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  • 7/31/2019 Fair Trade Nafta



    Fair Trade for All:How Trade Can Promote Development

    May 2006

    Joseph E. Stiglitz

  • 7/31/2019 Fair Trade Nafta




    The need for a development round

    Trade liberalization has not lived up to its promise

    The failures in practice


    The Development Round is not a True

    Development Round

    The Dangers of a false development Round

    The Dangers of a failed development round

    The growth of bilateral and regional trade agreements

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    Outline (II)

    Overview of major results ofFair Trade for All

    Road to the Hong Kong WTO meeting:

    Development Round: Is it only rhetoric?

    Principles of a Development Round

    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    Adjustment costs Adjustment assistance


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    The need for a development round

    (I) Past rounds have been unfair

    The Uruguay Round agenda focussed on the interests ofrich countries; it included

    Services - but not unskilled labor intensive services;

    Subsidies - but not agricultural subsidies;

    Intellectual property rights;

    Most of its projected benefits accrued to the rich countries

    70% of gains to developed countries The 48 Least Developed Countries were actually left worse off

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    The need for a development round

    (II) The trading system is unbalanced

    The system is stacked against poor countries

    The average OECD tariff on goods from poor countries is 4 times higher

    than on goods from other OECD countries Rich countries cost poor countries three times more in trade restrictions

    than their total development assistance to them.

    There has been little progress on agricultural issues OECD countries continue to subsidise agriculture by 48% of total farm

    production, just 3% lower than 1986; and maintain high tariffs

    Intellectual property rights disadvantage poor countries Exacerbate north-south knowledge gap; and restrict technology transfer

    Do not protect indigenous knowledge

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    Trade liberalization has not

    produced the expected benefits inpractice, even when specificallydirected at helping developingcountries

    EUs Everything But Arms (EBA) initiative Did not lead to significant increases in exports from poor

    countries, partly because of low export capacity/weakinfrastructure and complex rules of origin

    US AGOA initiative Only benefitted a few countries and those will diminish

    after restrictions (e.g. use of US cotton) come into force

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    Explaining the Failures

    Trade liberalization has not been asymmetric

    But even theory is qualified in its support of tradeliberalization With imperfect risk markets, trade liberalization may be

    Pareto Inferior (Newbery-Stiglitz, 1982)

    With growth, argument for trade liberalization evenweaker

    Most of growth is related to technological progress (Solow,

    1957) Market failures are pervasive (Arrow, Stiglitz)

    Historically, most successful countries developed behind someprotectionist barriers

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    The Infant Economy Argument for


    Often trade-offs between static and dynamicefficiency (patent system)

    Model postulates (uncompensated) spillovers from industrial

    sector to agricultural sector within a country

    both in technology and in institutional development

    Innovations concentrated in industrial sector

    Among the important determinants of pace ofinnovation in industrial sector is its size

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    Two sector two country model; large efficientdeveloped country; small developing country withcomparative advantage in agriculture

    Without protection, it specializes in agriculture,remains stagnant, falling increasing behinddeveloped country

    Protection results in short run losses, but long run

    gains Model robust

    Results strengthened if there are interindustry crossborder technology flows in the industrial sector

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    Argues for broad based protection

    Generates revenue to finance education, research

    Avoids special interest protectionism

    Consistent with south-south regional tradeagreements

    From Bruce Greenwald and Joseph E. Stiglitz,Helping Infant Economies Grow: TheFoundations of Trade Policies for DevelopingCountriesAmerican Economic Review, May,2006 (forthcoming)

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    Development Round as it has evolved

    is not true development round

    Central message of our bookFair Trade for All HowTrade Can Promote Development

    Lays out a comprehensive agenda of trade liberalization

    that would promote development That agenda is very different from that set out in Doha

    And even more different from what has evolved since With the current agenda, the Development Round does not deserve

    that name

    Hong Kong avoided a disasterbut only by lowering expectations And even then exposed the advanced industrial countries to charges

    of hypocrisy

    And of reneging on the promises of Doha

    But showed new and diverging interests of developing countries

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    The Dangers

    An agreement that would make many developing

    countries worse off

    An agreement that would be treated as a truedevelopment round, so that efforts at redressing

    imbalances of past would be diminished

    The U.S. bilateral strategymoving away from

    multilateralism and the multilateral trade system

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    The dangers of bilateral and regional

    trade agreements

    Not just undermining multilateral system

    And making progress towards a more

    liberal global trade regime more difficult

    But a move towards a trade regime which is

    even more unfair to developing countries

    And which undermines principles of the

    market economy

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    Bilateral trade agreements have been

    based on a dream

    That signing an agreement with the U.S.a

    good housekeeping seal of approval

    would bring untold investment and growth

    But the reality has been far different

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    NAFTAif there was ever an

    agreement that should have worked

    --it was NAFTA, with Mexico so close tohuge U.S. market

    NAFTA ten years later Mexico has lower growth than ten years before

    High inequality, low innovation, low wagesgrowth and some of the poorest worse off as a

    consequence of US agricultural subsidies

    Shows at the very least dream has not beenrealized

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    NAFTA was not really a free and fair trade agreement With massive US agricultural subsidies

    With retention of non-tariff barriers Which were used when Mexico made inroads into Americas market

    NAFTA intruded into basic areas of national sovereignty Chapter 11 made environmental regulations more difficult

    Not really intended for basic investor protection

    Trade is important, but trade isnt everything

    Trade liberalization is important, but it isnt everything Difficulties in competing with China

    Making Mexico more dependent on US

    Significant loss of revenue from loss of tariffs

    Revenue needed for public investments in infrastructure and education

    Major impediment to economic success

    Bil l d lik l

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    Bilateral trade agreements likely to

    be more unfair

    Need for TRIPs minus, instead TRIPs plus


    Going into areas which should not be on agendaand may make development more difficult

    CML (Chile: ironic, especially given role it played in

    protecting Chile from global financial crisis)

    Bubble gum (Singapore)

    Environmental regulations (Chapter 11)

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    Bilateral agreements bad for global


    Principle of single price at core of

    efficiency of market economy

    Underlays MFN principle (most favorednation)

    Which underlay global trade system for past

    fifty years

    Bilateral agreements undermine this

    Bil l d i

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    Bilateral agreements undermine

    global efficiency

    Much of gain based on trade diversion, rather than

    trade creation

    Should be enforcement of WTO regulations, assessingoverall impact

    And in long run may increase costs of adjustment

    Especially important for developing countries

    Movement into advantaged area, only to lead to amovement out, when advantage is eliminated

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    Bilateral agreements make progress towards

    global trading system more difficult

    In spite of fact that they are sometimes sold

    to the contrary

    Those with preferences will see anymultilateral agreement as hurting them

    Putting up obstacles for global liberalization

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    Perhaps worst danger

    Spaghetti bowl of agreements will

    undermine market economy

    With complicated rules of origin

    Undermining normal basis of competition, the

    price system

    Huge costs of administrationAnd subject to administrative abuse

    A d d i i b i bj ti f

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    And undermining basic objective of

    development round

    Development is a global concern

    Global commitment to meeting Millennium

    Development Goals

    Trade is a major instrument

    Enhancing opportunity

    Hand up rather than hand outAid and Trade complements

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    Agreements among developing countries

    are more likely to be fairagreements

    among equalsMeaning developing countries are more likely

    to gain

    Even though economics of such agreementsmight suggest that the potential scope for gains

    is smaller

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    In Fair Trade for All

    We explain how trade can promote development

    And that would be fair for all

    We explain what a true development round wouldlook like

    And the assistance that is necessary to enable

    developing countries to take advantage of the

    opportunities that are opened up.

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    Road to the Hong Kong WTO meeting:

    Seattle 99

    Doha 01

    Cancun 03

    July mini 04

    Clinton attempts to launchMillennium Round, but the meeting

    fails amid street riots

    Launches the Development Roundwith the goal of completion in Jan 05

    Supposed to evaluate progress but

    no progress was made in key areas,so the developing countries walkedout

    Attempt to put the round back ontrack by reducing the ambition of theagreements

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    Development Round: Is it only rhetoric?

    The Doha declaration made bold but vague promises todeveloping countries

    But did the agenda reflect the real concerns and interests of developing

    countries? Or was the agenda hijacked, with the proposed agreements actually

    making the developing countries worse off

    What would a development agenda really look like?


    The agenda as it evolved was not pro-development

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    Development Round: Is it only rhetoric?

    The agenda of the Development Round as it evolved didlittle for the developing countries

    It did little to address concerns in agriculture

    It did little to address problems posed by non-tariff barriers

    It went only a little way in addressing concerns about intellectual property It did little to advance a developing country service sector agenda

    There were no reforms in basic procedures

    The proposed agendas new issues were not those of

    central concern to the developing world

    Procurementdeveloping countries unlikely to be successful inprocurement (e.g. defense) in advanced industrial countries, but

    US wanted capital market liberalization

    Competition policy which restricted development and socially orientedpreferences

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    Principles of a Development Round

    1. A trade agreement should be assessed interms of its impact on development

    2. An agreement should be fair

    - it should have fair outcomes

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    3. An agreement should be fairly arrived at Current procedures put developing countries at a


    Developed countries have resisted morefundamental reforms

    Increase openness and transparency ofnegotiations

    Symmetric enforcement system

    Principles of a Development Round

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    Principles of a Development Round

    4. It should be limited in scope

    Expansive negotiations put developing countries ata disadvantage

    Principle of conservatism. Only issues that 1) arerelevant to trade flows, 2) are development-friendly, 3) involve a rationale for collective action

    Since decision process not democratic, and there

    is some loss of sovereignty, there should bepositive benefits for developing countries: shouldfocus on areas that are of essential concern e.g.where cooperative action is necessary

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    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    1. Liberalization and protection of labor flows andlabor intensive services

    More important for global efficiency than capitalmarket liberalization

    Without imposition of adverse risk effects

    Improves living standards through remittances

    $32 Billion in remittances in 2002 in Caribbean andLatin America far greater than total ODI and onlyslightly less than FDI

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    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    2. Liberalization of agricultural market,

    - especially of those goods for which there will be limited

    adverse consumption effects

    3. Liberalization of industrial goods

    - elimination of tariff peaks, and tariff escalation

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    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    4. National treatment of anti-competitivepractices

    Eliminating discriminatory treatment against foreignproducers through dumping duties

    Single regime for anti-competitive practices for bothforeign and domestic firms

    5. Explicit recognition of rights to use industrialand other development policies

    Including governments right to provide to capital atreasonable interest rates

    Including use of CRA requirements to ensure accessto finance

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    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    6. Restrictions on tax competition toattract investments

    7. TRIPS minusrebalance intellectualproperty rights

    Foster the transfer and dissemination of

    technology Protection of traditional knowledge

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    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    8. Fairer mechanism for enforcement Threat of small, LDCs imposing trade sanctions against

    US not very effective

    Trade losses compensated with financial payments orfrom international auction of retaliatory rights

    9. Expanding agenda to concerns of developingcountries: Anti-corruption policies and arms

    sales restrictions International non-bribery legislation

    10. Extend unilateral disarmament

    i.e. Everything But Arms agreement, but make it

    meaningful rules of originand broader

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    11 Priorities of a Development Round

    11. Institutional reforms

    More transparency in negotiating process

    Principle of representativeness Independent office for the assessment of the

    impact of proposed trade provisions ondevelopment and developing countries

    and assessment of trade diversion vs. tradecreation affects of bilateral and regionalagreements

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    Adjustment costs

    Much larger for many developing countries than foradvanced industrial countries

    Developing countries are vulnerable to policy shocks

    because their export industries are least diversified

    Developing countries need to make the largest changesto comply with regulations

    The trade structure is most distorted in the industries of

    importance for developing countries

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    Adjustment costs

    Loss of preferences:

    Small countries with less diversified industries may facelarge adjustment costs

    Tariff reduction has serious fiscal consequencesfor many developing countries

    Developing countries face high implementation

    costs: taking away resources needed elsewhere

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    Adjustment assistance

    Adjustment costs impact on the poorest people anddivert resources from other development priorities

    Provision of compensation wins political support for

    reform Technical assistance is needed to improve trade

    performance through policy and institutionalstrengthening Technical assistance commitments were non-binding for

    developed countries And many countries did not live up to the commitments

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    The round of trade negotiations that began in Dohadoes not deserve epithet of a Development Round

    In present set-up, for developing countries, no

    agreement may be better than a bad agreement International community should resolve to have a true

    development round

    International community needs to provide the

    assistance both to help developing countries to adjustand to take advantage of new opportunities


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    International community should reform procedures ofnegotiations

    Such reforms are likely to lead to a reform in

    outcomesto outcomes that are fairer to developingcountries and more likely to promote rather thanhinder their development


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    New book: Fair Trade For All


    How Trade Can Promote


    8th December 2005

    Oxford University Press