facilitating the sector - home | pta · committee was mandated to recommend changes in the...

Facilitating the Sector On the Regulatory front, PTA took various decisions and performed tasks in continuation of the process of liberalization to create a conducive environment for healthy competition in the telecommunications industry to best serve the interest of the consumers. Long Distance and International (LDI) operators have agreed to set up a system jointly at PTA for Monitoring and Reconciliation of International Telephony Traffic (M&RITT). This decision was taken in a meeting held at PTA Head Quarters, presided over by Chairman PTA Dr. Mohammed Yaseen. Monitoring and Reconciliation of International Telephony Traffic (M&RITT) It was decided that the funding of Phase 1(a) of the M&RITT System would be done based upon the International incoming traffic share of each LDI for the months of April, May and June, 09 Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

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Page 1: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

Facilitating the SectorOn the Regulatory front, PTA took various decisions and

performed tasks in continuation of the process of liberalization

to create a conducive environment for healthy competition in the

telecommunications industry to best serve the interest of the


Long Distance and International (LDI) operators have agreed to

set up a system jointly at PTA for Monitoring and Reconciliation

of International Telephony Traffic (M&RITT). This decision was

taken in a meeting held at PTA Head Quarters, presided over by

Chairman PTA Dr. Mohammed Yaseen.

Monitoring and Reconciliation of International

Telephony Traffic (M&RITT)

It was decided that the funding of Phase 1(a) of the M&RITT

System would be done based upon the International incoming

traffic share of each LDI for the months of April, May and June,

09Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

Page 2: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

2008. The funding of subsequent phases would be done by calculating running average of

international incoming traffic starting from April, 2008 and extending up to the month when the

share is being calculated for new contract.

It was said in the meeting that Monitoring & Reconciliation of International Telephony Traffic

Regulations were sent to all stake-holders for their inputs. The regulations were finalized after

incorporating the received comments and were approved by the all LDI operators.

The Letter of Intent (LoI) for the expansion project of technical facility to curb grey telephony

would be issued by PTCL being the consortium head. The contract for the project would be signed

by PTCL or jointly by all LDI operators whichever is decided amongst themselves.

Grey traffic is a menace that not only incurs revenue loss to national exchequer but also denies level

playing field to LDI operators who are the only legitimate carriers to terminate and originate legal

international traffic. In order to effectively deal with this problem, several steps have been taken by

PTA and the Government. These include regulatory measures, such as issuance of guidelines for

operators, as well as deployment of technical solution to curtail grey traffic.

Technical Facility to monitor grey traffic has been acquired and placed at PTA premises for

addressing the issue of grey telephony. In phase 1, the facility has been deployed at a total cost of

US$ 3.5 million through a shared mechanism adopted by a consortium of PTCL and Long Distance

& International (LDI) community. It is a state-of-the-art solution engineered by NARUS a US based

company, and installed by their local reseller M/s Inbox Business Technologies. The facility

became operational on 1st May, 2008 and since then it is being used to scrutinize IP backbone of the

country. Since commencement of its operations, PTA has detected several cases of illegal voice

termination. Two illegal setups have been raided in Karachi and equipment has been seized. The

cases are under investigation by FIA. A total of 139 IPs involved in illegal termination were blocked

with the help of backbone operators. A total of 208 SIMs involved in termination of 2.6 million

minutes per month were blocked hence unearthing & stopping numerous illegal setups. The

mitigation component of the facility has been automated wherein any IP address carrying voice but

not authorized to do so would be automatically blocked. As a result of Technical Facility

operations, PTA has been able to stop illegal estimated traffic amounting to 16 million minutes per

month which translates to saving of monthly revenue leakage of around Rs. 116 million


The stake-holders have been briefed about the facility who have appreciated PTA's efforts against

the menace of grey telephony and asked PTA to upgrade the system so that 100% traffic may be

PTA's Efforts Towards Elimination of Grey Traffic

Facilitating the Sector

10Pakistan Telecommunication AuthorityAnnual Report 2008

Page 3: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

scrutinized. Accordingly, the expansion plan has also been finalized. The expansion project of the

technical facility would be entirely funded by PTCL and the LDI community, covering 100%

international IP links of the country through submarine cables. It would help in elimination of grey

traffic once and for all.

Telecom Summit was organized by SAMENA Telecommunication Council which is a tri-regional,

non-profit telecommunications association. SAMENA represents South Asian, Middle Eastern

and North African telecom Operators, Manufacturers, Regulatory Authorities and Academia. The

Council strives to provide its members in South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa the power

to and the means to actively learn the dynamics of the telecom markets in these three high growth


Delivering a keynote speech on the inaugural session of the summit Dr. Muhammad Yaseen,

Chairman PTA said that competition is intensifying between WiMAX and other 3G technologies.

He also hoped that adoption of WiMAX will quickly catch up the speed in Pakistan.

Dr. Muhammad Yaseen also chaired a very thought provoking session on Spectrum Management.

In his address he informed the audience that wireless broadband technologies hold promise for all

countries seeking to ensure the availability of access to information communication technologies

and the creation of the information society. Spectrum being a scarce resource needs to managed

effectively and efficiently in order to derive maximum economic and social benefit, including

encouraging growth and rapid deployment of infrastructure and services for the consumers. Being

a great advocate of broadband proliferation he also highlighted how to facilitate deployment of

innovative broadband technologies, ways to promote transparency, optimize spectrum

availability on a timely basis and how to harmonize international and regional practices and

standards and adopt a broader approach to promote broadband access.

A seminar was organized by South Asia forum on “The Future of Mobile Communications in

Pakistan” in Islamabad. Chairman PTA Dr. Muhammad Yaseen said during his address that data

usage is increasing in Pakistan and proliferation of broadband services will help in the

establishment of Information Society. He said that for mobile phone industry future direction

could be value addition and innovation in services including mobile commerce, video streaming,

and high speed mobile internet. He said presently broadband costs are high in the country but

broadband usage has shown growth in the recent quarter. He said that PTA has carried out surveys

Telecom Summit 2008

Broadband through 3G

Facilitating the Sector

11Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

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to understand the socio-economic impact of mobile phone which revealed that with the

introduction of mobile communications productivity has increased significantly.

Chairman PTA said that now, our focus is on the proliferation of broadband services in the country

at affordable rates. The Authority is aware of the developments taking place worldwide in the 3G

mobile communications (mobile broadband). He said China has recently launched 3G services

whereas other small countries in our region have also launched 3G services. Some countries in the

region have announced guidelines on 3G licensing and would soon be auctioning the 3G spectrum.

We in Pakistan have the spectrum earmarked, and all the ground work is completed. PTA will soon

be inviting applications for 3G spectrum auction. He said that Ministry of IT&T is being consulted

on the final procedures of 3G licensing.

He said that availability of the 3G spectrum would help the operators increase their capacity and

revenues by deploying state of the art HSPA technology whereas the users would enjoy high

quality mobile broadband services enabling them to avail facilities of video telephony, high speed,

internet, video streaming, high quality mobile TV and a number of value added services.

Soon after assuming the charge of Chairman PTA, a committee was formed comprising senior

officers of PTA to restructure PTA with an objective to improve the efficiency within the

organization. Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of

PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better performance of PTA on the whole.

Considering it imperative to have suggestions from all Divisions/Directorates of PTA, the

Committee met with the heads of respective outfits, to obtain valuable insight from the

Restructuring of PTA

Facilitating the Sector

12Pakistan Telecommunication AuthorityAnnual Report 2008

Page 5: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

Departmental Heads and Officers, with a view to present a proposal that would look into not only

the working of the outfit on the whole, but also the preferences of the officers with regards to their

careers/work interests.

Facilitating the Sector

Member (Finance)


Member (Technical)

Director GeneralCommercial Affairs

Director GeneralFinance

Director GeneralTechnical Services

Director GeneralLicensing

Director GeneralStrategy & Development

Director GeneralLaw

Director GeneralEnforcement

Director Economic Affairs

Director Internal Audit

Director Numbering & TA

Director Consumer Protection

Director Administration

Director Media & Comm

Director RBS

Director Wireline

Director Coordination

Director Wireless

Director (ICT)

Director Spectrum & Convergence

Director Zonal Offices

Director Vigilance

Director Policy & Research


The different natures of work of the departments of PTA were kept in consideration while

proposing the Restructuring of the Organization. The purpose was to improve the Efficiency,

Effectiveness and overall Performance of the individuals while keeping in view their different

areas of experience and expertise, which would resultantly have a positive impact on the

performance of the organization itself. Resultantly a complete restructuring was made in PTA

where the departments have been strengthened with manpower (both Officers and Staff), whereas

some staff has been adjusted in accordance to the newly defined work responsibilities of the

Departments. New Divisions/Departments have been created in accordance the vision of

Chairman PTA. We hope the restructuring would improve the internal functioning of the

Authority and PTA would be able to deliver efficiently.

The modernization and development of services sectors is crucial for achieving sustainable growth

in all segments of the economy as efficient services result in improved interaction in a modern

business World. Telecommunications and Information Technology has by far attained a pivotal

role in this global economics and therefore concrete efforts are required in developing countries to

modernize telecommunications infrastructure for seamless and robust connectivity. The Pakistan

Telecommunication Authority (PTA) strives constantly to improve its functioning for achieving

objectives, goals and targets set for development and modernization of ICT in Pakistan.

A Think Tank at PTA

13Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

Page 6: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

Recently, the Authority established the Strategy & Development (S&D) Division at PTA for

devising a clear strategy and policy towards various issues of the telecommunications industry.

This Division would work as a think tank for PTA. This Division is required to put forth the

“Vision” and draw a strategy for fulfillment of the short term and long term forward looking

visionary goals of the Authority in the interest of the consumers, stakeholders and the government.

This Division is the focal thinking machinery of PTA on policies, technical and developmental

aspects of the telecommunications industry and assigned tasks on issues of core importance.

Since the implementation of the telecommunication policy framework of the Governmnet of

Pakistan in 2004, a phenomenal transition has occurred in almost all segments of the industry and

in particular the 'cellular mobile' and 'Internet Protocol' applications. The S&D Division is required

to observe the growth pattern in all segments of the industry and propose to the Authority

necessary measures and steps for promoting innovation, modernization and availability of latest

telecommunications services in Pakistan. Technical solutions to complex problems are

implemented with the assistance and cooperation of all licensed operators. S&D Division is

required to provide technical advice to all functioning Divisions at PTA.

For achieving the objectives and accomplishing various tasks assigned by the Authority, the S&D

Division was created to conduct studies/consultancies/surveys on subjects of interest and concern

for the telecommunications industry. The main purpose is to engage qualified experts for

development of the sector and improve concepts and understanding within the PTA.

The Operational Divisions have been separated from the Policy Division to improve the

procedural working within the Authority for the benefit of the licensees and the general public.

S&D has also been made responsible for providing intellectual input for

workshops/seminars/conferences on items/subjects of concern and importance.

S&D division's relationship with other divisions and directorates represent a matrix management

concept. Important issues are handled collectively by the officers from S&D and with a small but

goal specific team formed by the Chairman out of other divisions/ directorates, lead by DG S&D.

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has recently established a Consumer Protection

Directorate (CPD) at its Headquarters in Islamabad. The Directorate works under Technical

Services Division. The new Chairman felt that in the past PTA has not emphasized enough on

consumer front and it is about time to focus on this very neglected but important issue.

Establishment of Consumer Protection Directorate (CPD)

Facilitating the Sector

14Pakistan Telecommunication AuthorityAnnual Report 2008

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The new Directorate is mandated to work towards evolving institutionalized consumer grievances

redressal mechanisms at the service providers' end who the Authority believes bear the primary

responsibility for the redressal of consumers' complaints. The Directorate has engaged the

concerned quarters at the operators' end to formulate comprehensive complaint redressal

mechanisms that shall work round the clock under dedicated focal persons for the speedy

resolution of service issues being faced by consumers.

Besides complaint resolution, one of the key cornerstones of the CPD would be to analyze behavior

patterns/nature of complaints in order to eradicate their root causes, hence addressing these

problems may well bring down the number of such complaints in future. The Directorate in close

liaison with the Law and Commercial Affairs Division is also working towards formulation of

Telecom Consumer Protection Regulations that will go a long way towards safeguarding

consumer interests. The Directorate aims at building close partnerships with registered consumer

groups in order to know the pulse of telecom consumers.

It may be added that PTA's Complaint Cell comprising of a dedicated team also works its way

through different access methodologies to which the consumers have round the clock access e.g.

toll free number, telephone, fax, e-mail, post and in-person complaints lodged at PTA offices.

Consumers can access PTA headquarter or its PTA's Zonal Offices for redressal of their complaints

which are addressed through dedicated resources available at hand. The consumers can also lodge

their complaints through PTA's website that is being regularly updated with a prompt action taken

on the complaint lodged.

For the larger benefit of telecom consumers, PTA also plans to undertake a comprehensive

nationwide media campaign in order to educate and create awareness among the general public on

the Consumer complaint Resolution mechanisms.

To promote academic research and build close linkages with the distinguished accredited

universities/institutes in the disciplines of Telecom, PTA decided to award five top final year

projects each year belonging to Telecom/IT disciplines from the accredited universities of Pakistan

comprising of PTA Gold Medals with prize money of Rs. 50,000/-. Final year students in the

universities were eligible to contest. It was also decided that one award (out of five) will be

exclusively dedicated to relevant universities of Baluchitsan.

For this purpose, PTA approached all relevant accredited universities and widely published the

same in national press for the contest. PTA also approached all Vice Chancellors to nominate their

PTA Awards Gold Medals to University Students

Facilitating the Sector

15Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

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best students for competition. In response, PTA received 18 projects related to IT, Telecom and

Regulations. Universities/institutes like UET, LUMS, COMSATS, FAST and NUST forwarded the

best projects of their Universities for the competition. A committee was formed in PTA to scrutinize

the projects. After careful scrutiny, Committee chose 5 projects out of 18 for the award. These five

projects were authored and completed by nine students. Out of a total of nine, four were female


At the Telecom Day celebration held at Marriott hotel, Islamabad on 17 May 2008, the Prime

Minister of Pakistan Mr. Yousaf Raza Gillani awarded Gold Medals along with cash prizes worth

Rs. 50,000 to each project. PTA decided to double to double the prize money for such future event.

To meet the growing demand for mobile services, Cellular Mobile Telephony Operators (CMTOs)

have significantly expanded their distribution channels to increase their sales without much focus

on verification of subscribers' antecedents which resulted in increased concerns law enforcement


To address the situation, PTA adopted a series of procedures in consultation with the operators

and enforcement agencies. It was observed that the directives of PTA were not followed in true

spirit and the companies kept on increasing their sales without properly verifying consumers'

antecedents. In May 2007, a strict directive was issued by PTA having split the verification in two

Verification of Mobile Subscribers' Antecedents

Facilitating the Sector

16Pakistan Telecommunication AuthorityAnnual Report 2008

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parts i.e. “New Connection Sale” and “Cleaning of Old Data” with clear dead lines for mobile

operators to complete the task. As a result an adequate amount of old data was cleaned through

NADRA database and considerable improvement observed in new connections sales through the

franchisees only.

In January 2008, Ministry of IT & Telecom issued a Policy Directive under section 8(2)(c) of the

Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act 1996, which replicates the procedure already

in place for verification of mobile subscribers' antecedents hence the obligations defined by PTA

will continue and final legal notice issued to CMTOs must be taken as a clear warning from PTA. In

light of the policy directive, a revised Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) was issued inline with

the existing policy for immediate implementation by the Cellular Mobile Operators. To ensure the

implementation of SOP a number of prompt measures were initiated which include the meeting

with law enforcement officers, business communities and sales representatives.

About 106 raids were conducted, 853 Franchises were inspected, 4108 retailers were inspected. In

the process around 1,425 SIMs were confiscated and 102 people were arrested who were involved

in illegal business.

The cellular operators are presently verifying their data through NADRA in batches, which at time

becomes a lengthy and time consuming process. For convenient, easy and effective verification

different options were explored and finally SMS based verification system has been agreed upon

by PTA, Mobile operators and NADRA. The systems have been deployed with Mobile operators at

selected outlets. Its expansion to all customer service centers, franchisees and registered retailers is

in process. Around 15% sale is being made through this system.

The strict measures undertaken by PTA across the country resulted in following actions:-

a. The data of mobile subscribers' antecedents for connection sold upto 31st August 2008 has

been verified through NADRA. A total of 7.8 million unverified connections have been


b. As a policy, 10 connections on single CNIC are allowed per mobile operator. The excess

connections on single CNIC have been regularized through a media campaign. Uptill now

2.6 million excess connections have been blocked.

c. To have a control on illegal sellers of mobile connections, mobile operators have now

registered all authorize franchisee and retailers.

To ensure that the mobile connections are being sold to genuine customer with valid documentary

Deployment of Online Verification System

Activation of SIMs after Verification

Facilitating the Sector

17Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

Page 10: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

proof, PTA in collaboration with the stake holders in planning to introduce “Inactive SIMs” in the

market. The activation of the SIMs will take place after the verification of subscriber's antecedents

from NADRA.

The sale outlets that are the franchisees, retailers and mobile company customer service centers

will sell inactive SIMs. After the sale has been made the call center operator of mobile company will

make a call to the customer and will ask few questions to verify his particulars. If the answers are

correct the SIM will then be activated.

The system will be deployed in the country by early 2009, and will have following major


a. The interest/business of franchisee/retailer will not change.

b. Efficient utilization of call based online verification system whereby the activation can be

done quickly and accurately.

c. Centralized control and responsibility will be with operators.

d. Convenience and confidentiality of customer is maintained.

Services of the operators are continuously monitored in order to ensure quality as per the license

conditions. Previously, PTA conducted four manual comprehensive Quality of Service (QoS)

surveys of Mobile Operators. The mobile companies are instructed to improve their quality of

service through expansion of their existing network and system as and when the services are

observed below the targets.

Fifth, QoS survey of mobile operators was conducted by PTA Zonal Offices located at Peshawar,

Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi and Quetta from September to November 2007, using recently

procured state of the art monitoring equipment. The services of five GSM operators i.e. Ufone,

Mobilink, Telenor, Warid, and CMPak were checked in selected major and small cities. Service

parameters including Network Accessibility, Service Accessibility, Access Delay, Voice Quality

and SMS were checked.

PTA published the summary of the results in leading newspapers to share the results with valued

subscribers. The details are available on PTA web The results will give the

mobile companies an insight of their strengths and weaknesses so that they are able to improve the


The telecom sector over the past few years has shown phenomenal growth. Although mobile

Quality of Service Survey of Mobile Companies


Unsolicited SMS

Facilitating the Sector

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services have benefited the people in terms of mobility, ease, affordability to everyone, yet there are

anti-social activities related to it which cannot be denied. Criminal activities and fooling/fleecing

of innocent people through various tricks and falsified messages have augmented with the growth

of mobile sector. Furthermore, unsolicited messages and obnoxious calls have added to grievances

of the subscribers.

To curb this menace, PTA instructed all Mobile Companies to create an awareness campaign and

warn the ones that are involved in such unsocial activities. Furthermore, PTA has established a

complaint cell which is operational 24 x 7 in order to register the unsolicited SMS/obnoxious calls

complaints. The registered complaints are sent to mobile companies on regular basis for evaluation

followed by warning SMS to the harasses followed by closure of numbers and/or blocking of cell

phones if the complainant does not stop harassment.

During the year, a total 11,088 of complaints were received regarding unsolicited SMSs out of

which 9,055 cases of severe nature were sent to concerned operators for necessary action, 66 mobile

sets of harasses were blocked. As a result of all these prompt measures the numbers of complaints

has reduced.

Push e-mail is used to describe e-mail systems that provide an "always-on" capability, in which

new e-mail is instantly and actively transferred (pushed) as it arrives by the mail delivery agent.

PTA is always looking forward to introduce new emerging technologies and services keeping in

view the national security concern. Mobilink, Ufone, Telenor and Warid have started similar sort of

services in Pakistan after being issued NOC.

In last few years, mobile theft was on the rise which badly effected the growth of the telecom sector.

To deal with this threat PTA introduced an IMEI system and implemented it in October 2006. PTA

made this system available with the help of CPLC and the industry. The system registers

complaints for both blocking and unblocking of the mobile handsets. Authority takes action

Push E-mail Service

Countering the Mobile Hand Set Theft

Facilitating the Sector

19Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

Table - 5Company wise Detail of SMS Complaints

Mobilink Ufone Telenor Warid CMPAK Total

Complaints Received

2,851 2,681 3,528 1,349 679 11,088

Complaints Processed

2,303 2,188 2,912 1,065 587 9,055

Page 12: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

against the complaint after the verification

of the complaint. Consumers can register

their complaints through a toll free

number, via e-mail or through web.

Mainly, the issue of handset theft is

observed in large cities like Karachi,

Lahore, Islamabad/Rawalpindi and

others. As a result of this most complaints

are also registered from these cities. Till

2008, 47.53% of all complaints are received

from Karachi, 7.03% Lahore, and 6.65%

from Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

After introducing the IMEI system,

2,54,084 complaints have been received for

blocking of the handsets and all of these

complaints were catered. On average

13,152 handsets/month were blocked

during the year.

Ratio for unblocking the handsets is low

but significant. Since IMEI blocking was

introduced 16,220 unblocking request

were received from the consumer and

cater for. On average about 921

handsets/month are unblocked on request.

Pakistan is the first country in South Asia to implement the Mobile Number Portability within a

period of two years. It is honor for Pakistan that the said project has been selected by ITU to provide

training to countries who like to introduce Mobile Number Portability in their country. A

workshop has been conducted successfully from 22-24 August, 2007at Islamabad. PTA is also

successfully arranged an on-line course during Jan-Feb 2008 and Virtual Forum on Porting Process

guideline and Regulation on MNP for the Asia-Pacific Region.

So far approximately 356,190 subscribers have been ported out successfully form one Cellular

Mobile Operator to any other Cellular Mobile Operator. PTA is actively supervising the said

project. Complaints filed at PTA are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Mobile Number Portability

Facilitating the Sector

20Pakistan Telecommunication AuthorityAnnual Report 2008

Figure - 5Blocked/Un-blocked Sets

























'Dec - 06 'Mar-07 'Jun- 07 'Sep-07 'Dec-07 'Mar-08 'Jun-08















Figure - 6Handset Theft Complaints by Cities









2% Lahore






Page 13: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

UAN & Toll Free Number

Review of PTCL Reference Interconnect Offer (RIO)

Rural Telephony

PTA is committed to simplify its procedures and automate most of its services for the convenience

of general masses as well as for businesses. Universal Access Number (UAN) has become

increasingly important for small and medium businesses in the country where businesses can have

various phones at the backend of one UAN or toll free number. PTA issues UAN on merit against a

prescribed fee to whosoever applies and meet the criteria on a “first come first serve” basis. To

make the system of allocation of UAN further transparent, PTA has divided UAN into 6 categories

and a prescribed fee against each category.

To facilitate the customers, PTA has started receiving applications on line. Users can request online

for allocation, cancellation and addition of location against existing UAN, Toll free and UIN. The

online numbering system provides all the details of the allocation procedure where user can

request with his/her choice of UAN. PTA checks application and if it fulfills the requirements,

demand note is issued online.

The PTCL RIO for Fixed line operators was approved by the Authority in May 2005. Industry

desired that the RIO may be improved and revised. Keeping this in view, the review was started to

address the issues effectively in consultation with the industry and keeping in mind best

international practices. Comments were sought from the stakeholders, analyzed and forwarded to

PTCL for comments. PTCL suggested a number of changes. Several meetings were also held with

the stakeholders.

Based on the discussions with the operators and PTCL, the Authority modified PTCL Reference

Interconnect Offer and the same was issued after approval from the Authority in 2007.

Rabta Ghar (telecenters) project was initiated by PTA for the expansion of telephony and other

communication facilities in the remote, rural, unserved and underserved areas of Pakistan. Initially

354 Rabta Ghar have been planned to be installed throughout the country. Distribution of the

approved Rabta Ghars by Provinces show that 29% will be established in the province of Sindh

while 25% are being established in the Province of NWFP.

M/S Genuine Intel Dealer (GID) were appointed as vendors to execute the deployment of the Rabta

Ghar in the country. M/S GID, started installation and commissioning of these Rabta Ghar w.e.f

27th October 2007.

Facilitating the Sector

21Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Annual Report 2008

Page 14: Facilitating the Sector - Home | PTA · Committee was mandated to recommend changes in the organizational structure of PTA aimed to polish the capabilities of the employees for better

Figure - 7Rabta Ghar (Telecentres) Distribution by


Sindh, 106,


NWFP, 87,


Balochistan ,

62, 18%

AJK & NA, 15,


Punjab, 84,


Each Rabta Ghar is being equipped with a

PC, one Wireless PCO, One Internet

enabled Wireless set, Printer, scanner,

copier and fax (4 in 1 machine). In addition

to that each Rabta Ghar owner is being

provided with a comprehensive training

from the GID and the owner is also being

provided a training manual and self-

learning CD for future reference.

Apart from above, A Universal Service

Fund (USF) has also been created to bring

the focus of telecom operators towards

rural population, which remained unnerved. Up till now, USF has awarded contracts to provide

services in Malakand, Sukkur, DG Khan, Pishin, Mansehra and Dadu while several projects are in

pipeline It is expected that over 5 million population of these remote areas will get benefit out of

these projects. USF signed Contract

of Pilot project on October 04, 2007

with Telenor that aims to provide

telecom related services in

Malakand Division. A subsidy of

Rs. 310 Million is being provided to

Telenor for this project. Telenor

will install a total of 175 cell sites in

Malakand. A subsidy of Rs. 112

Million is being provided to

Mobilink for the provision of telecom services in Sukhar which covers 25% od the province of Sind.

Warid Telecom under USF will get a subsidy of Rs. 91 Million to provide services to the mass

population in un-served areas of Dera Ghazi Khan division. PTCL will provide basic telephony

and data services to the population in the yet un-served areas of Baluchistan districts of Pishin,

Killa Abdullah and Quetta and a subsidy of Rs. 175 Million is being provided to PTCL for this

project. PTCL will get another subsidy of Rs. 300 million to provide basic telecom services in

Mansehra and a subsidy of Rs. 250 million for provision of telecom services in Dadu under USF

facility. USF has planned to extend the Fibre Optic connectivity to the un-served TEHSIL HQs in

Pakistan for meeting the growing requirements of Voice, Data and Video in these areas.

To meet the growing need of skilled manpower in telecom sector, Government of Pkaistan has

Facilitating the Sector

22Pakistan Telecommunication AuthorityAnnual Report 2008





Under Process



64 20



81 25



75 12

Baluchistan 62 51 11

AJK & NA 15 03 12

Total 354 274 80

Table - 6Status of Telecentres Deployment

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established a National ICT R&D Fund in 2006. National ICT R&D Fund has approved six technical

R&D projects in the first quarter of 2007-08 worth Rs.78.92 million and three technical R&D projects

worth Rs 38.33 million were approved in the second quarter of the year 2007-08. These projects are

aimed at contributing towards a sustainable development in Pakistan.

Broadband services in Pakistan started in 2002, however, the growth in this sector remained

stagnated due to various factors including high tariff(s), less consumer awareness limited access

options and limited efforts to create awareness. Keeping in line with the strategic objectives of GoP

to enhance penetration of broadband services in Pakistan, the Authority, through consultation,

requested all stakeholders to highlight major bottlenecks for slow penetration of broadband.

Keeping in mind the feedback received from the industry, the Authority on March 06, 2007 issued

another consultation paper on “Broadband proliferation in Pakistan”.

The paper was floated to the industry for their comments were received. In this context meetings

with the operators were also held. Finally the hearing of this matter was conducted on July 12, 2007

and determination was issued on August 03, 2007.

During verification exercise of Callmate Calling Card on March 10, 2006 in Quetta, it was found

that Callmate is overcharging from customers against the advertised tariffs. Another survey was

also carried in Lahore Zone in which national and international long distance calls to different

destinations were made on Callmate calling card. During the survey, it was observed that tariffs

charged by Callmate were neither in accordance with the submissions made to the Authority nor

displayed on Callmate website.

Based on the Authority's findings Callmate was found guilty of overcharging its subscribers. After

hearing Callmate's viewpoint, Determination was issued on September 21, 2007 in which the

Callmate was fined a sum of Rs.5 million. However, the said Determination has recently been

challenged by Callmate in the court of law.

PTCL approached the Authority in August 2007 in which it suggested to change the existing

charging mechanism for 131 Dial-up internet calls. PTCL proposed charging of Rs.2.01 per (10) ten

minutes pulse as against the current unlimited duration. In its opinion, the proposed change would

accelerate broadband proliferation and reduce the loss to PTCL due to provision of highly

subsidized internet access service. Moreover, this new charging mechanism would not increase the

cost of basic dialup, since majority (63%) of call duration is less than or equal to 10 minutes


Determination on Broadband Issues

Determination Against Callmate on Overcharging

Charging Mechanism of Calls Made to Access Internet

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PTCL proposal for changing pulse duration of internet access was forwarded to ISPs for their

comments and all ISPs opposed this idea. The issue have been put on hold untill early December.

In 1990 the Government of Pakistan, awarded two Cellular Licenses, one each to M/s Paktel and

M/s Pakcom (Instaphone) for provision of cellular mobile telephony. The two licensees

established their network using Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS). In 1992, the

Government of Pakistan awarded a third CMT license to M/s Pakistan Mobile Communication

Limited (PMCL) “Mobilink”. The company established Global System for Mobile Communication

(GSM) network. All the companies were granted license for an initial period of 15 years. Keeping in

view the slow growth and no real competition among the three operators of the cellular mobile

telephony in Pakistan, the Authority, in 1998 awarded CMT license to M/s Pakistan

Telecommunication Mobile Limited (Ufone), a subsidiary of PTCL, for the provision of GSM

services in Pakistan, Which launched its service in 2001.

As per the Cellular policy issued in 2004, old Mobile licenses are required to be renewed on the

same terms and conditions as envisaged by the policy and the new Licenses issued to M/s Telenor

and M/s Warid. The License of M/s Mobilink was to expire on July 5, 2007 but has been renewed

for another 15 years in July 2007. First installment of initial license fee US$ 14.55 Million has been

paid and remaining amount of initial 50% license fee shall be paid in six installments over a period

of three years. Mobilink will also have to submit performance bond for the rollout obligations.

The Government of Pakistan deregulated the telecommunication market of Pakistan in year 2004.

As a result, a number of Local Loop (LL) and Long Distance & International (LDI) licenses were

issued by PTA. Due to the availability of financial premium on incoming international traffic and to

ensure efficient market entry in LDI market, the GoP introduced the concept of Access Promotion

Contribution (APC) where LDI operators have to pay APC to LL operators (or to the USF account in

case of mobile termination) after keeping their approved share from the settlement rates.

The Approved Settlement Rate (ASR) review is conducted periodically by the Authority as per the

regulation 4 of AP Regulation, 2005. During the year the Authority reviewed ASR twice while

issuing its determinations dated August 31, 2007 and 31st March 2008.

In the first review the ASR was brought down from US cents 7.5 per minute to US cents 7 per minute

primarily to curb the grey traffic due to the absence of traffic monitoring system. The rates were

also decreased in line with the international trends, the likely impact on various stakeholders

particularly on LL and LDI operators, and keeping in mind other relevant factors.

Renewal of PMCL (Mobilink) Cellular Licenses

Review of Settlement Rates / APC

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During the second review, the Authority received recommendations from the licensees for increase

in APC charges with the view to increase benefits to the Local Loop operator for increased access

infrastructure. A hearing was held on 12th March 2008 at PTA Headquarters to consider various

aspects of increase in APC along with measures to curb grey traffic through newly installed traffic

monitoring system. PTCL being the leader of LDI consortium was given mandate to reach a

conclusion in consultation with the LDI operators on the revision of APC and settlement rates.

PTCL deliberated on the issues at length and several meetings were conducted with the industry to

find an amicable solution.

Final hearing was held on 28th March 2008 at PTA Headquarters where PTCL along with other LDI

operators submitted their proposal for increase of APC and Settlement rates. Having heard the

various stakeholders of industry, the Authority decided that to revise the ASR with effect from 1st

May 2008 to US Cents 10 per minute constituting of LDI share and APC of US cents 5 per minute


The recent increase in the Approved Settlement Rates (ASR) has not only resulted in revival of LDI

sector of Pakistan, but if the ASR is maintained at US cents 10/min, it is expected that this will result

in a differential increase in foreign exchange inflow by approximately USD 300 million per annum.

Type approval granted by PTA signifies that particular Telecommunication equipment is

approved for sale and is suitable for radio communication or to connect a specific public

telecommunication network in Pakistan. Over the years PTA has simplified procedures for type

approval and now it accepts type approval of any renowned international organizations for most

of the equipment.

The Authority announced cost-based interconnection (termination) charges for fixed-line as well

as cellular mobile operators vide its recent determination.

The Authority after considering the results of cost models, international benchmarks and other

factors, issued a short determination flowed by a long determination whereby Mobile Termination

Rate was reduced by 28% i.e. from Rs. 1.25/- to Rs. 0.90/- over a period of two and half years. This

reduction is mainly due to rapid growth in the mobile market of Pakistan. It is expected that the

reduction in MTR would reduce fixed-to-mobile and off-net tariffs within cellular operators

resulting in more affordable telecom services.

Pakistan is the first country in South Asia to have determined the interconnection charges based on

Long Run Incremental Costs (LRIC). This step was taken in line with the deregulation policy of

Type Approval of Telecom Equipment

PTA Reduces Mobile Termination Rates (MTR)

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Government of Pakistan. Keeping in view the significance and complexity of the task, the

Authority engaged a UK-based consultant Ovum plc after a transparent and competitive bidding

process, to assist the Authority in determining interconnection charges using Fully Allocated Cost

(FAC) under historical costing, bottom-up LRIC and international bench-marking. PTA is hopeful

that this decision will have far reaching impact on the growth and investment in the telecom sector

of Pakistan, as interconnection rates are critical for proliferation of basic telecommunication


Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has successfully completed the first three critical

phases of migration of cellular mobile subscriber numbers from 7 to 8 digits as of January 2008. The

dialing codes of all mobile companies have also been changed from 4 digits to 3 digits. According to

new Mobile Numbering Plan, all mobile numbers in the country would now comprise of 8 digits by

moving the last digit of the dialing code into subscriber number such that the dialing code would be

reduced to 3 digits (i.e 0333-51xxxxx would now be 033-351xxxxx). It is important to note that

numbers of Mobilink, Warid, Ufone and Telenor will remain the same 11 digits as before. For Zong

(China Mobile), Instaphone and SCOM (AJK& Northern Areas), in addition to aforementioned

shifting of subscriber numbers, digits of their dialing code would also change (i.e. 0304-51xxxxx

will be 031-451xxxxx, 0320-51xxxxx will be 036-451xxxxx and 0335-61xxxxx will be 035-561xxxxx).

All these changes have become effective from April 1, 2008. Until June 30, 2008 all old and new

numbers could be dialed. From 1 July 2008 onwards only new numbers will be valid.

Global Regulator's Exchange {G-REX}is a platform for national communications regulators, Policy

makers and regional regulatory authorities, where they can pose any question regarding telecom

regulations and seek feedback from their colleagues around the world. G-REX was launched by the

Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of International Telecommunication Union in

May 2001. G-REX is an interactive online platform maintained by ITU for the benefit of regulators

to exchange information and best practices.

The Telecom Development Bureau of the ITU in reorganization of a high level participation by PTA

and excellent support to the Hotline forum awarded appreciation Certificates to PTA for the year,

2008. ITU has also awarded PTA G-REX earlier in 2005 & 2007 During the closing session of Global

Symposium ( GSR-08), Mr Sami Al Basheer, Director of ITU's Telecommunication Development

Bureau awarded the G-REX certificates to its most active users which includes the regulatory

authorities of Pakistan (PTA), Costa Rica, Hong Kong (China), Peru, Lithuania, Saint Vincent and

the Grenadines, Sudan and Venezuela.

Syed Nasrul Karim Ghaznavi, Member (Finance), head of the Pakistan Delegation, received the

Mobile Numbers Changed from 7 To 8 Digits

ITU Awards GREX Certificate to PTA

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PTA's GREX Certificate during GSR 2008.

An online course on “Porting Process Guidelines and Regulations on Mobile Number Portability

(MNP)” was held under ITU-ASP Center of Excellence Network PTA Node. Initially more than 60

participants from Asia Pacific region were registered in the course. Keeping in view size of the

course visa-vise management difficulties, ITU decided to split the Course into two editions. The

first edition was conducted from 21 Jan-29 to Feb, 2008 and 35 students from Afghanistan,

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Iran, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Moldova, Thailand,

Nepal, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea and Pakistan participated in this first edition. The second

edition of the course was conducted from 2 June to 11 July 2008 and 40 students from Afghanistan,

Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Iran, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Malta, Mangolia, Nepal,

Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Thailand , and Uganda participated

This was the first online training program offered from PTA node. The course was planned for the

policy makers, regulators and mobile operators interested in human resource capacity for planning

and implementation of MNP in their countries. The course was particularly useful for officials

dealing with the MNP planning and implementation process as the experts having practical

experience of the subject structured this highly specialized program. This on-line course provided

PTA an excellent opportunity to share its experience and expertise in the implementation of MNP

as Pakistan is one of the few countries in the region whose MNP regime has been successfully

implanted. The introduction of MNP has enhanced competition and has improved the quality of

service in cellular mobile sector.

The participants of both the editions actively participated in the course by asking questions from

the tutor through “Chat Session”, reading of the materials placed on the e-learning platform and

sharing experiences through “Discussion Forum” and exchanging e-mails etc. In the final

evaluation, the participants graded the course contents and delivery of the course very high.

During the year 2007 PTA outsourced various studies/consultancies from experts for technical

assistance on issues of the Industry. The prime objective of undertaking extensive consultancies on

topics of interest is to enhance the capacity at the PTA for growth and modernization of the

telecommunications industry. A number of consultancies were completed that include Testing of

GSM Operators QoS for Intentional Roaming aimed at analyzing quality of service (QoS) of

international roaming for Pakistani subscribers. The tests were performed by Optiwave

Technologies for post paid and prepaid users. The results were compiled for call originating from

and terminating into various countries including Malaysia, South Africa & USA. The tests were

also performed for SMS services and the results provided were analyzed to judge QoS standards of

the operators. The results indicate 85%call success rate and 95% SMS success rate. The study has

On-line course on “Porting Process Guidelines and Regulations on MNP”


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been concluded successfully with detailed report and results placed on PTA website.

PTA awarded a study on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to Center of Advanced Studies in

Engineering, Islamabad. The study examined RFID for regulatory oversight of services provided

through RFIDs and their type approval procedures.

Convergence of Technologies of Telecommunication & Media is an important issue and study

undertook by PTA focused on various aspects of Convergence to have an advance insight on this


A study on “Socio Economic Impact of Cellular Mobile Growth in Pakistan was completed by a

local consulting house. Study found that cellular mobile growth has a tremendous impact on the as

in social and economic conditions of the people of Pakistan. Particularly, the sale of small

businesses increased by Rs. 10,000/- per month with the use of mobile phones through reduction in

travel and and ease of doing business.

A number of new consultancies are being undertaken during 2008 that include a Consultancy on

Socio Economic impact of telecom growth. The consultancy requires detailed surveys based on

targeted and non-targeted approach. The Consultants are required to examine the impact of

telecom growth on the Economy, Business and Social Development in Pakistan separately for

Cellular Mobile, Fixed Local Loop (FLL), Wireless Local Loop (WLL), Long Distance &

International (LDI), Internet/Broadband, Payphones and other value added services. A forecast

model for telecommunication services will be prepared keeping in view the trends in modern

telecommunications in comparable economies.

Consultancy on QoS on International Roaming Services and Key Performance Indicators is

planned. The consultancy is envisaged to stretch from 2008 to 2009, evenly. The output of the

consultancy will be in the form of at least reports: 6 monthly reports, each consisting of the monthly

plus aggregate figures (except the first). The report will be able to bench mark international roamer

services across five GSM operators. It will provide quality results alongside billing accuracy

reports. The purpose of the consultant shall be to also look into international roamer tariffs and

suggest methods for making the rates more affordable for the Pakistani Cellular roamer.

Radio Frequency Management & Development of New Spectrum Charging Regime Consultancy

focuses on radio resource management and spectrum pricing issues. Now it has been assigned in-


Unbundling of Access & Services Consultancy will assist in implementation of a comprehensive

framework for access and services for both wireless and wired systems. The impact assessment of

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Figure - 8Complaints by Industry















(2006-07) (2007-08)

unbundling of Access & Services (in Pakistan) on SMP operator's market share and revenues,

SMPs' plans for new investments in infrastructure has been included in the Consultancy project.

The pricing structure including cost calculation mechanism for unbundled access & services will be

prepared by the Consultant based on best international practices with recommendation for the

Pakistan telecommunication industry.

In-House Cabling Consultancy defines different standards for the proper In-house cabling of

telecommunication equipment for correction of procedures in practice.

Local Number Portability Consultancy will help in analyzing the approach for the benefit of users

of fixed line networks. PTA has successfully implemented Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in a

competitive mobile telecommunications market.

During the year, PTA issued consultation papers detail of which is being given in ensuing


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) greatly improves on IPv4 by vastly increasing the number of

available addresses and by enabling better quality of service, more efficient routing, simpler

configuration, build-in security, better support for real-time data delivery etc. In this regard, PTA

has invited industry, academia and other interested parties to get together and actively participate

in the establishment of IPv6 test beds within various universities. PTA has prepared a consultation

paper on the issues & floated on the PTA's website for feedback.

Protection of consumer rights has been set a priority area by the new leadership of Pakistan telecom

Consultation Papers

Consumer Complaints

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Authority where it has established a separate Consumer Protection Directorate fully dedicated to

address the consumers' grievances. PTA received over 10,3535 complaints against Fixed line

operators (Mainly PTCL) which are 26% lower than the previous year complaints. Major

complaints against PTCL were about the telephone fault particularly in Karachi and other urban

centers. Internal conflicts, strikes by lower grade employees caused serious hurdles to overcome

such complaints by PTCL. New telephone connections and billing complaints were other major

areas of concern where PTA received number of complaints from consumers against PTCL. Non

availability of infrastructure remained impediment for new connection by PTCL. PTA took

cognizance of the situation and resolved most of the complaints it received against the incumbent,


Overall complaints on various issues of mobile phone companies decreased but quality of service

specific issues reflected upward trend during the year 2007-08. Complaints about Quality of

Service for CMPak and Mobilink decreased where complaints against all other operators

increased. Overall, consumer complaints against Telenor increased by 140% in the year 2007-08

which are highest among all operators. Second to Telenor was ufone against whom the complaints

increased by 27% in the year 2007-08.

Figure - 10Mobile Sector Complaints




























Mobilink Ufone Warid Telenor CM Pak Instaphone



Figure - 9Comparison of Complaints













86 89












Fixed Mobile CPPS ISP



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