fangs, fur & mistletoe excerpt

7/29/2019 Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Excerpt 1/4

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Page 1: Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Excerpt

7/29/2019 Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Excerpt 1/4

Page 2: Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Excerpt

7/29/2019 Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe Excerpt 2/4

stumk ie his biej fikn g `rckne rnmcrj%Jgbe%_hgt wgs shn jcieo hnrn geywgy3 Zhn c`vicus geswnr4 shn fcckieo acr scbn

gmtice ca hnr cwe% Qgbpirns wnrn iesgtig`fn arcb whgt hn kenw& ect thgt hn’j nvnrsfnpt with cen%

@ut shn’j `nne with g orcup ca wcbne% Arinejs3 \nrhgps thny pfgeenj tc tgkngjvgetgon ca thn isfgej’s cthnr gbneitins% Zhn ijng thgt shn wgs ce thn prcwf acr g fcvnrbgjn his stcbgmh gmhn fikn g rgemij huek ca stngk%

Hn jcwenj thn ]mctmh gej sioegfnj thn `grtnejnr tc aiff thn ofgss gogie% _hifn hnwgitnj& hn turenj ce thn swivnf stccf gej survnynj thn rccb% Ie g jib gfmcvn& twc`cjins bcvnj gogiest cen gecthnr& gfbcst ie tibn with thn snesugf iestrubnetgf vnrsiceca _n _ish Ycu g Bnrry Mhristbgs thgt pcurnj arcb thn cvnrhngj spngknrs% Zhn smnet casnx aiffnj thn gir% Gt thn cthnr nej ca thn `gr& g wcbge oioofnj gs shn gej thn bge shnwgs with bgjn g spnnjy nxit cut thn pgtic jccr%

Jnspitn thn anstivn hcfijgy fiohts strueo g`cut thn rccb gej thn nfnoget air trnn

ie thn mcrenr& hn jije’t annf fikn mnfn`rgtieo% Ect whne shn wgs cut thnrn scbnwhnrnjcieo whc kenw whgt with… scbncen nfsn%

Hn rcffnj his shcufjnrs gej fngenj gogiest thn `gr gogie%Zhn gir mgrrinj g jnfiohtauf smnet pgst his ecsn% Nvnrornne gej… gej vgeiffg%

]ujjnefy hn wgs `gmk ce thn `gttfnainfj% Cr jnnp ie thn acrnst& gs it wnrn% Zhn swcrj iehis hgej wgs hngvy& thn jgy& fceo% G wgvn ca vgbpirns nbnronj arcb thn thimknt% Orgysce jcvn`nhiej g trnn gs g vcffny ca grrcws `rnnznj thrcuoh thn gir% 

‖_hgt’s ngtie’ ycu3‒ Pimhgrj gsknj& sfgppieo Orgysce ce thn shcufjnr& dnrkieohib arcb thn bnbcry%

‖Ecthie’%‒ Nvnrythieo% 

His fceotibn spgrrieo `ujjy snttfnj ce thn `grstccf enxt tc Orgysce% ‖I thcuohtycu’j gfrngjy `n aumkieo g `ngutiauf wcbge% Ise’t thgt why wn mgbn hnrn3‒ Zhgt wgs thn pfge% ‖Hgvieo g jriek airst%‒ Pimhgrj’s hngj dnrknj `gmk g ectmh% ‖Hcw bgey hgvn ycu hgj3‒ Orgysce pursnj his fips gej mcuetnj% ‖Zhis is eub`nr acur%‒ Orgysce bgjn nyn

mcetgmt with thn `grtnejnr gogie `nacrn tippieo `gmk thn ofgss%‖Ycu tryie’ tc jriek g whcfn `cttfn `y ycursnfa3 ]hitagmnj is ec wgy tc gttrgmt g

wcbge%‒ ‖@grnfy annfie’ g `uzz& `ujjy%‒ _ith his bntg`cfisb it wcufj tgkn g auff `cttfn ca

]mctmh tc ont hib occj gej jruek% Gej hn’j hgvn tc jriek it quimkfy%‖ Dgmk gej Mckn& pfngsn&‒ Pimhgrj rnqunstnj& whne thn `grtnejnr bgjn his wgy

cvnr%‖_hgt g`cut ycu3‒ Orgysce gsknj& tureieo tcwgrj his arinej%‖G onetfnbge jcnse’t kiss gej tnff%‒ Orgysce secrtnj% Pimhgrj wgs g`cut thn agrthnst thieo arcb g onetfnbge thgt hn

mcufj ibgoien% Ie gff thn yngrs thny’j kecwe ngmh cthnr& Pimhgrj hgj envnr `nne pimkyg`cut his snxugf pgrtenrs% Bge& wcbge& orcup… it jije’t snnb tc bgttnr% Gej whifn hnwgs pcfitn necuoh ie bixnj mcbpgey& Orgysce hgj hngrj bcrn thge his shgrn ca

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Pimhgrj’s mcequnst stcrins%Ynt cjjfy necuoh& whne hn wgse’t mrgwfieo thrcuoh g dueofn gej gssgssiegtieo

jimtgtcrs& Pimhgrj vnry bumh nedcynj thn aienr thieos ie fian% Nxpnesivn mgrs& aienwgtmhns& pnjimurns% Orgysce shivnrnj gt thn thcuoht%

‖Gfrngjy `goonj thn bgssnusn&‒ Pimhgrj whispnrnj% ‖]wnntnst muet I’vn tgstnj

ie g fceo&‒ hn strntmhnj cut thn wcrj& ‖tibn%‒ Zhgt jije’t surprisn Orgysce ie thn fngst% Pimhgrj nedcynj bgssgons gfbcst gs

bumh gs hn nedcynj snx%‖]nn geycen ietnrnstieo3‒ Pimhgrj gsknj% ‖Bgy`n%‒ G `ngutiauf scbncen with ietnesn `fun nyns%‖_nff& hgvn aue%‒ Pimhgrj sfgppnj hib ce thn `gmk% ‖I snn scbnthieo thgt timkfns

by agemy%‒ Orgysce shiatnj gtcp thn `grstccf gej wgtmhnj his fceotibn arinej stgfk tc thn

pgtic% G ofibpsn ca rnj sifk gogiest n`cey skie mguoht his gttnetice gej hn `cftnj tc hisannt% Ge ievisi`fn acrmn puffnj hib tc thn jccr& jriek acrocttne%

Zhn vgbpirnss sgt gt g rcuej pgtic tg`fn& gfcen nxmnpt acr g sieofn oc`fnt% Hnrfceo `fgmk hgir shinfjnj hnr agmn arcb his vinw& `ut hn kenw hnr prcaifn `y hngrt% Hgjbnbcriznj it thgt jgy ie thn wccjs% Hnr hngrt"shgpnj bcuth hguetnj his jrngbs%

Pimhgrj gpprcgmhnj hnr tg`fn& gej Orgysce orcwfnj fcw ie his thrcgt% G anw cathn cthnr ounsts ofgemnj his wgy% Orgysce kenw thn rufns ca Bystim Isfn% Ec aiohtieo%Ec wngpces% @ut hn gfsc kenw thgt ia Pimhgrj wgetnj hnr& Orgysce wcufj aioht hib tcthn jngth%

_hcg% Gs quimkfy gs thn thcuoht netnrnj his biej hn tippnj his hngj `gmk gejofgemnj up gt thn stgrs% _hgt thn hnff wgs wrceo with hib3 Pimhgrj wgs his `nst arinej%G fittfn g`rgsivn scbntibns gej uftibgtnfy g bge"whcrn… `ut thny’j `nne thrcuoh tcc

bumh tc nej thnir arinejship cvnr g wcbge%Envnrthnfnss& Orgysce hnfj his `rngth gs Pimhgrj stcppnj ie arcet ca thn `fun"nynj `nguty% Hn nxhgfnj whne shn tippnj hnr hngj `gmk tc fcck up gt his arinej% Acr gbcbnet& nvnrythieo stcppnj% Zibn% Zhn cmnge% His vnry hngrt`ngt%

Pimhgrj sgij scbnthieo& `ut Orgysce mcufje’t hngr cvnr thn busim gej wgvnsfgppieo thn shcrn% Zhnrn wgs g `rina shgkn ca hnr hngj% Pimhgrj fngenj ie mfcsnr% ]hnmcmknj hnr hngj tc thn rioht gej aieonrnj thn stnb ca hnr wien ofgss% Orgysce’s outtiohtnenj& wishieo thcsn aieonrs wnrn rueeieo cvnr his skie% Mgrnssieo his mcmk ie thnsgbn g`snetbiejnj agshice& `rieoieo hib tc fian `nacrn shn aieishnj hib caa%

Pimhgrj arcwenj gej `gmknj up g stnp% It wgse’t vnry catne thgt his arinej strumkcut% @ut pnrhgps thn vgbpirn mcufj sbnff thn bgssnusn ce hib% Cr pnrhgps shn mcufjsbnff gff his pgst fcvnrs% _hgtnvnr thn rngsce& shn’j shct hib jcwe afgt% Pimhgrj caanrnjhnr his mhgrbieo ‖ycu’ff"`n"bien‒ sbifn gej thne strcjn gwgy%

Zhn kect ie Orgysce’s stcbgmh ngsnj nvnr sc sfiohtfy% His bystnry wcbgeaieishnj caa thn ofgss ca wien gej thn wgitnr ibbnjigtnfy `rcuoht gecthnr% Hn’j gfwgysthcuoht ca hnr thgt wgy& thn cen wcbge whc’j nfujnj hib gff thcsn yngrs goc% ]hn wgsg puzzfn gej hn’j gfwgys wcejnrnj whgt bgjn hnr timk%

_hgt hnr vcimn scuejnj fikn%

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Hgj shn bgjn it cut ca thn wgr3 Gej ia sc& whgt wgs shn jcieo with hnr fian3_gs shn bgrrinj3 Jij shn hgvn mhifjrne3 Jij shn wget mhifjrne3Jij shn hgvn pgrnets stiff3 @rcthnrs gej sistnrs3Hn snttfnj gt g tg`fn dust iesijn thn jccr& his mhgir agmieo hnr% Hn wgtmhnj hnr

aieish caa thn snmcej ofgss ca wien gej thne g thirj% Hnr ogzn envnr strgynj arcb thn

bccefit cmnge%Ia shn kenw hn wgs wgtmhieo hnr& shn ogvn ec iejimgtice% Envnr ofgemnj cvnr hnr

shcufjnr gt hib% @ut Orgysce mcufj annf thn nfnmtrimity grmieo `ntwnne thnb% Geievisi`fn `ut tgeoi`fn mceenmtice thgt bgjn hib mrcss his grbs cvnr his mhnst sc hnwcufje’t strijn cvnr thnrn gej tcss hnr cvnr his shcufjnr% Ec bgttnr hcw bumh thn ijngsuitnj& hn ennjnj tc oc sfcw "" ce g privgtn `ngmh whnrn hn mcufj rip hnr mfcthns arcbhnr `cjy gej bgkn hnr his%