f5t am are. jfrnnsphmman - penn libraries · f5t am are. jfrnnsphmman voil- we xli—no. 30...

F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue Luminary Receives Hurt in Workout That Will Prevent His Facing Lafayette CROWD CHEERS TEAM IN PRACTICE Rogers and "Poss" Miller, Scrub Backs. Elude Varsity Tacklers for Two Touchdowns , K 1U , i will be out of the Lafay.- te eami This fad was revealed yesterday :i il,. staff nl R< d .mil Itli aims aft< r : . examination "1 an injury which the V an itj fullback received in Bcrimmage lm Light, team physician, made a uperflcial examination yesterday, but . stem of Krm/.'s injury will not i„. known until an X-ray is taken today. are d iini the !{•• dand Hlue star will be "in fur the remainder of the Kruez hurt liis hip as lie was tackling ucrub runner In yesterday's Bcrimmage. t made an examination ami lm- el) tool Hi'- Varsity fullback [roin nthusiastlc crowd of 2. ' students .,.,. present yesterday for the open practice The cheer leaders were on hand Beal Lafayette!" spirit was in . in all the cl is ami songs. 5 nggave the hail to the Scrubs, ntire list of Lafayette Poss" Miihr. Odiorne, Bowen :... ra played in the backfleld fur rubs ami opposing them wan the first Varsity team. "I.ou" Young. r, threw many substitutes Into the scrimmage during the fifteen-minute playing time. Rogers, on a long end run, , toui hdown fur the scrubs and cored again on a letl tackle thrust in which he broke away iri'iii the secondary defense ami ran 40 touchdown. During Hie mire age He Varsity was kept on the quad of thirty-four men will leave i vii w Country Club, Ab- \ no i qtilpment Is being I \:ii . led that the player- will . ti a iplete rest. The lied and es will confine practice t" workouts an.I signal drills. The T phere ami the absence of if thi ' ampus is expected to i . \, ellenl condition for ntinued on Page Six UNDERGRADUATES ASSEMBLE IN QUADRANGLE TODAY FDR SPIRITED FOOTBALL SEND-OFF Attention is called to the faot that ( all persons desiring to submit "Foot- I ball Bongs" in competition for the | that lias been Offered mil s t nt their compositions at the [ iii . of the Vice-Provost, 104 College Hall, before Saturday, November 1st. j Knur compositions hav< alreaay beet r< i elved, EDWARD \V. MADEIRA, A- ilstanl to the Vii -Prove il KITE ANO KEY PLANS CAPTAIN CHARLES NUNGESSER L Songs and Cheers Wi'l Prevail Gigantic Rally for Departing Gridiron Team at SLOGAN, "BEAT LAFAYETTE!" Coach Young Takes Thirty-four Men to Absecon. N. J., to Prepare for Crucial Battle Undergraduate Troupe Will Play Before High School Students in Extended Itinerary SPREAD UNIVERSITY LITERATURE NOTED FRENCH ACE WILL I Captain Nungesser, Decorated by Three Countries, to Be at Houston Hall This Afternoon CREEK LETTER COUNCIL PROMOTES FELLOWSHIP Committee Proposed and Plans Laid to Better Spirit of Friendliness Among Fraternities Managerial Call \t'ts Large Turnout fifteen Aspiring Sophomores Sign Up for Basketball Competition all for managerial fifteen Sophomores reported tball office yesterday after- HI was quite encourag- f 111 be a chance glvi n t.i ike part in the ' "iii- jlstanl managi rship of .n up 'his afternoon. tition is one of the short- irts, .md as there is pi nty < iphomores who have not i do so this afternoon at iffli. betwi i n the hours I 10, The candidates who Kiied up will report this . up their assigned inder way next week, !. Inti naive training will || thi season i" gins. Sup- Ri .1 and Blue quintet are : u ith .i big surprise Pennsylvania five takes the ning gam<. as at pn n nl mplating changing - tnd radically : pp« a ram of the TOPIC, "AVIATION POSSIBILI rItS" Captain Charles Nungesser, noted French aiie, « ill address the si mien the University this after n, at i •"• o'clock, in Houston Hall. Captain .Nun gesser was one ol the outstanding figures in aviation during ih" World War. hav- ing been offl< lallj credited with the biing Ing down ol 105 enemj planes. He has been honored for ins exceptional a hi I it j ami braverj bj both the L'nited States and England, as well as bj his own < ountr). Captain N'linos-e r has chosen a- lii- topic "Aviation in War and III Hi ai i He will mention a tew incidents ol thi war, telling of the me hulls ol alta< k and development ol tactics. He will also tell of the 'ie\ elopment ol i ommi i * -. i a\ ..i tion in Europe, and will show thi possi- bilities thai exisl In the l'nited S al - in airplane taxi sen ii e, as wi ii an in I..-led commercial routes. Lieutenants Andre and Bellol will be with the captain ami will give short talks. I |g ol Interest to know lat i Nungesser intends to remain In this coun- trj. and ' hat he has ai i pti J a com w ith the An adla Producing Company, i i this i Ity, tor whom In will appi ar in mov- ing pii iHI. - He will also bi inli n sti d in the development ol i ommen ml t\ la tion. L'nder the auspii - of the Penns Aero club, .i iii' el will be In Id on S in- day, Novembi r 2nd, al 3 00 P. M , a Pltcalrn Plying Field. Bryn Athyn, Pa., tor the purpose ol furthering inter. - aviation,, particular!) In this i ommui Captain Nungi sser will b thi principal figure in an ixhlbltion, Including a sham battle in the air, acrobatli Big , i, He will feal in in a Ii ng i I l< Ing to rest on thi field i xactl) i n a Ii - Ignati d spot. It has been si - b) Mr. R< of the P' nnsylvanls Ai ro Club, thai Unit rail j Vi ro iub bi formi d b) i b< na ol the studi i Several i nent unlvers ties of thi E ist n ai tivi organizatli ns i I this kind v oni who Is Inti n -• d will ha> at portunlty of talkli % r wit! ssi OFFER SUPPORT TO R. O. T. C. Al i hi « kl) i ting ni ' he Interfra- l, rnity Council last night in the Houston i i everal matters of inti rest wen dls . :. Fori most among nese was the proposal to appoint a committee with a to strengthening the friendliness IO I win amongst the various organ- ization) signator) to the new rushing agre lie nt recently adnpti d i ted, will mil plans by which one fraternity will be able to entertain the members of an- other in rotation, In this way the fellow- ship iii one group can no enjoyed by another to the betterment of all con- cerned Further consideration will be a the proposal at a later date. R s Lower, Beta Theta PI ri presents- ti\e. moved that the Secretary be In structed t.i -end a letter to Colonel i>!i\' r I-' Snyder Informing him that the Inter- ii,-. rnil v Council Is In favor <>f the K u T c Men ement, ami will give thi latter its tulle**! support, \i A. nilmartln and Lower, who were recently appointed as the committee In charge of the Interfraternlty Scholarship Cup. asked for reports of individual fra- ternities " aid in awarding the prize n L-i\ n ai h s ar to the house having the highest scholastic standing K n i unpi til ion is exp' cted for thi Consistent with the program adopted by the Kite and Key Society at their meeting last Tuesday night, a troupe composed ol Edward Cox, ii' rnard Spil- lie, Albert Mitchell, AI Peyton, Lewis Chapman, David Willis, president of the Society, and Dr. William McCleland, di- rector of admissions, will start a round nl trips throughout the Eastern states in the very near future. Among the hir.ti and pri paratory schools at which the men have arranged visits are Colllngsw I and Palmyra High Schools, both in New i nsey, and Reading High I»CQOO] and Mercersburg Academy. In Pennsylvania. The Society i< also contemplating at rangements for a New England and a Baltimore trip. !<:• HI I Ke) has a mailing list of one hundred and lift) nine preparatory \\ it h which it keeps In ci communications, In each of these schools there has been organized clubs sponsored by the Society to spread University lit- eratnre among the students, The purpose ol 'In- Is obvious, and In uril'i an) men who wish to starl up new clubs or to revive old ones in their home schools. David Willis, the pn sident, will be in the So. let) 's offli e in t he Hou club at l o'clock Tuesdays and Thurs- days, At that time the names and ad- dresses of students from any section of the country can I btalned, as well as 11 iii-.- for distribution, The Ki'e and Key Society is divided Into five distinct departments: one han- dling tie- mailing list; a commltti the reception of opposing teams; a com mittee for arranging programs and nend iii Tin Pn sldi nl "i the Univer- sity desires the undersigned to an- | nounce that the regular schedule of | afternoon hours on Thursday, Octo- ber the 80th, will begin at 2.30 | o'clock instead ol al - 'clock, in | order to permit the student body to j give a c ciinpliini ntary "send ofT" to | the members of the Iniversity-foot- | ball team prior to the Lafayette-l'enn- , sylvania gam. on Saturday next. cii Tin- President also desires to [ announce that under no circumstances will i lasses be Buspi nded on any of | ih. Mondays in November. .1. HARTLEY MERR1CK, Vice Provost. Songs will be sung, cheers will be cheered and a great deal ol "pep" and enthusiasm will oe generated at the flrst football rally of tin season to be held at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon In the Uig Quad. All undergraduates are i xpected . . i ont and help it ng the t< am a rousing semi oil when n leaves toi Sea View country club al Absecon, \. .1 , where It will tram in preparation for the Lafayette gam. Saturday. Students will assemble at the- steps at the wi -i end of the Big Quad al l :00 o'clock, when Eddie Cox and his corps "i cheer bad, rs will lead i hi era for the various members of the team. After the band has accompanied a few Bongs, it will had the parade through campus eets, winding up al the Wi si Phila- delphia station, where member- ol the team will be- put aboard the i 10 train tor Absei on, Thi rail) Is hi Ing held under 11 spli e - ol the I 'mle incll, and its membi rs w IH be in charge of :t. it expei ted that th iffaii will bring Beal Lafayette!" spil II to .i maximum. A gn al deal ha - b< i n d ilong this line during thi pa » ' k by thi Bi al Lafayette!" button- which are being wi MI by Ki eshmen in plai e of I Houston Club Offers Novel Entertainment Ing out the troupe to various schools; .i honor. committee which handles the formation Theodore Grayson. Even.ng School Dean, and organization of sectional clubs, and Scheduled to Speak at Smoker the Undergraduate News Bureau, which keeps the schools notified of the actlvl Plans have been completed for the ties of their alumni. Lewis Chapman was fourth Houston Club smoker to b< 'I chairman of the committee to tomorrow evening, si 16, In the Hous- arrange for the future trip-, and Tex ton Hall Auditorium. Paul i:. Harten Haggerty. clasR of'20. was made an hon stein, Assistant Director of the Houston FRESHMEN. ATTENTION! fri -hni'ii are not permitted to sub- stitute MH straw hats ni slogan. "Bi al Lafayetti !" for their Freshman cap« Straw bats may be worn h) Freshmen, but Freshman same i SOPHOMORE VTiSIL VXCF. COM orary member of thi Society by virtu his Interest In the ty was thi rgai I nl relations commltti The trip to Ri adh e ne of club, la again In i program, Th- odore J, < Ira) - i. I k a n Ing and Bxti i. .ii Si ind OI I thi most ii ty, will . Interest. It Is undei pii talk Several Mash and Wlg| 1) Vlumnl of I ty and Is iluled for Pennsj Ivanla 1 »aj Bi the regular troupe, the Society : - tending iln Rae McGr iw to ri pn 11 I Unlvi rslty and to aid In thi eel Uumnl. 'i n BEAT LAFAYETTE schi diil'-d io perform a few stunts, M of the ( Sing, and Ho y Will be fol- low. e| on the program by Cla B 'and m will bi ' - Club, entli .... e will e shown Durh the n Cla) Bo- nd, eon v.' her," er form a I r « 111 in provided in char;. . At ' f the Undi rg i Council. 1100 wa ol to H . Committee for ! these Ul-Ui that th* I :. iki rs w II] bi - and better I No ad-

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Page 1: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue




Red and Blue Luminary Receives Hurt in Workout That Will Prevent

His Facing Lafayette


Rogers and "Poss" Miller, Scrub Backs. Elude Varsity Tacklers for

Two Touchdowns

■, K1U, i will be out of the Lafay.- te eami This fad was revealed yesterday :i il,. staff nl R< d .mil Itli aims aft< r

:. examination "1 an injury which the Vanitj fullback received in Bcrimmage

lm Light, team physician, made a ■uperflcial examination yesterday, but

. stem of Krm/.'s injury will not i„. known until an X-ray is taken today.

ared iini the !{•• dand Hlue star will be "in fur the remainder of the

Kruez hurt liis hip as lie was tackling ucrub runner In yesterday's Bcrimmage.

t made an examination ami lm- el) tool Hi'- Varsity fullback [roin

nthusiastlc crowd of 2. ' students .,.,. present yesterday for the open practice The cheer leaders were on hand

Beal Lafayette!" spirit was in . in all the cl is ami songs.

5 nggave the hail to the Scrubs, ntire list of Lafayette

■Poss" Miihr. Odiorne, Bowen :... ra played in the backfleld fur rubs ami opposing them wan the

first Varsity team. "I.ou" Young. r, threw many substitutes Into the

scrimmage during the fifteen-minute playing time. Rogers, on a long end run,

, toui hdown fur the scrubs and cored again on a letl

tackle thrust in which he broke away iri'iii the secondary defense ami ran 40

touchdown. During Hie ■ mire age He Varsity was kept on the

quad of thirty-four men will leave i vii w Country Club, Ab-

\ no i qtilpment Is being I • \:ii . led that the player- will

. ti a iplete rest. The lied and es will confine practice t"

workouts an.I signal drills. The ■ T phere ami the absence of

if thi ' ampus is expected to ■ i . \, ellenl condition for

ntinued on Page Six


Attention is called to the faot that (

all persons desiring to submit "Foot- I ball Bongs" in competition for the |

that lias been Offered mil s t nt their compositions at the [

■ iii . of the Vice-Provost, 104 College Hall, before Saturday, November 1st. j Knur compositions hav< alreaay beet r< i elved,

EDWARD \V. MADEIRA, A- ilstanl to the Vii • -Prove il




Songs and Cheers Wi'l Prevail Gigantic Rally for Departing

Gridiron Team



Coach Young Takes Thirty-four Men to Absecon. N. J., to Prepare for

Crucial Battle

Undergraduate Troupe Will Play Before

High School Students in

Extended Itinerary



Captain Nungesser, Decorated by Three

Countries, to Be at Houston

Hall This Afternoon


Committee Proposed and Plans Laid to Better Spirit of Friendliness

Among Fraternities

Managerial Call \t'ts Large Turnout

fifteen Aspiring Sophomores Sign Up

for Basketball Competition

all for managerial fifteen Sophomores reported tball office yesterday after-

■ HI was quite encourag- f 111 be a chance glvi n t.i

■ ike part in the ' "iii- jlstanl managi rship of .n up 'his afternoon.

tition is one of the short- irts, .md as there is pi nty

< iphomores who have not i do so this afternoon at iffli. betwi i n the hours

I 10, The candidates who Kiied up will report this

• . up their assigned

inder way next week, !. Inti naive training will

■ || thi season i" gins. Sup- • Ri .1 and Blue quintet are

: u ith .i big surprise Pennsylvania five takes the

ning gam<. as at pn n nl • mplating changing

■ - tnd radically : ■ ■ pp« a ram • of the


Captain Charles Nungesser, noted French aiie, « ill address the si mien the University this after n, at i •"• o'clock, in Houston Hall. Captain .Nun gesser was one ol the outstanding figures in aviation during ih" World War. hav- ing been offl< lallj credited with the biing Ing down ol 105 enemj planes. He has been honored for ins exceptional a hi I it j ami braverj bj both the L'nited States and England, as well as bj his own < ountr).

Captain N'linos-e r has chosen a- lii- topic "Aviation in War and III Hi ai i He will mention a tew incidents ol thi war, telling of the me hulls ol alta< k and development ol tactics. He will also tell of the 'ie\ elopment ol i ommi i * -.■ i a\ ..i tion in Europe, and will show thi possi- bilities thai exisl In the l'nited S al - in airplane taxi sen ii e, as wi ii an in ■ I..-led commercial routes. Lieutenants Andre and Bellol will be with the captain ami will give short talks.

I ■ |g ol Interest to know lat i Nungesser intends to remain In this coun- trj. and ' hat he has ai i pti J a com w ith the An adla Producing Company, i i this i Ity, tor whom In will appi ar in mov- ing pii iHI. - He will also bi inli n sti d in the development ol i ommen ml t\ la tion.

L'nder the auspii - of the Penns Aero club, .i iii' el will be In Id on S in- day, Novembi r 2nd, al 3 00 P. M , a Pltcalrn Plying Field. Bryn Athyn, Pa., tor the purpose ol furthering inter. - aviation,, particular!) In this i ommui Captain Nungi sser will b thi principal figure in an ixhlbltion, Including a sham battle in the air, acrobatli Big , i, He will feal in in a Ii ng i I l< Ing to rest on thi field i xactl) i n a Ii - Ignati d spot.

It has been si - b) Mr. R< of the P' nnsylvanls Ai ro Club, thai Unit ■ rail j Vi ro ■ iub bi formi d b) i b< na ol the studi i Several i nent unlvers ties of thi E ist n ai tivi organizatli ns i I this kind v oni who Is Inti n -•■ d will ha> ■ at portunlty of talkli % r wit!



Al i hi « kl) i ting ni ' he Interfra- l, rnity Council last night in the Houston i i everal matters of inti rest wen dls

. :. Fori most among • nese was the proposal to appoint a committee with a

to strengthening the friendliness IO I win amongst the various organ-

ization) signator) to the new rushing agre lie nt recently adnpti d

• • i ted, will mil plans by which one fraternity will

be able to entertain the members of an- other in rotation, In this way the fellow- ship iii one group can no enjoyed by another to the betterment of all con- cerned Further consideration will be

a the proposal at a later date. R s Lower, Beta Theta PI ri presents-

ti\e. moved that the Secretary be In structed t.i -end a letter to Colonel i>!i\' r I-' Snyder Informing him that the Inter- ii,-. rnil v Council Is In favor <>f the K u T c Men ement, ami will give thi latter its tulle**! support,

\i A. nilmartln and Lower, who were recently appointed as the committee In charge of the Interfraternlty Scholarship Cup. asked for reports of individual fra- ternities • " aid in awarding the prize n L-i\ • n • ai h s ■ ar to the house having the highest scholastic standing K n i unpi til ion is exp' cted for thi

Consistent with the program adopted by the Kite and Key Society at their meeting last Tuesday night, a troupe composed ol Edward Cox, ii' rnard Spil- lie, Albert Mitchell, AI Peyton, Lewis Chapman, David Willis, president of the Society, and Dr. William McCleland, di- rector of admissions, will start a round nl trips throughout the Eastern states in the very near future. Among the hir.ti and pri paratory schools at which the men have arranged visits are Colllngsw I and Palmyra High Schools, both in New

i nsey, and Reading High I»CQOO] and Mercersburg Academy. In Pennsylvania. The Society i< also contemplating at rangements for a New England and a Baltimore trip.

!<:•■ HI I Ke) has a mailing list of one hundred and lift) nine preparatory

\\ it h which it keeps In ci communications, In each of these schools there has been organized clubs sponsored by the Society to spread University lit- eratnre among the students, The purpose ol 'In- Is obvious, and In uril'i an) men who wish to starl up new clubs or to revive old ones in their home schools. David Willis, the pn sident, will be in the So. let) 's offli e in t he Hou club at l o'clock Tuesdays and Thurs- days, At that time the names and ad- dresses of students from any section of the country can I btalned, as well as

11 iii-.- for distribution, The Ki'e and Key Society is divided

Into five distinct departments: one han- dling tie- mailing list; a commltti the reception of opposing teams; a com mittee for arranging programs and nend

iii Tin Pn sldi nl "i the Univer- sity desires the undersigned to an- | nounce that the regular schedule of | afternoon hours on Thursday, Octo- ber the 80th, will begin at 2.30 | o'clock instead ol al - 'clock, in | order to permit the student body to j give a c ciinpliini ntary "send ofT" to | the members of the Iniversity-foot- | ball team prior to the Lafayette-l'enn- , sylvania gam. on Saturday next.

cii Tin- President also desires to [ announce that under no circumstances will i lasses be Buspi nded on any of | ih. Mondays in November.

.1. HARTLEY MERR1CK, Vice Provost.

Songs will be sung, cheers will be cheered and a great deal ol "pep" and enthusiasm will oe generated at the flrst football rally of tin season to be held at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon In the Uig Quad. All undergraduates are i xpected . . i ■■■■ ont and help it ng the t< am a rousing semi oil when n leaves toi Sea View country club al Absecon, \. .1 , where It will tram in preparation for the Lafayette gam. Saturday.

Students will assemble at the- steps at the wi -i end of the Big Quad al l :00 o'clock, when Eddie Cox and his corps "i cheer bad, rs will lead i hi era for the various members of the team. After the band has accompanied a few Bongs, it will had the parade through campus

eets, winding up al the Wi si Phila- delphia station, where member- ol the team will be- put aboard the i 10 train tor Absei on,

Thi rail) Is hi Ing held under 11 spli e - ol the I 'mle incll, and its membi rs w IH be in charge of :t. it

expei ted that th iffaii will bring Beal Lafayette!" spil II to .i maximum.

A gn al deal ha - b< i n d ilong this line during thi pa • »■' k by thi Bi al Lafayette!" button- which are being wi MI by Ki eshmen in plai e of I

Houston Club Offers Novel Entertainment

Ing out the troupe to various schools; .i


committee which handles the formation Theodore Grayson. Even.ng School Dean, and organization of sectional clubs, and Scheduled to Speak at Smoker the Undergraduate News Bureau, which keeps the schools notified of the actlvl Plans have been completed for the ties of their alumni. Lewis Chapman was fourth Houston Club smoker to b< 'I chairman of the committee to tomorrow evening, si • 16, In the Hous-

arrange for the future trip-, and Tex ton Hall Auditorium. Paul i:. Harten Haggerty. clasR of'20. was made an hon stein, Assistant Director of the Houston

FRESHMEN. ATTENTION! fri -hni'ii are not permitted to sub-

stitute MH straw hats ni slogan. "Bi al Lafayetti !" for their Freshman cap« Straw bats may be worn h) Freshmen, but Freshman


orary member of thi Society by virtu his Interest In the

ty was thi rgai I nl relations commltti •

The trip to Ri adh e ne of

club, la again In i program, Th- odore J, < Ira) - i. I k a n

Ing and Bxti i. .ii Si ind OI I thi most ii

ty, will . Interest. It Is undei pii talk Several Mash and Wlg|

1) Vlumnl of I • ty and Is iluled for Pennsj Ivanla 1 »aj Bi

the regular troupe, the Society :- tending ■ iln Rae McGr iw to ri pn 11 I

Unlvi rslty and to aid In thi eel • • Uumnl. 'i n


schi diil'-d io perform a few stunts, M of the (

Sing, and Ho y Will be fol- low. e| on the program by Cla B 'and

■ m will bi ■ ' ■ -

Club, entli ....

■ e will e shown Durh the n • Cla) Bo- nd, eon v.' her,"

er form a I r « 111 in provided

in char;. . At • ' f the Undi rg i

Council. 1100 wa ol to H . ■ Committee for

! these Ul-Ui that

th* I ■ ■:. iki rs w II] bi - and better I • No ad-

Page 2: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue


Sensible Days Thi- influence of college opinion i i seen in the new sensible styles in clothes and shoes.

Freakish squash'. --.particularly,have gone by the boarl—banned by both sophs and freshmen, and th-.- na ion . large has followed suit.

Now campus opinion unequivocally favors the stout, all-lea-her shoes of the spor.y or brogue types, made with heavy leather soles and bread, fiat leather heels.

Styles that emphasize th- smartness of well-made, En -' sh-cut suits.

The tri-n I I iwardl mll-le»thw s/ioes mark*

a return to Mm>nnib!a da\ i

'llotfiinn tokei tfic place of

LEATH E R LMI with mini itrfl-lDce ail which ■ I the feel to brea-.. t lt». Ail is also a non- conductoi lie..-.; h leather soles your feat are co ler in summer .. n 'eras is ti is with su! • • ■ ■ rous. Lea iter-resJ ting. It takes many Jays lor water to penetrate sole leather.


«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

Our representative will be in


on Wednesday and Thursday, October 29th and JOth

with .i complete line of




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3705 Woodland Avenue Opposite Upperclassmen Dorms.

Phone: Baring 7124 Open Day and Night

LANCASTER RESTAURANTS 239 S. Fortieth Streeet Philadelphia

OUR MOTTO: Ceanliness. Prompt and Courteous Service

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CHRYSLER - MAXWELL Rule-m the Chrysler to-day and see why it

excells New Chrysler and Maxwell Models.





Three Outstandirg Men Chosen by Board

of Trustee: as Candida~.es to Fill Present Vacancy


To till tin* vacancy B ■'■ Trustees caused bj thi Dr Robert 0. Lei Board of Dl rectors o( the General Alumni Socletj starte I I II ballots to the entln alumni body. The Board ol Trustees has ■elected I hn ■ men from .c Hal ol ila nominated by the Board of Directors the General Alumni Society, Dr. George E. de Si I «i In 2 '8I Med., of Philadel- phia; Phillips Lee Goldsborough, ol Balti- more, .iin! Hugh \v. Ogden, '91, ol Bos ton, are the men selected. Th >alloU are being seni oul now to all the alumni nl threi ) ears' stand Ing and mu-sl returned within one month, A minimum of 401 0 votes i Ired tor election. Dr. Norman Henrj. Pn tht»G n- era! Alumni Socletj. was one ol original noi bu wit hdrew his nomination.

T ii • in i ni to ne - ai am >ng P inn gylvanla's mosl distinguished gradua Dr, de Si hw einlti rece I .,; M iravian College, where he was grad- uati ii in 1876, II" took his medical de- gree from Pennsylvania In 1881 and was honored with the decree ol Doctor ol Laws in 1914 He was Ural honor man ,u his medical class Almost continually from the time of his graduation he has i II connected wtth the Medical School ni the University, He Is one ol the world's mosl distinguished ophthalmolo- gists. Among bis patients «.i- ex-Presi- dent Woodrow Wilson. Mr has written • M'lisivclv on the eye, and bis books' an u Idely used as text I ks

Colonel Hugh Ogden Is oni ol Boston's leading attorneys, He Is verj active In alumni affairs, In August, i:-i7 Colonel Ogden was commissioned a Major in the 1 '' • i:> II •■ e <'m pn, and in t'j; ! il- low in ; month i egan acl've servl il ■ went overseas in October ol that year with the 12nd Division as Assistant J Advocate, and was promoted to the rank ni Lieutenant Colonel. Upon lii* return to ; !i is country he received the Distin- guished Service Medal, bince then Prance has made him an Officer ol the Legion ni il HIM

Phillips Lee Goldsborough is a former i. vernor of Maryland. He received the

■ Docto 'i I .:i ws from Pi nnsyl- v inia in 1913 He ha - a n iti worthy po- litii al career. In add Itl in to Delng 11 i\

• ni Marj lat t from 1912 to 1916, he was state attorney and Collector of In- ternal Revenue for the Maryland ill-- trict. His gon, Phillips Lee Ooldibor-

i, Jr., was graduated from thi I a versify In 1920. Although noi ;. gt i nate ol Pennsylvania himself, ex-Gov- ernor Goldsborough has always been In- •i ns, iv inti n -•' : in the Unlvei


Championship Hopes of Dribblers Dim- med by Injuries of Sensunig and

McDonald Saturday


When Pennsylvania' rists si ick up against the New Vork I'nlversltj i im blnation oi River Field nexl S itur laj. Chrisi Ian Sensenlg, I hi Bti liar oul

«iii be missing triiiii the line-up. In the game w itli the Cresceni Athletic Club combination In Brooklyn Saturday hi ceived a badly injured knee and had to !»• taken from the Held after five min- utes of play. The t^nn physician tii.u he would lint be able to resume practice for more than ,i week, but he

le nexl Ii I nsi Vale on Noi • m

S Set nj irj i - thi Brsl set i -'Mil ri ii bj anj R ' an !

• • William McDonald, thi

' pla tl

- injui eft ankle. Hi

mem- and he, I

t \ .

slty j Sot

I ■ Iribblers at I :r

:; will be ; : • ■ \ w Yorl I

ntest Saturday. Las) ' \ w Y • ■ ■

■ - I

First- Class Service atModerate Prx es

Arthur Laws CATERER

236 S . 40th St. Bell Phone L'nde Management oi Schroe-ler Bros.

«* "\lTe have vacancies for a few mDre agents both full time

and part time. Pennsylvania men desired, both Graduates and Under Graduates. Call v th'«iffic* and learn details.

Berkshire Life Insurance Co. of Ptttsfield, Mass.

Everett //. Plummer, General Agent m 421 Chestnut Street Philadelpha '■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ a a ,

•J Fine fabrics in unusually attractive patterns and col- orings. Reed's Standard of Tailoring and moderate prices make Reed's Cloth- ing especially desirable

Suits, Top Coats, Overcoats,

$35 and upward W. Garrett Munnie

I'aiveriitj iri Peuna Representative 9







Service with Quality Est. 1895

Louis M. Kolb Master Tailor

3709 Spruce St. Basement Store Official Shop to student residents of dormitories

10 Memorial Tower, Adjoining Post Office We steam clean all clothes free with cost of pressing

To Hire - Full Dress, Tuxedo, Frock Suits Press Clothes? We Do!

French Dry Cleaning, Repairing and Remodeling The Pioneer and Still Here With Quality Service For You


36th and WALNUT ST.

Breakfast 35cts. Lunch 40 cts. Dinner 60 cts.

21 Meals Weekly $8.00 Lunch and Dinner $6 30

Different Than Anything on the Campus



American Wood Company 2607-71 CHRISTIAN ST.


We make a specialty of supplying frat ernity houses.






Page 3: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue



Mnny Powerful Eastern Elevens Have F.illen Before Varied Attack

of Maroon Gridders


Do You Read The Girard Letter? it you iri- Interested In Phila- delphia'* historic pa*i '" ',s

present Industrial luprenucy— in national or international questionsofth) day.youshouUl enjov reading Tfu Qlrard Letter n gularly. Upon requesi the Company will be Blad to place ><n the mailing listi wtmoul chargCi the name of anyone desiring i,) receive rhe Qirord Letter.

GIRARD TRUST COMPANY liroail & Chettnut Sts., Philadelphia

Rising ,ii ro88 a i on, .i dark maroon cloud darki na the cli

gridiron bop< - Thla cloud, n the shape of el< yen wi ll-trained Lafayette gridders, will Inya li Franklin, Field this Saturday In a battle that will, to all appi arancea at the present time, decide the Eastern football champion- ship, Bach team to dal •• ai n >■■ ord, both having defeated formidable op- ponents, bul in thia respecl the team from i:.i iton haa a allghi i dge ->"■ r I R I ;iinl Blue,

Not In man] years ol good teams haa such a strong eleven represented Lafay- ette, bul II must not be forgotten that with ,i tew exceptions thi same .Maroon team played •> bard fought contest and only ■ mi rg< *i on the long end of the score by an s to 8 margin so that with the add tional strength that the Red and ltiu. en <i thia leaaon the coach- , | axpi 11 the battle to be one of the closest even aeen on Franklin Field. Only once during the present Reason has the

Brogue M ,,|,. eaaon In m ■■ Belg u Hi

... oti h Oraln, I • i ■ welghi. itch i !alt, madlum w. laht, and Dom

ant. TU,' M.,i -Oar . . iii- Indli IduaTltj , nd

■ .in thai dlsllnfulahei al I a M ida in Tan or Blai k

lasts and /httcrns exclusively OUTOW\ design


<7* SHOE


NEW YORK W b M . .

DO YOU NEED MONEY? The Fleisher Plan of selling hoisery

pins money in your pocket.

No othet selling plan u. devised gives such excellent values and libera issions Particularly adaptable for spare time work Comt an.

i.ilk H over Saturday morning.


MacDONALD & CAMPBELL Racoon Fur Great Coats

For Football Games, Motoring, Sports Wear

$250 to $525 .:,,., ,.,ii. , ■■ : «■ ii match-

,,i dark d< i p turrod i» II : BSctra

.,,,•, rolling collars. Full

lioiihlcrs, handsome plaid wool

i..,i,,,.-■. Great iwaRgi r n Id prool

thai fix you right r>>r the

motoring In open u

r .,„> Winter B| rt N i

m HI' - outfit la complete without

,,„,. ,,,- ,!, :, « mdertul i

lection and blig « ':

ui B In the i ty.

Njte Wo.Tibat Fur Coats $125 Motor Appare! Department

1334-1336 Chestnut Street

•al line bi d and tint .- the Polo Grounds when

• be w.i -mi, i u .mil .it tferson • loi ward i assi 9 managed to tall)

loui hdown In the lal ime.

AH teams have been^alike tu Coach cken and his Maroon clad eleven

: ,ii roughshod over all op- the big ub

path ui the Red and Bine . ron team to tin sfa the season uuUi.-

Against \v. ami J. the team that annually gives Lafayette a hard batik'. the Bastonlana, ran wild and even the

ag Panthi : : waa torced iu bon re the superior ability ol the Laf

ayette team. The hope ui' taking the mythical

pionship of tb Bast ever b tore them will maki this ti am from Boston one

irdest pro] itions of the ) i ar for the K' 'l ..na Blue. The Maroon line, lik, the Pennsylvania forwards, has

to be consistently cracked this year, so that it is going to be a question of an Immovable body meeting an Irrestlble

Tin- Inti n rest in the game rs manifested by the fact that when the public sale epemd there wi re no i left in either the North or the South

ind i' w in th( W< -i. All Baston Is migrating to Philadelphia on Satur- day tu support its team and has taken virtually eat In the North stand,

no lack oi vocal encouragement will ii tap to .-pur the I.alay tte grid

on to n ui wed i Sorts. IcCrai ken let his players have

a day off on Monday but yesterday drove them bard, stressing the defensive tai I i that will be used against Pennsylvania. The whl< li baa swampi d all op- position thia year i working so Bin >< ihly that the Maroon neuter will do little more than polish it up this week.

A CAR TO "Drive as Your Own

For the m \t party, dance or w eek end.

Many of us accustomed to the use of a car at home find ourselves lost without it here.


"Jack" Lancaster *903 SFRUCJ STREET

Baring 7759

Campus Shoe Shine Opp. Dorms.

ItV art' noted OS main station for newspapers & magazines

Hats Cleaned* Blocked My Style


trench tutoring fri e. For rent large rooms, real food, most reasonable prices. id. DI aresl pla< e to the east Bide ol the Unlversl y. -11 .south 33rd Street

ROOMMATE u. In d for large d« uble re,mi, Kim Ai' tudenl prefi rn Ap

plj 3419 Walnul Str< i t.

Bl n K COUPE; I cylindi r; bargain tor quick sale; terms or cash. 208 South

3tlth SI reel.

111 RENT E138 Sprui e Street; II rooms; l bath; 2 lavator i Mrs, Norwood,

2030 Chestnut, l

FRATERNITY HOUSE For all or rent, Ifl South 37th Stn et; li rooms;

inly. Mrs. Nor* I, : Street. Loi ust i-*T.

ROOMS Second floor from; also two i ommunlcating with i iano; Eultabli for

walk from the campus; uthi r Pennsylvania men In the 1620 Sprm S i

,,is r D( I S n Phi pin; r< ward. K, tnrn • i 1424 Walnut.

w , ,\, i hi p i ''i » '•■■ -"' my '"i" ° '' ■ .1., k Hi" danci h'rl

I liodine and wn coat?

:7ii WALNUT ST. Two-r BUite, table for thn e and large di aide

i ni Barlni

FOR RENT 2 S iu • ! Spun p); ■"■ '"""

' I

show • r: t« in beds. Owni r.

RENT OR s VLB ibly furnished 14 i - and 3 bal '■ i fra-

on. 20? South


AIRY, well-ventilal light. 206 South 36th St.

2240 pounds of Good, Clean

Coal to every ton Service, Quality and Prices thai are Right.

S| ecial Consideration given to Fraternit) Houses



MASON-HEFLIN COAL CO. Office and Yard: i9th e< Grays Avc.

Bell: Woodland 9810 Keystone: West 192 •

More Heat Value for a Dollar

FOR RENT Furnished apartmenl rooms and i ■ im beat;

rhetor apartment Sprui •

The Bartram Pharmacy S.E. Cor. 33rd & Chestnut Sts.

cordially invites you to visit the remodeled store which is now fully equipped to serve you in every need.

Complete Line of Student Supplies.

Sanitary Light Lunch at Our Fountain

" A Real Drug Store for University men."

The Ennls Pharmacy 3457 Walnut St. Call Ba rng 7791-92

Dependable Prescription Work with Rapid Delivery

Soda. Luncheon, Hat Drinks

Fine Candies and Gifts

Oh! Ho<w

You'll Dance

The best good time yon could plan

dinner or supper In the Grill Room ol Hotel Pennsylvania. Everything is just right there for the cheery sort of party that makes the minutes fly happily. VINCENT LOPEZ AND Ills ||,Ml I Pi NNSYl VANIA DAN< I OR< HI 5 i RA furnish the most entrancing dance music. I he food is delicious and the service deft and courteous. There is no more delightful place

on earth for a good tune.



Incomparable Values!

Collegians will effect tremendous savings in our

33rd Anniversary Sale!

You will find every accessory here tor yourself and your room-marked the

lowest in town


8$$TH Lit Brothers "«5 We Gin- Yellow Traiiina Stamps

Page 4: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue




M.iny Powerful Eastern Elevens Have

Fallen Before Varied Attack of Maroon Gridders


Do You Read The Girard Letter? Ii you Me Interested in Phila- delphia'* historic patti In it! present Industrial supremacy— in national <>r international i|iic-ii.nist.t'tln-ilav.vou should enjo> reading The Qirard Letter regularly. I pon reOIUMI the Company will be glad to place on the mailing fisti without chargd ilu name of anyone desiring to receive "•<■ Qirard Letter.

GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Broad & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia

Rising across .c clear horlion, a dark maroon cloud darkens the clear skies of Pennsylvania's gridiron hopes. This cloud, 11 the shape of eleven well-trained Lafayette grlddi ra, will Invade Franklin Field this Saturday In a battle that will, to all appi arancea al thi pre tent time, decide the Eastern football champion- ship. Bach team to date has a cl< ;ir rec- ord, both baring defeated formldabl • op- ponents, bul in this respect the team from ESaston baa a slight edge owr the Red and Blue.

Not in many yean ol good teams has such a strong eleven represented Lafay- ette, but it must not be forgotten tliut with ,1 tew exceptions the same .Maroon team played a hard fought contest and only emerged on thi long end of the -.core by an B to 6 margin BO that with the add tional strength thai the Red and Blue has gathered tin* season the coach- . . expi 11 the battli to be one of tho i losesl even seen on Prankliu Field. Only once during the present season has the

tti [oal Urn bi en i ro isi >1 and that Saturdaj at iliu l'olo Qrounds when

the Washington and Jefferson eleven i ward passi - managed to tally

a lone touchdown in the latter part of the game.

AH teams have been alike to Coach McCracken and his Maroon elud eleven Which has run roughshod over all op- position and appears to he the big ob stacle In the path of the H<-<1 and Bine

liron t' am to liu sli the seasou uude- teated. Against W. and J. the team that annually gives Lafayette a hard bailie, the ESastonians, ran wild and even the

ng Panther eleven was torced to bow bel ire thi superior ability of the Laf ayette team.

The bopi | the mythical i bam- ii of the Bast ever before :i" m

will make this team from Baston one of the hardest propositions ol the year tor the Red and Blue. The Maroon line, like the Pennsylvania torwards, has

i be consistently cracked this year, SO that it is going to be a question of an Immovable body meeting an Irrestible force.

The Inti n.-e Interest In tho game <ft manifested by the fact that when the public eali opened there were no a left In either the North or the South stands and tew in the West. All Baston Is migrating to Philadelphia on Satur- day to support its team and has taken virtually at In the North stand,

i I.CJ lack ol vocal encouragemi nt will be on tap to .-pur the Lafayette gridders on to n i" wed i Sorts.

Coai b McCracken let his players have a day off on Monday but yesterday drove them bard, stressing the defensive tactics that will be used against Pennsylvan a. The offei i which baa Bwamped all op- position this year is working si. smoi ihly that the Maroon mentor will do little DlOre than polish it UP this week.



NEW YORK «,<w€,Mi<ni

DO YOU NEED MONEY? The Fleisher Plan of selling hoisery

puts money in your pocket.

N I.cr selling pl.m vet devise! gives such excellent values and liberal lommissions Particularly adaptable foi spare time work t ome ana i ilk it ovei Saturday morning.


MacDONALD & CAMPBELL Racoon Fur Great Coats

For Football Games, Motoring, Sports Wear

$250 to $525 I . ti i u. ii match-

■ i| dark d< i p turrod i>> It : Extr i

:■ rolling eollara. Full

linuldi i plaid wool

Groat '' Id-prool

that fix you right f»r the

nv . motoring In «»i»• ■ 11

rt. No co

outfit Is complete wlthonl

A in Ii rtul

, ,: | bi<;g< ' val-

Nate Wombat Fur Coats $125 Motor Appare! Department

1334-1336 Chestnut Street

"Dri rive as Your Own For or tlic next party, dance

w i eh end. Many of us accustomed to the use of a car at home find ourselves lost without it here.


"Jack" Lancaster J903 SPRIH I STREE1

Baring 7759

Campus Shoe Shine Opp. Dorms.

IVe are noted OS main station for newspapers & magazines Hall Cleaned* Blocked /iy Styl«

ATTENTION STUDENTS Spanish and trench tutoring free. For runt large

i ns, real food, most reasonable prices. II,,. BI aresl place to the east side ol the Universl y. 211 South 83rd Street

ROOMMATE desired tor large double room; Fine Arts Btudenl pretern V|

ply 3419 Walnui Street.

Bl'K.'K COUPE; 4 cylinder; barga (inn k sal ' • South

30th Str.ct.

TO RENT 5338 Spruce Street; '■• rooms; 1 bath; 2 lavatories. Mrs. Noru I,

2030 Chestnut. Locust l-s7.

i'i; vi I:I;\ITY HOUSE For sale or ri nt, 16 South 37th Btn et; n rooms;

3 baths; modern; cleanly. Mrs. Norwood, Street. Locui t 1-sT.

ROOMS s el II • front; also two communici tin ■ «I h piano; suitabli tor

■ walk from the i amp is; other Pennsylvania mi n In I 1521! Spin, .- :

LOST D< I! i Sigma Phi pin; n ward. ,;. turn to 1424 Walnut.

v, ,.\.-] pn m who got ray i bj mistaki at Jai k Hart's tl ini •■ Frl

ilaj night return -.it: I ■ n< and I own coat?

:>711 WALNUT ST. Two-room suite. suitable foi three and Ian

I ■ ng 8637.

FOR RENT 23S South 39th St. • an rge froi

water; I • showi r; t» In '" ds. Owner.

RENT OR SALE i ably furnl 1 3 bal


AIRY, well

I RENT Fun shed apartment; _ 3 urn, and bath; steam hi it ble bachelor apartment 3721


2240 pounds of Good, Clean Coal to every ton

Service, Quality and Prices thai arc Right. Special Consideration given to Fraternity Houses



MASON-HEFLIN COAL CO. Office and Yard: 49th & Grays Ave.

Bell: Woodland 9810 Keystone: West 19 11

More Heat Value for a 'Dollar

The Bartram Pharmacy S.E. Cor. 33rd & Chestnut Sts.

cordially invites you to visit the remodeled store which is now fully equipped to serve you in every need.

Complete Line of Student Supplies. Sanitary Light Lunch at Our Fountain

A Real Drug Store for Univ ersity men."

The Ennis Pharmacy 3457 Walnut St. Call Ba r»ig 7791-92

Soda, Luncheon, Hat Drinks Dependable Prescription Work with

Fine Candies and Gifts Rapid Delivery

Oh! How

You'll Dance

The best good time you could plan

dinner or supper In the- drill Room ol Hotel Pennsylvania. Everything is just right there for the cheery sort of party that makes the minutes fly happily. VINCENT LOPEZ AND HIS IK-Iii PENNSYLVANIA DAN< I OR< HI S-

TRA furnish the most entrant ing dance music. The food is delicious and the service deft and courteous. There is no more delightful place e'ti earth lor a good time.



Incomparable Values!

Collegians will effect tremendous

savings in our

33rd Anniversary Sale!

You will find every accessory here tor yourself and your room-marked the

lowest in town



We Glue Yellow Trading Stamps


Page 5: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue


tnns^toanian J'„l, • I l '-1 U»« L:. . . - , I ■■■■ •» •■•'•■>•

uxceul Sunday, during luts Ui.Airauy year. EDITOR iN CHIE.F

'.liuUUtai WA1UC1... Jii.ll.;«.i, -- MANAOINO tu.lO.l i,L»StDIIOR

JA11L.1 il. Ul..-.l>t.liau.\. — ■- l.Vl.i.Al. il..\.\A.\l, -• rEATUHfcb bOAHj



Xlionuis P. UrUllth, '-' •»• "*wren I *• ju»i>a 1'. HugUjss, ■» J- *-•« V1",1,""' » - K. i, MCU.,.,. u ASSOC1ATE'^rTtBr'a a

IJdwurd 1-. liucklcy. '.o LMvtturii i_. MaUoy, M lABiin M. u.»iuj, -o kiuoisa t.. i'slersoa, <M Jaiiiua crawlui'd, ■Z<i i.uuc-Jt a. Keevea. ilt. KoUert A. JUlcliaiberger.'28 u.v.a W. Kuaaeii. <:<» Maurice A. i.wiiiailiu, 'HO OuuifcB J. suiw-ru, ->) I. .>.:oll L*j»qr„ WI JrjJ K. bculuy, .1U

ASSISTANT EOITOKS Julin Walker. '27 liuuei l C. ludd. '27 K.cl.aid aiiiiiBon. '-.' liuwiu A alcuuiicr, H7 biduay J. sun. -27 a. urosier Memlna C. Wmdli: UvUaiiuii, 27 ...i.uU ii. talon hUwuiil 11. Walker. 27 vnuou KuDkl« J. Uudley ilarna, 27 uu;u Jl.uuil




M... . . .... CJ. Mallieny. '26 aaiuucl 11. Htuui ASSISTANT BUSINtSS MANAGER*

J. J'. ClkwfurU. Jr., in Jollll L.. luiiuall. 2U I'. M. Gilluayie. '2u U. i'. L>i'uiua, -■ u. .->. UohUMlU, iO '• a- imauL-im-r. .• r», blotter, H •>'• J-,»"t»»*i « VV. A. Wllhua. '2li «• kV- NVeian. '-.

1 lie fvnnaylVMliU uivilta cuiniiiuiiKa.iui.o uii uii SUUjei la ui Uulvo.mly inleieal. LeUMI inual Oe signed, uul nlgnalura Will 0< • uliliild, il deaired.

Ol-*lCl£, »4J1 WUUU1-A.MJ AVIi.^LL Tile I'eiiiiaylv.iiiaii la enured al llie i'lii.udi-lyn.ii FoalofflCS J*

aeLui.a-ciuas niullir. .Sul*.s. I lyllulia, «. UU nir >iar. Ulie cent ei.Ua lui MUlfi Cup} liialleu

wilnlll Hie MIMl) Buiinesa Manager a Oltice Hours:

b TO 6 P. M. DAILY iii-uii.<i of Bntttrif IniajroollafUuta .Ne*apauer Auooiatlon


Night Editors of this Issue M. A. GILMABTIN B. S. WALKER S. C. FLEMING

EVERYBODY OUT The Pennsylvania football squad leaves lor Sea Vle« to-

day lor .. Bhort re I beCon thi expected conflict with the Lafayette Juggernaul on Saturdaj afternoon.

in order to keep the playera n the bout mental condition :,,i the jame, the Drsl rail} ol th yeai will b< held. lu planning a m nd oft for thi team it \\.> antli ipated thai i vi rj Btudent in the University, from the Freshman to the Senior, would participate in the march to the Weal Philadelphia Station, ii can nadll) be seen tha .1 a small turnout re- ulted, thi effect would be exactly the opposite from what the

coaches want. in Pennsylvania team is facing thi crucial game ol the

year. A vlctorj uii Saturdaj will clinch the Championship ,,1 the Basi for the Red and Blue while .1 di teat will practically ruin tin splendid record made by Captain McGraw and his mates In the games to dal e,

The team 1 il* encouragement. Thi coaching stall and the football management Is bending every effort iu help the Bquad at this time, Thej ca mot bi expected to ii<> every- thing. Therefore the undergraduate bod) is asked i" come ma todaj ■■ 1 to the Big Quad where the rally starts, get in iin 1 ih oi march behind the Band and sho« the mem- bers ol ii" learn b) Its pep and enthusiasm that the student body is squarely behind Hum. The psycholog) ol I rally ca 1 b< oven mated. 11 the Universltj football players board the train after wltni itesl rail) hat can possibl) In arranged, then they will Burelj not be

downheartid or discouraged while the) are resting at Sea \ low.

The championship "i thi Eastern football world Ii ske on Saturdaj afternoon, and why shouldn't the Btudonts

do Hi" r best to help the team? They will expect the elevei wearers ol the Red and Blue lo give their all I Lafa- yette. Wb) shouldn't everj Pennsylvania man be willing to sacrifice his lunch hour today, ii n< 11 ary, to Bee the team off.

A great deal has been said ah.ait atudenl slackers and what ought to i"' done t" them Hi wi irer, we are not ai pating anj tallun of the students 0 n paid to this call. Keep ii,,. 'Beat l^atayette!" slogan in mind and show everybody by today's turnout thai the Btudeni body Is beh'nd the football team to 111 ■ - lasl man.


Students whose rosters necessitate daily peregrination! h. twi ■ n Wharton School .\ni\ other departments "t thi Unlver- Blt) are forced to clamber iver wood n barriers, piles ol rough planking and heaps of granite blocks in order ' 1 1 in. rear entran e at the north end ol Logan Hall. To avoid these obstacles, thi > are 1 ompelled to detour t« t a half bloi 1 out .ai Woodland A\ nui ind back again. Tins ennnit on has bi, n experleni ed tor thi drat four w • ka ol the 1 ill ti rm and bids fair to contlnu. f.'i an Indeterminable period In the future.

When Huge chunk ' ne granite began i<> break loose and threatened to crash thi cranlums of passing undergraduates lasl ring, 1 icafi tiding was erected along the northern wall and northeaa corner ol Logan Hall. Loose stone* in the walls and bultr Bees «• n n moved and replaced w Hi concrete blocks, How much of this work was compl ted lasl spring and during the Bummer we are unable to tell. We have observed, however, that noi a stone has b en turn d or bloi u ri movi d sinci ilthough the

Holding, laddi rs and other consti 1 ■ quipmi nl , \ pry appi aram on.

\ ho I) part mi nt it Buildings and Grounds brings the statement that thi toi iterlor of Logan Hall is nol al to the stabll ty of the building and • '■ block .is the formi r 1 omi a loosi and then, that the present purposi of the s affoldlng 1 (ailing i.iis of graniti From ime that tl Ing will finally be removi last portion ol the

Kt rlor »all has tumbled down, Besidi - mes a day leaping

piles and walking bi n< ath ladd warily ." lank walks which

a ol Logan Hall Falling I" brl 1 ■ ni ral wi ar and ■ of ill.- boards and broken many 1 I 1

and ii is nol an exceptional Bight to see an unwai

'in, landscapi gardener who designed ili> ibstacl on the north ildi ol Logan Hall certainl) wi 1 genius.

in order t., avoid passing under the ladder i' Is necessary 1.1 take to the open field and do the high and low hui the building (tones and Bcaffolding. Ii tal d man to gel a class on time without knocking over all of thi hurdles mid get! ing rrippl. .1

Wi Jupposi the big question mark on the front of the P. it. T. trolley cars is to get prospect i\ e rldi rs i" gui as where

II end if they take that nun. and what time they'll gel Ha 1 ■

The report that Junior Prom tickets are sellino

for ten dollars has caused consternation among the

students. We shall devote considerable time in the

next fiivw days to working out a plan for crashing the

gate at the affair. Our plans of previous years have

always bein successful and we advise readers not to

get downhearted until they get our report for this


Council Plans Bi( Hallowe'en Frolic." Pennsylvanlan. h will certainly bi worth the price of the admission,

whatever n may !"■. to see thi members of that august body engaged in a frolic. 11 should 1 in be better than the annual Woman Studem play on the shores ot the Frog Pond, and .f iin Column doesn't rati a "comp" we may even pajy our way in.


. ' Putting yout best hand

forward, is wearing

lowIKS Gloves $2 25 and


You ride on your neck

wear, because you trul)

move forward on your

reputation, which is based

for ,i large part, on what

tie you exhibit t <> 1 In


1 j Spruce Stn 1 <


In spite of the action of the authorities in set- ting back the time of start,ng classes five minutes, all of the Seniors can't drop the habit acqu.red in the last three y(flrs of being five minutes late.

And in Bpite "l th s change, we are willing to place a small quantity of money at limli odds that any prol arriving ai class t< n minutes after the hour will find bis

iree as [raffle cops on Woodland Avenue.

The boys in the Engineering School who have nothing to do to reach classes but to step from one door to another are doing their studying in the spare ten minutes and cutting f ut night work altogether.

ii.. sign on the door ol Room 2uo, College Hall -"Closed. Some Other Room" places a i"t of confidence in the

detcctivi abillt] ol thi students. The onlj room around here dal can be 1 ounted on to be 1 a< ant durin ; 11 is In

in. Stadium. 01 course, II may be that there Is a lot ol room in HI. mythical Wharton School Annex, but it 11 being unable -,, mi,1 it, we can't say tor sun

A newspaper article on k.ssing says as follows: "Incompr^nensible in Japan, Disgraceful in China, Supernatural in Iceland." All of which goes to show the advantage of living in a country of advanced civ- ilization. Right here in our own Philadelphia kissiny is incomprehensible, disgraceful and supernatural —

all at once.

In regard to their game here Saturday, the La- fayette football team probably feels just about as we do about a certain Finance course—very easy to sign up for. but very difficult to get through without being laid up for the rest of the season.

Oi .a our Freshmen wishes us to call to the attention ,.i Mayor Kendrlck and ins Philadelph a Water Comini m in. possibility ot using I >lr

The Insurance Department says that there is a company in London that will carry insurance of any sort if oaid the premium proportionate to the risk. We would like to know whit odds they would requ re to guarantee the arrival of our trunk.

(>'/. issisted I

ryli a Bhould ■ ' ' "'i ol •!

neers in 1 1 Nol 1 t most in loi undergraduates, but Buch structures as the rambling

■ k support Ing thi noi th « ill • ■ 1 tl an unfavorable Impression with the thousands

sltors who comi to the I'niv rslty at in of

Let us mal mpti 1

The Fairmount Laundry Harry Endicott. Proprietor

Office: 247 S. 37th Street Bell Phone: Preston 4.5()(l

I ■ ■



■ ■ ■' ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '■ ■> ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Scotch Calf and Scotch Grain Brogue

Oxford's are as poular as ever.

Dividend Payers. The best of the best

CUNNINGHAM BOOT SHOP 1627 Chestnut St. Philadelphia

A Wonderful System of Transportation

ClaSS-lined wonder trucks—like gigantic hottlps on

wheels—bring ScottPoweii "A" Milk from '.ancacter t

to cur city dairies in FOUR HOURS.

No long hauls by r.i.l—no old-fashioned cans air milk

ic, kept in glar.s from milking to drinking time. It comes to

ynu the morning after it leaves the farm.

Better, Creamier and


Scott Powell Dairies, Inc. 45TH AND PARRISH STREETS

Preston 1924 — Telephones — Wyoming

Page 6: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue


The winning stride 6

,,,,,,, the "Prom." HVi with perfect ballroom con-

dition >"•<« -<>les "' his P"1'"' pumps to top «'• hto |IOMy *»■•.

,, „ n.al «llcr Ihe iHcnticih dinca ■• daring th««rttloi trot There'*

. .,, tboul hit nwtbod. "Vtielmc" |jd.i ronW »•"'* W I"* hftd regularly. Ii mikci hit baif ailkf »"J immgetblc ,nd pre» •"«■ JtndruH Al ill drug morel ind *ludcnt httber »rmp»

/,., I jMlmr" tnJmil unnm- „,„ u i ,.,..»*«» »«■«« •/ «'»

, pu-itt anil ignftrmixi


For the Health and Appearance ol the Hair

. broufh Mil. Co.. (Cont'd) Streel New York


I'untimn-ii from Page One

Due in the i iiieved thu i far h> th< -■ All-L'nlver iltj I»am ea which bare i D held Saturday evenings Irj w Jghtman Hall, two mere of. i ;ii!.in-- hat •■ been arrangi d (I was nally Intended to have only four, bul ;i> many students have tailed to avail them

■ •-. ni Hi.- opportunity to attend these affairs, the Council baa decided to exti nfl the program tor two more weeks,

The dance this Saturday nijtht will !»• in the nature ol a Hallowe'en party The gym will !)•• decorated with the tradition- al corn husks, pumpkins inn witches Music will be furnished by Judy Hlnch- man's Collegians, and as a special fea- ture two famous Chicago musicians are in play with them. These are Tommy Morton and Duke Zlgler, hotii former players al tin- College Inn, in Chicago. Morton playa the trombone, while Zlgl' i is II saxaphone artist, The latter is slated

vi one up two solos iinrliiK the even- ing

As HI the previous dances, a number ni young ladies from Dresei institute will be present, and the Rev. ".lack" Hart will again acl as official chaperon. A num- ber of surprises have been planned by the committee, and II hopes to make this affair and il ne the following week far surpass the success of all the former dam es,

If wou wish to keep in touch with the best novels and other books in European literature to- day, read the series of translat- ions known as

The European Library edited by J. E. Springarn

published by Harcourt, Brace & Co.


J83 Madison Avc. New York

Reverend Waldo Bti venson, '88 C, the director of the International Students' House, is planning a program for this Friday evening thai will, he aver-, in- terest every Pennsylvania men. whether lie be from the United States, Erarope or Asia. The speaker for the gathering will be Dr. C. Tilfonl Brlckson, who hai be< n In Albania for over sixteen years. 11•• has traveled extensively in the Balkan region <>f Europe and was selected by Albania i<> represent her at the Inter- national Peace Conference. i>r. Brick- son's subject for Friday evening will be "Albania, the Mother of the Balkans."

Houston Club will be closed from 1:00 P. M. to 1:80 P. M., so that every ope may all.n 1 Ihe football rally in

Hig Quad.

k*fy?&4& 1210 CHESTNUT STREET


CASH or TERMS 10 North 40th Street


SPECIAL For This Week End ONLY



We also have a few specials at $40


Look Cord Tires 30x31 - $6.25

Guaranteed Tubes $1.05 These are some of our leaders. Drop in and learn

about the others.

J. D. STEWART 3301 Woodland Avenue 3300 Chestnut Street


Frankl.n Field Scone of Election Day

Battle Bttween Kilhnger's Team and Devil Dogs


A i '.in si ol unusual Inter -• is si .• <i uled for Franklin Plel i on Bli i tlon Day, November 4th. The L'nlted states .Ma- nn. Corps football team trom Quantlco will meet iiiekiiiM.n College on thi da) thai the countrj Is marking ii- ballots for Presideni

The .Marine- have one oi ihe strongest gridlion i. am- In the country, with an array of Stare that would ilo thi loan ..i any big roll.!;, ,, lol ol good, in two oi their most importani tames this sea- -on the Devi] Dogs defeated Georgetown University for the third straight time and earned s tie with Vanderblll University, i in- of tin- strongest teams in the smith.

Included among the players ol thi Marines are Goettge, one ol thi hardeal plunging backs In Football, who learned in- gridiron lessons at Oregon, Goettge ivas a bright llghi in thi sensational game the .Marine- played at Michigan last tall.

Groves, the quarterback, who-. Held goal last year defeated Pennsylvania 3 to II. will likely call the n hers for the Marine-, while McQuadV another Mary- land player, who aided In defeating Lou Young's eleven, will probably play full- back,

Harry E, Liversedge, captain ol the team, who was a memoer of the United State. Olympic team in 1920 and 1924, will play a tackle post. Captain Liver- sedge was an outstanding performer while an undergraduate at the Univer- sity of California

Linesmen and backs who earned their -pur- at high schools and colleges throughout the country, and a number who started their foot hall training while with the army of occupation in Ger- many during 1918 and 1919, will play on the team.

Dickinson, coached by the redoubtable Glenn Klllingor, who learned his gridiron lessons under Hugo Bezdek at Pi nn State, has -hown marked Improvement since the early names of the schedule, ami Bhould give the Marines a tussle worthy of their mettle.

The collegians from Carlisle, the town to which "Pop" Warner brought such fame when he coached the Indiana, have In the liupp brothers, who play the two halfback posts, a pair of triple threats who should keep the Marine team busy,

Several thousand Marines will make the trip to this city from their base at Quantlco to root for their favorites. The Marine Band, regarded as one of the best service musical organisations in the world, Will also make the trip.

II I I I I I II I I I 111

May Ringe Candy

Own M.ikc - Always Fresh

$333 Woodland Ave.

Phone Baring 1318

Messenger Service Parcel Post

■ ■■■■. ■ i.. ■; ■ ■: ■. ■' :::gn


TAILORS <*• von. *>



SUCCESS! Many of ojr customers have 'old u»

that we have helped them, in a very dff nte way to ach i ve success in life.

These men say that first impressions count for much in busness and that per-

sonal appearance s the basis of first im- pressions.

That is where *e have been able to

h ID V. th carefully tailored, good looking ard well fitting cloth;s which make their wearer apoear at his best, put him at ease and give him confidence

Prices are moderate. May we be of service to you?

PYLE & INNES Leading College Tailors

1115 Walnut Street


Chocolate Pastry. Coffee and Hot Chocolate

Best On The Campus



LUNCHEON .40 DINNER .75 SUNDAY DINNER 5-7.30 Hot Muffins Home Made Ice Cream

Made expressly for


Never has value in a shoe been higher, nor comfort and good looks more obvious.



Good-looking Hose


1)18 Chei'nut 3 tree* FOR WOitEH

New York Park Ave. H

I verj I

Philadelphia Penndashen

>71 •: ru Even \\




An exhibit of our English Worsteds. Scotch

Tweeds and Sport Fabrics for Fall and

Winter wear, with every confidence that

it will receive your favorable commendation.

Showing To-day at PENNDASHERY

MR. GUS. ALEXANDER, Representative

Page 7: F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman - Penn Libraries · F5T AM ARE. Jfrnnsphmman VOIL- WE XLI—No. 30 PHILADELPHIA. THLR8CAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS , STAR FULLBACK. Red and Blue


this light? The Buss lam p is not simply a clamp-lamp contraption but the artistic stand lamp that also hangs or .lamps anywhere.

Stand it anywhere Hang it anyu'here Clamp it anywhere Adjust it any way

$2.00 complete with extra long cord and combination plug (bulbnot included ),

- ... .. Think how you Touch 01 I.*. > . - . i™, •djuM* Un i 01 could use it! \>€t ■ had* lo IDT I ., ro«iK>n d«urd one today.

V Raacplatv«crr»> in and out lo clamp anyu. here Slcl in haM 10 hanr <i ur »ah

Many other styles in stock FRj;CK —McCLAY 19 South 13th St.



Every article of your com-

plete equipment can be

purchased at



Friday, October 31 Turnyemeinde Hall BROAD and COLUMBIA AVE.

Student dance lovers and merrj makers will i>> clad to h< id thai the entire courl ol Philadelphia Beauties that enter- • 'i Hi. Atlantic Clt> Pagenl will )"■ among the honored guests and will award the $300.00 Cash Prizes to dancers wearing the most beautiful and comic cost insrg

Palette Book & Tea Shop J735 Spruce Street

Breakfast - Lunch - Tea - Dinner

Current Literature - Circulating Library* Periodicals

Salco Clothes OVERCOAT*


sfififtW ALL Showing at Musis Boot Shop

EVERY FRIDAY S. A. PAPE, Representative 902 CHESTNUT ST.

<2fU&4e& One-Piece All-Leather Covers

Trussell Loose-Leaf R.ng B ndr rs

have one-p ece covers of genuine

cowhide that will not wear out

Wade m sizes and styles to ft every need

S My Budget c. is a compact little account book, made for the special use of the college student, to aid him in keep ng a record of his expend'turie. Endorsed by lead'ng educators.

Ask any cf :he dealers assort merit.

isted below to show you the Trussell

HOUSTON CLUB. 34th A Spruce Sts. C. H. GRAMBO. 3307 Woodland Ave.

E P. DOLBY &. CO.. 2615 Woodland Ave. FE\N DRUG CO.. 3~01 Woodland Ave.


FRESHMEN. ATTENTION! Freshmen will bo nermtited to sub-

stitute 'Heat Lafayette!" buttons tor regulation welcome badges until after the game Saturday.

W. \V. WELSH, Chairman of Vigilanci i mmittae.


Varsity Football Tli'- following DM report 1:40 P. M. al West Philadelphia) Station: McOraw, Dewhirst. Pairchlldi Papworth, Coleman, Kautfman, McGinley, Craig, Bennett, Thomas, Stnrer, Flues, Sorneson, Robinson, Leth, Willson, Luiru, Thayer, Douglass, Fields, Singer, butler, Snyder, Krues, Marcus, Eddy, Sieracki, Hayi.-, Thompson, Parke, Pike, Styshlres, NH holaa, Helnts.

Football Managerial candidates re- port at l.oo o'clock at Training House today.

Freshman Soccer—Following men re- port at River Field lockers, al z.w. to- morrow for Kami with Southern High School: Zelter, Anderson, Barton, West, Maxwell, Levy, Brown, L, C. Brown, Held, Horowitz. Matthews, Cantor, Jor- don. Shelmire, Arcauna.

Rifle Team Men wishing to enter com- petition report to Hartiii.ni. al '^2~. Wal- nut Street, b< tween 1:00 and 2:oo o'clock. Any Sophomore in good standing is eli- gible.

Freshman Cross-country I lie follow- ing men report .it Broad Street Station tomorrow, .it 12 16 P. M., to leave for Mercersburg: Glenn, Merembeck, Pelk- er, Green, Busser, Hols, C. i'. Slnclalre, Mullen,

Soccer Managerial Candidates—Can- didates hereafter are no: to attempt to s«fun- publicity without lirst consult- ing Manager Sharp.

Crew Coxswains an responsible for having their boats out to each practice regularly and should get in touch with all men in their crews to settle definite daily rowing timi

Wrestling—All sophomores in good standing can slili eulcr the managerial competition by reporting to Manager Hull in Wrestling room.

Track—The following Will hlgn the Physical Education Hook for gym credit in Track: J. Aimen, I. O. Benellel, H. B. Busser, H. J, Cooney, N. R. lmiton, T. A. Hall, J. w, W< Ixelbaum, C. J. Weinstock, 8. K. Gundrm, J. H. Slatre, n. J. Gregory, K. C. All- n.

CLUBS Men About Towne Club The following

men are retained for further competition: Rushton, Muller, Mayer, Hay dock, Sharp, Sonnheim, Donovan, Sudell, Estrada, Naughton, Downward, Welch, Pennell, Dallet, Lyster, Ameson, Dolmetrik, Lind- say, stelnbright, Prince, Egolf, Fli man. siiuinaii. McBrlae, u ii ii K. Derr, Koons.

Springfield Students Student Springfield, Mass., and vicinity are re- qui sttd I t thi Hi iston Club 1 bis

ng .ii 7:30. Glee Club Prai tli ■ tonight, at 7 00

k. in the Musli al I "1UD Rooms. Glee Club Practli ■ todaj. 7:0<

in Musical Club It" Debat.ng Team Ti\ outs Will be

Monday, NOT i mbi r 3d, at 7:30 i k, in Room 200, College Hall. Can ti - prepare flv< minuti Bpeech on either side of: "Resolved, Thai Incomi '.i\ returns should not be madi available for public

■ i tion." Students' Ward II \v Appleyard, '26

Wh.; M. Backrach, '28 Wh.; D. L. HUH ks, ':'; Dent; M. W. Chapman, '28 Med.; Thomas Freeman, '27 Wh.; Holier- Ful- ton. '28 Wh.; Vincent Furrey, ':•: Wh.; M. Robb, '28 Wh.; L. Russi II, '28 Wh., and James Wood. 'L'T Wh.

Fnars- Sooety Dinner at tbe Theta Delta <'hi House tonight, al 6:30 o'clock.

Band Rehearsal Saturday, al 12:46 Junior Prom Sub-Committet* -Ticl

—Black, Campbell, Claster, Freedman, < In i ni . Replingi r, Seeley.

itl us Pabt r, Lohman, M Ri :• ■ nenl Elwi I, Isaai -- n

■ - Gregi ry, Man i AM..' i !!■-!,;■.. •:. K- ;■-

lin. Mai 11 :



One "Fn shman W< as,

Thirty-four members of thi \ i ; « 111 :•. the Sea vn w ' i

try Club lmm< diately afti tbe rail] and Bnake dam e. Thi y will by "Lou" Young,

■ rs ana tour assistant managers. The obji ct of the trip . I - ■ the team away from the b istli i I • ■ i ampus and i ■ t tnplet chant sphen • -, I S i irday. Tl - ram will

f rest a] tion tor ail the rs, « Itl • signal prai tli • Fri

returning to Philadelphia in timi I r luncheon Sal

Another injury w - - re] rted I Dewhirst, Varsity lineman, suffered an

- ihi mldt r on W< Dei ■ and I will be ■ f tl game Sal irday,

For Motoring and Sportswear

Raccoon Coats For comfort, utility and good appearance nothing equals a big, warm, full-furred Rac- coon in the open car or the great outdoors. The Gunther price is an added attraction!


Gunther DifthSJyenue at Se^Street



MEN'S SHOPS | __ -Z;h Established 1902

We Announce THE COLLEGE SHOP Devoted to College Men

So that, hereafter, when yon visit US in New York,

you will find accommodations all prepared for you.

Meanwhile, our representative will he in town

and VOU can place your orders with him or wait

till you come to New York. But we hone you

will pay him a visit, in any event, in order to

familiarize yourself with the authentic trend of

clothes styles in both London and Manhattan.

Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes

Will Display at PENN DRUG CO. 3701 Woodland Ave. . West Philadelphia


Representative — J. M. O'Brien

c Jranfi'in.Simon k&M FIFTH AVENUE, 37th and 38th Sts.. NEW YORK