fall stewardship devotional 2011 - woodbury,...

Fall Stewardship Devotional 2011

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Page 1: Fall Stewardship Devotional 2011 - Woodbury, MNresurrection-woodbury.org/docs/Devotional_FINAL.pdf · 6 Thursday, October 6 Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who

Fall Stewardship Devotional 2011

Page 2: Fall Stewardship Devotional 2011 - Woodbury, MNresurrection-woodbury.org/docs/Devotional_FINAL.pdf · 6 Thursday, October 6 Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who


Page 3: Fall Stewardship Devotional 2011 - Woodbury, MNresurrection-woodbury.org/docs/Devotional_FINAL.pdf · 6 Thursday, October 6 Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who


October, 2011

This devotional booklet is a gift of generosity from the members and friends of Resurrection

Lutheran Church. It contains words of wisdom, encouragement and hope as together we seek

the Generous Life: Responding to God‟s Abundance. The goal of this booklet is to inspire the

Spirit of generosity within all of us.

The various perspectives inside will challenge as well as uplift you. You may be surprised at

times. You may be nudged into new behavior at times. Simply be open to God’s still small


My word of advice is to not rush the process. Read one devotional a day and reflect quietly and

deeply on its word for you. Trust that the Holy Spirit will be speaking in some way to your life.

Discipline yourself to find a quiet time and place each day for this spiritual practice. Spiritual

discipline like this can be life-changing.

Many of the devotionals include a prayer starter, which you can use to start your own prayer

conversation with God. Or if you want you may use the following prayer as your daily guide.

Almighty God, source of every blessing, your generous goodness comes to

us anew every day. By the work of your Spirit lead me into a deeper appre-

ciation of your goodness and create within me a thankful heart. Teach me

the art and skill of being a generous servant who follows you. I ask, trusting

in Jesus’ power and love. Amen.

The booklet concludes on Sunday, October 30, when Resurrection will receive our financial

Estimate of Giving cards for 2012. The prayer of the Stewardship Team is that our spiritual

practice of generosity will continue year round as together we embrace Generous Living:

Responding to God‟s Abundance.

Pastor John Keller


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Monday, October 3

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and

whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided

in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And

God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that

you need, you will abound in every good work.

When we reflect on ourselves and our family, we are reminded of how true this saying really is.

Whether we are giving time, talent, or money, God has shown us that we get back many times

more than we give. And, in those times when we get a little too focused on ourselves, God gen-

tly reminds us of this verse and how that leads to separation from Him and a lack of joy in our

lives. Some of our best moments are our entire family helping rake lawns, packing food for

Feed My Starving Children, or watching our children put offerings in the basket on Sunday. In

these things God gives back more than we could have imagined, and proves that no matter how

hard you try you "can't out-give God". ~ Tim & Terri Dokken

Sunday, October 2

2nd Corinthians 9:11 He will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that

many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us.

Everyday we are inundated with advertisements for the next best thing; a faster car, a bigger

house, even a better way to dress. This leaves us with wanting more. However, it also focuses

our attention on what we do not have rather than what we do have.

I often fall into the same trap. I focus on materialistic things I don’t have and I fail to see God’s

generosity and abundance that already exists around me. I, like many at Resurrection, have been

blessed by God’s generosity. I have a healthy loving family, a home, a supportive congregation,

etc. In a world where there is so much suffering we indeed are blessed. We just have to appre-

ciate just how blessed we are.

Dear God, please continue to bless me and the members of Resurrection Lutheran with your

abundance. Continue to open our eyes to all of your blessings and help us to appreciate them.

~ Paul Heideman

Tuesday, October 4

Ephesians 2:10 For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which

God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Many people work hard and give generously to make this a strong congregation: ushers, wor-

ship team, Sunday School teachers, confirmation guides, Property and Image Team, refresh-

ment volunteers, to name just a few generous volunteers. One team that we are particularly

thankful for is the Mission Leadership Team which guides the overall work of the congregation.

Thank you, Jesus for MLT ~ Clark and Audrey Crum

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Wednesday, October 5

Generous Living through Encouragement

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation

through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we

may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as

in fact you are doing.

Hearing the word ―encouragement‖ brings to mind positive thoughts and a sense of optimism.

Isn’t it interesting that right in the middle of that word lays another powerful word that conjures

up images of heroic action in the face of challenges and obstacles? Recently, we met a living

example of both courage and encouragement in the person of our new friend Jenn. She is a

beautiful young woman who, up until a year ago, was living a vibrant life full of activity, in-

cluding the thrill seekers ultimate challenge, skydiving. Her life dramatically changed when, in

a freak accident, her parachute collapsed and she plummeted to the ground sustaining life

threatening injuries. Since then she has endured numerous medical procedures and is rebuilding

her life in spite of significant physical impairments. She meets life’s daily challenges head on

with drive and determination. She has the courage to look forward to better days ahead, al-

though she must have moments when she longs for the life she used to have.

She has a ―coach‖ in her life in the person of our long time friend Joan. Joan knew Jenn in the

days before the accident, and has rallied to be there for her as she works through her rehabilita-

tion. What’s neat to watch is the encouragement that Joan gives Jenn giving her the confidence

to keep trying when she might otherwise give up. Watching Jenn and Joan is an inspiration to

the rest of us who can too easily fall into the trap of letting petty everyday irritations take our

focus off the really important things in life. As Christians, we know that we are loved and that

we too have a ―coach‖ available to us every minute of our lives to help us when we need to be


Jenn also requires a brace to correct a weakness in one of her feet. Although the brace is doing

its job, it is awkward and uncomfortable. She is testing a remarkable new device that uses an

electronic pulse to signal her own muscles to support the foot as she takes each step. Could it

be that Paul, in letter to the Thessalonians, was asking us to act as human ―stimulators‖ encour-

aging each other to live generously in each step we take on our walk of faith?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have equipped us to minister each other in ways we may not

fully recognize or appreciate. We ask that, through your Spirit, you would encourage and

stimulate us to translate our potential to serve into action. Amen. ~ Chuck and Beth Wright

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Thursday, October 6

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who give me strength and power.

This is my favorite example of Generous Living. After my husband’s death I wondered how I

would get the strength to live each day as a single parent. I joined a fitness club and met some

wonderful people who gave me the strength to move forward and accomplish things I had never

thought I could do. One example of the accomplishments was to run my first 10 mile race in

honor of my husband. During my run.....at mile 7, I thought I was not going to be able to con-

tinue to the finish line when a runner passed me with a saying on her shirt......‖I can do all this

in Christ who gives me strength and power!!!‖ Nothing like hitting me in the face!! I finished

that race thanks to that message and the strength God gave me and still gives me each day.

Thank you God for watching over Natalie, me and all your children each and every day. And

thank you for such a rich and fulfilling life. ~ Veronica Nepper

Saturday, October 8

As I grow older I realize I gain far more satisfaction from doing something which benefits oth-

ers than something that benefits only myself. I cannot expect always to take and never to

give. I personally support two outreach ministries, MN Teen Challenge and Serenity Village;

Serenity Village is a community of seven wholeway houses where hope is restored to men from

all backgrounds. Not only are they staying free from addiction and changing their own lives but

positively affecting the lives of others. These men are walking the path that God marked out

for them long ago. (2 Timothy 1:9), one step at a time, one day at a time. It means everything

to me that God has changed lives into houses of hope and I want to show my gratitude to Him

by being his helping hand and doing the same for someone else. The more I give of my time

and resources the greater happiness returns to me. ~ Ginny Lee

Friday, October 7

The chapter of Matthew 6 sums up the simple truths of living in the spirit of generosity. These

are Jesus’ words.

Verses 1-4: Giving to the Needy – Act simply because others need it.

Verses 5-15: Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – we need to do our part or we cut ourselves off from

God’s part. We need this connection.

Verses 16-18: Fasting – God doesn’t require attention getting devices. You will be rewarded.

Verses 19-24: Treasures in Heaven – Don’t hoard down here instead stockpile God’s righteous-

ness. You can’t worship God and money.

Verses 25-34: Do not worry – For some people this is easier said than done. But this is about

material needs. God will help you deal with difficulties when the time comes.

So, from this I take these little rules which will allow us to stockpile real wealth and gain a life

full of riches as we live generously. Go after God – pray! Do good deeds. Help others. Be extra


Francis of Assisi prayer: O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as

to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we

receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

~ Carolyn Bailey

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Sunday, October 9

Freely You Have Received - Freely Give

Matthew 10:8 Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received

without payment; give without payment.

Jesus not only called His disciples to carry on His mission in the world, but He also prepared

and equipped them to accomplish it. In the preparation phase, He called attention to the spirit in

which they would serve: ―Freely you have received, freely give.‖ Amazed at the manifold gifts

freely showered upon us daily by our Creator and Redeemer God, we conclude this ought to be

our spirit as well.

Such a spirit constantly expressed itself in the life and ministry of our Savior. Looking at He-

brews 12:2, these words surface and stimulate the heart: “Looking to Jesus, the author and fin-

isher of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before Him, endured the cross, scorned the

shame, and sat down at the right hand of the Father.” Yes! Jesus had JOY in the giving of

Himself knowing that such giving would benefit the whole human race eternally.

It’s no secret that people who ―freely give‖ do so knowing the ―good feeling‖ (JOY) they ex-

perience in the benefit that such ―free giving‖ brings to another. The Apostle Paul relates to this

truth when he admonishes the Christians at Ephesus with these words: ―You must support the

weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus: „It is more blessed to give than to receive.’‖

Acts 20:35

Of course, we should not give merely to receive the blessings of giving. A caring, loving heart

touched by the love of Jesus will produce the fruit of generous giving. However, rewards do

come: ―Give and it will be given to you.‖ Luke 6:38. Praise God! Giving freely does have its

blessings. Lesson? Stay close to Jesus. His kind of ―freely giving‖ will rub off on you (me).

~ Ken Roufs

Monday, October 10

2 Corinthians 9:11-12 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on

every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service

that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God‟s people but is also overflowing in

many expressions of thanks to God.

Cultivating generosity is the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. It can

involve offering time, assets or talents to aid someone in need. When we share the time, talents

and finances that God entrusts to us, we grow as disciples and deepen our loving relationship

with Christ. By giving our resources to do the work God calls us to do, we become partners

with God here on earth. We are all challenged to share our riches by using the particular gifts

that God has given each of us to bless one another: 6We have different gifts, according to the

grace given us. If a man‟s gift is prophesying, let him use it in pro-portion to his faith. 7If it is

serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if

it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him gov-

ern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:6-8)

Lord, thank you for giving each of us a special purpose. Please guide me to discover my gifts

and talents and to use my resources to serve others as fully as I can. ~ Rosemary Moore

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Tuesday, October 11

A couple of years ago, I was experiencing a rough time in my life. Many things were causing

me great stress; my job, a car accident, an emergency room visit, insurance increases, followed

by a miscarriage. The day I happened to tell my co-workers that I was expecting, I came home

and miscarried. I couldn’t understand why all of this was happening to me? Despite this diffi-

cult time, I knew that God had plans for me. They just didn’t seem to line up with the plans I

had for myself!

Becky Bennett, who was always SO friendly, asked me if I would go on the Women’s Retreat

with Resurrection that February. I needed a break from everything, so I decided to go. Little

did I know that this Women’s Retreat was part of God’s plan… to show me the wonderful peo-

ple who were surrounding me at Resurrection! The weekend was full of food, fellowship and

fun! Everyone was so generous. By using their talents, the Women’s Retreat committee mem-

bers planned an amazing weekend, where I felt welcomed, pampered, and loved! God showed

me how kind and supportive the women of Resurrection were, and I often reflect on how I was

truly touched by their generosity!

Lord Jesus, thank you for all of the people of Resurrection, especially for the women who sup-

ported me at the retreat, when I needed it most. Please help all of us to give generously with

our gifts and talents. Amen. ~ Suzie Heideman

Wednesday, October 12

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will

be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks,

the door will be opened.

God's abundant gifts often show up on our spiritual doorsteps without us thinking about it, ask-

ing for it or even attempting to knock on the door. I look at my own life and have often won-

dered what I did that God loves me so much that He has so abundantly blessed my life. I am

sometimes amazed by how much God must actually love me because I never knocked nor did I

even think to ask that I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful and healthy children. Yet,

God gave them to me!

When things are going well and life is smooth, we often don't think to thank God, or to ask God

for abundant blessings. But when storms threaten to tip our boats and dump us into the sea, it is

very easy to beg, plead and ask for the door to open. God always opens the door, but it may not

be the one you expected! Whether you knock or God opens the door on His own, remember to

be thankful for the blessing you asked for and the blessings God gave you.

Dear God, help us to remember to thank You for the blessings that have come into our lives

whether we asked for them or You decided to bestow them upon us. As we progress through

this giving campaign, please guide our hearts and minds. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

~ Grace Larter

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Thursday, October 13

Psalm 23:5b-6a ...my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of

my life.

Our daughter plays the oboe, an expensive and sensitive instrument, one that seems to need ad-

justments or repairs whenever a concert or contest is hours away. And oboe repair experts are

not found on every corner. We discovered a gem in a St. Paul music shop. Whenever I call her

with a desperate need for immediate repair, she starts by saying how many jobs await, or how

packed her day is. Yet she always offers to see us. Never, in our hour of need, has she turned us

away. She calmly makes whatever adjustment seems needed. I stand and wait in her tiny work

area, overflowing with parts and tools and old instruments. In the urban basement setting, her

only view is of the brick wall outside the small window. Her workspace makes most offices

seem opulent by comparison. On our most recent visit, she again returned the oboe to perform-

ance condition, and handed it to me without writing out a bill. Jean gave generously, not only

of her time, but of her income as well. By all appearances, it wasn’t financial abundance behind

her generosity. I left with more than a playable oboe; I drove home to the music of kindness and

generosity and hope.

Martin Luther said, ―I have tried to keep things in my hands and lost them all, but what I have

given into God’s hands I still possess.‖

Lord, you are my shepherd. Help me remember that I shall not want. Open my eyes to the abun-

dance that surrounds me and help me to trust and understand how a life given to you overflows

with grace and love. ~ Sarah Storvick

Friday, October 14

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or

under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

―God loves a cheerful giver‖…I think sometimes the cheer comes before we are being gener-

ous, sometimes it comes during, and sometimes we feel it afterwards. You might not feel very

cheerful when you have to plan and make a meal for a friend in need during a busy weeknight,

and it might not be ―easy‖ to visit Feed My Starving Children on a beautiful Saturday morning.

You might feel ―not so joyous‖ in parting with your money every week when the collection

basket comes around, or when you plan out your Simply Giving withdrawal. I think sometimes

you have to start out a little less than cheerful, and wait for the cheerfulness to come.

Last Sunday after church, we were asked to make some sandwiches for people in need. I had

my day planned out in my head, and was ready to go shopping and relax for the afternoon. I

wasn’t exactly ―super cheery‖ when I decided that we would stay and make sandwiches. It

turned ―cheerful‖ really quickly, though, with everyone helping and laughing. Then at the end,

we all prayed and thanked God for willing hands and prayed for those that would eat the sand-

wiches we made. By the end of the hour, I was about as cheerful as a ―cheerful giver‖ could be.

What a great feeling to be able to help and bring a little joy to someone else! One of the best

pieces of advice I’ve heard is, if you are scared to do something that you know you need to do,

do it anyway, even if you have to do it scared. Well, the same could be said for giving. If you

have to do it ―less than cheerfully, do it anyway‖, and wait for the joy to come!

Dear God, please help me to be generous, even when it is not easy. I know you will help me

find the joy! ~ Janice Jorenby

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Saturday, October 15

Generous Living: Jesus’ Commissioning of the Twelve

Matthew 10:5-15 These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: „Go nowhere

among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6but go rather to the lost sheep of the

house of Israel. 7As you go, proclaim the good news, “The kingdom of heaven has come near.” 8Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without pay-

ment; give without payment. 9Take no gold, or silver, or copper in your belts, 10no bag for your

journey, or two tunics, or sandals, or a staff; for labourers deserve their food. 11Whatever town

or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you leave. 12As you enter

the house, greet it. 13If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy,

let your peace return to you. 14If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off

the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. 15Truly I tell you, it will be more toler-

able for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

In this passage Jesus directs the apostles to go out and minister to the lost sheep of the commu-

nity. He directs that they pack nothing, perform wonderful acts of kindness, and rely solely on

the generosity of those they meet. I find this passage to be an extraordinary example of Gener-

ous Living and an amazing challenge to be generous.

On the example side, I reflect on the Apostles’ actions – giving their time, preaching God’s

word, performing miracles through God’s grace – all done while not in the comfort of their

homes, but in unfamiliar surroundings and without an expectation of personal gain. When I

compare their actions to my own life, one in which God has blessed me with a loving family,

educational and travel opportunities, and a rewarding career; I wonder if I could be as generous.

When I act, is it out of love and generosity? Or, is it in an effort to feed my ego?

Similarly, I see the challenge given to the people of the towns visited by the Apostles – open

your homes and hearts to those in need. Do I have the strength and courage to meet strangers,

listen to their (and God’s message) and share the gifts with which I have been blessed? Or, do I

allow myself to hoard my gifts, put up walls and allow others to struggle?

Kerri, Kendall, Drake, and I have truly experienced Resurrection‟s generosity over the last year.

We moved to Woodbury form Massachusetts and from the first Sunday we attended, the con-

gregation welcomed us with open arms. We were made to feel truly at home!

Lord Jesus, thank you for extending your Grace to me. May I use the example of your apostles

to generously share my gifts with your people and further the mission of Resurrection Lutheran

Church. ~ Mark Rander

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Sunday, October 16

Deuteronomy 16:17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God

has blessed you.

As I sit here and think about all the blessings that have come into my life, I find a really long

list. If I were to try to give a gift for every blessing that I have received I don’t think I could

possibly ―pay‖ it all back. What are some of blessings that have come into your life? Obvi-

ously, family, friends, health, a home, and food are blessings that many of us receive. On the

other hand, sickness, job loss, divorce, betrayal… Blessings?? What if difficult things are

really good things?

Being a member of Resurrection, taking part in bible studies, retreats, church service, and fel-

lowship has made my spiritual life grow by leaps and bounds. If someone would have asked

me several years ago if divorce, sickness or job loss was a blessing, I would have said ―Are you

crazy!!‖ But through my growing faith in God I know that He has a plan for everything and

even though it may seem like a ―storm‖ at the time I truly believe that as Laura Story sings in

her song called ―Blessings‖; ―What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise”, everything

that comes your way in life is truly a blessing.

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have given me and help me to appreciate all blessings,

big and small. Thank you for Resurrection Lutheran Church, the members, the staff, and the

ministries. Continue to lead the ministries at Resurrection and show us how we make Resurrec-

tion the church You want it to be. Help us to be a blessing to others and to our church, all to

glorify You. Amen. ~ Linda Goodno

Monday, October 17

By Giving, One Receives

Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will be enriched,and one who gives water will get water.

I sometimes get confused by the language of the prosperity movement; if I give to the church,

have enough faith, and proclaim loudly, that somehow that will increase my own material

wealth. It makes such an emphasis on giving to others so that you will receive even more

wealth. It focuses only on what you get in return, not the joy of giving. While I think they are

correct by seeing that there is a benefit, I think they have the emphasis all wrong.

This passage is lovely in its addition of the phrase ―who gives water will get water‖. In other

translations it talks about being refreshed. It focuses on the interaction between people whether

as individuals or groups. It reminds me of Gallup’s ―How Full is Your Bucket?‖ It is the idea

that each of us has an invisible bucket. When our bucket is full, we feel great. We it’s empty,

we feel awful. Every interaction either fills or empties a bucket. We can choose how we want to

interact with others and by being generous, it allows us not only to fill another and refresh them,

but to be refreshed in return.

There is benefit from living generously, living without fear and freely filling other’s buckets.

Lord Jesus, let us rejoice in the daily opportunities you give us to fill each other with life and

living water. You created us with the capacity for love, let us honor that by being generous with

each other and with communities in need. ~ Susan Asplund

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Tuesday, October 18

It has been said that faith is caught more than it is taught! My mother did not teach the faith so

much by words as by her example. It was her spirit of generosity that helped form my faith to

respond in generous living. Early in my life I noted she was always giving and sharing, even

though times were tough and she did not have a lot to spare. Before Christmas my mother

baked her good coffee cakes and gave them as gifts. We drove from the farm into town, and

yes, I was asked to deliver one of the coffee cakes to Grandma Schoebel, one of the church’s

dear old shut-ins. Then there was always the big rooster Mom dressed and I delivered to the

parsonage where it was received with great thanks. The seed of her generosity planted in my

heart as a child began to grow.

One weekend during my first year in college I came home and attended the adult Sunday school

class. The lesson was on giving, and the pastor challenged us to give a tithe of our income.

Since I needed every dime I had to help pay my own way through college I felt an inner resis-

tance. However, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and gave me the faith to try it. An amazing

thing happened. The next Christmas I received a number of financial gifts from members of the

church, encouraging me in my call to become a pastor. I received more in return than what I

had given in my tithe and my faith was strengthened! Subsequently, for 55 years now I have

returned at least 10% of my income to the Lord through the church and other charities.

Generous Living includes generous financial giving, but beyond that, it should characterize

every step we take in life.

I certainly have experienced the truth of Jesus’ words: “Give away your life; you'll find life

given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not get-

ting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity." (Luke 6:38, from The Message)

Lord, help me to be an example of generous living that someone else’s faith may be caught and

by the power of your Holy Spirit grow into a life of generosity. Amen. ~ Ron Freimark

Wednesday, October 19

My faith and my joy are the product of people living generously. I learned my

faith through the examples of faith lived and taught by my parents, teachers, and

pastors. Each one of them gave generously of themselves to be a blessing to

many people including me. I grew up in Salem Lutheran and St. Olaf Lutheran

Churches. By the time I got to those churches, they were fully funded, complete

buildings. That was not always the case. Salem was just a basement for many

years until the generous giving of many paid for a main level, including the sanc-

tuary where I was baptized. Through my life I attended Trinity, Como Park, Lord of Life, and

Faith Lutheran Churches. I saw as Como Park Lutheran Church paid off their mortgage after

20 years of faithful gifts. I have never had the opportunity to help pay for the building of the

church – until now. I am truly thankful for the 80 families who put down money and voted to

build the building for Resurrection Lutheran Church. I am also thankful for the opportunity

through the years, in response to God’s blessings, to help fund this building as well. As I

walked back to my car tonight from a church meeting, I remarked to my friend, ―I wonder how

this place will look in 20 years?‖ What we enjoy now is based on the generosity of those that

gave before us. What we will look like in 20 years is due in part to us. ~ Brian Jordahl

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Thursday, October 20

Be Wise with Money and Live Generously

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluc-

tantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I personally have never bought into the idea of the tithe. I know there are plenty of people who

do believe in tithing and that is awesome…I’m glad it works for them. But to me, tithing feels

compulsory…too much of a ―one-size-fits-all‖ formula. And when something is compulsory

and you don’t follow it, then the guilty feelings start. Feeling guilty certainly doesn’t make me

cheerful. I need the right ―formula‖ for me. I want to do, and GIVE, what feels right to

me...THAT makes me happy.

What feels right to me, however, doesn’t just come from my heart, it also comes from my head.

I believe it is important to be wise with money. I have found that setting financial goals (for

retirement savings, college savings, paying off a mortgage, etc) and then establishing an auto-

matic payment plan to achieve those goals has been quite successful. So many years ago, dona-

tions to Resurrection became a financial goal and we started using the automatic payment plan,

Simply Giving. We are paying the Lord first instead of just waiting to see what is left over.

I’ll never forget a discussion I had with a good friend of mine about why he didn’t put any

money away for retirement. He replied that doing so would lessen how much he could give to

the church. I answered that I’m sure God understands deferred compensation, especially if it

means more money in the long run. In other words, by at least putting enough in his 401(k)

now to get the company match, he will ultimately be able to give more to God.

Making well-informed choices around both short- and long-term money decisions allows one to

share more of his/her ―fruits.‖ I use the word ―fruits‖ (rather than money) on purpose. Being

wise with money will, of course, allow one to give more money, and that is always a good

thing. But being wise with money also typically gives one the freedom to volunteer more,

thereby sharing more of their time and talents. Thus, being wise with money frees one up to not

only GIVE generously, but LIVE generously.

Heavenly Father, please help the members of Resurrection make wise money choices that allow

and inspire them to Live Generously. ~ Doug Bearrood

Friday, October 21

I saw her open her wallet and drop ten dollars into the offering basket. For a child, it amazed me

to see her give so willingly of her hard earned money. I thought to myself, in Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, ―Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the king-

dom of heaven,”. I think Jesus knew we adults could learn so much about giving of our time

and means by paying attention to our children. Today in church we made 1100 sandwiches in

one hour, half of the helpers there were children. I think God wants us to pay attention and

challenges us to remember, if the children care enough to help others, we should take note and

give as easily as they do. In the book ―Crazy Love‖ by Francis Chan he says, ―It’s easy to fill

ourselves up with other things and then give God whatever is left.‖ Today, think and act like a

child by giving of yourself to others with a willing heart. A gift that doesn’t expect anything in

return, except for the grace and love that God gave to you through the death of his son Jesus

Christ. ~ Terri Nelson

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Saturday, October 22

For God Loves a Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 9:7b Each of you must give as you have made up your mind,

not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I learned the most about Generous Living a few years ago when my husband, John, was termi-

nally ill. Many Resurrection members came to our home with food, offers of household help,

thoughtful visits and warm hugs. To my knowledge, none of them wore a tag that said,

"The Stewardship Team made me do this," but all came with such a warm attitude of, "I'm so

happy I can do something to help you feel better during this difficult time." They were all prac-

ticing "Generous Living" at its best. I will never forget how I felt and how it changed my life


John and I had always been generous givers, but I had never really gotten 'involved' with our

giving. It was easy to write a check but I seldom took the time to add the service that made these

special gifts so important. Since that time when I was a recipient, I have tried to make Gener-

ous Living a way of life for me...not just on Sunday morning, but throughout the week. I can't

do all the things that were done for me, but I do have talents that I can share with others. I try to

do that whenever I can, although I need to work on it every day: I now turn in my EOG card,

because I know it helps folks who set the budget. I see people who look like they are having a

tough time and now I take time to talk to them. I look for ways to help people who are in need.

I help out on a committee where I can contribute. I hang up clothes that have fallen off the

hanger in a store to save a tired clerk from having to stoop over one more time. Or smile at the

grouchy customer to try to brighten their day. Sound like little things? When everyone does lit-

tle things, big things are accomplished.

I still try to give as much as I can in my envelope. But now, I also add some loving service to

help make it Generous Living! I will keep trying to grow in this area as long as I am able.

Dear Lord, You have been so generous with each one of us. When we have felt most alone, You

have surrounded us with friends and family to remind us that You are with us. You have sup-

plied us with everything we really need just when we need it. Now it is our turn to give

back. Please, Lord, create in us generous hearts to give of ourselves and of our possessions

according to your plan for us. Teach us to love others as You have loved us. Help us to under-

stand how we can include Generous Living in our own lives! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

~ Bette Forberg

Sunday, October 23

Abraham’s Generous Gift

When Abraham’s wife Sarah died he had no place for her burial. He was alien resident in what

was to become Palestine and the land was owned by the Hittites. Abraham was a rich, powerful

herdsman and was offered a gift of land for Sarah’s burial but Abraham refused the gift He

wanted to have clear title to the burial plot so that future generations could use it. He decided to

pay ―top dollar,‖ four hundred silver shekels — a very large sum for such a small piece of land.

Yet Abraham saw the real value of this place for future generation. He was generous towards

his own descendants and sought the best for his family (Genesis 23).

Almighty God, help us to be generous towards future generations as we give to the ministries

and mission of Resurrection Lutheran Church. ~ John Keller

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Monday, October 24

Storing Treasures for Yourself in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust con-

sume and where thieves break in and steal; 20but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,

where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where

your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Growing up, my Mother demonstrated generous giving at church and in the community. She

was the most generous servant for Christ that I have ever known. She was always very active in

church, playing piano for Sunday School, church librarian, leading Bible Studies, and more.

She also never hesitated to help someone in need. My Mother knew her gifts and talents and

used them to the fullest. In addition, she always tithed for offering, even when our finances

were tight. She reminds me of a story in Mark 12 about a poor widow woman who put two

small copper coins in the offering and Jesus says to his disciples, ―I tell you the truth, this poor

widow has put more into the treasury than all the others‖.

In Matthew, Jesus says to us, ―Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth

and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in

heaven.... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.‖ What do you think of when

you hear the word treasures? Most of us think of a treasure as money and wealth. But, I think

for Jesus, treasures are the gifts and talents you can use to serve the Lord, whether that is your

giving each Sunday, using your talents to serve the church, or giving and caring for others in

need. We can be servants for Christ in so many ways. He wants us to live generously. I know

that my Mother stored lots of treasures for herself in heaven and is reaping the benefits now in

her heavenly home.

Lord Jesus Christ, help me to store treasures in heaven for your glory. Thank you for the many

gifts and talents you have blessed me with and put it in my heart to be generous with them.

~ Fern Natwick

Tuesday, October 25

The Beach Family

Luke 6:38 Give and it shall be given to you.

In March of 2009 I embarked on a mission trip to Galveston, Texas to work with those who had

been hit by hurricane Ike. This trip would transform my life. The people I worked with opened

my eyes and heart to what true community and sacrificial love looked like. We worked with

the Beach Family. Four of their kids are biological and they adopted nine kids who have dis-

abilities and some are terminally ill. They are the kids in society that most people would not

want to adopt because they would be more of a burden than a joy. Their home was hit by hurri-

cane Ike and they were living in two small trailers the government provided. The mother of the

family continued to say, ―We are called to take care of the widows and the orphans and to love

the Lord with all of our heart, soul and mind, and we have done just that.‖ The Beach family

taught me a lot about giving to our neighbors and our community. Not only when we give of

our time, talents, and money does God bless us in return and our lives are transformed, just as

much as those receiving or benefiting from what we have given.

Lord Jesus, transform us into stewards of generosity and sacrificial love. ~ Hannah Koehler

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Wednesday, October 26


Luke 12:13-21 Someone in the crowd said to him, „Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family

inheritance with me.‟ 14But he said to him, „Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over

you?‟ 15And he said to them, „Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one‟s

life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.‟ 16Then he told them a parable: „The land

of a rich man produced abundantly. 17And he thought to himself, “What should I do, for I have

no place to store my crops?” 18Then he said, “I will do this: I will pull down my barns and

build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19And I will say to my soul,

Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” 20But God

said to him, “You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you

have prepared, whose will they be?” 21So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves

but are not rich towards God.‟

In the gospel lesson, someone asks Jesus to be the arbiter of an inheritance dispute. The passage

of two thousand years does not change some things. I am sure that many of us have heard of

families bitterly divided over how to distribute the estate of a deceased relative. To deal with

these disputes, then as now, there were elaborate rules for passing property from one generation

to another.

The petitioner in the Luke passage saw Jesus as a religious teacher, one of whose jobs it was to

interpret the complicated inheritance laws. Jesus surprised the asker by refusing to take on the

role of judge. Instead, Jesus warned the person to be on guard against all forms of greed, saying,

"…one's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions."

Rather than simply accept the status quo, Jesus used the occasion to turn the listeners' attention

to the greater values at stake in the request. He told the story of the rich fool. The abundant har-

vest, the new food bins, Jesus pointed out, will mean nothing to the landowner who is to die the

very night he or she thought life was set on a secure and easy path.

Note in the parable that Jesus was not speaking against abundant harvests or larger barns.

Rather, the story makes clear that the landowner's plans involved only the landowner's own in-

terests. The landowner consulted no one, celebrated with no one and made no plans to share the

bounty with others. Jesus was saying that in choosing this self-centered response to abundance,

in choosing greed rather than generosity, the landowner chose death, not life.

So just what is generosity? Generosity is about material possessions -- and so much more. It is

about being free with time, with praise and encouragement, and with emotional and physical

energy. It is about being generous in accepting generosity from others -- not always having to

do it ourselves. It is about seeing a need or longing in others and moving to meet them in that

place of need or longing. At its best, Generosity is to know that what goes out from me is not

lost to me but enriches the entire web of life, of which I am a part.

These words above are not mine, but they inspired me to think about what it means to have a

generous heart. And so I pray: Heavenly Father, I ask that in the coming months particularly,

that you enter my heart, my mind and my thoughts, to help me remember the joy of generosity.

~ Deb Daly

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Friday, October 28

When we think of selfless giving, our thoughts most often go to Jesus Christ who gave his life

for our salvation. God was so generous in his love for us; he gave his only son so we might be

forgiven. God also challenges us to follow his lead, to be cheerful and abundant givers. With

rare exception, very few of us will ever be called upon to give up our lives for another, to be

that selfless. However, there are many ways we can share the abundance of God’s love and

blessing in our lives.

Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good amount will be poured into your lap.

It will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over. The same amount you give will be

measured out to you.” God encourages us to give of our time, talents, and finances, and in re-

turn we will receive an equal amount of measure. God calls on us to reach out and share his

generosity with others. Whether it be painting homes on a reservation, raking leaves for the eld-

erly, or tithing to help our church spread God’s word, we can all share the abundance of God’s

generosity with others.

Heavenly Father, thank you for richly blessing my life. May you use me as

your servant, to generously live by sharing my abundance with others.

~ Scott Nelson

Thursday, October 27

Generous Living – Just Do It

Betsy and I made the decision to start tithing many years ago. At the time, it was a big deal, but

we were so excited about the potential for ministry at Resurrection that we decided to go for it.

We have seen a lot of ministry ―bang for our buck‖ since then, but we can do more. I delayed

writing this devotional, because I'm not feeling cheerful about stewardship right now (2 Corin-

thians 9:7). I’m frustrated that our ministry continues to be constrained by our collective ability

to fund it. We shouldn’t have this problem. (I realize that most churches do.) Responding with

giving proportional to our abundance of blessing just makes sense, and together we could do so

much more. We have such great potential to grow our ministry, but we are limited by space and

funding. Our new Youth Director, Hannah, has the energy and ideas to grow ministry well be-

yond her part time role. Our Minister of Music, Brad, brings talent and experience that we could

never get in this part time position if Brad (and Marcia) weren’t so committed to Resurrection.

Sarah Storvick has been our rock for many years, and we have been so blessed by her work be-

yond her paid role. Pastor John has a wealth of larger church experience that we could leverage

to grow our ministry. We made a big decision years ago to move ―Forward in Faith‖ together,

and it is now time to take the next step forward together. Tithing seemed like a big deal before

we decided to just do it. Together we can do more.

Dear God, Thank you for the abundance of blessings in our lives and in our church. Please

help us to know your will and do your work. ~ Jay Hickey

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Saturday, October 29

Generous Living with Jesus and Zacchaeus.

Luke 19:1-10 He entered Jericho and was passing through it. 2A man was there named Zac-

chaeus; he was a chief tax-collector and was rich. 3He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on

account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature. 4So he ran ahead and

climbed a sycomore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. 5When Jesus came

to the place, he looked up and said to him, „Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at

your house today.‟ 6So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him. 7All who saw it began

to grumble and said, „He has gone to be the guest of one who is a sinner.‟ 8Zacchaeus stood

there and said to the Lord, „Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I

have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.‟ 9Then Jesus said to

him, „Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham. 10For the

Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.‟

My favorite example of Generous Living is the chief tax collector, Zacchaeus, in Luke 19. He

is short is stature and must climb a tree to see Jesus. He thinks he can remain a spectator as Je-

sus passes by, but then Jesus looks up and calls him by name, ―Zacchaeus, you come down, for

I am going to your house today.‖ Zach scurries down and delights in Jesus’ friendship. Others

begin to grumble about Jesus’ spending time with a sinner. Now it is time for Zach to be gener-

ous and respond. He says, ―I will give half of my wealth to the poor, and if I have cheated any-

one, I will repay them four times.‖ His generosity is off the charts, yet it is clear that this gener-

osity is a response to Jesus’ outrageous welcome.

Jesus has called us each by name in our baptism. He has claimed us as his own. How can I not

respond by being generous to the people and community around me? Jesus has been generous

in his love for me. I want to be generous in my love for others.

Lord Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you, for calling me to be your child. May my generous

actions reflect your generous life towards me. ~ John Keller

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Sunday, October 30

Matthew 13:3 Jesus said, “Listen! A sower went out to sow.”

Twenty years ago I knew a guy named Dale. He was a middle-

aged guy, had a nice family, and always had a smile on his face. When he was a teenager Dale

had cancer; the odds were poor that he would make it. His best option was an experimental

treatment being studied at the U of M. There were about thirty other volunteers in the

study. Dale is the only one who survived.

Dale was very open about his cancer. It was rough, but he coped with the love and care of his

family and his faith. He would say it was through he grace of God that he survived. And that

grace inspired an amazing life.

Dale responded with gratitude for the gift of his life. He gave generously of himself

(everything: time, talent, treasure). He was the kind of guy I think of when I imagine what

"Abundant Life" is. He was joyful, patient, humble, and compassionate. He prayed a lot. He

was not shy of talking about his faith, but not pushy either. He didn't worry much, instead trust-

ing in God to provide. He also had a great sense of humor. He listened to some of my more

painful problems and helped me through some tough times. What an incredible response to a

cancer that almost killed him.

I feel a similar thing when I think about Jesus dying for me. What an incredible sacrifice.

What's my response to that? Dale taught me there are ways to respond to generosity even if I

can't pay it back: I can pay it forward. You can also. You can take care of needy people, fight

for justice, spread the good news, give to worthy causes. It doesn't even have to be some thing

big. It might be a phone call, a word of encouragement, the sharing of a simple meal.

Dales life was a sower of faith, like in the parable. The seed is scattered - some landing on the

path, some on shallow ground, some in thorns, some on good ground. You never know if some

kindness to another will take root, grow, and yield a hundred-fold.

I imagine most of us have known someone like Dale. I never told him what the example of his

life meant to me, how it changed me. I haven't seen him in many years, I'm not even sure he's

still alive. But I place myself among the fruit of Dale's works.

God, you've given me many, many things. Help me to respond to your generosity by humbly

caring for your children. I pray that they may see your reflection in what I do, so that they

might come to know you, love you, and live an abundant life. ~ Tim Diekmann

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