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  • 7/28/2019 FastPath Addendum


    FastPath AddendumInternet Protocol Address Management

    Using the FastPath

    In t roduc t ion Th e FastPath supports 3 alternative configuration schemes: AppleTalk-only routing, K-Star (KIPStyle Addressing and Routing) and IP Subnetting.For those sites which require Internet Protocol (IP)

    routing, Kinetics recommends the use of K-Star.However, sonic sites will find it more convenient touse the IP subnetting approach.

    This document is directed to network administrators responsible for maintaining FastPath Gateways and networks of Macintoshes in an IP network.

    We present the basic knowledge needed to plan andimplement the integration of AppleTalk and IP ne tworks.

    This document is intended to make the taskof configuring your network using IP subnetting


    Part No. 4230394-00 Rev. A page 1

  • 7/28/2019 FastPath Addendum


    F a stP a th Ad d en d umIt is helpful to understand the similarities and

    The Basicsdifferences between addressing in the AppleTalkdomain and in the IP domain.

    C: Both IP addresses and AppleTalk addressesare made up of a network number an d a hostnumber (AppleTalk calls the host number anode number). IP uses fixed network numbers and staticassignment of host addresses. AppleTalk also uses fixed network numbers,configured into AppleTalk bridges, bu t dynamically assigns node numbers at system startuptime)

    Usually, a LocalTalk/IP (LocalTalk/InternetProtocol) network must be added to an established IPnetwork.

    Besides K-Star, Kinetics offers two approaches for connecting a LocalTallqIP network tothe existing IP domain: Subnetting and Fixed Routing.

    Subnetting allows the LocalTalk/IP networkto be treated as a subnet, or a sub-section of anIP network. This approach does no t require anyreconfiguration of established IP hosts.

    Fixed routing allows the LocalTalk/IPnetwork to be different from the existing Ethernet IP network, but requires additional configuration of established IP hosts.

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    FastPath AddendumA detailed discussion of these two approaches

    will be presented after a general discussion of IP


    We will be referring to binary, decimal andhexidecimal notation throughout this document. Aconversion table is provided in The FastPath Installation Guide.

    Internet An Internet address is made up of four bytes.

    Addressing There are several common ways to write an Internetaddress, but for our purposes we will use just two: asingle hexadecimal number or dot format whereeach of the four bytes is separated by dots andexpressed as decimal numbers.

    Hexadecimal representation: 59000ADC

    Dot representation:

    Note: We will use the following notationalconvention: bytes are numbered from high orderbyte (most significant) to low order byte (least

    significant), left to right.

    high order byte (byte 1)

    89.0. 1 0.220

    byte i 2 3 4 low order byte (byte 4)

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    F a s tP a th A d d en d umIP Network An Internet address is made up of two portions:Classes the network portion and the host portion. The ne t

    work portion is fixed across a single Internet network.

    Each host on a given IP network must have a distincthost address.

    The class of the network determines which partof the address represents the network number andwhich part represents the host number. There arethree classes of Internet networks . The class of a

    network is determined by examining the upper byte(byte 1) of the Internet address.

    Class A network - an upper byte with decimalvalues in the range 1 to 127

    Class B network - values in the range 128 to 191 Class C network - values in the range 192 to 254

    In summary:

    Byte Value Network Class Possible # of netsI - 127 = Class A network 127128 - 191 = Class B network 16,384192 - 254 = Class C network 4,128,768


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    Fa s tP at h A dd e nd u mThe network and host portions of the

    Internet address are determined from the classof the network.

    Class A network- byte 1 is the network portion,and bytes 2-4 are the host portion.

    Class B network- bytes 1-2 are the network portionand bytes 3-4 are the host portion.

    Class C network- bytes 1-3 are the networkportion, and byte 4 is the host portion.

    Refer to the figure below for a pictorial representation of the classification of networks.

    Class A Address


    127 255 O 2

    5 5 O 2551 / . / / / / / F/,,,,,,,,.,,

    Class B Address

    128-191 0 2 5 5 I 0 25 5 0 2551

    Class C Address

    192254 0 - 255 0 255 0 2551

    I I= Network Portion = Host Portion

    Important note: In the bytes marked as host portions of the address, atleast one of the values must be non-zero and not all of the values can be255. These are reserved for IP broadcast address.

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    FastPath AddendumExamples of Example 1: is a Class A address becauseNetwork Para- 1

  • 7/28/2019 FastPath Addendum


    FastPath AddendumThe One approach to FastPath routing is to use IP

    subnets. An IP subnet is a logical sub-section of aS ubnetting single Internet networkz. A subnet is some fixed-Approach to length portion of the host portion of an IP address.Fast Path The subnet is used to subdivide a large network

    into smaller sub-networks. The FastPath usesRouting the subnet portion of an IP address to determine

    when to forward data f rom the LocalTalk to theEthernet network, and data from the Ethernetnetwork back to the LocalTalk.

    A subnet is defined by selecting a portion ofthe IP host address as the subnet net number,

    How to de- leaving the remaining portion as the subnet hostfine a number. We specify the subnet port ion with aS ubnet subner mask. Some example subnet calculations

    will help illustrate this definition:

    Example 1: Class A network = we set the subnet mask to ffff0000, then thisIP address will be decoded as subnet host 127.51,on subnet 192, major net 18.

    Example 2: Class B network =

    If we set the subnet mask to ffffffOO, then th is IPaddress will be decoded as subnet host 163, onsubnet 207, major net 137.4.

    Example 3: Class C network = 210. 167.3.250

    If we set the subnet mask to ffffffcO, then this IPaddress will be decoded as subnet host 58, on subnet3, major net 210.167.3.

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    FastPath AddendumUnderstanding Each FastPath configured as an IP subnetKinetics router is assigned two IP addresses, one for theSubnet Routing Ethernet interface, and one for the LocalTalk

    interface We will refer to these addresses as the (Ethernet IP address and as the LocalTalk/IPaddress.

    When we configure the FastPath as a subnetIP router, we define a single subnet, by specifying asubnet mask, which applies to both interfaces. Wewill refer to the resulting subnets as the Ethernetsubnet and the LocalTalk/IP subnet.

    This subnet definition allows the FastPath toroute IP packets based on their subnet destination,using the following rules:

    1. The FastPath will route a packet from theLocalTalk to the Ethernet network if the destination IP subnet is different from theFastPaths LocalTalk/IP subnet.

    2. The FastPath will route a packet from theEthernet network to the LocalTalk if the desti

    nation IP subnet is the same as the FastPathsLocalTalk/IP subnet.


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    FastPath AddendumSubnet In order for the subnet routing scheme to work,Configuration the network administrator must carefully follow the

    Rulesfollowing configuration rules:

    1. The Ethernet subnet must be different from theLocalTalk/IP subnet.

    2. If the subnet definition, when applied to established IP hosts on the Ethernet, results in multiplesubnets on the Ethernet, (i.e., no t all Ethernet IPhosts are on the same Ethernet subnet as theFastPath) then none of these subnets must conflict with the LocalTalk/IP subnet.

    3. Th e LocalTalk net number must be the same asthe LocalTalk/IP subnet , and must be non-zero.

    Note that the second rule, if no t adhered to, canresult in mis-routing on the Ethernet. The FastPathanswers Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requestsfor addresses that match its LocalTalk/IP subnet, andif the LocalTalk/IP subnet is already in use on theEthernet, then the FastPath will draw traff ic for theconflicting subnet away from its true destination.

    Rule three is to allow the IP module to createthe AppleTalk destination for an IP packet bound forthe LocalTalk, independent of the AppleTalk routingmodule.

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    FastPath Addendum

    Designing a Having presented the underlying con

    Subnetting cepts of IP addressing, and the Kinetics subnet

    Scheme routing method, its time to apply this knowledge and work through some example subnetdesigns. We present two examples: for ClassA using a single FastPath, an d a Class Cexample using two FastPaths.

    Once you decide on your subnet design,

    see the FastPath Installation Guide, Chapter 3, for instructions on how to send your IPset-up parameters to the FastPath.

    Please note: If the hosts on the EthernetIP network are UNIX Operating System hostsand are using the Berkeley 4.3BSD subnetting (scheme, some additional considerations

    inchoosing appropriate IP address values arenecessary. Please see the section in thisaddendum: Internet Addressing and BerkeleySubnetting,for routing in this type of environment.

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    Fas tPa th A dden dumIn this example, existing IP hosts on the Eth

    Example 1 : ernet are on ne t 88. (for example, Host 1 has an IPClass A address of, Host 2 has an IP address ofNetwork, etc). The administrator is adding a Fast-Path and must choose a subnet for the ne w LocalTalk/IP network.

    Because the network is a Class A type, theadministrator may choose any part of the lower(rightmost) three bytes (i.e. the hos t portion) to use

    as the subnet portion. He or she must make surethat the subnet portion of host IP addresses on theEthernet are different from the subnet portion ofthe host IP addresses on the LocalTalk. Since byte3 of the existing IP network is zero in the established IP address assignments, this is a convenientpart of the IP address to u se as the subnet portion.

    Having chosen byte 3 as the subnet portion,w e can specify the parameters for configuring theFastPath:

    the subnet mask, the Ethernet IP address of the FastPath the LocalTalk/IP address of the FastPath.

    The subnet mask is easy: It will have avalue of ffOOffOO because we would like todisregard the lowest eight bits of the IP address(i.e. the lowest byte), and we are only using eightbits for ou r subnet.

    Next is the IP address for the Ethernet side of the

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    F ast P at h Ad d en d u mNext is the P address for the Ethernet side of

    the FastPath. We are guided primarily by theaddressing conventions on the existing IP network.

    The convention on our sample network is to assignaddresses of the form 88.0.O.x, where x is someunused value. In our example, let us assume88.0.0.10 is unused and let that be our FastPathsEthernet IP address.

    Last comes the assignment of the FastPaths

    LocalTalk/IP address. Using the two rules givenabove, we must assign an IP address of the form88.0.y.z. Note tha t the value ofy is the subnetportion of the address (i.e. byte 3) and must have avalue different than zero since the nodes on theexisting Ethernet IP network have a subnet equal tozero. After examining the existing Ethernet IP (network, we can arbitrarily choose

    y to have thevalue one. The value of z is also arbitrary at thispoint since no other addresses on our LocalTalk/IPnetwork have been chosen; let us choose z to beone. Therefore, our FastPaths LocalTalk/IPaddress is

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    Fa stPa th A dden durnTh e following figure summarizes our samplenetwork topology:

    For example, let the destination be address88.0.0.1, and let the source be address FastPath would compare

    the subnetportion

    ofthe destination address, the third byte with a valueof zero, to the subnet of the FastPaths LocalTalk/IP address.

    Therefore, w e are comparing zero with one(i.e. the third byte of Since the twosubnet values are different, the FastPath willroute the packet to the Ethernet network whete host88.0.0.1 will receive it.

    As a final check, lets trace an IP packetgenerated on the LocalTalk/IP ne t destined for ahost on the Ethernet network.

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    F as tP a th A d d e n d u mIf the E the rne t host,, dec ide s to rep ly to theL oc a lTa lk host,, the Fa s tP a th will e x amine the sub n et portion of the de st in at ion IP a ddre ss ,, with a value o f one, to the su b ne t po rtio nof the F ast Path s L oc a lT a lk/ IP ad dres s, w hic h isalso one, and, since they are the sam e, the Fas tPa thwill ro ute the p ac k et to the L oca lT a lk w h ere M a c intosh host will rece ive it. Our Fa stP a thcon f igu ratio n data is correct.

    E xam ple 2 : In this ex a mp le , we are de sig n ing a subnetC las s C rou t ing scheme fo r net 192.1.1. E stab lish ed h os t sN e tw o rk on the Eth ern et have addresses o f the form

    192.1.1 .x, where x is between 1 and 30. At thecu rren t time, we have plans to co n n ec t only twoF a st P ath s for ev a luat ion p urp os e s , and th e ref ore Creq u ire

    only two L oc a lT a lk/ IP netw or k s.

    Since we need a total of three sub n ets , themask size must be at least 2 bits. This will give us atotal o f 2 2 = 4 subnets, and 2 6 64 su bn e t ho s ts

    .Now that weve de c ided on o ur sub n et m ask

    size, we need to decide on where to pos itio n it in thespace ava ilable for subnetting. Since the e st ablished IP host addresses fall into the rang e 1-30, weneed only co n ve r t the range limits to binary to seewhat portion o f the host address space is av a ilab lefor subnetting:

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 1( Iow e r)

    0 0 0 1 1 1 10 = 30 (up p er )

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    F as tP a th Add end umWe see that the upper 3 bits remain zero

    throughout the range of current address allocations,and so decide to select 0 as our Ethernet subnet.

    Since we only require a subnet size of 2 bits, wedecide to use only the upper 2 bits and therefore setthe subnet mask to ffffffc0.

    Having selected the mask parameter, we needonly assign the Ethernet IP and the LocalTalk/IPaddresses for the FastPath, and ou r configurationwill be complete.

    For theEthernet

    IP address, weneed to assign an address on subnet 0, the Ethernetsubnet. We decide to assign the upper address inthe range, which is:subnet host

    00 111111 0 = 62 (upper bound of subnet 0)

    Note: An address of all ones in the host portion isreserved as the subnet broadcast address.

    For the LocalTalk/IP subnet, we can chooseany of the remaining subnet addresses, so we chosesubnet 1. Now we must assign the LocalTalk/IPaddress on this subnet. We again decide to assign theuppermost address on the subnet:

    subnet host0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 126 (upper bound of subnet 1)

    To summarize our configuration for the first FastPath:subnet mask = ffffffc0Ethernet IP address = (host 62, subnet 0)LocalTalk/IP address = 62,

    subnet 1)LocalTalk/IP subnet = 1

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    F ast P ath A d de n du mUsing the same conventions to configure the secondFastPath, except assigning the LocalTalk/IP subnet= 2, and assigning a unique E th e rn et I P address onE th er n et subnet 0, we arrive at the following co nfiguration:

    subnet mask = ffffffc0E th er ne t IP address = (host 61 , subnet 0)LocalTalk/IP address = (host 62 ,

    subnet 2)LocalTalk/IP subnet = 2

    [ n i i i s j - Macintosh192.1.1.1


    ocI1P address = Chost 62 on suhnet I

    Kinetics FastPath Unit Isubnet mask = flffltcO

    Host 62 on subnet 0Ethernet II Address =

    Ethernet IP Host Macintosh192.1.1.30


    LocaiTalk/IPaddress= 62 on subnet 2

    Kinetics FastPath Unit 2subnet mask = tlTfffcO

    host 61 on subnet 0Ethernet IP Address =

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    FastPa th AddendumAs a final check, lets trace an IP packet gener

    ated on the LocalTalk/IP net destined for a host onthe Ethernet network.

    For example, le t the destination be address192.1.1.30, and let the source be address FastPath would compare the subnet portion ofthe destination address, the upper two bits of byte 4(= 0), to the subnet of the FastPaths LocalTalk/IPaddress (= 1). Therefore, we are comparing zero

    with one, and since the two subnet values are different, the FastPath will route the packet to the Ethernet network where host will receive it.

    If the Ethernet host,, decides toreply to the LocalTalk host,, the FastPathwill compare the subnet of the destination (= 1),with the subnet portion of the FastPaths

    LocalTalk/IP address (also = 1). Since they are the same, theFastPath will route the packet to the LocalTalkwhere Macintosh host will receive it. OurFastPath configuration data is correct.

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    FastPath A ddendumThe Fixed The fixed routing approach, as its name im

    Routing plies, requires that Ethernet IP hosts maintainexplicit routing information in order to communi

    Approach cate with LocalTalk/IP hosts. Th e advantage of (To fixed routing over subnetting is that it allows theFast Path LocalTalk/IP network to reside on a differentRoutin Internet network, thus avoiding the complexity an d

    restrictions imposed by subnetting. For example,subnetting becomes difficult when an existing IPnetwork is a Class C network, because the hostportion of the Internet address is only one byte.Using fixed routing, we can place the LocalTalk/IPnetwork on a different logical network and m ayeven place it on a different class of network ( i.e. , oneither a Class A or Class B network ). The penaltyto be paid for avoiding subnetting is that eachEthernet IP hos t must be provided a method forreaching the LocalTalk/IP network since the LocalTalk/IP network has a different network portion inits Internet address.

    There is on e subnet restriction that is imposedon Internet addresses on the LocalTalk: the subnetmask operation is still performed on the LocalTalkInternet addresses to determine the LocalTalk netnumber. This is done to allow the FastPaths toroute DDP/IP traffic among themselves, so that onlyone unit need be designated as the fixed router.

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    F ast P at h Ad den dum

    The FastPath fixed routing code obeys the followingrules:

    1. Th e FastPath will route a packet from the Local-Talk to the Ethernet, if the destination IP networkis the same as the FastPaths Ethernet IPnetwork.

    2. The FastPath will route a packet from Ethernet tothe LocalTalk, if the destination IP network is thesame as the FastPaths LocalTalk/IP networkand if the destination IP subnet is the same asthe LocalTalk/IP subnet.

    The easiest way to explain the fixed routingapproach is by example. The example below showshow to add a route to a LocalTalk/IP net served bythe FastPath, using the UNIX environment as amodel. If you are configuring a host environmentother than UNIX, you will need to issue a commandsimilar to the route command referred to below.

    Example: Existing hosts on the network have addressesClass C with a network of 205.128.lO (for example, HostiEthernet has an IP address of, Host2 has an IPnetwork address of, etc). The administrator isrouting to a adding a FastPath and decides that subnetting onClass B byte 4 (i.e., the host portion) of the IP address isLocalTalk. impractical. Th e administrator decides instead to

    place the new LocalTalk/IP network on an unusedClass B network.

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    F as tP at h A dde ndu m

    There are only two restrictions on choosingthe Class B network and the LocalTalk/IP subnet:the Class B net number must no t conflict with anyClass B nets already in use at your site, and theLocalTalk/IP subnet must not duplicate anyestablished AppleTalk network numbers.

    As with subnet routing, there are three IPparameters used in configuring the FastPath:

    the subnet mask, the Ethernet IP address of the FastPath, the LocalTalk/IP address of the FastPath.

    Th e subnet parameter is used only todetermine the LocalTalk network number, so wehave flexibility in its choice. In this case, we can (choose byte 3 of the LocalTalk/IP address as oursubnet. The subnet mask will then be ffffffO0 sincewe would like to disregard the lower 8 bits of the Paddress (i.e., the lowest byte) and we are onlyexamining eight bits as our subnet (i.e., the thirdbyte).

    Next we choose the IP address for theEthernet side of the FastPath. As with the subnetapproach, we are guided primarily by theaddressing conventions on the existing IP network.The convention on ou r example network is toassign addresses of the form 205. 128.10.x wherexis some unused value. In our example, let usassume is unused and le t that be our

    FastPaths Ethernet IP address.

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    FastPath AddendumLast comes the assignment of the FastPaths

    LocalTaIkIlP address . The administrator has chosena Class B network of the form 150.30.y.z. Note thatthe AppleTalk net number must be y since th is is theLocalTalk/IP subnet. In addition, neither y or z canbe 0 or 255, s ince these addresses are reserved asbroadcast addresses. In our example, we choose150.30.1.1.

    Th e figure below summarizes our fixed

    routing configuration:



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    FastPath AddendumFinal check: trace an IP packet generated on

    the LocalTalk destined for a host on the Ethernetnetwork. For example, let the destination be address

    205.128. 10.1, and the source be address FastPath would compare the network portion ofthe destination address, 205.128.10, to the networkportion of the FastPaths Ethernet IP address. Sincethe two network addresses are the same, the Fast-Path will route the packet to the Ethernet where host205.128.10.1 will receive it.

    If the Ethernet host, 205. 128.10.1 decides toreply to the LocalTalk host,, the FastPathwill compare the destination IP network, 150.30, tothe FastPaths LocalTalk/IP network address, whichis also 150.30. Because they are the same, the Fast-Path will then check that the destination subnet, 1, is

    the same as the LocalTalk/IP subnet. Since thesubnets agree, the FastPath will route the packet tothe LocalTalk where host will receive it.Our FastPath configuration data is correct.


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    - FastPath AddendumHost The LocalTalk/IP network administrator must

    explicitly add a route to the host routing table of eachConfiguration for P host on Ethernet that is to allow connections fromFixed Routing the LocalTalk/IP network.

    On the UNIX operating system, this is donewith the route command. For our example, eachhost must add a route for our LocalTalk/IP Class Bnetwork, 150.30, and specify that packets are sentvia the FastPath, whose Ethernet IP address is Th e appropriate route command is:

    r o u t e add 150 .30 . 2 0 5 . 1 2 8 . 1 0 . 8 3

    The last argument ( 3) is an indication of the distancethrough the FastPath to the LocalTalk/IP network.Details on route command usage can be found in the

    Unix Programmers Manual.

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  • 7/28/2019 FastPath Addendum


    Fa s tP a th A d de n du mInternet Address- A subnet is defined to be a logical subsectioning and Berkeley of a single Internet network. The Internet StandardSubnettinr Subsetting Procedure (MC RFC95O) describes a

    method for implementation of subnets and is thebasis for Berkeleys 4.3BSD UNIX subnettingscheme. Since the Kinetics Fastpath IP gatewayprogram uses the same subnetting scheme, a methodfor intergrating an AppleTalk network subnet into a4.3BSD subnet is necessary. This note describes twomethods and an example of each.

    Adding subnetting to a 4.3BSD Internetworkis via the ifconfig util ity. The netmask option ofifconfig allows the system administrator to specify asubnet field within the internet address given to aparticular network interface. The netmask is given asa hex number that specifies a mask to apply tooutgoing internet addresses to determine if theaddress is on a known subnet. This mask includes

    both the major net and subnet fields of an internetaddress. For example, if the hosts internet address isgiven as and a subnet is to be based onthe second byte of the networks address, the netmaskwould be given as ffff0000. The upper two bytes offfff mask the major net number (89 in this case sincewe are a Class A network) and the subnet field (10 inthis case). The host will route packets destined for

    those hosts that exactly match the subnet of thesource host, that is:

    ((destination address) & netmask) = ((sourceaddress) & netmask))

    or will route packets destined for nets that appear inits routing table.

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    FastPath AddendumThe first method involves use of the 4.3BSD

    utility route. Route allows the system administratorto manually add an AppleTalk subnet to a hostsrouting tables. The administrator will have to explicitly add a routing table entry to allow the FastPath toroute to a separate AppleTalk subnet. The idea isthat each host acts as a subnet gateway for each

    AppleTalk net. -

    UNIX Host Macintosh Iifconfig netmask = ffffffOO Internet address =Internet address=

    Kinetics FastPath

    Ethernet IP address= 2APN/IP address =

    subnet mask = ffffffOO

    In the example, the UNIX System Administrator should run the following command:

    route add net 128.137.2 3L

    This adds the AppleTalk subnet (128.137.2)to the hosts routing tables and tells the routingmechanism that the FastPath is a gateway from theUNIX subnet (128.137.1) to the AppleTalk net.

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    F a stP a th Ad d en d umThe second method of resolution of subnet routingtreats an AppleTalk network as residing on the same4.3BSD subnet bu t on different FastPath subnets. Ifwe use the same example as pictured in

    the previousmethod bu t change the UNIX hosts ifconfig net-mask to fffff000, then the 4.3BSD subnet is based onthe two bytes of major net and upper nibble of thethird byte for the subnet number. No other change isrequired. From the UNIX hosts point of view, theAppleTalk side of the FastPath is on the same subnet(128.137.0) so the host will route to the LocalTalk

    subnet. From the FastPaths point of view, theUNIX subnet (i.e.,1) is different than the LocalTalksubnet (i.e.,2) so the FastPath will route to the UNIXsubnet.

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    FastPath Addendum

    Footnotes 1 ee Inside AppleTalk, Apple Computer, Inc.,July 1986.

    2 ogul, J., Postel, J., Internet Standard SubnetttingProcedure, RFC-950, Network Information Cent er, SRI International, August 1985.

    3 n general, AppleTalk net numbers can range from1 to 65,535.

    4 n general, the total number of subnets available isdetermined by the formula 2m , where m is the subnetmask size. The number of subnet hosts available is28m for Class C nets, 216m for Class B nets, and 22m

    for Class A nets. However, Kinetics restricts thenumber of Class A subnets to 2 & m The reason for (this is the subnet size cannot exceed the maximumAppleTalk ne t size.


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