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  • 7/22/2019 FAQ Latest


    1. Explain abt CRM architecture?


    The CRM architecture is divided into different layers are:

    1.Presentation layer: Which provides the interaction area between the users and crm


    It display the response to the users according to their(user) request.( like request -

    response model: it gives response back whatever user click on the screen and/or do

    giving any input ). Here everything we treated as pages( at browser window), and each

    page we call it as an UI Component. Here every UI Component follows MVCarchitecture.

    2.BOL Layer : It is a BOL(Business Object Layer) layer connected between the Object

    Model and UI .It mapping the data from object model to user interface. The BOL having

    the set of Classes and Methods to perform the operations on the dada which is getting

    from the Model Node of GENIL of an Object-Model into Buffer. In BOL the buffering is

    used to stored the data, and perform the operations on the data according to the user


    3.GENIL Layer: The GENIL(Generic Interaction layer) take care the data transfer from

    the BOL to API(application programming interface). Here the Object Model contains the

    Genil components that are organized in component sets. Actually the Genil contains theGenil Objects.

    4.API's: The API(Application Programming Interface) is nothing but a software

    component, it lies between Genil and Database. API performs the actions(operations) at

    Database level by getting the reqest from the Genil. The operations are getting the data

    and/or modify the data at Database.

    5.DATABASE TABLES: These are the physical tables which contains the actual data at

    database level.

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    2. what do you mean by MVC architecture?

    a) Used to develop object-oriented User interfaces.

    b) SAP CRM web client UI based on the MVC architecture.c) Gives clear separation between layout, data maintenance and program control

    into different components of an application.

    d) Model unit contains the Context and context nodes that link the data fields of

    the view to the BOL layer.

    e) The view represents the presentation layer that requests the data from model

    via controller and is responsible for the output of this data in an HTTP response.

    f) The controller handles the interaction logic between model and view and it

    receives all keyboard inputs and mouse clicks from the View.i.e.Http request

    from the view.

    3. What is GENIL, types of genil entities, how many are there?

    GenIL:It provides interface between BOL layer and Database through APIs(Application

    Programming Interfaces).

    Types of GenIL Entities

    Root Object It is the super element within a group of Objects that are aggregated

    together in a parent-child relationship.

    Access Object - A special type of BO whose ID can be used to determine both itsattribute and its dependent ones.

    Dependent Object - Its a child Object, whose attributes cannot be determined solely

    from the ID of this BO but only with its Root Object.

    Search Object - It is also called a query Object. It represents a special kind of BO whose

    attributes forms the parameter of the Search Request.

    Search Result Object - The result Object of a Search request is an associated access

    object at the uppermost level.

    Dynamic Search Object - BO whose attributes are the parameter of Search Request.

    Also known as dynamic query Object.

    4. Difference between Custom and component controller?

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    a) The main difference between custom and component controller is the role which

    they play during data transfer.

    b) Custom controller is used for data transfer across two views within a

    component. For that you need to bind view context nodes to custom controller

    through wizard.

    c) Component controller is used for data transfer across two views in two different

    components. For this, we need to define the component usage first and then

    bind the context nodes in the method-WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE of the Component

    Controller impl class.

    5. Diff b/w Component Usage and Interface Controller?

    a) Component Usage:It is used to access data from other UI component to current

    UI component .It is only possible if there is interface view in other UI component.

    b) Interface Controller: The view in a component can be accessed to other

    component through interface controller.

    c) In interface controller add the context nodes of the component controller to the

    Component user interface and then they are visible to the other UI components.

    6. Why we do navigation, outbound plug and inbound plug?

    Navigation Links:

    a) This node is used to create the navigation from a source view to one or more

    target views.

    b) Outbound (Source) and Inbound (target) plugs are must to create navigationlinks.

    c) The name of the navigation link is required to execute a navigation.

    d) Navigation Request(hyper link)->Event handling of request->calling Outbound

    plug-> start navigation->processing inbound plug.

    Outbound and Inbound Plug:

    a) Outbound Plug:It is used to send the data from current component to the other


    b) InoundPlug : It is used to receive the data from othercomponent to the current


    An Outbound Plug is linked with the Inbound plug in a navigational link.a) The navigation link receives a unique name. Thus, a navigational link describes a

    navigation path from the start to the target and can be understood as a directed


    7. Diff b/w Over view page and View set?

    a) With the view set you can compose different views to one screen.

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    b) With the overview page you can display different components as assigment


    c) Configuration tab is there in Overview page but don't have View Layout. In View

    Set Configuration tab is not there, but it have View Layout.

    8. What is use of Runtime Repository Editor(RRE)?a. The runtime repository editor of the component workbench is the tool which

    displays and maintains the Runtime Repository for a Component.

    b. Runtime repository is a tool for process and display the Repository.xmlfile.

    c. Each component has its own runtime repository file (means that any component

    can be executed separately)

    9. Purpose of WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE?

    a) Component binding is done to ensure that One Component is available for use in

    another Component.

    b) To achieve this the Component Controller method WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE must

    contain the binding between the context nodes of the used component and the

    current component's Component controller.

    c) Once the Nodes are binded the data can made available in the used component

    from the current component.

    10.Purpose GET_V_XYZ, GET_P_XYZ, GET_I_XYZ, and GET_A_XYZ methods? GET_V_XYZ -

    a) This defines the content of drop down values, F4 Help etc.

    b) GET_P_XYZ - This defines the property of attribute whether it's drop down, text

    box, F4 help, check box etc.c) GET_I_XYZ - This defines whether the attribute is editable or non editable.

    d) GET_A_XYZ - This is used to hide or display the attribute based on the Switch ID.

    11.How we can Implement SAP Notes?

    a) SAP Notes give you instructions on how to remove known errors from SAP

    Systems. They include a description of the symptoms, the cause of the error, and

    the SAP Release and Support Package level in which the error occurs.

    b) Depending on the type of error, an SAP Note may also include:

    c) Workarounds

    d) Descriptions of how to correct repository objects in the ABAP workbench, knownas correction instructions

    e) Links to Support Packages that solve the problem.

    f) You can access SAP Notes both from the SAP Service Marketplace and SAPNet -

    R/3 Frontend.



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    j) The Note Assistant can automatically implement only SAP Notes that have

    correction instructions.

    k) Read the SAP Note carefully before you use the Note Assistant to implement it.

    The SAP Note can contain prerequisites, interactions, and references to

    postprocessing activities (making changes to a table, for example) that you musttake into consideration when you implement it.

    Steps to Install SAP Note

    1. Go to transaction code SNOTE

    2. Download SAP note

    a. Click Goto Download SAP note

    b. Enter note Number

    c. Click Execute

    3. Implement SAP Note

    a. Select note and click Implement SAP Note icon

    b. Request Click Create; Enter note Number and description

    c. Take note of transport request no.

    4. Test transport before migration

    a. Notify requestor to verify changes before migrating to the next environment

    b. After thorough testing has been completed, release transport

    c. Migrate transport to the other environments.

    12.Difference between EEWB and AET?(Anjali)


    1. Easy Enhancement

    Workbench used to enhance

    context menu of standard

    component with custom field

    in SAP GUI level.

    1. Application Enhancement Tool

    also used to enhance standard

    component with custom field in

    Web UI level, it is available from

    CRM version 7.0

    2. Using EEWB little more

    complicated to add search

    helps, dropdown boxes,currency and quantity fields

    2. AET has made simpler to add

    search helps, dropdown boxes,

    currency and quantity fields.

    3. EEWB is required under

    specific areas like time

    dependent customer tables

    for business partners.

    3. In AET, we can reuse custom

    fields in other objects which

    presents recreate the same custom

    field it required in any other objects

    4.T code for creating EEWB 4.T code for creating CRM_UI

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    13.Use of AET's and how can we add F4 help through AET.

    Used to enhance standart component with custom field , it reflect all the areas BOL

    entities,Genil components and DB level.

    Steps to add F4 help for field through AET.

    a) Create search help in SE11 screen.

    b) Open T code CRM_UI select where we want add new field

    i. ex: Sales cycle -- opportunity-- double click on any one of field --> here

    select in which view you want to add field

    c) select configuration area(double click on view)

    d) click on show enhancements(here will open possible enhancement objects,select


    e) click on Enable expert mode and BACK

    f) click on Create New Field( field details screen will open)

    g) In field details screen provide below things

    h) Field ID - ZZ

    i) Field label - FN ( this name available in configuration level)

    j) Data type - (select any one)

    k) Data element - ( give which we created at se11 screen)

    l) Check table - (optional)

    m) Search help - provide search help name as which we created at SE11 screenlevel

    n) BW Reporting - (optional)

    o) R/3 adapter - (optional)

    p) GO BACK and Save and Generate.

    q) step-3 : These field will be available at all areas BOL entities, Genil Components

    and DB level.

    r) Go BACK( full screen) again open will see field having F4 help.

    14.How to create drop down?To provide dropdown for Search Query Fields directly goto Implementation Class of the

    View n cal the method

    a) Get_Dquery_Definitions and write the code in this method.

    b) To provide dropdown for the flds other than Search Query Fldsin CRM Web UI

    level firstof al v shuld get the

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    c) attributename,contextnode,view n component name to get these details clk on

    any fld and press F2.

    d) Notedown the Component name,Viewname,Context Node from F2 popup and


    e) Giv the Component Name n clkdisplay.select the view which v got from F2 popup

    n select the attribute.

    f) To provide Dropdown for the Flds other than Search Query Flds generate V

    Getter n P Getter method.

    g) In P Getter using picklist v can get the values from the DB table as dropdown n

    assign it to rv_value.

    h) rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_picklist.

    i) Write the code in V Getter

    j) rt_value is table type of bsp_wd_dropdown_table.

    k) rt_value has 2 attributes key and value.

    l) To access the method set_selection_table create an objgr_ddlb_item_cat_group

    for the class cl_crm_uiu_ddlb n assign

    m) it to rv_valuehelp_descriptor.

    n) gr_ddlb_item_cat_group->set_selection_table(it_selection_table = rt_value ).

    o) rv_valuehelp_descriptor = gr_ddlb_item_cat_group.

    15.How to create F4 help?

    a) Goto Component Workbench select the view & context node attribute for which

    u want to provide

    b) F4 help.

    c) RgtClk on the attribute & generate V Getter method.

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    d) Write the code in V Getter method Create an Object rv_valuehelp_descriptor for

    the class

    e) cl_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr to access the methods of Interface Class.

    f) Populate the values to the parameters.

    g) ls_map-context_attr = context node attribute name

    h) ls_map-f4_attr = fld referring in Search Help.

    i) iv_help_id = Search Help name (which v created in SE11)

    16.if v want to provide F4 help for the custom fld which v added thru AET giv the Search

    Help name (which v created in SE11)

    Directly in web UI Level.

    17.How to create 'Button' and what method used?

    a) Select which View add button, Double click on View and click on request

    processing drop down

    b) Then right click on DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT METHOD

    c) Select REDEFINE-->Code Paste

    d) Double click on implementation Class--> Click Attribute tabe) and give Internal table name(gt_button), Assiciative


    f) Double click on View html-->code paste

    g) Right Click on 'Event Handler'--> create Event Handler name as 'Delete'-->code


    h) Test

    i) we using this method--->DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT

    18.What is BOL programming?a)BOL Programming helps you to transfer the data to WEB UI from business object

    layer and vice versa.

    19.What are BOL entities.How we can access?

    a)These BOL Entities are kind of class instances with underlying structures

    b)(mapped to the database tables) . The data you enter on the Web UI gets saved


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    c)the database tables via BOL Entities or Objects. These BOL entities are held by

    d)Collection Wrappers. They are kind of containers or wrapper classes in the

    context nodes.

    e)The BOL entities will be of type CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY.

    f)So when you want to access data from a view, you write this way...g)If you are in a method of IMPL Class.... ( if you are at the context node methods

    h)Context Node name -> Collection Wrapper ->get_current( ).

    20.Explain root objects and dependent objects?

    a)Root objects: Directly accessible via a distinct key (like Header GUID for

    b)BTOrder) and can be independently locked and maintained.

    c)Dependent object: Aggregated by a distinct root objects. Locked and maintained

    d)only via its root object.

    21.How we can create root and dependent objects?

    a)Root object is created through Simple object from Genil layer in through SPRO

    b)Dependent object Through GENIL_MODEL_EDITOR

    22.Diff b/w Local and Global iterator?

    a)Access BOL entities that are contained in a collection can access through iterators.

    b)Global - Any global iteration moves the focus, which is published by the event

    FOCUS_CHANGED of the collection

    c)Local - If you want to iterate on the collection without moving the focus (and

    without triggering timeconsuming follow-up processes) you can use local

    iteration. To do so, request an iterator object from the collection and use this

    to iterate.

    23.Why we use iterator ? How can we move one entity to another entity?

    a)Access BOL entities that are contained in a collection can access through iterators.

    b)You can access through Get_First and iterate through Get_next methods.

    24.What is use of Runtime Repository Editor(RRE)?

    a)A tool that enables configurations and setting that need to made during

    construction of the UI Component. All entries are made by using the context

    menu (rtclk) in the edit mode and saved. Framework saves the entry in the

    form of xml code, that is used during loading of the component.

    25.How we can bind data between views and components?

    a)Bind the data between views using custom controllers.

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    b)Bind the data between components using component usage via method


    c)Prerequisites : Component which you want to bind should have the Interface view

    and context node in component interface.

    26.Explain MVC in terms of Component Workbench?

    a)Every view in component workbench have data , controller and layout together

    to enable some functionality. Works on the MVC Framework - Model, View,

    Controller, that enables disconnection between the data and the layout. The

    controller serves to put and retrieve data to/from the model and view layout

    by interacting with BSP tags. The Model refers to the CTXT, the Controller

    refers to the IMPL and the View or ViewLayout refers to the .HTM, which

    contains the BSP code. The .HTM may also contain any other code (javascript,

    activeX ) though not advisable unless absolutely required. BSP and ABAP are

    the code of choice.

    27.What is the use of related entities?

    a)When generating BOL entities, we have to distinguish between root object and

    generation of dependent object. Root objects are creating through entity

    factory and dependent objects are created through create_related_entity

    method for their parent object.

    b)Suppose if object is crated from parent object, then if you want to access the

    dependent object through get_related_entity method.

    28.What is page attribute?

    a)The page attributes tab gives a list of all data parameters used within the page

    and those that are transferred to the successive pages.

    b)A page attribute marked as automatic is automatically supplied with a value from

    the calling URL or the navigation from another page. However there must exist

    a parameter of the same name with value in the URL or navigation interface.

    c)Example of supplying a value using the navigation interface, when there is an

    automatic attribute with nameFLIGHT in the target page:

    d)navigation->set_parameter( name = 'FLIGHT' value = "LH" ).

    29.what are events in CRM?

    a)Check in tcodeTcode CRMV_EVENT



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    30.How do you see values in debugging?

    a)Object Entity referring CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY at runtime

    b)Go to Container_Proxy attributec)And then go to Data_ref attribute

    d)And then go to attribute_set

    e)This displays the bol entity structure which is referring the object, then click the


    f)You can see values.

    31.What is role configuration key?

    a)Whenever you do your UI Configuration steps, you can choose to save your


    b)only for a specific role configuration key. Only users with a Business Role

    assigned,c)which has entered this Role Configuration key will see your changes

    32.How to enhance genil ?

    a)EnahnceGenil, by inheriting the Genil class to custom class and can redefine the

    same how ever we want.

    Capgemini interview questions:

    1.Explain CRM Architecture and explain MVC architecture where it will come in crm architecture?

    a. In CRM architecture we have 3 layers such as presentation layer, business layer and DB


    b. PL: it is nothing but User Interface, it depends on mvc architecture actual process takes

    place under

    c. Presentation Layer.

    d. BL: it contain 2 layers BOL and GenIL.

    e. BOL provide interface b/w DBL and PL, it is used to fetching data from DB with the help

    of GenIL and it will send to model.

    f. GenIL provides interface b/w DBL and BOL, it contains actual data. it will fetch data from

    DB with help of API's.

    g. DBL: Permanent data stores under DBL.

    h. *MVC Architecture comes under Presentation Layer.

    i. Model : model takes request from controller, actual process takes place in model.

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    j. it will get data from BOL and send it to view.

    k. View: view is a place holder where we can display the output.

    l. Controller: controller takes the request from the user and it will send to model.

    2.Purpose of GenIL?

    a. GenIL provides interface b/w DBL and BOL, it contains actual data. it will fetch data from

    DB with help of API's.

    3.What is Filter BADI, Why we are using?

    a. Filter BADI is used to provide default values. restrict implementation based on the filter


    4.In Web UI Level we have 2 check boxes, if we select one check box another check box will get


    5.how will do this scenario ?

    6.We have 2 views A & B, A having field value 10, B having 2 fields. one of the field value 20, if u

    add both 2 fields these value 30 should come as B view another field. how we can do these

    scenario where we can write the code?

    7.Do you aware of Action profile? What is Action profile? Why we are using, purpose?

    a. Yes. Action profile used to create follow up document based on status of application.

    b. It depends on post processing frame work. PPF provides sap application with uniform

    interface for condition dependent generation of action.

    8.One Order table purpose, crmd_orderadm_h purpose?

    a. It stores all the transactional data related to all application data such as sales,

    marketing and services.

    b. crmd_orderadm_h is a main table. it stores all the application related data, it provides

    GUID for fetching Item data.

    9.methods in view controller?



    10.how we can read child object data?

    a. get_related_entities method.

    11.how we can add field to search view through AET? for that any code requried to dispaly field in

    web ui level?

    a. No code is required directly we can add through drop down list options.

    12.We have 2 fields drop down list if u select 1st field value from drop down list next field value

    should change how we can do this senario?

    13.purpose of wd_usage_initialize/ how to bind two components?

    a. Used to bind coco context nodes of two different components.

    14.difference b/w cuco and coco?

    a. cuco is used to share data b/w two different views.

    b. coco is used share data b/w two different components.

    15.In search view which classes you used and what purpose, where you used?

    a. we have to use two classes in search view those are

    b. view implementation class - cl_crm_bp_advsearch_controller,

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    c. context node implementation class - cl_bsp_wd_context_node_asp .

    16.how to bind context nodes within a component?

    a. context menu of context node we have option create binding.

    17.how we can raise error messages in aet level?

    a. We have class cl_bsp_wd_message_service in this class one method call add_message

    for displaying error messages.

    18.what is difference b/w window and view?

    a. Window is container, it contains views.

    b. View is place holder where we can display the data.

    19.how we can create buttons in ovp?

    a. throughDo_PREPARE_OUTPUT.

    20.Types of objects?

    a. root object, access object, search object, search result object, dependent object,

    dynamic search object.

    21.Difference b/w crm_order_maintain&order_save?

    a. crm_order_maintain is used to create new transactions and change existing


    b. order_save is BADI used to save changes which are done in Application.

    Accenture interview Questions :-

    22.Purpose of DO_INIT and DO_INIT_CONTEXT?

    we assign default values to the context nodes and often, initialize various

    attributes of the controller class.23.What is purpose of get_A method?

    a. used to enable and disable fields based on switch id.

    24.me->typed_context->CN->collection_wrapper, here purpose of me and CN?

    a. me refer gobal class which refers controller.

    b. CN contain data.

    25.In F4 help and Dropdown, how do you inform to system, user which field select?

    26.how can we raise error messages in GenIL level?

    a. through class If_GenIL_Message_container.

    27.In Quotation how search objects find?

    28.how we can add custom component to Work center area?a. through Navigation Bar Profile.

    29.what is target id and logical link?

    a. Target id refer the custom component, it will assign to logical link through this we can

    display custom component in web ui level.

    30.what is mean by defer class?

    a. Define definition of class later.

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    31.Is there any changes in html code for buttons?

    a. Yes.

    32.what is component and what is model?

    a. whatever application developed which can be tied up with Component.

    33.what is CRMV_EVENTS? have you worked on CRMV_EVENTS?

    a. It is built in tool given by SAP for handlng the functionality based on event occur while

    processing the application out side of the component level.

    34.purpose of Transaction Launcher and navigation bar profile?

    a. TL is used to display the application(URL links) in web ui level which are not developed

    in web ui and component work bench level.

    b. If we want to display custom component in work center area that we can get through

    navigation bar profile.

    CTS interview Questions

    type 1:

    35.If we have two entities Header entity and Item entity, how we can read both entities at a time?

    a. we have one method call get_related_entities.

    36.types of context nodes?

    a. Model node and value node.

    37.how we can read all entities at a time?

    a. we can't read all entities at a time, possible to read one by one.

    38.what is model where it is located?

    a. model is located in RRE in work bench level, it is used load component set.

    39.how we can get data in context node level?

    40.purpose of component usage and component interface?

    Component Usage: it is used to access data from other ui component to current ui component.

    It is only possible if there is interface view in other ui component.

    Component Interface: The view in a component can be accessed to othr component through

    interface controller.

    41.Purpose of crmd_orderadm_h, how we can get bp related data through one order table?

    CRMD_ORDERADM_H gives header details of a transaction number(like service

    contract number, sales order number etc, th

    42.without using function module how we can get the data through bol programing?

    BY using the Collection Wrapper methods...

    43.what is f4 help, how you can provide f4 help for particular field?

    a. F4 help is used to provide possible values for particular field.

    44.For which field we need to provide goto that specific view in that particular field, generate get_v

    method inside that write code we have class providing f4 help

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    IF_BSP_WD_VALUEHELP_F4DESCR, Pass parameters context attribute name and f4 attribute


    45.how you add new field through AET?

    Refer Question number 13

    46.we have one of the field ZABC , how we can validate?

    There is a DO_VALIDATE_INPUT method in View controller (IMPL) class. You could make use of this method

    for validation. Redefine this method in order to validate the data of the whole context before it is transfered

    to the APIs.

    47.If u transfer data from search view to ovp, in ovpi have field country for that country field how

    we can provide default value?

    Through do_int_context.

    48.purpose of Inbound plug and outbound plug , how you can transfer data through outbound


    a. Inbound plug is used to receving data.

    b. outbound plug is used to sending data through navigation link.

    49.what is navigation bar profile, T code for that ?

    Navigation bar profile contails the logical structure for calling internal and external applications

    from the CRM WEB CLIENT. It describes the navigation bar of the user interface, and its

    structure is specifically designed for individual business roles

    50.purpose of window, view set and views. why we can't assign views to window directly?

    a. window is container, where we can assign view set and ovp , window able to hold one at

    a time so we can't add multiple views one by one.

    b. view set contain set of views to display in web ui level, vs able to hold multiple views.

    51.difference b/w AET and EEWB?

    a. AET(application enhancement tool) is a enhancement tool which is used to enhance

    standard component with custom field. which is available in crm 7.0 .

    b. EEWB(Easy Enhancement Workbench) is used to enhance standard component which is

    available in before crm 7.0, here standard code required to provide search help and

    dropdown list box.

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    52.purpose of GenILbol browser and GenIL model browser?

    a. Genibol browser is a tool for visualizing the structure of object models,which is used to

    display data using bol.

    b. Genil model browser is used to display object models with their objects and named


    CTS interview Questions type 2:

    53.What is one order framework?

    The One Order Framework is defined as the Framework to handle all the CRM One Order

    Documents. Basically CRM One Order Documents are Sales Orders, Service Orders,

    Activities, etc. They all have a common structure to handle the data.

    54.What is post processing framework?

    Actions in SAP CRM use the Basis Post Processing Framework (PPF) component [ThePost Processing Framework (PPF) is an SAP basic technology that is used in SAP CRM to

    schedule and process actions and outputs with an application document (such as a

    contract or an activity).] as the uniform interface for different processing methods.

    55.How you created popup window?

    1. Select which view attribute going to provide popup.

    2. Create Get-p method for attribute.

    3. Inside get-p method provide rt_value,pick list as field type,eventlink and on click triggering

    events4. Create attribute at view implementation class level such as if_bsp_wd_popup

    5. Inside event, by using of class cl_thtmlb_util->get event info

    6. Find the record whter user interacted collection wrapper by using find method and passing

    import parameter as iv_inded.

    7. Checking case value where asiv_column

    8. Trigger pop up by calling create_pop method

    9. Create popup methoe is interface view as zorm_ovp/maincomponent usage = cu2


    11.Set_window_width method we can set width of popup window

    12.Open method is to open pop up.,

    56.How you added custom component to the web ui?

    1. Created target Id for my component

    2. Created Logical link

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    3. Created logical link group and assigned the logical link created above

    4. Assigned logical link group to work center(SRV-HOME).

    5 . In business role I have checked the check boxes ( menu , visible ) corresponding to the work center link


    57.Why we inherit the parent class properties to child class?

    Inheritance is the process by which object of one class acquire the properties of anotherclass.

    Advantage of this property is reusability.

    This means we can add additional features to an existing class with out modifying it.

    58.What is CRM Events?

    Crm Events:



    59.How do you enhance the standard component and how you add the field?

    Step 1.

    Open Transaction SM34 and enter View Cluster 'BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT' to create a new Enhancement Set.

    Alternatively this can also be done via BSP_WD_CMPWB as shown below.

    Step 2.

    Add new Entries and enter the name and description.

    Step 3.

    Open Transaction sm30 and assign the just created Enhancement set for the Client in the view


    Step 4.

    Open the UI Component which needs to be enhanced, use BSP_WD_CMPWB to check whether the Enhancement

    Set which has been just created exists by clicking on the F4 help.

    Step 5.

    Open the Standard UI Component and click on the "Enhance Component" Tab and provide the Enhancement Set



    Provide the Application Name.

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    Provide the Repository Information.


    Click on Yes to create BSP application.


    Your Component is now Enhanced. To Enhance a View right click on the view.


    As you can see the Z class which means that the View has been Enhanced.


    60.How you provide dropdown through AET?

    Prepare the Value Help Descriptor

    Return the Value Help Descriptor

    Trigger a Server Roundtrip After a Value is Selected

    Provide a Dropdown Box for an Advanced Search

    Create P Getter for Business Object Attribute

    61.How do you configure the Action profiles?

    1 Enter into any SAP-CRM Server and move to Transaction SPRO.

    2 Press SAP Reference IMG -> Customer Relationship Management ->Basic Functions ->

    Actions -> Actions in Transactions.

    3 To create an Action Profile - Click onCREATE ACTIONS WITH WIZARD. First read the


    4 Now Press the Execute Buttonto start creating an Action Profile.

    5 Click CONTINUE. Enter the Details to create Action Profile.6 Click CONTINUE. Enter the Details to create Action.

    7 Click CONTINUE. Enter the Details to set Action.

    8 Click CONTINUE. Enter the Details to Set Up Partner Determination.

    9 Click CONTINUE and select the Processing. The processing that we select is the one on

    which we want the Action to work on.

    10 Click CONTINUE and Enter the Workflow Number that you want to assign with this Action.

    .11 Click CONTINUE and Enter Action Description.

    12 Click CONTINUE and assign Schedule Condition.

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    Select anyone that suits your requirement and proceed further.

    13 Click CONTINUE and assign Start Condition.

    .14 Click CONTINUE and Action Configuration is complete.

    15 To assign Start Condition -> Go-to step 2.1.2 -> Click on Change Actions and Conditions ->

    Define Conditions.

    62.Why you created custom generic component? Tell the procedure and requirement you got?

    63.Why you created search result view?

    64.What is order_savebadi? And what is the purpose of BADIs?

    When the customer needs more functionality than the SAP

    standard Program(Functionality)then we can add extra

    functionality to standard SAP functionality through Badi. ,

    65.How do you assign business role for you?

    Business Role: The business role is the central object for controlling the navigation bar, the

    logical link and the authorizations for users.

    Steps to assign business role:

    1. Go to IMG path: Customer Relationship Management->Business Roles->Define

    Business Roles ot to Transcation CRMC_UI_PROFILE.

    2. Pick a suitable role which you want to create a copy of and note the PFCG role


    3. Go to transaction PFCG and create a Z copy of the standard PFCG role4. Once the PFCG role is created go to IMG path: Customer Relationship

    Management->Business roles->Define business roles and create a new

    business role with the above created PFCG role(it is cconvenient to copy the

    standard role to Z NAMe space and change the PFCG role id) save the changes

    5. IMG PATH; Customer Relationshiip Management->Business Roles->Define

    Organizational Assignment or Transcation PPOMA_CRM

    Users/Business Partners are assigned with in the organizational model

    to a position

    User/business partners can be assigned to multiple positions

    Each position can have exactly one business role6. Double Click on the position, menu option Goto->detail Object->enchanced

    object description

    7. Go to business role and click on create.

    8. Maintain the business role

    66.How do you enhance the search criteria?

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    67.What is purpose of do_prepare_output?

    DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT method is triggered each time the view is prepared after each event.

    68.What is do_init_context?It is used for add default values

    69.What is do_config_determinition?

    70.What is the purpose of custom controller and component controller?

    Custom Controller: It is used for data transfer across two views within a component.

    Component Controller: it is used for data transfer across two views in two different components

    71.How you provide default values for a field?

    By using method DO_INT_CONTEXT

    72.What is the purpose of navigation link? Is it possible to navigate without inbound and outbound

    plugs?\ What is the purpose html code in a view?

    Navigation Links:

    e) This node is used to create the navigation from a source view to one or more

    target views.

    f) Outbound (Source) and Inbound (target) plugs are must to create navigation


    g) The name of the navigation link is required to execute a navigation.

    h) Navigation Request(hyper link)->Event handling of request->calling Outboundplug-> start navigation->processing inbound plug.

    Outbound and Inbound Plug:

    c) Outbound Plug:It is used to send the data from current component to the other


    d) InoundPlug : It is used to receive the data from othercomponent to the current


    An Outbound Plug is linked with the Inbound plug in a navigational link.

    b) The navigation link receives a unique name. Thus, a navigational link describes a

    navigation path from the start to the target and can be understood as a directed


    73.What is the purpose of PFCG tcode?

    It is used to maintain the authorization profiles.

    Each authorization references an authorization object and defines one or morepermissible values (e.g. Display, Change, and Create) for each authorization field

    contained in the authorization object.

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    74.How you display the messages in web ui?

    By using function module crm_message_collect

    75.I want to add the SE38 report at web ui level? Tell the procedure?

    76.How you navigate from search page to overview page? Tell the entire procedure?


    1. Go to search component provide hyperlink for result attribute.

    Result View->ContextNode->attibutes->select attribute(which user clicks)->rightclick->generate

    Get_p Method and write code.

    2. If click attribute which we provided hyperlink it needs to trigger for that

    create even hanler with name which we given in GET_P CODE RV_VALUE.

    Create Event name single selectionand click continue->double click and write code.

    3. Create outbound plug, Result View->Outbound plug->rightclich->crete-

    >op_plug. Double click on Op_plug and write code.

    4. Go to Ovp Component->RRE->component interface->add interface view

    5. Add context node

    6. Create inbound plug->main window->inboundplug->right click->create7. Go to search component->RRe->Create Component usage

    8. Crete navigation link, RRE->navigation link->rightclick->create

    9. Test Component go to Search Component->click on test

    77.We have two business roles, for two business roles we assigned only one navigation bar profile.

    Now some of the first business role is hide to the second one. How you vil do?

    78.Why you created search result view? How you fetch the code from search view to result? Tell

    the code?

    79.What are the fields available in right hand side for each attribute at UI configuration level?

    80.Is it possible to hide a label?

    81.Why you created custom generic component? What is the requirement you got?

    82.If you add two fields it will display like : firstname

    i. lastname in UI Configuration but I want it like


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    83.I have an error in my document/application, you have to find out the where the error exactly


    84.How you created popup?

    Select which view attribute going to provide popup.

    Create Get-p method for attribute.

    Inside get-p method provide rt_value,pick list as field type,eventlink and on click triggering


    Create attribute at view implementation class level such as if_bsp_wd_popup

    Inside event, by using of class cl_thtmlb_util->get event info

    Find the record whter user interacted collection wrapper by using find method and passing

    import parameter as iv_inded.

    Checking case value where asiv_column

    Trigger pop up by calling create_pop method

    Create popup methoe is interface view as zorm_ovp/maincomponent usage = cu2


    Set_window_width method we can set width of popup window

    Open method is to open pop up.,

    85.Tell Configuration of Action Profiles?

    Go to que number 61.

    86.How do you configure the business roles?

    go to que number 65

    87.How you display the messages in web ui?


    88.We added custom component(search result view) in web ui level? Now we have add some

    functionality to the the search event in search result view ? will u enhance it or any other


    89.What is redefinition concept?

    It is used to inherit the base class properties

    90.How to transfer the data between two context nodes in the same view?

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    data: lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity.

    lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->(context_node name)->collection_wrapper->get_currrent( ).

    lv_field_value = lr_entity->get_property_as_String( **pass the field name here ).

    91.i have toolbar button on assignment block, if i click on that I will navigate to other page? how?

    92.If u transfer data from search view to ovp, in ovpi have field country for that country field how

    we can provide default value?

    93.without using function module how we can get the data through bol programing?

    94.Define SAP CRM ? Advantages of CRM?

    95.What is genil?

    It provides interface between BOL layer and database through API

    96.What areBolentities?how can we access bol entities.

    Go to question number 19

    97.What is genil?types of classes in genil?types of genilentites?howmany r there?explain(like rootdependent object)

    Go to question number 3

    98.How we can create root and dependent entities in bol and genil:

    99.Difference between model and value node

    100.How to enhance standard component?

    Go to question number 59

    101.How we can add custom component to standard component

    Go to question number56102.Difference between static and dynamic navigation

    103.Have u worked on badi?howmanybadi u have worked?whyrequired?how u achieved that req?

    104.What is model and value table?

    105.What is mvc ?explain interms component workbench?

    106.What is page attribute?

    107.Why do we use navigational link?inbound and outbound plug?

    108.How we Can bind the data between views and components?need of

    wd_usage_initialze?whywe bind?

    109.Use of Get_p,get_v,get_i,get_a?

    110.Diffrence between rfc and bapi?whatbapis u have used in real time?

    BAPI stands for Business Application Programming Interface. It is a library of functions that are released to the public

    as an interface into an existing SAP system from an external system.

    RFC is the protocol used to call functions in an R/3 system by a caller external to R/3 or to call programs external to

    R/3 from an R/3 system.

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    111.What table u used?explain briefly?

    112.How we can display buttons? in how many ways we can achieve to create buttons? In which

    methods will write code?

    Go to que number 17

    113.In which module (like sales,service,marketing) u worked?

    114.Why use iterators ?how we can move from one entity to another entity?

    go to questionnumber 23.

    115.How to add custom component to navigation bar profile?

    go to question number 56.

    116.How to add dropdown,f4help,tree?what are steps to follow?for which field u made ?

    Go to question number 14

    117.Have you worked on middlware and bdocs?

    118.Why we use get related entities?

    If object is created from parent object, the if you want to access the dependent object we use

    get_related _entity method

    119.How do u see values in debugging?

    Go to question number 30

    120.What is action profile?Have u worked on action profiles?what is requirment?

    Go to question number 85

    IBM interview Questions type 1:

    121.Tell me about ur client? What is their business? How you got the work and to whom you are

    going to submit?

    a) Said about my client and their business then

    b) I got the work from team lead in the form of functional spec, I have to analyze the functional

    spec if I have any doubts I vil communicate vth the functional consultant who sended the

    functional specification. Once I understand I develop the technical spec, once my object

    completed I vil do the unit test whether the application meeting the requirement or not. I

    vil submit my work to my lead, he will send to quality people if every thing is ok.122.I want to add a field in IC Web client, how you do that tell the procedure?

    a) By pressing f2 in IC webclient we get the technical details like component name, view name,

    context node name etc. note them. Create a data element in se11 according to the

    requirement. Now using the AET we are going to add the field to icwebclient. Once field

    successfully added through AET we have configure the field from avialblefileds to visible

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    fiels, to do that enhance the component and move the field. Now field available in


    123.I have standard component with number of views, I want to enhance first and fourth view only

    and some fields for that,how you do that? Tell the tcode for that?

    a) I told if the component is enhanced already with enhancement set, just go to that views

    which we want to enhance ,in context menu of that view have Enhance option select that

    ten view become customized and now by using AET add the fields.

    124.What is said is right but she dont want that. She expectingtcode to enhance the component. .

    125.What is the purpose of IMPL class?

    a) IMPL class assingned controller in each view. By using methods and attributes of the impl

    class we control the user requests, navigations, event handlings of a view or a component.

    126.We have inbound plug and outbound plug right, where we can see these things in IMPL class?

    a) I told we see those two in bottom of the tree structure of a view. But she want in impl class.

    127.We have IMPL, CTXT, CN00, inbound, outbound plugs and .htm right, in which tcode we see all

    these things?

    a) I told BSP_WD_CMPWB used to see all these things but she asking for other tcode.

    b) I said dont know.

    128.Tell me the procedure how you added link through transaction launcher?

    129.Tell me the procedure to create buttons on assignment blocks?

    130.Once we add button on assignment block, I have to navigate to other when I click on it? How?

    a) I said through navigation links is possible and I told the procedurefor me also dont know

    the exact procedure but I tried.

    131.Have you worked on BI?

    132.Have you worked ABAP HR?

    133.Have you worked on ECC ?if yes on which modules you worked?

    a) Yes I worked on ABAP, in that MM & SD modules.

    134.Do you configured any business roles?

    135.Are you worked on ACTION Profiles?

    136.I said yes then she asked tell how you configured? For that I told I just involved in the BADI

    implantation part, configurations are take care by security people. She said k and skipped for

    other question.

    137.Do you know how to create logical links, assigning logical links in navigation bar profile?

    138.Do you know how to create f4 Help and drop down fields for a field right?

    139.My end is over do you have any questions?

    140.I asked I want know what is the tcode for seeing IMPL, CTXT, CN00, inbound, outbound plugs

    ,.htm,other than what I said.

    She replied as a crm consultant u dont know even that?

    Then topic is diverted and ended.

    GSS Software Solutions interview questions:-

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    141.What is the ABAP Enhancement?

    142.What is the Badi,BAPI?

    143.View Have 3 classes purpose of three classes?

    144.Do u has work on Data migration & Data creation?

    145.What is the Middleware setting? What about the Bdocs?

    146.What is the Navigation bar profile? How wills configuration

    147.what is the Transaction launcher? How will configure that?

    148.What is the Action profile?

    149.do u have faced the any issues in this project?

    150.What is the window? How will check the views which are related same view?

    ATOS interview Questions:-

    151.What is the class of the OCA? How will configure that?

    152.OCA already delete button is there row level deleted every thing is fine? But client ask the

    delete in popup level how will do the requirement?

    153.What is the collection wrapper?

    154.If u transfer data from from search view to ovp I have field country for that country for that

    country field how we can provide default values?

    155.How will add the field in AET level?

    1)What is One Order Framework?

    a.Intigrate all transcation application into single framework

    b.Navigate into any transcationappl by using for one order fram work

    2)What is Genil? Types of Genil?

    Genil act as interface b/w Bol and DB through appl

    Types of genil:

    1. Root Object

    2. Access object

    3. Search object

    4. Dynamic search object

    5. Search result object

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    3)Relationship between Genil Objects>

    1. it has unique relationship type

    2.it map parent-child relationship with specification of cardinality



    a.It describe relationship b/w a child object and its root object

    b.Only access and dependent object have an aggregation


    1. Root object can never exist without its child object


    It describe relationship b/w two objects.

    Cardinality: It describe complex relationship b/w tow set of objects and its specifies with hw many

    other Bolentites a bol entity of an object can or must have a concrete relationship

    What is PFCG Role?

    1. Authorisation role is noting but PFCG role , it assigned to the business role

    2. It contain authorisation required to perform the business function that comprise the business


    3. Tcode->PFCG->Creation

    Creating PoP up?

    Select which view attribute going to provide popup.

    Create Get-p method for attribute.

    Inside get-p method provide rt_value,pick list as field type,eventlink and on click triggering


    Create attribute at view implementation class level such as if_bsp_wd_popup Inside event, by using of class cl_thtmlb_util->get event info

    Find the record whter user interacted collection wrapper by using find method and passing

    import parameter as iv_inded.

    Checking case value where asiv_column

    Trigger pop up by calling create_pop method

    Create popup methoe is interface view as zorm_ovp/maincomponent usage = cu2

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    Set_window_width method we can set width of popup window

    Open method is to open pop up.,