facilitating the implementation of adaptive cloud...

Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud Offloading to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Mobile Applications Young-Woo Kwon Department of Computer Science Utah State University [email protected] Eli Tilevich Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech [email protected] Abstract—Cloud offloading—leveraging remote cloud-based computing resources to execute energy-intensive functionality— has become a widely-used optimization technique for mobile applications. However, implementing cloud offloading techniques remains a delicate and complex task, reserved for expert pro- grammers. If cloud computing is to realize its promise as a generally applicable, powerful optimization technique for mobile applications, its implementation barrier must be lowered. As we have discovered, reusable system building blocks exposed via a convenient programming model can facilitate the im- plementation of complex cloud offloading optimizations. This paper describes a system architecture for implementing adaptive cloud offloading optimizations. In particular, the architecture features parameterizable building blocks for monitoring and estimating energy consumption and performance efficiency as well as state synchronization across address spaces, which the mobile programmer can use ` a la carte. These blocks streamline the implementation procedure for a wide array of adaptive of- floading optimizations. Applying this system architecture to third- party mobile applications has optimized their energy efficiency, depending on the execution environment in place. Index Terms—mobile applications; energy optimization; cloud offloading; programming model; adaptation I. I NTRODUCTION As the energy demands of modern applications continue to outstrip the battery capacities of mobile devices, the topic of energy optimization has enjoyed a wide coverage in the research literature. A particularly popular energy optimization technique is cloud offloading—transforming a mobile appli- cation to move its functionality containing energy spots to execute at a cloud-based server, with the parameters and results transferred across the mobile network. The energy savings afforded by cloud offloading stem from the functionality executed by cloud-based servers not draining the battery power of the mobile devices running the application. The main difficulties of implementing effective cloud of- floading optimizations lie in the high heterogeneity of mobile hardware and the volatility of mobile networks. Mobile devices come in numerous hardware configurations, which vary in terms of their respective CPU, memory, and communication characteristics. For example, Facebook reports that the mobile version of their application is accessed from more than 2,500 varieties of mobile devices [1]. The same mobile application running on devices with dissimilar hardware capacities would consume divergent amounts of energy. In addition, the mobile network characteristics in place have been shown to affect the amount of energy spent transferring the same parameters across the network [2]. Finally, mobile applications are highly context-sensitive, with different users favoring energy and performance efficiencies to varying degrees. Hence, research in cloud offloading is steadily heading in the direction of adaptivity, deciding on what functionality should be offloaded at runtime [3]. Unfortunately, implement- ing effective adaptive cloud offloading optimization is non- trivial. Although cloud offloading techniques differ widely in their respective designs, all need the ability to make informed decisions whether and when an offloading is most likely to save energy. Also, when offloading a functionality without modifying the underlying runtime system, the program state must be correctly and efficiently synchronized across the mobile device and cloud server. Implementing these mecha- nisms can incur large engineering overheads, slowing research progress and rendering the technique prohibitively complex for real-world environments. Having studied cloud offloading for the last couple of years, we have discovered that the implementation barrier for this powerful energy optimization can be effectively lowered if its main building blocks can be provided as a general system architecture exposed to the programmer via a convenient programming model. In particular, we argue that a system architecture featuring four main building blocks—(1) energy consumption monitoring and estimation, (2) performance ef- ficiency monitoring and estimation, (3) program state syn- chronization, and (4) the offloading process monitoring and notification—can be effectively leveraged to straightforwardly implement adaptive cloud offloading optimizations. We show how these building blocks enable a flexible system architecture for enhancing third-party mobile applications with the ability to adaptively optimize their energy efficiency. By presenting our novel system architecture for optimizing the energy efficiency of mobile applications, this paper makes the following contributions:

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Page 1: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,

Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive CloudOffloading to Improve the Energy Efficiency of

Mobile ApplicationsYoung-Woo Kwon

Department of Computer ScienceUtah State [email protected]

Eli TilevichDepartment of Computer Science

Virginia [email protected]

Abstract—Cloud offloading—leveraging remote cloud-basedcomputing resources to execute energy-intensive functionality—has become a widely-used optimization technique for mobileapplications. However, implementing cloud offloading techniquesremains a delicate and complex task, reserved for expert pro-grammers. If cloud computing is to realize its promise as agenerally applicable, powerful optimization technique for mobileapplications, its implementation barrier must be lowered. Aswe have discovered, reusable system building blocks exposedvia a convenient programming model can facilitate the im-plementation of complex cloud offloading optimizations. Thispaper describes a system architecture for implementing adaptivecloud offloading optimizations. In particular, the architecturefeatures parameterizable building blocks for monitoring andestimating energy consumption and performance efficiency aswell as state synchronization across address spaces, which themobile programmer can use a la carte. These blocks streamlinethe implementation procedure for a wide array of adaptive of-floading optimizations. Applying this system architecture to third-party mobile applications has optimized their energy efficiency,depending on the execution environment in place.

Index Terms—mobile applications; energy optimization; cloudoffloading; programming model; adaptation


As the energy demands of modern applications continueto outstrip the battery capacities of mobile devices, the topicof energy optimization has enjoyed a wide coverage in theresearch literature. A particularly popular energy optimizationtechnique is cloud offloading—transforming a mobile appli-cation to move its functionality containing energy spots toexecute at a cloud-based server, with the parameters and resultstransferred across the mobile network. The energy savingsafforded by cloud offloading stem from the functionalityexecuted by cloud-based servers not draining the battery powerof the mobile devices running the application.

The main difficulties of implementing effective cloud of-floading optimizations lie in the high heterogeneity of mobilehardware and the volatility of mobile networks. Mobile devicescome in numerous hardware configurations, which vary interms of their respective CPU, memory, and communicationcharacteristics. For example, Facebook reports that the mobileversion of their application is accessed from more than 2,500

varieties of mobile devices [1]. The same mobile applicationrunning on devices with dissimilar hardware capacities wouldconsume divergent amounts of energy. In addition, the mobilenetwork characteristics in place have been shown to affectthe amount of energy spent transferring the same parametersacross the network [2]. Finally, mobile applications are highlycontext-sensitive, with different users favoring energy andperformance efficiencies to varying degrees.

Hence, research in cloud offloading is steadily heading inthe direction of adaptivity, deciding on what functionalityshould be offloaded at runtime [3]. Unfortunately, implement-ing effective adaptive cloud offloading optimization is non-trivial. Although cloud offloading techniques differ widely intheir respective designs, all need the ability to make informeddecisions whether and when an offloading is most likely tosave energy. Also, when offloading a functionality withoutmodifying the underlying runtime system, the program statemust be correctly and efficiently synchronized across themobile device and cloud server. Implementing these mecha-nisms can incur large engineering overheads, slowing researchprogress and rendering the technique prohibitively complex forreal-world environments.

Having studied cloud offloading for the last couple of years,we have discovered that the implementation barrier for thispowerful energy optimization can be effectively lowered if itsmain building blocks can be provided as a general systemarchitecture exposed to the programmer via a convenientprogramming model. In particular, we argue that a systemarchitecture featuring four main building blocks—(1) energyconsumption monitoring and estimation, (2) performance ef-ficiency monitoring and estimation, (3) program state syn-chronization, and (4) the offloading process monitoring andnotification—can be effectively leveraged to straightforwardlyimplement adaptive cloud offloading optimizations. We showhow these building blocks enable a flexible system architecturefor enhancing third-party mobile applications with the abilityto adaptively optimize their energy efficiency.

By presenting our novel system architecture for optimizingthe energy efficiency of mobile applications, this paper makesthe following contributions:

Page 2: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,

• An extensible system architecture for implementing cloudoffloading optimizations with reusable building blocksthat the programmer can use a la carte.

• A programming model for using the building blocks asrequired to implement adaptive offloading optimizations.

• A case study of using the system architecture to engineera non-trivial cloud offloading optimization; the engi-neered optimization was applied successfully to reducethe energy usage of third-party mobile applications.

The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section IIdefines the problem that our approach aims at solving andintroduces the concepts and technologies used in this work.Section III details our technical approach. Section IV andSection V discuss how we evaluated our approach. Section VIIcompares our approach to the related state of the art. SectionVI discusses the advantages and limitations of our approach,and Section VIII concludes this paper.


In this section, we define the problem to be solved andprovide a technical background for the main technologies usedin our solution.

A. Motivation and Problem Definition

Having studied the cloud offloading optimization in thelast couple of years, we have found that the heterogeneityof mobile hardware and volatility of mobile networks requirehighly adaptive energy optimizations to be effective. However,implementing adaptive optimizations can be a daunting engi-neering undertaking, suited only for expert programmers. Thegoal of this research is to define a system architecture thatfeatures reusable building blocks that can be used to stream-line the process of implementing adaptive cloud offloadingoptimizations.

Figure 1 demonstrates the need for adaptivity in mobileapplications as compared to applications written to run onstationary computers. When it comes to energy efficiency, themore diverse the execution environment, the more configurablethe software that runs in it needs to be. Desktop applicationstend to have fixed configurations that reflect the end user’spreferences mostly with respect to the application’s look-and-feel. Laptops can be configured at the system level tosave energy when battery-powered; application-level energyusage options are not common. Finally, applications written

End User Configurability & Execution Environment Diverse

Desktop PC

Laptop Tablet


High adaptivity


Static configurations

Fig. 1. Characteristics of mobile software.

for tablets and smartphones commonly feature per-applicationenergy saving options. Mobile applications can be configuredto behave differently depending on the mobile network inplace. For example, the user can configure to compress thedata transferred only when no Wi-Fi network is available.

Thus, an effective energy optimization strategy for mo-bile applications should take into consideration the device’shardware characteristics, the execution environment in place,and end-user preferences. Properly accounting for all thesevariables requires that optimizations be highly adaptive. Im-plementing adaptive behaviors, however, can be prohibitivelycomplex from both the development and maintenance per-spectives, especially for application programmers. This paperadvocates a system architecture that can simplify the im-plementation of adaptive energy optimization by providingreusable building blocks.

B. Technical Background

The technical concepts behind our approach include cloudoffloading and system-level adaptation. We describe thesetechnologies in turn next.

1) Cloud Offloading: Cloud offloading optimizes the en-ergy consumption of mobile applications by executing theapplication’s energy intensive functionality in the cloud, soas to avoid draining the mobile device’s battery power. Atypical implementation technique for cloud offloading is pro-gram partitioning, transforming the original mobile applicationinto: the client part running on a mobile device and theserver part running in the cloud; all the calls between theparts become network communication. Program-level cloudoffloading is an application of automated program partitioning,an automated technique for transforming centralized applica-tions to run across the network using a compiler-based tool[4]. In this work, we focus on method-level offloading, inwhich application functionality is shipped to be executed bythe server at method granularity. This design assumption isin line with solid object-oriented design principles, whichfavor fine-grained methods. If the functionality to offloadis not confined to method boundaries, an Extract Methodrefactoring [5] can be performed to restructure the code,making it amenable to method-level offloading. Representativerecent cloud offloading approaches leverage program analysis,automated transformation, and adaptive runtime [6], [7].

In our prior work, we introduced cloud offloading thattransforms applications, leveraging static program analysis andprogram transformation techniques, without destroying theirability to execute locally in the case of network disconnec-tion [8]. Then, we introduced a cloud offloading techniquethat takes advantage of dynamic adaptation by means of ahand-crafted runtime system [6]. Specifically, this techniqueautomatically enhances a centralized program with the abilityto execute across the network, while the local/remote parts aredetermined dynamically at runtime, as required by the currentexecution environment. The approach presented in this paperdraws on the lessons of these prior approaches by innovatingin the implementation design space.

Page 3: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,

2) System-Level Adaptation: Middleware can be adaptedat runtime to change its execution strategies, so as to op-timize the overall distributed execution in accordance withthe information received from various system components.Researchers have leveraged dynamic adaptation to optimizeenergy consumption [9], [10]. The Odyssey platform [9]provides the ability to adapt data or computational quality asa mechanism for reducing energy consumption and operatingwithin the available system resources. Another middlewareplatform adapting energy optimizations across system layersis DYNAMO [10]; it optimizes both performance and energyby adapting at the level of applications, middleware, OS,network, and hardware. By identifying possible trade-offsbetween energy consumption and QoS, these energy-awareadaptations can choose optimal energy optimizations for agiven runtime condition.

The approach presented here shares the system designobjectives with these approaches. The novelty of our approachlies in its system implementation benefits. Our design goalis to enable state-of-the-practice developers to take advan-tage of adaptive energy optimizations implemented as cloudoffloading. We advocate a programming model that enablesprogrammers to implement customizable cloud offloadingoptimizations as well as to express how the runtime systemshould be tailored for given end-user preferences.


The key contribution of this work is the analysis andidentification of the engineering issues that arise when re-alizing adaptive cloud offloading mechanisms, which havebecome increasingly prevalent in the mobile energy optimiza-tion design space. In this section, we present our systemarchitecture that offers reusable building blocks that can beused to construct adaptive cloud offloading optimizations. Westart by giving an overview of the general system architectureand then describe its major implementation blocks, with aparticular emphasis on the programming model. We discussthe approach’s applicability and limitations in Section VI.

A. System Architecture

Figure 2 gives an overview of our system architecture. Ourprimary design intent is to simplify the implementation ofadaptive cloud offloading energy consumption optimizations.Since there is a great variety of offloading schemes, thearchitecture provides reusable implementation blocks that canbe accessed through a convenient programming interface.When implementing their cloud offloading optimizations, pro-grammers are free to choose any offloading strategies andalgorithms. One design assumption is that the offloading willbe performed at a method-level, even though the numberof offloaded methods at a time is flexible. Our architectureprovides reusable blocks to monitor and estimate the amountof energy consumed and execution time taken by a givenmethod or a set of methods. Another set of blocks provides

Energy EfficiencyModule

Performance EfficiencyModule

State Synchronizer


Adaptive Runtime SystemMobile App Cloud Offloading

Capable App

Programming Abstraction

Offloading Module

Fig. 2. Overview of the system architecture.

reusable functionality to synchronize program state betweenthe client memory space and that of the offloading server.

B. Programming Model

The programming model described in Figure 3 fea-tures five Java classes (four concrete and one ab-stract) and two interfaces. The EnergyConsumptionInfo andPerformanceEfficiencyInfo classes provide functionality tomeasure and estimate energy consumption and performanceefficiency for a given method, respectively. To reduce overheadand to avoid conflicts with accessing OS-level resources, theseclasses are implemented as singletons—not more than oneobject of each type ever instantiated per a mobile application.

Class StateSynchronizer reconciles program states after anoffloading operation is completed. It uses the copy-restoresemantics [11], which efficiently updates object graphs whilepreserving their aliasing semantics (i.e., referring to an updatedobject using multiple references). To use the services of classStateSynchronizer, object graphs have to be represented asState objects.

The abstract class OffloadingRuntime should be implementedby the programmer by providing the functionality of methodoffload. Because mobile applications are known to use avariety of communication mechanisms, our design leaves thismethod entirely to the programmer’s purview. Whether anoffloading operation completes successfully or experiences afailure, the concrete implementations of the class call meth-ods offloadingCompleted or offloadingFailed, respectively. Byextending class Observable, OffloadingRuntime implements theObserver/Observable design pattern [5], so that any objectwhose class implements JDK interface Observer can registerto have its method update invoked. If the offloading succeeds,the method’s parameter will be the updated State object; if itfails, the parameter will be an Exception object describing thefailure’s reason.

Having introduced the programming model of our systemarchitecture for adaptive cloud offloading, we next provide theimplementation details of our system infrastructure exposedthrough this model.

Page 4: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,

public class EnergyConsumptionInfo {public static EnergyConsumptionInfo create() {...}public void startEnergyMeasurement(Method m) {...}public double endEnergyMeasurement(Method m) {...}public double estimateEnergy(Method m, Object[] p, URI h) {...}public void addListener(IEnergyListener l, long time) {...}}

public interface IEnergyListener {public void notifyConsumedEnergy(double energy) ;}

(a) Energy efficiency API and interface.

public class PerformanceEfficiencyInfo {public static PerformanceEfficiencyInfo create() {...}public void startPerfMeasurement(Method m) {...}public long endPerfMeasurement(Method m) {...}public long estimateExecTime(

Method m, Object[] params, URI host) {...}public int[] checkDelays(Set<URI> hosts) {...}public void addListener(IPerfListener l, long time) {...} }

public interface IPerfListener {public void notifyTakenTime(long time) ;}

(b) Performance efficiency API and and interface.

public class StateSynchronizer {public void synchronize(State newState, State oldState){...}}

public class State {...public void addObject(String key, Object obj) {...}public void removeObject(String key, Object obj) {...}public Object getObject(String key) {...}}

(c) State synchronization API.

/∗∗ To be notified when an offloading completes successfully or fails ;classes can implement and add themselves as Observer for this class . ∗/

public abstract class OffloadingRuntime extends Observable {public abstract void offload(State toServer);

public void offloadingCompleted(State fromServer) {notifyObservers(fromServer);}public void offloadingFailed(Exception e) {notifyObservers(e);} }

(d) Observable offloading runtime class.

Fig. 3. Programming model and provided interfaces.

C. Runtime Implementation

1) Energy and Performance Efficiency: As explainedabove, an important piece of functionality of our systemarchitecture is estimating the amount of energy that would beconsumed if a given method is to be offloaded. To that end,when the estimateEnergymethod in class EnergyConsumptionInfois invoked, the runtime system computes the results as follows:

E = {Σ(P actcpu@f × T

(u+s)cpu ) + (P act

net × T actnet) + (P idle

net × T idlenet )}

where P actcpu@f is the power that the CPU consumes at a

given clock speed. Modern CPUs provide speed-step, an OSfacility to dynamically change the processor’s clock speed,in which each clock speed leads to different levels of powerconsumption.

Tucpu and T s

cpu are process-specific user and system times,respectively. P act

net and P idlenet are the required power by the net-

work processor during the active and idle phases, respectively.T actnet and T idle

net are the active and idle portions of the remotecommunication, respectively.

The runtime system uses the same parameters when com-puting the result for the estimateExecTime method in classPerformanceEfficiencyInfo as follows:

T exptdnet = Avg(ΣT idle

net ) + T exptdnet act

where T exptdnet —the future execution time averages the idling

time and the expected communication time periods during agiven measurement window; the bigger the window, the moreaccurate the estimate.

Figure 4 shows how we measure the delay and each timetaken during the idling, sending and receiving phases. Thesetimes are averaged in a given measurement window to estimatethe expected communication time. The estimates are cached

to be used to predict the communication time and executiontime.

Our energy prediction takes into account the CPU andnetwork energy consumptions. The CPU energy consumptionis predicted by averaging previous executions. The networkenergy consumption is predicted by extrapolating the averagebetween the last two measured energy consumption values asdepicted in Fig 5. To that end, the runtime system uses thecached execution parameters (e.g., delay, communication time,transferred data size, total execution time, etc.) and the currentexecution parameters to predict the expected communicationtime period during a given measurement window as follows:

T exptdnet act = {T [i− 1] + T [i− 1]× ∆L(i,i+1)

∆L(i−1,i+1)} ×∆D(i,i+1)


where T , L, and D denote the size of the program state to betransferred for each remote execution, the current network de-lay, the cached communication time, respectively. Because pre-dicting future energy consumption levels and execution timeutilizes prior execution history, these device- and execution-specific values are cached to compute the amount of energyto be consumed and the time to be taken during potentialoffloading operations.

2) State Synchronization: Another important functionalityof our system architecture is synchronizing the program stateacross different address spaces. The program state is synchro-nized by means of copy-restore, an advanced semantics forpassing linked data structure as parameters to remote methods(e.g., linked lists, trees, and maps) [11]. The copy-restoresemantics copies all reachable parameter state to the serverand then overwrites the client’s state with the server modifieddata in-place, so that all the client-side aliases are preserved.

3) Implementing Offloading Optimizations: Since offload-ing strategies come in great varieties, it is hard to design

Page 5: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,


Sending Time

Idle Time

Mobile Device Remote Server

Syn. for Distributed Execution


Syn. for Execution Result



Receiving Time

Request Distributed Execution

Execution Result

Execution Time


Fig. 4. Measuring communication time.




n T


Data Size II


Data Size II










Fig. 5. Estimating communication time.

reusable implementation blocks that can benefit all of them.In particular, application-level offloading strategies differ interms of the middleware they use to communicate betweenthe mobile device and the server (e.g., sockets, messaging,synchronous/asynchronous remote calls, etc). Irrespective ofthe communication middleware used, the programmer mayalso choose to run the offloading task as a separate executionthread, enabling the user to continue interacting with themobile application while an offloading is in progress.

The only two common pieces of functionality for differentoffloading mechanisms is that an offloading needs to start,passing some program state to the server, and then to complete,receiving some program state from the server. The passedprogram state can then be integrated with the existing state.An offloading can also fail, a condition reported by the Javaruntime system by throwing an object whose class is derived

Runtime System





Program Transformation

Configuration Processing



Offloading Unit Manager

Fig. 6. Workflow to implement adaptive cloud offloading.

from Exception.To support both synchronous and asynchronous offloading

strategies, our system architecture uses the Observer/Observ-able design pattern to notify any relevant objects when anoffloading either completes successfully or fails. For example,both the state synchronization component and the monitoringcomponent may need to be notified when an offloading issuccessfully completed to synchronize the received state andto update the execution state, respectively. This pattern enablesa loose coupling between the runtime object and its observerobjects, thus making it possible to support a wide variety ofoffloading strategies.


In this section, we describe a case study of applyingthe system architecture and programming model describedabove to implement a state-of-the-art adaptive offloadingmechanisms. The purpose of this case study is to validatewhether our architecture and model can be used effectivelyto engineer a practical adaptive cloud offloading mechanism.The mechanism implemented here introduces cloud offloadingwith the ability to configure the offloading mechanism withuser-specific preferences for energy and performance. Themechanism implemented here extends our prior work on cloudoffloading [6] with the ability to configure the offloadingmechanism with user-specific preferences for energy and per-formance.

A. Development Process

Figure 6 shows the workflow we followed to implement anadaptive cloud offloading strategy that leverages the systemarchitecture described in Section III. The programmer firstspecifies the methods that were found to be energy hotspots.This information can be easily obtained by energy profiling theapplication, a development phase that is orthogonal to our im-plementation. The programmer also provides a configurationfile that parameterizes our runtime system with the criteriathat should be optimized when making offloading decisions.The user input is verified and the program’s source code isautomatically enhanced to generate checkpoints saving thenecessary program state for offloading any portion of thespecified energy hotspots. Due to its application specificity,this program transformation cannot be made into a reusablecomponent.

Page 6: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,


Fig. 7. Configuration file syntax.

For this implementation, we needed an adaptive runtimesystem that satisfies the following set of requirements. Multi-ple offloading servers connected to the device with mobilenetworks with different latency/bandwidth characteristics; aconfiguration file that specifies whether energy or performanceshould be favored when planning offloadings.

To make the runtime system configurable, the implementa-tion will provide a configuration file that can be used to specifyuser preferences with respect to the offloading optimizations.Figure 7 shows the syntax that must be followed by theconfiguration files used with this runtime system.

A configuration file contains a set of key/value pairs,with the keys of hotspot, host, mode, and criteria. Thehotspot key points to the method identified as an energyhotspot. The host key points to the locations of the availableoffloading servers. The mode key points to the value specifyingwhether the offloading should be plain (i.e., always offloadthe specified hotspot method) or adaptive (i.e., decide whetherto offload at runtime based on the conditions in place). Thecriteria key defines which notion of effectiveness shouldbe used with a given offloading. The criteria value ofenergy indicates the effectiveness to reduce energy consump-tion, while that of performance to speed up performance.The value of epr indicates the effectiveness to increasethe energy/performance ratio that correlates performance andenergy consumption values so as to maximize the resultingcorrelation. The strategy key points to well-known energyoptimization techniques, including data compression, reducingimage quality, and redirecting to an easier-to-reach remoteserver.

Adaptive Cloud Offloading Runtime System

Adaptation Module

Plan Plan


Adaptation Algorithm

Reusable Building Blocks

Estimated Energy Consumption

Estimated Execution Time


Configuration Manager

State Synchronization

Network Module

Network Channel Factory

Network Channel

Energy Efficiency Performance Efficiency State Synchronization

Fig. 8. Adaptive cloud offloading runtime system.

Based on the requirements for the cloud offloading imple-mentation explained above, a runtime system satisfying themcan be implemented using our system architecture as shownin the component diagram in Figure 8. The main componentsof the runtime system are the configuration handler, theadaptation module, and the network module. The configurationhandler instantiates offloading plans as specified in the config-uration files it parses. The adaptation module makes offloadingdecisions; it makes use of the reusable energy efficiency andperformance efficiency building blocks. The network modulecommunicates with the offloading servers; it makes use of thereusable state synchronization building block.

The purpose of this case study is to determine whether thereusable blocks of our system architecture provide sufficientfunctionality to implement a runtime system that can supporta non-trivial adaptive cloud offloading mechanism.

B. Supporting Configurability

Figure 9 shows a flowchart of the implemented adaptiveruntime system and corresponding pseudo code. The figureshows how the API of our programming model can be used toimplement the runtime logic of this particular offloading mech-anism. To identify the most suitable offloading server (i.e., theone fitting the specified user preferences), the runtime systemobtains the expected energy consumption and execution timefor each available server using the provided APIs. In theend, the runtime system selects the server offloading to whichwould yield either (1) the lowest energy consumption, (2) theshortest execution time, or (3) the highest energy/performanceratio, as specified by a given configuration file (i.e., thecriteria options of energy, performance, and epr).

Since mobile applications are known to use different ver-sions of communication mechanisms to exchange data withremote servers, our system architecture does not provide anycommunication building blocks. However, it does provide afine-tuned implementation of an algorithm that synchronizesobjects graphs in place [11]. By simply calling a providedAPI method with the original and updated program states, theprogrammer can efficiently replay the changes made to theupdated state on the original state, while keeping all the aliasespointing to the objects of the original state intact. This hard-to-implement functionality is essential, when implementingoffloading mechanisms for applications written in modernmanaged languages such as Java and C#.


We have evaluated the effectiveness of the cloud offloadingmechanism constructed in the case study in Section IV byapplying it to third-party Android applications. In our im-plementation, we deliberately avoided putting in place anyfine-grained performance optimizations, thus focusing on thearchitectural effectiveness of our programming model.

A. Programmability

First, we evaluated the software engineering benefits ofprogramming model. To that end, we compared two different

Page 7: Facilitating the Implementation of Adaptive Cloud ...people.cs.vt.edu/~tilevich/papers/mobilesoft15.pdfto behave differently depending on the mobile network in place. For example,

Send localState to offloadingServer

Synchronize localState and remoteState





Get localState

Get Energy@local & Time@local,(estimate local energy consumption & time)

Get Energy@URI & Time@URI,(estimate remote energy consumption & time)

Is Energy & Time@URI “Better” than @local?

Get next URI

offloadingServer := @URI

More servers?

Receive remoteState from offloadingServer



Handle FailureNo

Fig. 9. Flowchart of the case study.

FOREACH uri ∈ ∀server DOCASE EnergyEexptd ← estimateEnergy(..., uri)IF Eexptd is the smallest THEN server ← uri END IFCASE PerformanceTexptd ← estimateExecTime(..., uri)IF Texptd is the smallest THEN server ← uri END IFCASE EPREexptd ← estimateEnergy(..., uri)Texptd ← estimateExecTime(..., uri)epr ← getEPR(Eexptd, Texpted)IF epr is the smallest THEN server ← uri END IF


/∗∗ send toServer state to server, the selected server ∗/sendToServer(server, toServer)

/∗∗ receive fromServer state or exception andnotify it all registered observers ∗/

CASE SucceedfromServer ← offloadingCompleted()update(fromServer)/∗∗ synchronize the remote and local program states ∗/synchronize(fromServer, toServer)CASE Failexception← offloadingFailed()update(exception)

Fig. 10. Pseudo code of the case study.

implementations of the same adaptive offloading mechanism:original with all the functionality implemented from scratchand framework-based with the major functionality providedby our framework. In Table I, for each implementation, wereport the total lines of uncommented code (LOC) and thecode’s McCabe Cyclomatic Metric (MCC), a standard measureof code complexity1.


Approach LOC Max. MCCOriginal Impl. 14,089 89

Framework-Based Impl. 189 6

As expected, it takes an order of magnitude fewer lines ofcode to implement the mechanism using our framework thancoding all the required functionality from scratch. Similarly,the programming effort as measured by the MCC metricsis also much lower for the framework-based implementation.Although reducing the programming effort is the raison d’etreof programming libraries and frameworks, it is still importantto quantify the software engineering benefits afforded by ourframework.

B. Experimental Setup

The experimental setup includes a mobile device (1.5GHzdual-core CPU, 2GB RAM, 802.11n) and a remote server(3.0GHz quad-core CPU, 8GB RAM). The network types aretwo emulated networks: high-end (WiFi network: 20ms roundtrip time (RTT) and 50Mbps bandwidth) and low-end (4Gmobile network: 70ms RTT and 1Mbps bandwidth) 2. Table IIshows the device-specific values that parameterize the runtimesystems of the mobile device under test.



1512.0 MHz: 577 mA WiFi 96 mA1209.6 MHz: 408 mA 0.3 mA907.2 MHz: 249 mA Mobile 250 mA604.8 MHz: 148 mA 3.4 mA302.4 MHz: 55 mA

C. Third Party Applications

To determine if the implemented runtime can improvethe energy efficiency of real-world mobile applications, weexperimented with open source projects as our experimentalsubjects. JJIL3 is a face recognition application; its recognitionfunctionality executes remotely in class DetectHaarParam. Mez-zofanti4 is a text recognition application; its OCR functionalityexecutes remotely in class OCR.

1We used Metric 1.3.6 http://metrics.sourceforge.net/ for the measurements.2We used Network Emulator for Windows Toolkit (NEWT) version 2.1.3http://code.google.com/p/jjil/4https://code.google.com/p/mezzofanti

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(a) Configuration files for the face recognition app.



(b) Configuration files for the OCR app.

Fig. 11. Configuration files for the case study apps.

Furthermore, to achieve additional energy savings, we en-hanced our runtime system with a module that compressesthe transferred program state. This change did not require anyother modifications to the implementation. Data compressioncan reduce network transfer, but will be more computationallyintensive, thus requiring additional CPU processing. Transmit-ting raw data increases network transfer, but requires less CPUprocessing. Which of the strategies will consume less energydepends on the runtime conditions in place.

For each subject, we measured the amount of the energyconsumed or the execution time by typical, simple use cases.Specifically, for the face recognition application, we examinedone image file for the presence of human faces. For the OCRapplication, we examined one image file containing about200 characters. The use cases were executed under threeoptimization modes: (1) original application, (2) plain cloud

public class Compression extends Strategy {public Pointcut getPointcut() { return Pointcut.Around; }

public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) {Object[] params = invocation.getParams();/∗∗ compress parameters ∗/loop { // compress each parameterByteArrayOutputStream baos = ... ;GZIPOutputStream gzipOut = ... ;ObjectOutputStream objectOut = ... ;

objectOut.writeObject(params[i]);params[i] = baos.toByteArray();}point.setParams(params)

/∗∗ Carry out the remote invocation , blocking for result ∗/Object result = invocation.proceed(Proxy.MODE_BLOCK);

return result ;}}

Fig. 12. Compression strategy implementation.

offloading, (3) adaptive cloud offloading. Figure 11 shows theconfigurations used in this case study, and Figure 12 showscode snippet of the compression strategy.

Figure 13 shows how the implemented runtime systemhelped reduce the amount of energy consumed by the facerecognition application. In this experiment, the runtime systemcompresses the transferred state. The runtime system reducedthe amount of energy consumed by ∼44% as compared to itslocal version and by ∼62% as compared to its plain offloadingversion, respectively. In the low-end mobile network, theplain cloud offloading optimization always consumes moreenergy than its local version due to the network transmissionoverhead. However, the amount of energy consumed by theadaptive cloud offloading optimization does not exceed itslocal version.

6.83 5.41













gy C







) High-end Network Low-end Network

Fig. 13. Energy consumption of face recognition app on the high-end device.

Figure 14-(a) shows how the implemented adaptive runtimesystem helped reduce the amount of energy consumed bythe OCR application in both high- and low-end networks.Because in the high-end mobile network the compressionstrategy incurs additional processing overhead (i.e., 4.5 timeslarger than with plain cloud offloading), the runtime systemdoes not compress any state. In the other network condition,the runtime system reduced the amount of energy consumedby 15% through the compression strategy. However, as shownin Figure 14-(b), the both adaptive and plain versions could notreduce the total execution time taken by the OCR applicationin the low-end network as compared to its their local version.The performance overhead of a plain version is 266% whilethe adaptive version spent 31% more time. If an application isconfigured to favor performance over energy efficiency (e.g.,performance), the runtime system will not initiate offloadingoperations in the presence of poor network conditions.


Next, we discuss the approach’s advantages and limitations.

A. Advantages

The presented approach to facilitating the implementationof adaptive cloud offloading optimizations provides multipleadvantages, from both systems and software engineering per-spectives. Among the specific benefits of using the describedsystem architecture featuring reusable blocks accessible viaan intuitive programming interface include expressiveness,

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4.45 4.77















n (



High-end Network Low-end Network

(a) Energy consumption.


7.55 7.85














e (



High-end Network Low-end Network

(b) Execution time.

Fig. 14. Energy consumption and execution time of the OCR application.

generality, separation of concerns, and reusability. When im-plementing their own adaptive cloud offloading optimizations,the provided building blocks free the programmers to focus onthe algorithmic and system design aspects of their implemen-tation. This approach is general in that it can be applied tooptimize the energy efficiency of a variety of existing mobileapplications. Finally, this approach enables a greater separationof concerns in that it can change a mobile applications’senergy/performance characteristics without affecting its corebusiness logic.

B. Limitations

Although our approach also has some limitations. Becausewe estimate the energy consumption and performance effi-ciency parameters at the software level model, the estima-tion modules may not report the actual amounts of energyconsumed by mobile applications. In addition, our energymodel only takes CPU and network information, so that theenergy consumption of a method containing significant fileI/O or using sensors may turn inaccurate. Finally, while oursystem architecture provides fine-tuned reusable implementa-tion blocks, the quality of end-product runtime system stillremain highly dependent on the programmer’s skills. Overall,we foresee that using our architecture effectively would stillrequire a certain degree of competency and expertise from theprogrammer.


The work presented here is related to other complementaryefforts to optimize the energy efficiency of mobile applica-tions. Other related approaches have proposed programming

models to facilitate the development of complex computersystems in different domains. Due to space limitations, wenext compare and contrast our work with only representativesamples of these complimentary efforts.

A. Energy Optimization Mechanisms

Cloud offloading has recently enjoyed a lot of attentionin the research literature with multiple competing approachesbeing advocated. CloneCloud [12] offloads execution at thethread level, while Cloudlet [13] offload at the VM level.ThinkAir [7] provides a tool chain to offload energy intensivemethods to the cloud and scales up the resulting cloud-basedexecution by running the offloaded methods in parallel ondynamically allocated virtual machines. The purpose of thiswork is to facilitate the implementation of cloud offloadingmechanisms such as ThinkAir. Our reusable building blockscan be used to construct a runtime system similar to that ofThinkAir. In addition to system-level solutions, programming-level solutions (e.g., energy saving algorithms [14], designpatterns for energy efficient computing [15], software modelsfor energy efficient software [16], programming languagesfor energy efficiency [17]) have also been advocated in theliterature. We see our approach as lying on the intersection ofsystem- and program-level solutions. Our system architectureand programming model enable the creation of powerfulsystem-level cloud offloading optimization by providing con-venient software abstractions exposed as a library.

B. Programming Models for Systems

Our approach follows a long tradition of creating systemarchitectures and programming models to facilitate the con-struction of complex system solutions. In distributed sys-tems, component-based programming frameworks have beenused successfully as a means of reducing the complexity ofconstructing large-scale heterogeneous systems (e.g., CORBA[18], enterprise messaging [19], Web services [20], etc.).

In addition to these general models for distributed systems,specialized models have been proposed to express complexdistributed system functionalities. FarGo-DA [21] is a frame-work that provides components with disconnection and re-connection semantics to operate mobile applications in thepresence of network disconnection. To address the complexity,heterogeneity and dynamism of grid environments, Accord[22] provides autonomic components to enable programmersto cleanly separate the concerns of grid management fromthat of core computation. Mobile Fog [23] provides program-ming abstractions for future Internet applications; it utilizescloud computing mechanisms to enable runtime scalability,thus enabling programmers to construct applications that aredistributed, large-scale, and latency sensitive.


This research focuses on the problem of engineering adap-tive cloud offloading optimizations to improve the energyefficiency of mobile applications. Although cloud offloadinghas been shown as an effective energy optimization technique,

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its engineering remains a complex system construction un-dertaking. To address this problem, we presented a systemarchitecture and a programming model that provide reusablebuilding blocks that can streamline the process of constructingcloud offloading optimizations. The results of our case studyand energy efficiency evaluation indicate that our system archi-tecture and programming model make it possible to implementhighly effective cloud offloading optimizations. By facilitatingthe process of implementing cloud offloading optimizations,we hope to be able to add the cloud offloading optimizationin the standard toolset of mobile application programmers.


This research is supported by the National Science Founda-tion through the Grant CCF-1116565.


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