fan, friend, now what? sony pictures

Gravity Summit Fan, Friend, Now What? Ann Glenn Sony Pictures Imageworks Interacitve Feb 25, 2009 Los Angeles

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Ann Glenn from Sony pictures shares some experiences and lessons learned from Sony Pictures and how they use social media for film promotion. Presented at Gravity Summit UCLA


Page 1: Fan, Friend, Now What? Sony Pictures

Gravity Summit

Fan, Friend, Now What?Ann Glenn

Sony Pictures Imageworks Interacitve

Feb 25, 2009 Los Angeles

Page 2: Fan, Friend, Now What? Sony Pictures

Ultimate Goal

Get Butts In Seats!

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Get Them Talking

It’s all about word of mouth.

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Engage Them Where They Are

Some form of Social Networking is built into every campaign we do

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Engage Them Where They Are

Give them a reason to come back

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Engage Them Where They Are

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Give Them The Tools

Spreading the message

• Widgets (movie news, countdown clock, game)

• UGC - Fan Art/photo uploads

• Skins – Blog/MySpace

• Message Boards

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Give Them The Tools

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Sharing is Caring

Give them the tools to take your content elsewhere.

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Talk WITH The Users

How we do this:

• Blogs (Spider-Man/Vanna Style)

• Message Boards

• Twitter

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Lessons Learned

• Not every Social Media tool works for every campaign

• Learn to let go

• Find ways to engage your audience

• Find ways to reward your audience

• Listen Listen Listen

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Best Practices

• Make use of your internal “experts”

• Keep your brand consistent

• Participate where your audience participates

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Theater photo:

Talking photo:

Quantum Of Solace:

Angels & Demons:

Spider-Man Movie Network:

Seinfeld MySpace

The Ugly Truth