fasp vs tcp by natasha owusu-amankrah. welcome the purpose of this presentation is to identify both...

FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah

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Page 1: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

FASP Vs TCPBy Natasha Owusu-Amankrah

Page 2: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

Welcome• The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the

advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP, and which approach is the most beneficial over a Wide Area Network(WAN) and why.

• Why some companies have moved over to using the FASP technology.

• Overall to identify the benefits of FASP and what the future holds for FASP.

Page 3: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

What is FASP?• FASP also known as Fast and Secure Protocol, was developed

by ‘Aspera’ (now owned by IBM), to help organisations transfer large number of data across a Wide Area Network(WAN) in record time. FASP is used and can be used within different fields, such as:

• Bio-IT, Media industry, mobile technology and in the cloud services sector.

Page 4: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

FASP CONT’….• FASP as we know is currently used within many organisations such as Amazon web services,

Microsoft Azure and channel 4’s 4od transfer of data.

• Channel 4 now benefits from a modern version of transfer of data from one site to another in a matter of seconds(1G of data sent in 10 s),(Channel 4 Selects Aspera To Transfer Video Content For 4oD, 2015)

Page 5: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

What is TCP?• According to (Breeden and Author, 2014), WANs use the

Internet’s TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) to transfer files due to local drives, network attached storage devices using the same linear storing data. However due to the cloud evolving in the IT industry and the cloud runs on a object-based storage scheme, the protocol has now changed to http(hypertext transfer protocol which involves file size challenges.

Page 6: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

Disadvantages of TCPTCP

• Currently there aren’t that many disadvantages of FASP, the main disadvantages are of TCP, which according to Aspera the bandwidth underutilization and erratic transfer causes unpredictability of delivery times. Which means businesses are at risk of missing important deadlines.


As you can see from this graph below, after a while traces of packets get lost and transmission is delayed trying to put packets back into data

Page 7: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,


This graph compares the transfer speed of TCP and FASP and this clearly demonstrates how FASP transfers data securely in record time. According to Aspera, FASP is independent to network delay and is extremely resilient to packet loss.

Page 8: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,
Page 9: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

References• Breeden, J. and Author, A. the (2014) FASP transfer protocol

speeds data transmission to the cloud -- GCN. Available at: http://gcn.com/Articles/2014/05/15/FOSE-Data-transfer-protocol.aspx (Accessed: 5 May 2015)

• Aspera (2014) Fast Performance Trasport Software FASP l Aspera Technology. Available at: http://asperasoft.com/technology/transport/fasp/#tcp-464 (Accessed: 4 May 2015)

• http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6633752 (2013)

Page 10: FASP Vs TCP By Natasha Owusu-Amankrah. Welcome The purpose of this presentation is to identify both the advantages and the limitations of FASP and TCP,

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