family (connection) - june

The Army expects each Soldier to comply with AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 5-10b. (9), April 2010: “Soldiers bear primary responsibility for their Family and personal affairs readiness.” It is the Soldiers’ responsibility to inform the Chain of Command of their Family dynamics and inform their Family of their Army obligations. The Army expects Soldiers who are married to be in a monogamous relationship. Family (Connection) - June Leader : Discuss these expectations with your Soldiers What is Relationship and Family Fitness?

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What is Relationship and Family Fitness?. Leader : Discuss these expectations with your Soldiers. The Army expects each Soldier to comply with AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 5-10b.(9), April 2010: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Army expects each Soldier to comply with AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 5-10b.(9), April 2010:Soldiers bear primary responsibility for their Family and personal affairs readiness.

It is the Soldiers responsibility to inform the Chain of Command of their Family dynamics and inform their Family of their Army obligations. The Army expects Soldiers who are married to be in a monogamous relationship.Family (Connection) - JuneLeader: Discuss these expectations with your SoldiersWhat is Relationship and Family Fitness?

Modern Families are diverse and dynamicthey may be a blend of two Families or contain only one parent and not be what is often termed traditionallook at the meaningful significant relationships that a Soldier identifies as their FamilySoldiers will meet all moral and legal obligations of marriage and parentingA healthy Family relationship need not be one of blood, but is expected to be one of support, LOYALTY, care, commitment and affectionFamily (Connection) - JuneLeader: Discuss these expectations with your SoldiersThe Family and Significant Relationships

Family Care Plan if required, Soldiers will have a Family Care Plan to provide for Family members during training and deployments (ask your unit S1 for more information)Family Readiness Group Soldiers will ensure that their Family Readiness Group have all relevant data needed for support servicesDEERS Enrollment all legal dependents will be enrolled in DEERSSGLI Soldier and spouse have been given every opportunity to purchase SGLIFamily Benefits Soldiers and Families are aware of the comprehensive NYARNG network of support call for information: 1-877-715-7817Family (Connection) - JuneLeader: Discuss these expectations with your SoldiersComponents of Relationship and Family Fitness

Domestic violenceVerbal, emotional, mental and physical abuse of spouseshaking or hitting your childrenSexual abuse or assaultWearing your rank at homePutting your Family last in your prioritiesHaving the Family overly and unnecessarily dependent on youAbusing alcohol or drugs to avoid Family issuesDiscouraging involvement in the Family Readiness Group or other community support networksLying to Family or being misleadingFailure to meet DUTY to FamilyFailure to be a good role modelFamily (Connection) - JuneLeader: Review unhealthy behaviors with your Soldiers Unhealthy Family Fitness Behaviors

You are SSG Rani. You just re-deployed from a 9 month tour in Afghanistan. Prior to your deployment you spent a lot of time away from home helping your unit get ready to go. Your spouse took on the duties of FRG leader during the deployment and has organized fundraising events to send many care packages to your unit. Your wife works full time as a nurse and you have two small children together. During the deployment, your house was damaged by Hurricane Sandy and your family was temporarily displaced. You are re-adjusting to family life and your wife is nagging you about home repairs that need to be done. You have only been home for a short time and just want to relax. You get in an argument and she says, you have done nothing since you have been home. You dont know what it was like to make sure everything was taken care of while you were gone. You dont appreciate me!Family (Connection) - JuneLeader: Read the following scenarioUnhealthy Family Fitness Scenario

Bottom Line Up Front: There are three main communication styles.Aggressive Must have last word; talking over other person; ineffective emotion; blaming; talking down; invading personal space.Passive Quiet; no eye contact; withdrawn; sulking; submissive; fearful; appeasing; low tone of voice.Assertive Clear; confident; controlled; seek to understand; everyone gets an opportunity to express point of view; agreeable solution is obtained; active listening.Key principles of assertive communication:It takes practice.Flexibility adjust communication style to fit the person/situation.Communication styles are skills not personality styles.You may have to take a break from the conversation and revisit it later.

Leader: Ask your Soldiers what style of communication did SSG Ranis wife display in the scenario? Is this effective? How can SSG Rani use assertive communication to change the course of the discussion?

Family (Connection) - JuneLeader: Ask your Soldiers what they perceive the problem to be and how it will affect the families connection in the long term.

Scenario Assertive Communication

The IDEAL Model is a tool that can be used to communicate moreeffectively. It encourages problem solving and collaboration by providing a framework for discussion.

I = Identify and understand the problem. (Before discussing)D = Describe the problem objectively and accurately. Who, what, when and where. (Discussion starts)E = Express your concerns and how you feel (at an appropriate time). Dont exaggerate. A = Ask the other person for his/her perspective and ask for a reasonable change. Be realistic.L = List the positive outcomes that will occur if the person makes the agreed upon change. Avoid ultimatums or threats.

Page 7Family (Connection) - JuneScenario IDEAL ModelLeader: Have Soldiers discuss which style of communication they usually fall in to and why. Do they tend to use one style more with the people closest to them?

Assertive communication builds upon the competency of connection by reinforcing close relationships with the people you care about most. You can be a more effective Soldier by building strong relationships and being willing to make compromises. It is important to remember that unhealthy family fitness can negatively impact a mission and unit readiness. Family (Connection) - JuneConnectionHunt the good stuff: Positive people think positively. Focusing on positive experiences leads to an optimistic way of thinking. Encourage your Soldiers to share a positive experience that they have had since last drill. (Open discussion)

8How could leaders use assertive communication to strengthen their teams?Remain clear, confident and controlled in communication with your Soldiers to keep the lines of communication open.Actively listen to Soldiers concerns to seek understanding of the problem.How can you use assertive communication or the IDEAL model to strengthen your family connection?Practice patience and try to take others perspectives when in conflict.Actively listen to Family concerns to seek a clear understanding of the problem.Remember ACE * (any stressful situation can lead to suicidal behavior)Ask what you can do to assist the Soldier in succeeding.Care enough to listen and provide support.Escort the Soldier to resources or be one yourself as a positive influence.

DO YOU HAVE AN ACE CARD?* The ACE process guides us to assist the Soldier. Have the courage to act on behalf of a fellow Soldier. Never assume that everything is good to go until you have checked.Family (Connection) - JuneLeader: Ask about responsibility of Battle Buddies and how they can assist in the situation and review ACEScenario Battle Buddy Aid

Leaders should demonstrate SELFLESS SERVICE with Guard FamilyKnow and understand the NYARNG network of supportPractice values of RESPECT, LOYALTY and SELFLESS SERVICE at homeShare Family information with the unitShare unit information with the FamilyEncourage Family Readiness Group involvementBalance Family, Guard and employer obligationsSpend quality time with your FamilyIf required, have a Family Care PlanEducate Family members on military benefitsTeach and practice the Army Values (be a good role model)Learn and practice good listening and communication skillsEncourage positive, interactive Family environmentFamily (Connection) - JuneLeader: Ask your Soldiers to think of good Family fitness habits Healthy Family Fitness Behaviors

NYARNG Family Programs Office, (877)715-7817 or online at of Psychological Health(DPH), (518)396-8993Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC), (518)925-4302Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), (518)786-4734Military OneSource (NYARNG Representative), (518)265-2901State Chaplains Office, (518)461-2527Military OneSource, (800)342-9647 or online at Vets4Warriors peer support line, (855)838-8255 / (855)VET-TALK,

Family (Connection) - JuneLeader: Reviews available resources and remind Soldiers that seeking them is not a sign of weakness but part of fitnessAvailable Resources