fairmont park church of christ nothing but family news and...

Fairmont Park Church of Christ Fairmont Park Church of Christ Family News and Notes Family News and Notes * Fairmont Park Church of Christ ** 3813 N. Midland Drive * * Midland, TX. 79707-3550 ** Phone (432) 699-7064 * * E-Mail: [email protected] ** Web Site: www.fpcofc.org * Nothing But Christ And Him Crucified Volume XXVI Number 32 August 15, 2010 Faith Through The Generations Seeing the book of Ephesians through the eyes of all generations Wednesday Night Summer Series—7:00 Speaker this week: John Anderson Ephesians 5:8-20 House To House *the houses are set *those leading the studies are ready *all we are lacking are INVITERS to sign up Our next Discipleship Training Class will begin the first of September. It is Class 101: Your New Identity In Christ It will be taught by Mark Elliott and will be an optional class on Wednesday evenings. Sign Up begins soon September 12 George Hall will be here to speak at our Sunday morning combined adult Bible Class, then he will speak in the AM worship as well. David Romero will speak during the PM service. If your kids have ‘used’ school uniforms, those would be very much appreciated. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We are trying to meet the needs of several families as they prepare for school to start. This is our an- nual Back To School Bash but instead of buying for individual families, this year we are asking you to buy in bulk and place in the tubs located in the foyer. These will be divided equally among those we are serving. If you would rather donate money, please give that to Denise Malm and that will be used to purchase back packs. Then come join the fun on August 20 from 4-6:00 pm What a unique way for us to go into all the world to plant seeds.

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Fairmont Park Church of ChristFairmont Park Church of Christ Family News and NotesFamily News and Notes

* Fairmont Park Church of Christ ** 3813 N. Midland Drive * * Midland, TX. 79707-3550 ** Phone (432) 699-7064 *

* E-Mail: [email protected] ** Web Site: www.fpcofc.org *

Nothing But Christ And

Him Crucified

Volume XXVI Number 32 August 15, 2010

Faith Through The Generations

Seeing the book of Ephesians through the eyes of all generations

Wednesday Night Summer Series—7:00

Speaker this week: John Anderson Ephesians 5:8-20

House To House *the houses are set

*those leading the studies are ready *all we are lacking are INVITERS to sign up

Our next Discipleship Training Class will begin the first of September. It is Class 101: Your New Identity In Christ

It will be taught by Mark Elliott and will be an optional class on Wednesday evenings.

Sign Up begins soon

September 12

George Hall will be here to speak at our Sunday morning combined adult Bible Class, then he will speak in the AM worship as well. David Romero will speak during the PM service.

If your kids have ‘used’ school uniforms, those would be very

much appreciated.


We are trying to meet the needs of several families as they prepare for school to start. This is our an-nual Back To School Bash but instead of buying for individual families, this year we are asking you to buy in bulk and place in the tubs located in the foyer. These will be divided equally among those we are serving.

If you would rather donate money, please give that to Denise Malm and that will be used to purchase back packs.

Then come join the fun on August 20 from 4-6:00 pm

What a unique way for us to go into all the world to plant seeds.

News You Can Use August 15—21 Birthdays

15—Jerry McCarty, Donnie Dove, Judy Grantham, Dana Raney, Kevin Karmels, 16—Raylene Weaver, Doris Cooper, Dustin Jones, Troy Ivanhoe, Kaylea Kilgore, 18—Jason Minor, 19—Blanche Browning, Sue Anderson, Cade Allen, Mitci Bartlett, 20—Saralyn Gill, Christy Green, 21—Alice Martin, Rick Mitchell, Tommie Gomez, Sean Gill

“Words of Wisdom from


Recently, I’ve been reading from the book of Jeremiah in my daily Bible reading. I thought that I would just share some words from the prophet of God: “Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush ob-serve the time of their migration. But my people do not know the require-ments of the Lord. . . .From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their loathsome con-duct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush.” Jer. 8:7, 10b-12a “This is what the Lord says; ‘Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the Lord.” Jer. 9:23, 24 “I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” Jer. 10:23

******************** GOLDEN AGE CAMP

Camp Blue Haven August 20 - 23

If you are planning on going, let’s meet briefly

after Sun. P.M service.

Heart to Heart

She weighed 7 lbs., 9 ozs. & is 20 inches long. Congratula-tions to the proud parents, Adam & Lindsay Elliott, the

grandparents and all the aunts & uncles.

Congratulations to Quata Russell

Her first granddaughter, Cosette Christine, was born August 3 to Candace & Jeff Baker. She

weighed 7 lbs., 12 ozs. and was 19 inches.

Don’t forget the Baby Shower For Tommie Gomez

Sunday, August 22, 2—3:30 p.m. Selections at Target

Don’t let “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” deter you from contributing to our Food Pantry. We have provided food to 960 families and 2,847 individuals. We con-tinue to desperately need your help. The containers have been moved to the East FH on the south wall.

Congratulations to Debbie & Steve Owens

Emery Annalise, their first grandchild, was born August 12th and weighed 7 lbs., and was 19 inches long. Proud parents are

Ryan & Ashley Owens.

Congratulations to Mark & Jana Hannsz

Berkley Ryan was born Thursday to Clay & Shanna Hannsz. She weighed 7 lbs. and was 18

3/4 inches long.

Outreach Center

Children’s Ministry News

Finding Your “Niche”

Attended Nursery

A.M.—Tish Coombes, Connie Ferguson P.M.—Kim Flatt, Abby Flatt

Kid’s Korner God Jesus love

Ride Needed On August 17th at 1:00 pm, Debbie and Kevin Karmels need a ride to Odessa for Kevin to attend Orientation at OC. If anyone would be able to take them over and bring them back, please talk to Scott.

Attention all New Members...Be watching for two great opportunities coming in September: (1) New Members meal (2) New Members Class

We will be sharing more about these over the next few weeks, but both of these are in effort to get our new mem-bers connected as soon as possible.

One of our BEST ways to get connected is through our F.E.A.S.T. Groups. These groups will be forming shortly but are designed to promote: F ellowship E ncouragement A ccountability S upport T eaching and training Most of these groups meet Sunday night after services and are great ways to develop long lasting friendships. Be listening for more info.

New Bible Class quarter is just around the corner. If you would like to teach please contact: Don Mitchell,

Scott Sheppard, Kim Lewis, or Gayle James

Back to School Bash!

MCM Ice August 17

5:30-7:30 PM $5 admission plus

$3 skate rental

We will have a party room available, so pick up supper in the mall and join us in

the party room to eat together.

Do you need a ride in the van?

Call and reserve your spot. We will leave at 5:00 that afternoon.

No Children’s Service Today

Kindergarten Bible


Sunday, August 22, 2010

We will be presenting Bibles to the children going into Kinder-garten this fall. Please call the office to make sure your child’s name is on the list and spelled

correctly. This is also Promotion Sunday.

Dear Brothers & Sisters, We want you to know how very much we appreciate the check you sent us. It will help us so much as we put our house back together after the flood. Thank you for your help. Jack & JoAnn Lowry



Mike B

rumley …

…..699-7574 B

ill Hill …


.689-3122 Pat D

arden ……

…..689-7916 B

ill Johnson …..686-0964

Mark E

lliott ……

…218-7752 B

ryan Mason …

699-0177 Jack E

stes ……

….. 682-4753 R

ay Tobias ……




on Mitchell…






… 699-7233

Scott Sheppard……





…. 699-4997

Steven Smith…






… 699-4933

Reaching H

earts A

round The World

Haden G

riffith - Boston, M


Bryan B

ost-Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gottfried R


an Work

George H

all-Honduras, G



Denzel R

oberts-Nevis W

Indies A

ndrew Solom

on-St Lucia W Indies

Ken W

ilson-Washington State

Kevin M


ouston SEA


H Television M

inistry Sunday, 7:30 a




, Channel 7

Schedule of Services:


Early B

ird—7:50 am

Bible C

lass—9:00 am


10:00 am


vening Worship—

5:00 pm



Early B

ird—5:00 pm


ible Study—7:00 pm

Weekly Statistics A

ugust 8, 2010

Bible C




313 Early B




. 61 W

orship Service ……

….. 585



…. 646

Evening Worship …


. 285 W

eekly Budget . . . . . . $18,588

Contribution . . . . . . . . . $17,805

Total Build. Fund C

on...$440,049 C

CLI # 570302



Mike B

rumley …

…..699-7574 B

ill Hill …


.689-3122 Pat D

arden ……

…..689-7916 B

ill Johnson …..686-0964

Mark E

lliott ……

…218-7752 B

ryan Mason …

699-0177 Jack E

stes ……

….. 682-4753 R

ay Tobias ……




dam E







..262-3168 D

on Mitchell…






… 699-7233

Scott Sheppard……





…. 699-4997

Steven Smith…






… 699-4933

Prayer List

Janet Stafford is out of the hospital, but will remain in the Dallas area for about 10 days...Katy Cotton was burned on her chest & neck, but she is healing nicely...Kay Bartlett had foot surgery last week and is recover-ing...Ben Anderson had surgery on his left wrist and will have a long re-covery...James Blake will be having surgery for cancer next Fri-day...Earline Lewis is now home...Carl Petty is home but has asked for no visitors…Kathy & Rob Luttrell are in need of our prayers as they deal with Kathy’s health, personal illness, and family illness...Debbie Max-well’s dad, Bill Flint, is doing better after back surgery...Bonnie Brum-ley’s niece and Bobbie Hill’s granddaughter, Lisa, is going to have sur-gery to remove a benign tumor on her face that destroys bone & tissue and then have several reconstruction surgeries...Joe Bagby, preacher in Sweetwater, has inoperable cancer...Krista Wood, daughter of visitors Keith & Kay McCamey, and her husband, are facing major changes due to health issues...Elizabeth Hipp had successful surgery to remove water on the brain...Debbie Owen’s mother is in MMH ‘s Hospice unit, as well as Bobby Harrison...Rita Turk is having health problems...Betty Grif-fin’s brother, Allen Purdy, has melanoma and is in the later stages...Brian Rackow, is home now, but still needing our prayers. Continue to pray for: Carl Petty, Bobby & Patsy Harrison, Pat & James Blake, Stephanie Arnold, Kitty Simmons, Roy Blair, Charles Moore, Richard Purdy, Charles Sibert, Pat Baker, Tony Duran, Bill & Mildred Crozier, Ben Anderson, Sherman & Sandra Cox, Joyce Mitchell, Mary Pike, Clarence Carlson, Steve Carlson, Jeff Wood, Louise Haney, Ruth Gunter, Sue & Leon Ford, Vonnie & Jimmy Andrews, Madison Box, Mary Alice Tidwell, Earl Wade, Lera At-chison, Bonnie & J.B. McClellan, Jeffery Hankins, Ernest Adair, Ressie Gray, Wayne Gray, Earlene Lewis, Doris Welch, Alice & Billy Martin, and Jim & Jeanette Mason.

There are over 30 Bibles in the Lost & Found cabinet. Please check the table in the foyer to see if YOUR Bible is

one of those left behind.