faith 101 discovering the faith lesson five justification

Faith 101 Discovering the Faith Lesson Five Justification

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Faith 101 Discovering the Faith Lesson Five Justification

Faith 101 Discovering the Faith

Lesson Five


Page 2: Faith 101 Discovering the Faith Lesson Five Justification

The Big Question is………

How do You and I get right with God?

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The Heart of the Lutheran Faith

Man is Justified before God

by grace alone,

though faith alone,In Christ alone.

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Legal Term Justified – Just/as

if/I’d/ never sinned The story of a judge

and his daughter

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By Grace alone

Ephesians 2:8-9 Grace – God’s Undeserved Love

G od’s R iches A t C hrist’s E xpense


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For Christ’s Sake Alone

Romans 3; Ephesians 1; 1 Peter 1:18-19

2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3

Christ, the innocent One paid the penalty for our sin with His death He won the victory with His resurrection

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Why some and not others?

How come some are saved and not others?

Strict Calvinists: God predestines some to heaven and some to hell.

Armenians: We must choose.

Lutheran paradox: God alone can save us; Humans alone can reject him.

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What is Truth?

Jesus before Pilate (John 18:33-38)

Objective Truth: Depends on object

Subjective Truth: Depends on subject


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Objective Justification

Depends on the object, Justification

Christ Died for all (John 3:16-17)

God has declared all sinners Not Guilty for Jesus’ Sake

Happens at the Cross Only if this is true can

we be sure that Christ died for me…

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Subjective Justification

Romans 3:28 Christ died for all means

Christ died for me! Happens when I believe

my sins are forgiven Do you believe this?

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Subjective Justification at Work

Parable of the Tax collector and the Pharisee Luke 18:9-14 p742

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Through Faith alone

Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:21; Romans 10

Faith is simply the hand the receives God’s gifts in Christ

Faith is the hand God provides

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Is more than believing God can possibly do something

Is so trusting God that you put yourself in His hands…. You depend on Him