
Linguistic and Literacy Development of Children and Adolescent

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Linguistic and Literacy

Development of Children and Adolescent

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Linguistics is the words a person uses to express themselves. Talking, singing, and sharing with people they can converse with. Literacy is the written words a person reads or writes, not expecting conversation. Development of anything is the way it grows or changes as we do. Kids chat about kid things and read kid books. Adults usually only do with and for kids.

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Natural History of Language Development

traditionally language development depend upon the principle of reinforcement.

the principle of reinforcement is a psychological concept based on the idea that the consequence of an action will influence the future behavior.

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other learning theorist is language primarily learned through imitation.

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Noam Chomsk


“father of modern linguist”

proposed the nativist approach to language development which asserts that children have an innate Language Acquisition Device (LAD) an inborn mechanism that encourages and facilitates language learning and enables them to learn a language early and quickly.

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Modern theorist hold an interactionist view that recognizes children as biologically prepared for language but requires extensive experience with spoken language for adequate development.

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Jerome Bruner

emphasizes the critical roles parents and early caregivers play in language development.

proposed the Language Acquisition Support System (LASS). This typically means that the parents, as agents of the culture, speak slowly to the child.

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The Antecedent of Language Development

What do you mean of the word “antecedent”?

It means that which precedes or goes before. So therefore, antecedents of the language development talks about the way or means which help the child to prepared him/her learn the language.

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Here are the following devices that make up the


PSEUDODIALOGIES this is one of the early training devices characterized by the give and take conversation between the child and the mother or other person. Adult maintains the flow of conversation.

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PROTODECLARATIVES an infant uses gestures to make some sort of statement about an object.

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PROTOIMPERATIVES gestures of an infant or young child may use to get someone to do something he or she wants. Children can make statement about things and get other people to do things for them.

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Bilingual Language Development

Bilingualism are the children learn two languages simultaneously, puts children to an advantage in terms of language proficiency. It affords advanced cognitive skills, flexibility of thought and greater acceptance of peers from other cultural backgrounds.

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Cognitive Advantages of Bilingualism

1. Bilingualism does not impact on early language milestone like babbling.

2. In bilingual homes, infants readily discrimination between the two languages phonologically and grammatically.

3. Learning a grammatical device as using “s” to denote plurals in one language facilitate learning corresponding devices in other language.

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4. Bilingualism is associated with an advantage in metalinguistic ability, or capacity to think about language among pre-school and school age children.

5. Most bilingual children manifest greater ability than monolingual children when it comes to focusing attention on language.

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Cognitive Disadvantages of Bilingualism

1. Limited vocabulary.

2. Think more slowly in the language in which they have the lesser fluency.

3. Parents who choose bilingualism should consider whether they can help their children achieve fluency in both languages.

4. Children who speak their immigrant parent’s tend to be attached to their parent’s culture.

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bilingual parents should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the bilingualism and decide on the kind of linguistic environment they will provide their children.

“motherese” – parents find a way to understand the children’s special words for things. Kind of adaptation done by the parents in the process of learning the language.

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Code switching is a special linguistic and social skill. Sometimes students read the text in English and mentally translate it into their native language for easier understanding.

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Language and culture have important implications for how children learn in school and how teachers teach language. Some implications are:

1.Children use the four language system at the same time in the process of communicating

2. Children bring their unique backgrounds of experience to the process of learning.

3. Children’s cultural and linguistic diversity impact on the student’s learning process.

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Emergent and Early Literacy: Reading Development and


From birth, infants listen to sounds of speech and that of their native language.

Babbling starts at the end of the second month. This usually reflects the sounds they hear in the native language, at the age of 12 months, infants utter the first word. It is only in the second year where their is vocabulary expansion.

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Holophrase Children may communicate single words not only to name things but also to communicate more complex thoughts.

the first stage of language acquisition.

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Fast mapping is the child’s ability to map the meaning of a new word onto a referent after hearing the word used on context just once.

Vocabulary explosionis the rapid addition of new words to toddlers vocabulary which usually occurs late in the second year.

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What is Emergent Literacy?

Emergent literacy is a term first used by Marie Clay to describe how young children interact with books and when reading and writing, even though they could not read or write in the conventional sense. A vast amount of research has since been done within the fields of psychology, child development, education, linguistics, and sociology. Emergent literacy is a gradual process that takes place over time from birth - until a child can read and write in what we consider to be a conventional sense. A key to the term literacy is the interrelatedness of all parts of language: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and viewing. It is never too early to begin reading to a child.

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Parents can promote early literacy development for infants by:

* introducing cloth or cardboard books with brightly

colored pictures* reading books that have

rhyme, rhythm and repetition like nursery rhymes

* pointing out words in the environment (such as on signs,

etc) and explaining the meaning of the words


 Parents can promote early literacy

development for toddlers and preschoolers by:

* surrounding children with a literature rich environment

filled with books, magazines, games, etc.

* reading simple stories with one central character and a

basic plot* responding to questions your child might have about print in your house or elsewhere in the

environment* supporting early writing by

making sure that paper, crayons, pencils and markers

are available

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Factors Affecting Development:

According to Dr. Gail E.Tompkins (2002), Piaget recognizes that children are naturally curious about the world, objective and motivated learners.

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Early Language Stimulation

Learning occurs through the process of equilibrium. Disequilibrium often times referred to as cognitive conflict arises from encounters that a child cannot understand not assimilate. A child in this case, frets, gets confused, feels agitated so that the compelled to seek for a balance with the environment. The balance called equilibrium.

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When confronted with an environment that is new but comprehensible, the child is able to make sense of it. When the child’s schema can accommodate the new information then the disequilibrium caused by the new experience will motivate the child to learn, thus regaining a higher development.

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The three steps of the process are:

1. Disruption of equilibrium by the introduction of new information.

2. Occurrence of disequilibrium followed by the dual process f assimilation and accommodation function: and

3. Attainment of equilibrium at higher developmental level.

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The process of equilibrium is repetitive. Its happen again and again throughout the day. Learning occurs only when new information is not too difficult. New but difficult information cannot be easily related to what is already known, hence, there is no learning. This is true to both children and adults. Assimilation is made possible and with too familiar information which can be easily accommodated.

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Lev Vygotsky

Russian psychologist asserted that children learn through socially meaningful interactions and that language is both social and an important facilitator of learning.

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Vygotsky describes learning in two levels. The actual development level, in which the children perform a task on his/her own. The second level is potential development level, at which children perform a task with assistance. This is the reason why children need help of adults to do more difficult things.

Vygotsky also believed that a child learns more when a task he/she attempting to do is within the zone of proximal development. It is the tasks that a child can perform with guidance but cannot independently. In contrast, children learn little from doing tasks that they can already do independently.

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Scaffold is a term used by Vygotsky and Jerome Bruner as a metaphor to describe adults’ contributions to children’s learning. Scaffolds are support mechanisms that adults provide to help children to perform tasks successfully. Adults show support when they demonstrate, guide, supply information, and make complex task simple. A sign that a child is ready to be functioning independently is when he/she show signs of knowledge and experience that make them ready to perform a task. 

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The 3 components of the roles of teachers in guiding students’ learning:

1.Teachers mediate or augment children’s learning through social interaction.

2.Teachers are flexible and provide support based on feedback from children as they engaged in the learning task.

3.Teachers vary the amount of support from very explicit to vague, to suit children’s needs.

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Egocentric speech means talking to them self orally. This is done by children when they are playing alone. Even older children or adults also do this, it seemed to guide them in their thinking. Vygotsky calls children’s egocentric speech as “self-talk”. It is talking to them self mentally rather than orally. Self-talk becomes inner speech that guides children in their learning.  

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The following are ideas contributed by the constructivist

and sociolinguistic learning theorists:

1.Students actively participate in learning.

2.Students learn by associating new information to acquired knowledge.

3.Students organize their knowledge in schemata.

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4.Students consciously and automatically use skills and strategies as learning progresses.

5.Students learn through social interactions.

6.Teachers provide scaffolds for students.

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Literate Communities and Environment

ELEMENTARY CLASSROOMS Serves as venue for language acquisition.

Can be modified to include many facets to facilitate.

Desk and tables should b grouped.

There should be separate areas to serve as listening

center, computer center and a center for dramatic activities.

There should be provided literacy play centers.

A democratic classroom is an advantage. 

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Plays multi-faceted role in a language classroom.

Serves as knowledge providers only.

Assumed a more complex role in creating a classroom environment that will be conducive to learning.

Make sure the school becomes a real life for students.

Serves as models.

They are the classroom managers.

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Story ReadingA story is a particular kind of narrative discourse identified by its structure, features , content and language. Structurally three basic elements – setting , character and plot.

Young children are aware of what makes a story. Knowledge about stories is called a concept of story. It includes knowing the elements, structure such as plot , character, setting ,theme and information about the authors style and conventions. Children's concept is usually intuitive. They are not conscious of what they know.

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Key Concepts in Story Reading (Tompkins, 2002)

1.The concept of story is acquired by reading and writing stories and by learning about the elements of story structure.

2.Stories are distinguished from other forms of writing by their unique structural elements.

3.Teachers present about the elements of story structure and students apply what they have learned from stories read.

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4.The concept of story informs and supports the reading of stories which is done aesthetically.

5.Comprehension involves three factors.

6.Teachers involve students in varied activities to development student’s use all five comprehensive process.

7.Students read and write stories as part of literature focus units , literature circles ,reading and writing workshop , and theme cycles.

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Exceptional Development:

Language disorder refers to any systematic deviation in the way people speak, listen, read, write or sign that interferes with their ability to communicate with their peers.

Language disability covers a wide spectrum of dysfunction as in fluency and articulation disorders.

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Aphasia is the loss of ability to use and understand language. It excludes other language disorders caused by physical conditions such as deafness.

can be categorized according to the particular are of the brain that is damaged into receptive, expressive and global aphasias.

aphasia disorders usually develop quickly as a result of head injury or stroke, and progressive forms of aphasia develop slowly from a brain tumor, infection, or dementia.

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Aphasia can be categorized according to the particular language:

Receptive aphasia

  also known as Wernicke’s aphasia, fluent aphasia, or sensory aphasia. It results from a lesion to a region in the upper back part of temporal lobe of the brain called Wernicke’s area. People afflicted with this type of aphasia manifest no difficulty in articulation or disfluency. Their language is characterized by excessive fluency.

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Expressive aphasia 

(non-fluent aphasia), also known as Broca's aphasia is one subset of a larger family of disorders known collectively as aphasia. It is characterized by the loss of the ability to produce language (spoken or written).

Global aphasia 

is a type of aphasia that is commonly associated with a large lesion in the perisylvian area of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes of the brain causing an almost total reduction of all aspects of spoken and written language.

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It is popularly known as word blindness.

In Piper 1998, Dyslexia is defined as a defective reading.

In 1968, the World Federation of Neurologists defined dyslexia as a “disorder” in children.

In U.S National Institutes of Health, dyslexia is a learning disability that can hinder a persons ability to read.

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Three types of Dyslexia that can affect the child’s ability to read:

Trauma Dyslexia- occurs injury to the area of the brain that

controls reading and writing.

Primary Dyslexia- it is a dysfunction of, rather than damage

to the left side of the brain (cortex) and does not change with age.

Secondary or Developmental Dyslexia- it is felt to be caused by hormonal

development during the early stages of fetal development.

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Three different functions of Dyslexia:

Visual Dyslexia- the inability to write symbols in the

correct sequence.

Auditory Dyslexia- involves difficulty with sounds of

letters or groups of letters.

Dysgraphia- refers to the child’s difficulty holding

and controlling a pencil so that the correct marking can be made on the paper.

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Three main kinds of approaches to dealing with Dyslexia:

Developmental Approach- is based on the belief that dyslexic children may

have slower brain development, simply intensifies conventional methods of instruction

Corrective approach - using small groups in tutorial sessions, but it

emphasizes a child's assets and interests. Those who use this method hope to encourage children to rely on their own special abilities to overcome their difficulties.

Remedial approach Try to resolve the specific educational and

psychological problems that interfere with learning.

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Posterior Alexia

Dejerine, describe the syndrome of Posterior Alexia in adult who could write but not read.

Two forms of Alexia:

Optic Alexia- is seen in adults with occipital lesions where

letters similar in configuration are mistaken from another.

Verbal Alexia- associated with occipital lesions where

patients could easily recognize letters but could not grasp whole word

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Sigmund Freud


- A cognitive disorder, especially one resulting from a mental disorder or disease.

- It means loss of the ability to recognize objects

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Agnostic Dyslexia- patients can read but throw a

slow, letter by letter analysis of a word.

Agnosia or Absence of Knowledge

- is a loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss.

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