fall 2013 - joint phd in educational studies - brock university

www.jointphdined.org Joint PhD in Joint PhD in Joint PhD in Joint PhD in Educational Studies Educational Studies Educational Studies Educational Studies Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Fall Fall Fall Fall Edition 201 Edition 201 Edition 201 Edition 2013 Message from the Director On behalf of all the faculty and staff of the Joint PhD program in Educational Studies, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2013-2014 academic year. We trust that you had a productive summer and wish you continued success in your studies. The 2012-2013 academic year was a productive one for the Secretariat. It was also a year of transitions, farewells and new beginnings. On July 1, the Secretariat Office moved from The University of Windsor to Brock University. Please join me in acknowledging and thanking Dr. Benedicta Egbo (Directory 2008-2012) and Dr. Jonathan Bayley (2012-2013) for their leadership of this program while at Windsor. Similarly, please join me in acknowledging and thanking Ms. Karen Bourdeau for her oversight of the Secretariat’s Office. The program has benefited greatly from the extraordinary service, efforts and dedication of these individuals. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome and introduce our new Administrative Assistant, Ms. Beth Sellick. Beth brings vast experiences as Executive Director for a non-profit organization and Graduate Student Advisor for the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary as well as numerous other relevant professional experiences to the Secretariat’s Office. The Program Committee and I look forward to working closely with Beth over the next five years and I encourage you to take the opportunity to meet with her (email, phone or in person) some time over the next few months. More recently, the 2013 Doctoral Seminars concluded successfully at Brock University. Dr. Murray Knuttila (Provost & Vice- President Academic), welcomed students to Brock and the program at an orientation breakfast on July 2. Welcoming messages were also extended by a number of other senior administrators and scholars including, Dr. Michael Plyley (Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies), Dr. Michelle McGinn (representative for Dean Fiona Blaikie and Associate Dean of Research and International Initiatives, Faculty of Education) Dr. Renee Kuchapski (Chair, Graduate/Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Education) Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Acting Director, Joint PhD Program) and myself. One of the highlights of the summer session was the Keynote address by Dr. Kieran Egan entitled, The Source of Conflicts About Education”. Dr. Egan is a professor of education at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Dr. Egan’s scholarship focuses on a new educational theory and its implications for a changed curriculum, teaching practices, and the institution of the school and his scholarly contributions have earned him the title of one of the most respected educators in North America. A copy of Dr. Egan’s lecture is available on-line at the Joint PhD website. In closing, I feel privileged to assume the role of Director and look forward to serving the Secretariat’s Office over the next five years. In order to understand the unique culture of the program at each university and put faces to some of the many names that we encounter daily, Beth and I will be meeting with administrators, faculty, staff and students at each campus throughout the upcoming months. Until then, I look forward to reading and hearing of your academic accomplishments throughout the year. Best Wishes Vera E. Woloshyn, PhD Professor & Director, Joint PhD Program

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Message from the Director
On behalf of all the faculty and staff of the Joint PhD program in Educational Studies, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2013-2014 academic year. We trust that you had a productive summer and wish you continued success in your studies. The 2012-2013 academic year was a productive one for the Secretariat. It was also a year of transitions, farewells and new beginnings. On July 1, the Secretariat Office moved from The University of Windsor to Brock University. Please join me in acknowledging and thanking Dr. Benedicta Egbo (Directory 2008-2012) and Dr. Jonathan Bayley (2012-2013) for their leadership of this program while at Windsor. Similarly, please join me in acknowledging and thanking Ms. Karen Bourdeau for her oversight of the Secretariat’s Office. The program has benefited greatly from the extraordinary service, efforts and dedication of these individuals. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome and introduce our new Administrative Assistant, Ms. Beth Sellick. Beth brings vast experiences as Executive Director for a non-profit organization and Graduate Student Advisor for the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary as well as numerous other relevant professional experiences to the Secretariat’s Office. The Program Committee and I look forward to working closely with Beth over the next five years and I encourage you to take the opportunity to meet with her (email, phone or in person) some time over the next few months. More recently, the 2013 Doctoral Seminars concluded successfully at Brock University. Dr. Murray Knuttila (Provost & Vice- President Academic), welcomed students to Brock and the program at an orientation breakfast on July 2. Welcoming messages were also extended by a number of other senior administrators and scholars including, Dr. Michael Plyley (Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies), Dr. Michelle McGinn (representative for Dean Fiona Blaikie and Associate Dean of Research and International Initiatives,
Faculty of Education) Dr. Renee Kuchapski (Chair, Graduate/Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Education) Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Acting Director, Joint PhD Program) and myself. One of the highlights of the summer session was the Keynote address by Dr. Kieran Egan entitled, “The Source of Conflicts About Education”. Dr. Egan is a professor of education at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Dr. Egan’s scholarship focuses on a new educational theory and its implications for a changed curriculum, teaching practices, and the institution of the school and his scholarly contributions have earned him the title of one of the most respected educators in North America. A copy of Dr. Egan’s lecture is available on-line at the Joint PhD website.
In closing, I feel privileged to assume the role of Director and look forward to serving the Secretariat’s Office over the next five years. In order to understand the unique culture of the program at each university and put faces to some of the many names that we encounter daily, Beth and I will be meeting with administrators, faculty, staff and students at each campus throughout the upcoming months. Until then, I look forward to reading and hearing of your academic accomplishments throughout the year. Best Wishes Vera E. Woloshyn, PhD Professor & Director, Joint PhD Program
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SSSSummer 201ummer 201ummer 201ummer 2013333 at at at at Brock Brock Brock Brock UniversityUniversityUniversityUniversity
Doctoral Seminars I & IIDoctoral Seminars I & IIDoctoral Seminars I & IIDoctoral Seminars I & II Summer 2013 at Brock UniversitySummer 2013 at Brock UniversitySummer 2013 at Brock UniversitySummer 2013 at Brock University
Doctoral Seminars I & II students and faculty during the 2013 Summer session held at
Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario.
Kieran Egan is a professor of education at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada (www.educ.sfu.ca/kegan/). He received the Grawemeyer Award in Education (1991), was elected to the Royal Society of Canada (1993) and as Foreign Associate member to U.S. National Academy of Education (2000). Dr. Egan received a Canada Research Chair (2001), a Killam Research fellowship (2001-3), won the Whitworth Award (2007), and was nominated as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association (2010). His work focuses on a new educational theory and its implications for a changed curriculum, teaching practices, and the institution of the school. His work deals both with innovative educational theory and detailed practical methods whereby implications of his theory can be applied at the classroom level. Various of his books have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His recent books include: An imaginative approach to teaching (2005), Teaching literacy: Engaging the imagination of new readers and writers (2006), The future of education: Reimagining our schools from the ground up (2008), and Learning in depth: A simple innovation that can transform schooling (2010).
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RRRRecent Graduatesecent Graduatesecent Graduatesecent Graduates
Brendan Brown (Brock University, 2007) On April 15, 2013 Brendan successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Inviting Leadership From a Belfast Bedroom:
Invitational Theory in Contemporary Schools.” Supervisor: Dr. John Novak.
Louise Gonsalvez (University of Windsor, 2006) On June 17, 2013 Louise successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Address the Gaps,
Exclusions, and Oversights in Active Citizenship Education.” Supervisor: Dr. George Zhou.
Barbara Harrison (Brock University, 2008) On January 24, 2013 Barbara successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Riffing on a Theme: Faculty Experiences With
Service-Learning in a Food Security Research Network in Ontario.” Supervisor: Dr. Susan Drake.
Gail Lafleur (Brock University, 2002) On September 12, 2013 Gail successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Ojibwe Elders’ Experiences of Peace: Our Well-
Being With the Earth.” Supervisor: Dr. Michael Manley-Casimir.
Wendy Stienstra (Lakehead University, 2002) On June 13, 2013 Wendy successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Developing Understanding: Pre-service Elementary
Teachers’ Changing Conceptions of Mathematics.” Supervisor: Dr. Alex Lawson.
Oscar Vincente (University of Windsor, 2006) On February 4, 2013 Oscar successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “The Outdoor Environments of Elementary Schools: A
Study of Schoolyards and Playgrounds in Windsor and Essex County.” Supervisor: Dr. George Zhou.
Georgann Watson (Brock University, 2007) On May 16, 2013 Georgann successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Part-Time University Teaching Work: A Self-Study.”
Supervisor: Dr. Renee Kuchapski.
Comprehensive Comprehensive Comprehensive Comprehensive Portfolio DefensesPortfolio DefensesPortfolio DefensesPortfolio Defenses
Adeyemi Atinuke (University of Windsor, 2011) On September 23, 2013 Adeyemi successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Adeyemi’s supervisor is Dr. D. Martinovic. Po-Ling Bork (Brock University) On May 14, 2013 Po-Ling successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Po-Ling’s supervisor is Dr. Sheila Bennett.
Kara Delicata (University of Windsor, 2011) On March 14, 2013 Kara successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Kara’s supervisor is Dr. Christopher Greig. Nesreen El Kord (University of Windsor, 2010) On February 1, 2013 Nesreen successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Nesreen’s supervisor is Dr. Shijing Xu. Blessing Igbokwe (University of Windsor, 2009) On April 10, 2013 Blessing successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Blessing’s supervisor is Dr. Geri Salinitri. Gail Kuhl (Lakehead University 2009) On July 12, 2013 Gail successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Gail’s supervisor is Dr. Connie Russell. Laura Lane (Brock University, 2011) On July 11, 2013 Laura successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Laura’s supervisor is Dr. Nancy Taber.
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Vanessa Mio (University of Windsor, 2011) On December 13, 2013 Vanessa successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Vanessa’s supervisor is Dr. Jonathan Bayley. Cynthia Parr (Brock University, 2010) On April 5, 2013 Cynthia successfully defended her Comprehensive Portfolio. Cynthia’s supervisor is Dr. Vera Woloshyn. David Thompson (University of Windsor, 2011) On May 28, 2013 David successfully defended his Comprehensive Portfolio. David’s supervisor is Dr. Darren Stanley.
Adeyemi Atinuke (University of Windsor, 2011) Pike, S., Lewis-Longmuir, A., Martinovic, D., Cobb, C., & Adeyemi, A. (2012). GECDSB Math Coaches: What are the effects of TIPS4RM on student attitude and academic success in mathematics for grade 8? Collaborative Inquiry Reports: Teachers creating knowledge and
improving learning for students, 2011-2012. Vol. 5, 25-38. To be posted at: http://gecdsb.on.ca/staff/Teachers/actionResearch/index.asp.
James Borland (University of Windsor, 2009) Borland, J. (2013). Outdoor education centres: A sustainable educational model for the 21st century? In A. Kulnieks, D. Longboat & K. Young (Eds.), Contemporary studies in environmental and indigenous pedagogies: A curricula of stories and place (pp. 201-221).
Boston, MA: Sense Publishers.
Jennifer Brant (Brock University, 2011) Brant, J. (2013, In Press) Rebirth and Renewal: Finding Empowerment through Indigenous Women’s Literature. In Memee D. Lavell Harvard and Kim Anderson (Eds.), Indigenous Mothering, Family and Community. Demeter Press. Brant, J., & Anderson, K. (2012). In the scholarly way: Making generations of inroads to empowered Indigenous mothering. In Andrea O’Reilly (Ed), What do mothers need? Motherhood activists and scholars speak out on maternal empowerment for the 21st
Century (pp. 201-216). Demeter Press. Brant, J. (2012). A Review of S. Dion (2009) “Braiding histories: Learning from Aboriginal peoples’ experiences and perspectives.” Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. Published in the Alberta Journal of Educational Research 58 (3). Brant, J. (2012). A Vision of culturally responsive programming for Aboriginal women in university: An examination of Aboriginal women’s educational narratives. In D. Newhouse, K. Fitz Maurice, T. McGuire-Adams, & D. Jetté (Eds.), Well-being in the urban
Aboriginal community (pp. 131-152). Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing. Julia Colella (University of Windsor, 2013) Roland, K., Colella, J., & Igbokwe, B. (2014). Conversations About Education: Professional Development through a Multi-Epistemic Lens. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(4). Jennifer Holm (Lakehead University, 2009) Kajander, A., & Holm, J. (2013). Pre-service teachers’ mathematical understanding: Searching for differences based on school curriculum background. Fields Mathematics Education Journal, 1, 20 pages. Melville, W., Kajander, A., Kerr, D., & Holm, J. (2013). Uncertainty and the reform of elementary math education. ISRN Education,
(2013), 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/845164.
Chrispina, LeKule (University of Windsor, 2010) Lekule, C. (2012). Ethnographic research. http://teachers-as-researchers.ca/ethnographic-research/. Kael Sharman (University of Windsor, 2008) Sharman, K. (2013). From Gangs of Hooligans to Captain and Generals of the Industrial Army: The Windsor Walkerville Technical School, 1923 – 1973. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences, Vol.13, n.9, version 1.0 Sharman, K. (2013). A Book Review of R.D. Gidney and W.P.J. Millar, How Schools Worked: Public Education in English Canada,
1900–1940, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012. xvii, 517 pp. In Press, Journal of Teaching and Learning. Tracy Shields (Lakehead University, 2012) Shields, T. (in press). Identity and learning of mathematics for adult First Nations students. Journal of Educational and Training
Patrick Tierney (Brock University, 2011) Tierney, P. (2012). A qualitative analysis framework using natural language processing and graph theory. International Review on
Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(5), 173-189. Tierney, P. (2013). Keeping the boys at a distance: An alternate path to post-secondary education. In M. Kompf & P. M. Denicolo (Eds.) Critical Issues in Higher Education, 37-49. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Tierney, P. J. (in press). The A-framework: The role of access, attributes, and affordance in the adoption of distance education technology for lifestyle change. International Journal of Distance Education Technology. Larysa Turko (Lakehead University, 2010) Turko, L. (2013). Almost Being There – a Fresh Look at a Synchronous Online Learning Environment. In Jan Herrington et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 694-697). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Available at: http://www.editlib.org/p/112033. Turko, L. (2012). Synchronous On-Line Learning: an Examination of Interactivity in an e-Presence Rich Media Research Laboratory (e-PRMRL). In G. A. Akmayeva, & C. A. Shoniregun (Eds.), Proceedings of the Canada International Conference on Education
(CICE-2012), (pp. 73-78). Guelph, ON: Infonomics Society. Available at: http://www.ciceducation.org.
Christina Skorobohacz (Brock University, 2008) Billot, J., West, D., Khong, L., Skorobohacz, C., Roxå, T., Murray, S., & Gayle, B. (2013). Followership in higher education: Academic teachers and their formal leaders. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 1(2), 91–103. Skorobohacz, C. (2013). Intersecting roles: Tensions of employee-graduate students. In M. Kompf & P. M. Denicolo (Eds.), Critical
issues in higher education (pp. 199–224). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Skorobohacz, C. (2013). [Review of the book The community engagement and service mission of universities, by P. A. Inman & H. G. Schuetze (Eds.)]. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 25(2), 101–103.
Adeyemi Atinuke (University of Windsor, 2011) Adeyemi, A. (2013, June). “I don’t feel at ease with math”: The nature and consequences of elementary school teachers’ math
anxiety. Presented at Congress 2013 - Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE, Victoria, BC. Martinovic, D., Yang, Y., Whent, R., & Adeyemi, A. (2013, June). New territory in game studies: Simple games for cognitive
identification. Presented at the 2013 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Games Studies Association, GSA, Victoria, BC. Adeyemi, A. (2013, February).Girls play with Barbies, boys play with Legos:Explanation for gender differences in mathematics. Presented at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, ON. Judy Bornais (University of Windsor, 2013) Bornais, J., El-Masri, M. (2013, July). Improving student health assessment skills in first year nursing students: A study looking at an
alternative approach. Poster presentation: 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Czech Republic. Bornais, J., Patrick, L., & El-Masri, M. (2013, July). Peer Mentoring: Can it improve student learning in acquiring health assessment
skills? Presented at the 24th International Nursing Research Congress, Czech Republic. Bornais, J. (2013, September). Simulation in action: the opportunities are endless. Presented at the South West Academic Health Network (SWAhN) Simulation Consortium Retreat. London, Ontario. Jennifer Brant (Brcok University, 2011) Brant, J. (2013, April). Supporting the academic success and cultural identity of Aboriginal women through Indigenous maternal
pedagogy. Round table presented at the 2013 American educational researchers association (AERA) conference, San Francisco, California. Brant, J. (2012, May). Advocating for culturally safe spaces in university: Supporting the educational success of Aboriginal Mothers
in university. Presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 40th Annual Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. Anderson, K. & Brant, J. (2012, May). Native women and mothering: Stories from mid-twentieth century Algonquian communities. Keynote Presentation at the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. International Conference on Mothers and History: Histories of Motherhood, Toronto, ON. Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio (Lakehead University, 2009) Kortes-Miller, K. & Jones-Bonofiglio, K. (2013, November). Have palliative care education…will travel! Exploring mobile options
for high-fidelity simulation. Poster session presented at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association annual conference, “Integrating Hospice Palliative Care into Health Care: Moving Forward”, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
6 6 www.jointphdined.org
palliative/end-of-life dementia care. Poster session presented at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association annual conference, “Integrating Hospice Palliative Care into Health Care: Moving Forward”, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Filice, S. & Jones-Bonofiglio, K. (2013, June). Building capacity for ethical practice and supporting resiliency in community health. Poster session presented at the 7th National Community Health Nurses of Canada Conference, “Blueprint for Action: Influence, Inform, Inspire, Kelowna, BC. Filice, S. & Jones-Bonofiglio, K. (2013, February). Building capacity for ethical practice and supporting resiliency in community
health. Poster session presented at the St. Joseph’s Care Group Showcase of Health Research, Thunder Bay, ON. Filice, S. & Jones-Bonofiglio, K. (2013, June). Building capacity for ethical practice and supporting resiliency in community health
nursing. Talking poster session presented at the 7th National Community Health Nurses Conference, (Blueprint for Action: Influence, Inform, Inspire), Kelowna, BC.
Jennifer Holm (Lakehead University, 2009) Holm, J. (2013, October). Professional learning groups in intermediate mathematics. Presented at the 2013 NOEL Leadership Conference. Thunder Bay, Ont. Holm, J., & Kajander, A. (2013, May). Searching for profound understanding: Unpacking preservice teacher mathematics
knowledge. Presented at the CMESG/GCEDM Annual Conference. Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont. Holm, J., & Kajander, A. (2013, May). A Picture of a Professional Learning Group in Mathematics. Presented at the 2013 OAME Annual Conference: OAME 2013: Think Big, Toronto, Ont. Holm, J. (2013, February). Improving mathematics teaching through professional learning groups. Presented at the 2013 Faculty of Education Graduate Student Conference. Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ont.
Krista Pearson (Lakehead University, 2007) Pearson, K. & Totime, G. (2013, June) Exploring cultural diversity in the workplace. Presented at the annual professional development conference for Ministry of Natural Resources employees, Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Kael Sharman (University of Windsor, 2008) Sharman, K. Q&A for documentary film: TransBeing. Michigan State University, Lansing Michigan. September 27, 2013 Sharman, K. Q&A for documentary film: TransBeing. Chicago International Social Change Film Festival. Chicago Illinois. September 28, 2013 Sharman, K. Q&A for documentary film: TransBeing. Downtown Library. Ann Arbor, Michigan. October 10, 2013
Patrick Tierney (Brock University, 2011) Tierney, P. (2013). TALC-D: Conceptual pedagogy for teaching attitude for lifestyle change to large populations. Paper to be presented at ISATT 2013, Ghent, Belgium. Tierney, P. (2013). Exploring contributors to the asymmetric gender enrolments in post-secondary education. Paper to be presented at ISATT 2013, Ghent, Belgium. Michelle Turan (University of Windsor, 2007) Turan, M. K. (2013). Functional Behavioural Assessments: Managing Problem Behaviour in Your Classroom. A 2-day presentation for educators in London, Ontario for the Geneva Centre for Autism. Larysa Turko (Lakehead University, 2010) Turko, L. (2013, June). Almost Being There – a Fresh Look at a Synchronous Online Learning Environment. Paper presented at the EdMedia World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EdMedia-2013), Victoria, British Colombia. Turko, L. (2013, March). Current Developments in Online Higher Education and What It Means for Instructors and Learners. Presented at the Graduate Studies & Research in Education Brown Bag Seminar Series, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Turko, L. (2012, June). Synchronous On-Line Learning: an Examination of Interactivity in an e-Presence Rich Media Research
Laboratory (e-PRMRL). Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2012), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. Turko, L. (2012, May). Improving Synchronous On-line Learning Through the use of an e-Presence Rich Media Research
Laboratory (e-PRMRL). Paper presented at the 40th Annual Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE-2012) Conference - 81st Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Wilfrid Laurier University - University of Waterloo, Kitchener - Waterloo, Ontario. Turko, L. (2012, May). An e-Presence Rich Media Research Laboratory (e-PRMRL) as a Potential Synchronous Online Learning
Environment? Invited paper presented at the Computer Science Department Seminar, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
7 7 www.jointphdined.org
Grants & AGrants & AGrants & AGrants & Awardswardswardswards
Adeyemi Atinuke (University of Windsor, 2011) Adeyemi was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canada Doctoral Fellowship, an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (Declined), the A.R. and E.G. Ferriss Award, the Ross H. Paul Scholarship, and the Canadian Federation of University Women (Windsor Club) Award. Judy Bornais (University of Windsor, 2013) Judy was awarded the Council of Ontario Programs in Nursing (COUPN) 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award and was chosen for the 2013 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (Tenured Position). (Award will be presented in Ottawa on November 19, 2013)
Jennifer Brant (Brock University, 2013) Jennifer was the recipient of a Doctoral Award from SSHRC for the 2013-2014 academic year. Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio (Lakehead University, 2009) Kristen was awarded SIM-one (Ontario Simulation Network) funding for the project Innovative Use of Simulation Equipment for
Education of Personal Support Workers as the principal investigator with co-investigators Ian Newhouse, Linda Pisco, Stephanie Hendrickson, Kathy Kortes-Miller, Ruth Wilford. Patrick Tierney (Brock University, 2011) Patrick was awarded the Dean of Graduate Studies Research Fellowship for Spring 2013 as well as the Brock Faculty of Education PhD Research Fellowship for 2012-2013. Larysa Turko (Lakehead University, 2010) Larysa is the recipient of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship for 2012-2013.
Congratulations to all!
Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio (Lakehead University, 2009) Kristen presented a six hour workshop on Feb 2013, “Making a Difference!” with Kathy Kortes-Miller on palliative/end-of-life dementia care education for hospice volunteers Part of a study funded by Alzheimer’s Society of Thunder Bay, “Making a Difference”: Exploring the Value of Volunteering in Palliative/End-of-life Dementia Care Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON. Krista Pearson (Lakehead University, 2007) Krista achieved the professional designation of Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP). Kael Sharman (University of Windsor, 2008) Kael Sharman participated in a documentary film: Pescado, Javier & Gabrielle Pescador. (2013) Transbeing. Produced by Pescador Arte, LLC & Windsor Pride Community. http://pescadorarte.wordpress.com/film-reel/trans-being/.
Alumni AchievementsAlumni AchievementsAlumni AchievementsAlumni Achievements
Kimberly Maich (PhD), a graduate of Brock University, is now an Assistant Professor at Brock University. Kimberley was the recipient of a Wilfrid Laurier University Internal Research Grant for work on Leadership Issues in
Special Education, a Brock University Advancement Fund Special Purpose Grant for Autism Spectrum Disorders in
the Ontario Context: An Introduction, a Research Innovation Fund Grant from Fanshawe College, as Co-Principal Investigator with Carmen Hall (Fanshawe College) for The Continuation of a Case Study of an iPad-Infused Classroom, a Graduate
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Research Assistance Development Fund Grant from Brock University, as Co-Principal Investigator with Carmen Hall (Fanshawe College) for A Case Study of an iPad-Infused Classroom, a Family Services Community Grant from Autism Speaks Canada, as Project Lead, for Peer Awareness for Preservice Teachers, and a Research & Development Grant from Brock University, as Principal Investigator with Carmen Hall (Fanshawe College), for Stay, Play, & Talk: Assessing the Impact of a Peer-Mediated Social Skills
Program on the Peer Play of Preschool-Aged Children with Social Issues, Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or a
diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Child Care Settings.
Jelena Magliaro (PhD), a graduate of the University of Windsor, is now the Inter-Faculty Program Academic Coordinator at University of Windsor. Sylvia Moore (PhD) a graduate of Lakehead University is now a visiting assistant professor at Labrador Institute of Memorial University. Sylvia is developing the new Aboriginal Community-Based B.Ed. Program for the Labrador Institute.
TributesTributesTributesTributes The Joint PhD in Educational Studies Program community suffered two tragic losses this past year. It is with deepest respect that we pay tribute to two special scholars. Dr. Michael Kompf (Brock University) passed away in early August after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. Michael was involved in our PhD program, supervising a number of students. He also taught Doctoral Seminar I in 2010 (with Gerald Walton, Lakehead), and the Research Colloquium in 2009 (with Connie Russell, Lakehead). Dr. Jonathan Neufeld (Brock University) passed away this past September. Jonathan was involved in the early years of our program when he taught in the Doctoral Seminars (2001, 2005, & 2006). Jonathan was always eager to engage in discussion with students and colleagues and assist in scholarly endeavours. Michael and Jonathan will be missed.
Office of the Secretariat Faculty of Education, Brock University
500 Glenridge Avenue, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1 Telephone: (905) 688-5550 ext 4823
Email: [email protected] www.jointphdined.org