fairview library

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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S o c i a l S o c i a l A c t i o n A c t i o n

P l a nP l a n

C h a r l e sC h a r l e s

T o u r n e uT o u r n e urr

Page 2: fairview library

W h a t W h a t A c t i o n T o A c t i o n T o

T a k e ?T a k e ?

What project would meet What project would meet the requirements of the the requirements of the

sociology course, be sociology course, be beneficial to the community beneficial to the community

and be self rewarding?and be self rewarding?

Volunteering at a local elementary school !

Hundreds of students could benefit from the effort and

it would provide work experience.

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F a i r v i e w F a i r v i e w H e i g h t s H e i g h t s

E l e m e n t a r yE l e m e n t a r y

I paid a visit to the local elementary school which is I paid a visit to the local elementary school which is under the supervision of the HRM School Board. The under the supervision of the HRM School Board. The

principle, David De Van, introduced me to the principle, David De Van, introduced me to the school librarian, Jennifer MacKinnon.school librarian, Jennifer MacKinnon.

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W a s H e l p W a s H e l p N e e d e d ?N e e d e d ?

Due to recent cutbacks, school libraries Due to recent cutbacks, school libraries were now reduced to part time status. were now reduced to part time status. This resulted in the library being used This resulted in the library being used

only half of the time and student only half of the time and student library time was only 15 minutes a library time was only 15 minutes a


School library budgets average $1700.00 a year. With such a small

amount of funding, schools and librarians had to do more with less time and fewer new items in the

collection they carried.

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W h a t W h a t C o u l d I C o u l d I

D o ?D o ?

The first thing the library needed The first thing the library needed was a complete reorganization. was a complete reorganization.

Books were not in order and Books were not in order and could not be found when they could not be found when they

were needed.were needed.

Not only were the children’s books disorganized, the teacher’s resource center was in disarray

and some material was outdated. Reorganization and removing of non-required items is beneficial to both teacher’s and students.

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A n y t h i n g A n y t h i n g E l s e ?E l s e ?

With increased demands on the librarians time, With increased demands on the librarians time, I could help with group readings and special I could help with group readings and special

events. Here the students are being interviewed events. Here the students are being interviewed by CBC radio for an Afghanistan Christmas by CBC radio for an Afghanistan Christmas


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I s t h e r e I s t h e r e M o r e M o r e

W o r k ?W o r k ?

The book fair is a very important The book fair is a very important event for local schools. It allows event for local schools. It allows students to purchase books at a students to purchase books at a discounted price and helps raise discounted price and helps raise

much needed funds for the much needed funds for the library.library.

Searching the database for books would help students find the material they wanted. With only 15 minutes of

time, the extra help is very much appreciated.

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C a n I C a n I A s s i s t A n y A s s i s t A n y O t h e r W a y ?O t h e r W a y ?

Communication is important. As the Communication is important. As the students become more comfortable in the students become more comfortable in the

library, they will approach you and be more library, they will approach you and be more willing to talk about what they like to read.willing to talk about what they like to read.

Once the collection becomes more organized and you begin to

understand what children like to read, you can make special collections that

the students can browse through quickly.

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W h a t A r e W h a t A r e T h e T h e

B e n e f i t s ?B e n e f i t s ? Volunteering once a week Volunteering once a week

means that my work is an means that my work is an ongoing project that will ongoing project that will have longer term benefits.have longer term benefits.

Reading and interacting Reading and interacting with the students allows with the students allows me to develop my skills in me to develop my skills in large group situations. large group situations. (Social Groups, Group (Social Groups, Group Dynamics, Social Dynamics, Social Interaction and Collective Interaction and Collective Behavior.)Behavior.)

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A r e T h e r e A r e T h e r e S o c i a l S o c i a l

B e n e f i t s ?B e n e f i t s ? The diversity of the students, their The diversity of the students, their ages, gender, social classes and ethnic ages, gender, social classes and ethnic backgrounds makes the project a study backgrounds makes the project a study in sociology. Observation, asking in sociology. Observation, asking questions and responding to inquiries questions and responding to inquiries will help me in future employment and will help me in future employment and social situations. (Social Class, Ethnic social situations. (Social Class, Ethnic Relations, Sex and Gender.)Relations, Sex and Gender.)

Helping students at a very important Helping students at a very important stage in their own social and stage in their own social and educational development gives me a educational development gives me a sense of accomplishment and gives the sense of accomplishment and gives the students a feeling of empowerment. students a feeling of empowerment. (Culture and Society in a Changing (Culture and Society in a Changing World, Education and Religion.)World, Education and Religion.)

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I n I n C o n c l u s iC o n c l u s i

o n :o n :This project is providing This project is providing not only a service to the not only a service to the

community but is community but is rewarding and beneficial to rewarding and beneficial to me. The work load of the me. The work load of the

librarian has been librarian has been reduced, allowing her to reduced, allowing her to

concentrate her efforts on concentrate her efforts on the technical aspects of the technical aspects of her work. Students are her work. Students are

benefiting from the benefiting from the additional attention that additional attention that they can now receive. they can now receive.

On a personal level, I am gaining experience in not

only the library field, but in the social aspects of the

public education system and the libraries they support. In

addition to the work experience, it also allows

me to develop contacts and references in my field of
