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  • 8/3/2019 FBI - Law Enforcement Bulletin (December 2011)


  • 8/3/2019 FBI - Law Enforcement Bulletin (December 2011)





    ISSN 0014-5688 USPS 383-310


    United StatesDepartment of Justice

    Federal Bureau of InvestigationWashington, DC 20535-0001

    Robert S. Mueller IIIDirector

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    The attorney general has determinedthat the publication of this periodicalis necessary in the transaction of thepublic business required by law. Use

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    The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin(ISSN-0014-5688) is publishedmonthly by the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation, 935 PennsylvaniaAvenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.

    20535-0001. Periodicals postage paidat Washington, D.C., and additional

    mailing offices. Postmaster:Send address changes to Editor,FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,

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    John E. Ott

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    Send article submissions to Editor,FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,

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    December 2011Volume 80Number 12

    Law enforcement administrators shouldfocus a sufficient amount of attention onthe full spectrum of officer wellness.

    Agencies must identify and addressimportant employee-relatedfactors.

    The Employee

    Wellness PlanBy Mark E. McDonough

    Analyzing OrganizationalPerformance

    By W. Michael Phibbs

    23 Bulletin Honors San Leandro Public

    Safety Memorial

    24 2011 Subject Index

    27 2011 Author Index

    6 Leadership Spotlight Tunnel Vision

    8 Perspective Peels Legacy

    20 Police Practice

    Young Drivers and Alcohol

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    Special Agent J.E. Granderson, an instructor in Faculty

    Affairs and Development at the FBI Academy, prepared

    thisLeadership Spotlight.

    men believed in the same vision. Moreover, alone voice, General James Longstreet, provid-

    ed an alternative to help achieve a shared goal,an alternative that most military historiansagree would have forced the North to sue forpeace. Lee, with LTV, would not hear of it.

    Picketts Charge, alone, resulted in the lossof 90 percent of Lees infantry. Immediatelyafterward, Lee dismounted his horse, ran ontothe battlefield to meet his walking wounded,and exclaimed, It is all my fault.2 The grave-yard of history is littered with the disastrousfailures of generals, politicians, and captainsof industry whose previous successes became

    erased by their refusal to listen and to heed cur-rent situations.

    Many firearms instructors train officers todeal with involuntary tunnel vision by breakingcontact with a target after eliminating the threatand scanning to their left and right to reengagetheir senses for other threats. As leaders, wemust use a derivative of this method whenattempting to conduct institutional change orstrategic planning.

    The Harvard Business Review publisheda salient article entitled How to Make High-

    Stakes Decisions.3 This article featured areview of the book Think Again: Why GoodLeaders Make Bad Decisions and How to KeepIt From Happening to You, which offers somekey considerations in high-stakes decisionmaking.4


    Own the decision, but bring in others tobetter understand the various issuesinvolved.

    Recognize when you may be partial, andask a trusted peer to check your bias.

    Regularly revisit decisions you have madeto ensure they remain valid.

    December 2011 / 7

    Do Not:

    Assume the issue is exactly like one you

    have handled in the past. Rather, look forsimilarities and differences.

    Rely exclusively on your instinct. Instead,think through any initial reactions youhave.

    Ignore new information, especially if itchallenges your current viewpoint.

    If you are a leader in the process of makinga high-stakes decision, adhering to these keypoints may reduce the same LTV that sealedLees strategic demise. If knowledgeable

    persons suggest alternatives to achieving yourvision, do not dismiss them as the proverbialnaysayers. Instead, view them as possiblemeans of changing course toward a commongoal, thus avoiding the waste of limited resourc-es and possible defeat. Break contact with yourvision from time to time to listen to the sageadvice of colleagues on your left and right. Askthe tough questions: Is this working? or Anybetter ideas? Lee probably wished he had.


    Robert_E_Lee/FREREL/3/6*.html (accessed October 3, 2011).2http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/battle.htm (ac-

    cessed October 3, 2011).3 Amy Gallow, How to Make a High-Stakes Decision,

    Harvard Business Review, http://blogs.hbr.org/hmu/2011/05/

    how-to-make-a-high-stakes-deci.html (accessed October 3,

    2011).4 Andrew Campbell, Jo Whitehead, and Sydney Finkelstein,

    Think Again: Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions and

    How to Keep It from Happening to You (Boston, MA: Harvard

    Business Press, 2008).

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    and checked in on them to reinforce the messagethat they were a presence in the community. Thenewer officers were the radio chasers, he ex-

    plained. He added that within the last 5 years, thatapproach has been augmented.

    Problem Solving Teams

    The sergeant stated that several years ago,groups of officers formed into units called SaferNeighborhoods teams. These teams of officerseach are given a section, or ward, of Westminsterfor which they are responsible.

    The sergeant explained,there might be a call about apublic house (pub) with drunks

    causing a disturbance or a groupof people fighting. All availableofficers in the area will respondand take appropriate action. Aday or so later, the Safer Neigh-borhoods team will arrive to doits part. As it turns out, its partis intelligence. After such a dis-turbance, the team will contactthe landlord of the establish-ment to gather information onthe operators of the property todetermine if underage drinkers are being served orif licensing legislation is being abused. The teamsgoal is to gather as much information as possibleto establish a larger picture of the neighborhoodand its residents.

    Every 3 to 4 months the teams convene wardpanels, groups comprised of officers who worktogether with the citizens who live and work intheir ward. At these meetings, local communitymembers voice their concerns, perceptions, andneeds. During ward panel meetings, a problem

    solving team gives a presentation on what the of-ficers in the ward have done since the last meeting.Together, officers and citizens discuss and deter-mine what the ward priorities will be over the next

    3 to 4 months.This popular concept relates to thePeelian principle that the police are the people andthe people are the police.

    In recent months, the ward panel has identifiedresidential burglaries, pickpocketing, and theftsfrom motor vehicles as the foremost priorities inthe ward. This is community policing in its purestand most effective form. It is important to note thatpanel meetings are not just officers giving statisticsabout crime but a dedicated group of communitystakeholders, property owners, and venue propri-

    etors providing meaningful in-put into how their communityin partnership with local lawenforcement combats crime.

    The basis for the success of thiscommunity policing approachis that the locals feel as thoughthey are taken seriously, andthat means cooperation.

    According to the sergeant,the team could be discussinga bike theft, parents drop-ping kids off at school tooearly, noise pollution, or gar-bage overflowingsmall littleproblems that will get a pro-

    active approach. When you come home and thecommunity hallway latch on the door is busted, wewant to hear about it. The public is very concernedwith local issues. The decision-making process ofthe ward panels directly reflects our efforts in thearea.

    The ward panels are especially popular inWestminster because the vast majority of peoplein the neighborhood during the day are touristsand commuters. Through the Safer Neighborhoodsteam program, the Westminster police force can

    gain an accurate picture of who lives in the areaand the types of people coming and going.The program was not established overnight.

    The Safer Neighborhoods program started by


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    December 2011 / 11

    putting officers into the community with the solepurpose of contacting as many people as possibleand explaining the program. Officers knocked on

    doors for 6 weeks and spoke to numerous wardcitizens. Officers left calling cards for residentswho were not home, providing information aboutthe problem solving teams mission.

    The sergeant explained that officers supportthe program because it gives them a personal con-nection to the community and its citizens. Theofficers also like it because they can put a face onlocal law enforcement and let people know theyreally care about the placewhere they work. The elderlyresidents who do not get a lot

    of visitors or go out much areespecially receptive becauseit keeps them in the loop as towhat goes on where they live.

    The Safer Neighborhoodsteams also disseminate infor-mation. If there is a distur-bance or fight at a local pubor a screaming match betweentwo people, the team will takethe time to investigate the par-ticulars and distribute flyers toexplain what all the noise wasabout so that people do notstart rumors or get the story wrong. According tothe sergeant, community policing and informationsharing is a two-way street, and officers would nothave it any other way.

    Modern Era, Modern Threats

    In 2005, four suicide bombers executed acoordinated attack on the citys transportationnetwork, killing 52 and injuring 784. In 2011, anunderground train was stopped, and passengers

    were evacuated due to a suspicious device. Withcountless visitors every year, London faces thesame public safety challenges that any major West-ern city faces. If terrorism is in the news, the ward

    panels want to know what is being done to combatit; however, the panels are more concerned withlocal issues. If an elderly woman is robbed at 9:00

    or 10:00 at night while leaving a restaurant, thepanels are more interested in that than in terrorism.This lends credence to the Peelian principles thatfocus on community policing.


    The Nine Peelian Principles of Law Enforce-ment, still in effect today, hold that the police arethe people and the people are the police. Rob-

    ert Peels principles revolvearound the concepts of com-munity service, community

    safety, service of the people,pride, and professionalism.American police departmentshold that the goal of com-munity policing is to promotepartnerships between com-munities and local police andto encourage cooperationbetween local residents to ad-dress and solve problems inthe community. Examples ofAmerican community polic-ing can be seen in Neighbor-hood Watch programs and

    Citizen Academies throughout the country. Today,police departments, both in the United States andabroad, still champion the same tenets that origi-nated with Peel.

    Endnotes1 Gary Herrett, sergeant, interview by author, Westminster

    Metropolitan Police, Belgravia Station, U.K., 2011.

    Police departmentsin America hold thatcommunity policing

    aims to promotepartnerships between

    communities andlocal police.

    The author thanks Deputy Inspector Paul Switzer, SergeantGary Herrett, and Inspector Nick Cornish, Westminster

    Metropolitan Police, Belgravia Station, United Kingdom,who provided input into this article.

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    December 2011 / 21

    arrest of the offender, emergency room efforts tosave lives, death identification and notification,reading of obituaries, and a mock DUI criminal

    trial.Activities later in the evening include inter-

    action with police officers, medical personnel,and members of the community who speak tothe students about their personal experienceswith alcohol-related incidents. The authoritiestalk about responding to crash scenes, contactingparents for death notifications, and going home atnight haunted by the tragic events that occur everyday. Among the speakers are individuals who haveexperienced the loss of lovedones in alcohol-related inci-

    dents. At the conclusion of theevening events, the studentsstay overnight at a hotel fora retreat; their absence fromhome serves to further simu-late that they have becomevictims and are gone.

    The second days activitiesinclude an assembly attendedby juniors and seniors, wherea music video of the previousdays events is presented. Thevideo footage, including in-terviews with student partici-pants and their parents, features the scene of onestudent removed as a crash fatality and another dueto incarceration. Special guest speakers addressthe assembly and relay their own accounts of theharsh realities of drinking and driving. The lessonthat drinking alcohol and driving an automobile isnot an inconsequential decision is reinforced.


    The program coordinator (PC) eases the pro-cess of planning the event by developing a timelineto meet specific goals. The VBPD has found thatplanning 11 months in advance can minimize mostproblems.

    The VBPD program typically begins in May ofthe school year preceding a presentation. Duringthat time, the PC picks two high schools from a ro-

    tating list to participate. The PC works with schoolcoordinators and administrators to select dates inMarch and April, spaced at least 6 weeks apart forthe presentations. After dates have been secured,stakeholders are notified through an e-mail distri-bution list. The PC then finds 30 police volunteersto help with the project.

    In late October or early November, an informa-tion night is held at the selected schools. Duringthis mandatory meeting for students and parents,

    the PC and school coordina-tors present an overview of

    the program. One studentand parent from a previouspresentation attend to give atestimonial of their involve-ment. A video of a former pre-sentation also is shown duringthe meeting, followed by aquestion-and-answer session.

    Six weeks from the event,another meeting is held withthe PC, school coordinators,and student participants todiscuss the 2-day itineraryand committee assignments,

    including table display, advertising and marketing,showcase, and announcements. Discussions ofrules and expectations during the 2-day event, aswell as completion of mock student obituaries andparental death notifications, also occur.

    The PC and points of contact from all agencypartners meet 5 weeks ahead of the event to discussthe 2-day itinerary and the expectations of eachagency for those days. One week later, the PC con-fi

    rms arrangements with the hotel and restaurantsserving the participants and orders event-specifict-shirts from a local graphic design shop. VirginiaBeach City Public Schools students designed theshirts for the original presentation in 1999.

    the program takesstudents and their

    families through a 2-dayexperience of a fatalvehicle crash and its


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    December 2011 / 25


    Are You an Effective Lead-er? Cory Amend, April,

    p. 8.

    Candor: A Risk You CanAfford to Take, GregoryMilonovich, October, p. 17.

    Changing Roles, DeborahSouthard, January, p. 23.

    Inspirational Leaders Sus-pend Their Ego, Robin K.Dreeke, February, p. 11.

    Leadership Etiquette and

    Common Sense, Thomas J.Karabanoff, March, p. 19.

    Leadership Legacies: Reflec-tions on Retiring, DougMerel, August, p. 24.

    Leadership Moments, BillyGrogan, October, p. 10.

    Leadership Tunnel Vision,J.E. Granderson, December,p. 6.

    Learning From Failure,

    Gregory M. Milonovich,November, p. 22.

    Making Officers Lives Bet-ter, Michael O. McAuliffe,July, p. 11.

    Principles of Effective LawEnforcement Leadership,Dan Willis, March, p. 16.

    Seasons, Jeffrey C. Lindsey,May, p. 23.

    Self-Centered Leadership,Kevin J. Crawford, June,p. 14.

    Tuesdays with Terry, MichaelMcAuliffe, September,p. 11.

    What Does it Take to Excel?Wyn Lohner, August, p. 20.


    An Overview of the Ameri-cans with DisabilitiesAmendments Act of 2008,Lisa A. Baker, August, p. 25.

    Michael T. Pettry, March,p. 26.

    Off-Duty Officers and Fire-

    arms, Michael J. Bulzomi,January, p. 24.

    The Public Safety Excep-tion toMiranda, Carl A.Benoit, February, p. 25.

    Searches of Motor VehiclesIncident to Arrest in a Post-GantWorld, Kenneth A.Myers, April, p. 24.

    Supreme Court Cases: 2010-2011 Term, Michael J.Bulzomi, November,p. 23.


    Awareness of AlzheimersDisease, Robert Schaeferand Julie McNiff, October,p. 12.

    The Early Notification Pro-gram, Kent D. Crutcher,July, p. 12.

    Responding to Persons withMental Illness, AbigailS. Tucker, Vincent B. VanHasselt, Gregory M. Vecchi,and Samuel L. Browning,October, p. 1.


    Building an Effective Prop-erty Room, Ceaser Moore,August, p. 10.

    Incorporating Hot-Spots Po-licing into Your Daily PatrolPlan, Gary Hoelzer and

    Disclosure in the ModernAge, Craig C. King, Octo-ber, p. 25.

    Donning and Doffing PoliceUniforms and ProtectiveGear Under the Fair LaborStandards Act, Richard G.Schott, June, p. 26.

    The Emergency Aid Exceptionto the Fourth AmendmentsWarrant Requirement,

    March 2011

    Human SexTrafficking

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    26 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

    Jim Gorman, November,p. 10.

    Peels Legacy, M.A. Lewis,

    December, p. 8.

    Police Negotiations with WarVeterans: Seeing Throughthe Residual Fog of War,Douglas Etter, Liane B.McCarthy, and Michael J.Asken, July, p. 1.

    Systematic Pattern ResponseStrategy: Protecting theBeehive, Roberto Santos,February, p. 12.


    Coping with Line-of-DutyExposure to Child Pornogra-phy/Exploitation Materials,Nicole Cruz, April, p. 14.

    Determining the Best Fitfor University Policing,Robert A. Johnson, June,p. 9.

    The Employee Wellness

    Plan: A Strategy for Fightingthe Evil from Within,Mark E. McDonough,December, p. 1.

    Ingesting Poison: Adapting toExposure to Child Pornogra-phy, Nicole Cruz, October,p. 7.

    Responding to a Child Preda-tors Suicide, Nicole Cruz,January, p. 16.

    Vicarious Traumatizationand Spirituality in Law

    Enforcement, Lynn A.Tovar, July, p. 16.

    RESEARCHCoping with the Career: A Re-

    view of Acquired Life Pat-terns of Veteran Officers,Gary L. Patton, June,p. 16.

    The Current Status of GSRExaminations, MichaelTrimpe, May, p. 24.

    April 2011

    Combating Gangsters Online


    Analysis of Digital FinancialData, Robert L. Kardell,August, p. 1.

    Digital Evidence, StuartCameron, August, p. 14.

    Harnessing Technology toTransform a Police

    Department, CamCoppess, April, p. 18.

    TERRORISMCyber Terror, William L.

    Tafoya, November, p. 1.

    The Evolution of TerrorismSince 9/11, Lauren B.OBrien, September, p. 3.

    The Hosam Smadi Case:An Example of Success,Thomas D. Petrowski,Michael W. Howell, DavidW. Marshall, and Sheeren

    Zaidi, September, p. 12.Partners in the Battle, Ri-

    cardo A. Martinez, Febru-ary, p. 21.

    Radicalization of IslamistTerrorists in the WesternWorld, Ryan Hunter andDaniel Heinke, September,p. 25.

    Sovereign Citizens: A Grow-ing Domestic Threat toLaw Enforcement, FBICounterterrorism AnalysisSection, September, p. 20.

    Violent True Believers, J.Reid Meloy, July, p. 24.


    Law Enforcement Profes-sionalism: Training Is theKey, Anthony J. Piniz-zotto, Shannon Bohrer, and

    Edward F. Davis, April,p. 10.

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    Poison: Adapting to Expo-sure to Child Pornography,October, p. 7.


    Davis, Edward F., Consultant,Goldvein, Virginia, LawEnforcement Professional-ism: Training Is the Key,April, p. 10.

    Dixon, John III, Chief, Peters-burg, Virginia, Bureau ofPolice, Decreasing UrbanCrime, March, p. 20.

    Douglas, Ashli-Jade, Intel-ligence Analyst, CriminalInvestigative Division, FBI,Child Abductions: KnownRelationships are the Great-er Danger, August, p. 8;Child Abduction Rapid De-ployment (CARD) Team,November, p. 8.

    Dreeke, Robin K., SpecialAgent, CounterintelligenceDivision, Adjunct Faculty,

    Faculty Affairs and Devel-opment, FBI Academy, In-spirational Leaders SuspendTheir Ego, February, p. 11.


    Etter, Douglas, LieutenantColonel, Chaplain, Pennsyl-vania State Police, PoliceNegotiations with WarVeterans: Seeing Throughthe Residual Fog of War,July, p. 1.


    Fitch, Brian, Lieutenant, LosAngeles, California, Sher-iffs Department, Faculty,California State University,Long Beach, and WoodburyUniversity, The Two Rolesof Supervision in Perfor-mance Counseling, March,

    p. 10; Rethinking Ethicsin Law Enforcement,October, p. 18.

    Frank, Mark, Professor andDirector, CommunicationScience Center, Univer-sity of Buffalo, New York,Evaluating Truthfulnessand Detecting Deception,June, p. 1.


    Gallagher, Patrick, Captain,Virginia Beach, Virginia,

    Police Department, Educat-ing Young Drivers AboutAlcohol, December, p. 20.

    Gorman, Jim, Officer, Townand Country, Missouri,Police Department, Incor-porating Hot-Spots Policinginto Your Daily Patrol Plan,

    November, p. 10.Gove, Tracey G., Detective

    Lieutenant, West Hartford,Connecticut, Police Depart-ment, Adjunct Faculty, Man-chester Community College,Strategies for CurbingOrganizational Politics,January, p. 18.

    Granderson, J.E., SpecialAgent, Faculty Affairs andDevelopment, FBI Acad-emy, Leadership TunnelVision, December, p. 6.

    June 2011

    Detecting Deception

    Police Negotiations with War Veterans

    July 2011

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    December 2011 / 29

    Grogan, Billy, Chief, Dun-woody, Georgia, PoliceDepartment, Leadership

    Moments, October, p. 10.


    Heinke, Daniel, Counterterror-ism Coordinator, State Min-istry of the Interior, Bremen,Germany, Radicalizationof Islamist Terrorists in theWestern World, September,p. 25.

    Hill, Rodney, Retired Police

    Lieutenant, Assistant StatesAttorney, Baltimore County,Maryland, Human SexTrafficking, March,p. 1.

    Hoelzer, Gary, Captain, Townand Country, Missouri,Police Department, Incor-porating Hot-SpotsPolicing into Your DailyPatrol Plan, November,

    p. 10.Howell, Michael W., Special

    Agent, FBI, Dallas, Texas,The Hosam Smadi Case:An Example of Success,September, p. 12.

    Hunter, Ryan, IntelligenceAnalyst, Counterterror-ism Analysis Section, FBI,Radicalization of IslamistTerrorists in the Western

    World, September, p. 25.Hwang, Hyi Sung, Research

    Scientist, private training

    and consulting firm, Califor-nia, Evaluating Truthful-ness and Detecting Decep-

    tion, June, p. 1.Hyatt, Esther, Public Informa-

    tion Official, Petersburg,Virginia, Bureau of Police,Decreasing Urban Crime,March, p. 20.

    for University Policing,June, p. 9.

    KKarabanoff, Thomas J., Resi-

    dent Agent in Charge, U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Office of Law Enforce-ment, Northern Texas/Okla-homa District, LeadershipEtiquette and CommonSense, March, p. 19.

    Kardell, Robert L., SpecialAgent, Certified Public Ac-

    countant, Terrorist Financ-ing Operations Section,Counterterrorism Division,FBI, Analysis of DigitalFinancial Data, August,p. 1.

    Kelley, Gerald, Lieutenant,Akron, Ohio, Police De-partment, The Child andFamily Leadership Ex-change, January, p. 11.

    King, Craig C., Assistant Gen-eral Counsel, Legal Instruc-tion Unit, FBI Academy,Disclosure in the ModernAge, October, p. 25.


    Levi-Minzi, Micol E., Doc-toral Student, Center forPsychological Studies,Nova Southeastern Univer-sity, Davie, Florida, Work-

    place Violence Prevention:Readiness and Response,January, p. 1.


    Johnson, Robert A., RetiredCaptain, Anne ArundelCounty, Maryland, PoliceDepartment, Policy Analyst,University of Maryland,Baltimore, Police Force,Writing Policy and Pro-cedure Manuals in a Small

    Campus Police Environ-ment, February, p. 6;Determining the Best Fit

    August 2011


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    30 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

    Lewis, M.A., Consultant,Oregon, Peels Legacy,December, p. 8.

    Lindsey, Jeffrey C., Chief, LawEnforcement National DataExchange Unit, CriminalJustice Information ServicesDivision, FBI, Clarksburg,West Virginia, Seasons,May, p. 23.

    Lohner, Wyn, Chief, BakerCity, Oregon, Police Depart-ment, What Does it Take toExcel? August, p. 20.


    Marshall, David W., SpecialAgent, FBI, Dallas, Texas,The Hosam Smadi Case:An Example of Success,September, p. 12.

    Martin, Rich, Officer, Roch-ester, New York, PoliceDepartment, Adjunct

    Instructor, Keuka Collegeand Finger Lakes Commu-nity College, Police Cor-

    ruption: An Analytical Lookinto Police Ethics, May,p. 11.

    Martinez, Ricardo A., Re-tired Chief, FBI Compo-nent of the National GangTargeting, Enforcement,and Coordination Center(GangTECC), Arlington,Virginia, Partners in theBattle, February, p. 21.

    Matsumoto, David, Professor,San Francisco State Uni-versity, Director, privatetraining and consulting firm,California, EvaluatingTruthfulness and DetectingDeception, June, p. 1.

    McAuliffe, Michael O., SpecialAgent, Faculty Affairs andDevelopment, FBI Acade-my, Making Officers LivesBetter, July, p. 11; Tues-days with Terry, Septem-ber, p. 11.

    McCarthy, Liane B., Spe-cial Agent, FBI, Madrid,Spain, Police Negotiationswith War Veterans: SeeingThrough the Residual Fogof War, July, p. 1.

    McDonough, Mark E., Ser-geant, Bowling Green,Ohio, Police Department,

    The Employee WellnessPlan: A Strategy for

    Fighting the Evil fromWithin, December, p. 1.

    McNiff, Julie, AlzheimersTraining Coordinator,Virginia Department ofCriminal Justice, Richmond,Awareness of AlzheimersDisease, October, p. 12.

    Meloy, J. Reid, Consultant, Re-searcher, Writer, and Clini-cal Faculty Member, Uni-versity of California, SanDiego, School of Medicineand the San Diego Psycho-analytic Institute, ViolentTrue Believers, July, p. 24.

    Merel, Doug, Retired Instruc-tor, Faculty Affairs andDevelopment, FBI Acad-emy, Leadership Legacies:

    Reflections on Retiring,August, p. 24.

    September 2011

    October 2011

    Respondingto Persons withMental Illness

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    December 2011 / 31

    Milonovich, Gregory M.,Special Agent, Faculty Af-fairs and Development, FBI

    Academy, Candor: A RiskYou Can Afford to Take,October, p. 17; Learningfrom Failure, November,p. 22.

    Moore, Ceaser, Captain, Hous-ton, Texas, Police Depart-ment, Property and SupplyDivision, Building anEffective Property Room,August, p. 10.

    Myers, Kenneth A., SpecialAgent, Legal Instruc-tion Unit, FBI Academy,Searches of Motor VehiclesIncident to Arrest in a Post-GantWorld, April, p. 24.


    OBrien, Lauren B., Intelli-gence Analyst, Counterter-rorism Analysis Section,FBI, The Evolution of Ter-

    rorism Since 9/11, Septem-ber, p. 3.

    ODeane, Matthew, Investiga-tor, San Diego County, Cali-fornia, District AttorneysOffice, Adjunct Professor,Kaplan, Brandman, and Na-tional Universities, Com-bating Gangsters Online,April, p. 1.


    Patton, Gary L., Counselor andChaplain, Huntington, West

    Virginia, Police Depart-ment, Associate Professor,Lindsey Wilson College,

    Coping with the Career:A Review of Acquired LifePatterns of Veteran Offi-cers, June, p. 16.

    Petrowski, Thomas D., SpecialAgent, FBI, Dallas, Texas,The Hosam Smadi Case:An Example of Success,September, p. 12.

    Department, Consultant,Analyzing OrganizationalPerformance: From the Bot-

    tom Up, December, p. 12.Pinizzotto, Anthony J., Clini-

    cal Forensic Psychologist,Virginia, Law EnforcementProfessionalism: Training Isthe Key, April, p. 10.


    Romano, Stephen J., Consul-tant/Trainer, Greenville,South Carolina, WorkplaceViolence Prevention: Readi-ness and Response, Janu-ary, p. 1.

    Rudick, Gary D., Chief, Tulsa,Oklahoma, Public SchoolsCampus Police, Policing inPublic Schools: Beyond theActive Shooter, November,p. 16.

    Rugala, Eugene A., Center forPersonal Protection andSafety, Spokane, Washing-

    ton, Workplace ViolencePrevention: Readiness andResponse, January, p. 1.


    Santos, Roberto, DetectiveLieutenant, Port St. Lucie,Florida, Police Department,Systematic Pattern Re-sponse Strategy: Protectingthe Beehive, February,p. 12.

    Schaefer, Robert, Former NewYork State Trooper, Retired

    Pettry, Michael T., SpecialAgent, Legal InstructionUnit, FBI Academy, TheEmergency Aid Exceptionto the Fourth AmendmentsWarrant Requirement,March, p. 26.

    Phibbs, W. Michael, Sergeant,Richmond, Virginia, Police

    Cyber Terror

    November 2011

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    FBI Special Agent, Traineron Alzheimers and relateddisorders, Virginia, Aware-

    ness of Alzheimers Dis-ease, October, p. 12.

    Schott, Richard G., SpecialAgent, Legal InstructionUnit, FBI Academy, Don-ning and Doffing PoliceUniforms and ProtectiveGear Under the Fair LaborStandards Act, June,p. 26.

    Skinner, Lisa, Special Agent,

    Law Enforcement Com-munication Resources Unit,FBI Academy, EvaluatingTruthfulness and DetectingDeception, June, p. 1.

    Southard, Deborah, Faculty Af-fairs and Development, FBIAcademy, Changing Roles,January, p. 23.


    Tafoya, William L., Coordina-tor and Professor, Informa-tion Protection and SecurityProgram, University of NewHaven, Connecticut, CyberTerror, November, p. 1.

    Thomas, Kelly J., SpecialAgent, FBI, Tampa, Florida,A Model for Success in theDrug War, February, p. 1.

    Tovar, Lynn A., Associate

    Professor, Justice, Law,and Public Safety Studies

    Department, Lewis Univer-sity, Romeoville, Illinois,Vicarious Traumatization

    and Spirituality in Law En-forcement, July, p. 16.

    Trimpe, Michael, Trace Evi-dence Examiner, HamiltonCounty Coroners Office,Cincinnati, Ohio, The Cur-rent Status of GSR Exami-nations, May, p. 24.

    December 2011


    Department, Nova South-eastern University, Davie,Florida, Police Officer,

    Plantation, Florida, PoliceDepartment, WorkplaceViolence Prevention:Readiness and Response,January, p. 1; AddressingSchool Violence, May,p. 1; Responding to Per-sons with Mental Illness,October, p. 1.

    Vecchi, Gregory M., SpecialAgent, FBI, Minneapolis,Minnesota, AddressingSchool Violence, May,p. 1; Responding to Per-sons with Mental Illness,October, p. 1.


    Walker-Rodriguez, Amanda,Assistant States Attorney,Baltimore County, Mary-land, Human Sex Traf-ficking, March, p. 1.

    Willis, Dan, Lieutenant, LaMesa, California, PoliceDepartment, Principlesof Effective Law Enforce-ment Leadership, March,p. 16.


    Zaidi, Shereen, IntelligenceAnalyst, FBI, Dallas,Texas, The Hosam Smadi

    Case: An Example of Suc-cess, September, p. 12.

    Tucker, Abigail S., Manager,Justice Program, Communi-ty Reach Center, Thornton,Colorado, Responding toPersons with Mental Ill-ness, October, p. 1.


    Van Hasselt, Vincent B.,Professor, Psychology

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    Patch Call

    The village of Ossining (meaning stone onstone), New York, was incorporated in 1813 asSing Sing. Though the village changed its namein 1901 to avoid confusion with the famous localprison, its police department patch depicts on theupper left the facilitys historic walls. Also shownare the dual arches of a roadway and former aq-ueduct and a canoe moving down the Hudson

    The County of Plymouth, Massachusetts,was established on June 2, 1685, by the Gen-eral Court of Plymouth Colony. The patch of itssheriffs department shows the Mayflower at restafter landing its passengers on Plymouth Rock in1620. Around the ship is a chaplet of 27 pearls,each representing the municipalities that formthe county government.

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