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Facebook Killer Your Guide to “Killer” Facebook Profits Facebook Killer 1

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Facebook Killer

Your Guide to “Killer” Facebook Profits

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1

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Hello and thank you for purchasing the Facebook Killer™ system. You have taken the first step towards financial success and freedom.

In this book you will learn 4 easy methods for generating profits using FREE Facebook Traffic.

If you have any questions feel free to contact our support team at

We wish you great success implementing this system,

Facebook Killer™ Team

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2

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What Sells in FacebookIn this chapter we will cover the offers you should and should not promote in Facebook. This will help you choose your offers better and maximize your profits.

#1: Freebies, Not Products

At the most basic level, people in Facebook are not in the mood for buying stuff. So promoting a product (whether digital or physical) is most likely not to create profits for you.

However, people dig what is free.

This is why we are going to promote mainly freebies. Freebies are types of offers which pay you (the affiliate) money not for a product that the customer bought, but for his phone number \ zip code, etc.

Example for lead is this offer:

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3

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Available at this address:


This offer pays you $1.70 per zip code submit. This means that for each customer that you refer to this program, that inputs his zip code and clicks 'Continue' – you earn $1.70.

People are more likely to accept such offers since it doesn't cost them a thing – so you make more money.

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4

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#2: Ring Tones

Ringtones is a great niche that also converts well in Facebook.

Basically, ringtone allows the user to purchase a ring tone for his cell phone, and compensates you with several $ - typically from $0.3 to $1.4. In the next chapters you will learn where to find these offers, so don't worry about that now.

#3: Dating Niche

The dating niche is a great thing to promote in Facebook. People in Facebook are in a mood of meeting new people, and are more likely to accept your dating offers.

What most advertisers do is to look for singles above 18 that are looking for relationship – but this is the costly solution. We will give you a free and much more powerful method for generating this traffic for free.


This is a secret.. we will reveal this in the final chapter of the book

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5

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How to Find OffersIn this chapter you will learn how to find hot offers to promote.

There are several big networks which give you many freebie offers to promote:

#1: Neverblue.com

NeverBlue.com is a great CPA (Cost-Per-Action) network which gives you loads of hot freebie offers:


Many good offers

Good tracking (you know how much you earned, how much clicks you had, how much 'conversions' etc)


Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6

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You need to get approved manually.

Generally they will phone you and ask you how you are planning to promote their offers. Just say that you intend to promote using Pay-Per-Click and you will be fine.

If they ask you if you have a site, say that you promote using Pay-Per-Click. This will get you approved just fine.

#2: Commission Junction (CJ.com)

Commission Junction is also a great lead network that offers many good offers.

#3: AzoogleAds.com


Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7

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#4: ClickBooth


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Method #1: Ringtones for TeensIn this chapter you will learn the first method of generating huge traffic and income from Facebook.

This method assumes that you have a Facebook account with some friends in it. If you don't you can start adding people randomly – some will approve you and you could gather an initial friends in your list.

The first step is to open a viral, funny group. Think of a group name which many teens and youngsters can relate to. For example:

I Hate Homework!

I Hate Waking Up in the Morning!

I <3 My Mom!

These are example of groups with tons of fans:

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9

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'I hate goodbyes ' – 2,840,530 fans.

'I really hate slow computers' – 4,701,363 fans.

Now these are really extreme examples but getting this fan number is possible if you are viral.

Click on this link to open a group in Facebook:


Once you have established a nice group it is time to gather some followers. Click on 'Invite Friend to join this Group'. You will then need to select your friends to invite them the group:

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10

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After you have reached the 'invite a friend' page, select all your friends and choose 'Invite':

You can also copy and paste this code in your address bar, and click Enter:

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var  fid  in  elms){if(typeof  elms[fid]  ===  'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}

This code automatically selects all your friends, so it saves time and effort.

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11

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From time to time, tell you members to invite their friends to your group. If they strongly relate to your group it will happen automatically.

After you have reached a mass of users (anything above 2,000 is good), start promoting freebie offers: it can be ringtone offers, 'love match' quizzes, everything that will get you the most payout. In the sites presented above you will find loads of offers that teens love and you could profit from.

You can even put it in your group's description so you make even more money.

Offers like 'love match' can be extra-profitable if the group name and description are targeted at teen girls. Titles like 'I hate him.. but I love him' can attract many teen girls, which are more likely to go and click on your 'love match'\'love quiz' offers.

IMPORTANT: Cloak your links with Bit.ly. This is a free service that not only shortens your URLs but also cloaks your traffic source. Simple write your URL and click on 'Shorten'. You will receive a shortened version of the URL to use in your Facebook group.

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12

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Method #2: Women Profiles In this chapter you will learn another powerful technique of making a lot of money with dating offers.

First, you need to find a picture of a hot woman. This will be your profile picture.. Preferably use a picture showing some skin, something sexy.

Create a new profile, and write inviting info in your Info tab. Write that you are 20-22 year old (pick an age), and that you are single and looking to meet a good man for you. Add some 'sexy' touch to it, maybe write that you are looking 'to have fun'.

Now comes the final touch: you will add a link to a dating affiliate program. You can choose from several:

• www.adultfriendfinder.com

• www.fling.com

• www.hornymatches.com

• Other dating offers in NeverBlue.com

Sign up as an affiliate to any of these programs. You will usually get up to $130 per new person you referred (these programs can be quite rewarding).

Write that 'To contact me and meet me please enter your dating profile' and put your link there.

Start adding random men as your friends – And watch the profits roll in. Such profiles drag huge attention and eventually guys will start to add you.. all you need to do is to Accept all friends invitation (and ignore all the propositions you will get in your personal mail).

This is an extremely powerful technique. Here is an example of a profile that implements this technique in action:

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13

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As you can see this profile is clearly fake. Clicking on the link redirects us to:

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          14

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All this page is in fact made of 6 pictures, all linked to an affiliate offer. Try clicking on the link and you will be invited to join..

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15

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Method #3: Fan MerchandiseIn this chapter you will learn another good technique that is more white-hat: more ethic and can also be a basis for a long-term profiting from Facebook.

Create a Fan Page

It starts by building a fan page for an artist\band\actor\etc. Even if this actor already has a fan page you can always open another one.

Example of a good Fan page:

Make it Official

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          16

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Make the fan page look official by adding content. Add many pictures to the page, add some content from Wikipedia or other official band sites.

Start Gathering Fans

Invite your friends to join as fans. Write in forums related to the band\actor\artist and announce the new fan page.

Soon you will have thousands of fans in your fan page (depending on how popular your singer\band\artist is).

Now it's profit time:

Sell Merchandise

Open a site and sell merchandise. You may open an eBay shop or a standard site and offer t-shirts, hats, accessories, etc.

You can design and sell t-shirts at the following sites:



SpreadShirt allows you to sell your designs exactly from their site without using your own site – this makes it easier for beginners to start selling.

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17

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You may open your own eBay shop and use the fan page's traffic as free boost to your sales, and to gather some good feedback.

This is a long-term strategy you can use and create a solid basis for any online and brick-and-mortar business related to your fanpage.

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          18

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Method #4: Weight Loss NicheIn this chapter you will learn a powerful technique that is used to create big profits marketing weight loss leads and products.

It requires a bit more work but can be very rewarding.

First of all you create a group with some controversial weight-loss title, like:

'I was in SHOCK When I saw this before\after picture'

'You WOULDN'T BELIEVE how this model used to look'

Then, search the web for some good before\after pictures. You can find many by searching 'before after weight loss' in Google images:


This is how the page will page:

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19

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Pick any picture, and separate it to two pictures: one before and one after. You may use Paint or Photoshop, whichever you are more comfortable with.

After you finish, create the group and put only the 'BEFORE' picture. Write that 'To see the AFTER picture, click on 'Become a Fan''.

Then, near the pictures, write 'I lost 50kg in 5 months, click here to see my secret: ' and put a link to an affiliate offer. You can find many good weight loss offers in NeverBlue.com.

If you wish to increase sales even more, you may create a 'flog' = Fake blog. Create a blog in which you tell about your weight loss journey, and recommend people to purchase a weight loss product you have used (with an affiliate link). You will link people from the Facebook group to your flog.

You may also direct users to a weight loss company collecting leads – whichever you feel more suits you.

Those campaigns have immense effect in Facebook and create big profits. A student of mine has created a campaign like this and gathered 42,000 fans for its page. And the best thing is that you can use it on any language and any country you are at.

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          20

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ConclusionI hope you have enjoyed reading this book as I have enjoyed writing it.

If you have any questions what-so-ever feel free to contact me at

I would happily help any customer make his income with the techniques I have described here.

Wish you great success

The Facebook “Killer”

Facebook    Killer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21