facebook & twitter ad strategies a survival guide

Facebook & Twitter Ad Strategies A Survival Guide Ian Mackie – Director of Strategy July 24, 2013

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Facebook & Twitter Ad Strategies A Survival Guide

Ian Mackie – Director of Strategy

July 24, 2013

Webinar Information

• Please ask questions & we will try to answer them at the end of the webinar

• Webinar is being recorded & will be uploaded to www.pointit.com

• We will email a link within 24 hrs.

About Point It

• Launched in April 2002

• Seattle’s largest independent search marketing firm

• SEM, SEO, Marketing Automation and Web Design, Social & App Discovery

• $40 MM in managed media/yr.

• Servicing clients across all verticals and revenue models

• 2012 Inc. Magazine 500/5000 Fastest Growing Co. & Washington Fastest Growing


• Promoted What? Twitter Ads for everyone!

• Twitter Analytics – who’s engaged?

• Facebook Ads – show me the money!

• Facebook Insights – more than just likes

• Mobile + Social Content Ads – ultimate companion to SEM?

Twitter Ads

The Next Big Thing … or more unfulfilled promises?

Twitter Ads

Open for business – the basics • No more $25K minimums! • Basic vs. Advanced UI options • Two main ad formats: Promoted Tweets vs. Promoted Accounts

Promoted Tweets Promoted


› Build Awareness › Offers/Promos › Promote Events › New Products › Store Openings


Twitter Ads – Promoted Tweets

Promoted Tweets

Target by Keywords

(Users who search or tweet)

Users Timelines

Search Results

Target by Interests

(Users w/ specific interests)

Target People Similar to Followers


Interest Categories

All Formats include: • Geo targeting (DMA only) • Gender • Device

• By OS • Desktop vs. phone/tablet

• Budget Pacing – even or accelerated • Maximum bid (spend per engagement)

Twitter Ads – Promoted Tweets (Keywords)

Target by Keywords

(Users who search or tweet)

Users Timelines Search Results

Timelines – more volume, lower engagement rates Search Results – lower volume, higher engagement rates

Twitter Ads – Promoted Tweets (Interests)

Target by Interests

(Users w/ specific interests)

Target People Similar to Followers of…

Interest Categories

Categories – more volume, lower engagement rates Similar Followers – lower volume, higher engagement rates

Twitter Ads – Promoted Accounts

All Formats include: • Geo targeting (DMA only) • Gender • Device

• By OS • Desktop vs. phone/tablet

• Budget Pacing – even or accelerated • Maximum bid (per follow)

Grow your Twitter community

Twitter Ads – Tips

• Start with a clear, easy-to-follow campaign nomenclature • Ex. GEO_Device_Targeting_Subject

• Separate mobile vs. desktop into different campaigns • Use Instant Search & Popular Accounts to find related handles • Use Who to Follow to find influencers

Twitter Ads – Campaign Analytics

Understand handles, interests & keywords that drive highest engagements rates & lowest CPE

› Quick tip: Download Handles data to Excel, filter for best performing & bulk update

Twitter - Analytics

Understand tweets - paid or organic - that are driving engagement (faves, retweets & replies)

Facebook Ads

The pursuit of happiness…or least positive ROI

Facebook Ads

The secret (at least one of them) to generating actual ROI from Facebook Ads? Custom Audiences …. target your email list on Facebook How to create them: 1. Open Power Editor (Chrome browser only) 2. Audiences 3. Create Audience > Custom Audience

1. Create name & Description 4. Type: Emails > Create 5. Save … and wait …

Facebook Ads – Custom Audience

• Typically finds matches for ~50% of addresses • The larger the list the better • Create ads as normal but don’t include ANY additional targeting (right hand rail only) • DO include URL tracking parameters

Campaign Revenue ROI Transactions Average Value Cost Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Product A-EmailList $4,732 542% 25 $189 $737 0.94%

FathersDay-EmailList $987 442% 9 $110 $182 1.48%

Product B-EmailList $973 219% 7 $139 $305 2.27%

Totals $6,828 498% 42 $146 $1,224 1.56%


Facebook Insights

New Facebook Insights announced 7.9.13 • Overview

• Page Likes • Post Reach • Engagement • 5 most recent posts

Facebook Insights – Your Page

• Page Likes: total likes, net likes (new – “unlikes”) & where they are coming from • Post Reach - impact of paid vs organic

• Is there more sharing occurring because of paid support?

Facebook Insights – Your Posts

• Which posts to promote? • Local events • High organic engagement

• Promote at certain times? • May depend on avg CPC

Understand what posts drive engagement – likes, shares & comments

Facebook Insights – Your “Peoples”

• Your Fans • Age & Gender + GEO (determine if running ads changes make-up of audience)

• People Reached – who’s seeing your posts?

- Most importantly – who is ENGAGED and are ads impacting these metrics

Social + Mobile

It’s already happening…so why aren’t more businesses running social ads?

“56% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind…”

“…67% of online adults use social networking sites.” – Pew Internet Project

“…47% of Americans agree that they follow or engage with at least one brand on a social networking site.”

“…35% of Americans agree that they regularly check out brands’ social networking pages.”

- Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange - Jan ’13

Content Ads – perfect compliment to SEM?

What mobile platform works best?

What (we think) works & doesn’t on Facebook & Twitter Ads


The Good Followers Offsite Content Events

The Bad Apps Offsite Content


The Good Likes Apps Events – sort of

The Bad Offsite Content A lot

Thank you!


Other questions? email: [email protected]