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Fairview South School. Fairview South School. Learning Targets. Obtain an overview of current PBIS implementation Learn about recent professional development and applications Gain an understanding of current Work Center jobs Learn about new Transition Checklist (18-21). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Fairview South School Fairview South SchoolLearning TargetsObtain an overview of current PBIS implementation Learn about recent professional development and applicationsGain an understanding of current Work Center jobsLearn about new Transition Checklist (18-21)

Proactive ApproachSystematic Approach/FrameworkImproved Social CulturePractices-Data Based Decision MakingConsistent Environment for All (student/staff)

PBIS Core Elements

3Primary Prevention positive expectations across all settings to increase positive behaviors & decrease negative behaviors.-Rules stated in positive terms-Rules based on observable & measurable behaviors-Rules simple & age/developmentally appropriate-Rules kept to a minimum Instructional Emphasis social skills are taught in the same way as academic skills.

Classroom Management Teaching classroom routines & cues, active supervision, frequent pre-corrections & reminders, & high rates of positive reinforcement.Data driven decision making Using data to identify problem areas, pattern of student behavior, effects of interventions, & ongoing progress monitoring

Essential Components of the Universal Level 42012-2013 Office Calls

Proactive Positive ReinforcementMarty Emery/Tiwana MuellerExpectationsClassroomHallwayCafeteriaBathroomBeSafeQuiet hands and feetWalk on right side or Green sideQuiet hands and feetStay in my seat until dismissedQuiet hands and feetKeep water in sinkKeep area cleanBeRespectful Use quiet voiceKeep personal spaceGreet others if greetedUse quiet voiceKeep personal spaceEat my own lunchUse quiet voiceKeep personal spaceRespect others privacyBe ResponsibleKeep movingCheck scheduleCarry my itemsCarry tray with two handsClean up my own areaTake items back to classroomFlush toilet onceWash and dry my handsPut garbage in trash can.MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION BE A STAR

Hallway BeSafeQuiet hands and feet.Walk on the right or green side.BeRespectfulUse quiet voice.

Keep personal space. Greet others if I am greeted.Be ResponsibleKeep moving.Check schedule.Carry my own items.


CafeteriaBeSafeQuiet hands and feet.Stay in my seat until dismissed.BeRespectfulUse quiet voice. Keep personal space. Eat my own lunch.Be ResponsibleCarry tray with two hands.Clean up my own area.Take items back to classroom.


: Date:Reason:

BathroomBeSafeQuiet hands and feet.Keep water in sink.Keep area clean.BeRespectfulUse quiet voice.Keep personal space.Respect others privacy.Be ResponsibleFlush toilet once.Wash and dry my hands.Put garbage in trash can.


Direct Instruction of SkillsWatch Personal Space Video Clips-

View PBIS Cool Tool Example LessonsDate:Behavior: Personal SpaceLesson : Hula Hoop Space ShipPurpose of lesson (what you want students to learn)To practice respecting others personal space.To understand that we each have our own personal space area in a room.To show it may be difficult to do things when others are in your personal space.Classroom activity/procedure (modeling, role playing, writing, etc.)Show students a hula hoop and tell them this is a personal space ship.Choose a volunteer who thinks they would be a good pilot.Give student hula hoop and place it around his/her waist.Ask if he/she has enough room for all of the controls.Ask the student to fly around the room in the personal space shipChoose a few more volunteers and add those students, one at a time, into the personal space ship.Ask the pilot if he/she can fly just as well with a space load of passengers as when he/she was the only one on board.Discuss why the pilot had more and more trouble flying his/her personal space ship with each passenger added.Ask students what they learned and what they understand about personal space needs.Teaching Tools / Resources / Examples (materials; what you need for the lesson)One hula hoopFollow up / Reinforcement ideas (students demonstrating understanding of new skill)School staff practices personal space with students in various settings within the classroom and school.Staff rewards students with Good Impression Star Awards when they observe respect of personal space of others.Cool Tool Lesson

Date:Behavior: Personal SpaceLesson : BubblesPurpose of lesson (what you want students to learn)To practice respecting others personal space.To understand that we are different sizes and that some people require more personal space than others.Classroom activity/procedure (modeling, role playing, writing, etc.)Begin with blowing bubbles.Explain that everyone has their own personal space bubble.After blowing a few bubbles, pop a couple with your fingers/body.Ask students the following while they look at blown bubbles.What do they notice about the size of the bubbles? (different sizes)What happens when we get to close and touch a bubble? (The bubble pops)Relate how we are different sizes and that when others get to close to us it may lead us to become angry or upset if our bubble (personal space) is popped.Teaching Tools / Resources / Examples (materials; what you need for the lesson)One bottle of bubbles.Follow up / Reinforcement ideas (students demonstrating understanding of new skill)School staff practices personal space with students in various settings within the classroom and school.Staff rewards students with Good Impression Star Awards when they observe respect of personal space of others. Cool Tool Lesson

Staff Professional DevelopmentDr. Pamela Mims-Emerging Options for Teaching LADiscussion/demonstration by Mindy Knippel

CESA #1 Autism Training- Kate McGinnityDiscussion by Cortney Youngblood

Dr. Pamela Mims-Emerging Options for Teaching English/Language ArtsMiddle School Thematic Units linked to general educationVocabulary: Time delayRead aloud: Literature- novel adapted as chapters, nonfiction, poem for unitComprehension: Systematic instruction, Direct InstructionWriting (Persuasive & Narrative): Graphic OrganizersResearch: KWHL chart

15Themes and literature selectedUnit 1: ChangeUnit 2: Values and decision makingUnit 3: Social justiceUnit 4: Global awarenessFiction- HolesFiction- Outsiders

Fiction- Number the StarsFiction- Dragon WingsNonfiction- We Beat the Street: How a Friendship Pact Led to SuccessNonfiction- Neighbors

Nonfiction play-The Diary of Ann Frank Nonfiction play- Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes Poem-Still I Rise

Poem-DreamsPoem-When we turn out the light Poem-One TribeResearch-ChangesResearch-GandhiResearch- Danish Resistance MovementResearch-Immigration16Vocabulary using Time DelayVideo clips from Dr. MimsReceptivehttp://mast.ecu.edu/modules/ps/lib/media/video01.html

2. Expressive http://mast.ecu.edu/modules/ps/lib/media/video02.html Post Reading Response Options

Response Options for Students

Response Options for WritingStudents can write their answersSay their answer for someone else to writeCircle answersPaste words, symbols, or photos

Create a poemI can___ can make a differenceIeveryone

We can all have____ peacehappinessI will not____ fighthate

I can be the___ one boy girlWho changes ____the worldpeople

Lights! Camera! Autism!Cortney YoungbloodWhat and who are you videotaping?-video of student-video of another preferred individualResearch has found that the use of video modeling (including self modeling and peer modeling) can have a great positive impact in the areas social communication, daily functioning skills, and academic performance on children with various disabilities . . .Benefits:-proven more effective than live modeling -faster rates of acquisition-promotes generalizationIdeas for implementation:Feedforward= way to introduce new skill or behaviorPositive Self Review= reinforce/support student fluency or performanceTransition video= preparation for upcoming transitionsDesensitization video= exposure to overcome anxiety or targeted fear

Work Center UpdateKathy DavisVision: Provide all students with the opportunity to learn and practice vocational skills.

Goal: Increase the length of on-task behavior and task completion, increase use of individual work schedules, decrease the need for staff prompting and increase individual independence.

Work CenterKathy Davis DemonstrationThe use of a structured work system approach provides the students with visual supports that help clarify:What is the work I have to do? How much work do I have to do?When am I finished?What comes next?

Technology in the Work Center

Project Launch is a community-based program,predominately for 18-21 year-old studentswho are preparing for life as adults. This program will assist our students in becomingactive members of their communities.Leslie Gray

*Students in the Launch Program routinely work in a variety of environments including in the school Work Center, at a Goodwill Work Development Program and on a rotating basisat three different community volunteer sites.

*Students use recreation/leisure sites in the community such as the YMCA, restaurants, stores, parks, libraries, etc. to develop social, communication skills and consumer skills, increase their fitness levels, and to find recreational activities that they enjoy in the community. *The Launch curriculum was developed to increase students skills in the following areas so that they canmore fully participate in their families & communities.

*Safety Skills

*Vocational Skills

*Social/Interpersonal Skills(including communication and behavioral skills)

*Community Skills

*Recreation/Leisure Skills

*Daily Living Skills(including self care, eating, cooking and home related skills) *We created a Transition Assessment to measure the progress our students were making in the areas the Launch Program focuses on to prepare our students for transition to the adult world.

*Other teachers will be able to use this assessment to measure their students growth in the functional areas of their curriculums.

*Where applicable we aligned our transition assessment to the Common Core Essential Elements (CCEE)/School Skills.

*Rating Scale: 3- Independent or Mastered (Able to Problem Solve) Uses a Visual Sequence (VS) 2- Emerging or Inconsistent Performance or Needs Gestural Prompts (G), Verbal Prompts (V), Pictured Prompts (P) 1- Needs Physical Assistance or Direct Supervision 0- Not Observed or Not AttemptedSKILL:COMMON COREESSENTIAL ELEMENTSRATING& DateCOMMENTSSafety Skills-Stays with supervisor when required-Walks safely in parking lots and on streets-Uses a cell phone to call for help or 911-Recognizes a stranger-Describes who is safe to go with-Is safe among strangers-Maintains appropriate social distancing-Summons help when needed-Demonstrates emergency skillsstays calm, follows a plan or supervisors directions, and demonstrates how to reach emergency contactsLevel I AA Students will:

EERI.1112.3. Match informational sources. Ex. Match media danger warnings (e.g., radio or television for tornados) to warning signs (e.g., Directions to go to basement during a tornado warning.).Example of Transition Assessment for SafetySKILL:COMMON COREESSENTIAL ELEMENTSRATING& DateCOMMENTSSocial/Interpersonal Skills -Responds to greetings appropriately-Greets people (initiates greetings)-Demonstrates appropriate ways to get attention-Acknowledges directions, greetings, etc.Level I AA Students will:EESL.1112.1.c. With guidance and support, ask or answer questions during a discussion. Ex. Answer questions posed by peers during a discussion (e.g., yes or no, single words, activate a voice output device with preprogrammed messages, point to a picture).EESL.1112.1.d. Make a comment or claim during a discussion. Ex. Agree with something a peer says by indicating, yes!Ex. Use a preprogrammed communication device to make a comment during a discussion.-Initiates conversations on appropriate topicsLevel I AA Students will:EESL.1112.6. Communicate in a variety of contexts.Ex. When working with a related services provider, select a symbol from an array of options to communicate a choice of activities.Ex. Use communication devices to communicate using language.Level II AA Students will:EESL.1112.6. Communicate in a variety of contexts and tasks using complete sentences when asked.Ex. Expand oneword response to a complete sentence when asked (e.g., The student says, more and expands it to say, I want more. When asked.).-Maintains conversation with acknowledgements and questions on topicLevel II AA Students will:EESL.1112.1.c. Ask and answer questions during a discussion. Ex. During a discussion, use preprogrammed questions on a multiple message voice output device to ask questions or peers (e.g., Why? When did that happen? How do you know?) and responds to questions by pointing to prepared responses or using the device to construct responses.-Stays on TopicLevel I AA Students will:EESL.1112.1.b. Follow rules during discussions with peers.Ex. Take turns during the discussion by both listening to others and adding own comments. Ex. Ask questions when he or she needs clarification using preprogrammed questions on a multiple message communication device.Example of Transition Assessment for Social/Interpersonal SkillsThank you Friends of Fairview SouthQuestions?Exit slip completion