fandango partner linking instructions · movie trailers + clips page redirect url parameters:...

Fandango Partner Linking Instructions | May 14, 2012 Page 1 of 39 Fandango Partner Linking Instructions Version 3.4 Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Version History .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Home Page ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Theater Selection Page................................................................................................................................. 6 Theater Landing Page................................................................................................................................... 8 Movie Showtimes Page............................................................................................................................... 10 Movie Overview Page ................................................................................................................................. 12 Movie Trailers + Clips Page ........................................................................................................................ 14 Movie Synopsis Page.................................................................................................................................. 16 Related Movies Page .............................................................................................................................. 18 Movie Fan Reviews Page ........................................................................................................................... 20 Movie Critic Reviews Page ......................................................................................................................... 22 Movie Photos + Posters Page..................................................................................................................... 24 Movie Events Photo Page ....................................................................................................................... 26 Movie Posters Photo Page ...................................................................................................................... 28 Movie Cast + Crew Page ............................................................................................................................ 30 Movie Awards Page .................................................................................................................................... 32 Performer Landing Page ............................................................................................................................. 34 Ticket Quantity Page (Purchase Process) .................................................................................................. 36 Exhibitor-specific Ticket Quantity Page ................................................................................................... 38 Linking to Other Helpful Fandango Pages .................................................................................................. 39

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Fandango Partner Linking Instructions | May 14, 2012

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Fandango Partner Linking Instructions Version 3.4

Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Version History .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Home Page ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Theater Selection Page ................................................................................................................................. 6 Theater Landing Page ................................................................................................................................... 8 Movie Showtimes Page ............................................................................................................................... 10 Movie Overview Page ................................................................................................................................. 12 Movie Trailers + Clips Page ........................................................................................................................ 14 Movie Synopsis Page .................................................................................................................................. 16

Related Movies Page .............................................................................................................................. 18 Movie Fan Reviews Page ........................................................................................................................... 20 Movie Critic Reviews Page ......................................................................................................................... 22 Movie Photos + Posters Page ..................................................................................................................... 24

Movie Events Photo Page ....................................................................................................................... 26 Movie Posters Photo Page ...................................................................................................................... 28

Movie Cast + Crew Page ............................................................................................................................ 30 Movie Awards Page .................................................................................................................................... 32 Performer Landing Page ............................................................................................................................. 34 Ticket Quantity Page (Purchase Process) .................................................................................................. 36

Exhibitor-specific Ticket Quantity Page ................................................................................................... 38 Linking to Other Helpful Fandango Pages .................................................................................................. 39

Fandango Partner Linking Instructions | May 14, 2012

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Version History

Date Version Description Author

06/28/2007 2.0 Original partner linking documentation Bob Biles

06/13/2011 3.0 Full document updates Indra Kumaran

2/21/2012 3.1 Added exhibitor-specific TQP url. Removed hard-coded version # from header.

John Baumbach

03/06/2012 3.1.1 Added “ccode” parameter to TSP Christina Fries

03/26/2012 3.2 Added partner linking to Movie Page Tabs and Sub Tabs Kalaivani Sambandam

05/03/2012 3.3 Removed dte parameter from document (length of time for affiliate code).

Indra Kumaran

05/14/2012 3.4 Updated screenshots to reduce document size. Indra Kumaran

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Overview This document describes the manner in which Fandango partners can link to specific pages on site. Generally, these links “point” to a redirect page on Fandango which serves to parse the parameters supplied in the URL, add tracking information, and redirect the user to the correct page. Tracking for these links is accomplished through appending an affiliate id to the URL.

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Home Page Use the following information to link to the Home Page.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting Page URL:

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Home Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “homepage”

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

location Optional US Locations: The 5 digit ZIP code to be searched. Canadian Location: The 6 character Postal Code to be searched.

US: Any 5 digit ZIP Code (e.g., 90064) Canada: Any 6 character Postal code (e.g., M4W1A5)

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Theater Selection Page The Theater Selection Page displays theaters and showtimes for all theaters near a given US ZIP Code or Canadian Postal Code. Link to this page to offer quick access to showtime listings if the user’s location is known.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting Page URL:

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Theater Selection Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “location”.

location Required US Locations: The 5 digit ZIP code to be searched. Canadian Location: The 6 character Postal Code to be searched.

US: Any 5 digit ZIP Code (e.g., 90064) Canada: Any 6 character Postal code (e.g., M4W1A5)

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

date Optional The desired schedule date. If date is not supplied, the current day's schedule will be displayed.

06-14-2011 (for June 14, 2011)

ccode Required chain code Exhibitor-specific code provided by Fandango

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Theater Landing Page The Theater Landing Page displays the complete schedule for one theater for the selected day. Link to this page if the specific theater a user is interested is known.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting Page URL:

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Theater Landing Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “theater”.

tid Required The TMS Theater Id. A list of valid values can be supplied upon request, or used from an existing TMS data source. Otherwise, values can be obtained by visiting a Fandango Theater Page and looking for the five alphabetic id just before “/theaterpage” in the URL. For example, in the URL the theater id is AAJNK.

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

date Optional The desired schedule date. If date is not supplied, the current day's schedule will be displayed.

06-14-2011 (for June 14, 2011)

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Movie Showtimes Page The Movie Showtimes Page displays showtime information for a single movie for a specified location.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Showtime Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “movieid” when trying to access the showtimes or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/showtimes” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

date Optional The desired schedule date. If date is not supplied, the current day's schedule will be displayed.

06-14-2011 (for June 14, 2011)

location Optional US Locations: The 5 digit ZIP code to be searched. Canadian Location: The 6 character Postal Code to be searched.

US: Any 5 digit ZIP Code (e.g., 90064) Canada: Any 6 character Postal code (e.g., M4W1A5)

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Movie Overview Page The Movie Overview Page displays movie information for the specified movie. It is the default page for a movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Overview Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “moverview” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Trailers + Clips Page The Movie Trailers + Clips Page displays videos (trailers and clips) for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Trailers + Clips Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “mtrailer” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Synopsis Page The Movie Synopsis Page displays the plot summary for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Synopsis Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “syn” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Related Movies Page The Related Movies Page displays titles of movie(s) that are related (similar with/ followed by/ part of a series / group) to the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Related Movies Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “rel” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Fan Reviews Page The Movie Fan Reviews Page displays the fan reviews and ratings for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Fan Reviews Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “frev” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Critic Reviews Page The Movie Critic Reviews Page displays the reviews from top critics for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Critic Reviews Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “crev” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Photos + Posters Page The Movie Photos + Posters Page displays movie photos, movie images, film stills, and cast and crew photos for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Photos + Posters Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “mphoto” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Events Photo Page The Movie Events Photo Page displays special events photos for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Events Photo Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “mevphoto” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Posters Photo Page The Movie Posters Photo Page displays posters for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Posters Photo Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “mposter” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Cast + Crew Page The Movie Cast + Crew Page displays cast and crew information for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Cast + Crew Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “cast” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Movie Awards Page The Movie Awards Page displays awards related information including Golden Globes, Academy Awards, MTV Movie Awards and more for the specified movie.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting URL:

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Movie Awards Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “maw” when trying to access the overview or default page for a movie.

mid Required The Fandango movie id. See notes for other movie ID options.

The Fandango Movie ID value can be

obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/movieoverview” in the URL. For example, in the URL, the Fandango movie id is “136253” Notes: If more readily available, the 6-digit AMG Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “amid” and the value should be the AMG Movie ID. If more readily available, the 5or 6-digit TMS Movie ID may be used in place of

the Fandango Movie ID. The parameter “mid” should be substituted with the parameter “tmid” and the value should be the TMS Movie ID

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

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Performer Landing Page Pages for celebrity information on Fandango.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting Page URL:

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Performer Landing Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

Always set to “pid” when trying to access the default page for a performer. Filmography page is currently the default.

apid Required The AMG performer id. Value can be obtained by visiting a Performer Landing Page and looking for the five or six digit number just after “filmography/” in the URL: For example, in the URL, the performer id is p196872.

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

location Optional US Locations: The 5 digit ZIP code to be searched. Canadian Location: The 6 character Postal Code to be searched.

US: Any 5 digit ZIP Code (e.g., 90064) Canada: Any 6 character Postal code (e.g., M4W1A5)

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Ticket Quantity Page (Purchase Process) Link to the Ticket Quantity page with a specific Date, Time, Movie and Theater to begin the ticket purchase process.

Sample Partner URL: Sample Resulting Page URL:

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Ticket Quantity Page Redirect URL Parameters: (Note no “Searchby” parameter is used when linking to the Ticket Quantity Page.) Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

mid Required The Fandango movie id. Value can be obtained by visiting a Movie Page and looking for the five or six digit number just before “/showtimes” in the URL: For example, in the URL the movie id is 136253.

tid Required The TMS Theater Id. A list of valid values can be supplied upon request, or used from an existing TMS data source. Otherwise, values can be obtained by visiting a Fandango Theater Page and looking for the five alphabetic id just before “/theaterpage” in the URL. For example, in the URL the theater id is AAJNK.

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

date Optional The date of show & time of show (24 hour clock). If date is not supplied, the current day's schedule will be displayed. If no time is supplied or an incorrect time is supplied, the date will be set and a customer must select showtime from a drop-down menu.

date=06-14-2011+21:50 for 06-14-2011 (for June 14, 2011) at 9:50PM

p Optional A temporarily valid identifier that can be used to uniquely identify a particular group of seats. For example, an auditorium has a group of seats with a special amenity (e.g. “D-BOX”) along with regular seats. This allows Fandango to distinguish between the two. This parameter should only be included in the special case when there are two or more types of seats within a single auditorium and they must be distinguishable.

The “showid” (or “row_count”) value for the show. Typically this is found in the results of a call to the Fandango FRDI API. It is usually a 9 digit integer. Note: this value is transient and should be considered invalid after a period of no more than 10 minutes after retrieval.

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Exhibitor-specific Ticket Quantity Page Optionally, you can use this version of the url when exhibitor specific (e.g. non-TMS) data is the only data available. Example: Ticket Quantity Page Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description


a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

atr Optional affiliate tracking partner ID, a parameter required in addition to affiliate ID for post-purchase data pass

A numeric value assigned to you by Fandango.

ccode Required chain code Exhibitor-specific code provided by Fandango

csid Required an exhibitor-specific theater site ID (or unit ID) provided by an exhibitor

A code provided by the partner to Fandango.

irn Required internal reference number An exhibitor-specific movie ID that Fandango receives as part of the showtimes schedule

date Required The date of show. If date is not supplied, the current day's schedule will be displayed.

date=06-14-2011 for 06-14-2011 (for June 14, 2011)

t Required The time of show (24 hour clock). If no time is supplied or an incorrect time is supplied, the date will be set and a customer must select showtime from a drop-down menu.

t=21:50 for 9:50PM

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Linking to Other Helpful Fandango Pages Freshly Popped: The Movie Blog Provides movie news, insider gossip, and early movie reviews from Fandango bloggers. Sample Partner URL:

Sample Resulting Page URL:

Behind the Screens Provides behind the scenes news, interviews, and other exciting entertainment buzz from Fandango writers. Sample Partner URL:

Sample Resulting Page URL: Redirect URL Parameters: Parameter Optional or

Required Description Valid Values

searchby Required The main search parameter description

searchby=bts searchby=blog

a Required The affiliate code associated with the link source.

A numeric value assigned to the partner by Fandango.

location Optional US Locations: The 5 digit ZIP code to be searched. Canadian Location: The 6 character Postal Code to be searched.

US: Any 5 digit ZIP Code (e.g., 90064) Canada: Any 6 character Postal code (e.g., M4W1A5)