fa 2010 thesis presentation

Horizon Projects Workshop Professor Klinkowstei Thesis Presentation (A-Young Lee) Handmade Craft in 21 st Century

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Page 1: Fa 2010 thesis presentation

Horizon Projects Workshop Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

Handmade Craft in 21st Century

Page 2: Fa 2010 thesis presentation

Horizon Projects Workshop Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)


This hypothesis presents the concept that the crafts tradition, as itpertains to customization, self-reliance and the bias of manually formed outcomes, can inform contemporary communication design.This is in contrast to the overwhelming dominance of digital tools, where production is in very large editions, and with virtually no manualinfluence in current professional design practices.Such a hypothesis encourages both consumer and crafter to updatetheir habits, giving the crafters a distinctive voice through activeinformation channels, and better providing their products to consumers.

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Horizon Projects Workshop Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

History of Art and Craft

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Horizon Projects Workshop Thesis Presentation (A-Young Lee) Professor Klinkowstein

18th Century : Art and Craft Movement

William Morris William Morris’s Snakes head

William Morris rejected this opulence in favor of simplicity, good craftsmanship, and good design.

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Horizon Projects Workshop Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

19th Century : Art Nouveau and Modern Movement

Jules Chéret’s La Loïe Fuller


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Quote Theme Colors / Textures Soundtrack Stop Motion Product / Tagline Style Frame Video

Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

20th Century

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Horizon Projects Workshop

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Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

Contrasting crafts with design

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Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

The craft movement has influenced and shaped modern contemporary design with its simple, uncluttered, and often soft-appearing looks, sometimes borrowed from other styles and other times strongly standing in abstract to established guidelines of current design. They are often crafted by individual or smaller groups of artists, rather than larger, assembly line-style production. The designs within the last fifteen years have moved towards a more graphically oriented style that stands out strongly against the crafted designs of earlier periods, while remaining tied to it in a slowly changing style of design that stretches back over the last century. Rather than being solely about the function of the design, modern contemporary design is often crafted in a way that produces a reaction unique to each individual based on the imagination or experiences of the viewer/consumer.

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Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

What do crafts offer to contemporary design?

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Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

Quote Theme Colors / Textures Soundtrack Stop Motion Product / Tagline Animatic Video

Andy Cooperman, Seattle Joana Vasconcelos, Lisbon

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Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

Every sort of design is crafted, in one way or another, but the definition of whatmakes a craft isn’t as important as how it serves to define the design world thatit is made in. It contributes a style that is almost always borrowed from multipleother sources while at the same time standing out as an individual piece ofcontemporary craft. Rather than another piece of industrial invention, the craftis often purposefully designed in a way that is unique or standing in contrast tothe functionality of its traditional equivalents.What craft offers, in the more commonly used meaning of the word, to contemporary design is hand-made objects free of commercial production andan individual sense of the artist’s unique style and touch, rather than somethingthat would more commonly be seen as bland or homogenous. It is more oftennon-function or partially-functional, rather than functional and concise, andis created to look complicated, difficult, or even aggressive. This is in contrast tothe safe and stable look of store-bought designs. It is personality and uniquespirit in a world of commercialization and mass-produced sameness.

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Professor KlinkowsteinThesis Presentation (A-Young Lee)

Thesis Project Idea

- Social network for handmade crafter and consumer- Smart phone apps for easy access to open channel in DIY community