fayett^jill^r ang 22, tnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1864-08-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · tpk...

1' . 't- n- id ;r T r-,vi- ;V . tho •' hs- ♦: ;; r itt' '' c. in d n:i>lirrs. ^ M oi - riok- •k'his - l>at. IfirfB 'r- t. rrcl ntid •ed, ^:e -n th"'t ;> I i t s and the " hne ' «r:tnt ;t out r"Und t ro* •,t rcsfing if wp had rlrp-.ure men- n'TmoroTia ■ *. - I'ridav : ‘cintry . ; . B, r,. jnm w'th ' ; 3, W; ro 'S’ , it of ■ n-V fiMnts. -l-ick-t, party of L > r-^tr' at *•• a.i »n- tTT - • ■- n a y 1 aco "r\- ’ ■ ’■ ' k r • r' 'a ' ■ i'.- -I - lie "• a - ir-'l f'n , t^'Tf'W 1 }.V -H- -’ji i tl. r^'- . C M ^ S E R V E R . ' _ _ FAYETT^jill^r movhay iTKTriye, Arerf" w, imi4. _ A n TvPoPTANTTTCTOBT.-Tl>e ’mrrpspive iran- ner m -wb'ch Opn liPeepeaVp of the viotorv of TI hitp- «^«y laH indJcato? tbfit Vp cocPidcrs it of CTfst'inj- roriaror. The full rnr«;,.T<’nrs pro net rot Vnovn hut it Pppca-. have borp vprv nf- ♦n.ir. and ncMcvcd pliropt pntiroly >y North (’aroliii? trootP. The IrVm-crh bag broupht. nrfbin?? pincc Satnrdav aftornnon. T pk MAii-^.-Tbo Iran pprricp if, pndly in rord of ovprsipbt. S^rop tbp rpc»ip?.tior of tbe W e’don rond by tbe vnrVoes o^r Nortbom nnilp have tpkfn the nrper rontp »rd romp by Tfnlpiph inptoa<l of Wurpaw. Ibp ’atrct Pp*pr?btirsr rnror rprpirrd is of tbp IPtb jpst. Tbp lfifp<jt T?irbTPord rarer ip of Wrdpppdnv IflFt tVp 24tb irpt. Tbfy apppar to reach Hplpijrb rrrr.’i'-rly or ibp dnv pftcr r ’’b1icntion. bnt ptp from 60 io 72 brrrs Inter -n ror.rbirr bprp. Tbo 'Rn’oiph pa- fPTP wb:cb rppr^'od up pn fJutr’-dpy pvonJppr eortni?’ TT'pny pxtrpctp froTT TJicbnior** rc rp rs of tVe ‘>5tb ipct.. v-Vicb tbpv rocpivod or Frdiir. bnt ■wbirb-bavp not ypt rrr.rbpd this plaop. Wbrrp the dptrntion >s wp do rot Vpnw. >•'+ woT\1d bp r ’pd to have it rprnp- djpd. Ard r the DfnaHrrprt <T’vp ativ attrrt'on to t^lp ninl*''r. vill not be amipp to look rftr-r tbe «pr. vi<'p i'’ rpnWy j>n pnrtp of Ibo Ptr^p. \'^ p havp never krowp it in a vorse condition, ('f rOTirpp \rp know tbp diP'cultipp of tbp t’Trps; but tbocTilpof 'wbiph wp complain soom to tbo rf’BHltij of uttc^r oBrplocBnoss M iii A P a p ty — A ’^frerablp nrd eir^nent citizen, verr- inpr wo pnppofp rpcn foiir9''orp year?, and npcepeari- ly near tbo cVpp of n 'i'e of d’Ftirprnipbed public i^nd private wrrtb, '■fnclndo!: a letter of cc'i'rratn’ation cn the rcsiiH of the ’ote riection a? follovF; ' Ore <bire r'orr; For Tlpavfr’p snko ptrive yorr ntn'cpt to rr|\rf'P= j>nrly in either lltf' 1'veciitivp or I erip^pt’vp dprrrtn’Pr’s prr' ip tbe <rrcat bodv f'f ♦bp pporlp. ♦ill iVja ctrrrr'lp pv>all 1*“ over T’^p to tbp f stnblVbrrpnt of onr Tnd< pendonce keep ii« toertl er ap onp Pcorlp. >fter t*’at. nion of anioitioc n'ay vnnlt to tbeir beart?’ cortrnt. for met” T o »>Mof wh'cb wp n++pr a b*’arfv nrreii! A? onr sirri hap bpon I'.oretofrre. t'^ 't rrre p°r*y, srd to krpp onr pror1<^ n= ore n~ar ip tbeir de'^otiop to tbe preat cause of Tr.doT'pr«kcce. po vr’M it bp ptill nctil that Tndeienderce is ppcnred. Since April 1861. have bp'opjreil *o no prTtv arc r't'on tc bploretc rrne til! the x?'ar 's fT'di’'’. !»' 'ii-p rnarrpr bave thp ereat bof’y ol iVo rprp'*' of Ncrrb ('arolira act- ed from tbe dav v-bpr tbe vpr wr-s frst wnjrcd aenir?^ f^rn' by I/cco^r. A* pi' tbeir elert’orp p’nre t^e 1^* of Jer.'y they have niar'Teptfd tbi= di.^rf'irard o‘ part'ep. Fspecial’y erd rre-fniinently bfjp tbis been tbe cnp>' in t^p p’ectirrp of Governor. Col. Varce. an o’ ^Vb•p'. ba= been tTcjce rleetcd by nnhpard-of mnjorit’ep. in a !S«RtP which had for ten year? previous to tbe w^ar bppn larrp’y den’o- cratic- And p people who had been for the old Ucior by an o^orv.hp’iTiirr rraiority. have since that tinie been united orerwbeln incly ocra-rst it. As it hap been for the past four years, so it «ill be till the war en'’?—till o>'r Trdoperdcpf e ard a tin»l separa- t if>n from tbe vile yackee race are fully and certaii'- ly pe< ured A Tnc-rcTiT for tfk T tvf« —Tt wcu'd he diffcuJt to find a nnore ht aiitifn! ;ind m'popitc qno’ation than that I7'cde by (’n!. ]T. H. T>avpou. (v.ho la’oly deliverrd an addrep?^ in tUis place ’o raise fi:ndp for the rfl’ff of >ick and woucdcd Kentut kinns,) in a letter of thanks to Mrs. A. J. DeUosset. President of the sold ers’ A'd Soi if-ty of Wiln'inptoD. who h»i> Cf'HcctCd npw:ir»N of St>.'»00 fur l-;s ccxjrtij The C(*lrtnel says: -In c* nt. iiipUtin- tliP r«-siilt- ^ f ibe ini.■fatignblp labors —dnilv ar.;l 1. .tiih iu- ■ r-—<f } ' >;r n.,ble ncty ir be- half <.f < nr r-urti >•'!r»l!< nt dil-r.tlT'^ c.‘rfrj..,y. I :mi a t a k r - li. iii tfL'itii- '\ f . n e , <r l'."w y<‘ti art* t-vf r to bercjM'i. it 'W.cr' y. u n.dize tht* tn.th (f.T.nrv to l!;'- Qmm. when -he .-a'd. ■ai <’ wiitn tl .• b vr ■ f tl-at ( <r .- tn lorb rtr.,1 l , , v — k i c late i' 1 ur— <*h. t..v L( d-y, thtn it i« LA \'tatw i ba <tu <* t-r < i i:t what «e ha dune f< r otbi r- tlat wi’ think i c i:.oi-l i %u^anliv.' Of ull tin-t- wi‘h:n l! o n.' r cry { the livict', tser- er wu.^ tliis r(P'<:’ 'n < l e civi! i< uior*' proper to hr.nrrvv. W, h Ut^n and V i f <i:r ff ' t 'V n ( ita’s in the he vigor t'f Lt-i'Uh and le b::s pttitle CojTPORT TO TT!R E nkmt.— An nrticle m the last Str.rdard on “the recent Elections in th?n State ” will be wcicomed by the yftnkees with as much plcasnre PS ^ta publications » year offo which tbpy conatnied i^'to pji invitation to Iiineoln to send reinforccnents to n'PTcb to the centre of- the State in eearch of the TTnion ppntiment that the Standard satisfied them exiptpd there and was ready to welcome a yankee army. The Stfijjdard n’akos such apflprtions as these: ‘ Tbs* tbe late rlert;o»'p in this State were not free, but tbpt tbe patrorjipft of the two coverrments and the powor of the bnvonet wpre uppd to shapp ard de- tprm'no tho rpsnlt.” “Soldiers who fpared fhpir of- fieerp. dptnilpd men who feared that if tbpy voted for a cprtain pprpon for (tovprnor thpy would bp order- ed at once to camp, and eovernmert employepp who know that if tbpv voted pfrainst Oov Vancp, or did not voto at aTl. they would bp dipmipped from por- vice and bppome conpcriptp, were thus forced to vole with a certain party and for crrtain p*TPons, acra'npt t h e i r W’M. The elpct'on wap not frpp’ 'Phe vpllow tickpt ■™ i>« fatal to all freedom of choire. It was forofecn that it would be. ard it was ” “Detectivep wpre pvery where, potup of tbpni actine as poll-hold- prp. and others Ptnndin" aronnd the ballot-boxes and minp'lircr 'ti tho crowd, ppottinir their victin's and prepflripir tbeir lists for the ipsnoction of Ibosp who bad employed them in their rdiouB work. But in add't'on to tbis there were "armet} m fv” at hnn- dreds cf p’e'*tion irrcnds in this St:>tp. optenpiblv to arrpct dpserlerp. but reallv to overawf! the people ocd forcP their to vo’e for certain pert'ona.” Thepe statements are palpably absurd and false. It ip or^^ neceppary to point to the last apsertien, that “♦herp‘ were armed men at hundreds of election jrro"rd‘« in this State.” Probably tbe’e were armed men er me«t likely urnr, half a dozen election ?ro:»rdp. placed there to arrest drpcrters; bat who will credit tbr r»rd>'m and recVlcps ass^tion that they were at ••hundreds” of election (nrounds? B Y T r y 1 L.3E O R VBPOBT8 o r TRB rVBSS A8800IAXI0V. Another Brilliant AfFair nenr Petertbwrq^—• Pktkesbpbo, Aug. 26.—The affair on Weldon Railroad on yesterday wan a gaHant one and snc- cessfiil in its repnlta. While the enemy’s cavalry ooder Speers were tearinp np the track several mfles beyond Reams’ Station. Gen. Pamnton attacked and forfced ftem back btl.ind their infantry snpports. Hanpton dis- monnted his men and fonirht the infantry gallantly, pteadily pnshinfr the enemy back nntQ they reached tbeir works one mHe this side of Beams’, and cap- tnrinar abont 800 prisoners. Onr cavalry acted with conppicnons jrallantry. At 5 o’cloek in the afternoon, Lient. Gen. A. P, I the aspect of a9»rfl on tho Hailroad. Tha enemy has not materially altered bis position there, and be I is confronted at every point by onr trorpa. It is believed the.t the Road has not been deftroyed es far as Reams’ station, or if so he has not ased ti e I awncy of f ri» in its destrnction. It is the impreo- slon of many, that the iron rails are beinjr hauled »}& TES 0B81B,YXB. Uiii»»B«TT or N 0 . Givabd H au, Ang 22, 1864. At a mMting this day keld by the Stodenta of tha University, tbe followil^; prmuBbla and reaolntioaa wara un&ciracQBly «dop'ed: Whereas; It has pleased Ahnifhty Qcd in (be all-wira workings of his jcystericns Pr?Tidesce, to ent short the ! away as fast as they are taken nT», so as to prevent I brilJiant ea.ifeer \>t C»pt George Pettif«w Bi^an, M bv ns in tbe future, or to N 0. Oavali/, who ^du*i«Q all possible nee of th?m by bnild a connpction with the City Point Railroad, ' and thereby have an nnbroken b’re o{ commnnication with his base of snpplie? at the Point. Bnt it is j tbon^bt by others that tbo enemy irit?nd3 to pre- serve the Road intact for his own t:se, in case of an evaetfttion of Peterebi^rrr and Richmond, which he I no doubt blindly hop<*8 for. Prisoners report the presence of Grant, Meade Hill attacked tbe enemy’s works, and after a short I the prominent Oenerels of the yankee army, but Pbarp enpapcment took them, oaptnring a large ««ce the advance South of the city, have been number of prVoners, probably 2000. and 9 pieces of mppectjng and not-ng tbe advantages of the artillerv. The enemy fled in great eOnfosion, and I P” Tol. ppjrram of Richmond tnrned tbe captured gnns upon the onemy with great effect. Brie. Gen. Cnt- Icr is amone the prisoners, wbo belong to Hancock’s corns, and have been brought to town. There is considerable firing down the road to-day, but not heavy. RirnMONT*, August 26.—The following dispatch from Gen. Lee was received to-nigbt: ‘‘TTfapq’rs a . N. V., Ang. 26.— ITcm. J. A. Sed- ihm: Gen. A. P. Hill •ttacked the pnemy in his en- trencbmpnts at Rpams’ Station ypsterday evening, and at the pccond aspanit earned his entire line. “Coeke’s and McRae’s North Carolina brigades under Mai Gen. Heth, Lane’s'North Carolina brijr- ade of Wilcox’s division under Conner, and Pe- gram’s Artillerv, composed tbe assaulting column. “One line of breastworks was carried with gallant, ry by the cavalry ander Gen, Hampton, who contr- buted largely to onr success. “Seven stands of colors, two thousand prisoner!, and nine pieces of arHllery are in onr posseawion. Some skirmishing and a good deal of picket firing continued on onr extreme right, but there is nothing nnusual in this, since tbe two lines are so near each ! other. On.tbp left and centre there was seme can- nonading all dav, which culminated in the afternoon in a brisk shelllner of the city by the enemy’s bat- teries near the river. Little or no dnmape was done. Peter/ihurg Krpresa, 2hfh. From the Valley.We have authentie intelligence from the Lower Valley up to 9 o’clock Tuesday morn- ing. Sher'dan has retreated out of VirpiBia, save at Harper's Perry. They still bold Harper’s Ferry, and extendpd their pickets to Halltown, four miles towards Cbprlestown. Gen. Early’s headquarters were at Charlestown. Our troops occupied Sbeperds- town. on the Potomac W e arrived on tbe Baltimore and Ohio railroad just in time te continue the sus- pension of travel. Tbe damage lately inflicted by ns had been repaired, and tbo cars were to commence running the next day. The railroad men will now have to betfin their work anew, and will, doubtless. W iiis UsivcTRty with »be big.hf Bt JsoBora, std for soma time wks an lastraa- ter in tbp «»m?, bnt wbo, wh?n the first toc'in of -w?r ▼ as i»oardc<*, r.k# tbe o-itir g^.^hni yo” lk8 of tlie Soaib, nobly vc'nsrecrirjt in def^ace of bi« »*onelry, kfs fallen ii’. on* of tba iftto e?,£»gem*-cta near Ricbmcad, wbilQ br»ve'y leivMjwg hia devoted troops to th« oharge Tharafora be it H“ecWc<{. !«■: That in fbe dfathcfC^pt Bryan, tbe Ur>'i''rt'3ty h*!< lost cr'» her brighteet crsfcersts. the Ltftt? r rs her nr.Mrst. sono, <be OocffKj?racy cn<3 of he- jDt st csl’ant eoldiers, the (’>o’xh a cr>nB<Btent and ex- p.pJ^ry istmber, an'* w« an Instructor be>cved and re- vered by all R»B<'lved, 2t’: That wbilt wa ten-ler to his b?>reaved ^T'i’y, in tb».s their bour of sorrcw and glo.''Bi, our hf »rt.relt ccndclcBce and ByTDratby'f<'r ♦bcir irrepara' ble lopp, we hid tbe"?! not ‘ to borrow es those who h*.T« no htpa,” hut to meet iiim shovis “where tre no wars nor ran ors of wars ” BcpoWc 1, 8d: Thst aa a fitficr tribute to liia memory ire ^fear ‘fce upu*l b?dg* os icoanur.); for thirty divo, •nd ‘hat co;itB of sbe pterrding pr»atnble an'? i^eeolu- ti»t'Sberent to theRabieh Confederate and F&xettr- Tilio Oheervfr with » reqneiit for puhlicatios, and to ttie famtlr of tbo droc»B>d. E bubt a . Losdch, Ja., ] Gbobob ^Lcvaa, VCpm. W. A. P. BaAEcn, j lOB TH* OBH?;RVSa. Killed, on tbe 15th .Aug White Oak Swamp, Va., Q*^i*rge W. Rowan, Oo. A, 2d Be;r’t N C t'avalry, and h cativr of Cbexokee ooun>y. Tcae ban fallen a youth BO yourg and premtpicg He died at liis post, a trne patrot an<l soldier fifLbtir.g for b'p. eonctry and bis ia«t wuTda Here, ‘‘Never give bfcck He irae ever gay, cbee: We I The enemas loss in killed and wounded was heavy. I consider Early a very troublesome superintendent of I f^ l, obliging and lively, and strict in the dte«>tarfo o/bis mi<Tht e.xpopp 'ikpwisethp stores about “deteftives.’* colf'r of t^ VetP. orderT? to comp, »*ic. &c.: but it is rcpdJppp— fl’o reopV «t boire Inow them to be '‘alsp. ard roihirg that we could pay would influence the ynnkecp or the dppertcrs in llie woods, all of whom T»ri11 be hugely delighted with the Standard’s rppcrf ions. F fo . mcti . no P f . m k F ffitm '.p —The Richmond Kxpmirer Ihirkp tl ui the > urning of (’han’berpburg wns a trrrater and mere decisive stride tovards peacp than ary of the preat victorips, or all of them; and propoFOP tha^^. op fl’O retaliation for the burnirg of one Cenfcderatp town and three private dwellings has has PO pood an effect, cur trceps shall go again into PcrnpylTJir'a r.nd burn ppven other towns and a b.oupard cweli’rpp ♦'or a likerrmber of Confederate townp iifd 1 cr.fe? drptreycd by ti p enMny. We den t acree t ’tl- the Kxaminer as to the rela - tive importrrce cf the bcTrTgof (’1 amber?bnrg and the victories, but we do trtirely os tc the rei-eppity of retaliating for ti e wartcn and uncivilized destruc- tion of prvate property. RnrENKP.— Lieut. Jop. A. McArthur, of tbo 51st Reg't. who reached Richmond a few da\.^^ ago by flag of truce, from yankee prison, arnvt d at bis home rear th’P rlacp rr Saturday UiPt. Wp are in- debted to him for a New York Herald of the ITth inst. lt.9 news has been anticipated, but there is m"ch of interest e\en in on o'd yar.kee paper. The large.'t type in this is eiven to “a brilliant movement of tJrant.” which tccled, as we know, in the defeat at Fuzzle's Mills. N oPTM < ' aR( I.TXA OrFTi KES .VT l*e,nT IH'I.AWARE.--- We are permitted to( opyihc follov inj.'extract from H i.'tter from Liout. <'l orlep P. M illett.cf the ;id N. Troops, who was ( apt^red at .Spi tt.H\ Ivania. It IS d a t e d Fort l>eJoware, Aug. titli ” After speak- ing of the dul’ue.^s of prison life, atd of bis having rP( cived F!ipp!ios cf ii’ocey <^rd clothing from two I ntiurc.e^ iU. tiu' .Xnrth Im -writMS tit ht8 tulher:— Capt, Hdrnt*. l.,it-tit i\ri<’crr<in, (Vij.t, Kyle. Lt. (iarry Villiun s, Miii. ^^■l>or^l^’ niij (’.npt. ^'oan nro lure—hjI 'well fxccpt ilic latti r, V liii hi'r In *n “i- l: for abcu*, a wtjt-k. .li.hn Mn'ViT ■"■'•(.'tl'nu! from Pi'irf I "okdut, tbal b’1 of the e< nipsnv [C’. fU'ii’ll that were tlu-re were wt*ll [i fvri:! 1'. wift- ti nt he is here iind in cjoc'd health; alro S. Hi’. -‘ V »'■•! J. V ’. FlontTri. who wert,- ■tty?! urfr.” ^ ^ L anks P. ri <;ai > e is the B attik below K ich - MO.NP.—F.xtract fn m a letter, da’ed ■ Nk. v :; I ' /j-.i.v/s .' i ’K. 18. •S'ii'CO r.’ vla-* 'V“ Jin < n :<i .» !!:'rd t m" aii*’ p-.-vf-re I ’i-y Vi!o'.>-‘ y•^r^Ti^ty eur liripad Ours was relatively small. “Our profound gratitude is due the Giver of all victories!, and our thanks to the brave men and gal- lant oflRcers engaged. R E L fk, Gen’l.” fWe do not know of any “McRae’s N. C. Brig- ade.” Tbe N. C. Troops in Heth’fl Division are Cooke’s acd Kirkland’s Brigades. Col. Wm. Mc- Rae commands the l.’ifh regiment, Cooke’s brigade. Tbpre is some mistake, probably in transmittine the dispatch. And again, ia^ppeaking of T>ane’s brigade as “under Corner,” wo suppose Col. Cowan of the 3.‘ld i» m e a n t . He is tbe ranking ofiGcer, Gen. Lane, Col. Parry and Col. Barbour all having been previ- ously wounded.] From Genrgtn. —Atlanta, Aup.26.—Tbeenrmy retired from onr right front last night and our forces occupy tbpir second lire tbis morning. Tbe enemy’s lines from Pecatur to Peach tree roads are all aban- doned. but they arp still on our left and centre. The movement is interpreted as a concentration upon our left and centre. T^ere was skirmisbingthis morning on the left. With the exception of 3 shells fired from thp right last night, before the enemy withdrew from that point, they have not shelled the c’ty for 24 hours. Priponers'brought in^his morning from the ripht state that Wbpeler tapped tbe road twice, which was repaired immediately, and trains are running through. They also state that Sherman’s army is on full rations. SECOND DrSPATOH. A ti -a.' jta . Aug. 26.—Since this mornine the ene- my retired from onr extreme left. Prisoners state the trains came throre*' from Cbattanoopa yesterday. The ('hattanooffa Gazette of tbe 2.Sd states that W heeler destroyed tbe depot at Cleaveland, Tennes- pee, and burned the town. THIRD DTPPATOn. A ti . anta, Ang. 26.—The enemy have ma-osed be - tween Pa< e’s Ferry and (’ampbelton roads and aban- doned the entire line on the right of tbe Chattanooga Rail Road. Sherman’s order dated the 2.'ith. direcl- inp the reduction of rations, was picked op in de- serted camps. There has been sharp skirm'shing on our left aM this afternoon. A special dispatch to tbe Cincinnati Commer- cial. dated Nashville, Aug. 18, says the rebel caval- ry attacked Greensville ou Tuesday, e few miles be- low Cbickamanga. During tbe fight, Gren. Stead- man was seriouslv woundpd, and Col. Streipht killed. A flispaich «ate<t fnoiaDopotm. Anfr As tbe time of the draft approaches, the people are becoming excited. There is a great demand for substituies of any and all colors. transportation. Sheridan avoided a fight in his retreat, making ro stand save a small attempt of one a^t Charlestown. His anxiety peemed to be to escape. We learnthat Sheridan caused all the wbpat stacks to be burned, in hip advance from Winchester to Strasburg. In his flight back, be bad not time to perpetrate the seme villainy upon the farmers be- tween Winchester and the Potomac. A number of dwellingp were burned and citizens arrested ard carried off; though not to tbe p.xtpnt which reports have alleged. A party of Mosby’s men came upon a squad of I.*) or 2ft, who bad 5ust set on fire a dwell- ing. The ladies and the children whose Lome it was were wringin^r their hands with d’streps at tbe sight of tbeir bnrningr ho»^e. end invoking punishment en the vandals, when Mosby’s men cam«». Thpy rushed upon the incendiarips and took no priyoners. The prayer of Fuflering innocence badbefn swiftly heard, and the punishment ramp, and conae as swiftly and as terrible as it was righteous. fitchmnnd ,^fvHnel. 2!yfh. d' ty Aaotber soldier has gone, acother home de- prived cf its hr>btc«t flower end rendered sad and deso- late Ee Icav'S a f<t)ner, motbrr, meters end brother 0 Konrn fcjg fall Bl<* P»rents h»ve bee" deprived of an exoeUent sen and North rarolina Las loat one of her b' st dOi'eBdc's Althi.cjrh he fills a eoldier’e grsve far on VirjriEla’s soil, b»e friends wi>l never cetse to r<>3 en\ber biip wivh n^te tendoraePB and hops be ias ?onn to b;e re- ward la he*>en, where he will never >gUB be &roa8<'d t'^tbe coEfli''te of cruel w*r. Wiu.ib The Mfviphut Afl'nir .—Tbe following dispatch was received at tbe War Department yesterday: Mobile, Aug. 22.—The followine dispatch was received from Gen. Forrest, dated Hernando. 21st: “I attacked Memphis at 4 o’clock this mominff. dri- ving the enemy to bis fortifications. W e killed and captured 400, capturinp their entire camp, with abont 300 horaes and mules. Washbume escaped in tbe darkneps of tbe morning, leaving his clothes behind. My loss is 20 ki’led and wounded. “N. B. Forkest, Maj. Gen.” There is reason to believe that Forrest has cap- tured tbe city of Memphis, with the immen'^e amount of supplies stored there.— Eichmund Fvntinel, 2f>th. Thf Mobile Fortn. —I'he vanlcee papers fbefora news of Fort Morgan’s fall had reached them] state that Farracrut had demanded tbe nnconditioual sur- render of Fort Morerap on the 9th inst.. but it was refused, its commander stating that be had 6 mouths’ provipion and would rpsisi to thp last. Maj Gen. Canby officially reports to Washinpton on the 9th: “Fort liaines, with .56 commissioned offi- cers and 81P enlisted men. with its armament of 26 guns intact, and provisiona for 12 months, has sur- rendered unconditionally, an«^ was occupipd by our forces at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. Fort Powell was abandoned, its garrison escapintr to Cedar Point. Its brumtn> ut iiflC kudis Ib lu v*>uOltlwu fUi tuiii ate service.” FOR THS OBSBRVSB. In thiR our time of sorrow and weeping no deaJb has cai'fed more b^art^K sorrow »han tb*t of T.icu* JA B B'up, of Co F 46th N O T. who wa« killed cn 6th May in Ibc bloody bkttle of WildernesB, Va. John wa« one ofJhe firrt. to reepocd to his conntry's call. He was a naJivp of Moore counfy At the oatbreak of the wr»>* he ap^jBttd -’n ruisinp: a company in hie native county, and wa*! p’tcted 2J Licntprsnt, but had been prr,rao*ed to ihe coamKUd cf t*je company a sbcrt time before i»j« death A tdpds those woo have fallen in this cruel war tfcere has not been a robler heart than John’s H s o«'Trp»nion8 in arwe will eve*" 1 >ment tbe 1o»b of so kind and brsTe a eon’marrter. We tetd'r onr warjrest sym- pf tbifp to tbe beresved family ai^d p^r^nte: may they not n cum ae t*^ofe who ha^e no hope; hut let them be ccrsclcd by ti e bieeeed thcntrbt tbat their lose is his etrrral yain- Eis meB>ory Bball c*er live freeh in the bearfs of a grstefu! people. Cooaiu CONFEDERATE TAX KGTr*: T WE Corfederata Tax Afsrep'r? for Ibe c "•••>’ aatt wiil attend at t^e fol’ovirp for the pnrnoEe of reeeivir.g tim Thx J/si f r O’. At Jobnsonvil^i*. Wedr“P«Tav Ps't. 14t’ : At Ba^'beene. Thnrwdav «<Tt IF*’’: At Turner’s Store. Fridav Pfp* At War. Perktr’s Htoro, Pp-irtrd'▼ S. f t ^ T"' ; At A»*rasbcro’, Mond»y At R Turlin^to' ’s. ?'0t’ ; At y*- Matthews’ ¥iil, T"ed!*P8Is,/ At Jebn Pre::^e’e, Tb.ir«S'B P 2?'- -i ir n c H ’p, I', tdov 2i?d. The tax payers aeietj n''t t« »ft times and p’^ces above pf^*ed. an"* a correct I'sto' <h* fol’i'w'rr pu^j'oti ef t/’''.**' bawd and owred on 17tH Fcb’y 1?64: No acres land a>:d velne I860, employed li' tore. No, age and pcj of slaves empi»'y'‘d i»? No horses, mules and oxen ews'nlfyj'd in No plPBgbs ^^d other ’K'»'?rn!e^'p in agrienltnre, sod all other proipfry ecKare. No acr*^ Ie»^ and other real prrperiy Bc: In agricnllDTe No borses, tsnles and asses not ercp!.')"*'-’ f ■ tore. No, age and sex of slaves not c»rpl'*yrd t-> No of oatile r>f the Bovine Bv-cic5ee; b';-1 and hogs. No ponnds eofton R.nd w^o'; tobscc»';!■ . ’ i. orrr>, wheat, ryp rif'r, &o V*lue of nt'ta»oes of all kinde, pe's h ■' ' >. pe»e and all o*bpr producte cf farm, . * f Value of flour, meal, puger, rnrl*B;r.'’. * r.-" and all ^tber errcer’ps, wares nr.<^ r * • c': . sr'rifcns Hqner<i. w>«p. c’drr, Tinei*»r. io Val>'* of aP boneehold *nd >’tchpn cultural toelP, and *11 f'^ele of ETPeben’'^T n i'' ? stmments and all aHiclep of drmeeiie upf; N*' ' of wagons. c«rts, drays and all other v<"?; \ i ' ' value of all gnld awd silver ware ondplfSo. ry^and wetcbee; value of bookp, maps, Jnge statuery and other works cf art; /*'* ; ' ' r' a»«e*« of Ba»ks, joint sto<‘V eoTcnaniee '■ ’ wbother ineorppra^»d or nrt, j;cld and pI'i.- dust, ro’d ard Pilvpr bullion. »moun» ; • ' ? credits, bank bills, and all otb''r i»ar ’ ' ' rercv. (except pon-int»rfpt ^ C • f so r y N<^t<=", e n d r ' “t m r 'l o ^ ^ d 5 t < . a • ^ i' ' value of sU rooneys held sbrrad. bii'r o’ vr * : foreign eountriee. value of all srticl •’ i' ' m’xcd prcperty not in teri^e JOHN GP.J r.'\ .■ .’ Aug 26 I will attend w?th th» /eficsecrs rt f. ' ' ’ ' t;me« and places for th« purt'opc of rc V f ••' ' ance of taxes now due Dolin'’n''^’r notice that after thi<4 round I eha!’ * the law against theiD. C 0 Col^icU.r Aug, 26 ’ -■ * TOR THX 0B8BRVKB. Died of dyep«-psia, in tbe Uospisai at Lynohburg, Va, en the 2R*b of Ang 1862, in tte 23d jpur of h'S age, CorD t'hsrlrs G Harris, son of E T tnd Mvrlfc* Harris of Mcn^gomery cousty. He vo'.anteered in dr-fpnoe of bia ccu»!‘ry, and left b!s bo’^e Bapt 15th. and r’STit a« a private in Co K. 34»h N C Trocpp, in which he was appc'nted Oorpct'^l. He was always ready and willing to do bir full di'ty. Whra tbe Reg’t etartfd on the loi g warcb to MaryUnd, bo was unaide to march an;? w?f3 ewied to th« ^pppital at lyrcbburn. where he rccibine<{ ouly a few days «nd tbei*. yieldea on in t^e h»nds of hi" Hissed Pavxur. He Tsaa c»n- B e'en* Eietcb*.- cf tb'? ^'ethodipt 'huroh two years pr?- >lcu* ti« b;B de^th, sn 1 evidetce of t tiuW pious chripjitp ITe l'’»vfs T.*rents, two brothers ar?d fi7e iiotprp to mourn the lo«3 of an sffec.’io'ral.a son and a fond broiher. ar.d his country one of its braveeteo’diers. 77i' Fftic Meeti'^n a* Syracvn*.—Tbe peace meeting at Syracu«e, Now York, on tbe 17lb, was a very Irtrire af- fair. The rcP(>lutions «dopted call for poace, and pre- sent, in strontr rolors, the outraces of Lincoln Ujxin the From the Southtvefif. —Ostka, Miss., August 26 »l.ur,:;i.t|-e.l.Scott fo.ght lb. euem, io suhnrb, of I I (Minton yesterday and drove theni back one mi e. | res-.luti-.n contains the action of the bodv: The fight was desperate, our men charging gallantly. The enemy having received reinforcements re-oc< u- pied Clinton. They are said to have 6000 infantry and 30 pieces of artillery. T h K f'HA FF^^Vf'N ADMlXI'TflATTO.V.- bo brf tight to r .1 wnnt Ptancff nr.in tHce, how can ury <d the overflew r ' pr-'-p. rnv. dvreil tfon dc>nc «..r cati d'.- for l.intr clf? Me:', pho’tld tL<"niseive.' to ■■!'< '■ p’ u* t-' d'T^Lg weil as in thf L'.,ur of <:■ a‘'>. MKhrrr'-T K O l T l SITION vo tiik ’!’l e V^Tcury F,r,\s tin', vhen it spoke of it.^ to raef>u'es (f Prfs.dent f.nvis whirb, it .‘•aid, • he put f-fh *o paral;r- imd def< u M L e ! ff* ■ t tof.vny m itr ^^ar,’’ it mean t.^at toe/ pi^i. f- rih w,th sr, h i — oniytbat t!' ir w is t- an 01 coar-e v. t; irive tfic the ir.tcnfi;tn ol' r ‘jni-.‘.r;' n'.ado Ih** l'ril^^a!^ c' ai-" of tl ■f-vT ccl'. ims ir front o ’A'l tjlii'-C * ‘ r-Ia Itrhrauo out o! t>t ir l,’-*-ii-twork". and kii rd fJ' ii. < 'iHifiy. iht ir ‘•■omrnaridcr. W<* m o v e d o u r nii'T'i'’*- *'y the ri:'h> flii' k. chfr^. d a,t dcuMp-<ii’ifk with r--capUirHd lino, /u t onr i clinr d blue riif'UL-ii: but the ever ready North ('ar^ •' uj- I'ft.ur I'f.l.If liii.L.ide :!j;iiiu s^uvtd Ih- di’V. 1- <h>-v i]: i III! ^ii • 12th I'.iy at Spoli.sylvaiiia. All ill-- a inv iirt* ci'mplii'ionlint: up. We kilbdan eiior- mOMs nun l cr (-f y u l ; - . a m ’, captun.d t-nrae <*.(K» pri- tt ii'rs. Ai* ’>ti^'lit IlaucockV 2d corpp. The tbic .s <lo>>" t>y ' iirHi veiub' and a b-w Georeiarp iho »';■ !■ ^loriouK C<>’. RarHonr [’’om- iiiuid'.'III'' Prifadul wa- wend'd d. ' K. .i. H.. Jr.’’ 1 noil ^.^^l•AITIKs— the battle on the Weldon Road ing resolution contains the action of tbe body: “ Resolvf>d, Tb.Ht. ppeakinc for tb*' many thousands here assendilrd, jrnthcred together from every county of tbe St.ite of New Y<>rk, we bplieve that it is the duty of the comin;; convention, to inpet at Cbicairo on the *29tb I of A u ^ s t. to pi VP erpreg.^ion to tlii,'^ l)en(.‘fic*'nt sjiiritof ... Fi'nm \ irl'sh-iirg.—Mrridiak, Miss., Aug. 26. I pcsee, snd t<> declare as .the purpope of tbe Dpmooratic \s iP. Ta*’eui iry U3a.=“^*d Itis J'I'he lines at Vicksburg are completely closed f*’*'j party, if it >-hall recover ]>owcr, to raus'" thi^ desolating (’■oof <n fur ri^lit. drove j tbe next 20 days. Ingress and egress is not allowed I to cpa<»* bv the valHnt; of a naiiocal oonvontion. in under any circumstances. It is thought another I which all tbe Statos shall 1»’ represented in tbeir s^v movement is on hand, os all the horses in the city I erei^n catmcity; and that to tbi'i end an immediate a>'nn.s- were beire impressed by the yankees. I tice shall be declar«'d, of sufficient duration to give tbe The prisoners captured in Memphis by Forrest, | Sutt-s and the peoi«le amjile time and opiK.rtunity to de- of pian -tioc our contemporary fchoul.i have r -ur\ 3 e:ip!a'';i!:' I B u t i:i ’i:;'.!i;iitr it.s inern bor- ed that ti- :ts inn-i iion only by v b .t i suys, andhad ; • u.< a:;3 of kuu-.wn- Unt ^h. i made tjie rcii' -ik up- u whi.-b w: (om nuu’t'd. i; .u- tended somctbii'g altogethi f dil'irint fr(>ni H’ha. it said. T h H KTPK. TrtD “ cn^-V^JK OK It-dle:^!! Stnndard bitt'rly the expro-rfion of 'irop;a iontha' i-^>p-i"’rg to cbac- it d.d ;-oir.'‘ ntro v.h ion ibat it ?.-ou!d o’^p^'se Keep cool an'^ “v.oV h r.:;d v.’a (^overn^r, and it will be seer in due time if^ the Ob- server ia not rifc'ht nrtw as it wa.s then see something else too—a.-.othcr bitter diaappoint- mpct of political Hspiratiohs ervetheSiiindurd just a=i the IVnioerats did ,d as tho ‘ (’oiis. rv^i’ivcB’ left for Cahawba this morning. The Fall o/ Fort Morgan. —Mobti,*, Aug. 26.— By flag of truce boat which returned from the ene- my’s fleet last evening we learn from the yankees that Fort Morgan was captured at 2 P. M. on Tues- day la?t On Mond.iy the enemy opened fire on the f(*rt. which replied with spirit. ‘On Tuesday the bom- bardment was renewed. Meanwhile the enemy had succeeded in getting 3 howiteers in position fto on t’ c 21bt inst. we leirn n (’;.- t. John M- K< liar, 1 reach) our line of skirmishers on the glacis of tbe fort, axid kept up a heavy fire on our guns and gun- ners. With the assistance .of the mortars of the fleet the assailants succeeded in damaging several gun-carr atres. Uen. I'acre. having destroyed everji thing in the fort and spiked his guns, capitulated. He and the garrison of .*181 men have been sent to New Orleans. Our loss in killed was 17. The num- ber of wounded is not known. 'I’he enemy have thrown a force of 4000 on tho main land at Orant’s 1‘ass, opposite Fort Powell. ( ’r>. A fith N. (’ (Rivalry, was elinhtly wounded, as wore -1 1'- Currie of Cumbcrlai;d and .M Small of | n:':-nett, mcmb-.-rs of his company. A .1. Iktlmne and Wm. lb>ihuu«‘, eons of lion. Laucl-'in B.v'hune, of thi.-i courly, we’-e captured. fill bafip. Just so we crTpre?;^' d f-ur op'.n- :. Viincp’s re-electr''Ti. Mr. Won'd-be- if ttic Ob- W e shall [lisappoint- I’he ‘'Destructives” ;s di did Wounded; advc‘<mH* a monarc'^y: U'u.11, if ibc Oi'.'crver bad 1. r -j»!f t'» go-' Would haVf, n-ii!0vc» some years ago, a'. ft'W v;"ekH ? g '' Hut the StaPfiard mak-^s a prediction of its own VI/.: tl at in less than tw^ yc'ira the Observe- will 'l ii'i,' is a good one. Why, loubted the capacity of ni the.nsc.lves” tbo late election d the doubt.’ ‘rh(.-e arc iuf'ie^i howcr-r. th-.it tbe Standard’s ccr.lidence ’’ lias been tna’en;diy Icbaerfcd l>y the •-aaio .•vent. 'I'fio .1' -p s ( bloF, w!ii- h i;ave taken ii:.- of i)Hi ^ k s'rouuly of RH idca ibiii -tiie pecpit ialeiy ail that was good and grc^^it and wise., i>r«; out a so t' f .i5.ser, in the Standard s l>ut we •/"'I '.low the Staudiird do room fe*r rpiib 'I bc O', crvei novi-r was, is not now, and xpoct.s 111 be, in fkvor oi .v mou.irtby It has Twenty- i.Mb X O T. Wddon ll'’f',d. *v". 21, 18f>4. Co A. (AdiP.t— K'lb-1: Lt .1 M Kuvul. <»undcd: J II Tiinif'-. (’>:o !liirli-=. 'Vilborri JSivin-^, ebi'bt. n ( r.Tiloi;.)— Kill: d; Si;t i; ■( Hicbftrd-i n, T t llrooni, M li Morrow. ■ ourib-d: F R Ricbnrds.m mortally, 0 YcMarwi-'. «1 I- Cburct'.. H .1 >b'»r-ruia. J 15 Nichole. C ( I— l-ii'ed; .5cr-s- "M'litho-. 1)' ( il<‘3' (.'.'trroP. S Mcf'onnld. k ’ (Oil itb 111.)—W(,undi d: ' .MCbf-c’:, .1 1> bvridy, V ( aid ". id] )— ’ our.d.cd; Caj.t II M Tultle. ( iKilhftiii I— K ir d: Co.i-l .1 .1 Record. A *• Lin>'i-’f ’’rv t^l■^b, •■oth l'-i;s. fl Wonndei’: C C D- nson tli-. h, left arm: .A . 1> M'CoUum knee; . C Harrison below right hip; T J H i.-an l -ntfocks. l7(Caldwell )—"VVounded: .Ino Stallings. K. ( An“on )—Nonf. Killed wo'oiidcd vll—total 27. In f.. ti< ’i. >.ni!-i)ts n-«r I’ctfT.diuru;. j.n-vion.sly —t o A, An-r i::—Kilkd: .!u» l.'ng. Aug 1ii.—Wounded: C l>en- " k 1 __ '• '-ur.d.-'. .lolin Poplin, h ft thigh, severe: Am" •.iil - S Iv I’lirbcr und li Hilbretb, in head severe, pi-rhai'S niorl.-dU. Maj C M rorty-Fourtb X C T, ’''eldou lliKid. Aug ‘ .il Sl'-i!man c.om’dfr. \ Killed.: ■ VJ lay. .Ino Stanly, Dav'd Tippitt. tbi bling. never always pr' f; rrcd. w ^,r. f. rs. and e.Ki.ects always to prclVM , o'lr tori'i "i ' vcpuoiicau goveraiuuut to any other— limiu <! nionivrcliy, <>r other. Yadkin Sknak uiai. IMstko r.—(’ol. W. 11. A. ;^pe<-r in ciccicd 1-> the Senate from Yuilkin, Surry, Ashe. Al’ ;.'i anv .a Wutauga, instead of C«d. .1 Horton js iien t'dore rpprpted f’oil; .Speer 1422, t lorton I I i A.MihK Ijii.T-.i;.-;.— Yf.ekce p.ipers admit a loss ol ;jOOO 'n t|. on thi- Weldon iioad on liie 1‘ith iuat (iiiiidcd.: 1! '^11' ' Ii— KHled^ Sgt .1 A Kniirbt.. Wounded: Capt W C 'owi-ll elifdit, "’hi I’ittnian tiiigii severe, 'm Manguin, .1 M >p:rnni’li-', V. iiHo Edniundaon baud and kmc severe, R Dunn arm. f H o u n d e d : 11 1$ F a l l o r d .las Kdnio'id.-o'- vpry B.;vei( I) V ounded: Sgl '• 1* < '’■'Kl!!.W<7uudLi\’:*i>t.l .1 Crump thigh severe. A (id ni-re sevtre. Ki’led: John Hatch. I'_Woundcd: V m V<airuer faei*. J-Viouuded: -le^^Pe F Thompson lap very severe S N Tt om|.«.n l.und. C Adains bg very sevens K uIihI: * ' KUled Sert^i, .lesse L Mollitt. K'_V oun.k-d: ) T Fergu.son, leg severe. Total, killed 7, wounded ‘>1. Script R llai A. and R 1> Sinidt, (% were ter.-'bnr;r in the treucbes.- severe. I’ McCilawboue hip, I» (iladson le« amputated, A .1 liberate upon, and finally conclude, a form of Union.” Vallanilitjham, Fernando *V(K>d »nd others made s+rong I speeches for iK-ace, VOR THB OBfiKRVKR. Lii.fsvii.lf., N. O., Au£». 2K, Messrs. Editors: It seems tt-at you and pome of my other newspaper friends are det<-riuincd to have me in tbe uext L<-in;Hlature—and in fact the voti; at bo>re anH in nearly all tbe army seems t<' indieatt'. an intention of the same sort ou the part *.f tbe Anson voters. But. I am not eb cted. Fairlv and honorably def'*Pted, I ^ub- ndt to the exi r^s^ed will of the pwiplc witli entire ctjua niinity and ■without a particle of resentment or ‘dl-will towards any one. I have reason to be jmnid of tbe vo!e 1 received; and am pleaseil to krow that my ci'unty 'vi’l bt! rej>res»«nt^d by two uentkui'-n. Messr.-*. l)ar;;3n and Folk, eminently qu.ilified to care for and advance her in- terests and truly carry out tbe view.-- and w’=>beH of her citizen.s. Most respeetfullv. E. R. LILES. yOR THB OBSKRVKR. Messrs. Kditors: Please give me room in your paper to say to tbo public, that I>^^. Wni. I\ Mct'allum and .lohn (». A. IHck, of .Mfords^nlle. Robepim county, .N '. arn like ministerinti angels to tbo !»icj; of •“oldier*^' fami- lies; they have ever been ready and willini; to assist without murmuring. May (^od smile on them fov their liberality i*nd generosity. APPRECIATION. Of fever, in Wadesboro’, 17th inst., ELLEN’.T. CRAW- FORI>, wife ol H. A. Crawford and dautrbter of Wilson Chambers, Esq., in the 48d year of her age. At Winder l]oppit.^l. ou the I4th ins-t., of dysentery, L D. SMITHDEa L. Co. C, 48th N. C. Troops I d Leroir, Caldwell couaty, N C., on the Srith Ju’y lasi, after a long and mcsc p-aiuful illuess. Gen. WM F. .TONES, a^“d about 57 years. F.iYRTTSVILLR AHSKNAL AM) AKVORV, -*u^ 2G. iS'jl j| W A I % ’T E I > . A RTKAVV »od u-iiablf far,--, t ^- o utidei.i h?.-; triiie ean find snady er rnt at »i>--i Appl? to tbe C‘0*d'DG f’FFiCLR. ITIceliu;; ol the ??la§i!»tra<f?s* riIRE MAGISTR.\IE3 . f Ourjt eriand t our.tj are rn I. cuetited 'o n-tet a-: th>‘ Co-i'* Houi(e. in ?r.jelreTit.' a tli o’ob»ok, A M , pn Tuesd»y cf Pep(«niot-t T<!’ A dispatch of the 22d says that the rebel raid on I next of toe Oourt of PIe«8 sn>.i Qa iUer 8rF*io.ie of «.itt the city was a complete failure, though, our troops | Couc.v. v-.Mt.-iTT FAYETTEVILLE MARKET.—A^g^2a^ T e VIJEW OF THE MARKET. Baoctv $4. Pork 2 50. Lard 54. Beef 1 CO to 1 50 jer pouad, retail. Beeswax ?> 00. Butter 5 09 to 6 00. Cotton .^0 ty ’ 75. Coffee Itl 50 to 16 00. Cotton Yarn—20 OO to 40 00 pt^r bunch. C^nrera-a. retnil f5. Dried Frail 1 00 lo ’ 60 per lb Bgga 1 f'O per doiun. Extract LQjt«rnd 6 00 to 8 00 r«r lb Fioar—Surer, $160, Family, F'ar»erd 8 00 to ’0 00 per OiJ. Fcdd.-^r 10 CO Hay 8 00. gfcucUs 6 60. Ar>p’e^ 4 00 to 5 00 p-*r ‘’uiitsl Grai?’—Corn $16 00 to $18 00 Wheat $26 00 Rye !Rifito$20 OatsSH). Pew 16 00 Hides—Green 2 60 to 8 60, dry 6 00 to 6 00. Iron—Swede J 3 00 to 3 60. l»ecthi.r—Dpj er 20 00, Sole 17 50 Licao“s—Corn WLiskey $45 00. Apple anf* Peach Brart y «40 00 tn $46 00. M^ltises, co’aat;'y aaaie, 20 00 to 26 00. Rise f'O ci^flk- flvjar S OCiper bbl; rpt»il 0 CO to 10 <0. Soap— FfcriLly Bar 2 00 per lb., Toilet f>00. Sciia 5 00, retail. Niftils 3 00 to 4 00 per ib. Oninue 20 00 per bashel. r-otttr..?e—iridh $5 to #6 hush; s'lssot $5 to $^ Spirits Turpentine 3 CO per ijalloa. F -• c".-vi-i.' 4-4 iSoeetiajf ?, 1 40 «o 00. 3a 00 t") 3T 60 per husbel. Tt'tnw 3 00 to 50. Wool to $6. Corrected Vv E. L P kmbkbtoii. E xtract. OB^'nAL OaoKRs, No. 67. AdJH au i lusp’r tien’s Offler,) BiOHUOiio, Aug. 9, 1804. / Kxchange of Prisoner.'^.—Richmond, August 26. —'I'he Coufederate authorities have proposed to the Federal authorities to exchange officer for officer and man for man. The contention heretofore has been in regard to the delivery of the excess of pri- soners, our gov’t in.sisting upon the terms of the cartel, which required delivery of all prisoners on both sides, the excess to be on parole. The govern- ment now proposes that excess, if any, remain in the enemy’s hands. The proposals are n^'t yet accepted. The correspondence will shortly appear. From the United States. —Richmond, Aug. 26— The Washington Chronicle of yesterday has ;i Mem- phis dispatch of the 21st which says: This city was attacked at 4 A. M. by Forrest with 3000 cavalry. They dro.e in our pickets and dashed directly tor hendcjuarters of Gen. Washbume, who made a very narrow escape. They then made a rush for iJuck- land’s headquarters; he also escaped. They then attacked Ewiug’s prison, but were repulsed by the guard. They next visited the tlayoso House, ex- pecting to catch Gen. ilurlbnrt, but did not succeed. t'fi) (iri.5som, severely; Duncan I Qur troops now attacked the rebels and soon drove them from the city, killing 30 or more. Our loss in killed and wounded was about ihe same as that of the rebels. V. PBt!*;rap'a 1, G ncral Orders So. 0^, (CHrreot E.'res) is itsu fcrneudtd: Aii defiited c.ea ( ilo uding those between 18 46 veBr.-j of sn-'e,) will r-oori (o, i»nd be couimfcaJed by tfte Geti'r?!. f Rcscrveii in PtUe ia riich liicy have bf-.'D ^esif 'iKd or detaiVd, wbo will ergtnis^ fh.'>m into tud b%t'a icpfl it is not aniicip^fed ihat ihev vi:i be cAlied rut, t-xcept in es ergencies occurring in or aear tho c.ohbi'cs of tbci< re.»idrnaf; nor will Le elioled ;f ihera b< tt i.ec corxties and cta(ip;iioas mereSo; except th*t coiapnaieB here- e.fter f raiei inj ’'e required to perform sorv’oe in ro p. 'lir,-; r.ii,ig aio«j? a line of railrond rua-ji' g through thi-ir rci-pec'.iTe osunties- All exeisspia *r<? sllowcd, and iu7ited to enroll tbcp^eelTes with euci> c^icpaniea, ro as to be preparei to itid in defending their hornet! whca tnen»ceJi by to* enemy. * * * * * * ISiignedl fl COOPER. A »ud I <?en Official—J»o W !Iis»’)ai,b, A A. 6 ‘r. C O I V F E D E R A TE TJt J; T T7E AeeesBore c* Ponfodcrafe Tci"n ’« • • eour.jy will njcet the t8Z pavers of r>> tj.0 following tiu«'9 tnd places, for the ceivicf their tax lists fc-r the ye*r IW;4, A* Tr'v, dnrlag Angcut Fnprri.r C. u< At D'ffls’fl, Thursdij P’pt PtH; .At Beaa’p, Friday, Sept 9tb: At Co^gin’s, Saturday. Sept 10th; At Zion, Monday •‘'ept. 12*h; At Mt. Gileivd, Tu<'fdaT Pept l?ih; At Rocky Pprirsrs, Wedces’By S?ri 1 i--; At Brntoa’s, Tbn’‘ed»v Bsnt. 15tb; At Troy, Fri'*ay Sept Ifith. The Tax peyerg sre reO’?'?et^d attor.'! ?•* *>'» .. ' »nd nlaces ab^re fl&ted, aiid furrirb the A :u.* •f' correct liai? cf “ ill preneriy cn --sta 3. h*id .1 ..a the 17;h Fefcrua^’y 1865, ruhjcct lo ttx« I »- J <: ANr.Kii Tr, ^ , T .1. BBIGBT, > Aug 11. Tte Aescpsora of lh:> Tix in K'jid'will s 3. - - the above limes and nlaees, for ihepnrrcee i.a f * tho Tax in Kicd cn Wbj>f»t, 0*(«, Rye. Wr.j v.j P r PAUWDERS.'. . W. 8 D1?3ERRV I wi'l atJend with tbe Asse^pc^s at the : REd r]»cca. for Itie purpose of coi'oo tfca t’csfcdcrate GovjrstJfBt in count J. W. EVnSS, Tas'Tv'io .' Ai'g 11. ^ • C'Oiiledcrat€? Tax . T KF! Tax. parcrs of '-he Io-7«r Pistric-f- o' i. or-aaty will pUafie msfit m eat thafcl^lti .' - aud places for the purr.tee of furai.oaing; oot < ' » .j - all the Lands under cultivMjon, nambsr. . •. of all slaves; also the No. of hors<»B, nulee, • -«..• . * othfr property u?ed ir onlt;r*tkn »f ciyps ~ hcga, cattle, sheep, Keets, a»d all t rodu'^t o* t' » ' of the year 1863, not n»ce«sary f. r th9 tui ««- - »* family rcngun>rti'n for the ^ear ’854: Burnt Bwarop, *’ondr,y Ai’^. 281-h H-V., IHok Swamp, Tu^sdfcy/'ur- Trompscn’p, Wedaesday Aug. I ’U; IPhite House, T.'inrsday Pept. l^t; Bieriing’s Mill". Friday i-ept. !io; Sealy'f, 8at?’rd»y .‘^epi 8.1; Lnmbertcn. Mot (’ay All pejBoni iptcrebtrd wiii attsns i v. , wi»h the»r lisfB mafSe. T. FOPK ic'- Aug. *2 fi i ' State of iVorIh < COUNIY OF PICHMOND. Coart of P k ts tnd Qa n e t Scdoii.i;i, Jijjy Ti j, y i Ssrah Brown V9 Tcooiaa B^rrf'ctine and * wife, K G. Wright ^nd Martha V‘i wifi, »■.■- ’ 1 Peiittcn for Dower. I T appearing to tf.e s'^.tiFfMMon cf th* C . Sarah eni Orem Wripht. Leonard Brawr., .%i. « 4 i lioder Drcwr), reside bsTord Ilniit! c > ordcrfd; that vabi’C’-tioa >’o nr. -.,^ int:^*\rr, .'-u Obaer^er, a aewfc}..a' cr Dab’i'>Ucc i.i w far six wotk?, notifyin?: b»'d ncn-rc-sldcrt u .. and apc*.‘*r a' 'be p ^r-- t- r ■ i.Li« C."*-7 i. . - 8‘ the t’curt flou.^-^ in Rcctia/ha^ oa t.. ■ J-7 •. of Octot'er n**x . iben -‘"d ihe e te pler.i, e M K!ur to hs pe-itioa fibrd n thi* c&so, , S'lme «'iil be boa'd fx pa-fe and e-trred to fham Wifness, * cais H. Webb, Clerk of onr cf&oe io Rc3kio*him, .Sd <t Ju’j, '> i L. H \»EDr. . 62-6tl H E \7EFiE NEGBO UIKL AT AUCTie^ O N Wcdnetiti-'j, S-'p- 7, w ..llo jjlit.*. Odv’ Keprw Girl, 12 yct'■^ of eso if. rc.c;' Atii^ 29 O'* ^lightly wound' d near i e- Tb-'f’uo’ .berlM.dlTf'cp;‘»’ *g 3 . oiatijtt»okn 0 f‘c e 8 tke 0 ^ 1 ? t of 10 pi' ■ji'e rthc«tii-g from tbe Ftop’i-ior ( •Kao^-ttc’ ilie iniU» ” St><o"vS pbnokeJ IJouioapun k i'-vu I 1 hbl ttouf iliiiti Mr- P ^ Siaabaok cf Kiobmoad Co. being without a leader, the rebels carried off some plunder aod quite a nnmber of prisoners. New York telegrams published m the Chronicle say that rumors are current in best jSnancial circles there that the (iovernment desires to send five com- j niissioners to llichmond to arrange terms of Peace. (4oid closed in New York at 254^. The Governor of Ohio has issued a Proclamation warning persons who are preparing to resist the draft to desifltTrom such a purpose. Fernando Wood, in his speech at Dayton, Ohio, ou the 23d inst., asserted that Peace men would be nomiuated and a Peace Platform adopted by tbe' Chicago C onv^ion (which meets to-day, 29th.J It is announced tM t Gov. Horatio Seymour of New York will call the Convention to order and that I Bishop Hopkina of Vermont will open the proceed-1 ings with prayer. Fro.’.i Petersburg .—The situation is unchanged, and theie ia bnt little additional to note rsgarding Aue P A V 'D TSscNKILL. C 'a>-.« n 62 2t Tax in K ind—Richm ond I'oiinty. I N ii*y i»r'Po>atmtp'B fn pwbiisbcd in Wo Ob.i.irTcr W 'f Pit i« left bla"k I wiM nmrt ihe neotdo of Uiat Ui»- trlot at Rockingham ou ihc 2d and .34 of Peot^Tjber. PET PH McRAE. Aaac'jsor icr '.owfr oud of R-Jumon<i t/'oucty. Aur .27. It m ac stone! Bine Mtone!! LBS BEA* EiSOLISH ^LVE HTONF, for etle by WORTH & CO , Wilmington. N. C. Anp. 2». 02 iStvd For or Exchangee F o b Y‘)UNQ m u le s , one Bay Mare eight yearn o’d, one Bay iloree four nud half ye*ra old, both very tfentle in tuy harnetfs; all &7ucd TflEO. HVkUd. Aug. 26. 62 Stpd llEABqi AttTERS KKSEKVK N, V, \ Kalsiou , Aug 23, 18<>4 j QKSRP.AL <>EPEa9, 1 Nv, 7. / T Pi.8us.at to Gfua'al Orders No 67, pa'‘agr(vpH V , Adjni.».i: t and Invpcctor General’s Offioe, dated A'lgunt Ifita, Local OCBjers ■will proccfci at oi;ce m giniie toe cie'.inlc't tt . jii , of whule'-er kind, in tbeir reei'ective counties, into oooirat.ie», teportiag to tfci« office ih-; n»tnee *r,-1 •■e’*idfuce of ‘he cfEeev*! oleoted. n All exfmjrM ar» m'^ited, aed «arcestly reqaewted, (o attach t^teiiiseiTes to companies thus to bo orgauisod, for icuie defence Arms aua aruT<iuni<.ioa will be issued aa soon as tho ccoiip*nies are formed. By ocmmand of Lt. Gen Holrws JNO W. illNBDALE, A A G. Aug. 27. 62-7 1 Cotton ••v.;". CM at Kclfiou. Wfdpfelsy, 3ppt. 7!.', bv to' ' tc / • - 8 riccsf. 200 yds ' -i -vyG>c. y D.:f 1 Pni! 46 1' s, ift^b a Eci-t; 3 ore Effljsli 8bo:R; 12 bottles Cold Prees^d i’ar*o»' Oil. J. E. CO^:. . • • ’ Au((. 2S. 6 ’ • FOai * * " 1 $500,000,000 Confrdfrale r>iir«r( i:i X, -Si i f I'ii KvB iivM* jTfeteat ti't* tn ;» i - r*" «■< t J inTefi'n)f:»ii. They ■' Jtu.' '*■< - C8t p s j a b b *!»* * ■»> • > aad esperf dntief; av® cx’ravt. pr’act;.*’ frC'S tucation, apd tbe c-jUvoos r»c»'-*ati* r - t »» enstOBt dntio*. Tbe niniLauni »ri«* Ji.v t-.-r tuo |«rc*ei*t. r.t »185 r'd ;r?a' in pfejiGeT^l. 6"! y*" 1200 W AiXTED, r A A A A A FEET of GOOD 80UNf> LUVBER, I O U U .U U U 1. l i and 2 inohen thiok, for vrli':oh I Will p;i.’ th« iiighesi oasil price. Aug. 24. 8 BRANDT. 61-lw W AIVTED, H I.DE8 to tan ou shares. Terms, | Leather or itr eqoivalent in cash We can tan i' in a very >hort Uuie i? desired by Hiokle’s patent. Persons wietivcg their H:de0 taoued c»n send them to our addr>‘es to Egypt Depot, where they will be taken frcmandLt-a her delivered at our expaiUM. Our addresp. is Btsupicot, ('ba'.bam tJourdy. W. D. WAT80N & tO. U eruti Og Maedia. G W Wiliiaoifl & Co , F«'y»tt«vilk. Aug. 24. 61«4«wtlJpd A KT6I Az< a* ^<«r **>9 O. • i « •.»» Fav'tJ^'Sll" An? ^ a* EnjC;li«il *..2 . L a t e im;;<.it*tioi by tae Hut* at-.d *.i ti. . ’ • subsoriber, 83 Ktiin ard erne? 6CY > Pi A luims oaHh, in new iseuo In niy F. F Cuairoirg. R GILLLo^ . •/ C t Eliz*i)*ihtown,/)Ug 22. *.i.‘ The Enterprise C'ottoE. L > :c.; if now prepared to excbanj^e for corn or bac's Vf-* Finoat Wumbars of ?pim 7 snitable for Spriu? and Sumwer Cloth. It -i ; of a superior quality, not san>»?t.«d byav«f .ly <■ E. P'<iirw<ir4iii^ &■ €04iaB$s^l9i ^ / » t ... . Wo all *{<• ITiLrivtqoiokdeapatoii'otoacUM^Ci, iwoa” ““ av«l fl»r o«2*. i '

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Page 1: FAYETT^jill^r Ang 22, Tnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1864-08-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Tpk MAii-^.-Tbo Iran pprricp if, pndly in rord of ovprsipbt. S^rop tbp rpc»ip?.tior of

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♦: ;; r i t t ''' c. i n d n :i> lirrs.

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a n d th e" hne

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•,t r c s f in g if wp h a d

r l rp - .u re • m en - n'TmoroTia ■ *.

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tTT - • ■- n■ a y 1 aco "r\-

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. C M ^ S E R V E R . '

_ _ F A Y E T T ^ j i l l^ r ’

m o v h a y iT K T r iy e , A r e r f " w , im i4 . ”

_ A n TvPoPTANTTTCTOBT.-Tl>e ’m rrpspive ir a n - n er m -wb'ch Opn liPeepeaVp o f th e viotorv o f TIhitp-

«^«y laH indJcato? tbfit Vp cocPidcrs it of CTfst 'in j-r o r i a r o r . T h e full rnr«;,.T<’nrs pro ne t r o t Vnovn

h u t it P p p ca- . have borp vprv nf-

♦n.ir. and ncMcvcd pliropt pntiroly > y N o r th ( ’aroliii?

t ro o tP . T h e I rV m -c rh bag broupht. nrfbin?? pincc S a tn rd a v aftornnon.

T pk M A ii-^ .-T b o Iran pprricp if, pndly in ro rd of

ovprsipb t. S^rop tbp rpc»ip?.tior of tb e W e ’don rond

by tb e vnrVoes o ^ r N o r tb o m nn ilp have tp k fn the

n r p e r rontp » rd rom p by Tfnlpiph inptoa<l of W urpaw.

I b p ’a trc t Pp*pr?btirsr r n r o r rp rp ir rd is of tbp IPtb

jpst. T bp lfifp<jt T?irbTPord r a r e r ip of W rdpppdnv

IflFt tVp 24tb irp t. T b fy apppar to reach Hplpijrb

r r r r . ’i'-rly o r ibp dnv pftcr r ’’b1icntion. bn t ptp from

60 io 72 b r r r s In ter -n ro r . rb ir r bprp. T bo 'Rn’oiph pa-fPTP wb:cb rppr^'od up pn fJu tr’-dpy pvonJppr eortni?’

TT'pny px trpctp froTT TJicbnior** r c r p r s of tVe ‘>5tb

ipct.. v-Vicb tbpv rocpivod o r F r d i i r . b n t ■wbirb-bavp

no t ypt rrr .rbpd th is plaop. W b r rp the d p trn tion >s

wp do r o t Vpnw. > •'+ woT\1d bp r ’pd to have it rprnp-

djpd. A r d r the D fn a H r rp r t <T’vp ativ a t t r r t 'o n to t^lp ninl*''r. v i l l not be amipp to look rftr-r tbe «pr.

vi<'p i'’ rpnWy j>n pnrtp o f Ibo Ptr^p. \ '^ p havp never k ro w p it in a v o r se condition, ( ' f rOTirpp \rp know

tbp diP'cultipp of tbp t ’Trps; b u t tb o cT ilp o f 'wbiph wp

com plain soom to tbo rf’BHltij of uttc^r oBrplocBnoss

M i i i A

P a p t y — A ’ frerab lp n rd eir^nent citizen, verr-

inpr wo pnppofp rp c n foiir9''orp year?, and npcepeari-

ly n e a r tbo cVpp of n 'i 'e of d ’Ftirprnipbed public i^nd

p r iv a te w rr tb , '■fnclndo!: a le t te r of c c 'i 'r ra tn ’ation

cn the rcsiiH of the ’ote r iec tion a? follovF;

' O r e < b i r e r ' o r r ; F o r T l p a v f r ’p snko p t r ive y o r r n t n ' c p t t o rr | \rf 'P= j>nrly in e i t h e r lltf' 1 'veci it ivp o r I e r ip ^ p t ’vp d p r r r t n ’P r ’ s p r r ' ip t b e <rrcat b o d v f ' f ♦bp p p o r lp . ♦ i l l iVja c t r r r r ' l p pv>all 1*“ o v e r T’ p t o tb p f s t n b l V b r r p n t o f o n r Tnd< p e n d o n c e k e e p ii« t o e r t l e r ap onp P c o r l p . > f t e r t*’a t . nion o f a n io i t io c n ' a y v n n l t to t b e i r b e a r t ? ’ c o r t r n t . fo r m e t”

T o »>M of wh 'cb wp n++pr a b*’arfv nrreii! A ? onr

sirri hap bpon I'.oretofrre. t'^ 't r r r e p°r*y, s r d to k rp p onr pror1<^ n= o r e n~ar ip tbe ir de'^otiop to tbe

p r e a t cause of Tr.doT'pr«kcce. po vr’M it bp ptill nctil

t h a t T n d e ie n d e rc e is ppcnred. S ince A pril 1861.

have bp'opjreil *o no prTtv a r c r 't 'on t c b p l o r e t c r r n e til! the x?'ar 's fT'di’'’ . !»' 'ii-p rn a r rp r bave

th p e rea t bof’y ol iVo rprp '* ' of N c r rb ( ' a ro l i r a a c t ­

ed from tbe dav v-bpr tbe v p r wr-s f r s t wnjrcd

aen ir?^ f ^ rn ' by I /c c o ^ r . A* pi' tbe ir e le r t ’orp p’n re t^ e 1^* of Je r . 'y they have niar 'Teptfd tbi=

di.^rf'irard o ‘ par t 'ep . Fspec ia l’y e r d rre-fn iinen tly bfjp tbis been tbe cnp>' in t^p p’e c t i r rp of Governor. Col. V a r c e . an o’ ^Vb•p'. ba= been tTcjce r lee tcd by nnhpard-of m njori t’ep. in a !S«RtP which had for ten year? previous to tb e w^ar bppn l a r r p ’y den’o-

cratic- A nd p people who had been for the old

U c io r by an o^orv.hp’iTiirr r raiority . have since that

tinie been un ited o re rw b e ln incly ocra-rst it. A s it hap been for the pas t four years, so it « i l l be till the

w ar en '’ ?— till o>'r T rdoperdcpf e a r d a tin»l separa-

t if>n from tb e vile yackee race are fully and certaii '-

ly pe< ured

A Tnc-rcTiT for t fk T tvf« — Tt w cu 'd he diffcuJt to find a nnore ht aiitifn! ;ind m'popitc qn o ’a tion than

th a t I7'cde by ( ’n!. ]T. H . T>avpou. (v.ho la ’oly

de liverrd an addrep?^ in tUis p lace ’o raise fi:ndp for th e r f l ’f f of >ick and w oucdcd K en tu t kinns,) in a le t te r of th an k s to M rs. A . J . D eU osset. P resident

o f th e so ld e r s ’ A 'd Soi if-ty of W iln 'inptoD. whoh»i> Cf'HcctCd npw:ir»N of St>.'»00 fur l-;s ccxjr t i j

T h e C(*lrtnel says:-In c* nt. iiipUtin- tliP r«-siilt- f ibe ini.■fatignblp labors

—dnilv ar.;l 1. . t i ih iu- ■ r -—< f } ' >;r n.,ble n c ty ir be­half <.f < nr r -u r t i > •' !r»l!< nt dil-r.tlT'^ c .‘rfrj..,y . I :mia t a k r - li. iii tfL'itii- '\ f .n e , < r l'."w y<‘ti art* t-vf rto b e rc jM 'i. it 'W.cr' y. u n .d ize tht* tn .th( f .T .n rv to l!;'- Q m m . when -he .-a'd.■ai <’ wiitn tl .• b vr ■ f tl-at ( < r . - tn lorb

rtr.,1 l , ,v —k i c late i' 1 u r— < *h. t..v L( d-y,th tn it i« LA \ ' t a t w i ba < tu <* t- r < i i:t what «eha dune f< r otbi r- t l a t wi’ think i c i:.oi-l i % u^anliv.'

O f ull tin-t- wi‘h:n l! o n.' r c ry { the livict', tser- e r wu.^ tliis r(P '< :’ ' n < ■ l e civi! i< uior*' proper to

h r .n rrvv . W , h Ut^n and

V i f < i:r ff ' t 'V n ( i ta ’s in thehe vigor t 'f Lt-i'Uh and

l e b::s

p t t i t le

CojTPORT TO TT!R E nkmt.— A n nrtic le m th e l a s t

S tr .rd a rd on “ the recen t E lec tions in th?n S ta te ” will

be wcicom ed b y th e yftnkees with as m uch p lcasnre

PS ^ta pub lica tions » y ea r offo which tbpy conatnied

i^'to pji invitation to Iiineoln to send re in fo rccn en ts to n'PTcb to th e cen tre of- th e S ta te in eearch of the

TTnion ppntim ent th a t th e S tan d a rd satisfied them exiptpd th ere and was ready to welcome a yankee arm y. T h e Stfijjdard n’akos such apflprtions as these:

‘ Tbs* tbe la te rlert;o»'p in this S ta te were n o t free, bu t tb p t tbe patrorjipft o f th e tw o c o v e r rm e n ts and the powor o f the bnvonet wpre uppd to shapp a r d de- tp rm 'no tho rp sn lt .” “So ld iers who fpared fhpir of- fieerp. dptnilpd men who feared th a t if tbpy voted for a cprtain pprpon for ( tovprno r thpy would bp o rd er ­ed a t once to camp, and eo v e rn m e r t employepp who know th a t if tbpv voted pfrainst O ov V ancp, or did not voto a t aTl. they would bp dipmipped from por- vice and bppome conpcriptp, were thus forced to vole w ith a certa in p a r ty and for c r r ta in p*TPons, acra'npt th e ir W’M. T he elpct'on wap n o t frpp’ 'Phe vpllow tickpt ■™i>« fatal to all freedom of cho ire . It was forofecn that it would be. a rd i t was ” “ D etectivep wpre pvery where, potup of tbpni a c t in e as poll-hold- prp. and o thers P tnndin" aronnd th e ballo t-boxes and minp'lircr 'ti tho crowd, ppottinir th e ir v ictin 's and prepflripir tbe ir lists for the ipsnoction of Ibosp who bad employed them in th e ir rdiouB work. B u t in a d d 't 'o n to tb is there were "armet} m fv ” a t hnn- dreds c f p’e'*tion i r r c n d s in this St:>tp. optenpiblv to arrpct dpserlerp. but reallv to overawf! the people ocd forcP th e ir to vo’e for ce rta in pert'ona.”

Thepe s ta tem en ts are p a l p a b l y absurd and false.

I t ip or^^ neceppary to point to the last apsertien, th a t

“ ♦herp‘ were arm ed men a t hundreds o f election j r ro " r d ‘« in th is S ta te .” P ro b a b ly tb e ’e were arm ed m en e r me«t likely urnr, ha lf a dozen election ?ro:»rdp. p laced th ere to a rre s t drpcrters; b a t who will c red it t b r r»rd>'m and recVlcps a s s ^ t io n th a t they were at ••hundreds” of election (nrounds?

B Y T r y 1 L.3E O R


A nother B r ill ia n t A fFair nenr P etertbwrq^—• P k tk e s b p b o , A u g . 26.— T h e affair on W eldon R a ilroad on y es te rday wan a gaH ant one a n d snc- cessfiil in i ts repnlta.

W h ile th e enem y’s cav a lry o o d e r S p eers were tea r in p n p th e t r a c k severa l m fles beyond R eam s’ S ta tion . Gen. P a m n to n a t ta c k e d and forfced f te m b ack b tl .ind th e ir in fan try snpports . H a n p to n dis- m onnted his men and fonirht th e in fan try gallantly , pteadily pnshinfr th e enem y b ack nntQ th ey reached tb e ir works one mHe th is side o f B e am s’, and cap- tnrinar ab o n t 800 prisoners. O n r cava lry ac ted with conppicnons jrallantry.

A t 5 o ’cloek in th e afternoon, L ien t. Gen. A . P ,

I th e a s p e c t o f a 9 » rfl on tho H ailro ad . T h a enem y h a s n o t m ate ria lly a lte red bis position there , and be

I is confron ted a t every po in t b y o n r t ro rp a . I t is believed the.t th e R o a d has n o t been deftroyed es fa r a s R eam s’ sta tion , o r i f so he has n o t ased ti e

I a w n c y of f ri» in its des trnction . I t is th e impreo- slon o f many, t h a t th e iron rails a re beinjr hauled

»}& T E S 0B81B,YXB.Uiii»»B«TT o r N 0 . G ivabd H a u , Ang 22, 1864.

A t a mMting this day keld by the Stodenta of tha University, tbe followil^; prmuBbla and reaolntioaa wara un&ciracQBly «dop'ed:

Whereas; I t has pleased A hnifhty Qcd in (be all-wira workings of his jcystericns Pr?Tidesce, to ent short the

! aw ay a s fast a s th e y a re ta k e n nT», so as to p rev en t I brilJiant ea.ifeer \>t C»pt George P e t t i f « w B i^an, M b v ns i n tb e future, o r t o N 0 . O avali/, who ^ d u * i« Qall possible nee o f th?m by

bnild a connpction w ith th e C ity P o in t R ailroad, ' and th ereb y have an nnbroken b’r e o{ com m nnication with his base of snpplie? a t th e P o in t . B n t i t is

j tb o n ^ b t by o thers th a t tbo enem y irit?nd3 to p re ­serve th e R oad in ta c t for his own t:se, in case of an evaetf ttion of Peterebi^rrr and R ichm ond, which he

I no d o u b t blindly hop<*8 for.P r iso n e rs r e p o r t th e p resence of G ran t, M eade

H ill a t tack ed tbe enem y’s w orks, and a f te r a sh o r t I th e p rom inen t O enere ls o f the yankee army,b u t Pbarp enpapcm en t took them , o ap tn r in g a la rge « « c e th e advance Sou th of th e city, have beennum ber of prV oners, p robab ly 2000. and 9 p ieces of m ppectjng and not-ng tb e advan tages of theartille rv . T h e enem y fled in g re a t eOnfosion, and I P”Tol. ppjrram o f R ichm ond tn rn e d tb e cap tu red gnns upon th e onemy w ith g re a t effect. B r ie . G en. Cnt- Icr is am one th e prisoners, wbo belong to H an co ck ’s co rns , and have been b ro u g h t to town.

T h ere is considerable firing down th e road to-day, b u t n o t heavy.

RirnMONT*, A u g u s t 26.— T h e following d ispatch from Gen. L ee was received to-n igbt:

‘‘T Tfapq’r s a . N . V ., A n g . 26.— ITcm. J. A . Sed- ihm: G en. A . P . H il l • t ta c k e d the pnemy in his en- trencbm pnts a t R pam s’ S ta tion ypsterday evening, and a t th e pccond aspanit e a rn e d his en tire line.

“ C oeke’s and M c R a e ’s N o r th C aro lina brigades un d er Mai G en. H e th , L a n e ’s 'N o r th C aro lina brijr- ade of W ilc o x ’s division under Conner, a n d Pe- g ra m ’s A rtille rv , com posed tbe assau lting column.

“O ne line o f b reas tw orks was carr ied w ith gallant, ry by th e cava lry an d e r G en, H am p to n , w ho c o n tr - bu ted largely to on r success.

“ Seven s tands o f colors, tw o thousand prisoner!, and nine p ieces o f arH llery a re in o n r posseawion .

Som e skirm ishing and a good deal of p icke t firing continued on on r ex trem e r igh t, b u t th e re is no th ing nnusual in this, since tb e two lines a re so near each ! o ther . O n .tbp left and cen tre the re was sem e can ­nonading all dav, which culm inated in the afternoon in a brisk shelllner o f the c ity b y th e enem y’s b a t ­teries nea r th e r iver. L it t le o r no dnm ape was done.

P e te r /ih u rg K r p r e s a , 2h fh .

From the Valley.— W e have au then tie intelligence from th e L ow er V alley up to 9 o’clock Tuesday m orn ­ing. S h e r 'd an has re trea ted o u t o f VirpiBia, save a t H a rp e r 's P e r ry . T hey still bold H a rp e r ’s F erry , and ex tendpd th e ir p icke ts to H alltow n, four miles tow ards Cbprlestow n. Gen. E a r ly ’s h eadquarters were a t Charlestow n. O u r troops occupied Sbeperds- town. on the P o to m a c W e arrived on tb e B a ltim ore and Ohio ra ilroad ju s t in tim e te continue th e sus­pension o f trave l. T b e dam age la te ly inflicted by ns had been repaired , and tbo ca rs were to com m ence running th e n e x t day. T h e railroad m en will now h av e to betfin th e ir work anew, and will, doubtless.

W i i i s UsivcTRty with »be big.hf Bt JsoBora, s t d for soma time wks an la s traa - te r in tbp «»m?, bnt wbo, wh?n the first toc 'in of -w?r ▼ as i»oardc<*, r.k# tbe o-itir g^.^hni yo” lk8 of tlie Soaib,nobly vc 'nsrecrirjt in def^ace of bi« »*onelry, k fs fallen ii’. on* of tba iftto e?,£»gem*-cta near Ricbmcad, wbilQ br»ve'y leivMjwg hia devoted troops to th« oharge Tharafora be i t

H“ecWc<{. !«■: That in fbe d fa th c fC ^ p t Bryan, tbe Ur>'i''rt'3ty h*!< lost cr'» her brighteet c rsfcers ts . the L tftt? r r s her nr.Mrst. sono, <be OocffKj?racy cn<3 of he- jDt st c s l’ant eoldiers, the (’> o ’xh a cr>nB<Btent and ex- p.pJ^ry istm ber, an'* w« an Instructor be>cved and re ­

vered by allR»B<'lved, 2t’: T hat wbilt wa ten-ler to his b?>reaved

^T'i’y, in tb».s their bour of sorrcw and glo.''Bi, our hf »rt.relt ccndclcBce and ByTDratby'f<'r ♦bc ir irrepara ' ble lopp, we hid tbe"?! not ‘ to borrow es those who h*.T« no h tp a ,” hut to meet iiim shovis “ where t r e nowars nor ran ors of wars ”

BcpoWc 1, 8d: T hst aa a fitficr tribute to liia memory ire ^fear ‘fce upu*l b?dg* os icoanur.); for th irty divo, •nd ‘hat co;itB of sbe p terrd ing pr»atnble an'? i^eeolu- t i» t 'S b e ren t to th e R a b ie h Confederate and F&xettr- Tilio Oheervfr with » reqneiit for puhlicatios, and to ttie famtlr of tbo droc»B>d.

E bubt a . Losdch, J a . , ]Gbobob ^Lcvaa, VCpm.W. A. P . BaAEcn, j

lOB TH* OBH?;RVSa.Killed, on tbe 15th .Aug White Oak Swamp, Va.,

Q* i*rge W. Rowan, Oo. A, 2d Be;r’t N C t 'avalry, and h ca tiv r of Cbexokee ooun>y. Tcae ban fallen a youth BO yourg and premtpicg He died a t liis post, a trne p a t ro t an<l soldier fifLbtir.g for b'p. eonctry and bis ia«t wuTda Here, ‘‘Never give bfcck ‘ He irae ever gay, cbee:

W e I T h e e n e m a s loss in killed and wounded was heavy. I consider E a r ly a very troublesom e supe rin tenden t of I f l, obliging and lively, and strict in the dte«>tarfo o/b is

mi<Tht e.xpopp 'ikpw ise thp s to r e s a b o u t “de te ftives.’*

colf 'r o f t^ VetP. o rd e rT ? to comp, »*ic. &c.: b u t i t is

rcpdJppp— fl’o r e o p V « t bo ire In o w them to be '‘alsp. a r d r o i h i r g th a t we could pay would influence

the ynnkecp or the dppertcrs in llie woods, all o f

whom T»ri11 be hugely delighted with the S ta n d a rd ’s rppcrf ions.

F f o .mcti.no P f .m k F f f it m '.p — T he Richm ond K x p m ire r Ih irkp tl ui the > urning of ( ’han’berpburg wns a t r r ra te r and m ere decisive s tr ide to v a rd s

peacp th an a r y of the p re a t victorips, or all of them ;

and propoFOP tha^ . op fl’O re talia tion for the b u rn irg of one C enfcdera tp town and th ree p riva te dwellings has has PO pood an effect, c u r t rc e p s shall go again

in to P crnpy lT Jir 'a r.nd burn ppven o ther tow ns and a

b.oupard cw eli’rpp ♦'or a l i k e r r m b e r of C onfedera te tow np iifd 1 cr.fe? d rp treycd by ti p enMny.

W e den t a c re e t ’tl- the K xam iner as to the re la ­

tiv e im p o r t r rc e c f the b c T rT g o f ( ’1 am ber?bnrg and the v ictories, bu t we do t r t i r e ly os tc the rei-eppity

of re ta lia tin g for ti e w ar tcn and uncivilized d es tru c ­

tion of p r v a t e property .

R n rE N K P .— Lieut. Jop . A . M c A rth u r , of tbo 51st R e g 't . who reached R ichm ond a few da\.^ ago by

flag of truce, from yankee prison, a r n v t d a t bis home r e a r t h ’P r lacp r r S a tu rd ay UiPt. W p a re in­

debted to him for a N ew Y o rk H era ld of the ITth

inst. l t .9 news has been an ticipated , b u t th ere is

m "ch of in terest e \e n in on o 'd yar.kee paper. T he

large.'t type in this is eiven to “a brilliant movement

of tJ ra n t .” which tccled, as we know, in the defeat at

Fuzzle 's Mills.

N oPTM <'aR( I.TXA OrFTi KES .VT l*e,nT IH'I.AWARE.---W e are p erm itted t o ( o p y ih c follov in j. 'ex trac t from H i . 't te r from L iout. <'l orlep P. M i l le t t .c f the ;id N .

Troops, who was ( ap t^ re d at .Spi tt.H\ Ivania. I t IS da ted F o rt l>eJoware, A ug. titli ” After speak ­

ing of the d u l’ue.^s of prison life, a t d of bis having

rP( cived F!ipp!ios c f ii’ocey <^rd clo th ing from twoI ntiurc.e^ iU. tiu' .X nrth Im -writMS tit ht8 tu lher:—

Capt, Hdrnt*. l.,it-tit i\ri<’crr<in, (Vij.t, Kyle. Lt. (iarry V illiun s, Miii. ^^■l>or^l^’ niij (’.npt. ^'oan nro lure— hjI

'well fxccpt ilic latti r, V liii hi'r In * n “i- l: for abcu*, a wtjt-k. .li.hn Mn'ViT ■"■'•(.'tl'nu! from Pi'irf I "okdut, tbal b’1 of the e< nipsnv [C’. fU'ii’ll that were tlu-re were wt*ll [i fvri:! 1'. wift- ti nt he is here iind in cjoc'd health;alro S. Hi’. -‘ V »'■•! J. V’. FlontTri. who wert,-

■tty?! urfr.” ^ ^

L ank’s P.r i<;ai>e is the B a ttik below K ic h -

MO.NP.— F.xtract fn m a le tter , da ’ed■ Nk.v:; I ' /j-.i.v/s . ' i’K. 18.

•S'ii'CO r.’v la-* 'V“ Jin < n :<i .» !!:'rd t m" aii*’ p-.-vf-reI ’i-y Vi!o'.>-‘ y•^r^Ti^ty eur liripad

O urs was re la tive ly small.“ O u r profound g ra t i tu d e is due th e G iver of all

victories!, and ou r th an k s to th e b rav e men and gal­lan t oflRcers engaged . R E L fk , G en’l.”

fW e do n o t know o f any “M c R ae’s N . C. B rig ­ad e .” T b e N . C. T roops in H e th ’fl Division are C ooke’s ac d K irk lan d ’s B rigades . Col. W m . M c­R a e com m ands th e l.’ifh regim ent, C ooke’s brigade. T bpre is some m istake, p robab ly in tra n sm it t in e the d ispatch . A nd again, ia^ppeaking of T>ane’s brigade as “under C o rn e r ,” wo suppose Col. Cowan o f the 3.‘ld i» m ean t. H e is tb e rank ing ofiGcer, Gen. Lane, Col. P a r ry and Col. B a rb o u r all having been p rev i­ously w ounded.]

From Genrgtn.— A t l a n t a , A u p .26.— T b e e n rm y re tired from onr r ig h t front la s t n igh t and our forces occupy tbpir second l ire tb is m orning. T b e enem y’s lines from P e c a tu r to P each tree roads are all aban ­doned. b u t they arp still on our left and centre . T he m ovem ent is in te rp re ted as a concen tra tion upon our left and centre. T ^e re was sk irm isb ing th is m orning on the left. W ith the excep tion of 3 shells fired from thp r ig h t la s t night, before th e enem y withdrew from th a t point, they have n o t shelled the c’ty for 24 hours.

P r ip o n e rs 'b ro u g h t in ^ h is m orn ing from the ripht s ta te th a t W b p ele r tap p ed tb e road twice, which was repaired immediately, and tra in s are runn ing through. T hey also s ta te th a t S herm an’s arm y is on full rations.

SECOND DrSPATOH.A ti-a .'jta . A u g . 26.— Since th is m orn ine th e ene­

my re tired from onr ex trem e left. P riso n e rs s ta te the tra in s came th rore* ' from C b a tta n o o p a yesterday.

T he ( 'ha ttanooffa G aze tte of tbe 2.Sd s ta te s th a t W heeler destroyed tbe depot a t C leaveland, Tennes- pee, and burned the town.

THIRD DTPPATOn.A ti.anta, A n g . 26.— T h e enem y have ma-osed be­

tween Pa< e ’s F e r ry and ( ’am pbelton roads and aban ­doned the en tire line on th e righ t of tbe C h a tta n o o g a Rail Road. S herm an’s o rder da ted the 2.'ith. direcl- inp th e reduction o f ra tions, was p icked op in de­se rted cam ps. T here has been sh a rp skirm 'sh ing on our left aM th is afternoon.

A special d ispa tch to tbe C incinnati Com m er­cial. da ted N ashville , A ug . 18, says the rebel caval­ry a t ta c k e d Greensville ou Tuesday, e few miles b e ­low C bickam anga. D uring tb e fight, Gren. S te a d ­man was seriouslv woundpd, and Col. S tre ip h t killed.

A flispaich «ate<t fnoiaDopotm. Anfr A s tbe tim e of th e d ra ft approaches, th e people are becom ing excited . T h e re is a g re a t dem and for su b s ti tu ie s o f any and all colors.

transporta tion .Sheridan avoided a fight in his re trea t, m aking r o

stand save a small a t te m p t of one a t Charlestown. H is anxiety peemed to be to escape.

W e le a rn th a t Sheridan caused all the wbpat s tacks to b e burned, in hip advance from W in c h e s te r to S tra sb u rg . In his flight back , be bad n o t tim e to p e rp e tra te the seme villainy upon th e farm ers b e ­tween W in ch es te r and th e P o to m ac . A num ber of dwellingp were burned and citizens a rre s ted a rd carried off; tho u g h no t to tbe p.xtpnt which reports have alleged. A p a r ty o f M osby’s men cam e upon a squad of I.*) or 2ft, who bad 5ust se t on fire a dwell­ing. T h e ladies and th e children whose Lome it was w ere wringin^r the ir hands with d ’streps a t tb e s igh t o f tbe ir bnrningr ho»^e. end invoking punishm ent en th e vandals , when M osby’s men cam«». Thpy rushed upon th e incendiarips and took no priyoners. T he p ray er of Fuflering innocence b a d b e fn swiftly heard, and th e pun ishm ent ram p, and conae as swiftly and as te r r ib le as it was righteous.

fitchm nnd ,^fvHnel. 2!yfh.

d' ty A aotber soldier has gone, acother home de­prived cf its hr>btc«t flower end rendered sad and deso­late E e Icav'S a f<t)ner, m otbrr, meters end brother 0 Konrn fcjg fall Bl<* P»rents h»ve bee" deprived of

an exoeUent sen and North ra ro lin a Las loat one of her b' st dOi'eBdc's

Althi.cjrh he fills a eoldier’e grsve far on VirjriEla’s soil, b»e friends wi>l never cetse to r<>3 en\ber biip wivh

n^te tendoraePB and hops be i a s ?onn to b;e re ­ward la he*>en, where he will never >gUB be &roa8<'d t'^tbe coEfli''te of cruel w*r. W iu .ib

The Mfviphut A fl 'n ir .— T b e following d ispatch was received a t tbe W a r D epartm en t yesterday:

M o b ile , A ug . 22.—T h e followine d ispa tch was received from Gen. F o rre s t , dated H ernando. 21st: “ I a ttack ed M em phis a t 4 o’clock th is mominff. d ri­v ing th e enemy to bis fortifications. W e killed and cap tu red 400, cap tu rinp th e ir en tire cam p, with abon t 300 horaes and mules. W a s h b u m e escaped in tb e darkneps of tbe morning, leaving his clothes behind. M y loss is 20 ki’led and wounded.

“ N . B. F o r k e s t , M aj. G en .” T h e re is reason to believe th a t F o rre s t has cap ­

tu red tbe city of Memphis, with the immen'^e am ount of supplies s to red there .— E ichm und Fvntinel, 2f>th.

Th f Mobile Fortn.— I'h e vanlcee papers fbefora news of F o r t M organ’s fall had reached them ] sta te th a t Farracru t had dem anded tb e nnconditioual su r ­render of F o r t Morerap on th e 9th inst.. b u t it was refused, its com m ander s ta tin g th a t be had 6 m ouths’ provipion and would rpsisi to thp last.

M aj Gen. C anby officially repo rts to W ash inp ton on th e 9th: “ F o r t lia ines , with .56 commissioned offi­cers and 81P enlisted men. with its a rm am en t of 26 guns in tac t, and provisiona for 12 m onths, has su r ­rendered unconditionally , an« was occupipd by our forces a t 8 o’clock yes te rday m orning. F o r t Powell was abandoned, its garrison escapintr to C edar Po in t. I t s brumtn> u t i i f lC kudis Ib lu v*>uOltlwu fUi tuiii “a te service.”

FOR THS OBSBRVSB.In thiR our time of sorrow and weeping no deaJb has

cai'fed more b^art^K sorrow »han tb*t of T.icu* J A B B'up, of Co F 46th N O T. who wa« killed cn 6th May in Ibc bloody bkttle of WildernesB, Va. John wa« one o fJhe firrt. to reepocd to his conntry 's call. He was a naJivp of Moore counfy At the oatbreak of the wr»>* he ap^jBttd -’n ruisinp: a company in hie native county, and wa*! p’tcted 2J L icntprsnt, but had been prr,rao*ed to ihe coamKUd cf t*je company a sbcrt time before i»j« death A tdpds those woo have fallen in this cruel war tfcere has not been a robler heart than Jo h n ’s H s o«'Trp»nion8 in arwe will eve*" 1 >ment tbe 1o»b of so kind and brsTe a eon’marrter. We t e t d ' r onr warjrest sym- pf tbifp to tbe beresved family ai^d p^r^nte: may they not n cum ae t*^ofe who ha^e no hope; hut let them be ccrsclcd by ti e bieeeed thcntrbt tba t their lose is his e t r r r a l yain- E is meB>ory Bball c*er live freeh in the bearfs of a grstefu! people. Cooaiu

C O N F E D E R A T E T A X K G T r * :

TWE Corfederata Tax Afsrep'r? for Ibe c "•••>’ a a t t wiil a ttend at t^e fol’o v irp •

for the pnrnoEe of reeeivir.g tim Thx J/si f r O’. A t Jobnsonvil^i*. W edr“P«Tav P s 't. 14t’ :A t Ba^'beene. Thnrwdav «<Tt IF*’’:A t T urner’s Store. Fridav Pfp*A t War. P e r k t r ’s Htoro, Pp-irtrd'▼ S. f t T"' ;A t A»*rasbcro’, Mond»yAt R Turlin^to' ’s. ?'0t’ ;At y*- Matthews’ ¥ i i l , T"ed!*P8 Is,/A t Je b n Pre::^e’e, Tb.ir«S'B P 2? '-- i i r n c H ’p, I', tdov 2i?d. •

The tax payers a e i e t j n''t t« »ft times and p’^ces above pf^*ed. an"* a correct I ' s t o ' <h* fol’i 'w 'r r pu^ j 'o ti e f t / ’''.**' bawd and owred on 17tH Fcb’y 1?64:

No acres land a>:d velne I860, employed li' tore.

No, age and pcj of slaves empi»'y'‘d i»?No horses, mules and oxen ews'nlfyj'd in ‘No plPBgbs ^^d other ’K'»'?rn!e^'p

in agrienltnre, sod all other proipfry ecKare.

No acr*^ Ie»^ and other real p r rp e r iy Bc:In agricnllDTe

No borses, tsnles and asses not ercp!.')"*'-’ f ■ tore.

No, age and sex of slaves not c»rpl'*yrd t->No of oatile r>f the Bovine Bv-cic5ee; b';-1

and hogs.No ponnds eofton R.nd w^o'; tobscc»';!■ . ’ i.

orrr>, wheat, ryp rif'r, &oV*lue of nt'ta»oes of all kinde, p e 's h ■' ' >.

pe»e and all o*bpr producte cf farm, . * fValue of flour, meal, puger, rnrl*B;r.'’. * r.-"

and all ^tber e r rc e r ’ps, wares nr.< r* • c': .s r 'r i fc n s Hqner<i. w>«p. c’drr, Tinei*»r. i o

Val>'* of aP boneehold *nd >’tchpn ■cultural toelP, and *11 f'^ele of ETPeben’' T n i ' ' ? s tm m ents and all aHiclep of drmeeiie upf; N*' ' of wagons. c«rts, drays and all other v<"?; \ i ' 'value of all gnld awd silver ware ondplfSo. ’ry^and wetcbee; value of bookp, maps,Jnge sta tuery and other works c f art; /*'* ; ' ' r ' a»«e*« of Ba»ks, jo in t sto<‘V eoTcnaniee '■ ’wbother ineorppra^»d or n rt , j;cld and pI'i.- dust, ro ’d a rd Pilvpr bullion. »moun» ; • ' ? credits, bank bills, and all otb''r i»ar ’ ' ' rercv. (except pon-int»rfpt C • fsory N< t<=", end r ' “t m r 'lo^^d 5t<. a • i' 'value of sU rooneys held sbrrad . bii'r o ’ vr * :foreign eountriee. value of all srticl •’ i ' 'm’xcd prcperty not in teri^e ”

JOHN GP.J r . ' \ .■ .’Aug 26I will a t tend w?th th» /e f icsecrs r t f. ' ' ’ '

t;me« a n d p laces fo r th« purt'opc of r c V f •• ' ' ance o f ta x e s now due Dolin '’n ' '^ ’ r notice th a t a f te r thi<4 round I eha!’ *the law against theiD. C 0

Col^icU.r •Aug, 26 ’ -■ *■

TOR THX 0B8BRVKB.Died of dyep«-psia, in tbe Uospisai a t Lynohburg, Va,

en the 2R*b of Ang 1862, in t t e 23d jp u r of h'S age, CorD t 'h s rlrs G Harris, son of E T tn d Mvrlfc* Harris of Mcn^gomery cousty. He vo'.anteered in dr-fpnoe of bia ccu»!‘ry, and left b!s bo’ e Bapt 15th. andr ’STit a« a private in Co K. 34»h N C Trocpp, in which he was appc'nted Oorpct'^l. He was always ready and willing to do bir full di'ty. W hra tbe Reg’t etartfd on the loi g warcb to MaryUnd, bo was unaide to march an;? w?f3 e w ie d to th« ^pppital a t ly rc b b u rn . where he rccibine<{ ouly a few days «nd tbei*. yieldea on in t^e h»nds of hi" H issed P avxur. He T s a a c»n- B e'en* Eietcb*.- cf tb'? ^'ethodipt 'huroh two years pr?- >lcu* ti« b;B de^th, sn 1 evidetce of t tiuW pious

chripjitp ITe l'’»vfs T.*rents, two brothers ar?d fi7e iiotprp to mourn the lo«3 of an sffec.’io'ral.a son and a fond broiher. ar.d his country one of its braveeteo’diers.

77i' Fftic Meeti'^n a* Syracvn*.—Tbe peace meeting at Syracu«e, Now York, on tbe 17lb, was a very Irtrire af­fair. The rcP(>lutions «dopted call for poace, and pre­sent, in strontr rolors, the outraces of Lincoln Ujxin theF ro m the Southtvefif.— O s tk a , M iss., A u g u s t 26

» l . u r , : ; i . t | - e . l . S c o t t f o .g h t l b . e u e m , io s u h n rb , of II (Minton y es te rday and drove then i b ack one mi e. | res-.luti-.n contains the action of the bodv:

T h e fight was despera te , ou r m en charg ing gallantly.T h e enemy hav ing received reinforcem ents re-oc< u- pied Clin ton. T h ey a re sa id to have 6000 infantry and 30 p ieces of artille ry.

T h K f'HA FF ^Vf'N ADMlXI'TflATTO.V.-

bo brf tight to r .1

wnnt P tancff n r .in tHce, how can u ry < d the overflew r ' pr- '-p . rnv . dvreil t f o n

dc>nc «..r cati d'.- for l.intr clf? Me:', pho’tld

tL<"niseive.' to ■■!'< '■ p ’ u* t-' d'T^Lg

weil as in th f L'.,ur of <:■ a ‘ '>.

MKhrrr'-T K O lTl SITION vo tiik

’!’l e V^Tcury F,r,\s t in ', vhen it

spoke of it. to rae f> u 'es ( f P r f s .d e n t

f.nvis whirb, it .‘•aid, • he p u t f - f h *o p a r a l ; r - imd

def< uM L e ! ff* ■ t t o f . v n y m i t r ^^ar,’’ itmean t.^at t o e / pi i. f- r ih w ,th s r , h i

— o n i y t b a t t!' ir w is t- an

01 c o a r -e v. t; irive tfic

the ir.tcnfi;tn ol' r ‘jni-.‘.r;'

n'.ado Ih**l'ril^^a!^ c ' a i - " of tl

■ f - v T ccl'. i m s i r f ro n t o’A'l t j l i i ' - C * ‘ r - I a Itrhrauo out o! t>t ir l,’-*-ii-twork". and kii rd fJ' ii. < ' iHifiy. iht ir ‘•■omrnaridcr. W<* moved our nii'T'i'’*- *'y the ri:'h> flii' k. c h fr^ . d a,t dcuMp-<ii’ifk with

r--capUirHd lino, / u t onri clinr d blue riif'UL-ii: b u t the ever ready

North ('ar^ •' uj- I 'f t .u r I'f.l.If liii.L.ide :!j;iiiu s^uvtd Ih-di’V. 1- <h>-v i]: i III! ii • 12th I ' . iy at Spoli.sylvaiiia.All ill-- a inv iirt* ci'mplii'ionlint: up. We k i l b d a n eiior- mOMs nun l cr (-f y u l ; - . a m ’, c ap tun .d t-nrae <*.(K» pri- tt i i ' r s . Ai* ’> ti^'lit I laucockV 2d corpp. The

tbic .s <lo>>" t>y ' iirHi veiub' and a b-w G eore iarp iho »';■ !■ ^loriouK C<>’. RarHonr [ ’’om-i i iu id ' . ' I I I ' ' P r i fa d u l wa- wend'd d . ' K. .i. H.. J r . ’’

1 n o i l ^.^^l•AITIKs— the ba t t le on the W eldon Road

ing resolution contains the action of tbe body:“ Resolvf>d, Tb.Ht. ppeakinc for tb*' many thousands

here assendilrd, jrnthcred together from every county of tbe St.ite of New Y<>rk, we bplieve that it is the duty of the comin;; convention, to inpet a t Cbicairo on the *29tb

I of A u ^ s t . to pi VP erpreg.^ion to tlii,' l)en(.‘fic*'nt sjiiritof ... Fi'nm \ irl'sh-iirg.— M r r id i a k , M iss., A ug . 26. I pcsee, snd t<> declare as .the purpope of tbe Dpmooratic

\s iP. Ta*’ eui iry U3a.=“ *d Itis J 'I 'h e lines a t V ick sb u rg are com pletely closed f*’*'j party, if it >-hall recover ]>owcr, to raus'" thi^ desolating (’■ o o f < n fu r ri^lit. drove j tbe n e x t 20 days. Ing ress and egress is no t allowed I to cpa<»* bv the valHnt; of a naiiocal oonvontion. in

under any c ircum stances. I t is th o u g h t another I which all tbe Statos shall 1»’ represented in tbeir s^v m ovem ent is on hand, os all the horses in th e c ity I erei^n catmcity; and that to tbi'i end an immediate a>'nn.s- were b e i r e im pressed by the yankees. I tice shall be declar«'d, of sufficient duration to give tbe

T h e prisoners c ap tu red in M em phis by F o rres t, | Sutt-s and the peoi«le amjile time and opiK.rtunity to de-


p ian -tioc o u r con tem porary fchoul.i have

r -ur\ 3 e:ip!a'';i!: ' I

B u t i:i ’i:;'.!i;iitr it.sinern bor­

ed th a t t i - :ts inn-i iion only by v b . t i

suys, a n d h a d ; • u.< a:;3 o f kuu-.wn- U n t ^h . i

m ade tjie rcii' - ik up- u whi.-b w : (o m n u u ’t'd. i; .u-

tended som ctb ii 'g a ltogeth i f d i l ' i r i n t fr(>ni H’h a . it


T h H KTPK. TrtD “ cn^-V^JK OK It-dle:^!!S tn n d ard b i t t ' r l y th e expro-rfion o f 'i ro p ;a

i o n th a ' i-^>p-i"’r g to c b a c -

i t d.d ;-oir.'‘ ntro v.hion ib a t it ?.-ou!d o ’ p^'se

K eep cool an'^ “ v.oV h r.:;d v.’a(^overn^r, and i t will be se er in due tim e if^ the O b ­

se rver ia n o t rifc'ht nrtw as it wa.s then see som e th ing else to o — a.-.othcr b i t te r diaappoint-

m pct of po litica l Hspiratiohse r v e th e S i i i n d u rd ju s t a=i th e IV n ioera ts did

,d as tho ‘ ( ’oiis. rv^i’ ivcB’

left for C ahaw ba th is m orning.

The Fall o / Fort Morgan.— Mobti,*, A ug . 26.— B y flag of tru ce b o a t which re tu rn ed from the ene­m y’s fleet las t evening we learn from the yankees t h a t F o r t M organ was c ap tu red a t 2 P . M. on Tues­day la?t On Mond.iy th e enem y opened fire on the f(*rt. which replied with spirit. ‘O n T uesday the bom­b ardm en t was renewed. Meanwhile the enemy had succeeded in g e tt in g 3 howiteers in position fto

on t ’ c 21bt inst. we le i rn n ( ’;.- t. J o h n M- K< liar, 1 reach) our line of skirm ishers on the glacis of tbefort, axid kep t up a heavy fire on ou r guns and gu n ­ners. W ith the assistance .o f the m o r ta rs of the fleet the assa ilan ts succeeded in dam aging several g un-carr atres. Uen. I'acre. hav ing des troyed everji th ing in the fort and spiked his guns, capitulated. H e and the garrison of .*181 men have been sent to N ew O rleans. O ur loss in killed was 17. T h e num­ber of wounded is n o t known.

'I’he enemy have throw n a force of 4000 on tho main land a t O ra n t’s 1‘ass, opposite F o r t Powell.

( ’r>. A fith N . ( ’ (Rivalry, was elinhtly wounded, as

wore -1 1'- C urrie of C um bcrlai;d and .M Sm all of | n : ':-nett, mcmb-.-rs of his com pany. A .1. Ik t lm n e

and W m . lb>ihuu«‘, eons of l io n . Laucl-'in B.v'hune,

of thi.-i co u r ly , we’-e cap tu red .


bafip. J u s t so

we crTpre?;^' d f-ur op'.n-

:. Viincp’s re-electr''Ti.

M r. W o n 'd -b e - if ttic Ob-

W e shall


I’he ‘'D es tru c tiv e s” ;s di did


advc‘< mH* a monarc'^y: U'u.11, if ibc O i'. 'c rver bad

1. r -j»!f t'» go-'Would haVf, n-ii!0 vc»

some y ears ago, a'.

ft'W v;"ekH ? g ' 'H ut the S taPfiard mak-^s a prediction of its own

VI/.: tl a t in less th an tw ^ yc'ira the O b se rv e - will 'l ii'i,' is a good one. W hy,

loubted the cap ac ity of

n i the.nsc.lves” tbo la te election

d th e d oub t.’ ‘rh(.-e a rc iuf'ie^i

h o w cr-r . th-.it tbe S ta n d a rd ’s ccr.lidence

’’ lias been tna’en;d iy Icbaerfcd l>y the

•-aaio .•vent. 'I'fio .1' -p s ( bloF, w!ii- h i;ave taken ii:.- of i)Hi k s 'ro u u ly of RH idca

ibiii - tiie pecp it ialeiy ail th a t was good and grc^^it

and wise., i>r«; out a s o t ' f .i5.ser, in the S tan d a rd s l>ut we •/"'I '.low the S taud iird do room fe*r rpiib

'I bc O ', crvei novi-r was, is not now, and xpoct.s 111 be, in fkvor oi .v m o u .ir tb y I t has

Twenty- i.Mb X O T. W ddon ll '’f',d. *v". 21, 18f>4.Co A. (A diP .t— K'lb-1: Lt .1 M Kuvul. <»undcd: J II

Tiinif'-. (’ >:o !liirli-=. 'Vilborri JSivin-^, eb i'b t.n ( r.Tiloi;.)— Kill: d; Si;t i ; ■( Hicbftrd-i n, T t llrooni,

M l i M o r r o w . ■ ourib-d: F R Ricbnrds.m m ortally , 0 YcMarwi-'. «1 I- Cburct'.. H .1 >b'»r-ruia. J 15 Nichole.

C ( I— l-ii'ed; .5cr-s- "M'litho-.1)' ( il<‘3' (.'.'trroP. S Mcf'onnld.k ’ (Oil itb 111.)—W(,undi d: ' .M Cbf-c’:, .1 1> bvridy,

V ( aid ". id] )— ’ our.d.cd; Caj.t II M Tultle.( iKilhftiii I— K ir d: Co.i-l .1 .1 Record.

A *• Lin>'i-’f ’’rv t^l■^b, •■oth l'-i;s.fl W onndei’: C C D- nson tli-. h, left arm:

.A. 1> M 'CoUum knee; . C H arrison below r ig h t hip; T JH i . -a n l -ntfocks.

l7(Caldwell )— "VVounded: .Ino Stallings.K. ( A n“on )— Nonf.Killed wo'oiidcd vll—total 27.In f.. ti< ’i. >.ni!-i)ts n-«r I’ctfT.diuru;. j.n-vion.sly —t o A,

An-r i::— Kilkd: .!u» l . 'ng . Aug 1 ii.— Wounded: C l>en-

" k 1 __ '• '-ur.d.-'. .lolin Poplin, h ft th igh , severe:Am" •.iil - S Iv I’lirbcr und li H ilb re tb , in head severe, pi-rhai'S niorl.-dU.

Maj C Mrorty-Fourtb X C T, ’''e ldou lliKid. Aug ‘.il Sl'-i!man c.om’dfr.

\ Killed.: ■ VJ lay. .Ino Stanly, Dav'd Tippitt.


bling.nevera lw a y s p r ' f; r r c d . w ^,r. f. rs . a n d e.Ki.ects a lw ay s

t o prclVM , o 'l r tori 'i " i ' v cp u o iic au g o v e ra iu u u t to any

o t h e r — lim iu <! nionivrcliy, <>r o th e r .

Y a d k in S k n a k u ia i. IM stko r.— ( ’ol. W . 11. A.

;^pe<-r in ciccicd 1-> the S ena te from Yuilkin, Surry , Ashe. A l’ ;.'i anv .a W utauga, instead of C«d. .1 H orton j s iien t 'd o re rpprpted f’oil; .Speer 1422,

t lo r to n I I

i A.MihK Ijii.T-.i;.-;.— Yf.ekce p.ipers adm it a loss ol ;jOOO 'n t|. on thi- W eldon iio ad on liie1‘i t h iuat

(iiiiidcd.: 1! '^11'

' Ii— KHled^ Sgt .1 A Kniirbt.. Wounded: Capt W C 'owi-ll elifdit, "’hi I’ittnian tiiigii severe, 'm Manguin,

.1 M >p:rnni’ li-', V. iiHo Edniundaon baud and km c severe,R Dunn arm.

f H ounded: 11 1$ Fallord.las Kdnio'id.-o'- vpry B.;vei(

I ) V ounded: Sgl '• 1* <

'’ ■'Kl!!.W<7uudLi\’:*i>t.l .1 Crump thigh severe. A (id n i-re sevtre. Ki’led: John Hatch.

I '_ W o u n d c d : V m V< a iruer faei*.J-Viouuded: -le Pe F Thompson lap very severe S

N Tt om|.«.n l.und. C Adains b g very sevens K uIihI:

* ' KUl ed Sert^i, .lesse L Mollitt.K'_V oun.k-d: ) T Fergu.son, leg severe.Total, killed 7, wounded ‘>1.Script R llai

A. and R 1> Sinidt, (% were ter.-'bnr;r in the treucbes.-

severe. I’ McCilawboue hip,

I» (iladson le« amputated, A .1

liberate upon, and finally conclude, a form of Union.” Vallanilitjham, Fernando *V(K>d »nd others made s+rong

I speeches for iK-ace,

VOR THB OBfiKRVKR.Lii.fsvii.lf., N. O., Au£». 2K,

Messrs. Editors: I t seems tt-at you and pome of my other newspaper friends are det<-riuincd to have me in tbe uext L<-in;Hlature—and in fact the voti; at bo>re anH in nearly all tbe army seems t<' indieatt'. an intention of the same sort ou the part *.f tbe Anson voters. But. I am not eb cted. Fairlv and honorably def'*Pted, I ^ub- ndt to the exi r^s^ed will of the pwiplc witli entire ctjua niinity and ■without a particle of resentment or ‘dl-will towards any one. I have reason to be jmnid of tbe vo!e 1 received; and am pleaseil to krow that my ci'unty 'vi’l bt! rej>res»«nt^d by two uentkui'-n. Messr.-*. l)ar;;3n and Folk, eminently qu.ilified to care for and advance her in­terests and truly carry out tbe view.-- and w’=>beH of her citizen.s. Most respeetfullv.

■ E. R. LILES.

yOR THB OBSKRVKR.Messrs. Kditors: Please give me room in your paper

to say to tbo public, tha t I>^ . Wni. I \ Mct'allum and .lohn (». A. IHck, of .Mfords^nlle. Robepim county, .N'. arn like ministerinti angels to tbo !»icj; of •“oldier*^' fami­lies; they have ever been ready and willini; to assist without murmuring. May (^od smile on them fov their liberality i*nd generosity. APPRECIATION.

Of fever, in Wadesboro’, 17th inst., ELLEN’.T. CRAW- FORI>, wife ol H. A. Crawford and dautrbter of Wilson Chambers, Esq., in the 48d year of her age.

At Winder l]oppit.^l. ou the I4th ins-t., of dysentery, L D. SMITHDEa L. Co. C, 48th N. C. Troops

I d Leroir, Caldwell couaty, N C., on the Srith J u ’y lasi, after a long and mcsc p-aiuful illuess. Gen. WM F. .TONES, a^“d about 57 years.


W A I % ’ T E I > .

A RTKAVV »od u-iiablf far,--, t -o utidei.i h?.-;triiie ean find snady er rnt a t »i>--i

Appl? to tbe C‘0*d'DG f ’FFiCLR.

I T I c e l i u ; ; o l t h e ? ? l a § i ! » t r a < f ? s *r iIR E M A G IST R .\IE3 . f Ourjt eriand t our.tj are rn I. cuetited 'o n-tet a-: th>‘ Co-i'* Houi(e. in ? r.jelreTit.'

a t l i o’ob»ok, A M , pn Tuesd»y cf Pep(«niot-t T<!’A d ispa tch of the 22d says th a t the rebel raid on I next of toe Oourt of PIe«8 sn>.i Qa iUer 8 rF*io.ie of «.itt

th e city was a com plete failure, though , ou r troops | Couc.v. v-.Mt.-iTT

F A Y E T T E V I L L E M A R K E T . — A ^ g ^ 2 a ^

T e VIJEW OF THE MARKET.Baoctv $4. Pork 2 50. Lard 54.Beef 1 CO to 1 50 j e r pouad, retail.Beeswax ?> 00. Butter 5 09 to 6 00.Cotton .^0 ty ’ 75. Coffee Itl 50 to 16 00. Cotton Yarn—20 OO to 40 00 pt^r bunch.C^nrera-a. retnil f5 . Dried F ra il 1 00 lo ’ 60 per lb Bgga 1 f'O per doiun.Extract LQjt«rnd 6 00 to 8 00 r« r lb F ioar—Sure r, $160, Family,F 'ar»erd 8 00 to ’ 0 00 per OiJ.Fcdd.-^r 10 CO Hay 8 00. gfcucUs 6 60.

Ar>p’e^ 4 00 to 5 00 p-*r ‘’u iitsl Grai?’—Corn $16 00 to $18 00 Wheat $26 00 Rye

!R ifito$20 O atsSH ). P ew 16 00Hides—Green 2 60 to 8 60, dry 6 00 to 6 00.Iron—Swede J 3 00 to 3 60. l»ecthi.r— Dpj er 20 00, Sole 17 50 Licao“s—Corn WLiskey $45 00. Apple anf* Peach

B ra r t y «40 00 tn $46 00.M ^ltises, co’aat;'y aaaie, 20 00 to 26 00.R ise f'O ci^flk-f lv j a r S OCiper bbl; rp t» i l 0 CO to 10 <0.Soap— FfcriLly Bar 2 00 per lb., Toilet f> 00.Sciia 5 00, retail.Niftils 3 00 to 4 00 per ib.Oninue 20 00 per bashel.r-otttr..?e— iridh $5 to #6 hush; s'lssot $5 to $^Spirits Turpentine 3 CO per ijalloa.F -• c".-vi-i.' 4-4 iSoeetiajf ?, 1 40 «o 00.

3a 00 t") 3T 60 per husbel.T t'tnw 3 00 to 50. Wool to $6.

Corrected Vv E. L P kmbkbtoii.

Extract.OB^'nAL OaoKRs,

No. 67.

AdJH a u i lu s p ’r t ie n ’s O ffler ,) BiOHUOiio, Aug. 9, 1804. /

Kxchange o f Prisoner.'^.— R ichm ond, A u g u s t 26. — 'I'he C oufederate au tho ritie s have proposed to the F ed era l au thorities to exchange officer for officer and man for man. T h e con ten tion heretofore has been in regard to th e delivery of th e excess of p r i ­soners, ou r gov’t in.sisting upon th e term s of the cartel, which required delivery of all prisoners on both sides, the excess to be on paro le . T h e govern ­m ent now proposes th a t excess, if any, rem ain in the enem y’s hands. T h e proposals a re n^'t y e t accepted . T he correspondence will shortly appear.

F rom the United States.— R ichm ond, A ug . 26— T h e W ash in g to n Chronicle o f yes te rday has ;i Mem­phis d ispa tch of th e 2 1st which says: T h is city was a t t a c k e d a t 4 A . M. by F o rre s t w ith 3000 cavalry. T h e y d r o .e in ou r p ickets and dashed directly tor hendcjuarters of G en. W ash b u m e , who m ade a very narrow escape. T hey then m ade a rush for iJuck- land’s h eadquarters; he also escaped. They then a t ta c k e d Ew iug’s prison, b u t w ere repu lsed by the guard . They n e x t visited th e tlay o so House, e x ­pecting to ca tch G en. i lu r lb n r t , b u t did n o t succeed.

t'fi) (iri.5som, severely; Duncan I Q ur troops now a tta c k e d the rebels and soon drovethem from th e city , killing 30 or more. O ur loss in killed and wounded was a b o u t ihe sam e as th a t of the rebels.

V. PBt!*;rap'a 1 , G n c ra l O rders So. 0^ , (CHrreot E . 'r es ) is itsu fcrneudtd:

Aii defiited c.ea ( ilo uding those between 18 46veBr.-j of sn-'e,) will r-oori (o, i»nd be couimfcaJed by tfte G e t i 'r ? ! . f Rcscrveii in PtUe ia r i i c h liicy have bf-.'D ^esif 'iKd or detaiVd, wbo will erg tn is^ fh.'>m into

tu d b%t'a icpfl i t is not aniicip^fed ihat ihev v i:i be cAlied ru t, t-xcept in es ergencies occurring in or aear tho c.ohbi'cs of tbci< re.»idrnaf; nor will

Le e l io led ;f ihera b< tt i.ec corxties and cta(ip;iioas mereSo; except th*t coiapnaieB here-

e.fter f ra ie i i n j ’'e required to perform sorv’oe in ro p. 'lir,-; r.ii,ig aio«j? a line of railrond rua-ji' g through thi-ir rci-pec'.iTe osunties- All exeisspia *r<? sllowcd, and iu 7ited to enroll tbcp^eelTes with euci> c^icpaniea, ro as to be prepare i to itid in defending their hornet! whca tnen»ceJi by to* enemy.

* * * * * *

ISiignedl fl C O O P ER . •A »ud I <?en

Official—J»o W ! I is» ’)ai,b, A A. 6 ‘r .

C O I V F E D E R A T E TJt J;

TT7E AeeesBore c* Ponfodcrafe T ci"n ’« • • eour.jy will njcet the t8Z pavers of r>>

tj.0 following tiu«'9 tnd places, for the ce iv icf their tax lists fc-r the ye*r IW;4,

A* T r 'v , dnrlag Angcut F np rr i .r C. u<At D'ffls’fl, T h u rs d i j P ’pt PtH;.At Beaa’p, Friday, Sept 9tb:At Co^gin’s, Saturday. Sept 10th;At Zion, Monday •‘'ept. 12*h;At Mt. Gileivd, Tu<'fdaT Pept l? ih ;At Rocky Pprirsrs, W edces’By S ? r i 1 i--;At Brntoa’s, Tbn’‘ed»v Bsnt. 15tb;At Troy, Fri'*ay Sept Ifith.

The Tax peyerg sre reO’?'?et^d attor.'! ?•* *>'» .. '»nd nlaces ab^re fl&ted, aiid fu rr irb the A:u.* •f'correct liai? cf “ill preneriy cn --sta 3. h*id .1 ..athe 17;h Fefcrua^’y 1865, ruhjcct lo t tx « I »-

J <: ANr.Kii Tr, ,T .1. BBIGBT, >

Aug 11.T te Aescpsora of lh:> T ix in K 'jid'will s 3. - -

the above limes and nlaees, for ih ep n rrce e i . a f *tho Tax in Kicd cn Wbj>f»t, 0*(«, Rye. Wr.j v.j

P r PAUWDERS.'. .W. 8 D1?3ERRV

I wi'l atJend with tbe Asse^pc^s a t the :REd r]»cca. for Itie purpose of coi'oo tfca t ’csfcdcrate GovjrstJfBt in count

J . W. E V n S S , T a s 'T v 'io . ' Ai'g 11. •

C ' O i i l e d c r a t € ? T a x .

TKF! Tax. parcrs of '-he Io-7«r Pistric-f- o' i. or-aaty will pUafie msfit m e a t th a f c l^ l t i .' -

aud places for the purr.tee of furai.oaing; oot < ' » .j - a ll the Lands under cultivMjon, nam bsr. . •.of all slaves; also the No. of hors<»B, nulee, • -«..• . * o th f r property u?ed i r on lt;r* tkn »f ciyps ~hcga, cattle, sheep, Keets, a»d all t rodu'^t o* t ' » 'of the year 1863, n o t n»ce«sary f. r th9 tu i ««- - »* family rcngun>rti'n for the ^ear ’ 854:

B urnt Bwarop, *’ondr,y Ai’^. 281-h H-V.,IHok Swamp, Tu^sdfcy/'ur-T rom pscn’p, Wedaesday Aug. I ’ U;IPhite House, T.'inrsday Pept. l^t;Bieriing’s Mill". Friday i-ept. !io;Sealy'f, 8at?’rd»y .‘^epi 8.1;Lnmbertcn. Mot (’ay

All pejBoni iptcrebtrd wiii a ttsns i v . ,wi»h the»r lisfB mafSe. T. FOPK ic'-

Aug. *2 f i i '

S t a t e o f i V o r I h <COUNIY OF PICHMOND.

Coart of P k t s tn d Qa n e t Scdoii.i;i, Jijjy Ti j, y i Ssrah Brown V9 Tcooiaa B^rrf'ctine and *

wife, K G. W right ^nd Martha V‘i wifi, »■.■- ’ 1 Peiittcn for Dower.

IT appearing to tf.e s'^.tiFfMMon cf th* C .Sarah e n i Orem Wripht. Leonard Brawr., .%i. « 4 i

lioder Drcwr), reside bsTord Ilniit! c > —ordcrfd; th a t vab i’C’-tioa >’o n r. -., in t :^* \r r , .'-u Obaer^er, a aewfc}..a' cr Dab’i'>Ucc i.i wfar six wotk?, notifyin?: b»'d ncn-rc-sldcrt u ■ ..

and apc*.‘*r a ' 'b e p r-- t- r ■ i.Li« C."*-7 i. . -8‘ the t ’curt flou. - in R c c t ia /h a ^ oa t.. ■ J-7 •.of Octot'er n**x . iben -‘"d ihe e te pler.i, e MK!ur to hs pe-itioa fibrd n thi* c&so, ,S'lme «'iil be boa'd fx pa-fe and e - trred to fham

Wifness, * cais H. Webb, Clerk of onr cf&oe io R c3kio*him, .Sd <t J u ’j , '> i

L. H \» E D r. .62-6tl H E \7EFiE

NEGBO UIKL AT AUCTie^O N Wcdnetiti-'j, S-'p- 7, w . . l lo jjlit.*.

Odv’ Keprw Girl, 12 yct'■^ of esoif. r c . c ; '

Atii 29

O ' *

^lightly wound' d near i e-

T b - 'f ’uo’.berlM.dlTf'cp;‘»’ *g3 . o ia t i j t t»okn ■0f‘c e 8 tke r« 0 ^1? t of 10 pi ' ■ji'e rthc«tii-g from tbe F to p ’ i - io r (

•Kao^-ttc’ ilie iniU» ” St><o"vS pbnokeJ IJouioapun k i'-vu I 1 h b l t touf iliiiti Mr- P ^

S ia abaok cf K iobmoad Co.

being w ithou t a leader, th e rebels carried off some p lunder aod qu ite a nnm ber o f p risoners .

N ew Y o rk te leg ram s published m th e Chronicle say th a t rum ors a re cu rre n t in b e s t jSnancial circles there t h a t the ( iovernm en t desires to send five com- j

niissioners to llichm ond to a rra n g e te rm s of Peace .(4oid closed in N e w Y o rk a t 254^.The Governor of Ohio has issued a Proclamation

warning persons who are preparing to resist the draft to desifltTrom such a purpose.

F ernando W ood, in his speech a t D ayton, Ohio, ou the 23d inst., a sse r ted th a t P e a c e men would be nom iuated and a P e a c e P la tfo rm adopted by t b e ' C hicago C o n v ^ i o n (which m eets to-day, 29th.J I t is announced t M t Gov. H o ra tio Seym our of New Y o rk will call the C onvention to o rd er and th a t I

B ishop H opkina of V e rm o n t will open the proceed-1 ings with p rayer.

Fro.’.i Petersburg .—T h e situation is unchanged, and th e ie ia b n t l i t t le additional to no te rsg a rd in g

AueP A V 'D TSscNKILL. C'a>-.« n

62 2t

T a x i n K i n d — R i c h m o n d I ' o i i n t y .I N ii*y i»r'Po>atmtp'B fn pwbiisbcd in Wo Ob.i.irTcr W 'f

P i t i« le f t b la "k I wiM n m rt ihe neotdo of Uiat Ui»- t r lo t a t R ock ingham ou ihc 2d a n d .34 of Peot^Tjber.

PET PH McRAE.• Aaac'jsor icr '.owfr oud of R-Jumon<i t/'oucty.

A u r .27. I t

m a c s t o n e ! B i n e M t o n e ! ! •LBS B EA * EiSO LISH ^ L V E HTONF, for e t le b y W ORTH & CO ,

W ilm ington . N. C. A np. 2». 02 iStvd

F o r o r E x c h a n g e e

Fo b Y‘)UNQ m u l e s , one B ay M are e ig h t yearn o’d, one B ay ilo ree four nud h a lf ye*ra old, both very

tfentle in tu y harnetfs; a ll &7ucdTflEO. HVkUd.

Aug. 26. 62 Stpd

l l E A B q i A ttT E R S KKSEKVK N, V, \ Ka l s io u , A ug 23, 18<>4 j

QKSRP.AL <>EPEa9, 1Nv, 7. /

T Pi.8us.at to G fu a 'a l O rders No 67, p a '‘agr(vpH V , Adjni.».i: t a n d Invpcctor G eneral’s Offioe, d a te d A 'lgunt Ifita , Local OCBjers ■will proccfci a toi;ce m g in i i e toe cie'.inlc't tt.j i i , of w hule '-er k ind , in tb e ir reei'ective counties, into oooirat.ie», t e p o r t i a g to tfci« office ih-; n»tnee *r,-1 •■e’*idfuce of ‘he cfEeev*! oleoted.

n All exfmjrM ar» m '^ited, a e d «a rc es tly reqaewted, (o a ttach t^teiiiseiTes to com panies th u s to bo orgau isod , for ic u ie de fence

Arms aua aruT<iuni<.ioa will be issued aa soon as tho ccoiip*nies are formed.

B y ocm m and of Lt. Gen H o lrw sJN O W. i l lN B D A L E , A A G.

Aug. 27. 6 2 -7 1

C o t t o n ••v .;" .C M a t K c l f i o u .

W fdpfelsy , 3ppt. 7!.', bv to' ' tc / • -8 riccsf. 200 yds ' -i -vy G>c. y D.:f1 Pni! 46 1' s, ift^b a Eci-t;3 ore E ffljs li 8bo:R;

12 bottles Cold Prees^d i ’ar*o»' Oil.J . E . C O ^:. . • • ’

Au((. 2S. 6’ • ‘

F O a i * * "

1 $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 C o n frd fra le r > i i r « r ( i : i X, - S ii f I 'i i KvB iivM* jTfeteat ti't* t n ;» i - r*" «■< t ■

J inTefi'n)f:»ii. They ■ ' J tu . ' '*■< -C8t p s j a b b *!»* * ■»> • >aad esperf dntief; av® cx ’ravt. pr’act;.*’ frC'S tucation, apd tbe c-jUvoos r»c»'-*ati* r - t »» enstOBt dntio*. Tbe niniLauni » ri«* Ji.v t-.-r tuo |«rc*ei*t. r.t »185 r 'd ; r ? a '

in pfejiGeT l. 6 "! y*"


W A i X T E D ,

r A A A A A FEET of GOOD 80UNf> LUVBER, I O U U . U U U 1. l i and 2 inohen thiok, for vrli':oh IWill p;i.’ th« iiighesi oasil price.

Aug. 24.8 BRANDT.


W A I V T E D ,

HI.DE8 to tan ou shares. Terms, | Leather or itr eqoivalent in cash We can tan i ' in a very >hort

Uuie i? desired by Hiokle’s patent. Persons wietivcg their H:de0 taoued c»n send them to our addr>‘es to Egypt Depot, where they will be taken frcm andLt-a her delivered a t our expaiUM. Our addresp. is Btsupicot, ('ba'.bam tJourdy. W. D. WAT80N & tO .

U e ru ti Og Maedia. G W Wiliiaoifl & Co , F«'y»tt«vilk.Aug. 24. 61«4«wtlJpd

A KT6I Az< a* <«r **>9 O. • i « •.»»

Fav'tJ^'Sll" An? ^ a*

E n j C ; l i « i l * . .2 .

La t e im;;<.it*tioi by tae Hut* at-.d *.i t i . . ’ • subsoriber, 83 Ktiin a r d erne? 6CY > P i A

luims oaHh, in new iseuo In niy F. F Cuairoirg. R GILLLo^ . •/ C t

Eliz*i)*ihtown,/)Ug 22. * . i . ‘

T h e E n t e r p r i s e C ' o t t o E . L > :c .; if now prepared to excbanj^e for corn or b a c 's Vf-*

F i n o a t W u m b a r s o f ? p i m 7snitable for Spriu? and Sumwer Cloth. I t -i ’ ;of a superior quality, not san>»?t.«d byav«f . l y <■

E .

P '< iirw < ir4 ii i^ &■ € 0 4 i a B $ s ^ l 9 i ^ / » t

. . . .Wo a ll *{<•

IT iL riv tqo iokdeapa to ii 'o toacU M ^C i, iw oa” “ “ av«lfl»r o«2*.

■i '