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Fairlington United Methodist Church December 22, 2013 9:30am and 11:00am Holy Light: A Candlelight Service of Carols Robert A. Hobby Readings by Susan Cherwien Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

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FairlingtonUnitedMethodistChurchDecember 22, 2013

9:30am and 11:00am

Holy Light: A Candlelight Service of Carols

Robert A. Hobby Readings by Susan Cherwien





Congregation is invited to stand at * if able.

Prelude Come On, Ring Those Bells Andrew Culverwell Ringers 6 Arr. P. S. Cota WELCOME The Love of Christ is with you. And also with you.

READING Closed Rooms from From Glory into Glory,

Susan Palo Cherwien Reader 1: Evan Deichert/Samuel Pieh Reader 2: Ingrid Sanden/Lea Anne Foster

Reader 1: Light cannot enter a closed room A pearl cannot form in a closed oyster. God does not force us into relationship. It is we who must take down the walls we have built who must open the door. Love stands at the door and knocks And it is we who must open the door to let the light come in.

Reader 2: Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David;

Reader 1: As king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land.

Reader 2: In his days, Judah shall be saved, Israel shall dwell in security.

Reader 1: This is the name they give him: “The Lord our justice.”

Reader 2: On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom.

Reader 1: The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:

Reader 2: a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,

Reader 1: A Spirit of counsel and of strength,

Reader 2: a Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord,

Reader 1: and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.

Congregation: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.



*PROCESSIONAL HYMN Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Text: Liturgy of St. James, 5th cent.; tr. 1864 Gerard Moultrie, 1829-1885, alt. Tune: PICARDY, French folk tune, 17th century

THE PROMISE OF LIGHT PROCESSION OF LIGHT (The light is brought to the front during the reading.)

READING John 1:1-9

Rev. Tonya Douce

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.

What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe

through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light.

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.



CAROL 196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus HYFRYDOL

READING Three Parts to the Season from Crossings, Susan Palo Cherwien

Floyd Baker/Rich Mendelsohn

There are three parts to this season: the waiting and the waiting and the waiting. Waiting for the Christ child to come, to be sure, who we know already came. Waiting for the burning coming of the Christ in our hearts, for the I-am-with-you-always.

Waiting for the great coming of the reign of God when each table is a banquet and bread lines are no more.

There are three comings to this season, and three waitings, and three yearnings. And God the answer to them all.


CANDLES (The first cluster of candles is lit during the reading.)

READING Birth from Crossings, Susan Palo Cherwien

Lynda West/Jennifer Weronski

In Bethlehem, in a small town nestled in the hills, overshadowed by mighty Jerusalem to the north, In Bethlehem small among the clans of Judah, in Bethlehem the humble, earth met sky heaven met earth time and space ripped silently

silently God met human eternal met earthly past and future narrowed silently silently in a birth in a new-ing in a burst of starsong silently silently. God has lifted up the lowly. Blessed are the humble for they shall see birth.

*CAROL 230 O Little Town of Bethlehem ST LOUIS

(9:30) Children ages 2-5 may return to their Sunday School class during the singing of this hymn. (11) Children ages 3-7 may go to Room 210 for Children’s Church during the singing of this hymn.



CAROL He Is Born

Text: Traditional French, first published in Dom G. Legeay's Noels anciens, 1875-1876; tr. anonymous Tune: IL EST NÉ, traditional French

Robert Hobby

Refrain: Congregation and Choir

Stanza 1: Choir: Through long ages of the past, prophets have foretold his coming. Through long ages of the past, now the time has come at last!

Refrain: Congregation and Choir

Stanza 2: Choir: O how lovely, O how pure is this perfect Child of heaven. O how lovely, O how pure, gracious gift to humankind!

Refrain: Congregation and Choir

Stanza 3: Choir: Jesus, Lord of all the world, coming as a child among us, Jesus, Lord of all the world, grant to us thy heavenly peace.

Refrain: Congregation and Choir READING Luke 1:76-79

Robert Thompson/Josephine Elting And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;

for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins. By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break

upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.


ANTHEM What Child Is This Text: William C. Dix, 1837-1898

Chancel, Seraphim, and Youth Choirs TUNE: GREENSLEEVES, English ballad, 16th century



CANDLES (The second cluster of candles is lit during the reading.)

READING Light: Both Particle and Wave from From Glory into Glory Susan Palo Cherwien

Reader 1: Gloria.

Reader 2: A star is risen in the East.

Reader 1: The bright, the Morning Star.

Reader 2: Light.

Reader 1: Both wave and particle

Reader 2: Light.

Reader 1: Both substance and energy

Reader 2: Christ

Reader 1: Both particle and wave Both earthly and holy

Reader 2: And all of us, with unveiled faces are being transformed into that image from one degree of glory to another.

Reader 1: Christ

Reader 2: Deus de deum

Reader 1: God from God

Reader 2: lumen de lumine

Reader 1: light from light…

Reader 2: There is a group of plants called heliotropic They turn toward the light.

Reader 1: Faces toward the Star light from light

Reader 2: And from that light both wave and particle they live and are transformed and give back to the universe beauty

Reader 1: and peace

Reader 2: and heaven.

CAROL 247, v. 1 O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright WIE SCHӦN LEUCHTET DER MORGENSTERN

READING Birth from Crossings, Susan Palo Cherwien

Rev. Christian White

Let us look at this holy day we celebrate each year in the middle of the cold and dark time, the gray and sleeping time. In the middle of the season of seeming death and dormancy we sing down birth. In the midst of the season of twilight days we sing down stars. In the chill and hollow days of winter we sing down love. In the days of white and gray and black

we sing down red and green, spring colors birth colors flower colors growth colors. Even in the cold and dark time spring can appear if only for a flash if only for a twelfth-night to remind us to remind us that the divine can spring up in unlikely places in unlikely times.

INTERCESSORY PRAYER Lord in your mercy; Hear our prayer.





CANDLES (The third cluster of candles is lit during the reading.)

READING Blue from Crossings, Susan Palo Cherwien

Diane Charles/June Stowe

The sky began at the shepherd’s feet And rose to the calming blue. Blue of clarity Color of Mary Blue of compassion Midnight blue of possibility Waiting. Blue curtain of the night’s tabernacle Waiting for divinity.

Out of the blue A cloven sky Blue and gold and startling white Chords, clusters, Sounds, songs, Layer upon layer, Celestial polyphony.

The night stars with myriad voices gathered. The night stars with riving light welcomed. With arc of golden wing With scintilla of holiness the night stars sang with light the coming of their brother, the bright and Morningstar.

*CAROL 234, v. 1 - 2 O Come, All Ye Faithful ADESTE FIDELIS

CANDLES (The fourth cluster of candles is lit during the reading.)

READING Light, Sum of All from Crossings, Susan Palo Cherwien

Rev. Gregory Adkins

From the blanket Of darkness The eye can see The light of a candle Ten miles away. Ten miles away The eye grasps and holds That pinpoint of light – One candle. Hope. But what we have been promised in our darkness What has been pledged in our night is far more. What has been promised Is the brilliance Of a full dawning,

the explosive brightness of full day. Light Sum of all colors Christ Sum of all existence Streams extravagantly over the horizon and pierces and pushes, and the hard and helpful night relinquishes its place - waiting to be called forth again.



CAROL Go Tell It on the Mountain GO TELL IT, African-American spiritual

Text: Refrain: African-American spiritual

Refrain: Congregation and Choir

Stanza 1: Choir: While shepherds kept their watching o'er silent flocks by night, behold, throughout the heavens there shone a holy light.

Refrain: Congregation and Choir

Stanza 2: Choir: The shepherds feared and trembled when, lo, above the earth rang out the angel chorus that hailed our Savior's birth.

Refrain: Congregation and Choir

Stanza 3: Choir: Down in a lowly manger the humble Christ was born; and God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn .

Refrain: Congregation and Choir (twice)

PRAYER O God, Creator of the stars of night, blessed are you, for you fill all creation with your holy light. So dwell in us that we too may be light in the darkness, warmth in the cold night, hope in the shadows, love in the dark hour. Amen.

* RECESSIONAL HYMN 240 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing MENDELSSOHN


Reader 1: May God who sent the bright angel choirs, bless us; Reader 2: may God who brought light to those in darkness, guide us; Reader 1: may God whose Spirit burns in us, keep us; Reader 2: may our hearts know peace; Reader 1: may the world know peace. Congregation: Amen.


setting, David Cherwien



Christmas Eve Services

Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Family Bell Service at 5 pm: We celebrate the birth of Jesus singing carols, telling the story of Jesus’ birth and ringing bells. This service is designed especially for children, though persons of all ages are welcome. Bring a bell to ring! Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Christmas Candlelight Communion Service at 10:30 pm: Join us for Christmas music led by The King Street Brass Quintet and our Chancel, Seraphim and Youth Choirs under the direction of Louise Wilson. Pastor Adkins will deliver the Christmas message.

New Year’s Family Potluck Breakfast

Sunday, December 29th, 9:30am - In lieu of our 9:30 Sunday School classes we will celebrate the New Year with a potluck breakfast in the Fellowship Hall with games and entertainment for children. Join us for a morning of fellowship- just bring your favorite breakfast item to share. No RSVP needed, all are welcome!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013 The Fourth Sunday in Advent

As you arrive we invite you to sign the Friendship Pad that is at the end of each pew and pass it to others on your row. If you have prayer requests, fill out the yellow prayer card and pass it to the inside aisle for collection during the first hymn. Gift bags for first time worshipers are available in the Narthex from the ushers following the service. Ushers can help with providing large print hymnals and hearing devices. They can also assist children and families with the Kid’s Pack and direct families with children to the Nursery, or to our Family Room located in the balcony. Children’s Church is available for children ages 3-7 as noted in the Order of Worship. If this is your child’s first time in Children’s Church, please plan to walk with him or her to Room 210 to sign-in. The Flowers by the Parlor are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Warren Fitzgibbon, by Simone and Roderick Fitzgibbon. Coffee and Conversation: All are welcome to the Fellowship Hall (directly below the Sanctuary) at 10:30 am every Sunday between services, for a time of fellowship.


Welcome Greeters: Patti Fike; Lois Beadling Acolytes: Laura Glomb, Josh Baker; Alex Hunter, Patrick Girard Nursery: Hanane Belassal; John Adams; Linda Smith Children’s Church: Clarke Ansel & Kristin Gilley Ushers: Stan Beall, Linda Hauenstein, Jeff Barnes, David Hauenstein, Jim Knaell;

Sally Lafferty, Peggy Cook, Don Cook, Wendy Billett, Jim Brown



Remember with Prayers: Each week in worship and at our church staff meetings we lift up the prayer requests that are submitted. Names from today’s service will be listed below for two weeks. You may also contact the church office with your prayer requests. December 8: Elisabeth; Annabelle; Rosie; Judy; Ron; Michelle; Eric; Elizabeth Brown; Diane Oren; Corey; Bob; Patti; Johnny; The Bishop Family; Hannah & Family; Ryan; Dinah; Doris; Elsie & Andy; Claudia; Kathy; Mike; Angela; Brian; Sue; Don; Jack & Patsy Wilson; Ray Edens & Dylan Edens; Caroline Miers; Bob Cunniff; Rick & Whitney; Chris; Jessica; Anna; Jan; Wayne; Trudy; Marilyn & Jody; the blessing of the life of Nelson Mandela; Julie Betts & Family; Bob Mansell; Robin & Family; Warren & Wylene Martek; Debra; John; Jack; Mark; John; Carolyn, The Barker Family. December 15: The Family of Ed Lewis; Robin; Debra; Kendra; John; The Guarnieri Family; Charles Gilmer; Maggie & Family; Monika Harrison; Bruce Nash; Marianne; Johanna Petri; Frank Erwin; Shao; Lucy & Richie; Don Romines; Dee Phillips; Alice; Johnny; Chris; Jessica; Anna; Jan; Wayne; The Barker Family; Al Spencer; Art; David; Joy; Louis; Joan; In memory of Harry Rosenthal; Don; Patsy & Jack Wilson; The Family of Claire Davis; Diane; Georgiana; The Kerrigans; Wylene & Warren; Mary; Darcy; The Mills Family; The Reed Family; all who grieve; Al; John; Barbara; Jack; Mark; Carolyn; John; Judy; Annabelle; Rosie; Ron; Michelle; Sarah; Margaret; Caroline; Thanks & Praise for “Angels” who cross our paths; The families of those killed in Newtown; Claire Davis; all the kids in the Christmas Pageant; Hannah & Family; All those apart at Christmas; Doris; Dinah; Penny & Al. Clara M. Biswas (missionary in Phnom Penh, Cambodia); prisoners, those on death row; families of crime victims; the unemployed; those suffering from natural disasters; UM Clergy Women in Mozambique.


Christian Formation at Fairlington: All Adult Formation Groups and children/youth Sunday School classes meet Sunday mornings at 9:30am. All are invited to join any group at any time. There is more information on the website under "Grow". Contact Christian at 703-671-8557 ext. 106 or [email protected] with your questions and comments.


The January ATP Planning Meeting will be held in the Social Hall on January 16th at 11:30 am. Please bring your recommendations for planning our 2014 trips. Lunch of soup, sandwiches and dessert will be served at a cost of $5.00. Additionally, we are asking for a $5.00 donation to supplement our ATP funds. Please make your reservation with Jean Gillen, 703 644-7598 or email: [email protected] by January 12th.


Helping Our Neighbors through ALIVE! — This holiday season, ALIVE! is offering an alternative giving program. You can purchase a gift to assist a low-income family in Alexandria through one of ALIVE!’s six programs, and you will receive a gift card acknowledging your gift to present to someone you choose. Gifts range from $10 to $100+. Everything you’ll need is available on the ALIVE! website www.alive-inc.org which contains an alternative giving page with information on the gifts and how to purchase them. Your donation will go directly to assist families in Alexandria.

Coordinator Needed for Bag Lunch Program: Fairlington has been asked to resume help with the Bag Lunch program in 2014. The Bag Lunch Program provides mid-day meals for the hungry and homeless in our community. Fairlington will be responsible for preparing and delivering 60 bag lunches in the months of February, March, May, July, September, November and December. A coordinator is needed to: help recruit volunteers; send out donation requests for bag lunch items; schedule assembling of sandwiches; and make sure the lunch bags are packed and delivered to the distribution site in Alexandria. If you would like to volunteer or learn more about this service opportunity please contact Wray Sexson, [email protected] or Barbara Gomez. [email protected], 703-671-7410.




Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of Fairlington United Methodist Church during 2013. This year many newer individuals and families in our congregation have joined with others who have been here for decades in a partnership to make us one of the strongest United Methodist mission congregations in our region. While the needs of those around us remain great, the continued slow economy, job losses and the government shutdown have made it a challenge for many among us to sustain the level of giving needed for our programs and mission outreach. During this Christmas season, I encourage each of us to be generous in fulfilling our pledge for 2013, going beyond with an extra gift, and in making a pledge for 2014. It is this generosity of spirit, service and financial support, this commitment to going the extra mile, that makes this special community we call Fairlington United Methodist Church such a treasured place for all of us.

~ Blessings, Randy Nuckolls, Chair Finance Committee


FUMC Inclement Weather Policy: In times of severe weather we will post updates on the church office phone at: 703.671.8557, WTOP radio (103.5, 103.9, 107.7 FM), WTOP.com, TV Channels 7 and 8, and our church website: www.fairlingtonumc.org. Closure during the week by the preschool and church office follows Alexandria City Public School decisions.


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 – Advent IV Lessons & Carols 9:30 am Worship Sanctuary 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Coffee & Conversation

Fellowship Hall(FH) 11:00 am Worship Sanctuary MONDAY DECEMBER 23 7:00 pm Renovaré 114 7:30 pm AA 110 TUESDAY DECEMBER 24 – Christmas Eve 5:00 pm Family Bell Service Sanctuary 5:30 pm AA 111 10:00 pm Chancel/Seraphim/Youth Choirs 108 10:30 pm Candlelight Communion Sanctuary

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25 & THURSDAY, DEC. 26 Church Office & Building Closed

SATURDAY DECEMBER 28 9:00 am OA 112 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 9:30 am Potluck Breakfast for all FH 9:30 am Worship Sanctuary 10:30 am Coffee & Conversation FH 11:00 am Worship Sanctuary

Sunday, December 15 Worship Attendance: 407

Offering: Weekly Actual: $28,642 Budget: $17,947

YTD Actual: $856,410 Budget: $897,339

Fairlington United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. All people are God’s

beloved children and are welcome here.

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Gregory L. Adkins; Associate Pastor: Rev. Tonya Douce Lay Leaders: Gerry Hebert, John Johnson, Ashley Moore

Minister of Congregational Family Life: Rev. Christian White Director of Music: Dr. Louise Wilson, 703.671.4057

Office Manager: Carol Hunter; Preschool Director: Carol Keller, 703.671.3939 Administrative Assistants: Mitzi Holder (AM), Marsha Ansel (PM)

Nursery Care: Hanane Belassal; Custodian: Miguel Muñoz Bishop: Rev. Dr. Young Jin Cho; District Superintendent: Rev. Kenneth Jackson

3900 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22302; 703.671.8557; [email protected] find us online at www.fairlingtonumc.org, on Facebook or Twitter: @FairlingtonUMC