fall harvest festival chili, soup, & pie cook-off friday...

WorshipSchedule BibleStudy 9:30&11:00a.m. WorshipServices 8:00, 9:30 &11:00a.m. Inserts: *Calendarof Events *Birthdays * Anniversaries * Preschool Insidethisissue: FromthePastor 2 Noteworthy 4 ShareYour Faith 5 Student Stuff 6 Elementary News 7 Women’s Ministry 8 GPBC on Mission 9 Deacon’sPage 10 Prayers 11 Financial Corner 11 O CTOBER 2014 Volume 13 Issue 10 Fall Harvest Festival Chili, Soup, & Pie Cook-off Friday, October 31, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. A sign-up sheet is available on the information table, if you would like to enter your soup, pie, or chili in the cook-off. Volunteers are needed to be chili, soup, & pie judges, kitchen helpers and servers. There will be lots of fun for the kids, to include a carnival, with games, face painting, pumpkin painting, popcorn, cider, apple doughnuts, and lots of candy! **Candy Needed for Fall Festival: We need people to bring individually wrapped candy for the children who attend our Fall festival and Children’s Carnival.**

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Worship Schedule

Bible Study 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Worship Services 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.


* Calendar of Events

* Birthdays * Anniversaries * Preschool

Inside this issue:

From the Pastor 2

Noteworthy 4

Share Your Faith


Student Stuff 6

Elementary News


Women’s Ministry


GPBC on Mission


Deacon’s Page 10

Prayers 11

Financial Corner



Volume 13 Issue 10

Fall Harvest Festival

Chili, Soup, & Pie Cook-off

Friday, October 31, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

A sign-up sheet is available on the

information table, if you would like to

enter your soup, pie, or chili in the

cook-off. Volunteers are needed to be

chili, soup, & pie judges, kitchen

helpers and servers. There will be lots of fun for

the kids, to include a carnival, with games,

face painting, pumpkin painting, popcorn, cider,

apple doughnuts, and lots of candy!

**Candy Needed for Fall Festival: We need people to

bring individually wrapped candy for the children who

attend our Fall festival and Children’s Carnival.**

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We are now well into the Fall Season with October upon us. September was a

tremendous month for Grover with an outpouring of worshippers more than

we have had in the past ten years, our average for the year, and also a great number of people that the

Lord added to our church through baptism and transfer of membership. One of the most exciting events

that happened on Thursday, September 11, was the paying off of all our existing debt. In less than 3 1/2

years we built and paid for our Family Life Center including some other debt we had acquired in the pre-

vious renovation of our present Sanctuary some years prior. We will be having a planned celebration of

that milestone in our church on October 12th. All gifts to the New Building Fund will now be designat-

ed to the building of the new worship center.

As you have heard, we are having a special time of spiritual emphasis in our church right now that will

continue through October 4, just to pray for our church and ask God’s blessing upon it for the days

ahead. With the help of our deacons, we will be praying for each individual family, and also for any spe-

cial needs that you might have as an individual. I trust that you will welcome our deacons as they make

contact with you, and that you will appreciate that special time of prayer together. If you have not been

contacted by October 4, please don’t hesitate to call the church office or our deacon chairman, Steve


Sunday October 12th: As you know we are now in the midst of making plans to build a New Worship

Center. We have calendared October 12, as the Sunday for which we will formally announce our

“Building for Life” campaign and introduce you to our Campaign Team and chairman. We will also be

using this Sunday to celebrate the paying off of our debt as mentioned above. On October 12, we will

also kick off a series of 5 messages and testimonies that will culminate on November 9th with a

“Building for Life Vision Service”. In this service you will hear in much more de-

tail the exciting vision that God has for our church. Between now and then, you

will be receiving a Building for Life Brochure and a series of special newsletters

from the Campaign Committee updating you on all of the details and progress of the campaign.

The month of October will continue with all of our exciting new Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday Night

Activities: Life University, Celebrate Recovery, Christmas Chorale, Wednesday Night Live, and our

Wednesday night Bible Study Series entitled, “What Your Parents May Not Have Taught You About Right

and Wrong”. These activities will all be going full-steam ahead throughout the coming month. We will

also be doing more enlistment and preparation for our Christmas Living Nativity in October, so please

help us there if you can. It is not too late to join in the fun!

The month of October always ends with a bang when we have our Fall Festival on

Friday Night, October 31st which includes our Chili, Soup, Pie Cook-Off in the Fam-

ily Life Center at 6:00 p.m. Begin thinking now about the recipe you will want to

enter in this year’s contest. It is always one of Grover’s best times of fellowship to-

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gether as a church.

On behalf of the Neal Family, allow me to thank you for all of your expressions of love

that you showed our family in the loss of my nephew on September 19th. In leading

the funeral service, we saw many wonderful things that God did through that tragic

loss of my brother’s son. It was truly an event that changed the life of some people for-

ever. We praise God for that.

October’s Excitement Is Building,

Pastor Randy

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Nursing Home Ministry

Sundays at 1:30 p.m.

Please feel free to contact Gene

Short, at 429-1214, for more

information. **The first Sunday

of every month, the Joyful Children’s Singers will join

us to share a time of song.**

Reach Out Ministry

Sunday, October 5 & 19, at 2:00 p.m.

Contact Pastor Brent for more information, at 909-2699.

Food Pantry Drive

On Sunday October 19, we will be

collecting Non-Perishable Food Items,

Paper Products, & Cleaning supplies

for the Food Pantry. Please help those

in need in our community.

Needs List:

Toilet paper, Kleenexes, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes,

Deodorant, Cereal, Hamburger Helper & other

box meals, Tuna, Salmon, Canned Meats, Shampoo/

Conditioner, Laundry Stuff, Dish Soap, Box potatoes,

noodles, & stove top stuffing mixes, Vegetables

such as carrots, asparagus, canned potatoes,

mixed vegetables, beets, & peas, and Condiments

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A King is Coming To Town!! Yes, Fall Festival is a about a

month away, Thanksgiving is about two months away and I led

off with A King is Coming To Town!! You’ve probably guessed why…. Christmas Chorale rehearsals

have started along with Life University Classes, and that is the title for the musical mission outreach to

be performed on December 13th and 14th. I hope you’ll consider joining us, or mark your calendar and

begin thinking and praying about your attendance and the attendance of those whom you might invite.

I am calling the effort of the music, drama, and tech teams a musical mission outreach because that’s

how all of the participants feel about what they are doing. We all feel like this is an important event in

the life of our church that reaches out into the community, beyond our doors, as if we were “on mis-

sion”… only this time we are bringing the “prospects for Jesus” to us instead of going to them.

We also feel that participation in this event is one of the highlights of the year for us personally. Often-

times we hear about mission trip participants pleading with others to do as they have just done because

they thought that they “got more out of it” than the people they were ministering to. I can empathize

with this train of thought because although we do this project for the community, as participants we

seem to gain a great deal of inner growth and Christian maturity each and every year. This comes from

the repetition and memory of the music and text. We can actually benefit on an even deeper level than

our audiences that only get to hear the message(s) once.

If you have been contemplating joining us on our musical mission outreach, please feel free to see Den-

ise or I to check out the time, skill, and memory requirements. If you haven’t thought about Christmas

yet, it’s time to at least begin calendaring for your attendance at our program on December 13th and

14th.. You’ll have three chances to take it in (one Saturday night and two on Sunday) and you are more

than welcome to be there all three times and bring guests!!!

I am praying this month that you will take the opportunity to join us for “A

King is Coming To Town!” I am also praying for those whom you might

invite. God will fill the pews (and the chorale, actors, and crew) with exactly

the right people and this will once again help us fulfill the GPBC mission

statement, “To Know Christ and To Make Him Known”.

Till next time… In His Service,

- David

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Fireworks Display

at Dark

Share Your Faith in “3 Circles” Everyone recognizes problems in their lives and in the lives of others. This is ac-tually a natural open door to present the gospel. October 14, 2014 is National Share Your Faith Day for Southern Baptists. The following is a summary of the 3 circles life conversation guide to sharing one’s faith from the North American Mission Board:

God has a design for every area of our life: Education, Family, Social, Work, Rest, Relationships… God has a design for everything in our life, but the problem is that each and every one of us wants to go our own way. Very often then we leave God’s de-sign & when we leave God’s design the Bible has a word for this, and this word is “Sin”. It impacts all of us in numerous ways. God says that the wages of sin is death – both physically as we will all now die, but also a deep brokenness that we all recognize both inside of us & in the lives of others. Sin leads us to a place of Brokenness. Brokenness is real & it really hurts. It doesn’t matter if you have been to church your entire life or never been. It also doesn’t matter if you have considered yourself to be much of a person up for spiritual conversations. Everyone understands what it means to feel broken from our choices, our mistakes, or the choices of others that have hurt us. Brokenness is everywhere & it dis-torts God’s design for our lives. When we find ourselves in brokenness whether that’s a bad relationship, an addiction, broken motives, or just depressed from being broken for so long. We find ourselves in brokenness so we go on a search to try to leave the pain, escape the pain and get out of our brokenness. But what happens is by doing these things we actually get more and more and more broken. We try to numb it with drugs/alcohol. We try to punish ourselves by putting ourselves in bad relationships. We can try to hide in entertainment or power, but it never fixes it, because it can not fix it. We may even try to deny that we are even broken, as though that will actually make it all go away, but ignorance is not a solution to the reality of our brokenness. Brokenness always feels like a bad thing, but it actually isn’t a bad thing, because God uses it to get our atten-tion. When you are broken on the inside and you see that things are broken outside of you as well and you can’t change yourself, the Bible actually has a word for change that is real & that is called “repentance”. Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of action. Repentance itself, the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:24-25, is actually a gift of God that leads to knowledge of the truth & this truth is called the Gospel. The Gospel means good news & this is about who Jesus is & what Jesus did for Broken people like you & I. Jesus, the Son of God, lived a sinless unbroken life & paid the penalty on the cross for all the sins of those that will repent from their sin/brokenness & trust in Jesus when they hear and understand the gospel. He died the death of a broken man/woman that we deserved as sinners against God so that we can have forgiveness and a relationship with God. This change & forgiveness that we really need is available to you & me in Jesus alone. We Repent from our Sin/Self & Believe in the Gospel, entrusting our lives and our remaining days to Jesus. When we do this by God’s grace, he does a miracle in our lives and makes us new and gives us the power to dis-cover & pursue the Design of God in our lives. No matter what we have done or where we have been or how deep our brokenness is, He comes into our lives and begins a relationship with us and we begin to rediscover God’s design for our lives in every aspect as we surrender to Him daily in every aspect of our life. The cool thing is that when someone turns from their sin & trusts in Jesus it doesn’t stop there. God equips us & sends us on Mission to go right back out into a still broken world so that others can hear the Gospel and God be honored in all things. Have you ever personally understood this before? Would you say there is anything hold-ing you back from repenting from sin/self and embracing Jesus to be the king of your life today?

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Building a Kingdom Mindset

One of the key fruits in the life of a Christian is that they begin to look deeper than simple circumstances or actions and un-

derstand the spiritual dimensions that are impacting daily life. In our studies we often call this a “kingdom mindset”. This

simply means that as Christians we remember that we are first citizens of God’s kingdom which is greater than the one we

physically find ourselves in. He has us here to live as missionaries and representatives of that kingdom on this world that is

made up of broken kingdoms. At 11:00am on Sunday mornings at “Brunch with Jesus” through the month of November we

will be going deeper on what it means to have a kingdom mindset and how this truth is contained throughout Scripture from

Genesis to Revelation.

Our curriculum, “The Gospel Project: Students Fall 2014, The Story of God's Kingdom”, is a Bible overview through the lens of

God’s kingdom. Over the course of our thirteen sessions, students will be exposed to the reality that whether in heaven or on

earth, God has been King over His kingdom forever. They will also witness the rebellion by God's creatures that took place in

both realms, and the destruction and judgment that has followed in their wake. Because of this, it is clear we need the King

once again, for we ourselves are the problem as we so often settle for lesser saviors. God's promise of a coming King—One who

will shepherd and deliver His people—finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, who will one day perfect His reign when He comes

for His bride, the church, and He defeats all evil and rules forevermore.

Prayer is always vital to all of ministry and life. If you would please join me in committing to pray for these particular areas

throughout the month of October that would be tremendous: that our students would increase in love for Jesus & the Scrip-

tures, that our students would be driven to prayer for an opportunity to communicate their faith & then have the boldness to

share it with their friends and classmates, that our parents would be encouraged by their students actively seeking to honor

them in their home, that our students would be the best students they can be, that our students would fall in love with the

local church and that that love would be infectious throughout our local community.

Here’s What’s up @ The Park This Month:

• Oct 1st- Dinner @ 5:30pm & Huddles @ 6:30pm “Going Deeper when life seems unfair Ps 37”

• Oct 5th- Big Church @ 9:30am, Brunch w/Jesus @ 11:00am, R.O. @ 2:00pm, & Life U @ 6:00pm

• Oct 6th- Memory Monday from 2:30-5:00pm (Proverbs 6:16-19)

• Oct 8th- Dinner @ 5:30pm & Huddles @ 6:30pm “Going Deeper when patience is low Ps 13”

• Oct 12th- Big Church @ 9:30am, Brunch w/Jesus @ 11:00am, & Life U @ 6:00pm

• Oct 13th- Memory Monday from 2:30-5:00pm (Proverbs 6:16-19)

• Oct 15th- Dinner @ 5:30pm & Huddles @ 6:30pm “Going Deeper after victory Ps 18”

• Oct 19th- Big Church @ 9:30am, Brunch w/Jesus @ 11:00am, R.O. @ 2:00pm, & Life U @ 6:00pm

• Oct 20th- Memory Monday from 2:30-5:00pm (Proverbs 4:23 & Proverbs 27:17)

• Oct 22nd- Dinner @ 5:30pm & Huddles @ 6:30pm “Going Deeper when things are calm Ps 19”

• Oct 26th- Big Church @ 9:30am, Brunch w/Jesus @ 11:00am, & Life U @ 6:00pm

• Oct 27th- Memory Monday from 2:30-5:00pm (Proverbs 28:13 & Proverbs 16:3)

• Oct 29th- Dinner @ 5:30pm & Huddles @ 6:30pm “Going Deeper when your faith is mocked Ps 42”

• Oct 31st- Fall Festival @ 6:00pm

• November 7th-9th BIG WEEKEND – A weekend retreat in Warrensburg partnering with local youth ministries

- $30 covers everything – Scholarships available – Turn forms into Brent

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Sunday School 9:30-10:30am

Singing with Miss Marty 10:30-10:59am

Grover Kids 11:00-12:00pm

Kids Choir 6:00 - 7:05 p.m.

Wednesday Night Live 6:30-7:30pm

This month, ask your parents,

“What was the hardest part

about growing up?”.

On October 26th we will

have a chance to share re-

sponses in Grover Kids and

win 10 Church Bucks!

Hey Guys, Mark here; it has been an exciting month! Wednesday Night Live has kicked off with a bang. With over 15 kids getting plugged in, memorizing Scriptures, sewing, cooking, playing sports—it’s been awesome. I want to give a great big Thank You to our Small Group Leaders: Tammy Shirley, Doc and Corey Phelps. Their faithfulness is amazing, and it’s so cool to see how the kids relate to them. Having adults who are available to mentor our kids when they are making critical decisions regarding their faith is such a blessing! Kids Church has also seen considerable growth. I want to thank all of our special prayer warriors who have been lifting up our Elementary ministry. Have you had a chance to visit our Kindergarten class recently? It is so cool! From the gorgeous tree growing in the class, to the fun toys and excellent Bible mate-rials inside, it is an engaging place to be. Thank you to our Kin-dergarten teachers: Dee Anna Neal and Linda Creighton.

Biblical Precedence for Kids Ministry—Adam and Eve didn’t have a Kids Ministry… and Cain did Abel in, just sayin. Kids Church needs actors, puppeteers, and grownups to simply sit with kids during Kids Church. Can you help? Please let us know!

“Train a child in the way he should go…” Prov. 22:6

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Girlfriends Cafe WHERE: Family Life Center

Grover Park Baptist Church

DATE: Thursday Oct. 2, 2014

TIME; 6-7:30 p.m.

Special Guest Speaker Dee Anna Neal

Speaking on : Lamentations 3:23, “God’s Mercies”

Bring you favorite mug and a snack to share.

Free childcare will be provided.

“For we are the aroma of Christ “2 Cor. 2:15

Come for an evening of Girl Talk, Good Times And God’s Word!

You won’t want to miss it!

Once a month (second Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m.) The GPBC Women’s

Ministry Council prepares a meal for the students at the Baptist Student

Union. This is a marvelous outreach to students in our area. This month, it will

be on October 14th, and we will be serving Enchiladas, refried beans, salad and desserts.

Please call Debbie Weigand, at 909-4930

or Melissa Gower, at 238-0212 for more information,

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Creamy Grape Salad

Everyone raves when I bring this refreshing, creamy salad to potlucks. For a special finishing touch, sprinkle it

with brown sugar and pecans. —Marge Elling, Jenison, Michigan

21-24 ServingsPrep/Total Time: 20 min.


1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened 1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream

1/3 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 pounds seedless red grapes 2 pounds seedless green grapes

3 tablespoons brown sugar 3 tablespoons chopped pecans


In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla until blended. Add grapes and toss to coat.

Transfer to a serving bowl. Cover and refrigerate until serving. Sprinkle with brown sugar and pecans just be-

fore serving.

Girlfriend’s Girlfriend’s Girlfriend’s Girlfriend’s


Cook Books are Now Available!-

Get your copy today! Call Monica Fox for more information, at 909-2236.

Women’s Bible Study

Debbie Weigand is leading a Women’s Bible Study, every Tuesday, in the Family Life Center, at 10:00 a.m.

Please feel free to give Debbie a call if you have any questions, at 909-4930.

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GPBC on Mission

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” - Mark 8:34

October 3rd, is the Third Annual Project Community Connection Day. We will be participating again this year by supplying hygiene products and blankets or throws. Last year 400 adults were

served along with many children of these families. It is always amazing how many folks are helped in so many ways. Please pray that many will be touched by this outreach.

A huge Thank You to Judy Clossin for taking care of the bulletin board for us these last few months. She does such a great job and thankful for her talents and service.

We have a few days left to contribute shoes for Shoeman Water. This is such a worthwhile cause that provides clean water to third world people. Please bring your

gently used footwear by October 1st. They do like sports shoes of all kinds. Can you imagine walking everyday without shoes for support and cleanliness? Remem-

ber the pairs need to be tied together or rubber banded together. It is easy for shoes to get separated in transit.

It is hard to believe we are almost into October 2014. Times does pass quickly which is a reminder that we must share our Father’s love with all we encounter on our daily walk.

October is when we participate in the Operation Christmas Child.

We will have boxes available to all in the lobby. We will also have them flat if you would rather put them together by yourself. There will be fliers telling you how and

what to put in your box. There is a $7.00 donation due when sending your box. You can also follow your box on line and this information will be

available in the brochure, “How to Pack Your Shoe Box Flier”.

Living Nativity 2014 If you haven’t signed up yet there is still time for you to be part of

the “Living Nativity” that Grover gives to the Warrensburg Community every Christmas Season. We still need workers in all areas. If you are wondering what you can do to be part of Acts 1:8; wonder no more we

can fill your need. This year we have such rich blessings planned. Remember, the dates are December 5th & 6th. Pray for all that are part of this ministry as well as those

that will be blessed by seeing it. God is Good all the Time!

Week of Prayer for IMB will be November 30 - December 7th. We will have more information available as time draws near. Our children will be involved in the

Parade of Flags on November 30th. Lottie Moon will be featured during this time.

Last but not least, be aware of meetings in the near future concerning Mission Mexico. We will be locking in weeks for the blessings of working in Puebla, Mexico. If indeed you are pretty sure you will be going, please give me a call or email. We need a good head count in order to make appropriate plans etc.

Nehemiah Feeding Project feeds the homeless and needy Mon - Fri. If you can help serve on Grover's "second Monday" ( October 13),

please call Kathy Bowler at 238-2337. We need 6-8 volunteers (5-6:30pm).

- Jeannie Campbell

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10/5/2014 - Steve Fox 10/12/2014 - George Bullard 10/19/2014 - Roger Dumas

10/26/2014 - Dennis Docheff

Deacon of the Week Schedule:

Introducing Our Deacon’s - - Dennis Docheff

Greetings! It is a pleasure and honor to introduce myself to a church body that

truly loves the Lord, and a congregation that demonstrates love for one anoth-


I am a California kid; lived there for the first 18 years of my life until I ven-

tured off to college. I have had the opportunity to live and work in a variety of

places around the country - Washington, Colorado, New York, Wisconsin, and

of course, Missouri. I have been married for 25 years, and truly believe that

Keri (my wife) was a gift from God. He blessed me in a special way when she

pranced into my life. We have three precious children—Dodge (24), Payton

(22), and Emily (17) - who are my greatest treasures on this earth.

I am a teacher and coach by trade. Education has been a major part of my life. Professional service has pro-

vided me the opportunity to be involved in numerous endeavors: serving on national committees, being

elected to serve in a variety of capacities, and making presentations at conferences around the country. It is

a blessing to find a profession that matches one’s passion in life!

I gave my life to Christ when I was twelve years old. Not too long after that my parents divorced. That end-

ed my church attendance for a while (if mom or dad both stop going to church, the kids sometimes have no

opportunity to go). Much later, when I was 27 years old and doing my graduate work in Colorado, God

guided me back to his house.

One of my favorite Bible verses is, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others

better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3). I have tried to incorporate that verse into my teaching and service.

Sometimes, life can be a struggle. In 2008, I was diagnosed with leukemia. Now, that can be a slap in the

face, but maybe we need obstacles from time to time in order to better appreciate the good times in life.

Like many people, I sometimes take too many things for granted. I do know this - even with all of my frail-

ties, God loves me; He listens to me; He cares for me and my family; and He wants what is best for me. So, I

try to remember that every day is a bonus, people need each other so we must listen to and help our friends,

and remember that a positive attitude impacts how we travel through life. Life is good!

- Dennis Docheff

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Sunday - The Church, Ministry Staff, and Missionaries in the field: Amy Hayward, Cynthia Craft, Jerusa-lem Ministry, Melissa, Rachel, Wilbanks Monday - Those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Tuesday - Miscellaneous Requests Brandon Shanks, Brian & Travis Bonham, GPBC Families, Katrina & Jeff Butts, Lee Johnson, Small Business owners, Unemployment, Unspoken Wednesday - Those with health problems Allen Hewitt, Anthony Lewis, Betty Grace Fowler, Betty Smith, Bob Anderson, Bobby Collins, Carol Holder, Cathy Hallock, Christina Pieczynski, Dave, Dorothy Jacobs, Doug Blevins, Elray Doerflinger’s mother, Fred Busker, Gene Ording, Howard Bullard, James Gertz, Jane Whiting, Jay Appleton, Jennifer Kelsay, Joe Elliot, John Thomas, Josh Robinson, J.R. Reynolds, Judy Clossin, Kody Caldwell, Larry Cox, Lucille Clifton, Maddie, Mark Montgomery, Mary Plummer, Nina Brown, Raymond Vaughn, Randy Collins, Roger Dumas Sr., Rose Emerson, Trudie, Wayne Wilson Thursday - Those having and recovering from Surgery. Friday - Those with Cancer Adam Miller, Bev Lloyd, Dan Dietz, Debbie Casey, Donald Loudermilk, Dorothy Nickell, Gail Edwards, Gilbert Powers, Hal Hanrahan, Iris Pinkston, James Webb, Joe Cisneros, John Grant, Joyce Barber, Larry Boosinger, Kathy Kelsay, Kara Sherrin’s Grandpa, Marilyn Lemmon, Mary Bennett, Norman Powers, Oren Varner, Raymond Nebrich, Rosey, Shirley Mayden, Stan Ritzer, Steve Mitchell, Steve Rogers, Teresa Nolte, Vernon Sullins, Saturday - Military serving our country and their families, those who have lost their jobs, wisdom for our President and government.

August 31, 2014

General Balance $ 108,893.88 Total Tithes Given $ 40,102.72

Total General Fund Expenses $ 35,878.92 These reconciled figures are provided in this format which is for your

convenience only. Complete financial statements which include a balance sheet and income statements are on file and available in the church office.

Date Tithe New Building Worship S.S./Life

7/20/14 $ 9,415.75 $ 1,160.00 410 223

7/27/14 $ 9,257.86 $ 952.00 396 207

8/3/14 $ 8,103.97 $ 6,177.00 358 197

8/11/14 $ 8,716.19 $ 820.00 375 191

8/17/14 $ 5,893.65 $ 2,235.00 393 208

8/24/14 $ 7,478.45 $ 667.00 362 223

8/31/14 $ 8,481.86 $ 7,730.00 367 226

9/7/14 $ 11,330.19 $ 1,575.00 438 211

9/14/14 $ 8,688.73 $ 2,475.00 389 227

9/21/14 $ 6,228.74 $ 825.00 402 223

Now it’s as easy as ever to give online,

with our easy online giving.

Just go the our web site, at

www.GroverParkBaptistChurch.org and

click the “donate now” link on the

home page, and follow the easy steps.

Page 11

Save Labels for Cash!

Save your Best Choice & Box Tops for

Education Labels and place them in the

Jar in the Foyer on the Information table

and raise money

goes for our Youth Group!

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Grover Park Baptist Church 409 N. Mitchell Warrensburg, MO 64093

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid

Warrensburg, MO 64093 Permit No. 151

Our Staff…

Dr. Randall S. Neal - Senior Pastor David Robinson - Music Minister

Brent Bullard - Associate Pastor of Youth & Education Mark Wigginton - Assistant Youth Pastor, Intern.

Tammy Shirley - Administrative Assistant Ray Fann - Custodian

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a..m

Worship 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Shepherd's Place (Children) 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Dinner 5:30 p.m., Family Worship Night 6:30 p.m.

Kids Korner 6:00 p.m. & WNL Kids 6:30 p.m.


Return Service Requested

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5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Dinner

6:00 p.m. Kids Korner

6:30 p.m. Worship


2 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Girl Friends Café

3 4:00 p.m. Berinbaum

Wedding Rehearsal

6:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

4 8:00 a.m. Child Abuse 5K Walk/Run Starts in

Parking Lot

2:00 p.m. Berinbaum Wedding

5 1:30 p.m.

Nursing Home Ministry

2:00 p.m. Reach Out Ministry

5:00 p.m. Christmas


6:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery “Step Study”

6:00 p.m.

Life University

6 2:30 p.m. Youth

“Memory Monday”

5:30 p.m. Boy Scouts

“Court of Honor”


8 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Night Dinner

6:00 p.m. Kids Korner

6:30 p.m. Worship Service

6:30 p.m. Kids

Wednesday Night Live

7:30 p.m. Board of Directors Mtg.

7:30 p.m. Missions Committee Mtg.

9 12:00 p.m.

Heartland Parl.

12:30 - 3:00 p.m. WMU

10 6:00 p.m.

Celebrate Recovery

11 12:00 p.m.

Mary Ann Collier 70th Birthday Party

12 1:30 p.m.

Nursing Home Ministry

5:00 p.m. Christmas Chorale

6:00 p.m. Celebrate

Recovery “Step Study”

6:00 p.m. Life University

“Note Burning”

13 2:30 p.m.

Memory Monday


15 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Night Dinner

6:00 p.m. Kids Korner

6:30 p.m. Worship Service

6:30 p.m. Kids

Wednesday Night Live

16 6:30 p.m. New Vision

(Monica Fox)

17 6:00 p.m.

Celebrate Recovery


19 Food Pantry

1:30 p.m. Nursing Home Ministry

2:00 p.m. Reach Out


5:00 p.m. Christmas Chorale

4:00 p.m. Deacon Mtg.

6:00 p.m. Celebrate

Recovery “Step Study”

6:00 p.m. Life University

20 2:30 p.m.

Memory Monday

21 22 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Night Dinner

6:00 p.m. Kids Korner

6:30 p.m. Worship Service

6:30 p.m. Kids

Wednesday Night Live

23 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.


6:00 p.m. Faith Riders

“Bike Night”

24 Mark Morgan & Kristen

Luoma Wedding Rehearsal

6:00 p.m.

Celebrate Recovery

25 Mark Morgan & Kristen

Luoma Wedding

26 1:30 p.m.

Nursing Home Ministry

5:00 p.m. Christmas Chorale

6:00 p.m. Celebrate

Recovery “Step Study”

6:00 p.m. Life University


2:30 p.m. Memory Monday


29 No Activities

30 31 6:00 p.m.

Fall Harvest Festival Chili, Soup,

& Pie Cook-Off

G)*+,) P.)/ B.12 342 C67)86 409 N. Mitchell S. ~ Warrensburg ~ 660-747-7196 ~ Email: [email protected]



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October Birthdays

25 Regina Hicks 26 Chad Dulaney 27 Ginger Doerflinger 28 Amber Cram Roger Miller 29 Alice Henry Regina Yocum 30 Brad Carper 31 Rose Mary Martin John Thomas

15 Roger Chandler 16 Vickie Rogers 17 Issac Fisher 18 Marilyn Scherer 19 Kyle Henderson Dock Phelps Connie Ridge Jess Tate 20 Zachary Couch 22 Ronda Martin Jeff Norman Cheryl Plummer Tim Warlen 23 Sandy Eckard Melissa Gower Robin Thompson 24 Patty Grella Kim Nicas

2 Haley Bravo 4 Jan Goodman 6 Oren Varner Ryan Vaughn Neil Williams 7 Mary Collins 8 Mary Ann Collier Linda Creighton Lisa Freer Don Goodman Jarod Tarr 9 Larry Dillingham Audry Murphy Gene Ording Terry Wilbanks 11 Marty Bonham 12 Pat Breon Chasity Womble 14 Denise Robinson

Birthday & Anniversary

Are you on our Birthday or Wedding Anniversary List?

If not please call the church office, at 747-7196, so that we may Celebrate with you!

October Anniversaries

October 5 ~ B.J. & Kim Nicas ~ 18 Years

October 16 ~ George & Bonnie Bullard ~ 49 Years

October 22 ~ John & Teresa Collins ~ 36 Years

October 24 ~ Mike & Tobi Chambers ~ 22 Years

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“Brandon Garneau”

Brandon is one of our truly talented

2 year old teachers. He faithfully serves alongside Bob and

Jess as a vital team player in making God’s Word come alive

to our young ones. Brandon is sort of a favorite around

these parts. So many of our kids get excited when they

found out they get to spend some time with Mr. Brandon,

learning about Jesus. Thanks Brandon!

Grover Preschool Parkies Newsletter Please Remember Our Grover Preschool Teaching Team, in your prayers as we minister to our young ones here at Grover.

We are currently in need of

teachers, please contact Mark, Melissa, or Margaret if you

may be interested.

1st Service Teachers

Sarah Bullard Lois Dillingham Mary McConnell Dee Anna Neal

2nd Service Teachers

Janet Holmes

Sharon McMurray Rebecca Norton Michelle Dumas

Stephanie Schildknecht Tobi Chambers

3rd Service Teachers

Sharon Atwood

Keri Docheff Steve Fox

Susan Hanrahan Tara Healy

Krystal and Terry Knight Barb Martin

Cheryl Maxwell Dee Anna Neal

B.J. Nicas Nathan Roberts Vickie Rogers

Heather and Allison Roots Terry and Karen Sligh

Brenda Vaughn Marsha Votaw Mary Winters

Our Leadership Team

Margaret Kesinger Melissa Plummer Mark Wigginton

A Word From Our Sponsors

October is truly a scary month! It’s scary because I never

know if it will be hot or cold, especially in Missouri.

At the end of October is a very special day, a day of

celebration. Yes, this day brings us out of our homes to

engage in a truly special tradition. It’s the Fall Family

Harvest! Come and join us for a special meal. Without

Fellows there could be no Fellowship, so lets worship the

Lord this month of October.

Raymond Vaughn on the 6th!

Nathan Webb on the 16th!

Kenneth Noble on the 17th!