fair dinkum flamingos chapter 12


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Welcome back to the Wonglepong’s house. Where the simself spouse can’t find the shower, the bad apple Grandma stomps on the toddler and general mayhem

ensues. Last time we were here, Rolley had alien twins and a child was adopted bringing the total number of children up to six to try and complete Holley’s LTW of

marry of Six children. I’ve since been informed that Rolley’s alien spon do not count. *gnashes teeth* As if that was not bad enough, the garden club had just arrived

for another delightful inspection...

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The Garden Club Blues

As sung by Allyn, Katie and Sad Old Guy.

“Tell me why, oh why, are we over here today?”

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“You called us under false pretences-It shouldn’t be this way.”

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“We don’t care how great your fruit trees are.”

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“Nor if your garden grew a shining star.”

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“ “

“We only care about the trash in your yard.”

“It’s pink!”

“It’s tacky!”

“It really will not do! Next time we come, maybe we will sue!”

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“So why, oh why, do you treat us all this way? Viewing trash isn’t right, it isn’t right we say!”

Needless to say the Wonglepong’s did not get a well. They did get about $600 which I guess is the bare minimum. *Wonders how many more rows of thriving plants

doing the cancan one needs to overcome 33 piles of pink ‘trash’.

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I gave Beverly an old fashioned hair style to go with her old fashioned name.

I also >cough< wanted to use the new hair I downloaded.

She is quite pretty I think, with a balanced *read: hope not boring* stats of 6/3/6/4/6

Is it normal for them to come with no memories at all? You think the game would give them a positive “I got adopted!” memory at least.

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Then came the task of keeping track of all these sims, without tearing my hair out.

Paisley enjoyed playing with the sit alone toys like the books. This skills charisma at the same rate as the rabbit head does, but without the annoying sound effects.

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So I thought let’s give them an activity table instead so they can bond and play together.

“Looket dwawing!”

“No wanna draw! Where’s Paisely’s books?!”

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She played with it once, while Paddington was having a bath.

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Because no matter how many times she was taken back to the room, she insisted on following either Rolley or Holley.

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For the most part they seemed to ignore her in favour of making out with each other.

I even put the activity table out on the back desk as that’s where she spent a lot of time. Nope, sitting and chewing her hand was way more fascinating. At least she

had no interest in sticking it down the toilet and tasting it.

“Looket, num-num fingers!”

So maybe she is counting off all of her family members and thinking how tasty they are ...err that might be a worry too.

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But how sweet is this? Beverly just came up and gave her a kiss.

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Unless she’s finding out if Beverly tastes good or not... Nah, it’s sweet.

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Paddington on the other hand loves the activity table and spends a lot of time drawing birds. He racked up about 7 creativity points as a toddler.

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I gave them each a toddler bed that they could climb into themselves. For awhile there I had them fairly closely in sync, sleep, eat and potty wise.

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Until the big bed fiasco of 2011. Chewy would not leave her alone and when he did, Opal took over.

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Finally Opal put her to bed. Opal, she isn’t a baby! Oh well at least she can get a nap.

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Opal, being Opal had to pick up someone else. I have very few baby pictures of Coal and none of poor Clover. Sorry kids, you’re rather easy to forget around here.

“Who’s an aeroplane then?” >jiggle, jiggle, jiggle< “Whose ready to go flying?”

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“Weee! Urrgh!”

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“That is so not funny young man.”

“Giggle, giggle.”

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Coal had already woken up and gone to the potty, so I sent Mingo in to take Paisley to the potty as well.

Some sim minutes later he is serving a meal and Paisley is still in the crib. Ugg. Thanks Opal.

“There is a beep immovable object in the buzz way!”

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“Paisley not happy.”

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“Paisley going to scweam, and scweam and scweam!”

Still it was her once and only nappy accident.

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I find the best way of dealing with a bad apple toddler, is distraction and lots of it. Not so different to real life.

Flo places Paisley on the kitchen floor-Paisley thinks about eating cat food/wandering away-someone is given the job of distraction-Paisley stops-distraction cancelled

or followed through with- Paisley gets bottle. Shame most of that smart milk was waisted to parent stalking and finger chewing.

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Huggles from her twin was an easy distraction and helped raise their relationship scores as well.

“Here kitty!”

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“Looket funny kitty Paisley.”

*Wonder if small human might be good to hunt?*

>Nom, nom, nom<

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She didn’t gain many skill points, but at least she got a nice aspiration boost from learning to talk early on. Her other toddler skills gained her none.

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Then Coal and Clover had their birthday one day before Paddington and paisley, so for a day we had four toddlers in the house.

“Raa! My Chewy is hot stuff!”

“Mum, this is a toddler’s party you know.”

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Clover went first.

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The messy, playful, active, nice points are back!


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Then Coal.

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Coal is the cutest alien I’ve had in game, but sadly no elf ears on any of the kids. Both of the aliens have the crumpled alien ears.


Clover has someone to clean all her messes up.

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There wasn’t much interaction between the two sets of twins.

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But Clover did play with Paddington at the activity table.

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Mostly because I had Flo and Mingo swoop down on them to teach them all the toddler skills.

Servo wearing a thinking cap amuses me. I hadn’t even tried to see if servos could wear one before now.

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Clover learnt fairly quickly.

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While Coal...



Sorry Mingo, you got the slow, refluxy twin.

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“Finally buzz.”

Clover was already walking and half done with learning to talk by then.

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I love bunk beds so much. I also love the kids reaction if the other child gets up when they want to get up.

“Morning you two, better get ready for school”

“Morning Aunty Peach.”

“Huh, what?”

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“School again? But I already went yesterday.”

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Over on the wall above the easy bake oven is a bug box. This belongs to Oz who is the bug nut for the third generation.

I don’t see anything in the rules about the previous bug box having to be complete before a new one is started, so I figured he might as well.

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Peach’s bug box in on the other wall. She had five bugs left to catch here, now down to four. The very small skinny spider is there right above the other two, it’s just

very hard to see.

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Rolley got his silver robotics badge, so we are moving slowly but surely towards these OWBC goals.

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“Oi! Can’t a man get any tucker around here!”

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“Also I’m tired and uncomfortable!”

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“I’m sure holding my wife will help my aching back”

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“As will cleaning the toilet I’m sure.”

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“Pashing my wife in the bathroom definitely helps!”

Opal can’t believe her eyes.

“Rolley have you ever thought of sitting in a chair, we have nice comfy ones in the lounge?”

“Chairs? What are those?”

Nope he’s never heard of those.

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Somewhere in there we got yet another lamp! That brings my total for the main house up to three.

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I thought seeing it’s Saturday that would be a good chance to take the two eldest kids to the club house before the younger twins birthday.

It’s on level 10 anyway, but we need money for the dinner.

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The kids had a lot of fun eating junk food....

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And laying eggs bowelling.

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While I was there I gave the club a bit of an upgrade. I took away the seating and wide screen wall TV and made a small arcade to be more family friendly.

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I also moved the cards upstairs and added a karaoke machine. Upstairs was hardly being used except for the loo so the cards should draw them in.

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Talking of loo’s...the croc dunnys are back, because it just wasn’t the wacky; Splish Spalsh Splosh club house without them.

“Hey, some privacy please.”

You’re the one with the bog door open Komi.

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I caught Ashley getting fried shortly before I removed the pervey mammoth.

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So I could place a bubble blower. The mammoth is still there, I just moved him to one corner.

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It’s not like anyone used those nice deck chairs with thoughtfully placed umbrella’s *growl*

“Forgotten and alone”

Nah your brown puddles mean someone is always checking on you, you’re a right environment lower’er you are.

“Glad to be of service”

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Must be the bad hair clubs day out.

We have some creep claiming to be Goopy in a suit, an adult Tosha Go and a weirdo in a lined jacket in the 38 C heat, who at least goes by the regular name of Bill.

Are townies even called Bill? I didn’t see him whisk out a clip board, so he isn’t a reporter.

Bad hair day!

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The simselves as usual flock to the bowling

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I’m not sure if the varying styles comes from personality, practice, luck or more likely body points. Jess did okay.

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Jill’s style was certainly interesting.

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“Can I look yet?”

No it’s hehehe too funny!”

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Fuzzy needed a lot of concentration to show that the proper way to bowl is to dislocate your leg first.

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Before getting a strike. Of course Fuzzy has 10 body points being in the dance career.

“Show off.”

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The card table was a revolving door of simselves, and a few townies –except for Fuzzy and Jo13 who both stayed for hours.

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Every time I checked some seemed to be losing while Fuzzy and Jo continued to collect the chips. Although Fuzzy seemed to keep the larger pile.

“Dang it, you guys took all my money.”

“Sorry Cait, but this is serious business of beating Jo13 over here.”

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“We’ll see about that Fuzzy.”

*Hmm Ace of Spades, I saw that*

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“That purple haired con artist just took all my dough!”

Mingo, playing cards isn’t on your job description.

“Buzz, just checking the beep house isn’t being ripped off!”

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“Thanks Ani-Mei.”

It was a long hard battle between Fuzzy and Jo13, which I don’t think either won as I shut the club house to go over to the dinner.

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I was hoping a certain someone might show up, but I saw no sign of him. Peach Mingo is married! Also I think it’s a little weird for a pile of metal and circuitry to be


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“But he is!’

You and half the town.

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“I want to go back to the club. This place is boring.”

Hmm, guess there isn’t anything for kids to do here. I know! Insta pond!

“What’s >yawn< that?”

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One water tool and two clicks later we have a fishing hole. Marvellous how fish just appear in the desert.

“Oz are you magic? How did this pond get here?”

“Yep! I just magiced it up!”

Oi ya blighter, I made that. Also look out Peach, here comes someone who is hot.

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Shame he’s married-to a simself, but oh well he’s nice to look at.

I must find peach another outfit, I don’t think that suits.

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“Uggh he is so not hot!”

Peach! That’s Hugh Jackman! Australian movie star and loved by woman around the globe! He’s one of our best exports!

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“Now there’s a hottie! Grey hair, bent back and a hat! I can smell the mouth balls and Dencorub from here!”

I give up. She likes metal, old age and slappers. I still think Cyd may be a go, but I haven’t done anything about it yet.

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Back at home, Paddington got a nice boost just after 5pm.

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I used up one of Holley’s commands right near 6pm and yah! A small boost for Paisley too.

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Since Holley was holding her I figured she may as well use another command to bring paisley to her cake. I mean surely she can find the shower for herself?

“Holley! Couldn’t you take a shower first?”

“Dad, you know I have trouble finding a shower.”

“Holley, for the love of plumbbob and my eyes, I’ll draw you a map!”

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*Thankfully I’m at the far end of the table*


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Paddington looks to be one tough kid. 3 mean points and he grows up in black.

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“Go Paisley! Grow up in style befitting a bad apple!”

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At least we won’t lose her in a crowd

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Paisley has a very different nose to the boys.

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Looking at them side on I can see the boys do have very similar noses, but Paddington’s is slightly more turned up.

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“Rolley, have you drawn that map for your wife yet?!”

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“No way hozay!”

What’s wrong with you now? Checks queue.... Oh I see. >Buys two bunk beds<

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Paisley was asleep in Mum and dads bed and Paddington didn’t want to sleep with her. Shame these two aren’t friends yet, they seem to like different things. I got

Paisley up with the radio and she immediatly made the bed. Here’s to betting she also has the 10 neat points.

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Took awhile, she tried Grandpa and Grandma’s bed next, but finally seeing the other are full she finds her own.

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Now everyone but the twins are asleep I gave the twins a little make over. The toddler mirror allows toddlers to change their own hair, and the hacked dresser allows

them to pick out their own clothes.

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>pinches cheeks<

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“La-la-la, ta-da-da-da!”

She’s dancing to the sterio.

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“Psst Bevery, want to know a secret?”


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“Ani-Mei totally lost Dad’s BC!”

>Snicker snicker<

I have no idea how these two got so thick, but Bevery already has a higher relationship score with paisley then Paddington does. Of course he would rather go and

play computer games.

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While the girls go outside to play catch together. I watched for a bit and was about to say they had a nice game...

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When this happened.

“Paisley! You nearly took my head off!”

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“I don’t know how that happened!” >Giggle<

I see mean points! I’m betting 3 like Paddington.

Which is as far as I’ve played up to.

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Not really much Aussie slang this chapter, so I’ll end on a picture of Rolley and Holley.

“Rolley do you like my new underwear?”

“Mmm perfect.”