farmville super secrets

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Disclaimer ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. 4

Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4

Getting Started ........................................................................................................... 6

How Big to Get ............................................................................................................. 6

What to Plant ............................................................................................................... 8

Harvesting Time ........................................................................................................... 8

Experience ................................................................................................................... 9

Investment Return ....................................................................................................... 9

Dollar Per Hour ....................................................................................................... 10

Putting it All Together ................................................................................................ 10

Keeping Track ............................................................................................................. 11

Rate of Rot ................................................................................................................. 12

Building Up ............................................................................................................... 13

Animals ...................................................................................................................... 13

Trees .......................................................................................................................... 15

Decorations ................................................................................................................ 16

Buildings .................................................................................................................... 17

Vehicles ...................................................................................................................... 18

Save or Spend ............................................................................................................ 19

Cash .......................................................................................................................... 20

Coins .......................................................................................................................... 20

FarmVille Cash ........................................................................................................... 22

Adding Coins and Cash ............................................................................................... 22

Surveys ................................................................................................................... 23

Ribbons .................................................................................................................. 24

Sharing the Wealth .................................................................................................... 25

Neighbors ................................................................................................................. 26

Finding Neighbors ...................................................................................................... 26

Make it Personal ........................................................................................................ 27

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Forums ................................................................................................................... 27

Benefits of Neighbors ................................................................................................ 28

Expanding Your Territory ........................................................................................... 30

Deciding to Expand and Weighing the Cost ................................................................ 31

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 32

Resource Lists ........................................................................................................... 33

Crop List ..................................................................................................................... 33

Best Seeds in Earnings Per Week ............................................................................... 35

Trees .......................................................................................................................... 37

Animals ...................................................................................................................... 38

Decorations ................................................................................................................ 39

Ribbons ...................................................................................................................... 41

Levels ......................................................................................................................... 44

Leveling at Light Speed……………………………………………………………………………………….... 50

The Secret to Leveling Faster……………………………………………………………………………………51

Star Crops…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………….52

Best Crops by Harvesting Time…………………………………………………………………………………..53

Sample Crop Rotations……………………………………………………………………………………………54 

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Since this guide caters for all players, we will start slow to make sure all the basics are fully covered. If 

you are confident in your skills as a Farmville player, feel free to skip to the more advanced strategies

later on in the guide and come back to earlier parts for reference.


Everyday life is full of chaos and stress. We're always rushing to get our work done, get the kids to

soccer practice, and get dinner on the table. There are cars and malls and big office buildings all

around us. With this constantly hectic environment, it's not surprising that many people dream of 

escaping to a quiet place in the country for a while.

That's just one of the reasons Farmville, a new game on Facebook, has been such a huge success in

the short amount of time it's been online. Following in the fine tradition of other games by Zynga,

Farmville allows players to design their own farm and interact with other players through Facebook.

The tasks you can undertake on your farm include placing animals, planting trees, plowing fields, and

harvesting crops.

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Farmville lets you create your own private oasis away from the chaos of everyday life. You have total

control of how your farm looks and what crops you choose to plant. In Farmville, the sky is always

blue, the grass is always green, and the sun is always shining. It's easy to see why so many people

have gotten hooked on this game.

But Farmville isn't just about relaxing either. Running a farm is hard work and there's a lot to keep

track of if you want your farm to prosper. The size of your farm, the rotation of the crops, and the

other items you choose to incorporate will all have an effect on your overall success in this game.

Spending some time in Farmville is a great way to relax, but it has its own challenges as well.

Setting up your farm is also a commitment. You don't want to go to all the trouble of planting a bunch

of crops only to let them wither on the vine because you didn't get back to harvest them in time.

Farmville makes it necessary for you to plan ahead and consider the consequences of your planting

and building decisions. But that's just part of what makes it an engaging game to play. You get to

relax and be challenged at the same time, and what could be better than that?

And of course, as with so many of the games you can play on social networking sites, Farmville is

about connecting with your neighbors and helping them out. You can gain valuable experience and

cash in the game by helping your friends with chores on their farm. Adding more neighbors also

allows you access to new options for advanced play in the game. Plus, Farmville gives you a new way

to connect with those people on your contact lists that you may not talk to all that often.

Of course, Farmville is basically easy to play. But there are a lot of tricks and tips that can make your

farm a much bigger success if you're able to implement them from the beginning. Whether you're a

newcomer to Farmville or an experienced farmer, you'll no doubt get some helpful information out of 

reading this guide.

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Getting Started

When you first set foot on your farm, it will consist of six plowed patches. Two of these will have

crops that are fully grown and ready to harvest, two will have crops that are half grown, and the last

two will be all ready for you to plant on them. You'll also have 200 coins and 5 dollars worth of 

FarmVille cash in the bank.

The first thing to do is start harvesting the crops that are ready for market. When you do this, you

earn coins that you can put towards plowing more land an planting more seeds. You can add as many

plowed patches to your farm as you want, as long as you have the money to plow them. You can also

choose which seeds to plant, but there are several things you should take into account when you

make these decisions.

How Big to Get

Of course, the more land you have to plant on, the more money you'll make by harvesting your crops.

This doesn't mean you can keep expanding your farm indefinitely though. Plowing and planting aren't

free. You'll just be wasting time and money if you plow a bunch of fields and then can't afford to buy

any seeds to plant in them. Therefore, you want to expand a little bit at a time so that you're able to

fully take advantage of all of your available acreage.

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The best way to maximize your growth and planning potential at first is to clear 10 more patches of 

land. Once you harvest the crops that were ready and waiting for you, you'll have just enough money

to clear that land and plant on it. This way, you'll have more land to grow crops on, and you'll be able

to plant on all of it right away.

You can, of course, clear more land right away. If you do that though, you won't have enough money

left to plant any crops and a lot of the land will just sit empty. You also won't be able to plant on as

may clear parcels of land as you would have if you didn't clear so many to begin with. As counter-

intuitive as it may seem, if you want to get a big farm going fast, you have to take it slow.

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What to Plant

The only crop options available to you at first will be strawberries, eggplant, wheat, and soybeans.

Each of these crops has several different characteristics, and so different benefits. Which crop you

decide to plant will have a lot to do with how often you're going to be checking on your farm, as well

as how quickly you want to advance in the game. You can find a complete breakdown of each crop

and its attributes at the end of this guide, but here are a few general tips to help you evaluate your

options as you begin playing.

Harvesting Time

One of the many factors to take into account when deciding what to plant is how long you will have to

wait to harvest it. Strawberries, for example, will be ready to harvest 4 hours after you plant them. If 

you don't get back to harvest them within 8 hours though, they'll wilt and you won't be able to make

any money off of them.

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You want to make sure you're not going to be planting a bunch of crops that will wilt before you can

harvest them. For instance, eggplants take 2 days to grow, so you may want to consider planting these

instead of strawberries if you're not going to be checking on your farm for a while. That way, you get

the best use out of your land and you get a bigger payoff at the end of the growing cycle. Crops that

take longer to grow also generally sell for more coins at harvest time.


Another factor that will contribute to your planting decision is that different crops yield different

benefits in terms of experience. Crops that take at least a day to grow will grant you 2 experience

points for each patch of land you plant them on. Most crops take at least this long to grow tomaturity, but there are some, like strawberries, that only take a few hours. These will only get you one

experience point per plot of land planted. The faster you accumulate experience points, the faster

you'll move up to the next level.

That doesn't mean you want to only plant the crops that give you 2 experience points though. If 

you're going to be able to check back on your strawberries and plant more as soon as the old ones are

ready to be harvested, you can actually get more experience points in a day with these types of crops.

It all depends on how well you stay on top of your planting and harvesting cycles.

Investment Return

Another factor to consider when you're deciding what to plant will be the relationship between the

cost of the seeds and the price you get for your goods when you harvest them. In this context,soybeans are the best of the crops you have available to you at the start of the game. They cost only

15 coins to plant per plot of land, but you can sell your harvest for 63 coins per plot of land.

This is a return of more than 4 times your initial investment, as opposed to the three and a half times

return that strawberries provide. Of course, the soybeans take longer to grow than the strawberries

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do. Because there are so many factors that go can influence your decision about what to plant, you

can see that this isn't exactly a straightforward decision.

Dollar Per Hour

Not only can you asses a potential crop's value by how much of a return it brings on the initial

investment, but you can also evaluate its earning potential per hour. For example, strawberries take 4

hours to mature and sell for 35 coins per plot of land. Eggplants, on the other hand, take 48 hours to

mature and sell for 88 coins per plot of land.

This gives the strawberries a coin per hour rate of 8.75, as opposed to the eggplant's 1.83. What all of 

this really means is that your decision about what crops to plant will have to take into account how

often you want to check back on your farm, how quickly you want to level up, and how quickly you

want to be able to build up your cash stores.

Putting it All Together

So how do you decide what to do first as you start to work on your farm? Well, your first priority

needs to be getting some cash in the bank. I'd recommend plowing an area that's 4 plots by 4 plots

and planting strawberries on the entire area first, assuming you’ll be able to check back on your farm

in about 4 hours. You should have just enough coins to complete this task. You also won't have to

wait too long before you can harvest your crop and start again.

Strawberries don't give you the best return on your investment, but they do give you enough so that

you'll be way ahead by the time you harvest them. At this point, you'll be able to branch out into

some other types of crops. Soybeans are the best one to opt for next though. Until you can advance

and unlock some more crops, these will give you the best return on your investment. They also only

take a day to mature, so you'll be able to replant quickly and build up your experience points fast.

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This same basic theory will apply as you advance through the game and unlock more types of crops.

While taking the characteristics and benefits of each crop into consideration is important, it's also very

important to be realistic about how often you'll be able to check back on your farm. You can make the

best planting decisions possible, but if you don't get back to harvest your plants in time, all that

careful planting will go to waste.

Keeping Track

As your farm gets bigger and you plant more and more different kinds of crops, you may start to lose

track of what is planted where and when it will be ready for harvest. This is easy to do, but you can

help yourself by following a few simple guidelines for planting and organization.

First, it's a good idea to plant in blocks. This means that you'll have a symmetrical section for each

type of crop. It's much easier to keep track of crops in various stages of growth if they're grouped

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together and not winding all over the place and around each other. For example, you may want to

plant a 3 by 3 section of eggplants, adjacent to a 3 by 3 section of soybeans, and continue on like that.

It's also a good idea not to plant the same type of crop at two different times. That's because it's very

easy to forget about one of them and not go back to harvest until the later one is ready. By then you

may have already lost your first crop. Planting all pumpkins at one time, and then all squash the next

will make it much easier for you to remember what needs to be harvested when.

Rate of Rot

This is especially important to keep in mind when you're planting crops that mature quickly. Thewindow for harvesting any crop is the same as the length of time it takes that crop to grow. This

means that pumpkins, since they take 8 hours to mature, will start to rot 8 hours after they're ready

for harvest. You'll have to make sure you get back to your farm within 16 hours of planting your

pumpkins then, in order to keep from losing them.

If you think you're not going to be able to check on your farm for a while, you may want to consider

planting crops like artichokes. These will take 4 days to mature, but you'll have an additional 4 days to

harvest them. This is a good way to keep your farm active if you're going to be away for a while. It's

also a good thing to keep in mind so that you know what kind of window you have to get back to your

farm before you first crop will start to wither.

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Building Up

Once you start to get a handle on your planting and harvesting cycles, you can begin exploring all of 

the other options FarmVille has to offer. As you advance in levels and build up your coin stash, you'll

be able to buy more and more items for decorating and enhancing the value of your farm. Some of 

these are worthwhile investments, although many are just fun to play with.

That's what makes this game so great, really. It allows you to play at your own pace and turn your

farm into exactly what you want it to be. You can add structures, fences, animals, trees, vehicles, and

many other types of decorations to your farm to give it your own personal touch. That way, when

you're friends come to visit, they'll be able to see what a magnificent farmer you are.


The first animal you'll be able to buy is a chicken, followed a few levels later by a cow, and then finally

a sheep. You may be able to acquire some animals before you're able to buy them though because

you will always be able to receive them as gifts. You can ask your friends to give you some animals, orthey may just do it all on their own. There are some animals too, like horses for instance, that you can

only receive as gifts.

Animals are different from crops in several ways. First of all, they cost a lot and their products sell for

very little. For example, a cow will cost you 400 coins, but each time you milk it, you'll only get 6 coins

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from the milk you sell. Of course, you don't have to buy a new cow every time you milk one. They'll

take day or so to be ready for you to milk again, and you'll get another 6 coins out of the deal.

It can take a while to make a profit off of your animals, but eventually you will. It's also just fun to

have them around, and you can do more than just milk them. They like to go for walks and are very

happy when they get attention from you. You can also sell them if you're really strapped for cash. You

won't get what you paid for them, but you'll get enough to help you out in a pinch. And if you

acquired them as a gift to begin with, then selling them just gets you some free money.

You also gain experience from buying animals and from selling the milk, eggs, or wool they produce.

This is another good reason to invest in some animals if you want to level up fast. You do have to be

careful to pen them though. Otherwise they'll wander off and you'll take a loss on your investment.

Once in a while, a stray animal will wander onto your farm, and you'll be able to help them find a new


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Trees work essentially the same way animals do (although they can't wander away). They cost a lot

and each individual harvest of fruit doesn't sell for very much. But over time, they do pay for

themselves because they start growing a new crop every time you harvest the old one. Plus, they're

 just a nice addition to your farm.

There are many different kinds of trees you can buy or receive as gifts, and each of them has a

different type of fruit and different characteristics. They take different lengths of time to mature, but

you won't lose the fruit if you don't harvest it in a certain amount of time. Depending on your

preference, you can leave the fruit there to look pretty until you really need some cash, or you can sell

it as soon as it's ready and wait for more to grow.

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You can also sell trees just as you can farm animals. They don't fetch a great price, but it's still a good

option to have if you suddenly find yourself short on cash. Once you plant a tree, you don't have to

leave it in that spot forever. This is another nice feature because it means that as your farm grows,

you can adapt.

If you find that you need the spot a tree is in for something else, you can simply relocate it. This not

only saves you from having to sell a tree if it's in the way of changes you want to make to your farm,

but it also means that you don't have to spend a ton of time deliberating about where to put each tree

you buy. Just put it where you think is best at the moment. You can always change it later.


There are literally dozens of items you can buy to add your own personal touch to your farm. These

can be anything from outhouses, to whitewash fences, to bicycles. These items vary considerably in

price and the options available to you will increase as you level up. You'll gain some measure of 

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experience points by purchasing any of them, and they do also have some resale value.

Just as with the trees and animals, you won't get nearly what you paid for a decorative item when you

sell it, but it's a good option to have when you're strapped for cash. Mostly though, these items are

fun to collect and place to give your farm some character. You can move them any time you want too,

which gives you endless possibilities for farm layouts and looks.


It can take a while, but eventually you'll be ready to start building on your farm. You can choose from

30 different structures, and they do get pricey. But they deliver a ton of experience, so they're a goodway to keep leveling up fast once you reach the higher levels of the game. These structures can be as

simple as a tool shed or well, or as substantial as a manor house.

Either way, though, they add a nice touch to your farm. You want to be careful and choose the

buildings that offer the most experience benefit relative to price because you will be spending so

much money on them. You can also sell off your buildings later on if you don't need them or if you

need money fast. They also sell for substantially less than you bought them for, but that's still a lot of 

cash in most cases.

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Once you reach level 12 you can buy some farm vehicles to help you with the workload on your farm.

Your options include a red tractor, a pink tractor, a harvester, and a seeder. These can greatly improve

the efficiency of your farm, but this does come with a price. The vehicles themselves are not

excessively expensive, but you'll only be able to use them as long as you have fuel for them.

This means that you can wait for the fuel to fill up on its own, or you can buy fuel refills for your

vehicles. And these can add up fast. The fuel refills can also only be purchased with FarmVille cash,

not coins, so you'll need to consider if this is the way you want to spend this valuable currency.

It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to invest in some farm vehicles. Tractors will allow to

you harvest at 4 times the speed since they can plow 4 plots of land at a time. You can certainly get

the benefits of speedier harvesting and seeding, but you'll also be paying out a lot for the

convenience. It's best to wait to buy these until you have a big enough farm and income to support

them. You can also sell these if you decide you don't want to keep paying for their fuel, but you won't

get nearly as much as you paid for them either.

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Save or Spend

One of the great things about FarmVille is that it's always up to you how you spend your money anduse your land. All of the items that you can buy will give you some benefit in the form of experience

points, so you have to decide which ones will help you the most. You can also just pick the items you

like best. After all, it's your farm and you're the one who'll be spending the most quality time there.

Figuring out what you want to buy can be tricky though. It'll take you a while to build up a big

reservoir of coins and farm cash if you spend all of your extra money after each harvest. It's a good

idea to examine all of the items you'll be able to buy and then figure out how much you'll have to saveup to be able to purchase those items. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with buying a lot of the cheap items

and you won't ever be able to afford the larger buildings and decorations.

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As you start to play FarmVille, you'll have a relatively easy time accumulating coins. The FarmVille

dollars are a bit harder to come by though. There's no equivalency either – you can't convert your

coins to cash. You can use coins to buy most of the items in the market, but there are some items that

you'll need cash to get.


You earn coins every time you harvest crops, fruit from trees, or goods from farm animals. You'll need

some of these coins to re-plow and re-plant your fields, but after each harvest you should have some

left over. You can just let your coins accumulate in your account, or you can spend them on a variety

of discretionary items in the market.

There are some other ways you'll get a bonus in the form of coins. You'll occasionally get a message

when you log in that you won a random number of coins in the daily raffle. These messages are pretty

arbitrary, as are the amounts you win, so you can't count on them for consistent income. They're

certainly a nice bonus though.

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You'll also earn a small bonus every time you help out one of your neighbors with their farm. If one of 

your neighbors hasn't been able to get to their farm for a while, you'll receive a message that they

could use your help. Accepting this message will take you to their farm where they'll ask for your help

with chores like pulling weeds, raking leaves, or chasing crows away.

You can also go and visit your neighbor's farms on your own to see if they need any help when you're

short on cash, but you can only help out each neighbor once a day. After that, you can visit all you

want, but there won’t be any more chores for you to do.

This is just one of the reasons it's good to have a lot of neighbors. The more neighbors you have, the

more farms you can visit, and the more chores you can do for coins and experience. After all, the

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Farmville Secretsmore access you have to coins, the more you'll be able to do on your own farm. Once you run out of 

money, you just have to wait for your crops to be ready to harvest, or you'll have to find a different

way of refilling your coin stores.

FarmVille Cash

FarmVille cash is much tougher to come by than coins are. You get 1 FarmVille dollar for every new

level you reach, but it takes quite a while to earn any substantial amount of cash this way. FarmVille

cash isn't vital to your ability to play the game the way that coins are, but there are some items in the

market that you can't get without it.

Some of the cash-only items in the market are relatively cheap and you'll have enough FarmVille cash

at the lower levels to afford these. If you spend your cash in small amounts this way though, you'll

never be able to accumulate enough to buy the bigger items that are available later on. It's best to

save your FarmVille cash until you're sure you know what you want to spend it on.

Adding Coins and Cash

There is another option for increasing your available coins and FarmVille cash. You can click on the

Add Farm Coins and Cash tab if you want to supplement your income a bit. In this section, you can

purchase coins or cash with a credit card or paypal account. You can get a lot for a little here, and you

have several options as far as how much you want to spend.

If you're going to go this route though, you're better off just going for the largest package. It costs$40, but you get the most for your money this way. Better to just get all you'll need at once

rather than going back often for small purchases. You'll wind up spending more in the long run if 

you buy small amounts of coins or cash multiple times.

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