faith fellowship cp weekly update - april 12, 2017 · faith fellowship cp weekly update - april 12,...

Faith Fellowship CP Weekly Update - April 12, 2017 Quick Links Church Website: General Email: [email protected] Prayer Request: [email protected] Building Maintenance: [email protected] Pastor Greg Tucker Phone Number 4/14 Good Friday Service 6:30 pm 4/15 Men's Prayer Breakfast 8 am 4/16 Easter Sunrise Service 6:45 am 4/16 Easter Service 10:00 am 4/18 Building and Grounds Mtg 3:30 pm 4/18 Stewardship & Growth Mtg 6:00 pm 4/22 Church-wide Work Day 9 am 4/23 Elder Elections 10:00 am

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Faith Fellowship CP Weekly Update - April 12, 2017

Quick Links

Church Website:

General Email:

[email protected]

Prayer Request:

[email protected]

Building Maintenance:

[email protected]

Pastor Greg Tucker

Phone Number

4/14 Good Friday Service 6:30 pm

4/15 Men's Prayer Breakfast 8 am

4/16 Easter Sunrise Service 6:45 am

4/16 Easter Service 10:00 am

4/18 Building and Grounds Mtg 3:30 pm

4/18 Stewardship & Growth Mtg 6:00 pm

4/22 Church-wide Work Day 9 am

4/23 Elder Elections 10:00 am


[email protected]

[email protected]

Contact Information FFCPC Elders


Darryl Downing (865) 657-3139 [email protected]


Audrey Nester (804) 387-0868 [email protected]

Stewardship and Growth

Randy Stevens (865) 256-7117 [email protected]


Andy Davidson (630) 995-1953 [email protected]


John Morton (865) 250-8270 [email protected]


Gayle Bowman (865) 310-3042 Gayle Bowman

Christian Education

Kim Maiden (865) 382-8344 [email protected]

Session Clerk

Regina Stinnett (865) 898-3001 [email protected]

Last Week's Re-cap

4/26 FISH Phones & Deliveries 8:30/10:30 am

4/29 Belk Charity Sale

4/30 CPWM Fundraising Lunch 11:30 am

All planned events must be scheduled through the church office to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts.

Easter is the celebration of the most

pivotal moment in history, a world-changing event: God raising Jesus from the dead, victory over death and sin. It forever proclaims our faith that the risen Christ

continues to live in us and through us and among us. Such good news deserves special times of worship.

This Easter weekend, we've planned three special worship services for our congregation and our community. One is our Good Friday service, April 14 at 6:30 pm. We will begin Easter Sunday morning with a Sunrise service at 6:45 am with a breakfast fellowship immediately following. Then, we will celebrate our Risen Savior's great love for us in our 10 am worship just after Sunday School at 8:45 am. These are great opportunities to invite family and friends to experience Christ's redeeming love with us. Who knows, it might just be a life-changing event for everyone involved, especially those you bring to hear of Christ's redeeming love.

Christ in Every Heart, Pastor Greg

Easter Sunday Message: He Has Risen So You Can Rise, Philippians 3:7-14 NIV

Attendance: Worship -67

Sunday School -26 Thur Night Bible Study - 8

Weekly Income: $4,009 YTD Income: $85,409

April Noisy Offering


YTD - $315.61

April Mobile Meals

22 deliveries made


91 deliveries made

March Report for West Knox Food Pantry (WKFP)

37 deliveries, 137 people served including 49 children, 7 volunteers

from FFCPC.


109 deliveries, 435 people served, including 171 children.

4/27 Jim Stinnett

5/3 Jim Conklin

Thursday Night Bible Study is

Cancelled This Week Choir practice will begin at 7 pm.

Choir Practice

This Thursday

The Choir WILL practice this week on the regular

schedule - Thursday at 7 pm.

New Location for Men's


5/6 Wilma Coker

5/9 Mark Marion

If you find your birthday is listed incorrectly in our publications or left off, please notify the church


4/16 Jim & Regina Stinnett

4/24 Gary & Barbara Fox

Prayer List

Carl B

Gayle B

Kim C (Lori S sister)

Ed C

Phyllis C

Jack C

Quinten (Millie's nephew)

Charlie E

Barbara F

Gary F

Mike G (Lori S nephew)

Sherry H (Audrey & Ken's

This Saturday, the Men's Breakfast will be held at a new

location - at the Iron Skillet at the TA Petros Truck

Stop. There is a separate dining room that we will be able to

use, with no music, TV, etc.

It will still be held at 8:00 am on Saturday, April 15. Come on

out men! Join us for some fellowship and good breakfast!

Many of us will be at Church for Sunrise Service on Easter

Sunday, so we will be getting hungry by the time the service is

over. Why don't we do a Fellowship Easter Breakfast! If each

of us will bring something easy when we come to Sunrise

Service, our breakfast will be ready for us when the service is

over. This will not be a formal sit-down breakfast, but more

casual. If you don't plan to attend Sunday School, please

bring something by 9:30 for the later arrivals. This might be a

fun way to fellowship together on Sunday morning without

everyone having to put forth a lot of work.

Contributions for the first two weeks of April have been

good. April is a five week month, so we have a good chance

of adding to our Rainy Day fund. As you know, we will not


Dee I (Cindy's daughter-in-law)

Steve K (Lori R's brother-in-law)

Rita L

Jackie L

Toni M (Lori S sister)

Bill Ma

John M

Marie M (John's mother)

Audrey N

Dean N

Glenna N

John P

Tony R

Phyllis S

Charles W

We have updated the prayer list. If you have been removed and wish to remain on the prayer list, please

notify the office. If you have someone to be added to the prayer

list, please send an email to [email protected]

or [email protected]

Church Committees

Administrative and Personnel

Jim Stinnett, Chair

Andy Davidson, Elder

Sally Moyer

Audrey Nester

Lori Rosenbloom

be a candidate for additional Presbytery Grants after 2018, so

we need to build this fund up. If you are donating items to the church, including the garage

sale, and would like a donation receipt see Lori or me. March Financials will be emailed later this week or early next

week. If you have any questions see Lori or me. If you are over 70 ½ or will turn 70 ½ this year, you may be

able to contribute to the Church directly from your 401k or

IRA. There may be some tax benefits. If you are interested,

please check with your accountant, attorney, tax preparer, etc. Reminder, please use the Church Post Office Box address

when mailing checks or other correspondence to the

Church. See Below: Faith Fellowship CP Church

P O Box 24162

Knoxville, TN 37933

Jim Stinnett (865) 556-4090; email

[email protected]



Good Friday Service, April 14 at 6:30 pm

Easter Sunrise Service, April 16 6:45 am

Easter Worship Service, April 16 10:00 am

Regina Stinnett

Building and Grounds

Larry Boyd, Chair

Darryl Downing, Elder

John Morton

Christian Education

TBD, Chair

Kim Maiden, Elder

Leslie Gallaher

Frances Poore

Mary Nell Yarbro

Fellowship Committee

Wanda Wise, Chair

Audrey Nester, Elder

Carol Conklin

Lori Rosenbloom

Lori Stevens

Dorothy Morton

Wilma Coker

Phyllis Close

Mary Nell Yarbro

Finance Committee

Jim Stinnett, Chair

Andy Davidson, Elder

Ken Nester

Lori Rosenbloom

Missions Committee

Regina Stinnett, Chair

Gayle Bowman, Elder

Leslie Gallaher

Next Second Harvest Food


The next Second Harvest Food Giveaway will be June 3rd.

There are now signup sheets in the Narthex for Friday and

Saturday night volunteers, as well as for the Saturday

breakfast. Please sign up. We also need lots of plastic

grocery bags and about 400 Ingle's milk boxes. Start bringing

them in and store them in the Classroom across from the


This is an excellent outreach opportunity. Invite others to


There will be a congregational meeting during the worhsip

service on Sunday, April 23rd for the purpose of electing

elders. We will be looking to elect 2 elders. The nominating

committee has placed two names in nomination. They are

Frances Poore and Larry Boyd.

Randy Stevens and Darryl Downing are completing their 3-

Bill Masters

Gary Fox

Audrey Nester

Jim Stinnett

Ken Nester

Dorothy Morton

Stewardship & Growth Committee

Chair TBD

Randy Stevens, Elder

Gary Fox

Dan Maiden

Rhonda Tucker

Lori Stevens

Worship Committee

Chair TBD

John Morton, Elder

Greg Tucker, Pastor

Gayle Bowman

Bill Masters

Sally Smith

Wanda Wise

Hugh Yarbro

CPWM Officers

for 2016-2017

President - Audrey Nester

Vice President - Dorothy Morton

Secretary - Leslie Gallaher

Treasurer - Regina Stinnett

CPMM Officers

for 2017

year terms on session and we thank them for their service.

The ministry of elder is one of vital importance in the life of

the church. The elders are tasked with caring for and leading

the congregation, including instruction in faith, visiting,

praying for and with the congregation they serve, encouraging

the people by word and example, etc. The persons who fill the

office must be members of the local congregation and may be

young or old, male or female. The term of service for elders at

Faith Fellowship is three years. Elections are held annually

for those positions that are being vacated (or if a vacancy has

occurred) in April during a morning worship

service. Although we have nominations from the committee, a

person(s) may be nominated during the congregational

meeting. It is important to remember that anyone nominated

must have given their approval to have their name placed in

nomination prior to the meeting.

Featured Mission: Senior Mobile

Meals Faith Fellowship, along with three other local churches

prepares and delivers meals to seniors within the local

community each Saturday of the month. Each church takes

one Saturday per month. Faith Fellowship has been involved

in this ministry since 2006 and has prepared and delivered

over 4,000 meals. Currently, we have about twenty five people actively involved

in this ministry at our church. If you would like to become

involved and serve, contact Jim Stinnett at (865) 556-4090 or

President --Randy Stevens

Vice President - Andy Davidson

Secretary - Andy Davidson

Treasurer - Ken Nester

Responsible for Sunday Morning Fellowship Food/Drink

April 16


Weekly Greeters April 16

Wanda Wise & Ken Nester

Ushers for April

Michael Craig

Larry Layman

Mark Marion

Ken Nester

Church Cleaning Schedule

Apr/May 2017

04/15/17 Men's Prayer Breakfast

04/22/17 Friendship Class

04/29/17 XXXXXX

05/06/17 Bible 101 Class

[email protected]. For more information, click here to go to our church website.

Women's Bible Study The Women are studying a new series entitled Finding I

Am. This is a Bible Study by Lysa Terkeurst. The Women's

Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 9:30 am at the church. All

women are welcome. This can also be an outreach

ministry. Invite someone. Join Lysa Terkeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the

seven I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. If you are interested in attending this Bible Study, please

contact Mary Nell Yarbro at (865) 679-9246.

Prices Slashed on Pecans!

05/13/17 XXXXXX

During your rotation, it will be the responsibility of the team to clean, or arrange cleaning of the church


Weekly Schedule


Women's Bible Study at 9:30. They are in a new study called "Finding I AM" by Lysa Terkeurst. For more information contact Mary Nell Yarbro at (865) 966-6034.

Ladies' Lunch Group

at 11:30am. Contact Dorothy Morton at 986-5279 or [email protected]; schedule is posted on bulletin board at church.


Thursday Night Bible Study at 6:00pm.

Choir Practice at 7:00 pm

Lunch Bunch meets at Texas Roadhouse (Turkey Creek)

On April 18 at 11:30 am

FISH Pantry Collections

We are continuing to collect toiletries

The Cumberland Presbyterian Women's Ministry (CPWM)

has been selling pecans this year as a fundraiser. We have

pecans leftover and have now put them on sale! We currently

have halves, pieces, and milk chocolate-covered. Now is the

time to get your pecans for your Easter fruit salad or cake!

New prices are:

Halves $10

Pieces $ 9

Chocolate $ 8

Church-Wide Work Day

April 22, 9 am This time of year is great for Spring cleaning at home. Our

Church home needs it too. So please lend a hand. Come for

the entire time or for however much time you can spare. We

will start at 9 am. Tasks will include:

- General cleaning of all areas of the church

- Clean the windows

- Clean light fixtures

- Replace any burned out lightbulbs

- Remove dead shrubs/plants and plant any new ones that

are deemed necessary

- Install new Toilet Paper holders in Ladies Room

for the West Knox Food Pantry (FISH)

on an ongoing basis. We have a

container in the Narthex to collect

these and will take them every month

or so to the pantry when it is our turn

to deliver for FISH.

Flowers for the Altar

If you would like to provide flowers

for the altar in memory or in honor of

someone, please contact the office at

(865) 988-8522 to let us know.

Kroger Community


The Kroger Community Rewards

program is helping us raise money for

the CPWM. It is an easy way to

support our church and the

CPWM. Simply enroll your Kroger

Card in the program, following the link


CPWM Lunch April 30, 11:30


The Faith Fellowship Cumberland Presbyterian Women's

Ministry (CPWM) will be having their Fifth Sunday

Fundraising Lunch on Sunday, April 30, immediately

following the Worship Service. The menu this time will be

salads and sub sandwiches. There will be a signup sheet for

the ladies for items to bring. Please stay after church and generously support the CPWM

and the many programs/charities they sponsor, including

Mission of Hope Scholarship Fund, IVAs Place, Smoky

Mountain Elementary School, Good Samaritan Center of

Loudon County, Kindred Nursing Home in Loudon, and the

FISH Food Pantry. In addition, they support programs inside

the church, including the Women's Bible Study, Landscaping

for the church, Second Harvest Food Giveaway, and

Christmas Poinsettias.

Belk Charity Sale April 29th Our CPWM will be selling tickets to the Belk Charity Sale. If

you are interested in one or more tickets, please see a CPWM


Attention CPWM Ladies: A schedule for selling tickets at


One misconception is that if you sign

up for the Community Rewards

Program, you won't get your fuel

points. This is NOT true! You will be

able to do both!

Use this link to order on AmazonSmile

and support our CPWM:

Sign up for AmazonSmile and

designate our church women's

ministry. .5% of what you buy is

donated to our CPWM. It's that

easy. See details on a handout at

church or at this link:

FYI - Amazon Prime can be used with

Amazon Smile.

Links to Other Websites

Denominational Website

Belks is in the Narthex. Please sign up to help sell tickets.

Church-Wide Garage Sale

Oct 6-7 This time of year is great for Spring cleaning. Our CPWM is

sponsoring another Garage Sale this fall. So we are now

accepting your unwanted items to take advantage of your

Spring cleaning. If you want to start bringing items in, you

can put them in the garage or in the Fellowship

House. Someone is in the office Monday - Thursday 9-

Noon. Or you can arrange to meet someone at an alternate

time to unlock the door.

The residents of Kindred Nursing Home that FFCPC have

been helping are extremely pleased with their new clothing

and other items including fresh haircuts. We have received a

new list from them for additional items they would like to

have. They are in need of BINGO prizes. For example, they

could use devotion books, inexpensive jewelry, candy, treats,

books, etc. In addition, anything for the garden in the

courtyard is great. Also, they are having an Easter egg hunt

on Friday at 2:30 p.m. and they always enjoy children coming

to visit. Grandchildren - hint, hint.

Presbytery of East TN

Unification Task Force

Confession of Faith

Missionary Messenger

eVotions - a daily devotion from the denomination

AmazonSmile for Faith Fellowship

Kroger Community Rewards

FFCPC's Constant Contact Updates are communications to the

congregation of the church to inform them of upcoming ministry,

mission, and worship opportunities. If you have

information that you want to communicate to the church, send an email with the information to

[email protected]

CPWM Ladies Retreat Our CPWM Ladies retreat will be held on July 21-22 at the

Stone Crossing subdivision clubhouse, which is only about 1/2

mile west of the church. Additional details will be provided in

the upcoming weeks. If you would like to volunteer to help

with this, please contact Audrey Nester at (804) 387-0868.

T-Shirts Several people have expressed an interest in

getting long-sleeve T-shirts with the Church

logo on it. The shirts are expected to cost

$13. If you are interested, please let Dorothy Morton know at

[email protected] or at (865) 850-6187. If enough

people are interested, we can get some made. A signup sheet

is in the narthex to show your interest and size.

The next Lifeline Screening at our church will be Friday, June


All three of the complimentary (FREE) screenings have been


Lifeline Screening has sent a sign-up sheet for any of our

church family to use. It will be in the Narthex on the Sign-up

Table. Regina will fax it in to Lifeline after you sign up, and

they will contact you to set up an appointment and for

arrangement for payment. Payment options include major

credit card, check card, health savings account, flexible

spending account, and/or echeck.

This link is also being given so that anyone in our church who

wants to schedule can do so prior to this date being announced

to the general public.

Register online TODAY

at You will

receive the Community Circle discount and get your Preferred


Bible 101 Class Looking for a Sunday School class? Why not try Bible 101?

The Bible 101 Sunday School class is a small group that uses

the Bible exclusively for teaching material. The teachers

rotate as the class moves from book to book in both the Old

and New Testament, verse by verse, with plenty of discussion.

Bible 101 Class is currently studying the book of Luke. We

have just completed "The Triumphal Entry" and will begin

Chapter 23 this Sunday, "Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus".

If you are new to the church or just looking for a Sunday

School Class, please give Bible 101 a try. The class starts at

8:45. We hope you will consider visiting Bible 101. Darryl

Downing is currently the teacher.

Retired old Fellows (ROFs)

The ROFs will work this Thursday beginning at

9:00. We are planning on mulching as many of the flower

beds as possible, especially the one with the Prayer

Garden. We need all the help we can get, as well as another

pick-up truck to haul the Mulch from the garden center at

Dixie Lee Junction. Also bring a shovel, pitch fork, and rake,

if possible.

If you see things around the church that need to be fixed/done,

send an email

to [email protected]


We will be updating the Church Photo

Directory soon. Please submit change by email to

[email protected] or by calling the church office at

(865) 988-8522. Please note the Church office is open

Monday thru Thursday 9-12. Also, a copy of the current

directory will be available in the Narthex on which to mark

changes. Please make changes or additions by April 15th.

The Church's Wedding Policy has been added to the Church

Document section of the website. Click here to see

it. Password: faith

The Choir Music Inventory is ~80% complete.

Latest Photo Directory (password faith)


Latest Photos

Photos from the Fellowship Supper with

Scott Family Singers:


Photos from Stocking the FISH Pantry


Photos from our Valentine's Fellowship Dinner

