-o Brd M a n h a i to 12 o i l e d up l as t

gt - fth Marc- - i a r o i i - i i - --a-i 14 to 23 sad slaaaea 18

I gt 23 c u l e d Bp

J i c a t i d r d and ataintoti W a r Relief Fund

i vi-- - C b o w l c d g e w i t h yaha bha eeeadpa cf t ho f l awiug ducat loos

saw fssad A s v i e reaanaeCtsisi nauae-ao-bull Mad -o l ies a to- Feoruar r mdash ( raquo ) c d l e o t e d

M r s W t f c h a Lady Glamls 10 M r aad bull- f t i s -n 10s ii-e Bayer 5 s M r A l l a r -

ta 6a ylt- H Bradtey l a 6a EW 4s i to l to Miss bull i- p 2igt Miss A McQueen i raquo E M e r s d i t h 2 M r s Green 2s

S i n j n i t n i uc - l lt M r A MaeJunal^ fid M r a ^cQaeea I s s i r P Lac ib ta l f janlor 2s Od Uefsi-5 bullctoslti 2e M r s Lsng^o I s M r M

t i son It A l t i 2raquo r~s R g r 0 0 I s 6d - - B Beottaid i t 8d M r ft 3 U^iU 5s (b)

Caliedtad by Mis s 1 C r o k - U -r J W ow^ji I s Me CrooVatt 1$ 6d A Crocks t 2 s Ms G L W - k l n 2 6 1 M r dame 2s 64 M r s Swi bullbdquobullgt I s M-s Walker

I s M W Wttsjoo Ss d i (o) O- l t o t e d by E Sawjok r - i r lob 4v M l s i Bewlok

2s od Mies E B f - o c k I s Cd gt V Bewiok M I t Bewlaquo i bull mdash Misr N Bewick 6d Idr G Rogtr- a l i M r s R u t t e r l a M r R Val too I s M r J Q Ba i l 6J Ms M Lingataff 1

6 4 M r J W Mai -or 6- (d) O-lleosed by Miss J Lsojrs aff -^ i s Rabloaoo S i M r s W b w SJ M i s - fshaw 2d M r baogstafi ewajsshsa H i l l 4a M r B Laogswfi I s M r s K Lacgn t j f l 2s t i 3 S L tlt) C t t c t e d by Miss A M u r r a y M m J Piaconk I s M r J flail I j sd l 3d M r e K Lowes 6d t ra Addtaws od H v r 0 4 i s G Astotsoa Ilaquo a d L r l W n o i d amp r t l a M t J s Guy I s F W j 5 s M J L bull lt V bull R i j r w i t A Tavlov I s M r i 1 a b bull i s w a Oibbt a I s raquoraquo) C-I leeted bullbullbullbulleg V- R t e 6 Eb ltd dfB WsJ laquo i l is Stoat 0 Mr J W

hftahsild I s Btok - i 1 - ir K Dawsjoa o s Mt is w-ii 6-1 f G Wllk losoa l a uaaum soUected r- - - avi-Jth poundraquogt 8 8 1

Otfatt or tiv dohn c-therington Davis Hewsagent

Coilsctbr c t L B M I L i t e ra ry i iecords T- dea th rlx bull B M I ad M r ing

r - J w- E u c r i u g t o r i Bavta a s w a l g a i t bullgtbull acdJlsatkaasTlfsa age bull I uT rcj -bull dec i a gantleasssi had --gtryt - cr bull c- y morn ing the i7i-- r Fcbraary F ^ - - wr-Sci U a laquo be baa beeo atidflaad to v c -gt--ayraquorSu-laquorgtlaquojned SOd bull ic TUB b- l j a f f tCted TlM asii - of M raquo famUy Beae rv t La i t t h e TsMahaVs M e r o c - y Ofiic^ aaa srfah f h e e x p t L i n of

u p SWy a t - Hereford til -wu of hia

BBtirity at an - j t aa ia te r -eattag - bull laquo - - bull bull - _ - ktslduooa C--u c i nclt bull J uu l t c t i una l and

art p r i o r i rsac - and i - i rraquop t k s cantata u c - raquo raquo u - M bull L k t - s f a t r

dsjasjaajsid g l^ar l tanlaal teas as rat 6 G ntjrega-

t t c n w h i c h e-abo i t e a r l t years be sp - las ted aloohoi rgt i psacked pipe of gtgtbullbull to

he ri LJsexai ixamp Uota e a r ly r-vs waa

bull rested i u bull i bullbull t i n v a r i a b l y

sWsy - _ raquo w i l l i ^ i V laquo J C

WLil- s 1U J j i t r f r i

- bull bull i s i i o o i l per

-bs Z a m j l i c e

E A T f t

Hewbiggin Schooi

Post-card Maps showing each Theatre ot Wampr i n de t a i l I d each t o be had a t the Teesdaie M e r e u r y Onice Barnard Cast i r

M I H I H igg Collocticn for the Wounded OiitjiR ton rivit bull of IPTiv y (( uf weeks)

tho f i s i o w i u g i-^i in amp hk iiKU l i c e i by toe oifaldrea mdashA - i i i o Scott i a A a c i e Watsoa 17 eggs snd S i Annie Auderscu3s 4d Laura Wearmcuto la I d Es iher rolaod e i g h t cgs and 2 t f i o r r i d W c i r m c u t b 2s 7d A v-k Anderson fiyo oggs acd 8 i Joe W A l l i a -B O C three eggs and la l O d Jolaquo Edmuad Coii iuson aix eggs- aud 3a i d V i e lt Weaz-moutb I s 7d H a r r y Temple and A Vzibn 22 eggs tan I s 2 d Jos Edmund GihBoc 5a 2a - i i i A r n u l d P i cke r i cg 0 i Jao E d w a r J Walter n ine eggs and 2s 0^d H bull t i Pjirmlev 9 1 Jr-- Hutobinaon l i d t a t - l 0 eggs and pound 9s lpoundd

Memorial Service for -ir^ua amp C

Waine of barnard Castie A nomoril slaquo- riso t-s J Sacday

bullvetiraquog at t^e P r i c i t i v a H bull isc Ciarcfc Barnard Gstraquoa in ret^ce^ u t S^rgeani Gf-^Tjr Grabsi-i vraquo- a s a inot i t a - j tMs j o u m ^ week ^ s s ki i ed i t bull l u u i n 9t-uc-ltbull H v bull bull bullbull C - i t a or who pr f c ici t r e s raquo - a r i - gtgtii lboag i a l u c u w i t h thr- tltlaquof icUi wlaquor and the worst it has tUej bull -ft bullbulllaquobullltbull lt upon the many j o u i g BI a bullbulllt -gt had be sacrifleea [ t s ( a a m a r n f a l t d a b U k a k a l w a t such bullsio i a tbe ^ora ne bad i w i i l d l n l b t a behind tha t srar sod of the thraunn irvaiilios wlo hard beaa pisoged n - T r r - j f M a u r s aiea syhc t-nrerod va fi- d of ba t i ilaquo i n rpoundraquopcrse to tfis a r g ^ c i l l wesa a oe ecVcJ^fn cf bullgt 1 y t boal amp$S t t i l l a d Llt bull bull v--r r Waiaia befeg k i l l e d ilti act ion abojat fcari so d i j - a g i j S C i wsgt was ba t wtgtatlaquo--v cf age T ogt Eympaihy wenS cua t 0 3 i c r the l a i b i Find t e J-mij- general] -mdash Tdde8gt l r ef fe t t ive to bull- i V i u i I d t b a s e t t t o e t y Har -

1916 a t i wife of

B i r t h fatal cf fetaVaty

r laquo o tgt- ^ rd OaSalle i 5 --4ilaquoei

s - iges HOalBK faaBHUtaWPJi - - _ i hgcVs-t 0 Pachsh

Gaort s j s - v - ^

WJBTBOH vrs i t bull

l v gt bull bull


FebroA y 2 6 1 9 1 6 I R i bull - r C-Mltlaquoiiii t cg i cee r a

i u a i r i i igt- - ltbullraquo a M I c f M r - to E izabetn

R - J tbe - - get uf Eggleatooe

UAlMiUUBGsj i-us - A i b t i l a r y e Pariah i bull e laquo d u s g b r a a r j a 1M6 b i raquo f Y i l b - I t - ker 8

v bull i^i j g bull J a c t i H US- iv luraquoo V a I h i _ J v o g h t w r i f J o L ^ C R

of ( i raquo t B -use B a a Bank Mict i i i - l^-f v j o j i i e

a s a i t a C A sa 0 i a Bat] 28c at 20 tfrk Bxraa rd

bull J i t C v i raquo ^t-o ylt faaiamdashMi be I bull aa r IsM Sraquorca cortege

bull -gto casadd 2 3U rm for the i e-i-i-ual C r u r c c

O L I V E R - A t Uv Idtdrk BSJ F i l r u a r y 27tb A raquo I 6 f tu ieoraquoiv- - - A L- -d icga M U I afasd 71 T H - b-jotadssd - t K m a l c k l r k to TuuiFdLi M a n 2d a- 2 pm

Ir - m - - K i i t i K A i i i R V - L ltiriiii tn aiory bull f Lucy i l e of

bull- i - i i a |- - i l ea at L a u c g t o u on M a f c t 2 1914

lluU will link tUe Iwoieo claiu

B U bull - j h e i lovisfj husbaad andtawtiij

B M U E E - I n ^vlc- ajemcry o f one dear little vV J ^ BcZdgegatts Barnard

t aa r j S ih 11114 a^ea I S vrerkt^

Vucrft s - iici- Ti-campz |)Uc our ^ Where a orcei CLle I-AC - ^ l lo lecfi bull

I I ma -ineuo (w- -iy bioasJNS tin t-hcy uam^e ^ tu a l tigt uark aijukl gtutl tbtf l i l l pt-t c -jur -^tiipound l ^rlaquo Use--1-^ to A b - tTiui folu

I - - - -r bull t - u T bullbull iu i i T j g fa ther aod t - - ^Ois sat cs J -cny a o d

t i y y at bull b A i u - 1 - i bullbull - a - i f is Sear aastari

I s a h H a M - - bull bull_ bull - a i 2ad 19llti E gtj f t eisLer aod

b r o t h e r - i _ - i a ace ltsuil) h e i i m hanKB

H B f h s t B I R D t i - A M I X Y o f tad tU i - Rrgt IKgt raquoON iaa t o 4Mik i d i-pound 8 of sympathy

shows to u i j 1 ampif L R i v e r a - n t